The G.E.M. Series Episode 8 Turning ​​Passion into a Mission with Charline Zeroual [00:00:00] Charline Zeroual: Welcome to the gym series or today's episode. I am thrilled to welcome my cohost. Naheed Zod. She is a customer success, executive responsible for reinventing the customer experience here at rocket. And she's amazing at it. And he will be interviewing our guests, Charlene zero. Charlene is a sustainable wardrobe stylist based in Los Angeles, she was born and raised in France and moved to the USA in 2010. [00:00:27] Charline Zeroual: In 2013, she left her marketing career to combine the two passions. She had people in styling. Today she's dedicated to helping women look and feel their best with the fundamentals of personal styling. While focusing on a more conscious approach to fashion consumption over the last nine years, she has helped many women of all silhouettes and life stages. [00:00:50] Charline Zeroual: Each with unique needs. She has seen firsthand what a boost, personal styling can be for self-image and confidence through our conscious styling process. She coaches her clients on how to shop less and shop better from learning to shop their closet first to the importance of wearing natural fabrics and the sustainable alternatives to fast fashion, the styling experiences she offers are all about bringing changes into the American wardrobes and making a positive impact on the environment. [00:01:20] Charline Zeroual: She's also an ambassador for remake, a community of fashion lovers, women rights, advocates, environmentalist, and IgE influencers with a mission to change the fashion industries, harmful practices on people and our planet through education, advocacy, and transparency. I know we all need this. I am so thrilled to start this podcast. [00:01:42] Charline Zeroual: Enjoy. [00:01:43] Nahid: Hey Charlene. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast. It's so great having you on. [00:01:49] Charline Zeroual: Thank you. Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure. [00:01:52] Nahid: Perfect. So let's kind of just dive into, you know, your story. So yeah, I guess I kinda like to just go in, in order of like, where your story begins. So I did a little bit of research on you. [00:02:05] Nahid: I looked at, you know, your Instagram and your website and things like that. And, and I had got a little bit of background you know, from our team over here. So I know that, that you were in a marketing position for a while. And you left your job. I think 2013. [00:02:20] Charline Zeroual: 2013. Yes. Correct. Okay. [00:02:23] Nahid: So do you want to just tell me a little bit about, you know, what, what kind of inspired you to kind of take that leap into business for yourself and you know, how that kind of transition went for you? [00:02:34] Charline Zeroual: Yes. So, you know, I have a master in marketing and sales. So before I actually moved from. Paris to Atlanta 11 years ago. So before moving, I used to work for as a brand and product manager for two different companies. And then I moved to Atlanta. I started working for experiential marketing companies, and then I did some media buying. [00:02:59] Charline Zeroual: And before leaving my marketing career, I D I did a review of work for a non-for-profit for mental Alison, and And yes, I think for, you know, moving from France to the us has been like, Challenge, but it really, I think us as the best country to become an entrepreneur. So I've always been the go-to person, you know, to help friends and family pick a dress for a special occasion or. [00:03:30] Charline Zeroual: You know, like going to the closet to do, to do a little bit of cleaning. And after moving to the us, I had a few friends who told me, you know, shiny and you have a gift. You should, you should, you know, start your own business. And at the beginning I was scared. I was like, oh no, you know, I am not an entrepreneur and this is not, I cannot do it. [00:03:51] Charline Zeroual: I think this is the imposter syndrome kind of. And I, I started with friends, friends of friends. I have to say, I faked it until I made it. And I had, I started with a few clients and then I did a few workshops on how to look professional and a yes, here I am today. [00:04:11] Nahid: Yeah. I mean, I would love to dive a little bit deeper into, you know, maybe what was. [00:04:18] Nahid: I guess what was scaring you the most about going out on your own and your own business? What do you think it was that was really holding you back and caused a lot of that imposter syndrome? Because I'm sure a lot of people will relate to that. [00:04:31] Charline Zeroual: Yes. I think it's just the the unknown, you know, what. I always work for cooperate. [00:04:41] Charline Zeroual: So I had goals of setting up by my boss or by the company. And you use your marketing skills and your marketing background to achieve those goals. And this is the way to do it becoming an entrepreneur. It's not exactly the way, the way it works. Like it's you have to do everything like from marketing to. [00:05:02] Charline Zeroual: Sales to finance. And it's a lot of work. Like what, before starting, it looks like a