00:00:01.66 Jala Hello, world, and welcome to Jala-chan's Place. I'm your host, Jala Prendes (she/her), and today I am joined by Daniel (he/him) to continue our conversation about Shining Force 3 Scenario 2. 00:00:16.89 Jala Yeah, before I ask you how you're doing, Daniel, I have to let folks know at the top of the episode. This is the first episode that I've recorded since ah politics happened and things happen here in America that have been rough and bad. 00:00:31.22 Jala So, um you know. And it is a thing that we're all kind of dealing with. ah You're not going to hear it in my voice during this because ah for longtime listeners of this show and also the level, you know that I have recorded when my dad was in ER r and had to go to the hospital. I recorded when I had COVID and bronchitis. tightest combined and was sweating and having shakes in the middle of it. And you couldn't tell in my voice other than maybe I was a little quieter ah here and there. So um understand, you know, I recognize the things going on, but also ah this show, I feel like our best purpose at this point is to provide some relief and entertainment and such because um we all need a little bit of that, I think. 00:01:19.68 Jala so that's my disclaimer at the top of the episode about that. um So all of that being said, Daniel, how are you doing? 00:01:28.68 Daniel Mm-hmm. I'm doing well things are good here in Canada and Well, we still have the same political idiot in power for us. So it's not getting any worse. It's not getting any better It's ah it's just bad as it is So we're taking it one day at a time here, but it's going well and everybody's happy up here on my end of things 00:01:47.68 Jala Right, right. And you know your philosophy is kind of like mine where you really are the type of person who is like, well, if this is my last day, I want it to be my best last day. 00:02:02.57 Daniel I am a doomsday person. Things are going bad and that's okay. I'm that dog sitting at the table with the coffee and the fire in his house behind him going, this is fine. 00:02:11.04 Jala Yeah. I mean, like you have to make the best of whatever you've got in a situation. there's I know everybody has their ways of processing things and whatnot. um it's it As we were talking to the green room, it's not like you know I have a lot of things that are on the line here, right? 00:02:27.37 Jala um A lot of things. And so, you know, it's not that I am not aware. It's not that I'm not taking it seriously. It's not that I am not um deeply affected by it. 00:02:38.37 Jala ah But also, I also have to move forward. And so, you know, like that that's going to give all of us ah the best that we've got. So um today we are talking Shining Force three scenario two. 00:02:51.50 Jala And I wanted to tell you, Daniel, if you didn't know, this is episode 69. Nice. 00:02:58.41 Jala And ah the only way this episode is sexy is that everybody thinks Medion the main character of scenario two is super hot and we will. 00:03:06.68 Daniel Oh, God. Yeah. The people of Saraband, man. they need some help. 00:03:10.99 Jala So everybody in this game is horny for Medion the main character of this game. So ah first things first, let me just say, if you do not listen to the first episode in the series, I will have a link in the show notes, we talked about Shining Force three, kind of in general as an overview. And then we talked in detail about scenario one, the first installment, which covers the story of Synbios, Now we are on Medion who is a character that you met in the first game but now you get to play him and have his shining force and have his side of the story. So I'm not going to belabor the point anymore. Go listen to that other episode first if you want to have like spoiler free stuff in the first half ah just about the game in general and then also about scenario one. 00:03:57.02 Jala That is critical, in my opinion, to scenario two and the rest of it. You can play each one individually as its own story, but it really benefits from you playing it from the beginning. So yeah, first episode or first chapter of this scenario is the journey of the third prince because Medion is the third prince in line for the throne. 00:04:20.24 Jala So Medion and his army are in Saraband for the peace conference between the Destonian Empire and the Aspinian Republic, which split off from the empire some number of years ago. 00:04:31.84 Jala Medion is the third prince, son of Emperor Dominant and a common woman, a maid, And um he has his elder brothers and his elder brothers treat him like crap. And ah they treat him like crap because their mom is dominance like, you know, official wife, you know, that the empress. And Medion's mother is a maid. So Medion is spending time on the docks with nothing particular to do because his brothers were not allowing him any official capacity in in this peace conference. He's just kind of along for the ride, but he was not given any important role to fulfill. 00:05:11.26 Daniel Yeah, come along brother come along and Yeah, they're great people 00:05:11.31 Jala So he's right. Right. And, you know, just to rub his face in it, I think, because that's how petty like his older brothers are. 00:05:21.70 Jala Right, right. And so Medion's bummed out and Campbell, which is his centaur knight and best friend, is consoling him. And they happen to see a masked monk who is talking about their cache of gunpowder. 00:05:33.21 Jala And because the prince and his team overheard this conversation, the monk decides that they want you know it wants to kill Medion and team. you know Like, you you heard us. 00:05:41.70 Daniel yeah No witnesses, no witnesses. 00:05:42.54 Jala We can't let you live because you heard us. Right so ah this in scenario unlike scenario one drops you into battle immediately and um that is a pro because as you know um listeners already know from various places where I've talked about it. 00:05:56.96 Jala ah The one thing that's tough about scenario one is that it's so slow to start it has a lot of setup a lot of story before you really dig into the game proper and 00:06:04.96 Daniel Yeah, if you if you play scenario 1 to its fullest, the first part of the game is like 40 minutes before you get to actual combat. 00:06:12.43 Jala Yeah. Right. 00:06:13.80 Daniel It's ridiculous. 00:06:14.03 Jala Right. And in this one, no, it's it's something more like what, maybe five, 10 minutes, depending upon how fast you read. 00:06:19.57 Daniel It's 10 minutes ah based on the slow reader, yeah. 00:06:23.20 Jala Yeah. Yeah. So that's not bad at all like that. That's a decent amount. So ah without further ado, tell us more about that battle. 00:06:32.75 Daniel Yeah, so it's a pretty easy battle. It's ah one of my favorites in the game, actually. It's really early on, and you can really mess it up very easily because your forces are split. You start out on one side with Campbell and Midian, and the other side you have Synthesis and Euryu, and if you rush the bats with those two, 00:06:52.89 Daniel They can mess up your day because they poison your characters. So I try to take it slow and take take one bat at a time using the two of them to combo and then meet up in the middle to take on the monks on the far side. Make sure you also grab that chest. It looks like that masked monk up top on the crates is going to come down. He doesn't. He just is there for show. And even though he has stats and everything, he's not part of the battle. So don't don't think that you have extra guys to deal with here. You have to get that chest. 00:07:18.93 Daniel chest before. If you don't open that chest, you can open it afterwards, but you have to clear the way through the barrels. I think there's barrels or something in the way of that chest. 00:07:26.39 Jala Yeah, there's, there's barrels or something. 00:07:28.18 Daniel So you got to make sure that you have access that to that chest if you don't want to get it during the battle. Also, you have limited healing. And I don't know if you start with any antidote herbs. So if you get poisoned badly or someone dies, you can retreat and there's actually a priest on the harbor. 