[Show Intro] Jala Hey, thanks for coming! I'm glad you're here. Come on in! Everyone's out on the patio right now. Looks like a couple of people are in the garden. I can't wait to introduce you! Can I get you anything? [turned away] Hey folks, our new guest is here! [Intro music] 00:00.00 Jala Hello world and welcome to Jala-chan's Place. I'm your host Jala Prendes (she/her) and today I am joined again by Miguel (he/him) and Daniel (he/him) ya welcome back guys. 00:12.22 Daniel Hello. 00:14.25 Miguel Hi Welcome oh. 00:19.86 Jala Yeah, welcome back exactly, host of the show. Yes, indeed. Um, so yeah, we are talking today about Dishonored part 2 meaning Dishonored to Death of the Outsider stuff about the additional materials that were created the comics. The books, the art books the ttrpg and then we are going to move on to talking about lore which is. What everybody is very excited about so I don't want to hang us up too much at the beginning. First off, how are y'all doing today. 00:47.22 Daniel I'm doing great I'm just had a busy morning but other than that's going pretty Well oh yes. 00:52.15 Jala And now you get to talk for several hours about this great series. Yay and Miguel how about you. 01:00.48 Miguel Doing well enjoying it looking forward to continuing you know our chat about this world. We enjoy. 01:06.84 Jala Yes, indeed for sure for sure and for me i. Okay, so ah today this this afternoon as of the time we were recording. It is the last hurrah of winter in Houston and there's like twenty five mile per an hour winds outside and it's very very cold and I've been outside a lot of today. And so I'm sitting here in like my little wizard robe and like a little blanket and everything. Um, and so as I warm up as we podcast I will be eventually taking off layers but I am currently ah cold. So and it will be the last time I am cold probably for the rest of the year because ah winter does not really hit here until. 01:45.76 Jala January. So ah, that's where I'm at so let us warm up around this fire of wonderful ah talk about Dishonored ah I will I would just say real quick at the top. We have a coffee. There's a swag shop. There's links of all that stuff in the show notes. Don't want to spend any more time on that today we got a lot to say so ah from there, let us continue our talk. There is no spoiler wall because we are continuing with the spoiler sections of Dishonored 2. 02:18.90 Jala And Death of the Outsider everything we're talking about today is spoilery if you want the non-spoiler part listen to the first two hours or so of the first episode that we recorded so without further ado Daniel lead us into Dishonored 2. 02:31.93 Daniel All right? We start off. Ah first off long day in dunwall where a coups launched on the fifteenth anniversary of Empress Jessamine's death. Ah you have to deal with a traitreous captain ramsaey and depart for the city of Karnaka. So from. From there you start off as Emily this where you make the pick whether you're playing as Emily or Corvo um is the tutorial level. So no Outsider powers whatsoever. Ah pretty standard. All told. 03:03.26 Jala So um, the very very opening cut scene is is just like Emily is going for like this whole ceremony or whatever and then you've got Delilah Copperspoon who pops up and is like man I'm going to take the throne and then like you get to pick which one you are. And then the other person either Corvo or Emily depending upon who you pick the the person you are not playing as is turned to stone at this point. 03:26.96 Daniel Yeah, it's shame I I kind of of my ideal for this would have been like both of them wouldve been active and it would been like a old school Resident Evil to style like each has their own particular past but like I also understand that is like a tremendous undertaking compared to like what they did here. But like that that was when I first heard is like oh both characters are involved I was like oh that's my dream there. But what we get is pretty good nonetheless. 03:52.14 Jala Right? right? And like you know there, There's also potential there for even co-op if they wanted to go that route Although like that turns it into a very different game but wouldn't it be kind of neat if there was like a Dishonored sneaky sneak blow things up kind of. Co-op version I'm just thinking about it in terms of like Sniper Elite games that would be very fun to Me. Ah. 04:14.76 Miguel Which which is something they would eventually kind of test with when they would make Um, what's it called ah was a Deathloop. 04:22.42 Daniel Yeah, that there is multiplayer in that. But it's strictly ah pvp. 04:26.47 Miguel You know? but I bring up saying like we talk about how here it's co-op there. They you can see that they they have a mind to see like what if we put 2 people in the same world with kind of a relatively you know equals you know, skill set right? So it's like. 04:43.42 Miguel So they have progressed into putting in you know multiplayer into it now if they would do co-op that would be a thing but you know we've seen that they can do it. 04:49.75 Jala Right? right? Well I think it's a better call for them to have it as just individuals. Although I think Daniel's version where it's like oh you know you have your your kind of split Separate Ways like each one of them is doing something you know in in this kind of divided. Segments that would be kind of cool as well. Um I think honestly, ah it wouldn't necessarily lend itself to be the best if it was both of them together in the same space because then Corvo would just be dad all the time right? and like it wouldn't give Emily any room. So um, that is true. So like. 05:23.10 Miguel Yeah. 05:27.13 Jala It's funny because when you were talking about like this opening part I'm like I don't remember that I remember the opening cussing and then I'm like oh that's right, That's because all of this happens in the castle doesn't it like you know the the captain and stuff like she's got to sneak around in the castle to find the dude and all of that. 05:42.13 Daniel Yeah, sneak around and ah, you have the op of course always killing is an option but ah, the other option is you can actually he wants to get into a safe room where ah, there's like emergency stashed away. Ah for you know the empress or the Royal Protector. Ah, they're the only ones with the keys to it essentially and so the the yeah non lethal is to lock him in there and without any way to get out So It's like it's like it is the most probably probably the most merciful of the non lethal ah solutions I think. 06:18.90 Miguel Yeah, well he has yeah he has supplies. There is water and food. Um, and it's pretty much just hold him in there until eventually they come back to arrest him. 06:24.31 Jala Yeah, yeah, although of course the implication is he starves or you know is dehydrated to death. But you know so. 06:32.21 Miguel Yeah. 06:33.29 Daniel Well, they the actual what actually happens is ah when when he's if you lock him in there when you come back later, you'll find him petrified because Delilah has the other key to that safe room essentially and part and basically is it seems like petrified him as. For failing to stop you essentially. 06:54.45 Jala None Ok well, that's that's kind of more merciful I don't know what happens when you get petrified if like you're still aware and it knows like this horrorful horrifying kind of situation where you're still alive as a statue or what but anyhow yeah, moving right? along because um, you know like we've got a lot to cover. 07:12.42 Jala So that like you're going to Karnaka why tell us that. 07:16.39 Daniel Ah, for most part. Ah you get some info right before everything with the who goes down that up a a captain named Megan Foster is ah looking to get the contact with Corvo um, of course you know if you're playing ably like. Since Corvo's out of commission. You end up going down to the docks instead. Ah yeah, sneak around all the city watch who's now against you since beli is taken over um and from there because ah the person who's helping Delilah is a duke. Ah, how goodness I forgot us. 07:50.59 Jala Luca Abele. 07:51.41 Daniel Luca Abele yes ah who is the ah the ruler of Sircaos of which capitality is Karnaca and basically you have to go there to figure out where did Delilah come from what's what's going on with her because ah Corvo does actually like get the jump on her and like run her through. 08:10.67 Jala Yeah, yeah. 08:10.92 Daniel And it does nothing and ah also strips some of the Outsider's Mark as well at the same time. Um, so figure out where did this like problem. Nobody's ever heard of come from and that's that's basically the only lead you have is that. Ah. Megan Foster and has been working with ah Anton Sokolov to ah uncover this essentially. 08:33.86 Jala Right? right? and Miguel last time you were talking about like you had played the first game but you hadn't bought the dlc and so when you went into dishonor too. You had no idea what was going on right? So like you're just as confused as everybody else in the throne room at this point. 08:48.60 Miguel Yeah, so to me Delilah was a surprise because I hadn't at the time I had never played the brigamore which is I eventually I would go back and be like was she ever introduced and that kind of thing. It's like oh okay and then some that we'll talk about later when we get to that. But. 09:05.79 Miguel That makes it more disappointing when it feels like they've essentially rehashed that that sort I think we talk about this in the first episode right? Like they they essentially rehash her arc from ah the Brigmore Witches into this which is like again you had this opportunity. Why repeat it again. 09:19.47 Jala Yeah, absolutely because there's so many beats that are exactly the same as as the deal c for Dishonored one. So yeah, so you head back to Karnaka then what happens Daniel. 09:31.90 Daniel Then we get to edge of the world which you take your first step to in Karnaka is ah tracking down somebody called the Crown Killer basically nobody knows who this is but they they have been. Ah, they've been of the people killing off of. People who have been critical of Emily's rule and basically essentially pinning those murders on ah Corvo essentially as and that's that's why ah Deliliah is able to pull off his coups because there's like enough unrest fomented by that that she's able to step in in that place. But now you're have to track her. Ah, track down this Crown Killer and it leads you to ah the addermere institute. 10:13.17 Jala Right? right? And so like if you're playing Emily ah, she feels that it that it's basically being pinned on her not Corvo. So I think it's a little bit different depending upon who you're playing as to ah ah. 10:22.84 Miguel ah ah I believe the newspapers are running with the fact that Emily is sending because Corvo's the Royal Protector and because he you know took down the yet. Yes, yeah, um. 10:29.86 Jala He works for Emily basically that Emily is the one behind him doing it. So it's basically pinned on the both of them. Yeah, okay, got you. 10:31.78 Daniel Yes. 10:41.55 Miguel You can I think is this the mission where you can find a newspaper guy and like Confront him about the the articles he's running about the whole Crown Killer. 10:47.32 Daniel I Think that is I think there is I think there's a newspaper guy you run to it during the escape from Dunwall I don't I don't I don't think it's in this one? Ah but I think it's yeah I think I think it's something like he's being like threatened to by a. 10:53.81 Miguel Yes, yeah, with what you it. 11:04.76 Daniel Ah, member of the guard and you have the option like knock that guy out and like tell him like hey get somewhere safe you or you know just be pissed about like the fact that he's been slandering you in the paper and like off him right? there. 11:18.59 Miguel Yeah, um I think this is a very fun kind of opening to Karnaka just because it shows the also the very like just the color palette right? compared to Dunwall. 11:31.92 Daniel Yeah, absolutely and it's and it's when you get your ah you have your Outsider powers At this point should you choose to accept them and so this is basically like the big playground like let you test those out as well. 11:44.21 Jala Right? right? and this is um also a neat level because it's your first glimpse at something that's not done well you know like um, you actually get to see a totally different environment that is brighter and you know seems to be on the surface friendlier looking than dunwell does. But. It really isn't actually. 12:04.85 Miguel Yeah, no, and then you like you open up in this fish market right? because it's the docks and like if you've ever been to a fish market. You know exactly how this place smells. Um and I love that detail like it's like yeah no, this is this is a dock yard and you don't have to go far. 12:20.54 Miguel In the level to then start to see like people's homes but like also kind of what you were going to kind of bump up against nacks right? The guards the overseers um bloodflies the introduction to bloodflies in this in this level it. 12:31.96 Jala And I will also say at the original point when you you come to those docks. You also get to see some of the space whales that are being killed and like they're just left there and some of them are still like alive but like bleeding out or whatever. And yeah. 12:45.63 Daniel Yeah, just open up and flayed on the docks. 12:50.93 Jala Yeah, and so like you get to also see some of that wailing stuff happening as well. So yeah, um, this is a strong entry level to kind of ah show you the difference I guess between the first game and the second one like it sets a new tone. You know. And um, it gives you a brighter sense like a broader sense of the world at large because you are in a different environment. You are in a place that's not done well. But um, you are going to run up against some of the same stuff. Um, just in like a slightly different. Um. Kind of bent like instead of oh I have play rats everywhere. It's oh I have bloodflies I have to worry about a little bit different but it's still like a permutation of a similar kind of threat. 13:36.99 Miguel Yeah I also like the difference in architecture because if dunwalls are kind of like London kind of you know representation that kind of almost brutalist concrete right? You have Karnaka being our Spain kind of coastline. Ah. 13:52.77 Miguel Reminds me a lot of like is it. You know the Rock of Gibraltar right? that just jutting out of the island and just this vista. There's you know the ah turbine and the wind turbines on the cliff side. It just much more open air. 13:54.83 Jala Yeah, yeah. 14:05.22 Jala Ah, yep, absolutely and um, you know like I like that because it gives like a definite feel of another culture while still being within the same world and really um, the link that that that first fishing area. Where you have all of those whales and stuff that's kind of like your link back to dunwall because everybody's wailing. Everybody has these these specific areas and these specific concerns. So having some of these similar situations in similar fauna are ways in which. 14:40.92 Jala You have like a link and you still feel. Okay, this is still the same kind of setup This is still the same world though I'm in. 14:48.96 Miguel Yeah, also um, depending on who you chose on the first mission right? Corvo or Emily this is where you start seeing how both will have slightly different responses for situations that come across inKarnaka because for Emily this is her father's homeland so to her. It's like. 15:05.92 Miguel She's never been outside of Dunwall essentially. Ah so to her. It's an eye opener but tokorvo is like it's strange for him because it's been so long since he's been home. So it's kind of nostalgic but also kind of like he also remembers like oh I see why I also left. 15:21.55 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, but moving right? along we get from this part to 1 of the most prominent sections like 1 of the highest highs for me anyway, the good doctor. The next mission where you arrive at the Addermeyer Institute and you are tracking down that Crown Killer and this is such a cool kind of boss fight slash resolution here. Um Daniel do you want to talk a little bit more about it. 15:51.27 Daniel Yeah, absolutely, you're you're recommended by Megan to ah track down a Doctor Hypatia who might be a potential ally in taking down the Crown Killer and this is interesting because. Yeah, youre Addermire so you think like busy place this is ah essentially deserted um and seems like with like a token force of guards here to keep Dr Hypatia here and like it's just going through this level. It's like just the ruins of this place. Ah. There's like a small area where like a lot of the guards congregate um and basically sneaking through this area and like trying to figure out what's going on what's this What's connection to the Crown Killer here. Um and interesting stuff because like you get the bloodfly in the in the previous level. And here you find now this is where they're harvesting. Ah what are the essentially the manop potions in this game with the Addermire solution. 16:48.93 Miguel Ah, if we talk about Also I mean I Love the design of the Addermire Institute because it has yeah it shows exactly its history because it's a defunct solarium. So essentially a giant greenhouse. 17:08.45 Miguel Which way which later on like because of the way the game works right? that Deus Ex style kind of movement and if you go up onto like the roof. It's all just glass windows. Um, but I love that it got turned into a research facility for the bloodfly epidemic. So just. 17:15.58 Jala Yeah. 17:25.81 Miguel Well we have this thing that's separated essentially off the coastline. You know that will give you a place to quarantine infected people. 17:34.61 Jala Yeah, yeah, and when you actually get to Hypatia when you finally find her. Ah you talk to her but you you like when you first come up on her. It seems like something's real off because she's just like talking to herself but like. It seems a little bit creepy and in you know, um, erratic the way that she's speaking right? Um, and then when you talk to her it ends up that she's actually the Crown Killer she's like what what exactly is her deal like she has this. Um. 18:05.67 Daniel It's it's kind of a Jekyll Hyde thing um where basically she her and her ah assistant I can't remember his role exactly I think he's your sister or another doctor there basically kind of developed essentially a psychoserum where. 18:21.58 Daniel It enhances physical attributes. But it causes like all the all the ah pressures of the Id to like come to the forefront. So like just like desire and that's and basically ah theliless been manipulated manipulating that into becoming the permanent. Personality of ah Dr Hypatia and but part part of this is that ah is to try to find a way to like suppress that once again. 18:49.23 Miguel Yeah, you find it. It's ah in her notes and then if you talk to the what's left of her research companion. They were trying to find a a serum that would heal the Silver mine workers of their you know their their silver lung right? Um, but because she's the good doctor. She. 19:09.10 Miguel Couldn't bring herself to test it on on them and because she was also kind of infected because she would be in the minds trying to heal these workers she decided to test it on herself so became her own lab experiment. 19:19.98 Jala Right? right? I was going to say there she had done the experiments on herself. But that's part of what ended up happening is like you know she did the experiments on herself causing herself to turn into this Jekyll Hyde figure but then um. 19:35.93 Jala The research assistant gets it in the end because as the Crown Killer personality she has tortured and wrecked him and you know he dies. But. 19:48.10 Daniel Yeah, and and the entire time The only like young Image. You see of the Crown Killer before this is kind of this bandaged kind of anonymous looking figure and ah. You find we find the system he looks exactly like that. So you think oh this is the Crown Killer because it matches what's showing up in my ah status screen. But no, that is not the case at all. 20:07.41 Jala Yeah, and that's a really good part because isn't that the point where Dr Hypatia like that cut scene happens where she. Blood you know, bursts over and she's in Crown Killer mode and she's like standing over you and you're you're getting your own life threatened by her and she's flipped the switch to to be evil now. Yeah. 20:25.76 Miguel Yeah, she jumps through the window. 20:26.95 Daniel Yeah, um, yeah, if if you talk to the assistant for she goes Crown Killer without really noticing you she like throws something I think throws like a bench or of a a stretcher or something through the window which knocks you. Knocks you over and like keeps you hidden from her at that point. 20:45.13 Jala Yeah, yeah, and like that was a really striking thing to happen in here like you know we're all familiar with the Jekyll Hyde trope and all of that but to see it here. Is you know, really cool because it's not something that you're necessarily expecting you're expecting that. You know she might maybe be evil or you know maybe she is a good guy and you know she'll she'll help you give you more information or whatever or maybe the Crown Killer's there and she you know you've got to protect her from the ground killer but you're not expecting her to be the ground killer actually or at least I wasn't I can't necessarily speak for anybody else. But um. That was a really striking set piece even though the rest of the level like you know, ah other levels strike me more that particular ah Target Slash resolution to the level was one of the more striking ones for me. 21:39.20 Daniel Yeah, it's interesting because when you when you she flips on that switch if you're hidden from her. She'll like starts things up like I smell you you smell Sirconian depending on who you're playing is like I was playing a corvo this point. Um. 21:56.61 Daniel But yeah is it's quite kind of clear like the serum. It's not just the personality. It's like it. It has like augmented her in some way. 22:05.32 Jala Right? And then at that point it kind of feels like you're fighting splicers in you know, Bioshock or something like that you know so so yeah um moving right? along. Let's talk about the clockwork mansion. 22:15.76 Daniel Ah, such a good level. This is um, this is where you find out that Sokolov is being held by a Kiran Jindosh who is basically ah, kind of on the same level as ah, soal off as far as like inventions and the like um basically he's. Basically a tech pro but far more moral than even sokal off is it's also part of the the ah conspiracy with Delilah as well. You have to go in there rescue Sokolov and prevention Jindosh from basically. Ah. 22:51.28 Daniel Developing a mass Army of Clockwork soldiers. 22:55.15 Jala Yeah, and it so so there's 2 parts to this level and and before we move on with that I do want to say um the non-lethal resolution for Dr Hypatia don't you have to like go make some kind of serum to counteract the serum. She already has and then you have to like stab her with it. But you have to like go back track to do that. 23:07.67 Daniel Yes. 23:10.63 Miguel Ah, yes, her her assistants had been ah working on a cure because they had found out that she was the Crown Killer but because they know she's a good person you know with outside of the Crown Killer is like we'd rather save her than kill her. Um. 23:26.82 Miguel Vasco is the one who gives you either talk to him and he tells you that the notes are locked upstairs in the safe or if he gets killed before you reach him. He has a note that says it and yeah, you go make the serum and then you injector with it. It's a big needle. 23:40.76 Jala Yeah, yeah, so I just want to make sure that we we covered that. Um, so you know there is a non-lethal route. There is a way to kind of cure. The doctor of her particular issue. Ah right right? So ah, moving on to the Clockwork Mansion section though. 