Unknown Speaker 0:00 Oh Joshua Warren 0:06 now Darren, you have to be scared that every agency out there is going to say we're the ChatGPT powered agency, you should hire us. Which might mean nothing. It might mean that they once went to the website and typed in a question. Be careful, I think you can definitely help. But I think like all new technologies and buzzwords, there's some people are going to use it just to try to sell you and there's some people that are actually going to be driving value out of it. Darin Newbold 0:35 Good day, and welcome to Commerce Today. My name is Darin Newbold. And I'm excited to be here as always, and definitely have my wonderful sidekick, Josh here to share with us our Commerce Today, information and knowledge. And we have got a fun one to talk to you about. Because this is about something that you're hearing about every day or all every minute of every day right now. And that is what what is ChatGPT? And how is it transforming e commerce? Josh? What the heck, what is this? Joshua Warren 1:07 Yeah, on the the really fun part is we came up with this idea for this episode, a few days ago. And then just last night, the news about GPT for broke. And now everyone is talking about ChatGPT. So and we're having to kind of update on the fly. There's a lot of new capabilities and the newest version, but basically ChatGPT, as it will remind you have if you use it, it's an AI powered language model. Basically, it's this very specific type of artificial intelligence. At its core, it's something you can chat with basically, especially the the ChatGPT version, finally have a friend. Exactly. And it also has an API and a lot of the power of learning is in that API, but API still basically ties you into that same AI powered language model you can chat with and converse with. Darin Newbold 2:00 Will Very cool. Well, so that kind of gives us a little bit about it. But really, the key is for where we're at how is chat? GPT? I think I had it wrong a couple of times. But how is ChatGPT really changing the game of E commerce? How is it really affecting the things that happen in E commerce? And can it write code? Joshua Warren 2:21 Oh, yeah, it's writing code. It's writing product descriptions. We'll even talk a little bit later, it's making strategic decisions, but kind of peeling those back one by one. So ChatGPT is writing ecommerce code right now. Yep. It's funny. I as a former recovering software developer, I often said that, you know, my job is safe. The robots will not be coming from my job for a very long time. But they are always the first job they went after. Apparently, I feel a little targeted. But yeah, so there is a Magento and Adobe commerce plugin for a development environment called PHP storm. This plugins made by an agency called at Wix, and they actually just released an update where within your development environment, you can bring ChatGPT into it. So as you're writing code, you can be talking to this API that can also write code. There's also guides online people can show you how they've used ChatGPT to create a WordPress or WooCommerce plugin so we can make the entire module for you. Wow, that's a powerful tool. I know in the latest demo, the GPT four, which is the newest version, they showed how somebody literally sketched out a website, Wireframe on a napkin, took a photo of it gave GPT for the photo, and it spit out all the code needed to run that website. Darin Newbold 3:41 Man, that is, that is just crazy. I'm, I'm envisioning iRobot. Next in all of this, but Okay, so as we as we do this, you talked about a couple of the plugins and things that are that are available. Now, even with Adobe commerce, I'm sure there's other places that you can get things for this even WordPress, WooCommerce. And those kinds of things as well, right? Joshua Warren 4:06 Correct. Yep. And then also beyond just writing code, it can even write your product descriptions for you. So again, back in the Magento, Adobe world, there's a Magento, two ChatGPT extension that will basically bring the AI right into your product description fields, and you can basically give it some, some rough bullet points, have it write a compelling product description, something kind of going a little bit deeper on that piece. Something I've learned is you really have to tailor the prompt, you have to tailor what you tell the AI. So and it feels weird. It's not like talking to a person like they really try to make it sound like you're sitting down. You're talking to a person. I think most people if you talk to them the way that you need to talk to ChatGPT To be effective, they would probably quit. So Darin Newbold 4:50 it is not it's not the basically the easiest or the the nicer gentle way in some ways, right? Yeah, to me a little earlier. Joshua Warren 5:01 Yeah, the more the more information you give it, the better. And so I've learned, like, instead of saying, you know, this is a blue widget, please write a product description for a blue widget, you would say this is a blue widget, please write a product description for blue widget is for my business, my business sells to these, these target consumers in this industry doing this thing, oh, by the way, do not use this word, this word or this word. And that's because you're talking about earlier where people have learned and trying to get around some of the restrictions on it that we'll talk about in a second. It seems to respond differently. If you type something in all caps are threatened it. So there are people that will actually say, do not use this word, or you will die, which is, again, not how you really want to talk to a person or an employee, but it affects the behavior of the bot and changes basically makes the product description rights more accurate. And it even goes beyond product descriptions. And over on the Shopify side, there's a service called yodel that you can plug in, that will even write just a general copy for you for your site. Darin Newbold 6:00 That is, it's a little scary, but hey, we'll keep on keep on keeping on. So we started to kind of go down the path of what could be some challenges around this. And And it's funny, you were talking about product descriptions. My thought is is okay, writing the product descriptions is a pain in the butt. But what about just even taking all the pictures of the products and having all of those? And I'm guessing you probably can't do