00:07:42.17 Jala Yeah. 00:07:42.53 Daniel He's there that you can use to revive, cure things, fix yourself up and go back into battle. If you Feel like you're not powerful enough. You can also level up here once or twice before ending the stage by retreating when there's a guy or two left. So there's a couple of tactics there that can help you really get through that battle. um I've tried playing it on an insane and I haven't played this scenario much on insane. So it was a bit of a struggle for me the first time. But once I leveled up once, it was pretty easy. 00:08:08.17 Jala Right. Right. So definitely my big takeaways are um especially with synthesis, which is your mage and your Yudo, which is your healer. ah They are split off from your your physical attack, you know, high defense, high, high attack folks. So like they do have to take it slow and easy when they are attacking all of this stuff in their way um and definitely tag team them and be cautious about that approach. 00:08:33.71 Jala um That's ah important. And then on the other side, ah where you've got Medion and Campbell, absolutely you need to get that chest and prioritize getting that before you you finish off the last of the guys on the ground. Because um i even though I already knew from prior plays that the guy on the top of the barrels was not going to come down and was not somebody I could attack, 00:08:56.41 Jala And when I started this game again and I was doing it, I forgot it all over again and was expecting that guy to be there. And so I had, I had to go and restart the battle because I had missed that chess. 00:09:06.26 Daniel Oh, man. 00:09:06.45 Jala So yeah, yeah, yeah. But, um, I'm not one who levels here, but, but, you know, like, yes, 00:09:09.38 Daniel Also a good idea. Also, also a good idea to save in this fight so that you have a save file. 00:09:15.52 Jala yes. 00:09:15.56 Daniel Because if you don't have a save file and you have to redo the whole battle in the cutscene before, it takes a bit of extra time to get go back into the action. 00:09:22.37 Jala Right, right. So ah once you dispatch all of those monks, Medion ends up splitting his team to search for the one that got away because that guy on top of the barrels is like, hey, you killed all my guys. 00:09:34.86 Jala I got to go. Bye. And then you've got to go figure out. 00:09:36.22 Daniel See ya. 00:09:37.84 Jala Yeah, you've got to go figure out where the hell that guy went. So ah while you're searching the West District, ah you come across Synbios and his friends who are being heckled by the Imperial soldiers. So ah we've already talked about the scene in the first one. We're going to pretend like we didn't talk about it before you're hearing it again. ah So Campbell, Grandtak, who is your advisor, and Medion all warn the Imperials to back off because the centaur they're facing is Dantares, a renowned knight who wiped the entire battlefield single-handedly in X battle. 00:10:07.17 Daniel Mm-hmm. 00:10:07.57 Jala So ah the Imperials back off, they're like, what? Really? Oh, right. 00:10:12.57 Daniel Oh, that guy. Yeah, we're gonna get our butt stamped. Yeah, let's maybe not fight this guy. 00:10:18.68 Jala ah Right, right. And so, um you know, Mehdi and then apologizes to Synbios for their behavior and is like, look, sorry about that. um You know, I was just trying to save some Imperial lives today, you know, like from, from getting wiped. 00:10:29.53 Daniel Yeah. but Less bloodshed is better, right? 00:10:31.47 Jala And then 00:10:32.93 Daniel Yeah. 00:10:33.02 Jala Right, right. And so like they have their little flirty moment because ah I will tell you at the top here, I supership Synbios and Medion. They are such a couple. 00:10:41.29 Daniel That is very cute, yes. 00:10:41.56 Jala oh It is, it is. um And then Campbell and Dantares engaged in friendly, like sitting, like you you can just imagine them in a pub together, drinking beer, and then like you know talking about how they're going to beat each other up later. 00:10:56.66 Jala I mean, it's so that energy. 00:10:57.13 Daniel Yeah. beat each other behind the bar, then they go out there and they give each other a hug because they can't swing fists anymore. 00:11:03.80 Jala Right, right. 00:11:04.42 Daniel Yeah. 00:11:04.93 Jala so Or at least a fist bump, you know manly fist bump or whatever. so For sure. 00:11:08.68 Daniel Yeah, they sent our fist bumps probably better. 00:11:11.23 Jala Yeah, right. 00:11:11.77 Daniel Less chance of crossing the hose. 00:11:13.66 Jala Yep. So yeah. um While they're talking though, there are a bunch of explosions and then everybody's like, the hell's going on. And then everybody splits up to go back to their respective camps to figure out what's going on. 00:11:26.40 Jala So Synbios and company go back to the Republic and then Medion heads back to his HQ. and Medion, Campbell, and Grandtak go back there. And then while this is happening, there is a scene cut, and then you see Synthesis and Uryudo happening to see the Imperial General Crewart, also known as Creul in Japan, talking to a mysterious priest, Fial, or fear. So, like, 00:11:55.97 Jala We don't know who this is in this game yet, but we know from scenario one that this is like a bad guy that crew. 00:12:01.97 Daniel Yeah, he's he's bad news. If you played the first one, you know this guy. 00:12:03.60 Jala Yeah. Yeah. He's a villain and you already know that he's a villain. And so here, this, uh, cruel or crew art is talking to this person. and They are obviously, uh, very suspicious, but synthesis and are, you know, can't hear the entire conversation. 00:12:19.81 Jala So after the priest vanishes and again, they don't know who this guy is yet. Uh, and cruel. disappears into a secret passageway, they end up trying to find Medion. So ah switching back to Medion's point of view, ah he rejoins his brothers, Mageron, also known as Majesty, and Arrawant, aka Arrogant. 00:12:39.79 Jala So I love how in Japan like they just give them, they're just going to give them descriptors and like that's their name is Arrogant and and Majesty, you know. 00:12:45.67 Daniel Yeah, they they are, they are, they are pinnacles of ideals. 00:12:50.27 Jala Right, right. 00:12:50.94 Daniel That's what they are. they These are pillars of ideas. They're not actual people in Japan. 00:12:55.03 Jala Yeah, I mean, like sleep i they're kind of given some kind of, of but they' they really do function more as like um a plot point that is that is typified by their name more than they do as a character. 00:13:03.26 Daniel Yeah. 00:13:06.22 Jala So Medion ends up seeing like all of their entourages, of course, are also there. So you've got like generals and stuff lined up as well in Advisors. Medion explains about the monks on the docks, but nobody believes him because the monks' bodies vanish after they die. 00:13:21.04 Jala so um And that as a result, everybody's being a prick to Medion. So while they're arguing, Krull appears and says that the emperor was kidnapped by King Benetram. 00:13:32.26 Jala So the guy that we already saw who you know was talking to this bad priest guy says, oh, hey. 00:13:32.38 Daniel Mm-hmm 00:13:38.87 Jala you know And that's part of what this scenario is trading on, especially right at the front. It is trading on you already having played scenario one and knowing that this is all bullshit that you're hearing. 00:13:47.38 Daniel Yeah, 00:13:49.55 Jala you know and like 00:13:49.96 Daniel yeah the other one the monks are doing bad stuff and we know that 00:13:52.81 Jala Yeah, so ah the older princes swear that they're going to get vengeance, and generals Franz and Garzel are deployed to fight the gathering republic troops. Meanwhile, the ninjas by Yasha appears advising arrogant that Garzel is fighting Edmund and Franz is fighting the combined forces of Varlant and Tybalt. There's no sign of the king or the emperor, but Yasha believes that Synbiosis' army is taking advantage of the chaos to escape as a rogue unit. 00:14:19.21 Jala So um they're setting this up as a manhunt for Synbios at this point, which as we know, we played in scenario one, which is cool. 00:14:26.67 Daniel Yeah, and they and because Benetram's going to be with them, they're like, hey, maybe we should deal with that. 00:14:31.46 Jala Yeah, absolutely. So, arrogant and majesty decide that they're going to search for the emperor by the boat and they leave, accompanied by cruel and spirited. 00:14:41.88 Jala So, ah General Fiderit, which is a weird way of, of trim bringing them or his name is Fidelity. 