Matthew: Hello once again to the Inter Millennium Media Project Podcast from the IMMP. My name is Matthew Porter. Ian: And I'm Ian Porter. Matthew: I'm his dad. He's my son and it's that time of year again. Music: Air is becoming Matthew: crisp. Pumpkins are appearing. Well, they're actually been around for months at stores given the way holidays go these days. Ian: Absolutely. Matthew: But it's the Halloween season once again. Ian: Ah, the spooky times are upon us once more. Matthew: And we have observed Halloween previously on the IMMP in a few different ways. Usually With movies and TV shows like The Addams Family and Psychomania with our Haunted Castle or Spooky Castle year where we did Dracula and Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast. And we've also been through the Universal movie monsters including not only Frankenstein but Young Frankenstein. So I decided to change things up a little bit this year, and Ian, I asked you to read a book. Ian: You did the spookiest thing possible. Reading. But it makes sense on this one. We've read some books before and books are such a fundamental piece of media. There's books that are important all over and a lot of the things that we review and talk about are books, originally, then modified into other media formats. So, especially sometimes, though, a book is the right media for something. And, we've gotta get a, a grasp on that first, before we could, Ever understand it as a concept. Matthew: Especially something that is well known as a book. And something that is from a writer who is known to have a certain kind of power, and a certain kind of style. And that's why for this Halloween season, I asked you to read Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. Ian: Yeah. Oh my. Matthew: I've mentioned in the past how I essentially grew up at the library near where I lived, and this is definitely a book, I remember getting this from the library, devouring it over the course of an evening, and it having a significant impact. Ian: I can imagine this having an impact just because, right off the bat, this is a book for whom the entire thesaurus was put into this book. This is a book that is oozing with thematic and You know, stylistic word choice. It is painting its landscape with broad strokes and then fine detailed little words sprinkled across it to create the space for all of its characters to run around in. And the characters say interesting things, but without that environment setting the scene, those wouldn't have anywhere near the impact. Matthew: it is not in any sense really a naturalistic Novel in that it's descriptions apart from the fact that it is a fantasy slash horror novel It's descriptions of things. They are not straightforward This is not plain prose depicting things so that you can you can understand them in a very concrete way instead. It is very Poetic, very rich I remembered the story so clearly, I had forgotten how stylized the writing is, and how that makes the story that much more powerful. Ian: I'm trying to figure out how to give an example of this kind of writing over a podcast medium, and I'm like, he took another sip of his night-black coffee speckled with, stars of milk put in an hour before, it's like, this is the way he'd describe what I'm doing right now, and I'm like, oh goodness, I'm just talking into a microphone, this sounds way cooler, what the heck. Matthew: Whispering into the metallic ears of an unknown. Distant listener. Ian: Exactly. That's the exact sort of thing. It's like But it's everything of that, and the fact that it's setting that up, and this is a spooky, dark story. Matthew: Yes. Ian: A creepy story. But the fact that it will describe the creepy things, and it will describe the everyday normal town things. But that same level of weight is part of why that works. Matthew: It is. It is. It sets you into a world, even the normal world at the very beginning, sets you into a world that is rich with that kind of description, with that kind of detail. It's like it's told by somebody who lives in that world, but is super observant and super eloquent. Not that it's first person, it's not a character narrating this. It is a, a wise, detached. More or less omniscient narrator. Ian: Yeah. It's a story, though, that I'm gonna, early on, make a comparison, in the same way that an HP Lovecraft story adds in this element of the completely alien and beyond comprehension to its world, in order to plant its beings and its concepts into the a story. Ray Bradbury here plants the idea that there are these, these creepy and these wild and these fantastical things into the everyday by treating the everyday as just as fantastic. Matthew: Yes. And it's interesting that you bring up Lovecraft because there are certain things that, if not evoking something Lovecraftian, certainly made me think about that because Lovecraft, it's about. Super ancient things that are far beyond humanity and are utterly disinterested in humans. At around the, the two thirds or three quarters mark, when you when you finally get sort of an explanation as to what's going on here, it, it is evoking Not an ancient evil that is beyond humanity, but an extremely ancient evil that arises from humanity in an almost evolutionary way that it is Ian: Yes. Matthew: It is necessarily part of the human condition that these things will arise and will plague humans. And humans have to find the part of their humanity that is going to allow them to resist. Ian: The fact that it comes from humanity is part of why our little duo of protagonists is such a key part to the way they started out. Our main characters are Will and Jim. Will Halloway and Jim Nightshade. And they act as this brilliant duo and foil to each other. And. Clashing perspectives, it's hard to ever doubt that they're friends. There's moments where that gets tested, but they are shown to have a bond early on, Matthew: and Ian: yet, having that, having that duality as a protagonist role, not just one, but two, who we follow together, lets the idea that this is something innate to all of humanity and not something only a specific person has to face or deal with, more powerful. Matthew: And in some ways, I think Bradbury uses Will and Jim as a single character. Yes, they are so closely bonded and we learn at the beginning they were born A few minutes apart. One just before midnight, and one just after midnight on Halloween. And they've lived next door all their lives. One has a, a relationship with his father, which changes, and whose difficulties get explored in the book. And the other does not know his