that necessarily, although it might be able to direct the cameras to do all that. Or it could just find product pictures for you, which we've we've gone down that path and in another episode, I think. So I guess what are some other challenges that using ChatGPT? And ecommerce, what, what might you run into? Joshua Warren 6:42 So one of the big areas of concern around really all these AI technologies, but especially these language models, is they are only as good as the training data that was fed into it. And that training data, they try really hard to remove any bias from it. But there's, there's bias in everything. And probably the most direct example of this is a few years back, Microsoft tried to do this. And they launched a learning model like this onto the web. And they had to take it down within about 18 hours because people had fed so much hate speech into it, that it basically started quoting Hitler and saying all sorts of terrible, horrible things. So they've learned their lesson, they're trying to really refine it with ChatGPT. But it's not like all of its output needs to be reviewed by a human before it goes live on the web. It's not going to intentionally try to be biased, but it does sometimes make mistakes. Again, it's only as good as that. That training data that was fed into it, guys, and imagine if they had to Harlequin romance novels at all was Darin Newbold 7:44 fed into it. I can only imagine how that went. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's an interesting, interesting challenges. So all right. Let's take it to the next level. And this is where, in a way, it even gets scarier. But how can it help you with strategic decision making? I know you were joking the other day, hey, it's taken over your your role. You don't We don't. We don't need you anymore. But it can do some of these strategic decision making. I mean, talk to me about that. That sounds really crazy. Joshua Warren 8:18 Yeah, and this is where you can't really get this out of the web interface yet. And when you can a little bit but the real power is in their API, because you can feed additional data into the API, so you can teach it, you can feed it all the information like your your strategic documents, your vision, your strategy for your business, the values for your business, you feed all that in. And then you can start asking questions, well, even even some psychological profile kind of things. I mean, assessments, I should say, even the Myers Briggs type of assessment or an Enneagram, or any things like that Colby is one of them that we use that being able to plug those in to get more of a personality of the person that then you're asking the strategic decision now on this is where I'm going to possibly get myself in trouble. And I'm glad my wife doesn't listen to podcasts. But you can and some of us may have feet in the Enneagram Colby, Myers Briggs all that of yourself and of a coworker of yourself and a significant other. And then you can ask it questions about the relationship dynamics, and it actually is incredibly well versed on all of those personality assessments. And that's another area where it gets a little scary because it's like, okay, this AI knows more about us than maybe we know about ourselves. And so getting back to the strategic decision making you feed all that data into it, you ask it questions, and so I was even asking questions, kind of around a hypothetical ecommerce business and kind of said, hey, you know, if they want to expand what type of product line should they add? What type of product assortment should they add? And it came back with some really good answers. And again, this is where knowing what to ask it. I have found that if you say, you know give me What product line I should add, you'll get an OK response. If you say, give me the top three product lines you feel I should add and why you'll get probably a different response and a more detailed, more accurate response. And so sometimes I even and again, this is where you can't talk to this thing, like a person. And it does feel a little weird. But I'll ask you the exact same question. But then I'll just add a little bit more detail a little bit more detail, or say No, give me five more, give me five more, again, in a way that if this is an employee, they would absolutely walk out of the room, right? But it seems to help ChatGPT understand you and craft a better response. Darin Newbold 10:36 Okay, so I'm a merchant, I'm listening here. I'm scared beyond the capacity for rational thought. But for some reason, we like you, Josh. And we like this awesome Commerce Today. So we're thinking about, we got to be involved in this. So how do I get prepared? I mean, you've already talked about ChatGPT, you've talked about the web interface and, and the API, and plugging in stuff to it and feeding things to it. Joshua Warren 11:04 Yeah, I think if you are not technical, and you don't have a technical resource that you can kind of task within your company to work on this, I would just start by signing up for the web interface for jet ChatGPT. There's a free version, especially with the news about GPT for breaking, it's very hard to get into the free version right now, the paid version is $20 a month, that $20 a month seems like a pretty solid investment right now. So that's where I would start, if you do have a tech team, or you're more technical than that's where I would start looking at the API and start tying it in there. But there's also this huge rush. Now everyone is trying to integrate already before GPT. For everyone's trying to integrate ChatGPT into their services, it's only gonna get more intense with GPT. For, for instance, I know there's a Slack beta that you can sign up for that will bring ChatGPT into your Slack instance. And I know that my team is already danger Will Robinson danger, my team's already excited about this. And again, I feel a little a little targeted. But one of the top features of ChatGPT in Slack is it will summarize long messages for you. So apparently, some people don't like the length of my memory, somebody Darin Newbold 12:10 in this room might might be a person that does that kind of thing. Joshua Warren 12:15 So that's another way you can use it today is look at these products that are integrating this technology. And again, you know me, I don't like buzzwords, and I don't like things that are just hype. And I know we've had