00:14:47.20 Daniel I think it's supposed to be like Fidelity, yeah. 00:14:51.18 Jala yeah yeah Fidelity, ah is left behind to command the imperial forces remaining in Saraband. And before he leaves, Majesty offers Campbell a place in his entourage and says, hey, Campbell, I'm cooler than Medion is. 00:15:03.99 Jala Do you want to come with me and go have some glory on the battlefield? And Campbell's like, sorry, dude. Medion is also like born of a commoner like me. I relate more to him because you suck. 00:15:15.39 Jala And 00:15:15.57 Daniel Yeah, this is my bro, bro. See you later. 00:15:17.21 Jala Yeah, this is my bro, bro, because like ah Campbell, just for some background on them, Campbell would teach like instruct Medion in Marshall stuff. ah And they are also our bestest buds. 00:15:28.33 Jala So, you know, like that's their relationship. 00:15:28.67 Daniel Yeah, it ain't happening, guy. 00:15:31.42 Jala Yeah, exactly. So ah then yeah like, I know this is all a bunch of noun soup, the big takeaways for anybody who is trying to follow along with the plot here. So ah the big bads from the original scenario one, 00:15:45.14 Jala are doing their machinations to get the king and and frame it up or sorry get the emperor and frame it up as if King Benetram had done it. They're also setting up this manhunt for Synbios. They're also explaining what happened to all the rest of the forces and why it wasn't like all of the empire's forces going across after Synbios and why it was only this limited number of people doing that. 00:16:08.95 Daniel Yeah, and you can kind of see the division there, too, between the tasks where ah Majesty wants to do something, arrogant wants to do something, and they're like, Midian, you get to just do your own thing and don't get in our way. 00:16:09.35 Jala so 00:16:19.91 Jala Yeah, they're just like, here, hold the piss bucket. That's all, that's all, that's all they want. So ah they they are seriously treating Medion like crap. And um so like the the cool thing about seeing all of this though, is that in scenario one, when you see Medion, he comes across as this very cool and collected and awesome, badass of a guy. 00:16:39.55 Jala And like everybody that you come across in scenario one who mentions Medion will say, 00:16:40.28 Daniel Mm hmm. 00:16:45.47 Jala two things. so One, Medion is the best and also Medion is super hot. And so like, I know. 00:16:50.75 Daniel Yeah, I'm working on a counter for that, actually, there's a script breakdown online and there's a tool. So I'm going to find out exactly how many times before the series is done recording, how many times people say millions hot in the series, because they want to know that at this point, it's it's talked about so much. 00:17:05.25 Daniel It's ridiculous. 00:17:06.15 Jala I know it is, and it's every scenario. It's so funny. So, yeah. 00:17:08.96 Daniel Yeah, it's great. 00:17:10.88 Jala So, anyway, Medion's army ah is taken from him and then provided to other princes' generals. And his allies only include Grampal. I just shove their names together. 00:17:23.83 Jala Grand Tech and Campbell. He's instructed to be the cleaning detail. All he's got to do is kill off stragglers and rogue Republic forces if he happens to find them, because like they don't trust him with anything important. 00:17:37.77 Jala So humiliated, he readies himself to leave Saraband when Synthesis and Uryuto come up and and finally find him. I don't know why they didn't know where he was, but that's okay. 00:17:48.43 Daniel think there was more they weren't allowed to be in the royal palace part of the things because they it was a royal audience with the prince and everything and they're like no no no this is a need to know basis you guys are total governors we can't hang out with you you you're not welcome inside 00:17:50.77 Jala Right, probably. 00:17:56.51 Jala No commoners. 00:18:01.42 Jala Especially since you're Medions, people. Ew. 00:18:03.58 Daniel yeah 00:18:03.69 Jala Yeah. So ah learning of cruel doings. A troubled Medion leaves Saraband in time to see spirited using a mountain pass to chase Barlind's army. Just after this, several masked monks appear carrying an unconscious body led by fear and basanda. 00:18:20.07 Jala The two high priests of Bullzone notice that Medion's forces are coming and hurriedly split up, Basanda heading to Dusty Village, and Fear heading to the coastline, which we saw in scenario one as well. Unable to catch them, Medion watches as Basanda disappears, and a bit after that, Fear leaves on a boat. 00:18:39.04 Jala And just after this, some of cruel soldiers come out of the town of Balsamo in order to fight Medion and his team. So this this takes place a little bit after like around the time that since Synbiosis forces are like on the other side of the mountain where Medion can't see them and like they're doing their thing, they're fighting or maybe this is right after. um No, this must be right after Synbios and team have left. 00:19:03.92 Daniel They've already gone through Balsamo, through the the passage that gets destroyed. 00:19:06.55 Jala Yeah, the passage that is in the well. Right, right. 00:19:10.30 Daniel They're already gone before Midian's team leaves Saraband. 00:19:15.38 Jala So it's just kind of weird. 00:19:15.89 Daniel So they're behind them for like an hour or two. 00:19:18.57 Jala Yeah, I was going to say, because this is like a massive time lapse that happens here, because fear jumping off on the boat and leaving is right before Synbios enters Balsamo. And then then we skip to, right. 00:19:28.51 Daniel They kind of do that a little weird because you're not supposed to see that from both perspectives. But if you don't play scenario one, then you still need that plot point. 00:19:37.49 Jala Right, right. 00:19:38.24 Daniel So it's kind of in the guff in here where they have that entered in as you need to see Fiel taking the Emperor, and you need to see Synbios leaving or not taking, but you have to see Synbios has to see it as well. 00:19:51.86 Jala Yeah. 00:19:51.91 Daniel So both characters have to see the same perspective and be on the same map. And how do you do that? Timeline timebo lies. 00:19:57.39 Jala Right. 00:19:57.88 Daniel and then also still have the right plot points, because you could just have Basanda going to Dusty, but if you don't have things happening near Basamo, and Kourt's character's coming out of Balsamo, then you can't really, you' you'd try to pursue Basanda, right? 00:20:10.20 Jala Right, right. 00:20:10.56 Daniel So, you don't want them going to Dusty at this point, you still have to go through Balsamo again if that's the the plot point, so you kind of have to drag it around a little bit there. 00:20:13.03 Jala Yeah. 00:20:18.48 Jala Right. So it's a little bit fudged here in terms of like timeline, especially if you've played along and you saw scenario one and you're like, wait, but the fear left on the boat before Synbios ever got to Balsamo. 00:20:29.56 Jala Well, right. 00:20:29.65 Daniel And then in in scenario one, you're chasing him. You actually can try to catch up to him and reach him. And if you hack the game, you can actually catch up to him and kill him and it changes nothing. But you you can get up there and try to do that. 00:20:41.39 Daniel And if you make it so that you can reach him, I actually i don't even think you can actually reach him if you set everything to maximum because your maximum move is 11. In scenario one, I still don't think you can quite reach him from where he's at because I think something happens. 00:20:50.42 Jala Yeah, right. 00:20:54.18 Daniel There's a line there that they have a cutscene where he just gets on the boat and goes. 00:20:57.68 Jala Yeah, right. So I think when you get close enough, it just automatically does it. So um either way, so cruel comes out and then you have battle two. And um so go ahead and tell us a little bit about that. 00:21:09.78 Daniel Yeah, it's a it's a really easy battle. Just chase down the the because you're going right around the mountain. So just chase after the the i said bats out there and monks, I think. 00:21:18.79 Jala Probably. 00:21:19.67 Daniel Yeah. And follow them around and destroy them. And then you're pretty much in Balsamo at that point. There's very little plot, I think, happening outside this battle. But you do if you beat this. 00:21:28.53 Jala Yeah. 00:21:29.81 Daniel Well, you have to beat the guy for its battalion. They reveal that Synbios got away. 00:21:34.66 Jala Mm hmm. 00:21:35.61 Daniel And then you go into Balsamo and deal with the stuff there. 