23:48.11 Daniel Yeah, this will get you Hypatia as an ally if you do that. 23:57.46 Jala So like this is actually a level in 2 parts. There's the whole city because most of Dishonored 2 has 2 sections where there's like a city section and then there's like the main digs right? and I will tell you that for most of the city sections I don't remember them because a lot of them are kind of the same ah not in all cases. 24:15.90 Jala But ah, some of them are and so like sometimes they fall on my head and I'm like oh I don't remember this part like in the Clockwork Mansion I don't remember the lead up to the Clockwork mansion. All I remember is being in the Clockwork mansion. You know so in the thing is is that um this game because you are. 24:33.49 Jala Being ferried around by Megan Foster on her ship you are having to start from a body of water and then fight your way in to get to wherever you're going so like it's actually taking you through the whole digs and that's something that it shares with Dishonored one but it just kind of felt like. More of the level in Dishonored one was of a same piece where like in here. It's a little bit disjointed like the the lead up to getting to the clockwork mansion has like nothing to do with what the inside of the clockwork mansion is like you know what? I mean like whereas in Dishonored one. The whole level felt of a piece like they're still the same guards. There's still you know the same kind of decor and this that in the other where it's a little bit markedly, um, a new section in dishonor too and that's not necessarily like a value judgment. It's just like ah an observation. 25:21.22 Daniel Yeah, it's very much a clear divide like here's the the kind of explore around the sea level where you can go go to the black market get equipment you know cut in kind of like traverse this area and then there is like now here is. The actual level here. 25:40.90 Jala Yeah, yeah, and so like I can see if somebody were to say oh it feels like it's padded because like you know they're looking at it in terms of the only part they want to play is like inside the mansion or whatever but you actually have to get to the mansion first and I I like the realism that there is there. Um. 25:40.74 Miguel You know. 25:57.88 Jala And they do try to give you like some side side stuff that you can do in the first section of each of these different levels as well. Which is good. So. 26:06.80 Miguel This one specifically though, ah hints at something will come across later on when we get to the dust district you know if you go to the black market shop here. Um I do love this little detail like you're like you know you've gotten 2 levels beforehand where you're like. 26:24.12 Miguel Where Megan told you is if if you need tips or gear anything. There's black market shops right? which are ah which would we could say is the evolved form of what was done in ah blade of duwa right? the whole. Ah if you collect money you can buy hints or codes or things right? um. 26:44.90 Miguel You know, hit a black market before mission. They might have a key to a room or code to something you know so you get get into the habit of just checking out the black markets in each level but this one the moment you come in, you get told you know hide somebody's coming and we get our first look at the leader of the howlers Paolo and being. 27:03.00 Miguel Being who I am the first time I play that was like well what if I knock him out in the alleyway outside and he turns into a bunch of rats I'm like it's a and I'm like oh okay, yeah, which you know. 27:07.20 Jala Yeah, he does I I definitely did the same thing because I was like oh I want to get this fucker. Yeah yeah. 27:16.19 Daniel I just stayed hidden. 27:22.00 Miguel Later on when we discover why that happens again I Love the the the expansion on the Void stuff 2 does. 27:29.20 Jala Yeah, so um, where in here. So so corvo but we hadn't talked about it before Corvo ah had his powers taken by Delilah when he stabbed her at the beginning Emily so far did not have powers by this point they do have powers. When does the Outsider pop up and do that. 27:48.76 Daniel That is on the way to Karnaka when they are aboard, the Dreadful Wale. Ah. 27:52.40 Miguel Yeah, they go into the dream world. 27:52.98 Jala Correct. Yes, the dream world. Yes, they have a dream then they have powers before they actually hit Karnaka shores I just want to make sure that we mention that because like you do have the option to tell the Outsider. No I don't want powers and then go through with no powers. But um, that option is given to you when you are on the Dreadful Wale on your way. I Just want to make sure that we cover that. 28:11.99 Miguel It's also it's also the same ah same moment where he we get given the heart back again and they kind of just officially confirm that the heart is Jessamine. 28:22.43 Daniel Yeah, they confirm it's Jessamine and they at at some point in there. They do confirm that yes Corvo is ah Emily's bio dad as well which was. 28:28.46 Jala Yeah, Bio Dad I Love it. Okay anyway. So yeah. 28:35.93 Daniel May I Then you get to the Clockwork mansion that this is just an interesting level just like being able to see everything move around ah because it's ah gin Drs has basically set this up to basically move rooms can move around and be said into different designs and everything and probably. My favorite part is you can essentially get backstage into like the machinery of it and like. 28:58.52 Jala Which is exactly what I did both times very every single time that I've I've ever played through this level. Um, at both times in recent memory but also in the past I immediately go into like the the works. 29:10.66 Daniel Yeah, and he's I good I was just gonna say it in. It's nice because like in that first room he's got like cameras up so he can see who's coming but like give you immediately like slip into like things while it's moving. He'll be like they that's weird somebody should be there. You know. 29:13.41 Miguel And I love that. 29:30.28 Daniel And it is just a fun level. 29:34.18 Miguel Yeah I was gonna comment the same thing whereas like Jindosh has comments for pretty much most of the ah actions you can do like he's like I can tell that you're moving because the floors has set like sensors right? like a pressure sensors so he's following your footsteps. But then if you like. 29:48.69 Miguel Ah, as Emily or Corvo because you get like your blink ability right? The shadow pull or blink if you go up into the raftter is like ah like there's ah been a rapid change in like the pressure on the floor panels like as if you disappeared um and then if you go into the behind the scenes because. 30:08.27 Miguel He doesn't have any of that's like rigged up for sensors and things he's like I like you seem to have disappeared from all my instruments I believe then you've managed to scary yourself, you know between the walls little rat. 30:17.97 Jala Yeah, and all of that commentary because like when you first walk in there is an audiograph right at the beginning at the opening where it's Jen Dosh greeting you and talking to you and things like that and then all of the clockwork soldiers have. Jen Dosh's voice as well as recordings you know that will play this recording plays when you know, whatever and you know. 30:39.39 Daniel Yeah I love that that little details like this recording plays when it's when the Automaton is low on fuel and things like that or I this plays when it's detected an intruder. 30:47.71 Jala Yeah. Yeah, and that's pretty cool and also the fact that you know he is kind of master mining and watching you it really makes you have this feeling this like the sense of appreciation for his genius right? Because you're in this who gigantic maze thing. That only he knows like the exact sequence for for all of these different rooms and how to to compose everything to where you can get where you need to go and then like all of these clockwork soldiers are a beast to fight like if you don't have. Your dark vision for here. It's so hard to find the weak spots. Whatever like just on the character models for them. Um, just in the the regular vision and so like they become even more of a threat if you are using no powers. 31:40.80 Daniel Yeah I I mostly just took to using like the spring razors and the stun mines ah, 2 of those usually will take them out pretty quickly. Um, but yeah that they they are also fun because they don't count for your chaos ranking as well. So these are these are the Beasties you can like just go ah go loud on them. You know, break out the lethal armament. 32:03.83 Jala Yeah I absolutely am like a grenade person I am going to grenade them all all of them. So. 32:09.20 Miguel Us so see that's interesting because my tactic with the clockwork soldiers was when I accidentally managed to so I never use arrows because they're the lethal version right? So I I always had a plinum I accidentally shot the head off of 1 with an arrow in a. 32:27.38 Miguel And it broke the camera sensor it has because because because Jindosh is Jindosh and he loves hearing his own voice puts in an audio cue being like a visual sensor you know sensor has been destroyed switching to audio only. It's like it was like okay. 32:45.13 Miguel And then one of the other clockworks comes walking by stepping on it and it didn't start swinging at the other clockwork is like oh it can't tell who's friend or foe because it's just on audio. 32:52.48 Jala Yeah, yeah, and that's another thing I did like I would alternate between grenades and I would also do rewire tools and sometimes I would aim for the head to and maybe take the head off of it depending upon if I used all my grenades or not so so it just kind of depended but like. 33:10.53 Jala I love this level because it is so like so visually impressive and the fact that they had this whole thing and it works out and like you could you know, go through the mansion and there's guests in the mansion just hanging out as well and servants and all their kinds of stuff as well as the clockwork soldiers. And like you know your whole goal is to get across and one of the things that's really fun about it is that um near the beginning of the level there is this one very straight shot to where gindosh is but you can't access it because you don't have the right mechanism to turn it on. It's a one way bridge basically from. Jindosh aside and so you have to go through the entire freaking mansion to find Sokolov and get him to safety and then also to find Jindosh and you know do all of that. But then of course you can use that as your fast track to get out once you've done all of that. 34:00.60 Daniel Yeah, it's just this is this is one of the best levels in this game just just with the this the setting the scenery and being able to puzzle through everything is this and one will do later on are just absolutely. 34:19.66 Jala Master levels. 34:20.47 Daniel Great level design. 34:20.79 Miguel I can't I can't remember if I'm remembering wrong. But I think this was the level they teased at E3 when this was announced. 34:29.53 Daniel Yes, yes, they did because this was the the trailer where you saw like clockwork soldiers and you saw panels moving around and I think also again see ah Emily as the protagonist for the first time as well. 34:42.60 Jala Right? And like when you find Sokolov he's down in I think the basement ish area and he's got a whole bunch of clockwork soldiers around him and basically um sokov puts him in there and um, you know he's tired and and you know hungry and this that and the other but like I think so ah. When Jindosh put him there. He he had done something where it's like teasing him like oh you know freedom is just beyond this door but you can't go past this door because of all my clockwork soldiers lulls and so it's not even locked or something something like that isn't it. 35:13.50 Daniel Yeah, some something like that where like yeah yeah, you can just hit this pressure plate and it'll open up the door but like you have yeah. 35:19.21 Jala Then you'll die. Yeah yeah. 35:25.42 Miguel Yeah, ah and but then also we see like because he's been talking about like gloating how he's he is the new greatest spine of the generation. You know out doinging even the great Anton Sokolov and then you see what he's done to Sokolov like between beating him and then just putting him in this maze right? like it's. Look you look at the room. It's small. He's kind of in a you know little little kind of dirty bed. He's got a black eye right? It's like oh yeah, no, he he really does not like it sokal off to a you know to a very just terrible point. 36:01.10 Daniel Yeah, but he's but he still needs him because he um but I believe the notes say that he thinks that he can get if he can get Sokal off cooperate the Clockwork soldiers. He can't mass produce some each each individual units like just. 36:15.49 Daniel Overwhelmingly expensive even with like the full resources of the crown behind them. Ah so like trying to convince either convince Sokal off or ah threatening to essentially lobotomize him to get him on his side and that leads into the non-lethal office option for Jindosh which is basically in order to neutralize him is to literally stick him into the electrocution machine and lobotomize them essentially. 36:40.67 Jala And when he comes out the other side. Yes, he's still alive. But then he's like I can't remember anything like he can't keep anything in his head. He doesn't remember things stuff like that and like he he screams quite a bit when you're you're doing it and he's begging you. Ah, not to do it and you and you know like this this part it was striking me when I was playing it again more recently for this episode because I was thinking about it I'm like you know what? this is like ah, especially with the the kind of topical episodes I've done on my show Heretofore I was like you know this is just. Ah, fear of mental disability. This is disability phobia here. You know like it's playing on the fear of you know, having your body intact. But then your mind doesn't work the way that you know it it was working before and that's. You know, ah kind of what's at work and like I did that was that was just an observation I made when I was thinking about it I'm like Wow I didn't realize it but that is exactly what that is. 37:42.37 Miguel No, you take a man like Jindosh who's whose whole personality revolves around his great intellect right? like to him he would prefer to be dead than to have the one great gift. He has taken from him. 37:51.89 Jala Exactly. 37:52.85 Daniel Yeah, and yeah, that's I mean I think that's a very common fear just among people in general and but it's also considered like gndash has done this to people like with no problem and so it's like yeah I got no problem pulling the lever on you man. 38:10.32 Jala Yeah, it's kind of like ah if somebody took the ice pick surgeon right? and then gave him a nice pick lobotomy because he did it to so many people and messed them up. So bad, you know that would be just desserts in that case, right? so. 38:21.67 Miguel Yeah, can I say something though about this finale here before we move on I love the design of Gdosh's lab I I just the rotating platforms of of his like lab components. 38:25.56 Jala Yeah, yeah, very cool. So yeah, and so it's like a big circular area where there's like a little control lever and then it'll bring up different sections of his lab. 38:28.29 Daniel Oh yes, Yes, on. 38:44.80 Jala And so like you have different portions that'll come up at different areas of the lab that you can then rifle through if you're trying to get all the goodies or um, you know if you're soak or um gindosh then you're just trying to work. But but yeah, it's very cool because it's like layered and it's kind of using the same. 39:03.32 Jala Concept as the rest of the Clockwork mansion because it's just got different levels that kind of pie slice their way up and just kind of rotate in on like the circular axis. 39:11.56 Daniel Yeah, basically he can like rotate in whatever station he needs at that point without like having the move anywhere. 39:19.70 Jala Yeah, yeah, so yeah, and then like ah as we mentioned you did have to pick up sokov and he's unable to walk and so you have to like lift lift him and carry him around while you're doing the rest of the stuff you're doing trying to take down Jindash so you also have to be careful that the Clockwork soldiers do not. Take him as collateral damage when you are off doing your thing with Gindash. So That's why it's so nice when you can go back. Ah, just through that straight shot that I mentioned before and then get him back to like the little carriage because that's something I don't think we mentioned there are electronic carriages in here. 39:56.27 Jala Ah, that are often at work in most of these levels like there were some in the first game but like here you get to use them a lot and that's like your your fast travel back to the boat so you can get out of the level. 40:10.30 Miguel Yeah, it. Also when you put him in the carriage depending on who you are ah they have a little a little comment about sokolov each one you know, depending on who you are but I do love the little detail that Emily is much more gentle with placing him in the cart. Um, because you know he. Sentry was always around the the palace and then after she took the throne he was kind of almost like a uncle kind of grandfather figure in the palace. 40:34.94 Jala Yeah, that yeah so um, moving right? along we go to the Royal Conservatory Daniel take it away. 40:44.17 Daniel Yep, this is Sokolov's learned that one spears tours is ah Brianna Ashworth who is the curator of the royal conservatory. So now you have to ah take her down. Um, when you're escaping the clockwork mansion when you're back in the city area to get back to Megan. Ah, you'll there will be ah ah witches waiting for you basically essentially the brigmore witches folks with ah the last power kind of setting up an ambush and like letting you know what you're in store for in this next level. Um, which in this case, it's a. Breaking into conservatory and ah finding a way to take down Brionna Ashworth who is I believe I believe if I remember correctly is ah put down as ah, Delilah's lover in addition to conspiratory as well. 41:32.57 Jala I don't remember that but I know that she's one of the the higher tier people working underneath Delilah I don't know if that was lover or not offhand. 41:46.40 Daniel I know that I know there's ah some later if you do the non lethal route of it's mentioned that like Dellila can't even stand look her and look at her at that point. Um, but there's a lot. There's a lot to suggest there was like a romance there from why I remember. 41:59.96 Jala Yeah, yeah, um, probably so because like ah from my recollection. Delilah's ties to her top. People were very intimate seeming and then like it also kind of works with Delilah's overall thing because everybody who has heard of her just becomes obsessed with her right? so It's kind of more of that. But then you know with more intensity because these have been close to her so for sure and it it might just be like hinting at Delilah just has this effect on everybody and everybody is her lover that that is close enough. Perhaps I don't know. But um, you know like you get that vibe. 42:37.71 Jala Off of multiple characters is kind of what where I'm going with that. So. 42:39.11 Daniel Yeah, she does seem to have essentially a supernatural form of Charisma essentially. 42:46.67 Jala Yeah, yeah, So so yeah, um, this level I remember parts of this level but you know the level itself doesn't really stick in my head very much like I remember. Yeah, design wise like having all the big stuffed ah animals and stuff hanging from the ceiling and being on top of bookcases and things like that. But um, you know like I think I preferred other levels to this one but this one is still a neat neat little level. 43:09.55 Daniel Well well it doesn't help that like this is the following the Clockwork mansion which is like you know that's so good and like this this by comparison is like it's not bad. There is like I do like the big open area where you can like blink between levels and the like of. 43:28.32 Daniel Yeah, there's witchy stuff going on. There are some new obstacles within the conservatory as well. Um, but nothing that is nothing that is just like Wow That's you know it. It is very much. Yeah, this this is a a pretty standard which means good. 43:45.64 Jala Yeah, yeah, and I like that by this point you already have had the clockwork soldiers and now you're having witches and things like that I don't remember are there any gravehounds around here too or is that later. Okay, cool. 43:46.60 Daniel But Prey standard level. 43:56.99 Daniel Yes, the gravehounds show up here. 44:02.35 Jala So like yeah, they're giving you a bunch of different enemies and a bunch of different challenges where you're not fighting just lots and lots of variations of city guards. You know like it's not city guards all the time like in the first game. It's you know you've got a lot of different threats at work here and depending upon what level of society you're dealing with. Those threats are different. So. 44:22.32 Miguel Yeah, see to me I might be ah I kind of enjoy this I As a level I don't think it's on par with the you know the clockwork mention but aesthetically I love the look of a conservatory just this place of. 44:35.65 Jala Yeah, for sure. 44:41.93 Miguel You know both arts and sciences right? Ah like when you from the basement to the top. Um, just hiding through the panels like I think there's one where you can break into a room to take a thing but like if you mess it up the thing locks down then you have to break in. Ah yeah. 44:55.12 Daniel Yeah, yeah I remember that one. 45:00.33 Miguel Just the whole look of it. But I love that this is a place of arts and sciences and in the heart of it is now this this magic machine that is like oh now we're switching if Clockwork Mansion is the pinnacle of science in this world Now we're switching to a place of science and arts. 45:05.99 Jala Yeah. 45:18.17 Miguel Being turned into like the old magics like yeah. 45:18.42 Jala And then what's the nonlethal you've got on on this one in particular you botch something that Brianna Ashworth is doing with this 45:28.74 Daniel Yeah, you find out Brianna is affecting. It's a faction of the church of the every man that are basically ah Jesus the name escapes me the oracular sisters. Okay, yeah. 45:37.41 Miguel The oracular order the oracular order. 45:41.53 Daniel Yeah, and basically she is using a machine to invade their dreams and manipulate their prophecies. Um, and so part of this is to reconfigure machine find notes saying like yeah hey we have these effective lenses in there and it nearly cut me off from like my magic So like we need to like. 45:59.90 Daniel Stash these lenses away and make sure these these don't ever like come and co machine so non-lethal is get those lenses stick them in there and it will depower Brianna altogether and also knock out all the other witches if they're still active in the level. 