father. One is more concerned with rules and doing what's right, and one is more exploratory, and Jim Nightshade is the darker one. He uses these two boys as a single character to show the duality within a person. Ian: Yeah, he's constantly describing them as the light and the dark together. Matthew: Yes. We've got the fair haired Will We've got the dark haired green eyed Jim Music: Mm hmm. Matthew: And yet as you say they are bonded they neither of them could imagine Going through their youth let alone or maybe even their life without the other by his side because they they wouldn't be whole Without the other And the third main character among our protagonists then is Will Halloway's father? Ian: Yes, Matthew: who who is someone at the beginning of this story is not very happy Essentially who he is and his lot in life a lot of that around the fact that he is He married and had a son so late in life that now his son is 13 or about to be 13 and Halloway is in his 50s and feels like Too much is beyond him, too much time has been wasted, feels like he cannot properly engage in the world, and in his son's life, but that, that changes, but it's an interesting place to begin that character. Ian: Yeah, and it gives us this kind of two directions to go in, these two young boys, looking forward in life, and this man looking back towards his life, and, you know, they both come in contact, all three of them come in contact with the, the force that rides into town. Matthew: And that is a wonderful arrival into this small town of theirs. Because it's on a train, an old, very old fashioned steam train. Ian: Comes the carnival. Matthew: The carnival. Ian: Which, oh my goodness, how many things have I seen that I think take reference to the way that this depicts a dark and evil carnival. Matthew: Yes. Ian: Oh my goodness. I have lists. There is, there is aspects out of various games various character designs. I'm just gonna call it right now, if the childhood movie that I watched We're Back A Dinosaur's Story, was not in part based on this book, someone somewhere doesn't know what they're looking at. Oh my goodness, this is weird. Matthew: Right. I mean, I wouldn't guarantee that. That Bradbury's the first person to use this image, but he, certainly the first that I encountered in reading or in movies, and extremely powerful. And it works so well because the carnival, it has so many tensions built in. It is something from outside, it's alien, and yet it rides right into the middle of your town and sets up On the outskirts right next to your school in your church. It it is bizarre and Frightening and yet it's attractive and enticing partly because it's new partly because it seems a little bit transgressive and the very nature of the stunts and the attractions and the the shows and the rides all seem They seem like they're breaking the rules, but somehow maybe it's allowed because it's just the carnival and it'll be gone soon. It's a very powerful image to, for, it's a very powerful image for something that can enter a place and potentially corrupt it. And some of that is the prejudice against carnies that has been around for centuries. Ian: This is the point where we have to acknowledge that, written as a thing of its time, this is a book from 1962, plenty of its references, plenty of its comments, plenty of its characterizations are not what we would hold ourselves to as a standard in the modern era. This is a book that decides to, and I was shocked by some of its later things where it describes. Like trying to lift our heroes up and it turns around to lambasting our villains of this story and the things it decides to point to as Problems is disturbing and bothersome to me in the modern era It has some issues as a book looked at from the modern lens but we are going to acknowledge the good parts in the and the things that is done in culture and Say if this was written any time now, it wouldn't be Matthew: I agree, some of the vocabulary it chooses to use, some of the way it depicts people. There are some things that I thought were kind of refreshing, or at least steps in the right direction for 1962. Yes. Because at one point, it, and I don't know if this was the narrator or if it was Mr. Halloway, who essentially, considers the idea of physical determinism Does the fact that you are and this is the the term that is used in the book the fact that you are a freak The fact that you have some physical deformity That has been turned into a show Does does the fact that you have that physical deformity indicate? That you are an evil person and that you are bad and that you're not or the either that you're being punished in some way Or that that is the source of some badness and that is rejected You Consider that is objection. Saying, no, you are not evil because you have dsm or because you have some other characteristic that puts you in the show in this carnival. He does sort of turn that around though, because he, he does talk about this arising from an ancient evil. These deformities grow from the person's soul being warped in some way. So it's, yeah, it's a subtle distinction. In some ways, it's like saying, Not everyone with dwarfism is evil, but this person has dwarfism because they have been an evil creature for the last 300 years. Ian: Yeah, that's part of the problem. It's a tiny step in the right Matthew: direction. Ian: Yeah, but a lot of it's This is a book that will use you know, reference to Gypsy and things like that in A Negative Light, and We can do better than this book did. Right. That's the entire point. Matthew: That's a great context to establish at the beginning that we are talking about a book from 1962 that has these topics. Ian: Yes, but now with that established, the carnival pulling in is such a brilliant bit of the creepiness because as it does, its arrival is not just swift, it's very supernatural, plumes of things and entire carousels popping up almost out of nothing. Matthew: This eerie music from the calliope that they realize is just the wind from the progress of the train that it's rolling on. Ian: Yes. Matthew: Running past the pipes, and yet it seems to be this strange demonic melody. And at the same time, it's weird and demonic and it's frightening and yet it's, wow, this is something new. Let's go watch. And of course, that's what Will and Jim want to do. And they, being 13 year old boys, or boys about to turn 13, are excited and it's something new. The summer has been long and relatively boring so far. Ian: Yeah. It's going to be a few weeks before their birthday there. They're excited. And It's, what, 