00:21:35.68 Jala Right. 00:21:38.27 Jala Right. So Medion, of course, when he goes into Balsamo, finds out Synbios was just here but left because like that's kind of a ah kind of hallmark of of what's going on here. Like you're usually crossing paths just afterwards. 00:21:50.74 Jala Like you just miss Synbios or maybe you come across him for a second, but then you have to go in a different direction is kind of constantly the situation. So ah interested in rescuing his father and perhaps gaining some prestige in the process, the prince walks into town just in time to hear an explosion and see some smoke coming up from the well, which he will soon find out is where Synbios and his team escaped from. 00:22:11.81 Jala So ah he happens to see that. He talks to Duncan and Toby and gains their trust. And also in town, he comes across two imperial soldiers who were left behind, Rock and Waltz. 00:22:21.22 Daniel Yeah, make sure you make sure you talk to them first. Waltz needs a antidote herb. 00:22:25.77 Jala Yes, because she has like a paralysis situation going on and she needs that antidote herb. She will not join you and neither will Rock unless you do that. and If you do and you talk to both of them, they will both join you. so um Disappointed though, bit that he happened to miss everybody, Medion leaves Balsamo and heads for Dusty Village to pursue Basanda, who he saw there going that way earlier. 00:22:49.22 Jala so ah On his way there, Medion is accosted by the combined forces of another of Krull's details along with the squad of Saraban knights who have also come out because they're looking for the king and the emperor and whoever. 00:23:02.48 Jala so 00:23:02.62 Daniel Yeah, and this is again very bearing the second battle where they have The Knights coming in behind you to trying to get you to not enter Balsamo in scenario one So very similar idea here, but my tactic is generally just to try to push towards the ruins. 00:23:17.14 Daniel There's ruins in this map. um They're very simple to just basically run your guys towards the monks or the the thieves once you get in there. And before you go to the ruins, make sure you kill all the guys around because this ruins will not be triggered until you touch it with the with a character. 00:23:31.78 Jala Mm-hmm. 00:23:31.78 Daniel Again, I also like to end my last combat turn with the slowest guy touching the the ruins so that I can get in there quickly ah with but the start of the next round. And then if you leave the monks up near Dusty Village alone, they won't try to move at all, so you don't have to worry about them coming at you. 00:23:46.30 Jala Right. 00:23:47.75 Daniel If you've cleared out all the other guys who all should be coming at you anyway, then it should be pretty easy just to get in there, get the items, get out, and then get back to to Dusty Village after you clear those last couple guys. 00:23:58.19 Jala right. 00:23:58.25 Daniel they do have um The bad guy there has freeze, so be careful of that spell. If you give up too much, it can do a lot of damage to a lot of guys. 00:24:06.60 Jala Right, right. So by the time he emerges victorious, it is nightfall. And reluctantly, the prince and his men stay overnight in Dusty Village, which is, of course, the town of thieves, but they go anyway. 00:24:18.39 Jala So ah the next morning, and this this is a fun thing. like Throughout this entire scenario, it seems like it happens a little bit in scenario one, but really in scenario two, where it's like, oh, it's nighttime. We have to make camp. 00:24:28.75 Jala like Always. 00:24:29.38 Daniel yeah 00:24:29.86 Jala like It feels weird, but it's pretty regular. 00:24:30.47 Daniel Yeah Yeah, making making camp happens often. It's like oh, yes, we had a long day six hours into the day Yeah, okay. We we had a long day. 00:24:37.79 Jala Yeah. Well, I mean, granted they are fighting so many battles, but anyway. 00:24:38.87 Daniel I'll take a nap This this scenario seems to have more battles than scenario one 00:24:45.07 Jala It does. It feels like it does. Um, maybe it's just the pacing of it that makes it feel that way. Uh, either way. So the next morning after staying overnight, uh, Medion tracks, Basanda down to the thief, Lord Shirov's mansion. 00:24:57.10 Jala So remember Shirov from the first game that was on the train. Yeah. So this is Shirov's mansion and this is before the stuff in the train happens. So, um, 00:25:04.40 Daniel Yeah, this is synchronizing up with that kind of stuff also you can find Bernard here if you freed him in the first game Yeah 00:25:09.43 Jala if didn't Yeah, a few freedom in the first game, which I had not because again, um mice that were like I had, but then my save data was jacked as I lamented in the first ah recording. So I was going off of the default data. 00:25:24.26 Jala Which for scenario one which said that Bernard was gone because I played the first on my Saturn and then my memory got wiped So I had to play the rest on my computer and default data, but but I never did mess with that I'm not gonna mess with it. 00:25:38.02 Jala We're just gonna roll with it. But anyway ah before Medion can enter Shroff's mansion 00:25:39.45 Daniel Yeah. 00:25:46.36 Jala some mass monks appear and inform Basanda of Speril's whereabouts. And she teleports away. She goes, oh, and then goes away. And ah a bit later, Medion is questioning the locals and he sees a birdman arrive and tells Shirov that a Republic force wiped out the detail of thieves in Railhead's warehouse. 00:25:53.47 Daniel Yeah. 00:26:03.78 Jala And that symbiote is escorting the king to the railroad switching points. So you just get all your information because these people are just like, hey, boss, you're like screaming outside. 00:26:13.02 Daniel Yeah, this let's just talk out on the screen, but it's a thief town, so of course you just, you wouldn't care. 00:26:16.45 Jala I know. I know, but it's. 00:26:18.77 Daniel Sharaf would rather, Sharaf would rather people don't know that Missandas in his house, because she was in there, and he'd rather she, that was all quiet, rather deal with stuff out in public, because he's such a crude guy, I guess. 00:26:22.55 Jala Yeah. Yeah. 00:26:30.70 Daniel He's very, very not subtle, ah in the slightest. 00:26:32.94 Jala Right. Well, it's just funny because doesn't that part where the the Birdman come like this, isn't that happening when you're like on the roof of a different building across the street? 00:26:42.19 Daniel You're actually in the street. 00:26:43.09 Jala Oh, you're in the street for this one. Okay. 00:26:44.80 Daniel Yeah, and you could you could see them, but yeah you're across, like there's a building in the way sort of idea. 00:26:50.29 Jala Yeah, yeah. so i mean like to To me, I just imagine them just like, hey, boss. It's funny. Anyway, yeah, right. 00:26:55.82 Daniel Just shouting at at your buddy, yeah. 00:26:57.98 Jala So Sharaf and his men then immediately leave to go and catch Synbios and company. And you already know what happens with that from scenario one. 00:27:06.49 Daniel Mm hmm. 00:27:06.83 Jala But yeah, before Medion leaves, he meets Bernard, ah who was part of Garzell's force and was captured by the Bulzome sect and was freed by Synbios in the first scenario, we will say. 00:27:17.83 Jala um And he is happy to join Medion's force to do his part for the empire. So, yes, Medion then uses the same mountain pass that Spirited did, fighting scattered Republic soldiers intent on catching up to Varlant to reinforce him as superior wrecked Varlant's army. 00:27:23.36 Daniel yes 00:27:35.41 Daniel Yes This is one of my favorite battles it's really simple very easy to to win but also kind of unique in the game because it uses heights very very well and 00:27:46.74 Jala Mm-hmm. 00:27:47.28 Daniel It's one of the first maps I felt in the entire series that used a lot of heights and one of the only battles to do so in such a way that it's like multi-platform. 00:27:51.88 Jala Yeah. Right. 