gigantic mountain. And then you start getting, you know, started, you know, working and creating and, and thinking and more you do less scary. It is. And I think at the beginning I didn't have a very clear understanding of what I could do and what was my vision? [00:05:28] Charline Zeroual: You know, you need to go for it. And I think, yeah, more you, and, you know, month after month and clients have to clients and experiences after experiences successful or not you are getting better at what you're doing. You are getting this expertise you didn't have before. You're also building your confidence and you are growing and and yes, this is how you beat. [00:05:53] Charline Zeroual: An entrepreneur. [00:05:54] Nahid: Yeah. Do you remember I wonder like what, when you started this, what your kind of first goal was like, if you were to say like, oh, if I get three clients a month, like I've made it, like, do you remember kind of what that was when you said. [00:06:10] Charline Zeroual: Well, I think my first goal was to get my first clients, you know, like you know, like just the first client. [00:06:16] Charline Zeroual: And I remember, you know, I decided, you know, when my friend told me, oh, you should go, you should go for it. You should start your own business. I was okay. Yes, let's do it. And then I remember going to this party and my friend introduced me to another friend saying, Hey, this is Shirley and she's a stylist. [00:06:38] Charline Zeroual: And this woman was like, you know what? I am about to start a new job. I really need to hire a stylist. Please give me your business card. And I didn't have a business card. So I told her or any, it was September, 2013. And I remember exactly, you know, the look, the venue and everything. So I was like, yeah, you know, I don't have a business card, but I'm going to go back home and I will send you all the information. [00:07:04] Charline Zeroual: And back then, I didn't have any website, any business card, nothing. So I went back home pretty late at night. I created a business card. I didn't even have a logo. So that's why my first logo was just sees a Hawaiian black and white. And I don't remember. Yeah, the, the website, like the website. I, I, I used, but yeah, I did my logo and my website overnight and I sent her. [00:07:31] Charline Zeroual: An email saying, oh, this is how it works. You know, this is the process. I didn't really think about it. And back then the pressure, I mean, I was very excited. I didn't feel that much pressure. I was okay, this is what you want. This is what I offer, what I am good at. I mean, I'm not showing I'm good at, but just again, fake it until you make it. [00:07:54] Charline Zeroual: And I sent her the email, she got back to me today after saying, yeah, let's do it. I take me shopping. And from there, you know, I started looking at the competition and thinking about. What I could, how I could do it do as a personal stylist in an, and how different I like, like, you know, I thought about, or how could I help those people? [00:08:20] Charline Zeroual: Like in a way that is my way and in a way that is different from what other people or competitors are offering. And this is how I started building my business and my services. Yeah, that is, yeah. So I got this first client and then I think the goal, then I got like another client, another client, but my, we were talking about driving force and I think what one of my, my driving force is to make people happy and satisfied. [00:08:49] Charline Zeroual: You know what pushes pushed me when I started. And it's still pushing me to challenge myself and, and deliver the best personal styling experience is my passion for, for people. And I want them to be happy and satisfied, and I want them to give me the smile at the end of the experience. So. [00:09:13] Nahid: Yeah. I mean, I genuinely believe because I, I feel like I feel better about myself when I dress up, which is, you know, it's so easy to wear your pajamas every day in the pandemic when you work from home. [00:09:25] Nahid: But, you know, I genuinely feel like if I have a lot to do one day, I put a little lipstick on, I get myself together and it really does. You know, make a difference in my day. And I also just love that story. That's true execution. Yeah. I don't have my business card on me. You go make one, you, you make it happen. [00:09:42] Nahid: You know? So, so [00:09:44] Charline Zeroual: it's like positive pressure, positive stress. [00:09:46] Nahid: Absolutely. Absolutely. You make diamonds under pressure. [00:09:49] Charline Zeroual: So [00:09:50] Nahid: I, something that I guess that you touched on is, you know, you want to obviously make people happy and make them feel good with your, with your help. You know, style's obviously so personal. [00:09:58] Nahid: Do you, did you used to get nervous or do you still get nervous that, you know, you, you might not be matching up with someone or is it really about finding a mesh with your, the right customers? I guess the right clients. [00:10:11] Charline Zeroual: I mean, when I started the pressure was mud. I had so much pressure, so much pressure. [00:10:20] Charline Zeroual: I think today I'm happy to report that the pressure is not has high as it was because they have more experience and expertise in the styling world. But I still have a pressure every time I, I meet a new client, I am. And I go, what about if she doesn't like me? What about if I can not help her. Yes, there are still a pressure because every client has different needs, expectation and, and silhouette, but yeah, but I think it's it's, I think it's positive pressure. [00:10:49] Charline Zeroual: It's something that I learned how to embrace over the years. And most of the time, you know, Usually offer the 30 minutes concert day free consultation to my clan. So I can earn more that what they want what do they need, the personal stylist. And I tell them that what I offer, I focus on sustainable fashion. [00:11:11] Charline Zeroual: So basically, yes, I. The classic personal styling services, such as positivity, personal shopping outfit, styling, Photoshop, styling, but I focus on a more conscious approach to sustainable fashion. And when I start working with a client or I meet a client for the first time, I am not like, okay, you are not into sustainable fashion. [00:11:32] Charline Zeroual: I'm not going to work with you because as a sustainable style, personal style, I want to use my voice to, you know, help people understand. The fashion industry and how to of course develop more conscious wardrobe. And if the person is not into it at all if the person is more, I can too fast fashion and wants to, you know, yeah. [00:11:57] Charline Zeroual: Shop like Zara, H and M all those fast fashion brand, it might not be a good fit, but most of the time people are pretty open-minded and they really want, or they already ready to do. You know, work to move to a more conscious wardrobe. So [00:12:16] Nahid: I think that's, that's truly a sign of success that you can really decide, like, you know, this, this client doesn't match up with what I believe and what my values are, and you can kind of choose who you work with. [00:12:27] Nahid: So I think that's pretty amazing. But for you, what did you have a moment that was like, wow, I really, I really am successful at this. Like what was your kind of wow moment. [00:12:39] Charline Zeroual: I think, I mean, there was not like one wow moment. I think when you are facing a big challenges and you able to succeed, like those are like, wow. [00:12:53] Charline Zeroual: You know, I remember one of the, of course I think the client, my first client was. China. And it was a big, wow moment. When she told me she was very happy with the experience I delivered. The other thing is I remember, so I usually work. I ma I mainly work with individual clients and I remember the first time a brand came to me to for a branding photo shoot. [00:13:15] Charline Zeroual: It was Villa the hair product, and they wanted me to style. The international hairstyling competition, the models for the hairstyling competition. Wow. And I was like, oh yeah. I looked at the email and I was like, oh, of course, I'm not sure I can do it. Oh, I don't know how to do it. I think my competitors will do it better. [00:13:38] Charline Zeroual: You know, all those kinds of things. And I sat down, I was okay. Shannon. Do you want to take the challenge? Yes. So I sat down, I wrote a plan of actions and I did it. It was a lot of time, a lot of work, a lot of energy, but I succeeded and the results were amazing and yeah, I think it was my first big aha moment, like working on this big. [00:14:06] Charline Zeroual: Yeah, no, [00:14:07] Nahid: that is very cool to see you, you know, that level of you know, kind of reaching that level beyond just individual clients. No, that's amazing. And I guess, you know, when you have those moments where you mentioned earlier, you know, that imposter syndrome, I think you know, that's something that I wanted to talk about because I think, you know, most people deal with that, but I think especially women and, you know, that was one of the reasons that we kind of have this women empowerment. [00:14:29] Nahid: The way we want it to have a couple of, you know, strong entrepreneurial women on our podcast. You know, I think that it's so relatable though, for so many people. So how do you feel like you reframe your mind when those kinds of obstacles come up, where you feel like, I don't know if I can even handle this large of a project or something. [00:14:49] Charline Zeroual: I think over the years, I learned how to deal with the imposter syndrome. I think it's something normal is something like every entrepreneur has to deal with it. And once you start your own business, you know, you need to be ready to challenge yourself. This is a, this is a way to set you up for success. [00:15:09] Charline Zeroual: I think. And as I said earlier, it's not. I mean, it's not easy because there is a lot of self doubt, but I think you need to remember why you are doing this. You need to remember that it's not gonna be easy, more particularly, you know, as a mom and business business owner, there are so many things you need to manage in one then one. [00:15:33] Charline Zeroual: But yes. It's it's a normal thing. I