3am? Matthew: Yep. Ian: When this music starts playing. And I did love this entire thing that they have later about, like, 3am being the scariest time. Matthew: Yeah, the classic witching hour. Ian: Yeah. It's like yeah. That's such a That's such a good bit. But they see this entire carnival comes up, but it's Cooger and Dark Matthew: Yes, Ian: which is just such a wild and evocative name Matthew: right again frightening, but enticing Ian: exactly Cooger and Dark, and before the carnival even arrived. The story begins with them running into a lightning rod salesman Music: who Ian: sells them a lightning rod for nothing, just giving an ominous warning, and it's the strange lightning rod covered in old runes from like every faith possible, it reminded me of the of the assistant In the mummy movie. Yes. In the movie, the mummy, who's just got the sigils of every single faith he can find to protect him. It's like, here's a lightning rod with everything carved in it. Matthew: And that conversation with Mr. Fury, the lightning rod salesman, that's fascinating, because that's where we get a lot of the exposition about Will and Jim and their names and everything else, and of course, Fury is fascinated by this. Dark young man with the the name nightshade. And yeah, he actually they don't have any money, but he's going to give them a lightning rod free of charge and He kind of describes essentially how he travels around with his bag full of lightning rods And he just try travels just ahead of the storm to prepare people for the storm on the one hand You kind of get the impression. This is business You know people who are about to encounter lightning storms and live in a place where they know they're about to encounter a lightning storm Great market for lightning rods, but at the same time there's something almost There's almost something clerical or quest like about what he's doing. He knows something dangerous is happening So he must get out in front of it and warn people and equip them against it and the fact that this all happens Just before this carnival rolls into town Yeah, Ian: and he doesn't have a clear idea of to the what and when the storm will happen. He just didn't knows it will Matthew: Yes, and he likes these boys well enough. He wants to make sure they're protected Ian: So they get a lightning rod and that goes up on the house, but then in comes the carnival Matthew: Yep And they watch the carnival set up and it's fascinating and it's strange and and the next day the weirdness begins Ian: Yes, Matthew: and their teacher Ian: Miss Foley. Matthew: Yeah, there's a, there's a mirror maze in the carnival. Oh, Ian: it was the, it was the mirror maze first. Matthew: And she, she goes into the mirror maze, and we don't exactly learn what really freaks her out at that time, but she is just devastated by whatever it was she saw in the mirror maze. But she also talks about the fact that her nephew's going to be coming to, coming to visit so she'll, she's just going to go home, she'll be okay. And then it gets weirder when they see what happens with the carousel. Yeah. Yeah. Ian: Yeah, the carousel that is playing the funeral march backwards. Matthew: Yes, and we've gotten a glimpse of the proprietors of this carnival by now. Mr. Dark is this tall, thin, thin man. Dark ringmaster kind of character. Heavily tattooed, just literally covered with tattoos, although he says, They are not tattoos, they are illustrations. Ian: Yes, he's the illustrated man. Matthew: Yeah, and this connects to another book by Ray Bradbury we can talk about a little bit later. Oh. But, and Mr. Cougar is more of your kind of typical gruff old carnival guy. Until he gets on this carousel. Ian: At which point, it goes around and around, and he gets younger. Matthew: As it runs backwards. Ian: And younger. As it runs backwards. Matthew: Playing the funeral march backwards, as you said. Ian: And he comes off a young man. Matthew: Right. In the end, he's a boy. And eventually he goes back off to the teacher's house as her nephew and is staying there. Ian: Which is so weird. Matthew: So now Jim and Will have seen this bizarre weird magic happen and they know that their teacher is in danger. Ian: Mhmm. And that kind of starts the, the overall cycle of this story, which is the boys running to go react to something coming out from the carnival. And the carnival twisting what's going on and making things worse for them. Matthew: Right. It's an interesting pattern because they are having not necessarily the smartest, but reasonable. Thirteen year old reactions to these utterly bizarre events, but that makes their behavior so bizarre that those who don't know what they're reacting to just see them as Troublemakers or criminals or miscreants or people who need to be dealt with to keep society stable Ian: Yeah Matthew: Meanwhile, they're the ones who are trying to protect people from this strange and terrible danger that the carnival represents Ian: all of their reactions are only ever seen without the context that keeps going wrong. But we watch them, they've got some successes and they've got plenty of problems that form trying to deal with this young, with this now youngified, mr. Cougar gets them accused of stealing. Matthew: Right. He sets it up so that the fact that they came to protect the teacher from him appears to be that they came to the teacher's house to rob her of her jewelry. So they can't go to the civil authorities. Essentially, that is ruled out. And they don't know who else to go to because they have, Will's father is there, but Will's relationship with his father is so distant. Partly because Will's father sort of keeps his son at arm's length because he doesn't really feel worthy of being more of a part of things. And yet, the trouble that Jim and Will find themselves in gets deeper and deeper. Because the carnival knows that they know too much. Ian: So the carnival is after them. The carnival wants them, and it's not quite sure early on whether or not it wants them to keep them quiet, or if it's got other plans for them. Matthew: I think it's a combination. Ian: Yes. Matthew: I think they it wants It can't just let them be free, so to stop them, it's going to co opt them and drag them into the carnival, the way it's dragged so many others. Ian: Yes. Matthew: So Mr. Dark, the sinister illustrated man, is essentially leading the carnival, especially now that Cougar is a little boy pretending to be the teacher's nephew. And, the kids are hiding out. But eventually they do make enough of a connection. With Will's father that he believes them