Ron Sisson [00:00:09] Welcome to another episode of AWSP TV, i'm here in studio with Kevin Carroll today. [00:00:13] Kevin, glad you're here, thanks for being with us. Kevin Carroll [00:00:15] Thanks Ron I appreciate that, thrilled to be here. [00:00:17] Thrilled. [00:00:18] Absolutely. Ron Sisson [00:00:19] Good deal. [00:00:20] Well so a lot of our members had an opportunity to meet you and hear your message at summer conference, but we've got a pretty big audience and tell us a little bit about Kevin, who's who's Kevin Carroll? Kevin Carroll [00:00:32] Who's Kevin Carroll, right so you know one of the things that I always like to tell people now i’m this author and speaker and a change agent but I was a student and I was a student who believed that school was a safe place. [00:00:45] And so when I was a child growing up with dysfunction and upheaval and disappointment and abandonment and addiction in my life because of my parents school was this place that was amazing safe place for me and the faculty and staff, custodians, food service workers, everyone in the building poured into me and recognized that I was dealing with some difficult. [00:01:06] And so I always say I'm a mosaic of many people who really helped me and because of going to school and the public library and sports I like to say it saved my life. [00:01:17] And you know I really am thrilled when I get a chance to talk to faculty, staff, but especially the leadership within a building, within a school building because they need to understand that they matter, and how they show up each day is reflected through their staff and faculty and and all the people who work within the building. [00:01:36] And so my principal Mr. [00:01:38] Hamilton was amazing I still remember him from school and you know he actually followed me to high school too. [00:01:44] So we had a long relationship. [00:01:46] Mr. [00:01:47] Hamilton knew a lot probably too much about me and stuff and also he knew that I was that kid that always had some creative ideas and was always maybe up to something a little bit. [00:01:56] So he checked on me from time to time but but I know that because of the love and care and and the amount of attention they gave me and not in a way that it was because I needed more they just recognized that I had potential, and because I recognized I had potential, I relished in that and just revelled in that and grew in that and it really made a big difference in my life and in my journey I know that. [00:02:22] So when I got a chance to go back to my elementary school, my junior high school, and my high school, both my universities to speak was so I just can't even begin to tell you the honor I felt being able to go back into the hallways that I walked but also to speak to the faculty and staff there but also the students I got to speak to all the students at both those all those locations, it was amazing. [00:02:45] And to tell them that I sat in those seats I know the challenges you might be facing but I'm here to tell you that you are surrounded by people who believe in you and want to lift you up. [00:02:56] And so game on it’s your challenge to raise your game. [00:02:58] So yeah, that's you know a bit of my story just for people to understand especially from a content standpoint that that's why I'm here at a AWSP is that I care about principals and leaders and I know the impact they can have on our life. Ron Sisson [00:03:11] Yeah, thank you. [00:03:13] You know and I can tell you that from a principal perspective, when we have a student come back to visit our school, that's an honor. [00:03:19] You know when when somebody feels like it's important enough and they remember us for you to call out Mr. [00:03:23] Hamilton right now, that's that's important that's pretty cool. Kevin Carroll [00:03:28] Oh no I when I was speaking at my elementary school was so lovely the ladies who were at the front desk were hearing a bit of my story because they came into the assembly and so they went back into the archives and found my school pictures right and said we understand what you went through. [00:03:46] You probably didn't have the money and we didn’t I didn't have any class pictures they said why don’t you use your phone and take pictures of you. [00:03:51] And so I took all these pictures of me to my grades and it was so amazing to see that. [00:03:56] So you know I mean it just even more you know created this love for the those destinations in those locales and the people there. Ron Sisson [00:04:05] Yeah cool. [00:04:07] So a big big thing that we heard from you at Summer Conference and a big part of your life is this idea of play, right and you know one of the things that I worry about as a principal is that you know so many things in our our work are high stakes, high impact and sometimes we almost get to the point where we feel like we don't have time for that. [00:04:28] You know that's that's not an OK part of our work, we've got other things to do and when we do it's about kids. [00:04:34] So so what about adults in play? [00:04:37] Why is that important? [00:04:38] Where's that sit for you? Kevin Carroll [00:04:40] It's so interesting when you talk about adults in play and how adults like to marginalize it or think it's frivolous or it has no value except on the weekends, right? [00:04:49] Why make time for it and I always say it's serious business and especially in the business of raising the next generation of leaders, makers, doers, and dreamers. [00:04:57] So