think you need to embrace it. I think as a mom and business owner, for example, I mean, I am very busy, so I need to set up objective will try like priority my priority. Number one is my family and my kids. This is what it is. So starting from there, I know that I have limited amount of time to dedicate to my business and it's totally fine. [00:16:06] Charline Zeroual: And yeah, I know that I can take on me few clients before. Week, and maybe some of my competitors are doing, it's not better. They're doing maybe 3, 4, 5 clients per week. And on top of that, they are creating some content for social media. They are probably sending two to three newsletter per month and I would love to do it. [00:16:29] Charline Zeroual: But, you know, I decided that my priority, where was my family. And I know I am aware that I have this amount of. For work. And I prefer to dedicate this time for my existing clients and new clients to deliver the best personal styling experience. So I think I am, you have to be realistic with what you can do and the time you have, so this way you do not feel discouraged and overwhelmed, you know, it's easy to say, like the grass is always greener. [00:17:03] Charline Zeroual: Outside. [00:17:04] Nahid: Yeah. Percent. Yeah. And I'm glad you brought up you know, balancing being a mom. I think that that's something that obviously a lot of, of, you know, women relate to you. And I think it also just holds back a lot of women from, you know, jumping into being an entrepreneur because they don't think that they can handle it. [00:17:22] Nahid: Do you think that it was something where you really had to figure out how to find that balance? Or did you always kind of know how to prioritize things from the beginning? [00:17:31] Charline Zeroual: So when I started, I was married, but I didn't have any kids. So it was when I, when I told you I did my business card overnight, this is probably something I couldn't do today because now I have three kids. [00:17:45] Charline Zeroual: Oh my gosh. So yeah, it's like when I started, of course I had my husband and my friend, but I could spend much more time me. In my business, like thinking and creating, I used to do, you know, two to three newsletters per month. And I felt good. And then with kids, you know, it changed. And more particular since I moved from New York to LA, it's not the same. [00:18:17] Charline Zeroual: I don't have the same amount of time. It's okay. It's okay. I know exactly how much time I can dedicate to my business and I have my priority and it doesn't stop me to grow a, to grow my business. It's just different. And I think priorities will change over time. You know, it's like style, you know, but I love today in 2022, this is what it is. [00:18:43] Charline Zeroual: And you know, I am happy about it. I am happy with. Yeah, I'm happy to be able to do both like raising kids and doing my job. And probably maybe in a few years it will be different. I will spend more time in my business and less time with my kids. But, you know, today it's, it's like, Well, that's, that's [00:19:04] Nahid: good because you have to remain, like you said, flexible in, in your, you know, entrepreneurial, you know, type of business and things are always going to change. [00:19:13] Nahid: So you have to be obviously prepared for that. So I kind of want to go back to, you said you'd moved from LA to New York and correct me if I'm wrong, but that's when you decided to kind of add the sustainable piece to your business. When you moved. Yeah. I feel like that is an interesting and also bold move because, you know, you're adding another layer to your business that, you know, you already kind of took a risk to build this brand and now you're kind of rebranding a little bit. [00:19:39] Nahid: So how did the transition go? Cause it kind of is, you know, kind of a different business. So how was that? [00:19:47] Charline Zeroual: Yeah, so it did, I didn't really, it didn't really start like oh, I want to. Rebrand my business. So I want to start a new business. I think this is something I I've been thinking a lot about before. [00:20:04] Charline Zeroual: Like when I first moved to the U S I actually spent a lot of time and money in the malls shopping. And I remember like, back then, I was not really happy about, you know, what was in store. I felt like the quality was three chief. And then in 2017, I worked for anthropology in New York. And and I do, I mean, this is pretty much when my sustainable fashion journey started because we used to have 80% off on the clothes at anthropology. [00:20:37] Charline Zeroual: And I started thinking, okay, if you can give us 80% off, how much do you pay the garment workers? So. I was very interested in that. So I started the reading books from Elizabeth Klein, which she's like an expert in sustainable fashion. And eh, yeah, I, I got it into slow fashion, sustainable fashion. And then we moved to LA. [00:21:03] Charline Zeroual: I rebranded my business. I wanted like a new, a new logo and a new website. And it was like, okay. Yeah, I think I want to incorporate sustainable fashion. You know, I really want to. I want, really want to share my