and it's it's in the moment He real he recognizes what they're doing when they're hiding from dark and from the parade that dark has arranged to go through the town specifically for the purpose of hunting them down and Will's father trusts them that if they're hiding they have good reason to we can talk about it later But in the meantime, we're I'm going to help you. Oh, and the reason they're hiding, and the reason they know how dangerous this is, is because the visitation they got the night before. Ian: Yes. Matthew: From the balloon and the dust witch. Ian: I will say the whole, like, back and forth Reminds me in the best way of a point and click adventure game because it's all like a situation appearing, finding the right thing to deal with it, using the item when you've got the opportunity to, and talking to the people in between. It feels like an old Sierra adventure game in the best ways. But yeah, it's like there is, you know, there's a, There's a mark now on their roofs from the, the witch in the balloon. They've got to wash off the mark. Will grabs a toy bow and arrow. He has to run to a to a different roof. He fires a shot to shoot down her balloon. Like, there's all sorts of things going on back and forth. Matthew: And it's, it is so fantastical and sinister. And yet in the moment, it's it's high action and high energy and so much dangerous immediacy. Yeah. Ian: Yes, Matthew: And the person who's in the balloon and the balloon where they saw come into town with the with the carnival and even Though it's a hot air balloon It seems to be the people in the carnival seem to be able to direct it and steer it More than one usually can a hot air balloon. Ian: Yeah, Matthew: and It is occupied by the dust which one of the many Creatures people who are part of the carnival and she is blind and yet has the ability to sense people And know their minds and also control their minds and their bodies with magic And this is what what they're up against when they send the dust witch in the balloon to mark their house And keep tabs on them and presumably eventually take them in and that's why they're hiding the next day and they They get this unexpected help from will's dad Ian: And that interaction, like, as it goes, the interactions with Will, we've seen Will's dad kind of wander along, and the same things that the kids are noticing, he's noticing, but he seems to understand a little bit more, but then brushes off that he can do nothing about them. Matthew: Right. He, he considers himself to be a non combatant, a mere observer, and he likes to spend all of his time at the library where he works as a janitor. Right. Reading all the books because he is well read, but it's his way of staying distant from the world the way he stays distant from Will. Ian: Yeah, and and it very much puts him as like he's the janitor at the local library. He's this man who Spends his nights around all these books, quietly talking and reading, and he's, he's in his own little world, and that world's getting cracked by the weirdness outside. This discussion between him and the boys later is so fascinating, and we see a little bit of the, the character that Charles Holloway is going to be by the end, popping through when he starts to actually help the boys and defend them. Matthew: And part of this is he, he makes arrangements to meet with them at the library. Once it's safe for them to move about and he goes back to the library and starts doing research And there's this wonderful scene. It's one of the best scenes in prose describing Research into some sinister supernatural phenomenon because they're talking about the books and the weird variety of books They are and the way they're late the way they're laid out around him like a clock face You he wasn't using red string to connect them, but you can almost see that You The way he's drawing these pieces together. Ian: And to step back a moment though, even before that, as he's helping the boys and making this plan with them, he's being confronted by Mr. Dark. Matthew: Oh, that's right. He has that confrontation. Ian: And Mr. Dark is being at his, like, very creepy, very insistent, trying to get him to tell, you know, Oh, tell me, have you seen these boys anywhere? I don't know. Those kind of look like Charles Holloway like Understand like watch this guy say something's up here and just deflect Every single question. It's this wild little sparring match where all of these looming Threatening comments are batted away and turned around with like linguistic jiu jitsu Yeah, amazing. Matthew: We see how sharp he is Halloway is when he when he knows enough to engage when he knows it's time to engage and it's pretty clear that Creepy things are going on because Yeah dark comes up and he says he's looking for these two boys because they they won the sweepstakes They get free rides at the carnival. And of course, we want them to join the parade and take advantage of their prize You know, oh what two boys these two boys he holds out his hands And now Will and Jim, their faces are tattooed on the palms of his hands. And we've seen before, there's something creepily alive about these illustrations on Mr. Dark. And that he sort of controls them. And since the night before, he's gotten portraits of Jim and Will on the palms of his hands as he's hunting for them. And there's something magic when he clenches his fists. Jim and Will feel that as pain. Ian: Yeah, but it's just imagining Charles Halloway's like, Oh, thinks to himself. That's a picture of my son's face on this man's hand. That ain't good. Right. So he gives some other names. Matthew: Yeah, I think they moved out of town a few weeks ago. Ian: Exactly, it's just like, huh, here, you want a cigar? Let me buy you a cigar. Yes. It's just like, I'm gonna friendly neighbor you the heck out of here, please. Matthew: And the Dust Witch comes along to help as well, to help Dark, and doesn't like all the cigar smoke that Halloway has. Blows, especially when he realizes it's it's putting off the dark in his associates. He just lights up more Ian: I was like, oh, wow, good cigar. I need another one. It's like It's it's it's a wonderful bit of Actually, it's not just a bit of a wonderful scene. It's a good bit of foreshadowing as well I will say Matthew: yes that he is able to recognize and put together information about weaknesses when he realizes something is an enemy You Ian: And a different element of foreshadowing as well. Matthew: Yeah Ian: that I'll mention at the end. Okay, or later on in the story but yes after this he goes off and just Absolutely does