46:13.82 Jala Which of course ah dramatically affects them and they're all just kind of like sobbing and and whatever because this is a big part of who they are now taken away now moving right? along. Let's ah, speed up a little bit to we've got the dust district. So. 46:22.64 Daniel Yeah, absolutely. Ah yes, this is a fun one You ah you learned that of there that ah. 46:37.50 Daniel Duke Luca Abele is connected to errma stinton is the name and a pretty high ranked noble in Karnaka um, and there in something there happened that led to Delilah being able to rise to power ah but in order to get there. You have to get past. Ah. Something called the Jindosh lock which is ah basically a mechanism set to ah, keep the manor away from everybody and going through the district trying to figure out how exactly to bypass this. 47:07.25 Jala Right? And that leads you to having to pick a side in these like warring factions of street gangs that are going on which you were set up with a little bit earlier as Miguel had mentioned previously. Also the Dust District This is the the part where it's like the mining. Guy right? like Aus Stilton is the guy who is the mining mogul isn't he. 47:28.98 Daniel Yeah, kind kind of like he was a guy who basically looked out from the minors like made sure. But because of what's happened. He's been essentially out of commission and so it's basically the duke has basically worked the minors to the bone doesn't care about them getting ill. 47:48.97 Daniel Everything like that. 47:51.92 Miguel Yeah, well Megan tells us is like Erma Stinton is like he's if there is 1 person in Karnaka who you could say is a good man. It's him like he was He's a made man. He he came from the mines made his way out of it like to make his fortune and when he took over the Silver District um he essentially gave you know workers rights he unionized them right? Um, yeah, so the fact that he disappeared and then Luca Bell took over control of the mines and then essentially has turned them into a slave slave force is like all right like it's obvious like. 48:10.90 Daniel Yeah I think so. 48:26.94 Miguel The Duke had something to do with Aramis's disappearance and that's why also Meghan kind of gives you like could you check on him. 48:30.59 Jala Yeah, yeah. 48:33.57 Daniel Yeah, and the and I I don't remember exactly when but this it's all state that her going to check on Stinton after after he disappeared was what led to her losing an arm in an eye as well. Um I believe it's also stated that us. 48:50.59 Daniel I think it's like some nose and stuff that Stinton was actually a lover of the Duke's father and that's that's why there's that close relationship between ah Luca and Stton as well because because Luca sees him as father figure and that's why even after everything's gone down like he stills is as arranged for like. 48:59.51 Jala Yeah I remember that. 49:10.22 Daniel People to take care of him essentially. 49:12.55 Jala Yeah, yeah, so um, it's the howlers versus the who I forget? Okay, so um, so you have to pick a side with because basically one of the 2 factions that you have to deal with in the pre pre-level level. 49:16.77 Miguel Over the overseers. Yeah. 49:17.76 Daniel Ah, the 20 the every man. Yeah. 49:30.24 Jala Ah, before you can get the answer to the lock is just one of these people who heads one of these groups that you have to deal with. 49:37.92 Daniel Yeah, and basically they want the the leader of the other essentially they want you to bring bring them to them and then they'll help you pass the g dosh lock. Ah you also have there's also a non-lethal option to send 1 or both of them away to. Kind of similar to what happened to the pendleton brothers like send send them way to like go work in the mines to like get them out of the way in that way. They are their faction is like with them leaderless and not knowing what happened kind of reduces their of control of the district. Essentially um. Final option you have is just puzzling out the gn dosh lock yourself, you can. It's a logic puzzle essentially ah and it's actually probably the optimal way if you're going for like making Karnaka a better place, not interfering with either side. Ah because of that. 50:32.87 Daniel Things that could happen the next level not not sending leaders away to work in minds or killing them or whatnot leaving them both alive ah is actually the best option as far as that goes for low chaos. 50:43.96 Jala Right? That Jindosh lock though like if you try to to logic puzzle that out. It's a nightmare but there are there is a logic to it. There's certain like it's this many number of this one. It's the first name mentioned with the second object mentioned or whatever and that's like how you puzzle through the thing. 51:01.85 Daniel Yeah, basically it's setting up a lot of like grids and like working out. Okay, since this this person has this accessory you know, ily the other four don't so like and then that opens up this opportunity where it's like oh it leads to this thing and so on and so forth. 51:03.57 Jala Um, which is a lot. 51:19.16 Daniel It takes a while it can be done and it's I think I think I'm sure like there are like some ah preset. There must be like only so many combinations I'm sure you could just like plug it in online somewhere and look it up. But yeah, it is. It is fun things. 51:34.31 Jala Yeah I will verify ah this last time that I played through because I had gone and I had actually done the non-lethal takedown of both of the 2 guys. The last time I most recently played it but then like this time playing through for the show I was like. I'm going to see if I can just you know get that achivo that you get when you solve the lock without actually you know taking down anybody and so um I looked online and there's like a video or something that tells you or or something that that tells you it's like this one with this one and it's you know, like the the names and the items are randomized. But the placement of which one with which one is something that you can figure out like that's the logic part of it. It's just like the positioning of these things. So yeah, there exists a video or something out there I found it when I was playing through this last time because I was like. I don't want to have to go through all of that other crap I've already done it before like very in-depth going through both areas so having fought my way through before I'm just going to skip it. You know so and then Miguel you had to know here about Cuervo's childhood home 52:35.69 Miguel Yeah, yeah. 52:42.79 Miguel Yes, so if you play as Corvo he'll mention it like he remembers. Yeah his home being around here which you think is just kind of a comment. But if you actually look around. There is a place that it's kind of collapse but you can kind of blink towards and you can do this as Emily too. Um and go in. If you're as Corvo he kind of reminisces about like you know? Oh yeah, this is where you live with his mother that kind of stuff you can find behind the portrait his trophy from the blade verbanna which set him on his journey to become you know the ah the royal protector and you know meeting Jessamine and having Emily you know his whole. Journey and I love it as a little detail of when he picks it up of just like him contemplating like had he you know that one moment in his life that changed his path like what where would he have been had not won the blade verbanna and I love emily's view on it being like kind of like oh this is you know. 53:37.57 Miguel About her father like she knows this story because you know if he hasn't told her like somebody else has told her about it like you know the great kind of sword prodigy from Serconos. Um I love it as a little detail between father and daughter were for him. It's like you know this is what led to him being where he has now. 53:55.68 Miguel Having Emily and everything um whereas for Emily it's just kind of like reminiscing on the history. She sort of actually doesn't really know about her father like she's she's in her father's homeland but he's also always been real like never talkative about his past of being like. 54:15.30 Miguel You know he was a street urchin. 54:15.47 Jala Yeah, yeah for sure. So ah, moving right? along though. Let's move on unless we have anything else about this level. We still we still have so much to go The next level is the next highlight up there with the Clockwork mansion for me a crack in the slab. 54:32.87 Jala So this is when you had to Stin Stinton's manner and you find out that Delilah has been working her magic here or the Void has been doing something. It's it's kind of like a combo of both right? like this Void. Oh right? There's a the ritual right. 54:42.95 Daniel Yeah, it's it's this is where Delilah came back from the Void and it's kind of cause yeah and it's kind of cause reality is basically gone out to lunch kind of and this is where you actually the Outsider puts an appearance in the real world. He doesn't like. 55:01.86 Daniel Pull you into the Void area like that's how that's how bad things have gotten around here is he can manifest here. No problem. Um. 55:07.99 Miguel Yes, because normally you need the? Ah, what is it the Outsider shrines where there's like at the big world charm. 55:12.94 Daniel Yeah Al Outsider shrines or he just shows up in your dreams like it's always like ephemeral but here he's like no I can be here. 55:22.51 Jala Yeah, yeah, and he gives you a tool. He gives you like this this. Ah I don't remember what it called thing from the Outsider that you used to skip between times because what happened is when Delilah was brought back during this ritual that several different people performed in this manner. Ah, it ended up jacking with time in the Void and made a rip. You know a crack in the slab if you will and as such passed like the time time is messed up and so like you have the dilapidated ruins of what the manner looks like now. But then you also have the manner from that time period right? When everything. 55:59.27 Jala Went to the and you know all the shit hit the fan so you have that ability and the fun thing is that like your powers don't work here so you don't have your powers but you have this dongle and you can switch between current day and the past and so like you have like this little kind of mirror effect this this thing that the Outsider gives you. 56:18.99 Jala Has kind of like these looks like fan blades or something but it gives you a mirror that shows you what everything looked like in the other dimension like on the the future or the past depending upon which one you're in at the time so you can warp from one to the other and that's how you can aVoid guards and that's how you can aVoid some of these. Other obstacles is by using this dongle to switch back and forth between the 2. 56:39.73 Daniel Yeah, because the past is before the manners collapse and there is you know standard guards everywhere. Ah but you can like hide it out in the in the ah present day section and ah kind of like watch their past and such um and like you said also get past obstacles and sometimes you have to do things like. You know there's this huge bloodfly nest here in the present. But if you go back in the past you find like this thing saying hey you know this this hound we you know found killed by Bloodflies you needs to go in the incinerator before you know it becomes a problem and so if you go back and do that then in the present. The bloodfly nest is completely gone. 57:16.66 Jala Yeah, yeah, and it's just like ah a very cool section because they give you a whole new dongle that you only use in this 1 level. But it's very neat. Well that's original. That's cool. 57:25.37 Miguel Yeah, it's called a timepiece. Yeah. 57:31.75 Jala So the Outsiders timepiece. Ah you use that dongle and um, so like when you find Stinton in the present. He's just all kinds of wrecked 1 youall want to expand you know expand on that. 57:38.80 Daniel Yeah, yeah, mentally, he's just kind of he's just kind of out to lunch. It's just something isn't something isn't right? He's just kind of it not carry and. 1 of notable things is that if you like pull out the harden from he'll like see he like see it which is not normally something a normal person can do. He'll be like ah that that doesn't look right? You know it and it's just like so it's like clear like oh yeah, he's been like in some deep. Dark shit here. 58:12.92 Jala Right? right? and he's just kind of like talking a lot of just jumble of past stuff and present stuff and and a bunch of other other kind of things so it's it's kind of like he's He's off his rocker a little bit and um. 58:27.88 Jala You know like you have the ability here to change that. 58:33.30 Daniel Yeah, part of going with pass is the main goal is ah to learn about the ritual and find out what happened but the other part you can do is ah keep Stinton from attending the ah attending the ah ritual which it's pretty simple. All told. Um, yeah, all you have to do is. Essentially knock him out if you just knock him out in the past then like mely the present like snaps into like this more ideal kind of like the man are still in shape. There are actually servants around and things like that. Um, so yeah, it's kind of interesting because like there's like. Absolutely no reason to kill him unless like you're intentionally going for high chaos. 59:14.96 Jala Miguel I think you had something more on that. 59:16.35 Miguel Yeah, like this being like what for this I think it's my third or fourth time playing through this I don't know where I've fully settled on the whole affecting the timeline situation because we'll you know talking about like the book that comes after this with the dlc and everything right. Like there is a canonical choice but the fact that you let you decide here I don't know if it makes the level better worse for it. 59:43.89 Jala Well and that's kind of something that we touched on a little bit in the first episode when we were discussing like it doesn't really matter that you have a choice in the dlc of Dishonored 1 about Delilah at the end of Daud's dlc part because Delilah is still back here anyway. 01:00:03.47 Jala In you know the the second game. So like there's obviously a canonical way that that pans out. It's sort of the same thing with like the high chaos low chaos ending of Dishonored one one of those is the canonical path and the other one exists as an alternative for you to play through but you know like that's kind of consistently Dishonored m o. They give you options to do something even though they pick for you what the canon version is so they can tell a cohesive story moving forward. So um, that's kind of part and parcel of the rest of the game being like that the rest of the franchise being like that. So ah, moving right? along. 01:00:37.97 Miguel Yeah. 01:00:41.94 Jala We have the grand palace so we are now going after Duke Luca Abelle and this is the last conspirator in Karnaka that you need to go after and you find out that he has a body double. Who you know impersonates him and does this that in the other and your nonlethal option for him is to fight your way through this manner go through all of the the guards and everything find the body double figure out which one that is. And you find that through like learning different stuff about him from notes and things like you find out that the body double likes to have a smoke or something like that and you know by watching Luca Abelle you can figure out whether it's him him or if it's the body double and if you talk to the body double. You can have the body double. Decide to take over for Luca Abelle and become again like ah 1 of your supporters and you know he will take over and rule karnaka in place of the actual duke and then say that guy's an impostor and then you know ah he you know the the actual Duke Luca is then taken away to be like in prison or work camp mine camp or something like I think he's taken to the mines isn't he all the asylum right. 01:01:54.47 Daniel I think it's an asylum if I remember correctly because because it's like oh my body doubles gone nuts. He thinks he's actually the duke now and ah part of that is ah you have to actually get the real Luka knock him out and ah. 01:02:08.65 Daniel Bring him to the double and take it's like an official seal and that and that's kind of like the symbol of his power which is like oh yeah, this proves that I'm not the double because like you know I have this on me like so why? Why would you think I'm the double um and I. 01:02:27.53 Daniel I think in high chaos. He actually orders Lucas tongue to be cut out as well to like prevent anything from ah getting out once that's taken place. Um, but it's it's a fun level is very much has that feeling of a ah. 01:02:46.20 Daniel A like Dunwall Tower from the first game where it is like kind of like going all over the place and like putting it together these clues on now like how you're going to solve this problem. 01:02:57.66 Miguel Yeah, and then also like the back half of this mission is also a bank and like a bank heist. You know we're trying to get into his vault so we can find ah you know we find out that the reason she can't die is she put her soul in the statue and we're here to steal that statue. 01:03:13.80 Miguel Roll the soul in it and really. 01:03:15.80 Daniel Yeah, you need to put a part of her soul in the statue. So until you can reunite that with Delilah. She's ah, essentially unkillable. Um, but the problem is is like you find out like you need something to contain it and like the only thing capable of containing a soul that you have on your person. 01:03:32.75 Daniel Is the heart So part of that is you have to let the fragment of Jessamine go in order to capture the ah fragment of Delilah contained within the statue. 01:03:42.70 Jala Yeah, and then that means that you see Jessamine for a moment and she talks about how tired she is and that she's already fading but she will remember you or whatever and then she just disappears into the Void. 01:03:55.14 Miguel Yes. 01:03:56.11 Jala And in the heart is replaced with Delilah's soul and this is something that we mentioned in the first episode a little bit because this is the only time that Delilah is empathetic to me at all is in the part where she is in the heart and you can listen to her and have these kind of conversations and see like her side of things and how. She had to deal with things growing up and whatever and it's not like I'm saying oh you know I feel for for her and I like her now. It's not that. But um, you know you at least get some dimensionality to her rather than her being just Tropey McTroperson. So. 01:04:28.54 Miguel Yes, like the moments we get in the Void where we you know we find out that she's the essentially the the bastard child ah of Jessamine's father right? The former emperor and with a maid and kind of was to hide that kind of. 01:04:44.60 Miguel That kind of stuff he sent them to what was like a workhouse right? The palace. 01:04:47.25 Daniel Ah, they were They were originally in the working in the tower and then basically just ah, kick them out at one point I think it was like something happened with just mean and Dellila playing and like yeah and then just mean like blamed it on Delilah. 01:04:56.41 Miguel Oh they broke a vase. That's right because she's a child so she's she didn't want be in trouble so she's like no what? yeah Delilah did it. 01:05:04.33 Jala Yeah, and you know of course too. There's there's some stuff that you could read where or maybe it's Delilah talking to you I don't remember where she's as a little girl Delilah was talking to her father the emperor about like well why does Jessamine get to go to all these parties and this that and the other. 01:05:07.53 Daniel Yep. 01:05:23.97 Jala And then he's like oh you'll you'll be able to do that soon and so on and so forth just ah, straight up lying to her and you know like the classism at play here is kind of underlining all of the classism stuff and like the striations between different orders of society that you see throughout the rest of this series. 01:05:41.90 Daniel Yeah, we should point out there is as far as we know there's no conclusive proof that like Delilah's telling the truth about any of this aside from like being a ah her mother being a servant in Dunwall Tower Um, that there are. There's like some of some. Ah. Of What she says it sounds like she's just like this is like her justification. She like told herself this story. Um I don't I think Overall the canonical thing is that she is She is the bastard child of the emperor. Um I don't I don't recall where exactly they've like. Officially said that by think that's case. 01:06:20.93 Jala Just Jessamine some of the things that your your conversations with the heart and or um, some of the stuff that Jessamine will say ah hints at that that this is actually the way of things. 01:06:31.95 Jala So I think it's because the emperor had confessed it or something at some point later on down the line but by then it was too late or something along those lines because I ah Delilah had said something like that like you know the emperor was you know tried tried but it was too little too late whenever he did try to do something so. 01:06:48.89 Miguel Yes, but then if you you have the Delilah heart and because it is just kind of her soul. There is like none of the you would say the her right? It's just her purest kind of intentions. 01:07:03.98 Miguel In a lot of her comments. You know she talks about especially when we're taught we get to this last level right? ah porttraying to the Palace like her comments in the Palace itself like tell you like oh no, like do you? There's a bitterness here that comes from this being the reality of it. 01:07:19.45 Jala Yeah, yeah, and I like it that Emily like when you're playing Emily I like that you are playing Emily here. Um, if if you are playing Emily here how that interplay works because Emily gets upset and she is. Kind of talking to Eli Delilah hard as if she's going to be able to have like an actual conversation with it right Um, because she's kind of bucking against these things that Delilah is saying and she's affronted by this and all of that. So. I don't know what it's like when you are corvo but Emily definitely has like conversations you know to herself because the heart can't talk. You know isn't going to directly discuss with you. 01:07:57.39 Miguel Yeah I think Corvo will for the most part is mostly dismissive because to him it doesn't justify turning his daughter into stone in the usurping the throne. Yeah. 01:08:07.86 Jala Yeah, and and of course you know like all of the rest that happens so for sure. So ah, yeah, in Death to the empress. Ah you are trying to fight your way through to get to the castle get into the castle and then you have to fight through and um. Take Delilah back to the Void as happened in the dlc for Dishonored 1. 01:08:28.75 Daniel Yeah, you, it's it's kind of a kind of a reread you. You're basically retreading to the first level working your way back from the docks to Dunwall Tower again except this time like dunwall was like complete shit show. It's it's like root you know lot of places are ruined. Ah. There were witches and gravehounds and city guard all over the place. Um, and basically just bad and you can once you get into the tower. You're basically going back through ah the same the same level from a Dishonored 1 where you took down the the regent and. 01:09:05.49 Daniel Which which is like just a nice little callback and everything um and from there you have to get to the throne room Delilah is trying to enact a ritual where she's going to rewrite reality where ah, essentially everything revolves around here. She's like the all powerful imppressus with no enemies and. Everybody loves her.. That's what she's been building up to so far and part of that is opening of a portal to the Void to help make that happen. 01:09:37.39 Jala Right. 01:09:39.60 Miguel Yes, um, this is this is also the level where before we get off the boat on low chaos if you talk to and when you talk to Megan. She reveals her real ah real identity to ah either Corvo or Emily right. That she is actually the assassin Billy Lurk. 01:09:55.65 Jala Yup, who was mentioned in the first game and who was the one who fomented the rebellion against Daud that Daud has the option of either killing or sparing. So um, you know Yeah so Megan is Billy Lurk and Billy Lurk has been. Resentful of her part in the killing of Jessamine and so ah, she's like I don't expect you to actually give me any mercy but I wanted to let you know you know No yeah, right right. 