there's a beautiful quote from Steven Johnson he wrote this book called “Wonderland” and he talks about you'll find the future where people are having the most fun. [00:05:07] So let's think about what a school buildings represent. [00:05:09] They represent the future. Ron Sisson [00:05:11] Absolutely. Kevin Carroll [00:05:11] So we need to have some fun in there. [00:05:14] But when we start to recognize fun having purpose and play having purpose and elevating lives and community and connectedness and belonging and all these wonderful attributes from play and sport right. [00:05:28] It's amazing. [00:05:29] So why would you marginalize that? [00:05:31] Why would you just push it to the weekend? [00:05:33] Why would you say we don't have time for that? [00:05:34] Why wouldn’t you find time more time for recess and breaks? [00:05:39] But not just for the students but for your faculty and staff, because the more that you can find that time to come together around something we all have in common. [00:05:47] We all have a play history, every single one of us. [00:05:52] Everybody has a play history. [00:05:53] Ron what was your favorite game activity or sport as a child? Ron Sisson [00:05:56] Dodgeball. Kevin Carroll [00:05:57] Done. Ron Sisson [00:05:57] Absolutely. Kevin Carroll [00:05:58] You didn’t even hesitate. [00:06:00] Right. [00:06:00] And that answer didn't come from your head it came from your heart. [00:06:04] Right. [00:06:04] That recollection that memory right. [00:06:06] That fondness and we all had that story. [00:06:10] So if we start to think about that having value in bringing us together and leveling the playing field if you will. [00:06:17] Right now we can have this building energy, right. [00:06:20] Literally building energy and the facade the building has energy because of fun and because of play but we do it strategically. [00:06:28] Hey we want more communication amongst us, let's go have some fun together first. [00:06:32] Hey we need more collaboration, let's go have some fun. [00:06:35] But let's actually have fun that is about collaboration or fun that's about communication or fun it's about conflict resolution. [00:06:43] You can do that. [00:06:44] So there are organizations that help with that kind of work and so imagine if you actually were strategic you started bringing those organizations like Playworks who help with recess advocacy. [00:06:53] They come into your school building and they help you design recess better but also they could do corporate recess. [00:07:00] So imagine that for your staff and your faculty so now. [00:07:03] Right. [00:07:04] How about that. [00:07:04] Right. [00:07:05] That's some good stuff. [00:07:07] Imagine you're doing that. [00:07:09] Now it's game on, now it's purposeful, now it's just it's not frivolous at all. [00:07:15] And as a leader if you can actually demonstrate that there is intention behind all the things you're doing your team, your faculty, your staff, your staffulty as you like to say, right will join in. [00:07:27] And I think that's what we have to be is more intentional about those moments. [00:07:30] And I think that they'll lean into it and recognize that you're not just doing it for the sake of play and fun. [00:07:36] There's actually purpose behind it. Ron Sisson [00:07:39] You know I think about our you know our framework criterion one talks about creating a culture. [00:07:43] Right. [00:07:44] And so you know have you created a culture where play is important and you know that that allows other people to access relationships in different ways. [00:07:56] Or have you created a culture where people are head down and things are so serious that we don't have time for that. [00:08:00] And what does that ripple look like. Kevin Carroll [00:08:01] And connections and so play really helps to instigate connections. [00:08:07] And what is one of the most fundamental things we all need is belonging. [00:08:11] And that's what it really creates is a sense of belonging, right through play and a shared experience and that's the most fun, one of the most fundamental shared experiences we can have is playing together. [00:08:22] So I don't think you should ever marginalize you should celebrate it, elevate it, right and find time for it. Ron Sisson [00:08:27] Yeah. [00:08:28] What a great conversation to be able to have with school leadership team is to be able to kind of take a look at what are you doing around play and in that world, and how are you elevating that in your building and making that important? Kevin Carroll [00:08:39] Yes. [00:08:40] And also just making sure that any of the leadership from your school boards to superintendent that you're actually providing the why behind that. [00:08:48] Like why play matters and why we should not be marginalizing it we should be celebrating it and there's plenty of research, i'm happy to share that with you all and there's plenty of information out there why you shouldn't be putting that to the side, elevating it more, and speaking to it more as I think the most even more It's so important in this day and age because there is disconnection, right and we think there's a lot of things we don't have in common. [00:09:14] But what if you could find that one common thing and that's belonging. Ron Sisson [00:09:17] Yeah yeah. [00:09:18] I mean we think about you all the things going on in the world around us right now and there's kind of that one common thread is that you would like to have