the the big research moment in the best way describing all the books he's picked out stacked by topic at the numbers of a clock. It's like he's got these at six o'clock and those at eight. And it's like, you can just imagine this man in his swivel chair with a big semi circular desk around him, just having arrayed the, the knowledge gathered to create this. Matthew: And he's learning things about the fact that this creepy carnival came to town at predictable intervals. And also other towns, and back as far as you can find records, and he starts to piece together, and partly from him, partly from the narrator, we get this information about this being This ancient evil that arises from people being promised what they think they want and it turning out to be terrible for them. You lure people in with a promise of something they think they want and you take everything from them. In exchange and that is what keeps the carnival going and growing it is what represents the People who populate this carnival and it's why it has come to town once again And as we were saying Jim and Will are a threat to the carnival So yes It wants to both neutralize the threat and corrupt them and make them part of the carnival and you get the impression Yeah, that's that's A pattern that has worked for them before. Ian: Yeah, and it's like Matthew: and there's someone else they've already brought in because we talked about mr. Fury the lightning rod salesman Ian: Yes. Matthew: There's a dwarf now in the carnival parade. And the way they describe this dwarf is fascinating because he's almost like an automaton. And they talk about his vision being like a camera and he'll, he'll absorb everything and later on it'll develop in his mind and he'll realize something important and tell Mr. Dark. And this is how Mr. Dark continues to be on Jim and Will's trail. So we've got an example of someone who is now fully. drawn into the carnival. Ian: Talk about the sort of descriptions that also make me think of the prisoner. Matthew: Yes, yes. Ian: Oh goodness, there's some, there's some things about the unreality and the strangeness that are so, so relating my head to that sort of. Music: Yep. Ian: You know, bizarre. Mechanical and environmental and observation kind of stuff going on. Matthew: So that's the point from Charles Halloway's research. That's where we finally get at least some framework for what is happening. And what the source is and what the stakes are. Ian: Yes. Matthew: But Dark and the Carnival are not that easily deterred, and they come to the library. Ian: And this, a, a confrontation does lead, in fact, to the boys capture. Matthew: Yes, Dark takes them away, and leaves the Dust Witch behind, to deal with Charles Halloway by Making him die of apparently natural causes. Because she has the power to simply make his heart stop if she wants to. Ian: Mm hmm. Matthew: But he, already beaten up terribly , from his confrontation in the library with Dark, finds what her weakness is. Ian: And he's not just already beaten up though, but he's also invigorated because he's finally shown his son, and his son's friend, the kind of man he is. Matthew: Yes. Ian: He had to open up with them. He has this wonderful, long diatribe, talking about hopes and dreams and future and philosophy and everything else. And he's so nervous about like, how much is this getting in? How much am I rambling? This is boring. You can talk amazingly! Matthew: Yeah, Jim is impressed. Ian: Jim is wildly impressed. Matthew: And that door was opened up with Will earlier when they had this midnight conversation at their house. And it gives Charles an opportunity and a reason to sort of admit to Will His insecurities and why he's been as distant as he has and clearing the air about that lets them have a bond that then is important during next, next scene when they have this conversation and he just talks and talks and explains these things. Ian: Yeah. So he's there invigorated but, but downed. Matthew: Yes. Ian: And he's facing the dust witch and he just finds it funny. And this is where that whole thing pivots in the wildest way because he just laughs and it breaks all the spell. Matthew: Yes, she is physically, it seems, harmed by laughter and mirth and smiles. And it is antithetical to everything she is and everything her power lets her draw from people and, and exacerbate in people. So this is her Achilles heel, laughter, joy, human positivity. And that's how he survives, essentially routs her and she runs away back to the carnival. Ian: And he prepares to follow suit and get the boys back. Matthew: Yeah, the boys have been, sort of mind controlled, sort of turned into puppets. They're still conscious, but they can't see, they can't hear. They're just being marched to the carnival. And they're stowed away inside the mirror maze, while Dark plans this one final big show, for the town. And I don't know exactly what his horrible, sinister purpose is with this last show. If there are others he's trying to draw in, or if it's just a way to put an end to this visit by the Carnival, and then he'll fully absorb Will and Jim, and they will travel with the Carnival forever. Ian: Yeah, it's a little vague, but it's definitely this, you know, last grand moment for them, but in walks Charles Halloway just being a badass, let's be honest. Matthew: He is, because Dark's plan here, the final trick in the final show of the carnival, is the bullet catch trick. A real magic trick. That has been done for over a century is very dangerous when it goes wrong It goes wrong and people have died on stage Doing this trick and that and of course many magicians who do that sort of play up that fact and that includes dark in these scenes but this is an odd one in what in which they want a He wants a volunteer from the crowd to come up and fire the rifle and the dust which is supposed to catch the bullet in her teeth And, yeah, it's, it's Charles Halloway steps up, and nobody else wants to volunteer. Everybody is kind of spooked. And Charles Halloway says, Hey, I'll volunteer! Sounds like a cool show! Come on! Ian: Yeah! Hey, look at that! Matthew: And Dark is very, very upset. Because he's just learned from the witch that she wasn't able to put an end to Halloway. Ian: Which is done in a weirdly relatable, like boss man. I'm in the middle of a show, not now. Boss man, not now. I couldn't kill the guy. You couldn't what? I couldn't kill the guy. Hi everybody! He's not dead. I was telling you, I couldn't kill the guy. It's like, there's this wonderful little back and forth of weirdly humanizing behind the stage