00:27:57.34 Daniel And the only concern here is that you have to be careful not to get flanked. So I usually leave somebody on one of the corners once you get up to the, I think it's the third tier. I try to leave two or three guys there to deal with the oncoming traffic that you have coming off of the right hand side of the map. 00:28:12.37 Daniel And then everybody else kind of look slowly pushes and warms their way up around the side of the mountain and to get up there to to destroy the guys at the top. There is also in one of the rocks at the top a healing item. I think it's a healing drop. So you can grab one of those there. And there's a large mithril in one of the rocks near the bottom as well. So couple items to pick up there to help you out in the future. And yeah, pretty simple, easy battle leading right into the fight against Barland here. 00:28:38.30 Jala Right. So on the other side of that mountain, Medion comes across the railroad switching point where things are even more complicated because the border guards are there and imperial refugees are fleeing the empire. And then the border guards want to kill them. And right about then, Varland appears and the refugees are begging for assistance. But Varland, whose troops were completely routed by Speriel, is in desperate need of men and is no in no mood whatsoever for charity. 00:29:04.38 Jala So he says he's going to kill unproductive members of society, including those intent on relying on Republican charity, such as those refugees. So that's not all. As Medion is pondering what to do, Synbios and his force arrive as well. 00:29:18.74 Jala So this evens out the odds. Medion decides, okay, ah you protect the Imperial soldiers. I don't want you having to fight your own men. I'll fight Marlin, you know? 00:29:29.23 Daniel Which is a pretty fun little battle here 00:29:29.36 Jala And yeah, battle five. 00:29:32.61 Daniel Yeah, and so they there's a couple things here. There's a life ring at one of the rocks in the north end. So I would check all the rocks near where you start. One of the most important items to pick up at this point in the game. 00:29:44.56 Daniel I did notice in scenario two, there's a lot more accessories early on. 00:29:48.23 Jala Yes, there are. 00:29:48.43 Daniel So at this point, if you've been paying attention and collecting everything and going through all the towns and grabbing all this stuff, you should have enough equipment to have almost all your guys have and accessory as well, which is a much better starting place than the first scenario where it's like chapter two or three before you even get any of that stuff. 00:30:03.79 Jala right 00:30:04.04 Daniel Right? ah Pushing through here, it's very easy. I usually run all my guys to one side and let the other guys come across at me. This time, however, I split my forces a little bit for the first little bit of the map, and that was a bit of a challenge. 00:30:17.07 Daniel So once I figured out that I needed to pull them all together, I kind of drove into the middle and then continued to plow through Verlet and figure out the way through the end of chapter one. 00:30:26.76 Jala Right. And I was really hoping that you might be able to spare Varlant and maybe he comes back later or something. But no, this is not the case. You have to kill him. So. 00:30:34.77 Daniel It'd be really interesting to make him into a a future project sprite. 00:30:35.11 Jala um 00:30:38.70 Daniel It'd be really cool to to set him up as a character that you could obtain. 00:30:39.04 Jala Right. 00:30:41.93 Jala Yeah, absolutely. So, Synbios emerges victorious as well, having saved the refugees in the best possible scenario. So, ah the two leaders talk and Medion finds out that the Bulzome sect is behind the plot and sent an impostor to kidnap the emperor in order to foment a war. 00:30:59.10 Jala The unconscious body that was carried off by High Priest Fyr so recently, he learns, was none other than the Emperor, so ah just missed him by a hair's breath. Grand Tax suggests that Medion and his team leave for Barent to connect with General Rogan, who is the only high-ranking Imperial to have sympathy for Medion. He's like the only cool guy. 00:31:19.02 Jala and So a Rogan has a ship, the Seagate, which Grand Tak is hoping the Force can use to pursue fear. And Synbios and Medion part ways again, and Medion heads for an effect village on the coast, hoping to get a ship. And that is the end of scenario, or not scenario one. 00:31:35.04 Jala ah scenario, no, scenario two, chapter one. 00:31:35.66 Daniel chapter Chapter one. 00:31:38.00 Jala Okay. 00:31:38.03 Daniel Yeah. 00:31:38.85 Jala I will tell you, I keep on gumbling up every single time. I'm like, shining force two. And it's like, no, there's shiny force three scenario two. It's too long of a name with too many numbers. 00:31:46.79 Daniel yeah 00:31:48.71 Jala You've got two numbers in there. I don't know. It's confusing. 00:31:51.35 Daniel it's It's good. 00:31:52.81 Jala It's good. 00:31:52.78 Daniel just just Just use the Roman numerals when you're talking out loud, right? 00:31:53.24 Jala It's good. I know. Yeah, just I, I, I. Shining Force, I, I, I. Okay. 00:32:01.31 Jala And if you do it like, you know, as if it's a song, like you can turn it into a whole thing and have like a whole rhythm thing. Yeah. 00:32:06.71 Daniel Yeah, it's a good beat. 00:32:06.83 Jala Anyway. All right. Yeah. Anyway. Chapter two starts out. The People's Rebellion. On the way to Anaphact, the force comes across several corpses, indicating that a large battle was recently waged. There is only one survivor, a white lord from Spirited's army, who in informs Medion that the fight was between Generals Garzell and Proton, but in the heat of battle, Spirited appeared. Garzell's men thought that they would gang up on Proton, along with Spiriel, or Spirited, but Basanda shows up and casts a spell on Spirited. 00:32:38.85 Jala Leading her and her healthy troops away leaving only the dead in the wounded and then the white lord who tells you this dies so so ah this is exactly like the part that we were missing from the first scenario where we didn't see what happened with spirited just that she was basically a zombie and like wandering off with her men and and um Right, so of course this worries Medion who 00:32:57.99 Daniel Yeah, she seemed to just defect and there's no no backstory for it for a while until you come across this. 00:33:07.94 Jala ah ends up entering an effect and decides to seek out the village chief. And he hears that Proton survived the battle and is in an effect somewhere. ah As he approaches the docks where the chief's houseboat is, he finds the last sailing ship is in process of being stolen by the remains of the Republican army, led by none other than Proton himself. Although they don't want to fight the desperate Republicans, Medion and crew also need the ship. And this is another battle. 00:33:36.81 Daniel This is not a bad battle at all. A couple of things to note here is that you can play this a couple of ways because if you kill off Stella, that has a different result than if you let her live. And the best way to let her live is to kill every other guy before getting to her. In my personal opinion, I like to have Proton in Scenario 3, so I let Stella live by killing all the other guys. This time around, I kind of messed up with that. i Forgot a couple guys at the beginning and left them there because they're out of the way and they don't actually chase after your our army at all. 00:34:09.57 Daniel So I was like, OK, let's leave these guys. I'll kill everything else. And then I realized, oh, yeah, if I kill Stella here, that ruins some ideals for what I want to do. So let's go back and walk across half the map to catch up to those guys and kill them. 00:34:23.61 Jala Right. 00:34:24.03 Daniel So it's really easy. There's a couple of things to find a potion for sure. And I think some of the guys drop some items. And ah then, yeah, once you've spared or um killed Stella, then you deal with Proton on the ship. And that leads us into what happens at the end of this battle here. 00:34:41.64 Jala Right. Something that I liked about this particular battle though is the fact that you have all that cannonball fire that's coming out off of the ship and everything because um you know Stella is trying to you know like slow you up or stop you from coming towards them and everything and because they don't want to fight you. 00:34:57.22 Jala he you know that 00:34:57.45 Daniel Oh, yes, I forgot about that mechanic. 00:34:58.58 Jala yeah yeah 00:34:59.00 Daniel They do destroy certain parts of the level. 