01:10:21.89 Daniel Yeah, and like poignantly and high chaos. She won't say a thing because she's like I don't want to tell this psycho. What's going on. 01:10:32.95 Jala So um, yeah, and um, the the canonical way that this ends is the low chaos way where you spare Billy and you know, ah you know Billy says who she is and all of that. But um, yeah, moving right? along so at the very end though you end up don't you have to. Suck Delilah into a painting again like you did in the first game. 01:10:55.17 Daniel Not quite. Ah what you have to do is you have to she has like runes set up on the throne is like a certain balance to like Enact. What's going to Happen. It's It's very similar to the first one because you are like trapping her in the Void again for the nonlethal route of.. The thing is you have to change the balance of runes so that ah instead of it changing Reality. It'll just trap Delilah in a reality where that's going to happen but leave like the actual ah realm alone like she'll just basically kind of be lost in her own dream. Essentially. 01:11:29.84 Jala But like the way that that plays out is I think you still go into a painting to confront her in the Void is part of how that still works out so you still go and do some of the same beats. Although it's a little bit different how it plays out at the very end. But. 01:11:45.13 Daniel Gal Same beast. There are multiple Delilahs around. Um I I Actually you have to like find out which one's the real one because you have to like take her back and place her on the throne back in the real world to like kickstart the ritual Once you've like altered it. Ah. 01:11:48.60 Miguel Yes. 01:12:01.39 Daniel Actually like accidentally like found out which one was the real one just I always kind like exploring around trying and sneak around is like I end up going to the top of where you start in there. It's like oh there's like 1 that's like looks like she's gathering power like knocked around's like oh this is like the actual Delilah here. 01:12:16.72 Jala Great. That's convenient for you because otherwise you have to go through and reload a few times probably because you probably bork it up. Yeah, so so for sure. 01:12:28.13 Jala So ah, how do you all feel about ah dishonor too overall before we move on to Death of the Outsider resolution. Ah that kind of thing I already talked in the first episode about for me ah Dishonored 2 is kind of like the one that's more fun to play. Although it has like higher heights. But also there's parts that are just forgettable where like Dishonored 1 kind of feels cohesive and more like level ground where Dishonored 2 is kind of like a roller coaster of up and down for me. Um, you know like I I love the high high parts and I still love playing the game and it gives you a lot more verbs and it gives you a lot of new enemies and and things to puzzle through. Um, but you know like cohesiveness you know, cohesiveness wise ah, the first one is is to me a little bit better I do appreciate both of them. But they're just in different ways right. 01:13:16.84 Daniel Yeah, that's about the same for me as it is like the Dishonored one is like just this like very smooth Ride. You know you you go from point a to point B Point C it all makes sense it all like flows together really well and like said dishonor too is like there. There are good points and then like. You know it kind of goes up and down a bit and it's just the nature of the beast like you know this honor is a a tough act to follow. You know I think I think overall they did pretty dang well with it though. 01:13:46.82 Jala Yeah, for sure and Miguel how about you. 01:13:52.63 Miguel Yeah, for me. Yeah, we hash this about this in episode one about yeah dishonor one is very much you can tell um, it's the focused hallway right? like because there's less tools. There's a smaller scope that could focus on the setting. You know the level design because but because 2 they opened up the scope of the map because you know they kind of felt more comfortable in their tools. They expanded your roster I mean you have 2 characters you kind of start to meander through the level. 01:14:25.13 Daniel Yeah, a bit like particularly like like we mentioned in like the these city portions and set. Essentially you you were kind of like you could like explore around but it also was like as like I'm not necessarily like doing things that like. 01:14:26.65 Miguel I don't know if you felt that Daniel. 01:14:41.94 Daniel Build up to the next point in the story I'm just kind of like going off and like doing these little side quests here and there they are kind of disconnected where the first one you kind of really didn't have a lot of that going on there were like there was a little stuff but it was like very little like pretty much anything. Aside from like a few moments where all like connected to like getting to the next Target or whatnot. 01:15:03.26 Miguel And yeah I mean in one Really what the biggest side thing has to do with the Granny Rags and the Bottle Gang right. 01:15:12.48 Daniel Yeah, pretty much and like even that a lot of that leads into you know, get it gained like the Pendleton brothers through the bottle gang or ah, yeah, grainy rags is probably like the most optional part of that and like even that like teaches you things about like oh you know here's like. But some people do with the Outsider powers and the like. 01:15:31.58 Jala Right? And that's that's kind of the thing is that some it is more meandering and I think that's both kind of to its credit because it's more of a living breathing world with a lot of other things going on so you have the ability to pick your prerogative. Do you want to mainline the mission or do you want to wander ah in the first game. When I wandered it was because I wanted to backtrack and see what the other route would be but not because it's like this open almost were open world kind of feel even though it is ah on some kind of guided rails to an extent It's like the rails are further out to the sides than a normal on rails game. Or than Dishonored one. So yeah, ah, let's go ahead and move on to Death of the Outsider so we can then talk about some of the other stuff and then get into lore so ah, Death of the Outsider is essentially it was released as a separate thing should have basically just been released as dlc for Dishonored 2. 01:16:27.19 Jala But here we are so in this game you are playing as Billy Lurk. So this is after the events of Dishonored to all of that stuff happens and then you move on to Billy Lurk and ah in the first mission you are finding. 01:16:46.40 Jala Daud like since the time of Dishonored to after everything happened and you know the the whole situation with Delilah was done then ah Billy is left going I don't know what to do with myself and ends up going I need to find doubt I don't know what else to do because nothing I don't have anything else. You know. Um, you find out that Billie used to have a lover named Deirdre and she died a long time ago. She was basically trampled on ah but like run over by a carriage that was filled with nobles or something like that it was nobles that that ended up doing it. But um, that happened before Billy turned into an assassin and then when she met Daud. Daud offered her a way to get vengeance on those same as you know, nobles and stuff who had taken everything that she loved and so that's how she became an assassin and anyway like she doesn't have anything else other than finding Daud who spared her life in the canon version. 01:17:43.62 Miguel Yeah, the whole setting is like after after Brigmore Witches Daud kind of just disappeared for 15 years Ah Billy had no idea where he went there had been no rumors. No nowhere of where you know where the blade of dunwall has gone and after. The end of disarring to like now rumors start cropping up that he's returned so this kind of her past meeting now where is like she's feel she feels like she's this is the last step for her to move on ah move on right? She's reconciled with her part in Jessamine's murder you know having helped out Corvo or Emily now. She can take out the other part which is her pass with Daud. 01:18:22.10 Daniel Yeah, it's also she's also having like dreams and such about like missing her eye and arm like because of the the timeline shift due to what happens in Dishonored 2 as well. 01:18:34.67 Jala Which we didn't mention but um, like when you do like the low chaos version or whatever you can actually um, make it so Megan's eye and arm are never removed in the first place depending upon what you do isn't it in the crack in the slab part. Well. 01:18:47.11 Daniel Yes, yeah, because ah because if sin survives that intact. Ah Megan never ends up going to try to find him so she ends in it's not really mentioning you just like the next time you see her. You know you'll just notice that like yeah, she's just got her eye in arm. And like that's nothing's ever mentioned because you know she doesn't remember ever having lost them. But in this one. It's like she's having dreams about like that alternate timeline. Essentially. 01:19:11.98 Jala Yeah, and she finds out that there is a cult called the Eyeless and they have like basically a fight club and Daud is being held there and so you go in to try and so spare dow. You know you try to get Daud back from these eyeless folks. 01:19:30.30 Jala And so Daud still has some powers but he is very tired and very basically he's been overworked because all the Eyeless are trying themselves against Daud and you know like that's how they're using him. They keep him chained up and and whatever half starved or whatever and they just use him for training practice. 01:19:47.59 Daniel Yeah, keep keep him bound so he can't use his Outsider powers. Um, yeah, and he's he's up there in age now he's yeah he wasn't a spring chicken in the first game and like he's I imagine probably probably comparable to Corvo if not a little older. 01:20:01.91 Miguel Well, he's kind of what in his I think he's like almost his forties I think in the first game. 01:20:06.57 Jala Yeah I I was going to say I think he's pushing 60 by this point so and he's had a hard life. So it's a hard 60 at that. 01:20:11.31 Daniel Yeah, because yeah, that definitely very different from like you know, somebody who's spent most of his time in the tower. You know as in as as aside from like a couple of weeks where he was on the run. You know, compared to like somebody who's always like lived on like the dregs of society essentially. 01:20:32.80 Jala Yeah, for sure. So um, what'd you all think about this first level. 01:20:37.50 Daniel Us It's free I mean it's you know it's the tutorial level for Death of the Outsider. You don't have any Void powers. You know you are basically kind of like sneaking through doing the standard Dishonored stuff. Um, there's There's some interesting beats like ah. 01:20:55.20 Daniel Trying to get into the club. Ah you know and kind of like exploring that like some there's like some callbacks to like previous stuff that happened Dishonored. Ah, Overall, it's like it's one that's like not really. Terribly notable just because it's the tutorial level. 01:21:14.90 Jala Yeah, yeah, it is fun though to see like a fight club. This is something you haven't seen before you know like ah the thing that I like about the series is that it's always trying to give you something new as much as there there are lots of retreads for things like Dunwall Tower for example or you know whatever like the prison and this that and the other. 01:21:31.84 Jala Ah, you do go to those places more than once but that's just because like the nature of the beast like you're dealing with you know, imperial power and things like that where ah this is a totally different thing so you've got new environments and um so that's cool and so another thing that um. Billy talks about too is just missing the power that she had because Daud had you know, shared his Outsider power with his whalers. So his assassins had some of his powers because he was able to somehow share them. So um, that kind of comes into play here when she ends up kind of like getting. 01:22:08.64 Jala Some powers backed like not in this first mission that that comes up next. 01:22:12.21 Miguel Yeah, but it's also like combine it right? Like if we take Billy where she isn't dishonor one to where she is in 2 like how far she's gone because in 1 not only is she whole in body. But she yeah you like you said she has you know Void powers by the point of dishonor to here. Like she's having to do a mission like she would back in the day but like she's you know she's older. She's missing an eye in an arm she doesn't have her powers right? So it's like it's also just seeing into her words like this used to be so easy right. 01:22:43.60 Jala Yeah, yeah for sure. So then moving right? along? um is it Daud gets the gives the powers start sharing his powers again with her or no, it's because the Outsider. 01:22:56.29 Daniel No is ah yeah, the Outsider shows up and rather than giving Billy the Mark literally like grabs her hand like and is almost like burns away and then like forcibly grabs her eye and essentially she gets. Ah. Becomes a Void cyborg essentially. Ah yeah, it is really good. 01:23:14.89 Miguel Her design is so good I Love her design because her art her arm isn't really whole. It's like these crystals kind of floating together. 01:23:23.19 Jala It is except like at the very end of this game when we talk about when we're inside the Void level those Void golums that's her. She's part Void golem now and it's very cool. So she's got like this this glowing red thing for an eye and then she also has this like. 01:23:42.34 Jala Weird Void arm as well and that is how she gets her powers. It's not a mark the way that we're used to seeing but it is still a mark so like canon ending for Dishonored is that you didn't find stinton you didn't fix stinton and Megan is not therefore um, you know, restored fully. So. 01:24:00.69 Daniel Well no, no, she is restored initially yeah she is yeah she in the banning of Death Sir she's you know she's got full things but like was able to do this because of that because of that branch timeline is the implication that that's ah. 01:24:02.80 Jala Oh she is originally ok. Ok, oh yeah, you're right? You're right. 01:24:17.87 Daniel Because they it causes later on when you're going through levels. They're essentially like glitches of like you know between the 2 timelines of like yeah you can like see and like kind of ah see like things shifting between like what this would be in 1 and what it is in the actual reality. 01:24:34.50 Jala I Remember that now because in the very beginning. She's also talking about my arm aches and she didn't understand why and it's because like she's having these kind of reverberations these echoes from the other timeline where she doesn't have an arm. So so yeah, so and here it's it's her. 01:24:52.10 Jala Flesh arm gets replaced with a Void arm and it's kind of restoring her to the state of high chaos mode from dishonor too is what it is So yeah, yeah, more or less ah but still she she has Void powers now which she did not have before. So um, yeah for sure. So. 01:24:57.88 Daniel Yeah, kind of essentially. 01:25:06.21 Miguel When you get to cool knife. No yeah, but you will. 01:25:08.85 Daniel Well not yet, but like eventually. 01:25:10.71 Jala So yeah soon soon? But yeah, so moving on to the second thing we got follow the ink. So this is the one where you get to go to the tattoo parlor for the Eyeless. Ah this is because you're trying to break into the Eyeless cult to find out more about the Outsider because what Daud tells. You like when you rescue doubt is he's sick of all this shit. He's old. He's tired. He's done. He's so done and he wants to kill the Outsider. He has this in his mind that the way for him to redeem himself for all the things he's done is to kill the black eyed bastard and that is the and. 01:25:45.64 Miguel Now I Love that line. 01:25:45.92 Daniel Yeah, yeah I mean it's It's very yeah, we'll we'll discuss this more in the lore but it is very much like he's trying to like pin everything bad that. 01:25:48.58 Jala That is the mission that he imparts onto Billy so. 01:26:00.81 Daniel Not only that has happened to him and everybody else but also like what he's done on the Outsider. Essentially. 01:26:06.92 Jala Yes, yes, So the Outsider is essentially being set up as a scapegoat and put a pin in that we will come back to that? Um, but yeah, so that's what he tells you and you are going to this tattoo parlor for this eyeless cult because you are trying to. Like infiltrate and either get information or whatever. Ah, so that you can kind of infiltrate the eyeless cult because the eyeless cult are rumored to have this very powerful artifact related to the Outsider which might help you kill him. 01:26:36.27 Daniel Yeah, so you have to like find find out who first of all find out who the ah essentially the leaders of the eye lists within this area of Karnaka are and then figure out where they're keeping the weapon stash as well. 01:26:49.12 Jala Correct. So um, do you guys have anything in particular about this level I remember bits of it. It was fun. Um, the next level is the really memorable one. 01:26:59.49 Daniel Yeah, this is very much a big city exploring level. There are like there are like a couple of like of like 1 or 2 areas that are like they're little set pieces but not not as like expansive. As like say the clockwork mansion or the like um I think one of my favorite ones was ah. Going into the eyeless bar and like finding them essentially like ah essentially doing blood doping more or less and like being able to like mess with that a bit because it's like these people getting high on like draining somebody of their blood. 01:27:33.90 Daniel And injecting into themselves and you basically reverse that to knock all of them out which was like a fun little moment for me. 01:27:37.71 Jala Yeah, for sure and then also like you find out that the eye lists have this weird thing where they put plague rats in their their alcohol and they're just like living it the dangerous life I Guess so you know. 01:27:52.55 Miguel Yeah, because they're trying to straddle that line between kind of here and the Void constantly. Um I. 01:27:54.79 Jala Right? right? So like the eyeless cult. That's what they're all about. They're all about like you know worshiping the Void more or less. So. 01:28:03.78 Miguel For me I think what I would like but 1 it's the level to me is is less than what it is as more of a playground to test out. Billy's kind of what is it 3 powers right? which I don't know we can talk about the fact that if that's good or bad that she has such a limited. 01:28:23.54 Miguel Skill set I think they're interesting choices as powers. Go. 01:28:26.00 Jala I Like the fact that it isn't the full set because she has not received the mark the way that the other people have received the mark and so like I like that that is cool and I don't feel like um, narrowing down the number of powers that she has. 01:28:40.40 Jala Really limits you at all in terms of like your gameplay capacity at all. Ah that. 01:28:44.70 Daniel Yeah, and there's and there's some interesting stuff like the traversal power is a bit different than what Corvo or Emily have where it's ah you basically set a waypoint that you can warp to but ah what you can do is like prepare ahead of time like if you need you can set it like through a barrier. You normally wouldn't be able to like blink or far reach through but ah Billy will be able to like warp straight through that like if you're leaving a completely enclosed area. But if you set up a waypoint previously nearby then she can like just jump jump between the walls just like that. 01:29:17.36 Jala Yep yep! So so in that way because of the way that they designed those powers. It doesn't feel limiting to me at all. In in terms of like you know your gameplay it changes your gameplay a little bit but it doesn't feel limiting and especially since this is like 5 missions rather than the full set of like 9 or whatever. Um, you know like it's not like a limited verb set or anything. So. 01:29:34.75 Miguel Yeah. Yeah, the and the level is you can tell the levels build in the way so that you can get used to her skill set, especially if you're coming off of playing Dishon too. It's like yeah like it takes a bit of getting a especially her her kind of teleport to me was like the. 01:29:56.84 Miguel Harder one to get out of the 3 01:29:57.50 Daniel Yeah I mean it's It's different. That's that's the main thing and it did I didn't have the same experience I had with like the dlc for doubt where it like the is your base you go into that and like all sudden you're like oh I'm playing Weaker Chorofo Now it's like this felt. 01:30:16.74 Daniel A bit more distinct than like coming off of 2 01:30:17.64 Jala Well, that's also because the powers that doubt have are so similar to corvos that it just feels like you're you're rehashing current ground where this one it does feel like distinct enough. So you know maybe that's like a a not in favor of having it as a separate release rather than a dlc right. 01:30:36.73 Miguel Oh well, you can take it as the same way where if Dishonored to compared to thisar 1 is much bigger in scope where they felt more confident doing things right? That's why say like dow's powers are so similar to kou because they were like oh well we can't make them too different because then people are going to be like you know, kind of op. Put off by it right? So with this, they're like oh you know we saw how people liked Emily's kind of version of powers. Well what if you know we give Billy not as many powers but they're all 3 are kind of distinct enough to you know set her apart from ah you know even from Daud from corvo and from emily. 01:31:11.43 Jala So ah, let's talk about the other 2 powers as well before we move into the bank job which is the next section. So ah, who wants to talk about the other powers. 01:31:21.52 Daniel I will see I know we got the ah essentially a face stealing power more or less which you can use for 1 of the puzzles you get to get at 1 of the cult leaders where you basically like essentially like literally tear a face off in like or disguised as that person. For limited time. Yes. 01:31:39.20 Jala Yeah, it's it's called semblance and that one is very cool I Love using that. Um, that's that's a very fun power for sure. So ah, there's that one but then like ah she also has her own version of like the the dark vision kind of thing. 01:31:52.56 Miguel You have foresight's an interesting one because you sort of leave your body and can explore the area. 01:32:00.13 Daniel Yeah, you like as forje around that's kind of like what you use instead of like instead of having the heart for like being your radar for power Ups That's ah also doubles the zad in addition to like being able to scout around. 01:32:10.55 Jala Um, yeah, yep, you absolutely can you can drop away points while you're in the astro project. So yeah, it's very cool. Um though the overlap of those. 01:32:12.93 Daniel And think I think you can also lay out the waypoints for the traversal power as well. While you're doing that. 01:32:21.99 Daniel Yeah I mean yeah and it's just like going up and down as well. You're not, You're not limited to just like where you can walk to. 01:32:30.77 Jala Yeah, the the overlap of those powers and the capacity of each of those powers makes it to where it it compensates for not having the number so ah, moving right? along like you need to get used to all of those powers in order to pull off the bank job. Yay! So ah, you find out in that last level. 