moment. Matthew: Yes, those little bits of fear and confusion on the part of Dark, and the bits of chagrin on the part of the Dust Witch makes them seem more real and more human. Ian: Yeah, it's like, oh. But he comes in and he knows now, like, Happiness is the weapon. He comes in just jovial and turning that charisma that he's been like not wanting to use up to 11 just like, Hi, everybody, sweet, nice gun. Matthew: And dark knows something is up because he does not want Halloway to be the volunteer here. And he's saying, Well, you know, I don't think you can fire the rifle. Look, your hand, one of your hands is broken. Well, it's because dark broke it two scenes ago. But he says, no, don't worry about it. But, but yeah, I can get an assistant. My boy, Will, is around here somewhere. Hey, Will! Ian: Oh, now it looks weird if Will doesn't show up. Yeah, Matthew: and Will, Will joins him on stage. So that's one boy at least found. Ian: Mm hmm. And I was surprised that this book actually explains how this trick might be done. Matthew: Yeah, one of the ways that the bullet bullet catch is done. Ian: Mm hmm. He actually explains it in the text. Mm hmm. But of course that's not how this is being set up yet, right Matthew: because he knows he's up against magic and he knows he's got counter magic So Halloway uses that countermagic. Ian: Mhmm. In a very odd little moment, where he turns the bullet into an emblem of his concept of smiling. Matthew: Yes. And Ian: he literally defeats the witch with a smile. Matthew: And defeats the witch by letting her know he is using his smile against her. Ian: Yes, and that alone, like, shakes her to death. But, he's gotten Will out, but now he has to get Jim. And that's Difficult because Jim has been described as kind of a dark one of the pair the entire time Matthew: Yes, and and mr Dark attempted with some success to use that against Jim or use that to draw in Jim Jim was always Wanting to be somewhere else wanting to be older Wanting to be more powerful than he was feeling like there was were bigger things for him Being impatient so dark is inviting him. Well, I can take you on a ride on it on the carousel you saw what it can do will make you a fine strong 21 year old and We can you can run the carnival with me. It can be dark and nightshade. It could even be nightshade and dark How's that for a showbiz name? Yeah, I get the impression This is starting to have some effect and there's a chance he would succumb to it Ian: You definitely do. There's this looming aspect where you can see that kind of pulling the boys apart as they're running around. But, with Jim in their clutches, how do we get him back? This final fight, which involves Will reaching for Jim as the merry go round is starting. Yes, Matthew: and first it means going into the mirror maze. Where Jim had been kept and that almost undoes Charles because apparently the mirror maze every reflection is showing you Farther into the future and for Charles Paul who already believes that he is too old for what he needs to do He sees that as devastating and terrible Ian: And it just shows you yourself across time, because he looks over his shoulder and he sees his younger self reflected in the other direction. So it's like, this is a time mirror showing you in every direction and it just breaks him for a moment. Matthew: Yeah, but Will is there and Will kind of snaps him out of it. Music: And Matthew: then there's this kind of violent set of chases around and stalking around through the dark midway. And that final confrontation you were talking about at the carousel. Ian: Mm hmm. Charles smashing the controls as Will pulls Jim off of the carousel before it can do anything to him. But we're hearing this description of the magic trying to claw its way onto them as it does. Matthew: Yes. Ian: Ooh, wonderfully spooky. Matthew: So it, it for all the strange and heady prose that it has and all the philosophical ideas that drive, The magical threats that embody it. It does end in kind of a straightforward action scene, which is not a bad thing, because the stakes and the mechanisms of that action scene are all possible because of what they've established about the magic and things like that. Ian: And the fact that they've established the magic like that actually makes earlier scenes make so much more sense. Matthew: Yes. Ian: Why? Why did Charles Halloway's deflections of Mr. Dark start to feel like they were a vaudeville comedy act? And it's like the amusement and just the slyness of this. Matthew: Yes. Ian: Was actually part of what was deflecting it. It's like, Oh. Oh, that's nice. I like that. There's something about this like, Oh, take everything you say and turn it into a little bit of a joke. Oh, like, well, the creepy death is in front of me. Laugh at it. It's such a wonderful little message at the end. And they even at the end save Jim as he is not completely here. He's on the verge of dying, and they laugh and dance and sing, and it brings him back to life, instead of letting the dark take him. Matthew: So it really is about that duality you were talking about at the beginning, that light and dark within a person, within human nature that we all share. Within these two halves of the person that is Will and Jim. It's kind of what the, the whole novel comes down to is the, the, the importance of this duality and the importance of essentially choosing the right side. It's definitely not a, well, you've got to keep light and dark in balance. It's about dark is always there. You're never going to completely get rid of it. So you'd better get strong on the light side. Ian: Yeah. And, and yeah, that acknowledgement that like the dark, the dark aspect will always be there. Matthew: Yes. Ian: But are you going to let it use itself or anyone else use it against you? No. You're going to be stronger than that. Matthew: Right. Well, I think we might be heading towards our final questions. I think so. Yeah. So please stay tuned for those when we talk about what we feel should be next for this story. But in the meantime, if you are enjoying the IMMP podcast and you'd like to support us, you can do that on Patreon, and you can get a link to Patreon on our website, which is immproject. com. You'll also see a link there to our store, another way to support us if you like t shirts and coffee mugs and fun things like that. And you'll also find all of our back episodes, and on Patreon, you'll find additional bonus episodes. You'll also find at immproject. com a contact page where you can contact us on our Discord, by email, by actual honest to goodness