journey and my personal experience with my clients by teaching them how to shop less and shop better by showing them the importance of natural fabrics. [00:21:27] Charline Zeroual: So, yeah, this is when I twisted my services a little bit, but I still doing the same that I used to do before, but with a different approach. Yeah. But I think it's more, my personal values are more aligned with my business goals to their, than their. A few years ago. And I think it's very important because it's helping me doing my mission in a better way. [00:21:51] Charline Zeroual: I would say. [00:21:53] Nahid: Yeah. And I think that that's kind of also the tempting thing about, you know, starting your own business is you're being able to stick to those values and I'm sure, you know, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm sure you feel like the impact you're making, not just for your clients, but like globally and in your community, that probably feels bigger than what you would have made. [00:22:12] Nahid: I don't know. In your corporate marketing job. [00:22:17] Charline Zeroual: Yeah, because I am passionate about what I am doing. You know, I think I am a, I am a people person, person. I like meeting new people you know, from all around the world from different culture. And what I was telling you that my driving driving force is to make people happy. [00:22:34] Charline Zeroual: Yeah, I, yeah. I want to get this smile on their face or this big hug and. Yeah, I am passionate about what I am doing and saying that, oh, I want to make women feel, look, and feel and look good. I mean, you know, many people will say, oh, it's easy to sell, but no, I really, this is really what I like doing. And when I started my business I was telling you earlier, the pressure was so high. [00:23:03] Charline Zeroual: And I remember like I would have done everything I could to make. This personal styling experience, the best personal styling experience they had they've ever had. Even if most of them never had any personal styling experiences they could they could compare with, but I was just so into it. And I remember spending. [00:23:23] Charline Zeroual: Extra hours at my client's house to make the closet look good and perfect. And at the end, the client would be like, oh, Charlene, how much I owe you for the extra hours? And it was like, oh no, no nothing. It's on me. I'm glad you were happy. The same for the first shopping trip by planned for clients. [00:23:43] Charline Zeroual: I remember spending. A non-Title day at Lenox mall in Atlanta to make sure everything was perfect, every and that, you know, I will find everything the client needed and I was not paid for that because all matters to me was to deliver the best talent experience. And I wanted this client to be happy, a D and so I think, yeah, when you're. [00:24:07] Charline Zeroual: Business is driven by your values and by your passion, the impact is definitely bigger. Yeah. [00:24:18] Nahid: And you know, I think that, you know, you mentioning that you invested that time early on in your business to build a good reputation, to build a good brand. And I'm sure that you still go above and beyond for your clients now, but you know, That's the investing in yourself. [00:24:33] Nahid: Now you can have the luxury of choosing clients that really align with your values and things like that because you spent that time upfront, right? [00:24:44] Charline Zeroual: Yes. And I think what I can really be myself, you know, I don't want, I think at the beginning you want to please everyone just to get the business and I don't think I was trusting myself as much as I am trusting myself today, where at least I trust my skills. [00:25:05] Charline Zeroual: I mean, I, yeah. I trust myself. I trust my skills and I know how much impact I can have on a client's life. So if you do not like me, or if you do not lie, do not like the way I work or do not like the sustainable approach I have. It's fine. You know, you can, there are so many stylists out there. You probably find the right fit for you, but I do not. [00:25:33] Charline Zeroual: I do it doesn't make me feel bad, you know, anymore. And I know, I remember like a few years ago, I w when a client would reply to my email saying, oh, no, I'm sorry. I don't want to work with you, or was not replying at all. I would have taken it personally. And to, that's not the case, like I know what are, what my added value is. [00:25:53] Charline Zeroual: I know. The difference I can make in your life. [00:25:57] Nahid: Yeah. No, that's, that's fantastic. I think that's a, that's another sign that you you've really, you know, hit a point of success in your career. Yeah. Thank you. So, yeah. And, and so I just kinda want to also go back to something you were saying, you know, in the beginning you felt a lot of pressure. [00:26:10] Nahid: I think that's super normal, obviously when you're starting a business. What do you think that you did on those days to continue, you know, and keep going. Pressure can be very damaging sometimes if you don't have the right mindset for it. [00:26:25] Charline Zeroual: Yes. I think oh, I think my first, you know, based on