Gunnar Hellekson: David. … David Egts: Hey, what's going on, Gunnar? For what? Gunnar Hellekson: I'm in training. as you know, I'm constantly disciplining my body, right? I'm constantly improving my physical fitness and… David Egts: Yes. yeah,… Gunnar Hellekson: and I'm going after a half marathon here in 70 some odd days and I realized perhaps too late that I actually need to be training for it and… David Egts: it all depends on what you want to get out of it. But yes, right. Gunnar Hellekson: so usually you do a training for a half marathon and the internet is just littered with spreadsheets and posters and stuff that teach you Gunnar Hellekson: to do it. But that wasn't going to work for me. Gunnar Hellekson: I need to wake up in the morning and have a little notification on my phone that tells me what I'm supposed to do today. And then I just do it without thinking and then that's how it's going to work. so I found this app called Runner. It's almost like Dan Walsh wrote it. Ru Na Runner. David Egts: Mhm. Okay. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uses pod man probably. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: And that's right. Hopefully they use Pod Man and Builda on the back end. but runner is you tell it I said are you training for something? I said yeah the Austin half marathon and it said that's in 73 days and then it gave me this whole training program based on how I run now gave me the whole training program to get me there and it's like you're have no problem just follow this thing and you'll be fine. Gunnar Hellekson: And it lets you do very clever stuff like, I can't run on this day. I have to run on this day instead. And then it automatically rejiggers the entire training schedule to accommodate,… Gunnar Hellekson: slipping and life intervening and stuff like that. and then one day I was running and I said, "Okay, today we're going to practice a 140 meter elevation." I was like, "That's weirdly specific." And that's when I realized that Runner actually knows what the course looks like for the Austin Half Marathon and is training me for the elevation on the course. David Egts: Okay. David Egts: Yes. Yes. Gunnar Hellekson: How cool. David Egts: Nice. Gunnar Hellekson: So I'm completely sold on this thing. and it does all the obvious stuff like it automatically, puts count things on your calendar for when you need to work out and stuff like that. and I'm just really enjoying this app. Gunnar Hellekson: just super duper well done. Runner, that's what it's called. David Egts: Yeah, that's what I was going to ask does it also take into account it's in Austin, Texas in March or whatever compared to July and the training regimen would be different versus Alaska in January. Gunnar Hellekson: Good question. I don't know, but I presume so, it'll actually also adjust the training schedule based on how you're performing. So if I'm training in Alaska or… Gunnar Hellekson: whatever and I'm having a difficult time because of the cold or what have you, then it'll constantly recalibrate based on my goal and how I'm currently doing. so I guess in that sense, yes, it will. So yeah,… David Egts: Okay. David Egts: So, in my case, I would get it and start and then it would be like, "Dude, we give up. Here's your refund." Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: it looks like these notifications aren't working. David Egts: Or it's like, "You're too slow." and it's like, " are you okay?" … Gunnar Hellekson: Have you considered a fun run? David Egts: it's Notice you're laying down. Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: Right. Right. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. and… David Egts: Or they're doing it on a motorcycle. Right. Yeah. Nice. Okay. Gunnar Hellekson: then the other thing that's going on in this is I think I've mentioned this earlier but in my slow but inexraable slide into my second childhood I'm into Call of Duty Mobile right and I am proud to announce that I reached a legendary status on Call of Duty Mobile which I have a completely unearned amount David Egts: Okay. Gunnar Hellekson: pride of so, there's a very fancy animation and… David Egts: Did they have a ceremony or you put it on your LinkedIn Okay,… Gunnar Hellekson: that's pretty much it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: nice. Congratulations. Gunnar Hellekson: But, yeah. Thanks. David Egts: Yeah. And yeah,… Gunnar Hellekson: Just leaving the bodies of digital 13 and 14y olds behind me. David Egts: crying. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Interesting. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Mhm. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. going back to the marathon and everything, have you done a marathon yet? 5K, 10K, all that. Have you been, … Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. David Egts: or Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. So my usual run is like a 5k and then my long run is for us about 15k on the weekends. David Egts: Mhm. there. Gunnar Hellekson: And… Gunnar Hellekson: I've done a half marathon twice. and the first one was absolutely savage. The second one was much easier. 