fun. [00:09:25] We have the opportunity to connect that way. Kevin Carroll [00:09:27] Yes and we all have play histories, so why not celebrate that and recognize that. Ron Sisson [00:09:31] Yeah. [00:09:32] Well so you just mentioned it. [00:09:33] So you know the most recent news episode we talked about this new partnership that we're excited about with you, so you know I know that when you left the airport or left the Summer Conference, give me a buzz at the airport and said principals are my people. [00:09:48] So talk to me about that. [00:09:49] How are principal why this partnership, how are principals your people? Kevin Carroll [00:09:52] Principal’s are my people, man because they are the reason I had success, because they were my early encourages. [00:10:00] They were the people who saw something in me when I didn't see anything in me. [00:10:03] They were people who saw something in me when I had low self-esteem, I didn't have confidence. [00:10:08] Mr Hamilton saw something in me. [00:10:11] They identify that hey you're a good student, hey you're a strong reader, hey we need to encourage that more. [00:10:17] And so he was one of the first people to greet me every morning when I came in for the free breakfast program. [00:10:22] Mr Hamilton was there, right. [00:10:25] And a teacher or staff member sat down in a breakfast with me. [00:10:29] See so these are things I remember. [00:10:31] And so you go through life and you have success at whatever level and and you hearken back to why is this happening well I go back to Cooperstown elementary school and Mr. [00:10:41] Hamilton and all the other Miss Coughlin, right Miss Donovan, Mr. [00:10:47] McCarthy all these different people who helped me that were amazing people at that school. [00:10:52] And so it's easy for me to say principals are my people right and people that work within school systems, that's my people. [00:10:59] I want to help them and elevate them, empower them, and make sure they show up as their best self, right. [00:11:06] I want them to always be so confident that they're walking into that building and crossing that threshold and I'm bringing the best me, right. [00:11:13] I'm showing up the way I need to like physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, i'm showing up. [00:11:21] And so that you can count on me to be that. [00:11:23] And so this partnership was a natural thing, after that Summer Conference I was so you know just taken aback by our conversation but also the energy in the room. [00:11:32] And that's why I called you so quickly and said if there is a way for us to partner I'm about it, let's find a way to do it. [00:11:38] And you were so wonderful with your response. [00:11:40] Yes, yes let's do that Kevin. [00:11:42] And so we've been working at that and chipping away at it and now we've got this opportunity to bring 2019 in with this wonderful partnership, but even more so to advance this intention. Ron Sisson [00:11:53] Yeah, and here it is, here we sit. Kevin Carroll [00:11:55] Yes absolutely. Ron Sisson [00:11:56] Well so I love the way you phrase that about walking through the door the best you, you know and our kids deserve that every day that the adults in their lives are coming through the door the best they can be, right. [00:12:08] And so when we think about the principal ship and walking through the door the best you can be every day self care seems to be a big piece of that right because we're talking about having your batteries charged and ready for what the day brings. [00:12:24] So can you talk a little bit about just what self care looks like and sounds like to you. [00:12:29] I'm sure that's a big part of what you do. Kevin Carroll [00:12:30] Oh absolutely, that’s the only way that I can show up energy is you know I always say is my social currency, right it's my mojo, movements my mojo but energy I know is my social currency. [00:12:40] It's the way I show up all the time and I love that Scott was talking about you know rest, recuperate, right and recover right, and those three things. [00:12:49] But even more so you know it's just making sure that when you get ready to enter that building whatever ritual I would throw that in there too, what’s your ritual? [00:12:58] What is that thing that get your mind right, your mindset, right that you flip that switch that when you get out of your car you're walking towards the building whatever it might be so it's game on, it's game on. [00:13:08] Right. [00:13:09] And so are you getting the proper level of rest? [00:13:12] Are you recuperating and replenishing your energy stores so that you go in with a level of confidence that bring it on let's go. [00:13:19] Right. [00:13:19] And if you are having an off day do you have that group of people that you believe got your back. [00:13:27] And that's your staffulty right that's your people in the building that got you. [00:13:30] Right. [00:13:30] They got you. [00:13:31] Right but it all starts with you because if you're not showing up for them and supporting them in the right way and bringing the right kind of energy then it's not going to be reflected back to you and so self care to me really I go back to that physical, right mental, emotional, and spiritual. [00:13:48] I go to that and I think that's really important that you think about it in those terms so first the bottom of that pyramid is your physical energy right. [00:13:57] How are you taking good care of yourself? [00:13:58] That's that rest, that's