U. S. mail, at our post box. Ian: Oh my goodness! Matthew: So, by all means, we'd really like to hear from you. What did you think of Something Wicked This Way Comes? Any other Ray Bradbury stories that really were important to you that you think we might talk about on future episodes. Ian: Yeah, Matthew: and Ian, where can people find you? Ian: I can be found at itemcrafting. com Or as itemcrafting live on twitch come on over and see me play some of those point and click adventure games I was mentioning just earlier in the episode or spooky, spooky games for the spooky month it is. Matthew: And you'll find me at ByMatthewPorter. com for anything that I'm doing online, including my YouTube channel, which features travel videos and also the Draft House Diaries, where I document every single one of my strangely large number of visits to Alamo Draft House Cinemas. Ian: Aha! So Matthew: so, we've got our final questions, and the first one is, read or don't read. Ian: It's not for everybody, I'll say that. This is going to be a story which isn't going to grab everybody, but I enjoyed it enough. I'm going to say read, but I'm going to say read with a caveat. I am usually an audiobook listener. Just because of the time it takes in my day, everything else. I love audiobooks. They're my go to. Sitting down to actually read a story can be great, but You can't always find the time to do just that, and I want to be able to still enjoy the wonderful written stories out there without me being stopped like that. There's no good audiobook version of this. Matthew: Isn't that a crime? Ian: Even the thing, even the things I found that called themselves unabridged audiobooks was a multicast performance, like a stage play, that dropped all of that world building setting language I described. Matthew: It kind of stripped it down to the dialogue and the action. Yeah, Ian: which is just such a different thing. My thing is read, but it's an acknowledgement that this is a book that, despite being a classic, isn't really easily accessible in that sense. So, I can completely understand if you can't read it because it's not easily available for you to get time to sit down and do. But I also will say, it's a creepy story about a Disturbing circus carousel carnival showing up and trying to kidnap young children. We've got a lot of spooky going on right now. If this is too much spook, don't go for it. You know your spook levels. Spook responsibly. Matthew: I'd say, if you know that you, either in general or right now, don't like creepy supernatural vintage horror, then avoid this. If you do like creepy supernatural vintage horror, Or if it's one of the things you can appreciate absolutely read this it's good in its own right and It is something that I think influenced a lot of writers afterward and it is interesting that it doesn't have a good Audiobook that is such a shame and I wonder why that is do people think that well It's aimed at a young audience ostensibly and maybe young audiences don't want to sit and listen to all that Poetical description. That's I don't know. I think that's that's selling your audience short Ian: I think the reason is coming up. Ah In our discussions. Matthew: All right, Ian: so Matthew: well then the next Ian: set of questions We've got a different version for this don't we Matthew: we do I think for novels it is I'm not sure about this first one, but I think it is for, for movies, it's usually Revive, Reboot, or Rest in Peace, and that's also the same for, for TV shows, but I think for novels, it is usually Add, Adapt, or Adios. Yes. Do we want something else in this same world? Do we want a prequel or a sequel? Or do we want an adaptation into another medium? Or do we just say, Nope, let's forget about that. This can still stand as it is, but we don't need any other version or addition to it. So what do you think, Ian? Ian: Hmm. Well, usually we discuss what it already does have. Matthew: Yes. Ian: And this book is odd because it's part of a trilogy, actually, but not a very tight trilogy. It's considered, depending on how you look at Ray Bradbury's work, as part of something known as the Greentown Trilogy. He's got a book about summer he's got a book about fall, and he's then got one that's just called The Halloween Tree. Which is the third in the series. Which, it seems like this is the creepiest out of all of them? Matthew: I think so. I believe the first one of those is Dandelion Wine, is that right? Yes. I read that many years ago, I don't really remember much about it, and I've never read the third. And I would say that they are very loose conceptual sequels. Maybe they're supposed to be set in the same town, I don't really recall. Ian: I believe they have like, yeah, it's around the same town as the entire point, but it's different characters. Matthew: Weird town to live in. All these things are happening. Ian: Weird town to live in. My goodness. But the big thing, people might know this, and people might have been surprised by our episode title when they actually started to listen, is the fact that this has well, has been turned in 83 into a movie. Matthew: Yes! Ian: By the Walt Disney Corporation. Matthew: Isn't that interesting? Yeah, I wonder if people who have really given a lot of thought to the book recently would would find that movie interesting. Ian: Huh, but I'm partially thinking that some of the reason why there's not a good audiobook adaptation is because the movie might have, might be the main way people know about it. Matthew: Oh, maybe. Ian: And it might be kind of pushing out in the media space. In a way that sometimes some older books that do have a movie don't get audio books or don't get looked at for newer things in some of those digital formats. Matthew: Yeah. I don't know that there are, are any contractual reasons for that, but there could be marketing reasons why they figure it's, it might not be worth it. Ian: Yeah. Audio books and movies are unfortunately treated as equivalents that they are not. Matthew: Yeah. And that's, that's a, a well done audio book is, is the book. It's not an adaptation of the book. It's a, it's, it's a reading of the book. Ian: So, I think that add could be interesting, the idea of dealing with any of these characters after this, but I also feel like the moment you put them back in, in danger, you kind of limit them. Like, this is supposed to be the moment that they dealt with something that's like this, so making them deal with anything like this again really changes things. Matthew: The one thing I would be interested in, in terms of an addition, in