hype for years of oh, this adds AI that adds AI you know, all the platforms have been guilty of it of just saying, Oh, we got this cool new AI feature. But this ChatGPT technology, this is what's really transforming and applying AI to our businesses in a powerful way. Darin Newbold 12:44 Do you see, I guess as I'm thinking of a merchant, alright. Let's say I'm mid level technical, technical, technically able to do things. I also have a team that can really dig into the API if we needed to. But is there anything in particular, at least yet that I either should really look for? Or look out for? And maybe you don't know the answer that and I'm kind of throwing this to your ad hoc. But what do you think? Joshua Warren 13:12 Yeah, I think that you really have to decide how you want to leverage it, how much you want to invest into it. So something that I've been experimenting with is building out basically a very bespoke version of ChatGPT that understands me and my business really well. And that's, I know, just enough development to code that myself. And that so far, has been incredibly valuable. So that could be something that other companies want to emulate and do the same time. You know, if that doesn't seem like something you would use doesn't seem like something worthwhile. That's where I would kind of maybe pull back and say, Okay, let's just look and see what what services do we already use that are going to start integrating in with ChatGPT? Darin Newbold 13:56 Is this something I'd want to maybe jump on and see how he could help my, my development team as they're doing? If they're doing any development work on my side? Is this something that could help and improve maybe their coding? Or is it going to suddenly? Joshua Warren 14:11 Well, now Darren, you me scared that every agency out there is going to say we're the ChatGPT powered agency, you should hire us? Which might mean nothing? It might mean that they once went to the website and typed in a question. Be careful, I think you can definitely help. But I think like all new technologies and buzzwords, there's some people are going to use it just to try to sell you and there's some people that are actually going to be driving value out of it. I will say that I actually use ChatGPT to help me code some of the things I'm doing in ChatGPT, which was a little weird. From that experience, I can tell you, it's not always right. Sometimes it does make mistakes. And so this isn't something that you can take someone like let's say you have a Magento website, you're not gonna be able to take some random developer off the street that doesn't know PHP or doesn't know Magento and say, Okay, here's ChatGPT You t go build my Magento website for me. It's not to that level. Yeah. Darin Newbold 15:04 Whoo, I was worried about that, because I thought, man, next thing I know they're gonna throw me and I'm gonna have to start coding Magento websites that's, that truly is danger Will Robinson at that point? Well, as we kind of wrap this up, and kind of any key takeaways and thoughts, one of the things and this might be a topic for even another whole podcast that we do, but real quick, for the Enneagram six is out there, you just plugged in a whole bunch of your own personal data into this system that ultimately touches some levels of the internet and is now in the ether. Not that most of this information probably wasn't already there anyway. But just kind of thinking about this. What are the concerns? Joshua Warren 15:48 So this is where you want to add stuff? Yes, where you definitely want to read the user agreement and even on the API. And notice, they've changed some of the wording in the agreement to where I believe but verify I believe that now they say they are no longer basically using the private data you send via the API to train the model. So basically, before the private data that was going into it, was being used to train it, which means it could show up and other people's responses. And that's also where so you know, me, I'm a fan of open source. And it is not anywhere near as easy to set up as ChatGPT. But there is an open source competitor to ChatGPT, that you can if you have a very powerful computer, you can actually run it locally and not use an API. And then all your data stays with you, you get all of those same protections of like if you're running an open source system yourself on your own server. So that is probably the alternative. If I'm really concerned if I'm feeding, you know, nuclear launch codes or something into this and want to make sure they're absolutely secure. We had a power outage earlier and we're like, Alright, so ChatGPT was announced, our power has gone out. This is Skynet, no nuclear launch codes in ChatGPT, please. Darin Newbold 17:00 Well, we'll see if this gets shut down. And there's helicopters that arrived. Yeah. All right. Last thoughts as we recap and kind of close this up, what's what's kind of our key takeaway that you want people to walk away with on this? Joshua Warren 17:14 I think there's a lot of people that did not have aI on their roadmap this year. That did not have ChatGPT on the roadmap, and I'm thinking specifically if he didn't even talk about it when we were talking about the roadmaps, actly. Exactly. Although we had fun with our last episode, I would say, Find some time in your schedule to think about AI and think specifically about how you can leverage ChatGPT in your business. It can literally be applied anywhere at this point, and we're still figuring out the best uses of it. I think at 20 bucks a month for an account. It's just a no brainer to at least try it. You might try it you might decided it didn't fit for your business. It doesn't work. But this is one of those new technologies. Imagine if you were the very first business when the iPhone was first announced and you were the first business to figure out how can I best leverage the iPhone to sell more and how well you would be doing today? ChatGPT I feel like is another iPhone moment. Yes, I Darin Newbold 18:12 can definitely see that. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we are so happy you joined us here today. I do want to make the disclaimer. We are real people. We are not ChatGPT here and yet and anyway As always you guys have a have a great day. Please follow us and love to hear from you and have a great rest of your day. Take care Transcribed by https://otter.ai