how you're fooling yourself, it's how you're hydrating yourself, it's all those things and I go back to my athletic training background and human performance and sports medicine and these are all pillars of potential right. [00:14:12] But if you're not taking care of those fundamental things you're not going to be able to show up so what are those very fundamental things when we look at it from the the the bedrock it's your physical energy. [00:14:22] And so the more that you're taking good care of yourself that way you got a fighting chance if you will. [00:14:27] And then you go from there, right and you just start building from there but how are you taking care of yourself to make sure you can at least show up with the right the requisite energy, right to meet the day. [00:14:36] And I think that's critical you know in the way that we're going to be able to advance the next generation of leaders, makers, doers, and dreamers here in the state of Washington. Ron Sisson [00:14:45] Well we're excited because you know the principalship is this there's kind of this drumbeat, right there's this cycle of the principalship that you walk through the door energized in September and you know here we sit in December and we're kind of just sliding into break or maybe we're kind of tumbling into break. [00:15:02] But then you come out the other side of that recharge and so when I think about there's just kind of a natural cycle that occurs in our year, self care is so important but it also has a cycle to it as well. Kevin Carroll [00:15:14] Yes. [00:15:14] Oh absolutely and I think you've got this window right now, right Winter break. [00:15:18] And so there is an amazing opportunity for self care. [00:15:22] So what do you need? [00:15:23] You need to identify what is important to you, maybe it is rest right but you can't shut all the way down because it's got to be active rest I always say right because if you shut all the way down you're not going to be able to ramp up properly. [00:15:36] It's going to be here before you know it right. [00:15:38] So what are some of those things? [00:15:40] Are you getting a little bit more sleep? [00:15:42] Are you hydrating a little better? [00:15:44] Are you finding a chance to get some fresh air some time with family? [00:15:47] All those things or whatever it is that you know replenishes your energy lifts you back up whatever that might be. [00:15:54] You need to make sure that you commit to that and make time for that, and then you're going back into that new year 2019 with this renewed sense of purpose. [00:16:05] And that's really what it's going to be about. [00:16:07] And yes there's gonna be times where you feel like I've got nothing, but that's what you've set your faculty and staff up to support you, right. [00:16:15] And you've got people checking on you and I always say it's got to be about collective energy. [00:16:19] So how are we looking out for each other? [00:16:22] How are we checking on each other? [00:16:23] I know you use this term accountability buddy, right right, or partner whatever you wanna call but who's who's checking on your energy? [00:16:31] Who's checking on your accountability around energy and are you good today. [00:16:34] Can I count on you? [00:16:35] And if you're honest and you say I'm a little off today, then what do we need to do? [00:16:40] Because you're going to show up and you're going to be in front of someone and if you're off then that has a ripple effect. [00:16:46] So the more that we recognize the importance of that the better we can show up the better we show up the more that permeates through the building, the more the building has this amazing resounding energy, the more that the community of students are going through an amazing day but also taking that back into their homes and their community. Ron Sisson [00:17:04] Wow. [00:17:05] And what a great opportunity for our building principals to be able to model that for their staff. [00:17:11] Right. [00:17:12] Because the the culture that we own and our building is the culture that we set and it's the culture that in conjunction with our leadership team gives us the traction we need. [00:17:23] So we have you know I think we have a great opportunity to model that and if we don't there's impacts right. [00:17:30] So you know what happens when you ignore self care. Kevin Carroll [00:17:33] Oh, oh that's that's the churn and burn right. [00:17:37] That's the they say it's not very ,right. [00:17:41] It can be something that can have such a dynamic impact on others. [00:17:48] And I think that's where a lot of leaders forget that. [00:17:50] Right. [00:17:51] And so it's not about you when you've accepted the role as a leader. [00:17:55] It's always going to be about the collective and others. [00:17:58] And so you're in service, right but also you're in ,right so there's always going to be a demand on you. [00:18:06] And so you have to recognize that. [00:18:08] But also you don't have to look very far if you've got a highly functioning culture or dysfunctional culture. [00:18:16] It starts with you and the way that you show up each and every day people will recognize how they will respond in kind if they are worried you come in a hot mess all the time. [00:18:26] Right. [00:18:26] They are running and scattering from you, right guess what and its happening in the building and people are talking about you, they're creating stories and myths about you. [00:18:36] Right. [00:18:37] And it starts