01:32:48.35 Jala That the blade that basically sacrificed the Outsider. So So basically the Outsider used to be a human.. The human was sacrificed in this you know, dark culty. You know, worship thing ceremony performed and turned him into the guy that he is now the the God figure that he is now. And so he's just like a guy who was was killed and turned into the Outsider and so you are looking for something that you might be able to use to kill him and so you believe that if you have the blade that made him perhaps you can also unmake him with that same blade. And that is what you are trying to go get from the Bank. So ah, there's multiple ways you can approach this you can take it head on and then you have to fight a bunch of Clockwork soldiers and everybody in the bank who is awake and ah you know, um alert in all guards and this that and the other you can also get something that you can throw into the air vents. At the the roof and then. 01:33:47.80 Daniel Yeah, some some chloroform equivalent I can't remember exactly what it is but essentially like it'll knock out everybody the Clockwork soldiers to be around. Um the main. The main difference between like yeah what you use to like knock people. Unconscious. And this is that like if you like make too much noise or you know like walk over them or something they will like get up and like come at you? um. 01:34:08.18 Jala So you have to be careful about like where you are and that you're not running over actual people and things like that because they will wake up and then they will alert others and. 01:34:20.53 Daniel Yeah, and ah and also like you know if you like turn off a wall of light where a clockwork sentinel is going to see it like they'll suddenly like raise the alarm because like oh this isn't supposed to be happening and like everybody will get up and investigate. 01:34:32.86 Jala Yeah, for sure. So this is again like sneaky sneak level. But the way that you you get down to the vault and the vault is fun. The way that you end up having to take that out. So Miguel you haven't talked for a second you want to talk about the vault. 01:34:49.16 Miguel Oh so sorry I was drinking water there now. Yeah I mean as a level. It is fun who doesn't like like just breaking into a bank especially here where. 01:34:54.34 Jala But not allowed not allowed anyway. Ah yes, the vault. 01:34:56.67 Daniel It's like we're talking a lot or something. 01:35:07.93 Miguel Because the game is built around Billy's powers right? Um, you're having to really put them into used to get around. Not only like you have all the walls of lights the clockwork sentinels. Um, you can use her spirit. Yeah, the what's it called foresight right here spirit walking. 01:35:26.60 Miguel Do like overhear the auction and like get around to get the key in there. Um I think it's a very it's one of those where um, where arcane really shines is when they really condent a level into being this. 01:35:42.14 Jala Yeah, absolutely and when you get to that vault though in order to bust it open. You actually have to bust it open look you have to. 01:35:43.77 Miguel Fun little puzzle box. 01:35:57.89 Jala To to break the fucker and drop that fucker and then you know ah go go through the remains of the vault in order to get into it and um, then it's fun because if you have all the combinations and stuff which you can gather from different places or puzzle out on your own. You can raid a bunch of people's stuff and get like a whole bunch of other goodies as well. Um, but yeah, like would you all think about the dropping the vault. 01:36:21.84 Daniel Oh tons, fun like it's just a nice little moment for like yeah, let's do this and just. 01:36:29.99 Jala You've been having to be quiet the whole time so going Boom Boom feels real good. 01:36:31.28 Miguel Yeah, which we which plays into the fact that ah Death ah Outsider doesn't have any of the chaos stuff to it like so her going loud is obvious. 01:36:32.31 Daniel Yes, absolutely. 01:36:39.88 Daniel Yes, you can you can? Yeah, you can be as lethal as you want It won't You know there's you know the the ending is a choice at the end. Essentially you know you don't have to worry about like that that playing. Ah. 01:36:55.73 Daniel If you want to go for a particular thing. 01:36:58.10 Miguel Yeah, play quiet until you don't have to be in the case here drop that thing. 01:36:58.40 Jala Um, yeah, yeah for sure. So yeah, absolutely and it's a lot of fun. So yeah, so moving right? along though then we go back to miguel's. 01:37:04.29 Daniel Yes, absolutely. 01:37:11.97 Jala Fun spot. The Royal Conservatory we're going to the stolen archive mission. So we are trying to find more information on how to get into the Void now that we have the knife that may be able to kill the Outsider Now we have to get into the Void and to do that We have to go to the conservatory. 01:37:29.38 Daniel Yeah, it's it's kind of like of I think it's like an explorer who like accidentally stumbled upon this area and you have to like figure out exactly where that is and ah, but within within the conservatory it's because after the. 01:37:45.88 Daniel Events with Brianna Ashworth and 2 has kind of been locked down the church of the everyman is like sealed off everything you know to like rid the place of Outsider artifacts and the like and so you have to get around them to figure out, get all that info. 01:38:00.38 Jala Yep yep, and that's a lot of fun too because of course the overseers out. They're also accompanied by oracular sisters. So you have those appearing. 01:38:06.85 Daniel Yes, yes, that's new. We should mention that before this mission this is. It's the the last mission you've when you're at the bank you learn I think from the Outsider that Dauds Died on back on the Dreadful Wale. 01:38:22.36 Jala Oh yeah, yeah, and then she also sets fire to the Dreadful Wale as like a a pyre in his honor. So. 01:38:28.84 Daniel Yeah, because you so basically you you no longer have you had cores you like start off in like this like little shanty that's like tucked away in like an abandoned building near the conservatory. 01:38:39.00 Jala Right? Because like at this point now the doubt is gone. You are wrapping up all the rest of his business but you know that tie is gone and so the Dreadful Wale doesn't need to exist anymore for you so you know because Billy is moving on. At this point she still got some unfinished business. But from here you know she's trying to resolve all that. 01:38:57.38 Miguel Yeah, it's kind of the marking of that you know, whatever past she had as Megan Foster's kind of gotten right? like now from here on. She's she reclaims herself as Billy Lurk. 01:39:10.37 Jala Yeah, for sure. So ah, does anybody have anything in particular, you want to add about that stolen archive level. Um, and. 01:39:18.78 Miguel I Think for me is just the fact that you can steal the the overseers face and then attend the meeting as him I I think that is a very fun choice for having a power that you steal faces with. 01:39:24.88 Jala Yeah, that's fun. 01:39:33.50 Jala There's a lot of different little fun set pieces in this this particular game for stealing people's faces like you know you can attend the auction stealing somebody's face. For example, that's what I did You can do a bunch of other things as well. Um, using that power and it's very very fun. It's also horrifying because then you leave that person with a blank Face. You know. 01:39:52.19 Daniel Yeah, they live like have like Void matter covering their face and looks like it's like torn off. It's like it is very unsettling to look at. 01:40:02.12 Jala Yeah, for Sure. So Then you find the information on how to get into the Void. Ah you had to find the location of the ritual hold in order to get to ah the Void so you find that information and then you get to your last level a hole in the world. And so you start from your usual spot and then you are trying to get to this ritual hold which means you have to fight through a bunch of Eyeless to get there and then you get to actually enter the Void which is a lot of fun. 01:40:32.44 Daniel Yeah, and you you run into like a bunch different ones like you have your standard like city watch clones essentially. But then there's like some additional stuff which like Miguel I'll let you you sound like you want to talk about that. 01:40:50.78 Miguel No, no, no I was gonna mention like this level is very very like at ah inspired by lovecraft right? The abandoned kind of town in the mountains right? Ah the you know the the portal to whatever is unknowable in this mind that was found you know Long ago I Do love that kind of aesthetic. 01:41:12.20 Daniel Yeah, and there's a bit of like a insu look going on with some of the ah cult members instead. It's like they've been touched by the Void essentially and they're. 01:41:21.94 Jala And then um, they eventually turn into those Void Golums don't they if they've been touched by the Void for long enough or they've been exposed to it. 01:41:28.40 Daniel Yeah, they, you'll like see it some with like just like glowing Yellow eyes and and like a couple of ah, a little bit of like scaly rocky skin and then you have like ones that like you find notes to say like yeah they eventually they turn into like these big Void columns that kind of like. Are completely disconnected from Humanity. Yes. 01:41:49.89 Miguel The envisioned which is a great name. 01:41:52.13 Jala Yeah, you envisioned. Yeah it is and then like ah you notice that these these Void golums he's envisioned also have some of the Void powers that you have been familiar with from the rest of these games like they can warp around and they have other things like that that they have at their disposal. Ah,, there's like the whole level when you're navigating around ah to get into the Void and when you're in the Void and there's these envisioned around is like you know there's a bunch of Eyeless hanging out everywhere. There's also envisioned walking around which are a pain in the butt to try to fight. Um, this is the way. Yeah. 01:42:26.38 Jala Did this level when I was replaying it for the Show. So The first time I was very sneaky and very patient and very careful. Ah, this time I went full bore and I was running around and I was like killing everybody. Ah, except for like the envisioned who were chasing me and then I ran into the place where you get the the information you need for the non-lethal. Ah you know resolution to the Outsider himself and then like for some reason the the envisioned didn't didn't find me anymore and went away. And I was like yes I managed to do this by like running like full tilt through the entire freaking level being chased by this thing that was trying to murder me and I almost died several times but I used all my potions because I was like I know this is the end of the game I can use them Now. So ah, how did you. 01:43:17.31 Daniel I I did pretty similar I I mostly snuck around tried to like be as quiet as I could once you get to like the the big expansive area with the the cult members all around and like it's like near impossible to like try to sneak around on the ground I'm like. 01:43:36.45 Daniel You know, foresighting through the air trying to like find like little Hidey holes I can get to that are out of eyesight. Um, but then once once you get to the point where you open things up essentially because ah what you find here is ah oh. 01:43:54.71 Daniel Forgotten god I think this is basically what's burie here is the Outsider's predecessor with the or the whoever whoever or whatever was the guardian of the Void before him and like you have to go to that corpse and like essentially fully unlock Billy's connection to the Void which is what leads you like the level opens up like it's more Void than reality and that's when like invision start like really start hammering at you and at that point it was like yeah okay like I can't be selfie anymore because the envision just like. 01:44:32.81 Daniel We'll just crawl up you and like can kind of like sense you even if you're trying to sneak around them. Um, so like at that point is just like okay I just need to like straightot straight shot to the ritual hold. 01:44:42.78 Jala Right? And like if you do happen to sneak around in that part, you do get to see a lot of neat set pieces with people frozen in the Void kind of like how you see in Dishonored one and different aspects of Dishonored to like for different moments when the Outsider pulls you into the Void to talk to you. Um, so you do get some of those set pieces along the way. But the the nonlethal takedown that you learn about ah the the Outsider in general is you need to learn the secret of his Mark and you find out that the Mark is actually his name which was forgotten and. When he puts his mark on someone. He's actually just writing his name on them. Ah I wrote my name on it now. It's mine, you know and ah, that's that's kind of the the sentiment here. But so like the way that you the key that you need in order to you know, non lethal the Outsider is his name. 01:45:34.60 Daniel Yeah, and it's ah nobody living can speak it. It's like Unpronounceable. 01:45:37.24 Jala Yeah, and so you find this information and you find your way all the way down to where the Outsider is at and you find out that he's a big statue too and he looks to be in pain and you know being trapped just like everybody else and so at this point, the game is really kind of pointing you to. He is as much a victim in in Billy's like he's just a boy. He's just a boy. He's not even you know he was just you know his life was taken from him just like he's taken all these other people's lives and so doubt appears to you there in the Void and he's like ok I'm here to you know, um, talk you through whatever you need to do here. Billy. And so you have a choice at this point to either kill him kill you know, ah the Outsider by stabbing him through the heart with the blade that you have in your hand which again this isn't a boss fight. You just stab him. You know he's he's frozen or you can talk doubt into speaking the name of the Outsider to him. 01:46:33.18 Jala And that will give him his human life back but take away his godhood. 01:46:38.16 Daniel Yeah, and it's like endowed is like against this at first he's like now we we need to end this like it doesn't matter but like you have to talk him down say like hey you know you're dead. You can actually like undo all of this and like yes it gives him a mortal life. But it's like you know. 01:46:57.30 Daniel He didn't ask for any of this. 01:47:00.40 Miguel Yes, yeah, and like the Void shows it to us right? like we see the scene of where the Outsiders tie down on this stone tablet right? Um, the what would be the predecessors to what would become now you know the eyeless cult you know. 01:47:15.99 Miguel The main guy having the knife over the Outsider fire like we can see what happened like no one gets sacrificed ah like this willingly you can see he's struggling. 01:47:23.37 Daniel Yeah, because he's he's he's portray is like he's just somebody who they like okay we can like do this to this kid and like you know we have whatever the goal is you know as yeah I don't I don't recall them really mentioning what like. Final goal of that aside from like creating the Outsider it might have been like that opened up the Void for them. 01:47:49.70 Miguel Ah, so the idea is that the Void without a host is essentially uncontrollable. It's just wild and then by giving it a host though the host now becomes kind of the kind of you know you can aim the powers of the Void Hence how? ah. 01:48:04.30 Miguel You know he he writes his name on people as you know who he finds interesting as a way of like Well what if I give you Void powers. Let's see what happens to the world whereas if you leave the Void alone. The Void will just do what it wants and start like we'll see in the extra media right? The book that takes place after this. 01:48:23.88 Miguel Um, it starts to kind of seep into the real world because there's nothing kind of guiding it anymore. Yeah. 01:48:28.75 Jala Holding it back? Yeah, yeah, so um, for me this was like a really good resolution piece like it was an interesting dive into the Outsider who is this mysterious character that's just kind of guiding you around for all the rest of the other 2 games. And to see into this and to see it's very consistent with the rest of these games to have him be just as much a victim as everyone else because that's kind of the theme right? This is the running theme is that everybody is basically a victim. So ah, you get that sense from basically everything. 01:49:00.86 Jala And um, so yeah I liked this resolution I liked this game I love playing Billy I think Billy is awesome like I I had superg girl crush honor when I was first playing this. So ah, what do you all? think about Death of the Outsider and then we can move on. 01:49:18.34 Daniel Ah, just really good, really solid. Ah, really solid expansion for 2 essentially um like say it's is shorter like probably on par with the dow dlc as far as length. Um. 01:49:34.55 Daniel Just just a ton of fun like just ah, a nice little ah beau on the entire story like just wrapping up with the final bits of loose ends from 2 01:49:42.49 Jala Yeah, Miguel how about you. 01:49:45.84 Miguel Um, I think to me if I put it alongside with the other two Dlc's from one I think it is my favorite. The dlc is just because you can see. It's very much the refinement of arcanes kind of technique with the game right? Like what if we give you you know a handful of levels. 01:50:03.81 Miguel With a character that you know we haven't really given a lot of ah spotlight ah give her a limited skill set but very interesting skill sets and just let you run wild in a kind of like what if we ah delved into that weird stuff we are. We are always teasing at in the main games. 01:50:23.60 Jala Yeah, for sure and it but definitely leaves you ah having like an in you know a stronger interest in the Void right? Ah, overall because you're like people are are interested in this people kind of live between worlds there. You know there's this whole lore behind the. Void that I want to to get to talk to so with that said, um, let's wrap a bow on those games and move on to the other media and then hopefully talk lore so I'm going to barrel through some of this stuff about these other other things. So. Ah, stuff other media that has been released for Dishonored as an ip you have the art books. The Dunwall archives in 2014 and the art of Dishonored 2 and 2016 so the dunwall archives is a collection of artworks and. Lore notes and things like that that you find throughout the first game and it's basically like um, everything that you find in that book is more or less something you can access within the main game itself. But it's cool to have it in like a physical or you know ebook format. So ah. This is cool because it is available as an ebook where a lot of art books for video games are not so I like that and the art of dishonor too has a lot more on the development side. It has a lot of concept art that was never in the game the way it was officially released. They show different options for. 01:51:42.87 Jala Emily's design and different weapons. They were considering for her and a lot of other things and it also has you know some of those things where they were trying to make different decisions about the game and how they decided to to set up the world for you and so ah, that's cool to look at from like a behind-thecenes sort of perspective. So ah, there was also a trilogy of novels written by Adam Christopher and these are the ones that we hinted at from the first episode where I was like losing my mind and like live tweeting my reactions to it to poor Miguel and Daniel who were just like please stop messaging me. Ah. 01:52:16.40 Daniel Ah, it was glorious. I was so glad you read them so I didn't have to based based on the experts we posted because whole boy. 01:52:26.57 Jala I'm going to read a little excerpt for everybody. So ah, The Corroded Man 2016 a strange shrouded figure appears in dunwall seeming to possess powers once wielded by the assassin known as it dowed faced with the possibility that their deadliest foe has returned Emily and Corvo plunge headlong into a life and Death race. Against time if they fail to learn the truth about this mysterious enemy the result could be destruction on an unimaginable scale that is the first novel second one The Return of Daud 2018 Daud legendary assassin has returned to Dunwall a city in turmoil. We see a mythical weapon said to a. The power to kill the Outsider and we'll go to any lengths to find it. But there are those who are watching his every move traveling the aisles to complete his mission Daud will soon discover that old enemies have been waiting for him and new enemies are easy to make so this novel is about that interstitial period between the Dishonored deal dlc for 1 and the time when Billy finds him in Death of the Outsider this is kind of talking about his hunt for that weapon. That's supposed to kill the Outsider and then finally we have The Veiled Terror in 2018 which is ah from Tyvia to Syrkonos Mysterious riffs in the fabric of reality have appeared. 01:53:38.43 Jala Portals into the Void with the potential to tear the world apart. Billy's search for the source of their instability sends her far from dunwall to a city cut in half by a rift and to a kingdom recovering from civil war where an uneasy truth truce reigns. A former assassin smuggler and bounty hunter Billy's a born survivor and she's the only one who can set things right? but to do so she must confront her own past with world altering results. So sounds cool like that's the one that I was so excited about but unfortunately and. 01:54:09.98 Jala Fortunately, they are nigh unreadable for me. Um, the boys know this having heard me lose my mind over time as I'm reading it right? Um, so just the opening of the second book which is one that just sent me ah, spiraling off into space. 01:54:17.60 Daniel Oh yeah, completely sympathizing to. 01:54:27.70 Jala The place is made of nothing but stone and Ash and is filled with nothing but the cold dark and it smells of nothing but rust and corrosion and it tastes of nothing but the sharp and sour tang of fear the boy stares up into the sky. Although that's not what it is. There is no sky and it goes on and on like this like there is. 01:54:46.00 Jala Ah, whole fucking chapter in the second book where Emily is sneaking out to find grave robbers and then the entire chapter is just her staring at them and going those are grave robbers wait I don't know if those are grave robbers and then backtracking through the whole thing to figure out and then to say. 01:55:04.64 Jala She's got this guys. She's got this. She could take them. She knew it it occurred to her they were more likely armed or more than likely armed and if this and if so this was a secret hidden crime and she could do this. She knew it and like she had to think about it 700 times and at the end of the chapter she fucking goes home. 01:55:23.80 Jala She goes home know that he happens I was so mad. But. 01:55:30.35 Jala And that is all I have to say about those books I'm sorry if you love them I cannot read them I tried I tried you'll I tried to take 1 think. 01:55:36.95 Daniel Yeah, no, the the Ex experts you posted like like to me, it's like oh somebody's trying to pad their word count because like. 01:55:47.18 Jala Oh yeah, for sure they sold a book of x number of pages and they're going to damn well get it by repeating this over and over and over again like boy I couldn't even I couldn't even so um, like it. Maybe even's out later on I got like a third through the first book and I got through. 2 3 chapters of the second one I couldn't even open the third one I was like I have no strength left in my body to open this. So um, but what I did read is the comics. So ah, there's Dishonored by Gordon Renni and Andrea Olympia and so this one sets up a cool story. This is the good one. Okay this I like this one I would recommend reading it 12 years have passed since Corvo Otano ah scuppered the Lord Regent's duplicitous plot against the crown and cleared his name of the empress Jessamine's murder now a little older and perhaps a little wiser. Cuervos sets his sights on the future in securing an apprentice to continue his legacy but when confronted by an impossible face from his past the magically gifted assassin finds himself once again, drawn into supernatural conspiracy one that threatens to shake the very foundations of this ancient city. So ah, this one's cool. It introduces a new character called coings who is a black female watch member I mentioned that because most everybody um, you know like Megan is of different ethnicity but like a lot of the other characters are white people. So I like the fact that this is a a black female character. Ah that is basically taken. 