terms of a prequel or sequel, relates not to any of the protagonists of this book, but to the carnival. Yeah. To the fact that it has been around for almost as long as human beings have. They talked about the, the descriptions of this in the book were saying that it probably started with, , one guy wearing a funny animal's pelt and , carrying a jingle stick. And It grew from there. I guess you couldn't, I was wondering if you could have one set in the present day, but I guess the carnival sort of came to an end, or is that it? Mr. Dark is gone, but the idea of the carnival is probably still around. Ian: Oh goodness, are we describing doing a thing where we would have Have something akin to the movie Prey from 2022. Matthew: Yes, I'm thinking. Where Ian: Prey was, yeah, Prey was the predator franchise set in 1719. What, what's something wicked this way comes set somewhere else way earlier. Matthew: Yeah, a couple 16th century roll into a town. Ian: Yeah. Matthew: And the other option would be, what would the, what would be the manifestation of this in the 21st century? If that's, if in the, the indeterminate mid century America of the novel. It was a somewhat anachronistic steam train carnival and balloon. What would it be in 2024? Ian: A horror game that only pops up in people's game libraries during a certain time that does something to them? Matthew: A very weird event that shows up on Meetup. I don't know. Ian: Five Nights at Freddy's? Matthew: I don't know. Yeah, kinda. Comic Con. Ian: Oh no. Matthew: Haunted Comic Con. Ian: Haunted Comic Con. Oh no. Matthew: Maybe that would be I shouldn't be Maybe I shouldn't be saying that given the number of conventions we go to, but Ian: Yeah. Haunted Comic Con. Haunted comic con just wandering around and you don't know what a single cosplay is from. You're like, Music: Huh? Ian: Like, oh goodness. Matthew: Yeah, Ian: there's some interesting things there. Matthew: Oh, you want to cosplay as an elf? We could make your cosplay extremely realistic. Ian: Sick. Matthew: You have to live in this forest we control forever afterwards. Ian: Oh, there's people who would No, no, I'm sorry. You just offered some people a place to live that doesn't charge them rent. They will go for that in the modern era. Yeah. That's a Matthew: problem. I bet that's how it happened with the carnival, too. Oh, yeah. Ian: But I honestly, I don't think this needs anything more. I think this is another, I think this is another, a loving adios, but the idea of, the adapt has been done and I can't think of a different adapt that would work very well. Maybe that adventure game idea, but that's it. That's just kind of a, a different take. Matthew: Right? Ian: There's nothing to add. So it's an, it's an adios from me. Matthew: Yeah, I would say so as well. It'd be interesting to see that kind of an update. A new take on it. But as we mentioned, this has been very influential. We essentially have those in the form of lots of other horror that's been written in the last decades. Ian: Yes. Matthew: And, and this is one of those books that changes depending on how you approach it and when you approach it. I first read this book When I was not much older than Will and Jim, Music: and Matthew: I, I approached it from essentially their point of view as, as the book is written, and understood and, and really internalized the, the challenges that they had, and the tension between the dark and inquisitive and restless Jim and the concerned. and thoughtful, and rule following Will. And now, reading it again for probably the first time since that age, I'm now reading it when I'm not a little bit older than Jim and Will, I'm a little bit older than Charles Halloway. Ian: Yeah. Matthew: And my understanding of his character is so different, and my appreciation for the The conflict he feels, looking back at his life, wondering if he's too old for things that he wanted. It's a very different experience in that they make a big point of the fact that he didn't have his son, he didn't marry. And have a son until he was about 40, which is why he's you know, 54 and has a 13 year old son. But, but I definitely connected with Charles Halloway in a very different way than I did reading this as a 14 year old. So, Ian: I Matthew: wonder if I come back to this 20 years from now, how am I going to feel about it then? And maybe I will, just to see. Ian: And I'm here, like, right smack dab in the middle, never having even heard of this before today. Oh, really? I'd never heard of this, and I reading it, I devoured it in a two day span, like half, half and half, just realizing, oh wow, all these things I like, if they didn't know they were being influenced, they were influenced by this, still. Matthew: And there's a lot of Ray Bradbury that has had a lot of deep influence on fiction. Ian: Absolutely, but I'm here right in between. Matthew: Yeah. Ian: And so it's like, I can see the, the mistakes Will and Jim are making, but I can understand it. And I'm here feeling like I can learn the lessons that Charles had to, had to take in. Matthew: Yeah. Ian: Before. I wind up in the same situation Charles was by then. Like, learn some of these, like, these self actualization aspects. Because I will say, the three of them also map wildly well to the id, ego, and superego at times. Yeah, Matthew: they do. They do. Ian: Yeah. And it's like, huh, it's like, there's just like a lot of ways you can assess this, but I'm like, there's a lot of, like, learn this lesson now, And remember the lessons you learned when you were young because the combination of the lessons from both times is where they actually were able to solve these problems. The confidence of the kids with the wisdom of the adult is the powerful combination that they needed. Don't lose one while finding the other and don't wait to find the other because you're grasping at the first. Matthew: Well, that's a good lesson to take, especially at your stage in life right now. Ian: Thank you. Yeah. Matthew: Well, this was fun. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Ian: I did. Matthew: I knew that it was kind of a dated novel. I wasn't sure if it would really connect with you. I'm glad to hear that it did. Ian: Yeah. Hey, this thing's come. This thing will head on down the tracks. I wonder what's coming down the tracks next. Matthew: Yeah, something will be. Because we will be back in a couple of weeks. Yeah. With more tales of media from the 20th century. And more celebration of October and Halloween. Yeah. Ian: Spooky season continues! In the meantime, go find something new to watch.