00:05:00 Gunnar Hellekson: And man, I really enjoy it. I think I've talked about this on the show before. I like the community of it. I like that you're running along and you're hearing people cheering for you and ringing the cowbells and calling out your name and… Gunnar Hellekson: stuff like that. I love that stuff. It's great. David Egts: That's great. David Egts: It's great. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. … David Egts: Do you do wagering, too, or… Gunnar Hellekson: no. no. No, no, no. and I'm just happy to finish. I'm not really looking for a particular time. So, yeah. David Egts: all right, all right, excellent. Yeah,… Gunnar Hellekson: What's up? David Egts: with me not nearly as active. but as far as accomplishments, I finished watching The Penguin on HBO Max. Gunnar Hellekson: I've heard good things about this. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. It's like The Sopranos… Gunnar Hellekson: Mhm. Yeah. David Egts: but darker. And it's not like I'm not a big superhero kind of fan. and… David Egts: so it's more of a mob movie, organized crime sort of thing. So, it was a very dark Sopranos. Gunnar Hellekson: Even darker than the regular surprise. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. literally darker, too. so,… David Egts: in Gotham City and everything. but it was pretty good. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Nice. That's great. David Egts: Yeah. Yes. Gunnar Hellekson: And was it Colin Ferrell, right, in the makeup? David Egts: Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Right. Gunnar Hellekson: That's cool. David Egts: all that stuff to get it to work. But it's good stuff. Gunnar Hellekson: That's cool. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: All Good. And thermo. David Egts: So, this week we're going to talk about restaurants that don't exist. We're going to talk about restaurants with robots, and then, robots with speed cameras and Thermite. Yep. Gunnar Hellekson: That sounds serious. They can go to It's kind of like the end of Star Wars. David Egts: Yes, It is. So, if people need to get a link to you at your Call of Duty Mobile ceremony and photos of that, where should we send them? Yeah, exactly like that. Gunnar Hellekson: It looks like that. Yeah. they can go to David Egts: Okay. Gunnar Hellekson: That's d and David Egts: And then cutting room floor, as we're heading into the Christmas season, always thinking about gifts for people and stuff. knowing you got your aura ring, right? and… Gunnar Hellekson: Mhm. Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: and you're happy with it. and now you don't have to wear a watch or you can wear a watch if you want to. But the problem with that though is it I always wondered aren't you itching to know what time it is or is it like hey I could look on my phone and I don't need to look at my wrist. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah, you kind of teach yourself how to do it on, I mean, people are accustomed to looking at even if you're wearing a watch, even if I'm wearing a watch, I'll find out check on my phone anyway, but it would be nice not to have to compromise on that. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. the people at Casio they actually have a wristwatch but in a ring form factor. Gunnar Hellekson: You mean a tiny little baby watch? David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. take a look in the cutting room floor. there's the Casio CWR 00001-1. and then they have the exact same model but with a -1JR for junior I guess. they have that that's available. So it's remember the old metal watch band Casio watches. Gunnar Hellekson: Of course,… David Egts: It's like that. Gunnar Hellekson: my dad had one. Yeah, I know exactly… David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: what you're talking about. Yeah, it looks very smart. David Egts: But it's a ring. Gunnar Hellekson: Here, I'm looking at the photo now. And it looks like a tiny Casio watch on your index finger. That's what it looks like. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. I think I prefer the plain look of the Aura ring. David Egts: And so if that did all the aura features, would you go for that or do you like the plain look of the aura ring? Gunnar Hellekson: This thing looks like, and you remember those Pacio watch bands and especially the metal ones, they're super kind of chunky,… 00:10:00 David Egts: Mhm. Yes. Gunnar Hellekson: I feel like this might chafe on the middle finger,… David Egts: Yes. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: and the thumb. David Egts: Gunnar Hellekson: It might be a little bulky. Yeah. David Egts: the metal elastic would rip all the hair off your Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah, exactly. David Egts: arm and everything. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah, that's right. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: That's right. David Egts: For me, I'm looking at it. I'm just going to hold off for when they have the calculator version of this ring watch. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah, that's right. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: That's right. David Egts: Yeah. No,… Gunnar Hellekson: That's a real smart ring. David Egts: I That's a nerdy one. Yeah. That's a talk about signaling there,… Gunnar Hellekson: Of course I did. David Egts: but for me, did you ever have one of those calculator wristwatches? Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah, of course I did. David Egts: You did? Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: Yeah. I never did. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Right. David Egts: I was like I never needed to do math that bad that I needed to have it on my wrist. Gunnar Hellekson: But it's not because you need it. It's because you could be called upon to quickly calculate something and that you would be ready for it. Gunnar Hellekson: It was the Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: A cute girl asks you to help her with her math homework. David Egts: You're ready. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: Okay,… Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. That's right. David Egts: I get it. Gunnar Hellekson: That's right. David Egts: Okay. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. I tell you,… David Egts: right. Gunnar Hellekson: if I wore a Casio calculator ring like this and then maybe like a tiny Leatherman Micro, something like that, that'd be a good combo. David Egts: Yep. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: I'd be a man Ready for anything. David Egts: Casio brass knuckles. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. That's right. That's right. David Egts: Yeah, that'd be good. All Yeah. So, 120 bucks. it's on sale Yep. And then, the other thing I saw in the cutting room floor is that there are these researchers at Columbia University and NC State and the city of New York. They are working on turning scarves and sweaters into Fi boosters. Gunnar Hellekson: So like weaving in the yarn or the thread, putting some kind of conductor in there so that it can boost the signal,… David Egts: Yes, exactly. Gunnar Hellekson: that kind of thing. David Egts: Yep. Functional antennas woven into the fabric of your sweater. Gunnar Hellekson: That's cool. That's cool,… David Egts: Yeah. Yep. Yeah. You wear that with the calculator ring or brass knuckles and you're set for the season. So yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: That sounds real cool. I wish I knew,… David Egts: Yeah. I Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: by the how antennas worked. And I have the faintest idea why does that boost Wi-Fi signals and not 5G signals, for example? Yeah. David Egts: Gunnar Hellekson: Right. Right. Right. David Egts: you just got an HD antenna for your TV set because whether it's analog, it's the same thing. but yeah, no, I ran into a ham guy at a Linux user group event and he talked to me about antennas and I'm done talking about antennas. Gunnar Hellekson: You have all the antenna talk you needed,… David Egts: So yeah, it was a long conversation. Gunnar Hellekson: right? Okay. David Egts: Yeah. Yep. Length, all that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, let's talk about the food scene in Austin. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah, Yeah. No,… David Egts: So have you gone to there's a place called Ethos that is all the rage I hear. Gunnar Hellekson: no, I can't say that. I can't say I have David Egts: So there's I guess this Instagram page ethos_Aatx. They claim to be Austin's number one restaurant. They have 73,000 followers. Gunnar Hellekson: Like a completely virtual experience or… David Egts: They got reviews that are positive, mouthwatering food images and everything. but it winds up that apparently this restaurant, it exists, but not in reality. it's totally fake. David Egts: To the point that they don't even sell food. Gunnar Hellekson: not an experience at all. Just like I see Is it a marketing stunt for something else or… David Egts: Yeah, I think they have a merch page and that's about as close as you can get to doing business with them. Gunnar Hellekson: what's the purpose of this? David Egts: No idea. Gunnar Hellekson: Give me that. David Egts: No idea. there one Reddit user posted it's either a scam or a delusional person trying to manifest their dream into existence without any actual path to success. Mhm. Yep. 00:15:00 Gunnar Hellekson: The name could be said of most of my day. David Egts: And the motto for the restaurant is the home of unreal flavors. Gunnar Hellekson: I love it. That's great. it kind of jokes on them because, especially after co we got these ghost kitchens, you get these kitchens that just like they don't actually have a storefront. David Egts: Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Gunnar Hellekson: It cers to door dashing and Uber Eats and stuff like that. seems like if you've gone through the trouble to go drum up interest in your restaurant, you ought to, actually just go ahead and do it. David Egts: Yeah, I guess one step at a time. Gunnar Hellekson: Seems like I guess so. Yeah. Right. Right. David Egts: Yeah, they're testing the market hypothesis right now,… Gunnar Hellekson: Right. That's great. David Egts: I guess. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. they found product market fit obviously. So, I guess now all that's left is actually making the food. David Egts: Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. and I wonder if what is Omega Mart in Las Vegas if they have something to do with it. but Yeah. And then meanwhile in real restaurants I guess Denny's is starting to have robot servers. Gunnar Hellekson: little rolling robots that'll bring you your drink and stuff. David Egts: Yes. check out the show notes there. There's a picture of it and you could see these people sitting at a Denny's and they see the robot wheeled up and then there's a strobe on it that or… Gunnar Hellekson: Uh-huh. David Egts: a scrolling LED thing that says food is here and it has all the food on think of it it's a mobile cart. but instead of somebody pushing it, it's a robot guiding its way to there. And then I guess they have an actual human take the stuff off of the robot cart and put it on the people's table in front of them and all that, but yeah. Yeah. And then they said one of the ladies they were interviewing that was a customer there she asked the robot what its name was and the server not the robot answered Lily and then he named it himself and then she said that she planned on tipping her usual 20%… Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. David Egts: because she likes Lily and she's a good worker. sounds like my mom. that's just like And then there's the interviewed a professor about, how much are people willing to accept robots in restaurants? and then he said that the crux is if you feel that the robot loves you, then you allow the robot to cook with love. David Egts: Where do you draw the line when it comes to you got your kiosk ordering, you got your QR code, pull up the menu, even like they won't even take your order, right? You got to order in the app. from the restaurant table,… Gunnar Hellekson: No. Yeah. David Egts: you got the contactless self pickup. David Egts: You got self-service beer taps now, I guess, that you could use. And then the inact payment, you're not even the ritual of handing a credit card and everything. are you like allin? you don't want to deal with people or do you miss the human interaction that specialness? what's your take on that? Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: It depends on the kind of experience I'm looking for. if I'm at a McDonald's or something like that, the fact that I can order off a menu and then silently pick up my food without talking to anybody is actually a feature. I think that that actually works out great. if I'm looking for, a more immersive experience, if I want to be transported somewhere, through my eating, I would like there to be a person there who can kind of guide me through the menu and be helpful and friendly and make me feel special, right? that's all worthwhile. David Egts: Mhm. Gunnar Hellekson: So, I mean, it's got a time and a place. I'll put it that A time and a place. David Egts: Yeah. was it Chili's? I think they have the kiosk that you order from in there. I hate that. I actually turn it around so it's not like flashing at me and strobing it to play. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Those lazy Applebees, I think, have the same thing. Or the Texas Roadhouse. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: They have those dumb iPads that are just constantly flashing advertisements to you. Yeah, exactly. I just turn those around or… David Egts: Hate that. Gunnar Hellekson: flip them down. That's not helpful. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. that ruins it, right? That's like a negative. Gunnar Hellekson: Mhm. Yeah. David Egts: It's not even a neutral or diminishing. It just like h yuck. 00:20:00 Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: And then do you adjust your tipping for how much a human interacts with you? imagine you do I've seen stuff… Gunnar Hellekson: Mhm. Yeah. David Egts: where you go to the airport and you buy a bottle of water and then it's all selfch checkckout and then you had the option to tip during selfch checkckout and… Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Right. Yeah. Forget it. David Egts: it's like okay who are you tipping and… Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: but what's your tipping policy? Okay. Okay. Gunnar Hellekson: I somebody told me about this rule of thumb and I like it a lot and it's not 100% but it helps me a great deal with this. if I am standing up, I am not tipping,… David Egts: That's a good one. Gunnar Hellekson: right? If… David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: if I sat down for the whole experience, yeah, I'll tip somebody. That makes sense. David Egts: When people are bringing stuff to you, right? Okay. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: That's right. But if I'm standing up, if you… Gunnar Hellekson: if you wanted me to help you pay your employees wages, you should increase the price of the goods, I think. Right. David Egts: Yes. Yes. Gunnar Hellekson: And I don't because I think tipping itself is extremely creepy and… David Egts: Yes. Racist. Gunnar Hellekson: a terrible way to do business. It's a terrible system. … David Egts: Yeah. Yes. Gunnar Hellekson: but here we are trapped in it. So, yeah, tipping standing up with a notable exception of coffee houses,… David Egts: Okay. Yes. Gunnar Hellekson: which are built on tipping happening, If tips don't happen at coffee houses, the coffee houses don't work. So, I will sit at a coffee house,… David Egts: Mhm. Okay. Gunnar Hellekson: but that's where I draw the line. David Egts: Interesting. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Yep. How about you, David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. to me I like the rubric you have are you standing up or sitting down? It's a good way to check, right? to me it's like how much effort is somebody putting into engaging with me and am I getting a fancy cup of coffee or is it just like the house brew that they're doing yeah and to me it's the whole thing with tipping it's like I try to be as generous as possible and especially if they go out of their way I'll go above and beyond. Gunnar Hellekson: Really? David Egts: But yeah, it's frustrating and I tip a lot too with Uber andyft I always tip which I hear people don't so I don't know they don't as much Gunnar Hellekson: That's interesting. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: I'm sitting down from almost my entire Uber or lift rides. Okay. David Egts: David Egts: But yeah and I noticed too that between Lyft and Uber if you say 15% tip the 15% I forget which one is which but I think the 15% on Uber is 15% of the cut that the driver makes versus the entire bill… Gunnar Hellekson: I see. David Egts: where the other one is 15. David Egts: So, in the app, if you say 15%, it'll be 15% of the total as opposed to the driver's cut. so it's kind of wild that it's like, " I only took $2 but it was based on their cut of the take." Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: That's awful. That's awful. Yeah. David Egts: So, something to be aware of. yeah. And then, the whole thing too with the robots and having the customers be like free labor employees to do the order taking and the order pickup and stuff like that. Do you remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer had the business idea to build your own pizza business? Yeah. David Egts: So, I put the link in the show notes, So, Kramer has this big idea. Imagine, Jerry, you could build your own pie. You could go in, you smash the dough, you put the toppings on, you stick it in the oven, you pull it out, and to me, it's like that I believe that is going to happen. I really think that's going to happen where,… Gunnar Hellekson: Right. Right. David Egts: it's going to be the point where it's like a self-service Chipotle buffet, that it's like you just scoop everything out yourself, yeah. David Egts: Either that or it's like a walk-in vending machine that the automats, right? did you ever go to one of those back in the day? Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Go to all the little clear plastic or bake light doors and you open it up and grab yourself your ham sandwich or whatever. 00:25:00 Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: Good times. Gunnar Hellekson: This reminds me of I've been listening to the Acquired podcast and they did an episode about IKEA and… David Egts: Gunnar Hellekson: one of the lessons of this IKEA thing is you can transfer as much work as you want to onto the customer and as long as they're paying less money, you will be successful. David Egts: Paying less money relative to their competition. What Gunnar Hellekson: At least that is one of the lessons that I learned in this. Yes, That's right. Yeah. which is kind of one of the key insights of the IKEA success,… David Egts: Yes. Mhm. Gunnar Hellekson: I will give you an excellent price for a high quality good, you're just going to have to do a little bit more work. and one of the analysis they did was you can buy a bookshelf and… Gunnar Hellekson: then you can have IKEA assemble it, That's an option, right? You can have people come out and… Gunnar Hellekson: assemble it for you. Gunnar Hellekson: it's a $300 bookshelf, that's like a Another $450 to have it assembled at on site. that means that you are getting a $750 bookcase for $300. Right. Yeah. David Egts: Okay. Yes. David Egts: So, that's the anchoring effect the value of your time. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: Yeah. Interesting. Gunnar Hellekson: That's right. That's right. Yeah. so Kramer not crazy. David Egts: Okay. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: project. Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: Gunnar Hellekson: I mean, you're going to be a global business,… Gunnar Hellekson: you got to be sensitive to local preferences, right? It's kind of… David Egts: Yep. David Egts: And so in the link you could see what the Pizza Hut photo looks like of the ideal world and then there's the actual delivery of what it looks on the plate. So, it is real but not as spectacular as the photos from the restaurant itself. Mhm. Gunnar Hellekson: what we're looking at here is this kind of cutesy fried frog body stretched out over a pizza surrounded by what looks like cilantro. And where the frog's head would be are two eggs and two olives. Gunnar Hellekson: that are meant to look like eyeballs. David Egts: Yeah. … David Egts: it's a hard-boiled egg cut in half and then the two halves and… Gunnar Hellekson: Mhm. David Egts: then you got these red lines making it bloodshot maybe eyes and then olives for retinas maybe. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Right. David Egts: So yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: Yeah. Not for me. Gunnar Hellekson: This commenter is correct. the commenter says, this pizza is a felony. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: That's right. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. I don't eat frogs usually anyhow, so putting it on a pizza wouldn't be for me,… Gunnar Hellekson: Right. Yes. David Egts: but yeah. And then going to Ukraine. so now in Ukraine they have in Kursk I guess… Gunnar Hellekson: Mhm. That's brutal. David Egts: which is Kursk is a Russian territory now. they have speed cameras up for people speeding. David Egts: But it's like people were getting speeding tickets but they were being chased by drones. So, imagine, you got a firstperson view attack drone chasing this car down the street. the car is trying to get the heck away from it. And to add insult to injury, the local police force sent them a speeding ticket. Gunnar Hellekson: That's rough. David Egts: 100 bucks right there. But I guess you could fight it. and you can go back and they said that mitted it can be considered okay in a state of extreme extreme necessity. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah, that's right. David Egts: So, I guess that could count, right? And right,… Gunnar Hellekson: As long as you can make it to court, I guess to contest it in this way. Yeah. Right. David Egts: you survive long enough. Gunnar Hellekson: Nice. Yeah. David Egts: Otherwise, you don't have to pay it if you don't, I guess. But, yeah. And then this was a while ago, I sent you this there was a Ukrainian drones or they can spew thermite 2500 degrees Celsius thermite streams right into Russian trenches. And they showed videos and It looks like something out of Game of Thrones with the dragons, just it like my gosh. 00:30:00 Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Gunnar Hellekson: It's a, people are saying, the war in Ukraine is resembles World War in the trench warfare,… David Egts: What? Yes. Gunnar Hellekson: but instead of machine guns, it's drones, right? And this is a horror like you would see in World War just this thing from the sky that can literally breathe fire,… Gunnar Hellekson: melt metal, set forests on fire. I mean, it is Horrifying. Yeah. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: No. And it's worse than a flamethrower, right? it's hotter than a flamethrower. And it looks there's something from I was having flashbacks of either Game of Thrones or Terminator, of the future, right? with all the robots like flying around,… Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: … Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. That's right. David Egts: trying to exterminate all the humans. it's horrible. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah. Yeah. That's right. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: All right,… David Egts: But, got some good news, so, I think it's on, Paramount, plus there's a documentary called Nothing But a Good Time, the uncensored story of 80s hair metal. David Egts: And yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: I'm listening. David Egts: It was great. Very nostalgic. but the thing that surprised me the most about this is, you remember the song, Sweet Child of Mine, from Guns and Roses? Yeah. Gunnar Hellekson: How could I forget? David Egts: So, that opening guitar part so it surprised me. I did not know this, but Slash I guess was using the circus melody D. he would use that to warm up his fingers in the dressing room before he would go on stage. And so, he would pick that out and warm his fingers up. And I guess the drummer or the rhythm guitarist said that, hey, you ought to play it with every other note. And then he started playing it with every other note. Gunnar Hellekson: … David Egts: And then that became the guitar riff in Sweet Child of Mine. Gunnar Hellekson: Great. That is cool. David Egts: Think about the holes in the notes of where that would go in there. But it's wow, that's cool. Gunnar Hellekson: I like that. David Egts: Yeah. Yeah. David Egts: But that's what I got. so I guess if people needed to get that $120 ring watch and what else? a frog pizza. where do they need to go? Gunnar Hellekson: Your favorite frog pizza emporium … Gunnar Hellekson: which is that's D and Dave gz and David Egts: Nice. Gunnar Hellekson: Great stuff. David Egts: All right. good stuff. Thanks everybody for listening. Gunnar Hellekson: Yeah, thanks Yeah, thanks Dave. Thanks everyone.