01:57:16.70 Jala To working with corvo in this comic and kind of set up as potentially being his new apprentice and at the end of the thing like it ends on this this kind of a cliffhanger that makes you think there's going to be more and then there isn't so just understand It's a good book. It has some cool stuff in it and then it never happens like there's no continuation after that. 01:57:35.48 Daniel Yeah, it's shame because I read through the first issue and it's like oh this, this sounds pretty good I like like where this is going and like that's a shame that like it's like yeah I imagine like I'll get some resolution reading through but like fact that it's on cliffhanger. This new resolve is always like oh that's a shame. 01:57:51.70 Jala It is it is because then they released Dishonored volume 2 The Peeress and the Price in 2018 by Michael Moreechi and again with the same artist andrea olympieri so same artist. Different writer. This one is. Okay, it's it's not great to me. Um Emily comes into a conflict with a politician named Archibald Dufrain and there is a mysterious killer on the loose. But Emily's powers start to falter in the middle of their investigation and things turn deadly. Some of that is like repeats of stuff that we've seen it's like rehashes of of kind of plot points. We've seen and other stuff to a degree and not the faltering powers but some of the other things and it's okay, it's not nearly as good as the first comic. So like of all of the other things that there are. Ah, the things I would recommend checking out would be the ttrpg which we'll segue into in a second and then that first comic. So ah, did either of you guys read the other stuff that I already mentioned. 01:58:51.96 Daniel Ah, like I said I do only read the first issue of the first comic pouring and I did not get to second one unfortunately. 01:58:55.10 Jala Cool, yeah well um, yeah I would recommend reading through the rest of the first first Dishonored story the one with cotings in it. Um, the second one is it's okay I mean like you know it's not like objectionable or anything but it's also just like um, not anything stand out going on miguel don't tell me that you read the novels and love them and I just ripped them to shreds. 01:59:23.95 Miguel No, no so I never got around through reading the novels because ah when I was kind of looking for a copy of them. You started posting your little snippet of like oh this is what's in here. Um I did. 01:59:37.53 Miguel At 1 point though because I had come at the books backwards I didn't know the of the first two I only had known about the veiled terror because I was when I was looking through for Death of the Outsider and the fact that that took after so that one interested me and then ah the good thing though is that that is summarized online so you don't have to read through it. 01:59:52.53 Jala Cool cool I will have to look for a summary then because I love Billy I love what the idea of what's going on in that book. But I don't know if I can read the actual writing so but. 02:00:03.00 Miguel Yeah, there. There is some kind of iffy stuff I think my to me the most interesting part of the posts kind of Death of the average stuff is the kind of how the because the Void is all weird like she keeps the you know the the the knife right? The twin bladed knife. And because it's also from the Void like it has a physical form but it's Void touched so it's acting and wonky to a point where ah if Billie tries to summon it into her hand. It's a fifty fifty if it one response and if it does it can it makes her art like her ah Void arm hurt. 02:00:38.19 Jala Um I was about to say like watch it turns on her and stabs her because that that would have been really cool. You'd be like well I might die or I might die you know. 02:00:39.79 Miguel To a point where no she she explains it like it makes her arm vibrate in a way that hurts her real bad to the point where she stops calling on the blade for a while because she just. 02:00:58.00 Miguel There's there to her is like it's not worth it. Also her eye is wonky at points because that's tied to the whole thing because it's a shard of the eye of the dead God Um, yeah, she talks about how that there are times where she's ah sleeping in it feels like a needle going through her skull. 02:01:12.66 Jala Yeah, cool. Um, well maybe I'll look at the summary of that because I don't know if I can read the actual text but ah moving on to the ttrpg. So ah, this was published in 2020 by Modius which is a Uk tabletop developer. And so ah it it contains an introduction to the empire of the aisles and an in-depth look at its history. Its people and the struggles they face a step-by-step guide to play the roles of the protagonists from grim assassins and rugged criminals to intrepid explorers and stoic crown loyalists. A host of antagonists in a myriad of different story hooks to inspire you from the harsh cold lands of tivia to sunny Karnaka insight on the strange nature of the Void as well as rules to harness its reality-bending powers the oil trail a minicampa in 4 acts that serves as a perfect introduction to the city of dunwall. So that's what's in the book. It has some cool little comic parts. It has maps and stuff all of that is very fun to look at and then so I don't want to dig in too much here, but this is a 2 d twenty system which is apparently Miguel you informed me that this is like a modiious thing like that's just that tabletop developers. Particular style of of dice dice rolling. 02:02:28.75 Miguel Yep, pretty much every book they publish they do it in the 2d20 system. 02:02:31.90 Daniel Is this related to the but d20 like third edition D&D system or is this like it's own take. 02:02:38.89 Miguel This is essentially like it's all rolled on d20s and then depending on your skills and all that you have to roll a camera if it's over under a number on a D Twenty essentially you just want to your your whole point is making it so the margin of error is on your side. 02:02:55.67 Jala Yeah, yeah, so ah, yeah, this the rule book is cool because it digs into different themes that are in the world of Dishonored like the Abbey versus the colts the rulers versus the peasants light and dark things like that. Ah, it's kind of talking about overall themes and overall um, you know, sticking points that you find in the world as a whole. Ah the health is tracked via stress points and you have Void points for the use of your powers you have skills as mentioned by bingel you also have styles which is how you handle situations which I think is very. Very neat that they put that in there as like an expression so like say for example, like if you are role-playing a character and your character has a um particularly sneaky style or whatever and then like you're doing a very bold action that can count against you if you try to do a bold action which is out of your character if you will. So ah, that's kind of neat and ah yeah, you also have focuses which are specific areas of expertise in your training and talents which are tricks you have learned along the way as you take actions you can gain momentum by passing those skill checks as Miguel mentioned getting the margin of error in your favor. And when you do that you can either spend it immediately or keep it in a pool for all the players and momentum allows you to buy extra two or D twenty s extra d twenty s for your skill checks create a new truth about the scenario by writing an object in that you need to accomplish your goal or something or to ask a question of the gm. 02:04:24.34 Jala So that's very cool it you also accrue chaos which is used against the players in much of the same way as momentum. But it's on the side of the gm and of course there's a good like 330 ish pages I'm not going to go through all of it if all of that sounds cool to you check it out I will put a link in the show notes. 02:04:43.13 Miguel Yeah I would recommend that people do are interested. Um, it is much better as a book to have for the setting I would recommend probably using something like blades in the dark I think does a lot of the same thing the 2 d twenty system especially in this one that does like. 02:05:00.80 Miguel Does it better right? rather than having the chaos system you have the clocks that that Blas and dark gives you you have the flashback system right? I think overall this is great for having if you're being a Gm and want to run a Dishonored campaign have this book for the campaign settings and the stuff in there but probably use. 02:05:19.47 Miguel Blades in the Dark for running the game. 02:05:20.77 Jala Yeah, for sure. So that is all I've got on the extra media and stuff like that I know that wasn't super indepth or anything but like honestly there's not a whole heck of a lot there to to discuss you know so ah check it out if you're interested in those things from the things we have talked about. It is now time to talk lore. Yes, yes, Lo Miguel take it away. This is your favorite thing in the world. The Void. Yeah. 02:05:40.57 Daniel All the lore. 02:05:45.51 Miguel So much of it. Oh where to start? Um, yeah, you want to start with the Void like because it's it's the backdrop for everything right? because I I mean you can remove it because that's what Dishonored 2 allows you to do by playing without it. But. 02:06:03.30 Miguel Like the idea that in this world. There is a realm that like nobody doubts like people know it exists right? What they question is like. 02:06:08.34 Daniel Yeah, and they can like science it out like with with what the church or the ever band does with the music boxes. 02:06:16.95 Miguel Yes, the idea that you can use music to counteract the kind of chaos of its order versus chaos right? The ordered music versus the chaotic energies of the Void. Um, but I love that there is this kind of dichotomy where. The the discussion isn't if the Void exists is if the Outsider is real because to some people like you have the cultus right? and then even the everyman is like you know the Outsider out there. He's He's either someone who can grant you gifts or and that kind of things but to the everyman he's like he's this. 02:06:49.31 Miguel You know his chaos incarnate right? causing mischief by giving people powers in the fact that he does give people powers and then what that kind of translate right? because not everybody will have the same kind of evolution of of gifts. 02:07:05.19 Daniel Yeah, and and it's like I think it's stated um I believe in the dow deal'll see at that point it's like 8 total people have ever gotten his mark. Yeah, it's it's in like the a lot of the ah. 02:07:06.80 Miguel We see that with our protagonists. 02:07:14.39 Jala Yeah, there's only just a handful of people. 02:07:23.60 Daniel People who have it are like people who are like connected to doubt or Delilah who can share their powers or have like a particular like trinket or bone charm to manifest those powers. 02:07:31.52 Miguel Yeah, which is the fun part right? because the wit is being involved in this demonstrates that and then also the eyeless cult that you don't necessarily have to deal with the Outsider to interact with the Void. There are very different. 02:07:50.97 Miguel Kind of ah ways to connect to it the the outside just happens to be the more kind of ah, would you say like the face of it right. 02:08:00.43 Jala Yeah, for sure and something about the bone charms too. So at first because like you always are collecting like whale bones all the time. Um, you know I was like oh I guess it's because there's space whales that come from the Void or are Void touched or whatever you want to say? um. 02:08:16.42 Jala That kind of thing but then actually if you read into the stuff about granny rags vera morere before she was cranny rags or as she was turning into granny rags and became ah herself somebody with the mark of the Outsider. Ah she like what took her husband's bones like ended up killing him and taking his bones and using those initially to to make bone charms and stuff. Right? At first something like that. It's not just space whales. You can take any bones but whale bones kind of because they're plentiful and easy to get I suppose are what are usually used. 02:08:45.38 Daniel Ah, yeah, and that's ah, that's part of the final mission too is with when you're having the change the balance of the ritual. It's ah a matter of like what what runes are embedded in the ritual to that are whalebone and which ones are made from human Remains. You have to like change that balance around so it's yeah, it's It's odd because like you have um if I remember correctly in that mission the ones made from human remains are specifically noted as corrupt bone charms. Um, but it. 02:09:05.15 Jala Talk more about that. 02:09:22.44 Daniel Yeah, you have the crafting system too where like you just have a random chance of like accident creating a corrupted bone charm from whalebone. Yeah I don't I don't know how exactly that squares up logistically as far as like if if the corruption matter is like different than like what. Because ah Delilah is like intentionally making these human remains like it's asked be like specifically from those in order for the ritual to take effect. So I don't I don't know what the difference is with the corruption of that and like the corruption from crafting. Um. 02:09:58.53 Miguel Well I mean there's kind of there's always comments about the fact that how the whales tie to the Void right? like and that's not just the current era. That's even ancient I believe even from Pandyssia when we like. 02:10:16.93 Miguel Even from the other continent like the ah all these cultures have had this tie that the whales of the ocean are very much intrinsically connected to the Void to the point like there like even times when we go into the Void. We see a whale swimming in the background right. 02:10:30.68 Daniel Yeah, and that was the kind of a theory and when we just had Dishonored one was that the Outsider was like a space whale of some sort or was like they're like Supreme representative of that before we got like Death of the Outsider that explained that a bit more. 02:10:50.34 Miguel I think also people have ah taken you know how we see the the eye of the dead god in Death of the Outsider. They've put that next to the because we have couple shots in both Dishonored 1, its DLCs, and 2 of like the whales right. 02:11:06.32 Miguel And they've demonstrated that the eye is very similar to an eye of a whale in the fact that the former kind of host of the Void right? The dead God was a whale. 02:11:16.65 Jala Yeah, and ah, something else. That's interesting to me is that um the use of the space whales as ah, this tie to the Void is very cool because ah even for us today. The depths of the ocean is still the unknowable, right? like we are we are diving down deeper than we've ever dove before but at the same time we know more about space than we do the bottom of the ocean like in the darkest parts. 02:11:43.39 Jala You know there's a lot. We don't know and so like the ocean itself is the Unknowable. So The fact that these space whales. Ah you know, dive through the deepest depths and then also are like swimming in the unknown in the Void you know like that's a very cool, very cool ah tying together of kind of like. The way people have felt about the ocean since the beginning of time right? and ah tying that to like this other worldliness. 02:12:11.81 Daniel Yeah, absolutely And and again should note that like we don't in the first one These aren't like your average blue whale. These are like kind of almost like love Crafty and monstrosities in a way. Yes. 02:12:22.79 Jala With tentacles and things. Yes. 02:12:30.36 Daniel But yeah, yeah, it's they they just don't um, yeah, it is interesting because like they do play a big role. You know you do have the entire um way the whale oiling a whale oil for a power source which in in 2 is kind of remarked that like yeah, we're. We're seeing less and less whales like having to come up with alternate power sources because there are there are few sections in 2 where you have to activate wind turbines in order to power up some things. 02:13:01.53 Miguel Which we've talked about how Dishonored is a kind of fantastical view of that age of exploration kind of industrialization of where we transition from things like whale oil seal oil that kind of stuff to you know petroleum right. 02:13:20.68 Miguel Ah, Gasoline Kerosene like once we discovered Ul sources because also you know even in that time whale hunting like we started to run out of whales because of that. So but it's an interesting part to take that our actual history and just change it enough to be. 02:13:37.96 Jala Right? right? and the very another very cool thing too is that these whales are not just like terrestrial whales like the way that that we have on Earth You know our earth but like you know there are kind of Cthuloid Horror monsters who have these eyes that look like the eyes of God and. 02:13:38.19 Miguel Oh now it's kind of love craftier now. 02:13:57.85 Jala These beasts who have like this other worlding or other worldliness about them. You know are also life giving and like a source of you know, massive source of food and energy and everything and they're just processed in you know, like ah treated like just another product right. And you know put in these gross little tins and and used in all these different whale oil tanks and things like that and you know like those tanks and stuff glow with this like mystical blue light and everything showing that that you know the source of this is this otherworldly beast but they're they're just downgraded to just this this you know. Fuel and food. 02:14:35.50 Daniel Yeah, and that that kind of dovetails back into like you know the Void being like something they can like study and like evaluate scientifically. You know you have the Outsider and like the music boxes stop them like they've they've taken the whales which were like you know this. Big mysterious thing. It's like okay we have this down to the science we have like these specific ships that are meant to haul in and like start butchering the whale as they head back to dock you know, get like a very detailed description of that in the first game of like a ship designed by socal off just for that purpose. 02:15:09.43 Jala Um, right? right? So um, the eye of the the dead god or the forgotten god or whatever being like it's interesting that it is like this this whale eye kind of thing big red whale eye looking thing which also looks like the eye that's in Billy's head and um, you know like it's just buried in the rock when you find it. 02:15:29.84 Miguel And if you look at it by the way with Foresight Billie will say it it like it radiates energy and she says it hurts her eye to look at it. So like even if it is a dead god like there's still power behind it. 02:15:44.48 Daniel Yeah, even even if dead it's like there's something to it there. Yeah. 02:15:52.18 Jala Right? right? So the eyeless cult so this is something I wanted to ask ah the Eyeless cult as you know it in the game for Death of the Outsider. So ah, they are worshipping the Void they are trying to to do whatever get into the Void and become. Ah, these ah magical envisioned guys. Well um, are they the same cult that also killed the Outsider originally is this like a descendant cult or is this a separate cult that is trying to figure out what the lost cult was doing I mean there's so many cults in this damn thing. 02:16:23.86 Daniel Yeah I don't know sure I Always the way I took it like playing through the game is that the Eyeless were kind of like a descendant calledt from that and like the what was located in the mountains when you get to the final mission is like that original Cult. It's not like. Just the eye lists. It's like these these are the guys who like started all this and like the people who broke away and like spread out into the the world like became the Eyeless or became some other kind of variation on that cult of the Void. 02:16:56.80 Miguel Yeah I think kind of the the canonical idea is it's yeah this generational kind of cult that has kind of because they you know they sacrificed the Outsider and then guarded the door. It's an open doorway to the Void in there. Um. 02:17:12.86 Miguel They've kind of kept watch over it. You know you're ah yeah, in other media is right there you're illuminati or like in Batman the court of owls right there these they exist in the background of society. Um, who have kept up this task of essentially keeping eye on this. 02:17:31.85 Miguel Wound in in reality for whatever reasons like that could have shifted over over the Millennia since they you know first came here but the point being is they they're still around. 02:17:41.36 Jala So why are they called the Eyeless I know there's some lower note somewhere. That's got to explain that. 02:17:50.60 Daniel I'm not sure. Actually I don't I do I'm sure there is a lore note I Just don't ever recall running into that. Um. 02:17:59.75 Jala Yeah, that's something that I was curious about too because I want to say it's something about possibly um you know like in looking towards the Void You don't see the rest of the regular world or something like that is probably. 02:18:10.76 Daniel Well, you also have the ah cult members that are at the mountains they they have the Yellow eyes. It could be a reference to that as well. 02:18:16.49 Jala So what about the Outsider. 02:18:26.35 Daniel Yeah, the Outsider is like I said the yeah, the original theory was that he was like actually just an avatar for like 1 of the space whales before we got his backstory but it is interesting that like you know now he was just a kid at 1 point you know is it is ah. Kid elevated to like this almost dayic position. Yeah or a depending on who you talk to a an equivalent of a devil or antichrist or what have you and yeah, that does make like some of his like. Motivation is interesting because you know at first he's like yeah I don't I don't really care about the world. You know I just time like you know these are my stories I'm doing this for my entertainment but it's like you know with with that reveal in the to in Death of the Outsider like but are you really though you know do you really not care because. 02:19:21.29 Daniel The entire time Death the Outsider even though like your end goal is to kill the Outsider. He's helping you the entire time you know he? yeah he didn't have to love give Billy the ah the aVoid augmentations at all. But. 02:19:39.26 Daniel Nonetheless he did like he clearly wants courage to succeed at the mission you know because you know he I've I think he says at 1 point you know it doesn't matter you if you kill me, it's just it's over and I'm you know it's done. Yeah I don't mind that at all. 02:19:54.67 Jala Yeah, he does at some point just basically lay it up to Billy that you know he feels he is trapped just like everybody else is trapped and so you know finding a resolution point for him is you know would be ah, a sweet release. You know he doesn't want to do this anymore than anybody else wants to do this. But. When you said ah this is these are my stories I'm just imagining him just sitting there. Ah for his tele novella right? and and he's just using the world for his tele novella and that's pretty good. 02:20:19.84 Daniel Yeah, this is is just like this is his like this the way he entertains themselves. It's like oh let's let's see what cor was doing next? Oh he's like oh he's blown up everything that's kind of cool. You know? Yeah oh he did like this weird roundabout way of like solving the problem. Oh that's interesting I wasn't expecting that. 02:20:39.83 Daniel Wait He spared Daud What the hell. 02:20:42.00 Miguel Yes, I also love the fact that you have people in the world who are who dedicate their life. Their resources to trying to contact him like yeah, the biggest example being like Sokalov right. 