00:35:00.95 Jala Right. 00:35:01.12 Daniel So if you're not careful, you can I don't think you guys can be hurt from that or or killed, but certain parts of the map just disappear before you can go that way. 00:35:05.40 Jala right 00:35:10.32 Daniel So kind of route you around a long way. But if you're aware of that and know that that's happening, then it's not really that detracting from your pathing. I pretty much follow a self route around the bottom and then come up around and come through. 00:35:18.89 Jala Right. 00:35:24.50 Jala Well, you can basically 00:35:24.62 Daniel So it's kind of like kind of like doing a snake maneuver. 00:35:27.08 Jala Yeah, you can just assume that the longest path is the path that's going to be the one you're going to have to take care of. So um the whole time too, Stella is urging Proton to get on the ship, get on the ship, and he refuses to do because he has men on the docks. 00:35:39.75 Jala And then eventually Stella ends up having the Birdman pick him up and just put him on the ship. You're just going to have to deal with that. And she jumps off because shocker, they're in love. 00:35:45.59 Daniel me 00:35:48.15 Jala And so she wants to save his life. and 00:35:51.17 Daniel Yeah. 00:35:52.52 Jala Anyway, um synthesis in particular is really reluctant to fight them you know to the death because she is like, it's really obvious they're in love. i don't want you like they They just want to leave. 00:36:03.90 Jala They don't really want any of this you know and and all of that. 00:36:06.66 Daniel Yeah 00:36:07.82 Jala so um Anyway, Proton is knocked out by this when he's unceremoniously just dumped on the deck. and um so you You do what you're going to do. You either kill her or don't kill her. 00:36:19.60 Jala Up to you. and If you do not kill her, then Proton wakes up and guides the ship near enough for Stella to board, and then the two Republicans extend their thanks, vowing to come to Medion's aid in the future should he need them, and then they leave. But as a result, either way, like um regardless of which way this goes, you lose the ship either way. 00:36:40.45 Jala so 00:36:40.50 Daniel Yeah. And you gain zero. 00:36:42.28 Jala and Yeah, you you get zero. So as a result of letting the Republicans go, Medion's team now has to take the circuitous route to the north, which will take far much much, much more time, far more time than they have available. So the village chief and his daughter appear right about then and say that they admire the compassion shown by the prince. And i'm I'm going off of the story of I let them live. So they say that they admire the compassion the prince showed and want to help him. And they reveal that there is a secret passage under the waterfall that will cut their transit down transit time down considerably. So um thanking the village villagers, the force heads up from there and then there's another battle and that's where you get zero. 00:37:22.22 Daniel Yeah, and it's not a bad battle here. Again, getting zero here is kind of fortuitous because he can fly and he's the first and only character of the Birdman that is super useful when you get him. I like Elder. She's a great character in a lot of ways, but she's just not as useful as she could be. Elder, however, he has many great uses and is very functional here. I generally try to put him out as far as I can because I believe at this point his stats and his level are on par or better than what you will have unless you've been grinding. 00:37:50.11 Jala Right. 00:37:50.41 Daniel So he is actually a fairly decent character. And if you have a decent accessory to give him like the life ring, he can actually go off and do a little bit of fighting on his own. Otherwise, you kind of have to group him up with your other guys, but you can run them along the mountain ridge while you carry the other guys through. And he's kind of a little bit like an advanced unit where he can do a few hits and get some damage in. And if you get enough experience up with him in this battle, he can actually gain a weapon level here because he's close to weapon level, I believe. 00:38:16.50 Daniel So it's really easy to get him a little bit stronger into the next fight. And, uh, this is just a basic fight where you're just dealing with the guys to clear them out. Nothing crazy here. Just be careful of the mage at the, or is it a mage? 00:38:27.09 Daniel No, it's a Kaiser guard you have to deal with. 00:38:28.76 Jala It's a Kaiser, I think. 00:38:29.84 Daniel Yeah. So just be careful because he can crit, do lots of damage, but, um, he's, is it swords are good against Halberds in this? Swords are good against access access. So you will be strong against him with Campbell. 00:38:42.22 Daniel So Campbell can go in there and just wreck his day. 00:38:44.73 Jala Yeah, Campbell, go for it, go for it. 00:38:45.32 Daniel Yeah. 00:38:46.85 Jala So, right. 00:38:47.01 Daniel Get them in there. 00:38:48.15 Jala So, narratively, what Zero tells you is that Sharaf was killed on the train by Synbios when the bandit ambushed him. And, di you know, once you defeat the Imperial forces, this time Garzell's men who suspect Medion of Treason for having a Republic soldier with them, then that opens up the waterfall channels. 00:39:05.88 Jala So, you you know, here, the forces that you're fighting, they're your own men. They're Imperial forces. But because you have Zero with you, they think that you're defecting. So, Medion's crew enters the secret passage in time to find a Kunoichi or a female ninja and her father falling from the top of a waterfall. Zero flies off to save the old man who falls down into the foam and Hazuki, the Kunoichi, finds herself pursued by Skavens and other cave creatures. Medion and his army then have to fight all of the monsters. 00:39:36.20 Daniel And without zero, which is kind of annoying because you just got him and you're like, hey, come back to me, Birdman. 00:39:39.31 Jala yep 00:39:40.88 Daniel No, don't be sacrificing. We need you. He would make this fight way too easy, though. um There are a couple of plots here where you actually have to rush guys down and up levels. If you don't do this correctly, it is really hard to get to Hazuki and anything harder than normal. 00:39:54.32 Daniel It is. um There is a seed possibility where Hazuki will spawn with not enough defense to survive insane. 00:40:02.50 Jala Mm hmm. 00:40:02.87 Daniel for you to get to her. I had that issue. I had to actually. Well, I'm not going to tell you how I fixed my problem, but I was able to get her. We'll talk about that more in another episode, because that's extra stuff. 00:40:14.57 Jala Yeah. 00:40:14.61 Daniel But you have to rush to her to talk to her. If nobody talks to her, then she doesn't join your force, I believe. 00:40:20.20 Jala Right, correct. 00:40:20.69 Daniel So somebody needs to rush over there in combat, talk to her while dealing with all the enemies. And then at the end of that, then all of the real bad guy monsters spawned near the bottom where her father fell. 00:40:31.38 Jala Right. And after you fight all of everybody and kill off all the monsters and all the critters and everything, which again, this one's playing with levels a lot. This is another one that has level changes and stuff. So, you know, like I think, yeah. 00:40:41.60 Daniel and fairly yeah fairly good use of it too. 00:40:44.13 Jala I think that they are working off of, okay, well, we we kind of um got our our legs under us with scenario one. Let's play with some other elements in scenario two's battles. So um after the end of the battle, though, Zero brings Hazuki's father back in time for him to say a tearful goodbye. Hazuki informs the group that their village was attacked by Yasha, which is the the imperial ninja and his men, whom they ah have a rivalry with. 00:41:09.52 Jala And Hazuki is is ah going to go with Medion's force and take Yasha down as she cannot defeat Yasha by herself. 00:41:16.90 Daniel I just have one more note for that battle is that there's also a happy cookie in the treasure chest. 00:41:17.42 Jala So, sure. 00:41:21.08 Daniel So make sure you get that. That boosts your character's luck. 00:41:23.63 Jala Oh yeah, that's absolutely useful. 00:41:24.58 Daniel Yeah, that's very important. 