my personal experience, my first reaction was, oh, I want to right away. [00:26:35] Charline Zeroual: I don't want to deal with it. I don't want, but then, you know, you realize that you have to, so just, you know, trust yourself. Yeah. You can do it. It's not going to be easy. And again, it's going to require extra time, extra work, extra thinking, but yeah, trust yourself. You know, I remember the first time I had my transgender client, it was another challenge. [00:27:02] Charline Zeroual: Wow. yeah And I went to my husband and I was okay. I'm not sure I can do it because it was. of course Different from what I've experimented in the, in the past. And my husband was like stick with your mission. What is your mission? And you know, a few years ago I was working with women and men. I was not specialized. you know Now I do mainly women. And my husband was like, your mission is to make people feel good. So no matter if it's a woman, a man, a transgender. Just take the challenge and I did it, it was not easy, but again, I succeeded and I, I was very proud of myself. So yeah, it wasn't confident, but I'm not going to tell you it was easy. [00:27:46] Charline Zeroual: It was uncomfortable. Because I think challenge is our old west comfortable, but it always come with new trends and new skills. [00:27:56] Nahid: Absolutely the growth is outside of the comfort zone. So, I mean, I think that's super important to touch on now, you know, you said that sometimes you want it to run away and I think everybody feels that, but did you have times where you genuinely were like, I'm not sure if I can do this, I need to go get a job or did that really never seriously crossed your mind? [00:28:17] Charline Zeroual: No, it's it crosses my mind every week who. Everything I made, maybe not every week, but every, every month I would say every month. Yeah. Some point I will be like, or maybe, you know, what about if I could find a job as a stylist or, you know, as a style consultant in a cooperate, it will be easy, you know, they will tell you what to do. [00:28:43] Charline Zeroual: And yeah, I think it will be easy, but I, I'm not sure, you know, At the end. I am like, no, I know this is not what I want to do. I know I want the flexibility and the time for my family. And I know in a corporate environment, I could not get that. So, yeah. [00:29:02] Nahid: Yeah. I know. I think that, that, that is definitely a tempting way to go for a lot of people who have gone down the entrepreneurial route, but. [00:29:12] Nahid: I mean, it's, I, I think the way that you've built your business, like you said, you have flexibility. You've already done so much work to invest in yourself. Like, you know, It's really amazing the point that you've come to and you know, something else. I kind of want it to yeah. Something else I want, I want to ask too, is you know, with the stylists you work with, do you I'm not, sorry, I'm not the stylist with the designers and the clothes that you work with. [00:29:33] Nahid: Do you tend to work with a lot of like women run like design companies and, and brands to, I guess just to like in an effort to kind of uplift other people that are interested in the same values that you're entering. [00:29:48] Charline Zeroual: Yeah. So I tried, it's not always easy. Like my main focus is sustainable brands. [00:29:53] Charline Zeroual: So whenever I built a shopping experience for a client, I will focus on sustainable brands. I will make sure that the client or the, the brand is pretty transparent about, you know, where the clothes are made and how they are made from now yes, I had the chance during the pandemic and many through Instagram to connect with. [00:30:12] Charline Zeroual: A few women at closing designer, designer and even other, or even like photographs or other stylist. And it's pretty, it's, it's very powerful. And I also, like, I think about a year ago I joined this A non-for-profit organization. So it's basically an organization of French women, entrepreneur. So we are all French or speak French. [00:30:37] Charline Zeroual: We all based all around the us, but most of them are based in California. And we started during the pandemic and it was, I mean, it changed my baby. I'm not going to say change my life, but you know, during the pandemic, like everybody, no matter if you were a business owner, Like you were working in cooperate. [00:30:55] Charline Zeroual: We all felt a little bit isolated. So when I joined this organization one organization, I mean, I felt so much relief and it gave me confidence to grow my business again, because during the pandemic, as a status, it was so hard, you know? I couldn't visit, I couldn't go to people's house. I like the malls were closed, at least in California. [00:31:19] Charline Zeroual: My veal. Services. We're not on point and I didn't want to divert all because again, what I really liked about my job is the connection you can have with people in person. And I didn't think that this is something you could do virtually. So having all those women supporting other women was really like mood lifting and yeah, it was an incredible experience and it helped me. [00:31:47] Nahid: Yeah. You know, I think, I think that's, that's huge that the sense of community and having people to lean on it's is very important because as an entrepreneur, I'm sure there's a lot of times where you feel like you're alone, you know, you're your own boss. You're like, right. Do you feel like that sometimes? [00:32:04] Charline Zeroual: Like, yeah, you do everything. Like, as I said, you know, you do your marketing, you do like you work with your clients and then you need to take care of the social media and taxes and yeah. And yeah, like I feel. Yeah, I fit in on leave sometimes. And more particularly with the pandemic. I think it was even more it was even more difficult, but again, like I like going back in store now and, you know, able to talk to sales people and I think it's getting better, but it's still, it's still hard, but you know, we, we know that it, it comes with the entrepreneur. [00:32:40] Charline Zeroual: Nothing is perfect. So I am the fixie BDT and the time, but yes, I might feel a, be more, not like alone and it's okay. [00:32:49] Nahid: Yeah. I mean, it's, it's one of the challenges that, that you definitely just have is having your own business, but I think it's great that you've done. You know, things like, you know, meeting with your clients virtually even, even if you can't meet with them in person, but also like joining this group and finding other people who are kind of, you know, going through those same, same things as you. [00:33:07] Nahid: So, you know, when you're talking about the pandemic, this is something I wanted to ask you about a little bit more when it first kind of happened and everything shut down. Did business kind of come to a little bit of a halt cause nobody's going out at all, or how did you kind of manage that? Isn't sure that was a pretty jarring feeling. [00:33:24] Charline Zeroual: Oh, it was hard because let me tell you, I moved from New York to LA in January, 2020 20. I started working with a business coach. So this is when I, you know, we work my mission and my vision. I developed new services services, focus on the most style, sustainable approach of styling. I wasn't ready to go like ready, new website, everything ready. [00:33:51] Charline Zeroual: And then the front of me like happened. And now for the first few months it was impossible. Like you couldn't get out of your house. We were in, locked down. The molds were closed. I couldn't do my job. People were not going, we're not going to the office anymore. They were not traveling. There was literally no business. [00:34:11] Charline Zeroual: I was not working virtually. So I was like, no, I mean, I it's like, I cannot do it anymore. I cannot do it anymore. And it was very hard. Then I started working on this membership. I was okay, how can I get my business? Like, how can I run my business in the middle of the pandemic? So I started like thinking and brainstorming, okay, I'm going to do this membership thing. [00:34:37] Charline Zeroual: For new and existing clients, I worked on that. It happened that it didn't work very well. And then. I thought like in September. So it was like beginning of like spring 2020. And I really saw like bad, like, you know, by September, 2020, everybody will be back to the office and the COVID will be over and I will be able to start working as a personal thing and it did not. [00:35:06] Charline Zeroual: So my husband at that time told me, I think, you know, you really need to work on Like offer, you need to develop some virtual services. And I was like, no. And then I was like, oh, maybe. And then I was like, oh yes, I think you arrived. So I think it's as an intrepreneur, it's important to have this open mind, like. [00:35:31] Charline Zeroual: Critical thinking because to the, I think my virtual server is, is pretty amazing. I am able to work with client from Atlanta to Canada, Mexico, Wisconsin, Boston, which I wasn't able to do before. So yeah, even from the most complicated and terrible situation, like the COVID pandemic, you always have positive lessons. [00:35:55] Charline Zeroual: Let's take it out. Take it from, sorry. [00:35:58] Nahid: Isn't that funny that you were like, no, and now it's like such a successful part of your business. [00:36:04] Charline Zeroual: And then because, and you know, to that, it would say I do 70% of my business is virtual and I like it. I don't like spending hours in the traffic in LA, which is a terrible traffic, but no, at the beginning I was like, no, and now you cannot, it cannot be, no, it can be, maybe I'm going to try. [00:36:25] Charline Zeroual: But you cannot, I mean, you need to keep this open mind as an entrepreneur, if you want to grow your business, or if you want any, if you want your business, you know, to, to, to be successful. [00:36:38] Nahid: Yeah. No, that's, that's so funny that it's 70% of your business now. That's, that's pretty amazing. So, and I [00:36:45] Charline Zeroual: enjoy it. I enjoy [00:36:47] Nahid: that's so funny. [00:36:47] Nahid: I, I love that. You're right. You have to be open-minded you have to be open to that kind of stuff. So something I kind of want to ask you about was, have you dealt