02:20:57.43 Miguel Like so Sokolov talks about like he you know his one of his biggest dreams is to speak to the Outsider to to get to know this being beyond the veil and like he does so many things he he spent the fortune buying whalebones. Um, he's tried every mathematics science like opportunity he could have like just trying to. Contact them and then just corvo talking to him just dismisses Anton what just saying like you know if he wanted to you know wanted to get my attention. He could start by being interesting and like we're talking about the man who revolutionized the empire. 02:21:27.79 Jala Yeah, yeah for sure and that's very funny because like soka love is such a character to begin with but you know it's very fun that he does say that for sure who wow. 02:21:50.31 Miguel I Do There is one quote I have of his this is very funny to me I So enjoy watching history warp as words pass from the lips of one to the ears of another imperfectly formed half understood poorly remembered. 02:22:05.92 Jala Yeah, and you see see here's the thing. The novels can't compare with the writing of the actual games you know? Ah so like there there are a lot of points where the um the Outsider is saying is usually the Outsider has like the best zingers right. 02:22:23.94 Jala So ah, the Outsider gets all these cool lines and then you know you get to other parts where it's like the the you know, books and stuff the novels and it's like ah this isn't on par with with what we're getting in you know, but what we're being served in the original games. And I mean like I understand that that's usually the case like the the random things that are come out with to make it a multimedia franchise are usually not on par with the kind of quality that you get from the original product. But you know, um. Still, it is kind of said because you you just want more of this world right? So So yeah, ah, do we know very much about the old God that it was a space whale ah the the forgotten God was a space whale of some sort and the eye is still lodged somewhere. The dead eye is lodged somewhere in the minds and everything do we know very much else. 02:23:18.24 Miguel So for the most part What we know about it is again the whole the eye is from a whale is mostly speculation but like it's consistent enough like when you look at like side by sides right? It doesn't look like a person's eye just the way it sits. Um. 02:23:34.30 Miguel Nothing is totally confirmed but it it makes the most sense. Ah, ah, but it's interesting because the idea is that the Void for a while was without a host quote unquote because the Outsider is only a host because the eyeless cult. 02:23:52.57 Miguel Ah, ah you know in ancient times discovered the ah the eye in those minds which led them down the path of like well what if we could harness the Void through a vessel. Um, which would lead to the creation of the Outsider. 02:24:12.51 Miguel Um, for the most part. That's really what we have because even the book afterwards doesn't really talk much about that more just like since they're the Outsider's gone. The Void has sort of returned to its natural state of just ah this. Chaos a chaotic force right? It I don't know if you remember this Daniel but I think is it one of the overseer notes that talks about like um if they were to let the Void essentially go as it wishes it would essentially cause our real world to collapse into it. 02:24:46.85 Jala I Remember that? yeah. 02:24:48.36 Daniel Yeah I vaguely recall something like that and like that does you know, not to like go into this but like that does make it some interesting ideas when it comes to like Death loop as a sequel. Essentially. 02:24:59.38 Jala So something that occurred to me and I don't know if this is an accurate assessment but like um when I was listening to you talking about it and talking about the the forgotten God and the fact that the Eyeless was like huh I Wonder what would happen if we suddenly harnessed the Void power and then you know gave it some kind of control. You know. 02:25:18.43 Jala That kind of thing muzzled it if you will I wonder if that's kind of part of how the revolution of science and stuff was able to happen because like the chaos is lowered so people can focus on stuff like trying to revolutionize their mechanisms and things like that. 02:25:34.40 Daniel I Mean yeah, it's not out of the question that like somebody harnessing the primary mordial forces of the world like would lead to that like being able to like make it a relatively safer I Guess. Probably the closest word I could come but like make it this? yeah. 02:25:56.10 Jala Ordered I would say ordered because like the introduction of science The way that it's being presented here in this kind of like age of of industrialization and exploration and everything. You know, like the imposing of order from humans onto the world around them in a way and on a scale that they had not done previous So like the introduction of a force governing the Void or controlling it to some extent which is a human force rather than a space whale. Or you know, whatever else,? whatever it might have been prior that was not a human you know, um, you know that could be a big strong element as to why that allowed for that revilization. You know revolutionization I can speak. So. 02:26:44.47 Jala Just a thought like it's not anything that we have ah confirmed in the games or anything but just a thought. So ah, how about Vera Morey granny rags 02:26:54.29 Daniel I Yes, that's that's an interesting one? Um yeah, a noble woman if I remember correctly you can you can find a note you can find a hidden area in the Addermire Institute that shows she was there for a time as well. 02:27:12.49 Miguel You can also find is in the first game I believe the portrait Sokolov made of a younger Vera. 02:27:16.64 Jala Yes, yeah you you definitely get to see a younger Vera ah and sokolov makes a comment about her at that point as well. I don't remember what the comment was. But yeah, there is something a little bit more about that that is brought up. But yeah, so she becomes Void touched and obsessed with the Outsider I don't remember what triggered it but then she ends up like becoming like kind of collapsing into chaos as she is Void touched to the point that she starts to lose her her normal sense of things and then ends up like. You know, killing her husband using his bones and making bone charms out of them and then just kind of turning into this creepy otherworldly witch figure of granny rags who then is present throughout all of the games or at least the the first 2 not in in 3. 02:28:04.60 Daniel Yeah, oh yeah, well as she is. She's one of the ones who bears the Outsider's Mark she's ah one one who's been given that. 02:28:12.15 Miguel Yeah, the interest part is she got her Mark when she was in Pandyssia with her husband. 02:28:18.49 Jala Um, okay so it's one of those dark continent Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad kind of deal I guess she went into the Congo and saw black people and came back changed but you know basic like. 02:28:23.60 Miguel Yes. And yeah, but yeah, but it also like that makes her the like that enigma right? because we have this history of Pandysia being this dangerous One. You're crossing the ocean right? but most expeditions that go to Pandicia either. Don't come back or they come back. Mad. 02:28:47.32 Miguel And for her to come back and seemingly be normal right? but we would she would later devolve but like it. It was also it marked that kind of difference in the history of the world where like oh this is an exhibition that somewhat succeeded. 02:29:05.96 Miguel I Did I did also find the quote from the Outsider about Granny Rags they call her granny rags. You wouldn't recognize her real name or even the name of her family but an emperor begged for her hand once and rich young men fought each other for her favor. 02:29:17.95 Jala Yeah, yeah, and like when you read some of granny Rag's notes boy are those colorful and interesting and. 02:29:27.87 Daniel And boy howdy because yeah in the dow deal'll see. There's a one the side Quest is basically like putting together. Ah recipes Essentially so that she leaves behind that will like I think get you runes if you fulfill them. 02:29:45.61 Daniel I should also note I don't think we mentioned this when we were talking about it but in 2 Paulo the leader of the howlers. He actually has ah granny rags his hand. That's that's what lets him ah be able to disperse into a colony of white rats when ah. 02:30:01.63 Daniel He ends up being killed or knocked unconscious and if you if you take him down the hand will actually like attack you in like a short and little cut scene which is like a pretty interesting touch I. 02:30:16.28 Jala Um, is it like an object that you can actually steal off of him I never tried that. 02:30:19.14 Daniel I don't think so I I'm not a hundred I'm sure but like when you when I knocked him out like and like looked over me. It played like a little cut scene where like the hand like came off like crawled crawled out like a pocket on his body and like tried to launch itself at me for a. Then ah, Emily like took it and like stomped it into bolivion. 02:30:41.71 Jala Is that a corpse hand in your pocket or are you happy to see me Paulo. 02:30:49.88 Miguel Yeah, and yeah, and then granny rags and disarma one. Ah you figure out why she usually can't be killed and it's because she sort of does the same thing. Ah Delilah does she put her kind of her soul in an object. 02:31:03.79 Jala Um, yeah, yeah and see that there again more stuff with Delilah ends up being like repeats of stuff that they did before. So it's like. 02:31:05.63 Miguel And hers. It's It's the her little ah cameo. 02:31:16.39 Jala Even though, Dishonored 2 has so many cool things that they added to it and gameplay wise It's so great. There's just like a lot of ways in which I'm like you know the the writing is is overall a little bit stronger in the first one before they started trying to do the repeats. Um. I kind of this is ah a separate topic. It's not Dishonored but like I was recently on nostalgia markanum about terminator and we were talking about the franchise as a whole and a lot of terminator in in general like the first one did its thing the second one is doing a lot of repeats of the first one and it's a very good movie. Most people. If they know terminator or they think of t two. They don't think even of the first terminator. Um, and it ended up being very successful and good. But then like all of the other movies were trying to either 1 do like rehashes and chase the same kind of you know, success channeling the the masturbatory quality of echoing things that were done before or trying to change them so much that the fan base doesn't like them anymore. So. 02:32:17.80 Daniel Yeah, and I will say for Dishonored like there. There is something to be said that like it is kind of like world buildings like okay like these magics work similar because you know you have with granny rags and delila the soul binding thing. Ah. But yeah, it also like as a story it makes it a bit less interesting since it's like I've seen this before? yeah. 02:32:37.18 Jala And that's why I like the Death of the Outsider as much as I do not only is it because I love Billy but it's also because it's doing different stuff. It's not repeating stuff. It's not repeating anything that Dishonored 2 was repeating and my concern would be for Dishonored 3 if they are. 02:32:56.61 Jala Again, trying to kind of chase the the kind of echoes of things that were already done. Are they going to rehash it or are they going to go in a new direction I'm kind of hoping that they do something new and innovative with it. The way that they were doing with Death of the Outsider rather than kind of treading over that same ground again like I don't want to see Dunwall Tower ever the fuck again come on. Let's move on no more paintings. No more godamn paintings. Okay I'm done with that. You know like so. 02:33:25.60 Jala So that's that's kind of like ah some of my thoughts about Dishonored 3 Um, you know like the idea that we don't know we don't we don't know anything about it. We have no idea but um at this juncture. But um, that those would be my hopes. My little wish list would be don't retread the same ground. You've already been on. Um, you know do what you were doing with that the Outsider go in a different direction. 02:33:42.99 Daniel Yeah I would I would like to see something that's like removed from like the story that's been set up in one like don't have like corvo and Emily like you know, have them be like in the past or some something along those lines like I yeah I don't. 02:34:00.52 Daniel I don't need dishonor 3 to be like the continuing adventures of Emily Kaldwin I think you could you could write a good story of that I don't know if he necessarily need it. You know. 02:34:09.79 Miguel Also, but also her position makes it harder to put her is like the reason why she'd be doing something right because she is the empress of the aisles like here you could get away with it because like she got usurped so she was free of the crown for a moment to try to take it back. 02:34:27.19 Miguel Ah, post that you're like why woulds because I think we we talked to this before right? like ah, what could the setting because you have you still morally you have Tivia you have pendicia right? It's like like if you do Emily's always had dreams of being a sailor. It's like if she decide to take say like a trip to Pandyssia. 02:34:46.80 Miguel Depending on whatever the reason like but she's the empress would they really let her go though. 02:34:49.57 Jala Yeah, and see that's that's part of the thing it kind of reminds me of like the koan series of stuff where it's like um they have koan the barbarian they have Koan. You know the destroyer but then like the next movie after that was going to be King Conan after he was already wearing the crown. He's older. He's dealing with stuff as you know King. And so like if they were trying to go that route with Emily it would have to be kind of like a King Conan situation where they'd have like empress emily and like what what are they going to do with that. You know they're going to have to take a page probably from some other types of media that have come before like that. But um. You know like it. It would have to be like an extenuating circumstance like ah she goes on some kind of a um you know diplomatic mission or some bullshit like that you know something like that if they were to continue that but like. 02:35:34.14 Jala Either way I don't know that that would even be like the the way that should be done I think it would be more interesting if it was kind of like ah Corvo and Emily are in the past all of that stuff is in the past we are in some kind of interstitial between this and Death loop where we have. Kind of like a little bit more advanced technology sort of stuff going on. Maybe even some wild Void shit going on and then just have somebody in the middle of all of that you know who happens to end up getting like not like the mark of the Outsider but the Void interacted with them in some way or some technology right? that mimics what the Void does to give. That character. Whatever the protag is you know Ah, some kind of capacity to do some fun stuff. So. 02:36:14.20 Daniel Yeah, which ah yeah, play Deathloop cuts you you you have a yeah you have a bit of that. 02:36:19.99 Jala I bought it, I bought it! I will play it sometime I have assignment play though y'all. So. 02:36:23.24 Daniel Oh yeah I mean I mean I will say it's like it the we've mentioned this for like the the connections between dishonor and Death loop is like bits of flavor here and there but it's not like it's not a 1 for 1 You're going to see like a lot of like things in there. It's mostly like. 02:36:42.75 Daniel Kind of Easter eggs and like little stuff as far as the connections. 02:36:44.68 Jala Yeah, yeah, so um, yeah, another thing I wanted to talk about. We were talking about? Oh we really want to talk about this but we you know on the last episode but we never got to it Piro versus sokolov folks wanted y'all wanted to talk about Piero and Sokolov and their weirdness their character their their rivalry. All of that and then also I see a note here about the adder myer solution as well. So like you want to talk about those guys those weirdos. 02:37:10.20 Daniel Yeah, those those 2 you know, weird ass natural philosophers. 02:37:16.50 Miguel Our our Edison and Tesla Rivalry know 02:37:17.94 Jala Absolutely. 02:37:22.51 Daniel Yeah, pretty much because ah, Piero's kind of like not a necessarily a disgrace figure but he's not he is not on the level that Sokolov is the darling of the nobles and like Piero is like definitely not like you know. Working for the common man is just like he's been stymied. Essentially. 02:37:43.55 Jala Right? right? Like he's not given the credit on the thing and he got snubbed for the nobel prize or something you know that kind of ah feeling and and sentiment where he like he feels like he gets snubbed because Sokolov is everybody's darling and nobody will look his way even though he's doing something that he feels is better than. 02:37:59.99 Jala The thing that Sokolov does and you know like we we see that in the first game where Piero is like my remedy is better than Sokolov's which is so vulgar as to only do the physical body but mind refreshes the mind and this that in the other and you get this this kind of thing but it's it's fun because it's a pissing match and only one person is pissing. 02:38:19.28 Jala Sokaov cannot be bothered to have a damn about Piero. But Piero is so mad. 02:38:24.35 Daniel Yeah, and like the impression is that like Sokolov like doesn't even like register Piero as like even competition like until like they actually get talking like the he's like blissfully almost unaware of him essentially. 02:38:40.89 Jala Yep, yeah, he's just like oh what? Yeah okay because like you know Sokolov is out here making the walls of light and the tall boys and all this other shit you know and and so like he didn't he doesn't think anything of Piero. 02:38:41.21 Daniel Even though he's got that rival formula out in the market. 02:38:56.27 Jala You know and that's the fun part about it is that you see both sides of it where Sokolov can't be bothered to have a fuck about it and then you get Piero who's just like so upset right. 02:39:06.32 Daniel Yeah, and like just just that moment where like it kind of crystalized like Sokolov like oh no I have a peer and like Piero is like oh yeah, I've like built up this rivally in this onesided rivalry in my head like and know this guy is like actually like a pretty cool dude. 02:39:21.75 Jala Yeah, and that's great when they become Bros is very fun. You're just like okay and like I got to say there's a lot of reasons to dislike Sokolov but I also like that grumpy cannot be bothered man in a lot of ways. 02:39:38.53 Daniel Yeah, he's He's a grumpy old letch. Essentially you know and like you know with a lot of negative but like you know there's no denying that like you know he kickstarter the the equivalent of the industrial revolution. 02:39:55.70 Miguel Yes, I also just the little details of Sokolov though because he is this grouchy man like even when we meet him in disarment where he's much younger, right? Um, he's still this grouchy band from where he's from Tyvia right? Yeah, so he's just this grungy northernman. 02:40:12.48 Miguel Who manages to revolutionize the empire becomes this this socialite like I I love his dichotomy of he dislikes having to mingle with nobility but he loves the perks that comes with it. 02:40:20.63 Jala Yeah, and you know here's the thing that I like about Sokolov I I love the fact that his antisocial grumpy ass way of approaching everything means that he has balls of steel like when Jindosh is threatening him. He's like go fuck yourself. Yeah, he doesnt. 02:40:40.60 Jala Give a damn even though he's being threatened with the removal of you know, like his his basically his his capacity to be a scientist right? and he's just like the hell with you. You know he cannot be bothered to care even even against that and like this is something that Jindosh is terrified of. 02:40:53.57 Miguel Yeah, cut he tells him he he yes because Sokolov knows also Jindosh needs him more than he needs his mind. 02:41:00.13 Jala And Sokolov does not care. Um, yeah, yep. 02:41:08.99 Miguel Like he is like all right if you're really going to do it then do it. 02:41:09.52 Daniel Yeah, and it's also like you know old man Sokolov versus like prime of his life Jindosh you know like Jindosh got like a lot you know in theory a lot to look forward to as far as like inventing and like doing all these designs while Sokolov have been there. 02:41:26.13 Jala Well and then to like even back in Dishonored 1 when you know you're trying to threaten him and he's just like ok send your plague rats have fun y'all you know what he does not care. He does not care. He's like give me a drink you know. 02:41:42.89 Miguel Well, even in the mission when you're trying and when you go to his place right to get him on the bridge like you can talk to him. He's like ah I see you're here for me now. 02:41:43.82 Jala Yeah. 02:41:50.91 Jala Yep, and he's just so he is fearless in a way that just I absolutely adore because he never breaks. He never breaks. It's very good, Very good. 02:42:04.40 Miguel I Think the only time is if you actually do release the rads. He'll jump onto the bars so they don't bite him I Love he loves it I Love how everybody knows he hate. He loves this just terrible tasting out. Is it like a whiskey or brandy I think it's a King's brandy right. 02:42:07.49 Jala Yeah, yeah, he will do that for sure that that is true. 02:42:19.41 Daniel Yeah, how yeah then the name escaped. It's like something something named along those lines I cannot remember now I mean I remember it it. Yeah I like had like some kind of like a piece of a creature inside of it is rumored to have Ah I. 02:42:26.76 Jala Yeah, but it's basically rock cut. Yeah. 02:42:38.59 Daniel I'd have to go look that up now. 02:42:39.36 Miguel Yeah, but it's just like I Love how there's that's like like everybody comments like yeah, no, he drinks this foul concoction. They call Brand and the other they are they they're there're they're proud enough to call brandy like I don't know how he stomachs the stuff. 02:42:50.71 Jala Um, yeah, ah okay, yeah, yeah, well and here's the thing is that like ah as later on you find sokov and he's sickly. 02:42:51.24 Daniel Yeah, it's supposed to have a drop of whale oil in it. That's what it is. 02:42:57.16 Miguel Ah, that's right? Ah, like those olive oil macchiatos or whatever they made at Starbucks. 02:43:07.30 Jala It's very possible that that Rot gut. He's been drinking has been poisoning him over time and that's what you know causes him to eventually die. So everything everything possible. Yeah for sure. So. 02:43:14.50 Miguel So we know Sokolov indulges in everything he could indulge in. 02:43:23.50 Jala Yeah, so the Addermire Solution 02:43:27.39 Daniel Yeah I wanted to bring this up. It was something I thought of like yeah you could ah is that you know you have ah the fipaia you know she developed the serum that like accidentally created the Crown Killer and it's like you know is it's this is like purely in like a. Kind of in a fan fiction territory but it's like you if you like use that like be like oh well if some of that's like in the mainlight adamyer solution you use that as like these useful like Corvo and Emily becoming like you know Psychohaic Ka chaos ah of killers essentially. 02:44:02.57 Daniel It. It's just it's just like one of those like like little things. It's like you know it's There's nothing in there to point to that being in like the actual potions but it's like I'm sure there's a thick out there somewhere dealing dealing with that. 02:44:14.19 Jala And you know the thing is is that you would think that that outermare solution would be a perfect foil for a comic or you know like a novel or something to something around that you know being spread kind of like the Rat plague kind of like you know all this other stuff that goes On. You know it would be in line with the kinds of beats that we've seen before right except in this case, it would turn people into just like you know, usually murderous individuals and things like that. So then that would cause like a whole thing. You know like I'm surprised that nobody recycled that actually. 