00:41:26.04 Jala Yep. I think there's also something in one of the rocks too, whatever. I mean, there's usually, yeah, there's there's usually some stuff in rocks and everything as well. 00:41:29.24 Daniel A large, large myth roll near the exit. Yeah. 00:41:34.24 Daniel the The moral of the story is check every rock. 00:41:34.47 Jala so Right, check all the rocks, literally. 00:41:37.22 Daniel Leave no stone unturned. 00:41:39.67 Jala so yeah Exhausted though after after this battle, the team emerges on the other side of the cavern at Nightfall. Here's another one of those situations and they go into Rhineside, a small village to rest. 00:41:51.85 Jala The next morning, Medion learns that General Garzel intends to engage Synbios at a waterfall near the guardian statue of El Besim. So, uh, this is one of those, those really big pivot points. 00:42:03.75 Jala And I think we just got all, yeah I, I got super conditioned, bobbled about what was going on and what sequence in that battle. Uh, cause it's been a while since I played this, but so I'll i'll let you tell, well, actually, no, no, no, I, I wrote it down this time. 00:42:12.88 Daniel Yeah. 00:42:17.59 Jala Okay. Hurrying to the water waterfall. We'll get to the battle in a second. Medion arrives only to discover that General Edmond of the Republic is in league with Garzell and that he is too late to assist Synbios with the main battle, but he opts to take out the bulk of Edmond's forces to give Synbios fairer footing against Garzell. 00:42:20.66 Daniel Yeah. 00:42:36.72 Daniel Mm-hmm 00:42:37.63 Jala The way that you hit it from this this situation is you are like you learn pretty immediately about like the plot twist, but not the second plot twist. so so 00:42:45.89 Daniel Yeah, this this is a twisty plot and I can understand the confusion here it is a little bit more of a Wavy lines kind of situation where you have this guy's doing this thing to counteract that guy had to counteract that guy and before you know what everybody's fighting against each other 00:42:47.84 Jala yeah 00:42:58.78 Daniel And it's not a bad thing here. um You have some monsters to clear up before you can actually get to that battle. So it's a very short interlude battle right now with another um ruins in there. 00:43:03.04 Jala Right. Right. Mm-hmm. 00:43:08.17 Daniel And this ruins is actually fairly simple, I believe. Yeah. um This ruins is kind of unique because it is a nice big open area and it's got two sets of stairs. 00:43:18.24 Daniel So you want to rush to the far stairs and not go up the early stairs because you'll miss the monk or miss the thieves. 00:43:23.55 Jala Yeah. 00:43:24.08 Daniel So you won't get the, the, I think it's a protectoring or something in here. 00:43:27.36 Jala Yes. pro Protect ring. 00:43:28.19 Daniel Yeah, so you want to get that protect ring as fast as you can, which means you got to go to the far side of the stairs and then go up there and after that guy, probably best to send Campbell in there. He's really efficient at at movement at this point, and he could run all the way and pretty much do it himself, I think. 00:43:41.75 Jala Yep. Yep. Absolutely. Campbell's kind of like my go-to for most ruins, except for the ones where there's like sand or something. 00:43:47.88 Daniel Even the sand, he could be useful in getting to the barrel so that somebody else can run across. 00:43:48.01 Jala So yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. And that's usually what I ended up doing too, but like he's not my hot footer. Let's say on the, on the sand. 00:43:58.11 Daniel Yeah, no. Yeah, they don't. 00:43:59.87 Jala So. 00:44:00.15 Daniel For some reason, horses and sand don't mix very well. 00:44:02.86 Jala Hmm. 00:44:03.22 Daniel Go figure. 00:44:03.31 Jala Weird. Yeah. People in sand do don't either. Let me tell you from running on sand. 00:44:08.75 Daniel Yeah, no, not fun. 00:44:09.06 Jala Anyway. 00:44:09.98 Daniel Not fun. 00:44:10.49 Jala Anyway. ah Yeah. We go from that and then we go right into Edmond battle from here. like the not Not fighting Edmond himself, but fighting his guys. 00:44:19.11 Daniel Yeah, you directly come across. 00:44:19.60 Jala so 00:44:20.59 Daniel So this is the ambush point where they're sending the ambush and you're like, Oh, okay. So this, this is the backend of what's supposed to be an ambush. 00:44:27.36 Jala Right. 00:44:27.60 Daniel and you're ambushing them in an effective pincer attack because they're not expecting you to show up behind them and start taking them down either. 00:44:30.81 Jala right 00:44:34.68 Daniel Again, this battle is fairly simple. I believe you just rush through and plow through them and there's some mages or something here. 00:44:41.14 Jala Mm hmm. 00:44:41.35 Daniel Yeah, a couple of mages with Freeze and Hellblast, which is the tornado spell. And yeah, you get to deal with an admin commander, it says. but Yeah, I don't think that he's any, he's got a decent amount of hit points, but other than that, you just chew too through and make sure that you don't rush him too fast. 00:44:55.71 Jala Yeah, he's got hit points. 00:44:59.65 Jala Right. 00:44:59.86 Daniel Take ah take out his surrounding army and then pluck away at him. Use your ranged guys. I think you have Bernard and Walt at this point for archers. 00:45:05.64 Jala Mm hmm. Yeah. 00:45:07.35 Daniel So you should be able to pig away at him a bunch. And if you do like me and switch everybody to ranged, Rock should also have a level or two in his hatchet by now, which means that he can pull off some devastating attacks too. 00:45:16.78 Jala Mm hmm. 00:45:20.02 Jala Absolutely. And um yeah, like it's funny because this battle I remember when I was playing because like I and in scenario two, I did like no grinding. I don't think I did any grinding. 00:45:30.97 Jala Like I grind in scenario one. I don't really grind in scenario two. 00:45:34.54 Daniel Stereo 2 seems to be a lot more forgiving in that like at where I'm at I didn't quite finish finish the game I'm on the last battles but I got all the way through that and my guys are a wide range of levels my lowest is like a level 6 and my highest is a level 13 so it's just been some people are so much more useful in combat like when you use headbutt you just cast the spell and then everybody dies ah she gains the experience point so then she levels up it's really easy for her whereas I think I'm struggling with Stesus 00:45:34.69 Jala hum Yeah. 00:45:42.26 Jala Mm hmm. 00:45:47.14 Jala Mm hmm. 00:45:57.65 Jala Yeah, right, right. 00:46:04.06 Jala Yeah. 00:46:04.32 Daniel because she doesn't have good hit points and I've been trying to use her too much like I've been using Headpa and she goes up there and she casts a spell and then she dies. 00:46:08.56 Jala Yeah. 00:46:11.10 Jala Right. It's just about like um having the right accessories on them and then like knowing where to place them in battle. and like You can't play every mage the same way because there is variability between them. 00:46:20.33 Daniel Yeah. 00:46:20.74 Jala so um you know and and That's the thing. like um You will get into that where you're like, oh yeah, the the fire mage. I do this with the fire mage, but like not every fire mage and every shining force is the same. 00:46:30.81 Jala so you know That kind of thing. 00:46:31.19 Daniel Yeah. 00:46:32.78 Jala so i mean like um That's actually a thing that we talked about on Super Podshot Saga. Shout out to Erin and Thrak for that episode where we were talking about like the the variability of the characters even within like a single role ah in the the Shining Force series. 00:46:47.31 Daniel yeah Yeah 00:46:47.90 Jala But um yeah, so like the thing about this battle is that I remembered it being like, okay, I have to approach it kind of cautiously. And I feel like that's kind of the case with a lot of scenario two, if you approach stuff cautiously, um you know, like you are able to even though it seems like correct me if I'm wrong, it feels like in scenario two, at least from my recollection, it's been a minute since I finished it. But like, um You're either going full force forward because you have a certain time limit. 00:47:16.66 Jala You've got to get to the place by the time or whatever. like or Or you have to go really cautiously through and and be more careful about it. 00:47:24.23 Daniel I feel like the first half, the first half you could rush more of the battles. 00:47:24.35 Jala And it's like one or. Yeah, and right. 