with the way you show up if you show up with this level of you know your earnest, your present, you are focused, your absolutely supportive, but you also are in abundance people recognize that. [00:18:55] And I think the more that you are coming in with this level of abundance that means you did your work the night before. [00:19:01] Right. [00:19:01] That you replenished, you recuperated, you rested, right and yes I know there's sometimes you have less rest but that's ok you know that that's part of the deal, right it's part of the deal but if you're finding ways throughout the day to have these little moments of replenishment, right it's through hydration, it’s through taking a short break, it's just being still for a little bit, right it's going outside hey I make an appointment with me, right. [00:19:27] And it's for five minutes I go get some fresh air, clear my mind, right in the front office staff they've got your back, you got to do that that's important because we need you. Ron Sisson [00:19:37] And you've got to, you've got to be able to come in and be present. [00:19:41] You know AWSP did a survey a little while back and you know 44 percent of the principals in our state that took the survey reported that they're working six days a week. [00:19:53] We've got 70 percent that said that reported that they're working a 56 or more hour workweek. [00:20:00] And so we talk about self care and sustainability. [00:20:02] You know one of two things gonna happen. [00:20:04] You're your personal health and your personal relationships are gonna suffer, or you're just gonna burn out and if we want principals to be able to sustain their passion for their work and to not turn a burn out of a school system we've got to address that right. [00:20:20] So you talk it comes back to that whole idea that you have to come through the door the best you you can't do that until you're taking care of yourself. Kevin Carroll [00:20:27] Yes and when you actually put a plan together, right and start to address it. [00:20:32] And I think that's one of the things that people just think well if i have time off I'm good, no. [00:20:37] Well what are you gonna do with that time off to ensure you're replenishing, and recuperating, and resting the way you need to. [00:20:44] And so how are you being intentional about that? [00:20:47] And how are you putting in a program? [00:20:50] Even if it's something that is seemingly you know just a small little detail, my grandfather would say how you do the little things is how you do all thing. [00:20:59] How you do the little things is how you do all things. [00:21:02] So what if you focus on one area that you can get better with. [00:21:05] Maybe it's my rest and I get 15 more minutes or right or I make sure that I get that five minutes of fresh air right or just some little detail that you can do that's going to raise your game. [00:21:16] I think that could be so critical and such an amazing addition to your arsenal right. [00:21:24] Yes we know you're learning, yes we know you're professional, yes we know that you're amazing because you wouldn't have been elevated into the role that you're in without those attributes. [00:21:32] But the one thing you're not is you're not this bottomless well of energy. [00:21:37] You've got to replenish, you've got to recuperate, you have to rest so that you can show up and be present because being present is energy demanding. Ron Sisson [00:21:44] Yes. Kevin Carroll [00:21:45] So the more that we understand that equation, right that it's going to be pulled from me. [00:21:51] I have to put back in right and recognize that and maybe it's not always gonna be equal I love that whole idea of work life balance it's no I think it's more of this agreement that it's going to be in balance and so whichever way that it might potentially be imbalance we understand that. [00:22:07] But it doesn't have to stay out of balance forever. Ron Sisson [00:22:10] And I think that's it. [00:22:12] When you talk about that you know that it's it's like breathing we believe in and things happen from a chemistry standpoint, and life gets out of balance are body goes out of balance and we breathe out. [00:22:25] You know but it's understanding that the pendulum is going to kind of move back and forth and we can't allow it to stay out here. Kevin Carroll [00:22:32] It's always undulating right. [00:22:33] It's always ebb and flow and so just to understand that it's not this this perfect equilibrium and they keep showing those scales and I say that's the worst thing to show to people because we always do this with our hands work life balance. [00:22:46] Like no that's never going to be that because oh wait something happened at home, oh wait something happened in the school building that deserves my full attention. [00:22:56] And I agree that it deserves my full attention. [00:22:59] And it's necessary for me to be able to advance this or to solve that. [00:23:05] And so the more that we start to understand that we really do address it and approach it with this understanding. [00:23:12] It's about my energy, right and so how do we take great care of our energy? [00:23:16] We really have to understand just taking care of those little things, right. [00:23:21] It's always going to be how do you eat that elephant one bite at a time so don't overwhelm yourself. [00:23:25] It's like I don't have an hour I don't have two hours to go to the gym. [00:23:30] You might only need seven minutes. [00:23:36] You