0:18: Hey, everyone. 0:18: Welcome back for another deep dive. 0:20: Yeah, welcome back. 0:21: This time. 0:22: We're going to be going through D N G number 263 lots to unpack. 0:27: Yeah, there really is. 0:28: And, and it's funny because, you know, looking at the show notes, I never would have thought that it would lead me to imagine dragons. 0:35: But, it's a weird connection but stay with me here. 0:38: I took my son to an Imagine Dragons concert recently and it was full on like sensory overload, like confetti cannons and beach balls and all this crazy stuff. 0:51: And it really got me thinking about the psychology of these big events, you know, like psychological influence and manipulation and how these experiences influence us. 1:00: And what's so interesting is that one of the things we're looking at this time is this book from the 19 forties called Psychological Warfare. 1:07: And it's all about propaganda and how even seemingly harmless things can really influence the way we think and act. 1:15: It's true. 1:17: And the author had these really interesting insights about radio and television at the time and it's, which is crazy because it's scary how relevant it is now it's like he could see the future of like digital manipulation to. 1:30: And it reminds me of another article we're going through which is about this new software called Deep Live Camp. 1:37: Have you heard of this? 1:39: It's basically this software that can create these like crazy realistic, deep fakes. 1:45: Yeah, like you can make anyone say anything. 1:47: Yeah. 1:47: So like videos of people that aren't actually them and they look totally real. 1:52: It's like Elon Musk announcing a new Cryptocurrency or, and D and G actually links to these videos and it's like I got to check this out. 1:59: You have to see it. 2:00: It's like Elon Musk announcing a new Cryptocurrency or George Clooney endorsing some product, but it's not actually them, it's just that good. 2:10: Yeah, it's all. 2:10: Thanks to this deep live cam technology. 2:13: That's both fascinating and a little unsettling. 2:16: It's crazy, right? 2:16: Like what's real anymore. 2:18: But before we go too far down that rabbit hole of like digital deception, we should talk about this airbnb story. 2:26: Ok? 2:27: Because this one hits close to home. 2:28: Like literally it involves an Airbnb, a crazy electric bill and a very surprising discovery. 2:36: Ok. 2:36: I'm intrigued. 2:37: Tell me more. 2:38: So, what's this about a crazy electric bill? 2:39: Ok. 2:40: So imagine this, you're an Airbnb host, right? 2:43: Everything's going, great. 2:44: Guests are coming and going. 2:45: They're leaving good reviews and then suddenly you get hit with this insane electric bill. 2:52: Like way bigger than it should be. 2:55: Ouch. 2:55: Yeah. 2:56: And it turns out the culprit wasn't like a broken appliance or anything like that. 3:01: What was it then? 3:02: It was crypto mining. 3:03: Wait, what? 3:04: They were? 3:04: Crypto mining in the Airbnb. 3:06: Yeah. 3:06: Basically these guests turned this unsuspecting host's property into their own little crypto farm. 3:12: That's crazy. 3:13: How do people even? 3:14: I know. 3:15: Right. 3:15: They had all these powerful computers running 24 7 just churning away to mine Cryptocurrency. 3:21: But doesn't that take a ton of electricity? 3:23: A ton? 3:23: That's why the electric bill was through the roof. 3:25: Wow. 3:26: That, that's kind of scary actually. 3:27: Like, what if they, if they damage the property or something? 3:30: Exactly. 3:31: It's a huge risk for Airbnb hosts. 3:34: And it makes you wonder how often this has actually happened. 3:36: Right. 3:36: Like, is this a one time thing or is this becoming like a trend? 3:40: Well, it's definitely an emerging issue and it's not just about airbnbs, it speaks to a broader point about cybersecurity and how vulnerable we are in this digital age. 3:49: That's true. 3:50: It's like if someone can hijack your Wi Fi to mine Cryptocurrency, who knows what else they could be doing? 3:56: Exactly. 3:57: It's a little unsettling when you think about it. 3:59: It really is. 4:00: But, hey, speaking of questions, remember that? 4:02: What else thing we were talking about earlier? 4:04: Oh, yeah. 4:04: From the book. 4:05: Yeah. 4:05: The coaching habit, right. 4:06: How, instead of giving advice, we should be asking powerful questions. 4:10: Yeah, exactly. 4:11: Like what's on your mind. 4:12: Exactly. 4:13: And then following up with what else? 4:15: It's so simple but it's like, it's like you're giving the other person space to really think and process their thoughts. 4:23: It's true. 4:24: And it shifts the power dynamic. 4:26: Instead of you being the expert with all the answers, you're empowering the other person to find their own solutions. 4:32: I love that. 4:33: And you know what, I've actually been trying this out myself lately and it's amazing what people will tell you when you just, you know, listen and ask what else. 4:42: It's like you're helping them unlock these hidden depths in their own minds. 4:47: Yeah. 4:47: And it's not just about asking what else the book actually gives you like this whole toolkit of seven powerful questions you can use Yeah, to have more meaningful conversations and you don't have to be like a professional coach to use these. 4:58: No, not at all. 4:59: In fact, I think anyone can benefit from incorporating these into their everyday conversations. 5:03: That's cool. 5:05: And speaking of, I've actually been trying these out myself lately in different situations. 5:10: How's it going? 5:10: It's been interesting. 5:13: Let's just say my experiment with A, I got a little meta. 5:16: OK. 5:17: Now you got to tell me about that. 5:18: OK. 5:18: So you know Gemini live the A I chat box, that one. 5:22: So I was messing around with it and I thought, why not use it to practice these coaching questions? 5:28: OK. 5:29: Interesting. 5:29: So you're like coaching the A I something like that. 5:32: What happened? 5:33: Did it suddenly have a career change? 5:34: So it was actually going really well at first, like, I'm asking the questions, what's the real challenge here? 5:38: What else is on your mind? 5:40: And the A I is giving these like really thoughtful responses. 5:44: It's almost human like, and then I get to, how can I help and things take a turn? 5:50: What happened? 5:51: Gemini says to me it says I don't feel comfortable talking about this. 5:55: What the A I said that? 5:57: Yeah. 5:57: And I was like, why not? 5:59: This is all hypothetical? 6:00: It goes because you're an artificial intelligence. 6:04: I don't feel comfortable talking to a chat bot. 6:06: Wait, I thought you were the bot. 6:11: That's hilarious. 6:12: I know. 6:12: Right. 6:13: Talk about a reality check. 6:16: But it really got me thinking like, what happens when these A I get so good that we can't even tell who's real and who's code? 6:24: That's a great question. 6:25: Like, would it even matter if you were having a meaningful conversation if you couldn't tell the difference? 6:29: Does it matter? 6:30: Exactly. 6:31: Yeah. 6:32: I don't know if there's an easy answer to that one. 6:33: It's like a whole philosophical debate waiting to happen. 6:36: Right. 6:36: It's like, what does it even mean to be human in a world where technology can replicate us so perfectly? 6:41: It's mind blowing when you think about it. 6:43: It really is. 6:44: Well, I think that's a good place to wrap up for today. 6:46: Yeah, we covered a lot from the unexpected influence of a concert to the ethical implications of deep fakes and the power of a simple question. 6:55: And let's not forget the crypto mining Airbnb guests. 6:58: Oh, yeah. 6:59: How could we forget it was wild. 7:01: Make sure to check out the show notes for links to all the articles, videos and that traffic cam photo booth we talked about. 7:06: Yeah, that was fun. 7:07: And most importantly, keep asking those what else questions you never know what you might discover until next time. 7:14: Keep exploring, keep questioning and keep diving deep.