with people's criticism? Whether it be people who were maybe not sure if you should quit your job and start up. Or maybe clients who like, I don't know, left a review. [00:37:09] Nahid: That was not too nice. You know, when you come across those situations, if you have, what is, what is your mindset there? How do you kind of deal with that? [00:37:23] Charline Zeroual: I think I am probably lucky, but I never had to deal with set with criticism. Like. I will say from competitors or no, I think the, yeah, I mean, I mean, something, nothing I remember about which was problem, which probably means that it was not a big deal. I think the, the biggest critic it's like, self-criticism, it's it's the biggest deal, you know, I think my worst enemy is myself, you know? [00:37:54] Charline Zeroual: I think so. Yeah. No, I think. Yeah, I think so on a daily basis, I won't criticize myself. Oh, you don't do enough. You don't, you don't create enough. You will. Yeah, I think yeah, I think it's the biggest city. Criticism situation I have to face on a daily [00:38:15] Nahid: basis. I think that that really speaks a lot to your mindset because, you know, maybe there, there have been like small criticisms here and there, but they're not important. [00:38:25] Nahid: So you're just like, I'm not even going to pay attention to that. I'm not even going to remember that, you know, but you know, if, if you really haven't had any great, but you know, I think that that, that, you know, your mindset is just in a place where you're like nothing matters except for what I think of myself and what my clients think. [00:38:39] Nahid: And if they are smiling and happy, You know, I I've done my job, you know, so I think that's, that's fantastic. [00:38:47] Charline Zeroual: Yeah. I keep seeing king, but no, I have nothing. I remember. Well, that's [00:38:53] Nahid: great. That's [00:38:54] Charline Zeroual: perfect. If I have something coming up to my mind, I will send you now. It's probably because I, as you said, I don't care and. [00:39:05] Charline Zeroual: And I know who I am and I know the value and the difference I can make in my clients' lives. So based on, you know, with that, I think, yeah, no, [00:39:14] Nahid: that's that's great. So I guess kind of to, to wrap up our conversation here. You know, I, I guess what would you say to, to other women who might be just on the cusp of taking that jump and taking that leap into starting their business? [00:39:32] Nahid: So I think so many people are just afraid they really want to do it, but how do you kind of give a little bit of advice to those people? [00:39:40] Charline Zeroual: There are so many, so many, so many things to, you know, to say that about it, but the. First thing I would say is just trust yourself. If you think even just a little bit, that there is something special you can bring to, you know, potential clients you have this special things you are very good at. [00:40:06] Charline Zeroual: It's already like a big, big step. So yeah, trust yourself. And. Yeah, start doing it. Start something, start writing, start putting ideas. You know, like the big ID, the big business plan is not going to come overnight. No, this is not the way it works for nobody, even, you know, the most successful business entrepreneurs. [00:40:30] Charline Zeroual: So just start, and this is, I still have the notebooks I used when I started my business and I. Going through it because it was so very different from what I have or what I created to today. Does the name, you know, and the ideas, but just start brainstorming. How, like, what makes you different from others? [00:40:54] Charline Zeroual: How can you make a difference with your service or your product? What is very special about you? What about your journey? How can you, your journey and your experience to provide something that's going to make an impact in people's life and write, and write and brainstorm and share with people and ask questions. [00:41:15] Charline Zeroual: And I think at the beginning, there is nothing very concrete. Like you're not going to come up with a book or a presentation, but just like a lot of brides and ideas. And everything was going to come fall in places. You know, time after time be patient or trust yourself and be patient and keeping the mind. [00:41:35] Charline Zeroual: I, it's not an easy journey. It's not an easy journey, but I think it's worth it for short. [00:41:41] Nahid: Well, great. Thank you so much. I think that there's a lot of, you know, pieces of your story. People and, you know, women and mothers will really relate to, and I think find really inspiring to, to go out on their own and start their own business. [00:41:55] Nahid: So I really appreciate you taking some time to chat with us [00:41:59] Charline Zeroual: now. Thank you very much. It was a planet. [00:42:06] Charline Zeroual: Thank you for joining us on this episode of the gem series, the podcast for anybody dedicated to investing in themselves, stay tuned for our next episode and look in the links below for resources that you can use for yourself until next time. This is Blake Chapman, and remember to be awesome and do awesome things.