might only need right three whatever it might be. [00:23:39] I just need fresh air fresh air always replenishes me and that's enough right now. [00:23:43] If when I have time I'll do the other things but that's when I need them do that but then start a regiment around that have a discipline around that and get people to support you around that and allow you that time because they know it allows you to show up better right more effective and more present. Ron Sisson [00:24:01] That's great. [00:24:02] And I appreciate the small bites piece right. [00:24:05] Something as simple as I'm actually going to eat lunch every day. [00:24:09] Talk about physical right. [00:24:10] What's happened to our body chemistry and our blood sugar. Kevin Carroll [00:24:11] How are we fueling refueling, yeah. [00:24:15] And you start making some bad decisions when you don't have the fuel that you need, Yeah. [00:24:19] Hangry, right. [00:24:21] Hangry Steve right. [00:24:23] Yes. [00:24:23] Yes. [00:24:24] thats not a good thing when you’re hangry. Ron Sisson [00:24:24] Granola bar in your pocket. [00:24:26] Something. Kevin Carroll [00:24:27] And also the idea of grazing, right little meals throughout the day keep you fueled, Right. [00:24:33] And I think that's one of the key things people forget, right. [00:24:36] It's like it's not a matter of having a sit down meal all the time, sometimes you have to eat on the run but it's the right things that are fueling you and grazing throughout the day five or six small meals is actually better for you because it keeps your metabolism going, your physiology revved up, it's wonderful that way for you. Ron Sisson [00:24:53] Yeah that's great. [00:24:54] And that's why we're excited about the partnership and the ability for you to be able to come and work with us because you know these are the things that I think we need to really start to tackle. [00:25:03] You know we have great principals in our state that are doing phenomenal things with kids, with staff, and with parents. [00:25:09] But sometimes I think even feel like it's a little bit selfish for engaging in self care and you have to be able to start down this road of how are we doing this for ourself? [00:25:21] How are we modeling it for our staff? [00:25:23] Because we want our staff to be charged and ready for kids, right? [00:25:26] So enable in order to be able to establish this longer term we’ve gotta build a plan, we've got to be intentional about it. [00:25:33] So. [00:25:34] Really excited about that. Kevin Carroll [00:25:35] Now I'm thrilled about it and I can't wait to dive into it in 2019 and really start to usher in this this thinking and this attitude right in and you know even more so to recognize that the work you do matters so much and to know that my story exists in your building I know that. [00:25:55] But if you're not showing up the right way and that's not affecting the faculty and staff and front office people and all the people that will encounter that child who needs that encouragement then it's not going to be the catalyst that needs to be. [00:26:10] And you've got this opportunity to be this human catalyst every single day. [00:26:14] So why not right as Miss Lane would tell me who is my CEO my chief encouragement officer of my dreams and hopes and aspirations and she was a schoolteacher for 32 years. [00:26:24] She would always say why not? [00:26:26] You know so why not embrace energy? [00:26:29] Why not embrace self care? [00:26:30] Why not embrace you being the best you? [00:26:34] Right all day every day as they like to say right and show up. [00:26:37] So I'm I'm thrilled about our partnership and the potential can bring but even more so helping a AWSP raise the game of all of the principals and faculty and staff here in the great state of Washington. Ron Sisson [00:26:50] Very cool. [00:26:52] A little bit thanks. Kevin Carroll [00:26:52] Oh absolutely. [00:26:54] Come on no doubt. [00:26:57] So these are custom pieces that I have made by an artist from here from Washington. [00:27:03] And one of the things that's so cool about it is he you know does specific ones for me so I only get two made. [00:27:09] One is thanks, and it says which is so great with 100 percent pure gratitude which you all should always know. [00:27:16] Gratitude is something that we're providing you all and sharing with you all because we do appreciate you even though you might not hear it all the time. [00:27:22] And then the other one is magic, right. [00:27:25] Because I think we all should be reminding ourselves that we bring a little bit of our magic every single day. [00:27:30] And it says uncork the possibilities and just remember a little bit of that wonder and excitement that you had when you were in grade school and bring a bit of that wonder and excitement to the work that you bring every single day. [00:27:41] So game on. [00:27:42] No doubt man. Ron Sisson [00:27:43] Yeah. [00:27:43] Awesome. [00:27:44] We're excited about it. [00:27:46] Stay and stay tuned to the announcements things coming down the road because starting in January we're going to kick off and this will be work that we're going to carry through through the end of June and beyond. [00:27:57] So we're really excited about it. [00:27:58] Can't wait to get cruisin. Kevin Carroll [00:27:59] Done and done, done and done. Ron Sisson [00:28:00] Good to have you here. Kevin Carroll [00:28:01] I appreciate you Ron. Ron Sisson [00:28:02] Thanks a lot. [00:28:03] Take care.