02:44:47.56 Miguel Well I think what also daniela what you're thinking of is there are posters about the atomy solution around around the city. So yeah, yeah, you have the ones that advertise it one. The fact that ah the it's it was made to combat the bloodfly infection. The fact that it's made from bloodfly venoms. 02:45:06.56 Miguel Venom s sacks itself right? Ah, but then there's another poster that is an attention saying facility management of at Adamme Institute have initiated voluntary recall on adamey solution due to potential adverse side effects citizens urged to not to consume recall product. You have used atomir solution in large qualities of experienced headaches nausea rapid changes in mood or periods of memory loss. You're encouraged to contact the Addermire Institute to arrange an appointment with Dr Hypatia free of charge. 02:45:29.23 Jala Oh yeah I remember I I remember seeing I remember seeing that now that you mentioned that but like yeah and it's interesting that like again, nobody recycled that nobody made a big deal out of that you know that that just kind of went away and nobody talked about it anymore. But that's ah, definitely an interesting little Bit for sure. 02:45:30.51 Daniel Okay, yeah, that's probably where I got the idea the idea about it from then yeah. 02:45:49.37 Miguel Also we don't know if because Emily and corva are like are branded by the Outsider. Don't know if that has some kind of like yeah. 02:45:57.27 Jala Counter influence or something. 02:46:00.50 Daniel Yeah, well I mean like unless you're doing the flesh and steel run in which case you know you'd not. But that case you wouldn't be like guzzling down manna potions because you wouldn't have bannna. 02:46:07.62 Jala Um, yeah, yep for sure. So yeah, all interesting stuff. Do we have any other little lower bits that we wanted to cover or do we want to move on to some discussion questions real quick. 02:46:23.84 Miguel Ah I think for me was oh like I know Dishonored 2 confirms that the whole ah the relationship between Corvo and Emily right? I always didn't enjoy the whole background of like it's the loudest the was it the the most open secret. 02:46:39.21 Daniel Yeah I think that I think yeah I think in one like in the high chaos on the final island like either either Pendleton or um, the overseer dude will like make mention of that that like it's like yeah every man knows it's your daughter like. 02:46:41.12 Miguel In the empire was Jessamine and Corvo. 02:47:01.81 Miguel Yeah, but it's like but it's like the decorum of the court. Not to mention it out loud. Um, but there's something I I'm like a sucker for that kind of like just it is a the classic trope of the the person in power and then the person who's essentially their right hand right? The bodyguard romance right? but but it's I always but there's something to do this right? The this empress who's seen as a a almost you know extreme in her trying to ah you know she's a populist empress right? So she's already has a nobility against her. 02:47:36.97 Miguel And then gets a circonan. Ah you know, ah kind of street urchin as her rural protector She she's never had any proper suitors that she's ever taken and then ends up with a child right? Ah yeah. 02:47:47.75 Daniel Yeah, just out of the blue. You know, as far as they're concerned. 02:47:54.55 Miguel Just there was something to that that once she realized in Dishonored 1 really why? Corvo is so driven to look for not only because of his duty as ro protector but then like oh no because it's his daughter. Of course he's going to overturn the whole empire to get her back. 02:48:07.88 Jala Right. 02:48:08.96 Daniel Oh yeah, absolutely. 02:48:13.14 Miguel which which I love I've talked we talked about this in the Discord right playing as Corvo even though I feel Dishonored 2 has played better playing as Emily right? her seeing her empire finally and kind of growing into the position as empress playing as Corvo I love hearing his comments of like. 02:48:31.92 Miguel He's an older man so you hear him talking about how he's getting too old for a lot of this stuff but he's just a tired dad who wishes the world would just stop trying to take his daughter from him. 02:48:41.90 Jala Right? And that's something that I mentioned on the first episode where I was like you know, um, the marked difference in Corvo because in the first one. He's a silent protag so you don't get to hear him so as a result you're left to fill in everything and you know while that does leave you know some some kind of. Consistent voice and all of that. It also means that you also have a a tendency to like go? Oh well I wish I knew something about corvo because the only thing you get from him is just when you get comments from Jessamine's heart 02:49:15.93 Jala From other people who are around you as to like what Corvo is actually doing or what he would be thinking or whatever and so like you don't get to see him when he's younger and more impetuous. You get to see him as tired old dad you know and all of that. But like. You don't get to see younger him when he's full of Vim and vigor and you know passion to try to get Jessamine's Killer um, you know and all of that. 02:49:41.33 Miguel It I met Corvo's interactions in Dishonored 2 with the heart are some of the more heartbreaking interactions like if you listen to them because I think it's when he first gets the heart again and dishared to he comments saying like. 02:50:00.60 Miguel Because he talked oh no, it's it's at the start where he's observed like but he's observing the portrait of jessame on her anniversary of her Death saying he like you know I've taught Emily how to protect yourself how to fight you know to fight in that kind of thing like intrigue like all the his stuff as a as a. 02:50:18.40 Miguel Royal protector and royal spy master at this point right? But he's like but he's like he's like I do wish you were still around because I don't think I've prepared her for the greatest ager which is the court like just nobility. He's never had the the kind of the upbringing for that whereas Jessame would have is like. 02:50:36.86 Miguel Just hearing how heartbroken he is where like 1 you know she's been gone for so long but 2 being like you know I can only show her so much that there's a whole point whole aspect of Emily's life that he can never really prepare her for. 02:50:49.23 Jala Yeah, for sure. 02:50:54.14 Miguel Um, and then with the heart like even you know when they when you have to say goodbye to her to put in Delillas all right? like she she kind of the final goodbye. It's kind of like ah it's like it's it's It's the most bitter situation because he can hold onto a piece of her with the heart. But at the same time like. 02:51:11.57 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, pretty rough pretty heartbreaking and you know for Emily Most of her memories are like just memories of her mom. She doesn't really have any other active act you know interactions with her. So. 02:51:12.61 Miguel That means she also can't fully pass on. 02:51:29.68 Miguel Because she was she was what like tenth. 02:51:31.54 Jala Something like that. She pretty young. So so yeah, do we have any other like big lower bits. We wanted to talk about at this point or are we ready to move on. 02:51:43.10 Daniel I Think we're good. 02:51:43.21 Miguel I Think well do yeah, nothing. No no no I I was gonna say no I think we covered it. Well yeah I was goodnna I was gonna bring up it like do we really want to get to pen dissy. But I think it's fine as we think of it's like it's the dark continent right. 02:51:45.26 Jala You don't sound convinced Miguel what do you got. 02:52:00.43 Jala It's cool because it's it's got Bertie the bird for one and you know other other kinds of of you know question Mark we you know we don't know what all is over there. 02:52:03.67 Miguel There He goes. 02:52:11.63 Daniel Yeah, like combination of darkest Africa and like the the outback essentially yeah. 02:52:18.46 Miguel And like parts of the new world too. 02:52:18.96 Jala Yeah, now so did you have anything in particular about Pandyssia that you wanted to mention. 02:52:28.75 Miguel Um, for the most part just I find it interesting that even on the other side of the world. Their connection to the Void is strangely also relevant like the fact that granted we only have ah veras kind of ah journals on it. But the fact that. 02:52:46.75 Miguel Even the natives of Pandyssia ah have Void worship and both even though the 2 continents have rarely kind of interacted the fact that they discovered I think they discovered um stone tablets or something depicting ancient rituals to the Void. 02:53:05.40 Miguel Like they that picture like a whale. Um, so I find the answer will we ever get more I don't know I don't know if I want more I like the idea just being kind of this wild land. You know quote unquote wild land. But. 02:53:17.59 Jala Yeah, for sure for sure so wanted to ask you all to wrap this episode. What about the series stays with you the most. So for me. 02:53:17.92 Daniel Yeah, the mystery is the appeal. 02:53:33.91 Jala It's the world for 1 is is the thing one of the things that I reminisce about and think about the most ah just because it's kind of like this mixture of steampunk and in kind of victorian or edwardian era stuff going on. Ah but it this happens to. Kind of spin it into a dark tail that combines the the kind of artistry and gameplay in such a way that it kind of sticks with you especially because it's so rooted in history as we talked about in the generalities on the last episode and. You know I also adore the fact that this is such a flexible game to allow you different types of play and emphasizes you finding your own challenge. They don't give you big bosses that you have to bang your head against they let you figure out how to make it difficult on yourself or if you want it to be difficult in a lot of ways. Ah, there are there is of course like an inherent challenge to doing some of the required sneaky sneak bits and things like that. But then from there like that it allows you to find your own flavor. What about y'all. 02:54:43.00 Daniel Ah, yeah I mean my my main thing I liked most was kind of the ah the chaos system essentially um, where because I've mentioned this before but like the fact that it's not like you know you're. You know the evil Cis twirling your mustache as you like kill orphans. You know that kind of stupid evil isn't really present here. Um, like you can like understand you know why corva would become a filthy murder hobo like. Because of everything going on around him you know or why Emily would just go completely bonkers nuts on ah on ah the city of Karnaka I mean just give the situation. They're thrown into and. 02:55:32.84 Daniel Also the fact that like the quote unquote good options. You know the non lethal route are like a so string of like at best cruel mercies you know it's like you know you have you know the forced slavery of the pendletons you have you know the. Kidnapping and containment of lady Boyle is the kindest word for it. Um, you know the you know gin dosh getting you know, ah lobotomy by electrocution you know, just everything that is like you know. 02:56:10.95 Daniel Short of like Death where it's like I'm going to do the worst thing that you could possibly want to happen to you and you're going to like lift the you know be representative of that tail and that's the good option so to speak. 02:56:25.17 Miguel Yeah, the the string of fates worse than Death. 02:56:26.24 Jala Um, yeah, the the Monkey Paw wish of ah well I can leave him alive but I still have to neutralize them and the way to do that would be to Unleash terror upon them. So. 02:56:28.93 Daniel Yes. 02:56:41.61 Miguel Yeah, yes, ah for me, what stuck to me with the series is um, you know hearing like ah you know like ah Gary Cole talk about how you know how games you. 02:56:42.43 Jala And how about you miguel. 02:56:57.72 Miguel They're livable spaces like to me I never truly understood in the whole when you look at you enter a room. Can you say somebody lived in this room or works in this room right? Like where's the toilet is the question right? I think Dishonored was the first one where like not only did the way the game plays. 02:57:15.73 Miguel Being the fact that it was my first kind of de use x style game that I played that immersive sim. Um, but is also the world was was striking enough where like oh I like when I'm checking these buildings in these rooms like I'm actually observing. It's like oh this is a research room like you can see where somebody had put their layer tools. 02:57:34.73 Miguel Or like what they were working on their hypothesis on the chalkboard. Um, this is like when we do we talk about Boyle's mansion right like you can go into each of the sisters rooms and each room has slightly different details. You know, showing off how each sister is different from each other even though they're triplets. Um. 02:57:54.90 Miguel Yeah, to me, it's like it's the one that really like if anybody's ever had trouble understanding the concept of like a livable space in a game like make it a living breathing world This made it kind of in like that easy kind of the the honey for the medicine right. 02:58:08.70 Jala Right? right? And that's kind of we we mentioned it in the first episode a little bit but like um, there's so many different tales that are told in this world around you and some of them are side quests and stuff like in dishonor too. But also in Dishonored one you have these. Instances where you find like bodies and like this certain setup and then you find a note and the note tells you something that's going on and then like later on you may come across like the person that the note is from and what happened to them and then you get like this resolution this whole narrative of something that ties. 1 area to another within the game world in such a way that it's telling you a complete story like a little microcosm story of like this this you know set of people that you never actually knew and it's it's that kind of a setup you know where it's like yeah you can walk into a room and identify what's going on in that room or what probably happened. And to have those kind of set pieces just like strewn everywhere everywhere in this game or these games rather is is a testament to Arcan's attention to detail for sure. so so yeah ah what is Dishonored's lasting effect on video games. 02:59:21.11 Jala For me it borrows from other Stealth games stuff like sniper elite or thief or whatever but it drives them forward in my my perception at least with the Void powers in a way that feels progressive and cool. So It's giving you a whole bunch of new verbs and stuff that you wouldn't have in a thief or a sniper elite. You know. And in an Era era of gaming where people were coming out with unique ideas for tackling innovative styles of interaction. This series stuck out for allowing you to play in all seriousness. However, you wanted to play and that. Capacity is just what makes this so highly replayable for me. 02:59:59.82 Daniel Yeah I mean this this game is it's built on the bones of looking glass you know is all those games from before so like a lot of what it has comes from that it is just like like you said it's like you know. 03:00:17.63 Daniel Particularly like traversal powers are like a we're like a really good addition to like um what goes on and like you know, as far as like immersive him goes like I think that's like a big thing that like you kind of like saw like my and pieces here and there but like this one like. Really made it like a fun Thing. You could do. But I Yeah I mean that's that's the last. That's the lasting legacy to me is like you know it's It's more of that of what came out of looking class further refined and like yeah, we're going to see more things built upon those bones that are. You know I definitely hope will even like outshine Dishonored eventually. 03:00:58.30 Jala Yeah, for sure and you know like that traversal I said it in the first episode I'll say it again make your traversal in your game fun and I will love your game I will love your game I will love your game if you have fun traversal because most of your game you're having to traverse. So if you make that a fun thing to do and a challenge in an interesting puzzle then that makes the game inherently far more fun even if sneaking is not your thing and you want to blow everything up with grenades. Um. 03:01:28.55 Daniel Yeah I will say I played Gotham nice recently and that's got some fun traversal options in there even though the game itself is kind of yeah gameplay is overall mid like there was some like really good getting around the city options there. 03:01:42.33 Jala Yeah, and that'll make a midgame more tolerable. 03:01:47.89 Miguel Yeah, no like I'm also on the whole traversal like I don't think I've played a game with a such a snap movement like blink is right? like how how good it feels in the hands to use it and then two like I As good as blink is I love. 03:02:05.95 Miguel Emily's far reach because it has momentum to it and like you know, taking it become like using it to swing yourself and then combine it with like ah double jump everything to cross gaps that you normally couldn't with say blink like. 03:02:16.13 Jala Yeah, and then like later on in the game you can use that same power and like grab objects and throw those around which is real fun if you want to grab people and throw them off edges or something if you're being particularly violent. So so yeah, yeah, and then did everybody go. 03:02:35.23 Jala I don't remember Okay, great. Ok last question Yay. So if you had to live in the world of Dishonored. Where would you choose to live. So um, my answer to this would be Pandyssia I want to go to the dark continent where everything is is spooky and scary and unknown because Bertie came from there and that means there's more of them and I want to see Bertie's house and but if I'm not going to the the potentially frightening and maddening option since everybody who goes there goes mad I would go to Karnaka. It's basically Spain my family is from Spain it looks nice I would go there. 03:03:12.66 Daniel Yeah I think Karnaka is like a really good place I mean if if I was going to have like my pick of the world like I would probably probably would try to hole up in black Reef from Death loop just because you know hey you know. But then you have like a lot of the the drawbacks of like you could potentially be like somebody who ends up dying every loop you know, just off the bat. But yeah Carnaca I think is like the place I would like to visit the most as far as Dishonored goes. 03:03:45.58 Miguel Yeah, like for me I know like the the way it's explained is like it's the cold in north regions I love the ti you because 1 reminds me of home right? Not just the cold but like the mountain ranges like I've in real life like I visited like. 03:04:04.15 Miguel The midwest like in Ohio and all that just like how do people live in flat land. 03:04:08.49 Jala Ah, you would never want to come to Houston Not only is it flat as fuck but it's also hot. You don't never want to come to my house. 03:04:16.70 Miguel Yeah, yeah, so it's like I would look on like the horizons like you can just look out like where I'm so used to like here in Anchorage like we're surrounded by the jugiak mountains. Ah, and you just look out your window and they're right there at least snowcapped mountains. 03:04:31.39 Jala Don't go to Kansas because like ah it actually caused Dave to have agoraphobia and he's never had that experience before. So yeah, don't go to Kansas it's very very flat worse than Ohio. 03:04:48.90 Miguel No, and then it's like I went to Prague and Prague also kind of reminds me of that where it's like it's not as cold as here, but it's still that kind of mountainy kind of you know, almost northern kind of regions. Yeah I prefer the cold in the community. That's why why? all you say Pen Diss is like it's the tropics I'm not going there. There's too many mosquitoes. 03:05:04.98 Jala Ah, yeah, bloodflies. You mean bloodflies. Yeah, so um, so yeah, but so yeah, um, actually on the note of tovia I meant to say this like 5 times and I keep forgetting but now I'm going to say it so the first novel the the terrible novel. Ah The Corroded Man. 03:05:18.98 Miguel The corroded man. 03:05:20.64 Jala Ah, that that one starts with a prison break where there's a dude who's broken out of a prison in Tyvia and is going through the snow and the mountains and the whatever and this that and the other and it's very chronicles of riddi kind of style. It's very ritic style. Ah, the way that he gets out of there and this that and the other but he is the big threat that is coming for Corvo or whatever in the first. 03:05:40.11 Jala Novel and I didn't I didn't find the resolution of that because I couldn't tolerate it. But there you have it. So like if you really want to see some stuff about Tivia There's a little bit in those books. 03:05:48.19 Miguel Yeah, the Rpg has a little section on morally and Tivia and which is I think the most we ever get of both of those ah the most we ever get morally in the games is just that it revolted at a point. 03:05:54.83 Jala What about what is Morley tell me about Morley. 03:06:03.87 Jala Also it's basically us. Okay, oh it could be Ireland okay, yeah, or it could be France. It could be 1 of those 2 well because you said like the the new world was also kind of pindysia as well. So like yeah, that would that would track if it was like Ireland or something like that. 03:06:05.41 Miguel Trying to separate from the empires I can I think is it supposed to be Ireland or France it's one of the 2 is like. 03:06:22.57 Miguel Yeah, there's there's the whole Morley revolt that I believe is what would eventually cement the Jessamine's father on the throne. 03:06:32.66 Jala Um, okay, got you? Yeah, that would probably be like an Ireland situation. So okay, cool, well all right? That's all the questions I had so let us wrap this up so where in the world can people find you in the world if you are to be found anywhere Daniel. 03:06:49.75 Daniel I if you want to find me I'm on Mastodon I'm at sandish do at macedon.social nowhere else really on the internet as far as that goes. But if you want to see me just Reblog people that you know I think are ah better at ah, saying things than I am. 03:07:06.93 Jala Right? Except you are in my discord and you are in the duck feet slack and gary and Cole that were mentioned by Miguel earlier are from duck feed duckfe tv and they talked about Dishonored on watch out for fireballs at some point. So yes, so there's that and Miguel other than my discord and. 03:07:07.35 Daniel Yeah, that's where you want to go. 03:07:26.36 Jala Um, the duckfeed slack. There isn't anywhere else that you may be found is this correct. 03:07:30.84 Miguel Yes I try to stay off of socials especially in these times. 03:07:34.30 Daniel Very smart. 03:07:36.12 Jala Internet cryptids! I Love Internet cryptids, I have so many of y'all on my show. Yes, so anyway that is all for now folks. So until next time take care of yourself and remember to smile. [Show Outro] Jala Jala-chan's Place is brought to you by Fireheart Media. If you enjoyed the show, please share this and all of our episodes with friends and remember to rate and review us on your podcast platform of choice. Word of mouth is the only way we grow. If you like, you can also kick us a few bucks to help us keep the lights on at ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia. Check out our other show Monster Dear Monster: A Monster Exploration Podcast at monsterdear.monster. Music composed and produced by Jake Lionhart with additional guitars and mixed by Spencer Smith. Follow along with my adventures via jalachan.place or find me at jalachan in places on the net! [Outro Music]