00:47:28.34 Daniel The second half, there's a good reason why you can't rush a lot of the battles, because you pick up the Emperor, and you are the Emperor's escort. 00:47:31.11 Jala Yeah. women Yeah. 00:47:34.91 Daniel And if he gets murdered, I had a scare at one point, um I forgot to take care of some guys that were legging behind and started approaching the Emperor, and one of the Harpies actually confused him. 00:47:38.93 Jala Uh-huh. 00:47:46.14 Jala Oh, no. 00:47:46.73 Daniel So for two rounds, he murdered his own guys because I wasn't close enough to him to stop him. 00:47:49.76 Jala Oh, no. 00:47:51.57 Daniel And he was strong enough to kill everything around him with one shot. 00:47:51.98 Jala Right. 00:47:56.20 Jala Oops. 00:47:56.60 Daniel And they weren't going to fight him back because he's the Emperor. 00:47:57.96 Jala ah Right. 00:47:58.40 Daniel So he and luckily those NPCs, the the White Knights or whatever that are with him, they come back every battle. You get five of them. So you get that kind of leeway there. 00:48:07.03 Jala Yeah. 00:48:07.17 Daniel But it's a it's a buffer that's not very fun to deal with when you forget that. 00:48:11.12 Jala Right. 00:48:11.48 Daniel So the next battle, I think it was a lot more smart about leaving people close to him. 00:48:15.20 Jala Right, right a right. 00:48:15.71 Daniel Because it's like, oh, I want to at least put an archer here that's going to take away things that are going to come at you. 00:48:20.38 Jala And that's the thing is that like, um how we'll we'll we'll we're kind of jumping ahead a little bit. well and We'll go ahead and talk about it since we started, but like, um so a good chunk of this scenario is escort quest, but like the escort is not like the the people you're escorting, the emperor that you're escorting is not ah useless, but you do have to make sure that you put at least like a guy or two. 00:48:31.75 Daniel Yeah. 00:48:41.36 Jala I usually would put like, Some of my guys who are kind of weaker that I want them to have some XP, but like they're not going to be useful over there where the main battle's happening. So like I i put those guys usually, uh, but that's, that was just my approach to it. But, um, yeah, so ah finishing out chapter two here real quick though. 00:48:59.94 Jala um 00:48:59.94 Daniel yeah 00:49:00.94 Jala So Garzell and Edmond have an argument. We already talked about that on the first episode of this. And Garzell ends up pushing Edmond into the roaring rapids below, which is like such an ongoing thing for Shining Forest. 00:49:12.96 Jala They like throwing people into like water. 00:49:15.34 Daniel Yeah The water is the it's the We'll kill him later if we don't find his body kind of thing. Or if we find his body kind of thing. 00:49:20.78 Jala Right. Right. 00:49:22.23 Daniel Oh, you're useless. Get out there. 00:49:24.98 Jala Right. 00:49:25.10 Daniel ll We'll see you again if you survive. 00:49:27.04 Jala Yeah, so it's just like, this is Sparta except it's shiny forest. 00:49:27.53 Daniel Kind of method. 00:49:33.21 Jala So, Synbios defeats Garzell and Zero leaves Medion's company in order to rejoin Synbios. and So, um you know, 00:49:45.21 Jala Zero's the guy who just kind of bounces between the two and like, you don't really need to have a rhyme or reason as to why. I mean, like he's a Republican soldier. He gets sent out to help Medion at times, but he is a Republican soldier. 00:49:56.63 Jala So he always ends up having to go back and check in with people whenever you come across them. So, um, Uh 00:50:01.75 Daniel Yeah, I found it very hard to keep his keep him leveled up because when he was in combat after that first battle, he's not as useful anymore because he legs behind because he missed out on all the battle from Hazuki's battle. 00:50:08.98 Jala -huh. Right. Uh-huh. 00:50:12.73 Daniel And then and when he's on the ship, you know, he's not super effective there. 00:50:12.92 Jala Yep. 00:50:16.62 Daniel I mean, he could be, but he doesn't seem to be any more effective than any other character there. 00:50:21.27 Jala Mm-hmm. 00:50:21.33 Daniel And then he starts to leg behind in levels for me. 00:50:23.71 Jala Yeah. Well, it's the chronic problem that Shining Force has with Birdman. They just don't know what to do with a dang Birdman. Like, you know, like they they might be cool for a small portion of every game, you know, ah if they are cool at all. 00:50:35.23 Daniel you would have to have you'd have to have more tiered combat and then also more flying units to make them a viable sticking point in the game. 00:50:36.85 Jala Yeah. 00:50:39.66 Jala Right. 00:50:43.11 Jala Right, right. And they just don't. 00:50:43.67 Daniel Which is what we have the which is why we have the joke of, oh, is this is this grilled chicken one of your cousins? 00:50:45.01 Jala So. 00:50:49.37 Jala Yeah, right. 00:50:51.99 Jala and So, so yeah, uh, Medion is then shocked to hear that the guardian statue has been destroyed because he was out doing his own thing and he didn't know that, like he knew a superior was going off to do a thing and just left, but he didn't know what she was going to go do. 00:51:05.50 Jala And so then he finds out, oh, a spirited or superior broke the statue. Oops. You know, so right. 00:51:11.44 Daniel Yeah, well, the magical barrier has been lifted and this area is going to suffer a lot more because of it. 00:51:17.20 Jala as a result of that. And then King Benetram asks Medion to extend his southward journey to go down to Barand onward to ah the Holy Land of Elbessim. Like, I know you want to go to Barand, but also go down to Elbessim as well, ah because the Bulzome sect has shown their hand and explained that their intent is to resurrect the strongest Vandal. The forces need to do something about that and combat the evil power. 00:51:43.55 Jala And if Medion can find that power that they need to combat this evil, then he could assist in saving the world, which is, of course, the JRPG-ness of it all. 00:51:54.73 Daniel Yay! 00:51:55.13 Jala So, so right, right. 00:51:55.86 Daniel Let's go rescue people. 00:51:58.27 Jala So, um you know, now your your quest is is kind of shifted. Instead of just looking for the emperor, now you also have to have the onus of saving the world and go find the magical doodad, you know? 00:52:07.50 Daniel yeah yeah Yeah, let's go be magical girls for a few minutes. 00:52:12.01 Jala Yay. Oh my God, Medion. I would love to see all three of the the Shining Force guys as as like the magical girls or tuxedo masks or however you want to paint them. That would be so great. 00:52:20.73 Daniel Oh, you can totally cross-dress them all. 00:52:22.55 Jala Oh yes, it would be so good. 00:52:23.21 Daniel It'll be so good. 00:52:23.78 Jala Especially Medion. 00:52:25.03 Daniel Yeah, you're that breastplate armor that's totally showing his three quarters of his rest. Yeah. 00:52:29.81 Jala I know. Absolutely. He's got the booby window. It's great. 00:52:32.79 Daniel Yeah. Check out my abs and my pectorals. Uh, no, dude. 00:52:36.33 Jala ah yep 00:52:37.41 Daniel No, you're supposed to be keeping people from putting swords in there. 00:52:41.65 Jala But no, see, like, you know, the the more skin that is exposed, the more effective the armor is. 00:52:47.72 Daniel Yeah. 00:52:47.81 Jala They'll get distracted by those shiny abs. 00:52:51.04 Daniel Yeah, go see come see my pectorals and enjoy and bask in my window while I stab you with this rapier. 00:52:56.33 Jala Yes, indeed. So it it might be instant death. It's a possibility. So yeah. 00:53:00.74 Daniel Yeah, he does have that right early on. 00:53:02.60 Jala Yep. Yep. Okay. ah So but moving right along, we got chapter three, the road of pilgrimage. So night falls as Medions army heads to barren exhausted. 00:53:14.09 Jala They decide to stay the night in the forest of stump. So you go to stump. And again, this is like the third time in, in just like ah several battles where you're like, I'm tired. It's time to go to sleep. 00:53:25.45 Daniel Yeah. Hey, it's nighttime again. How many days have passed since we left Saraband? 00:53:27.36 Jala Yeah. Yeah. 00:53:29.47 Daniel 7? 10? 00:53:30.41 Jala Yeah. 00:53:30.70 Daniel I can't tell anymore. 00:53:32.15 Jala Right. So the village appears deserted, except for bullsome high priest Goliath, who is looking for a child named Gracia, who is a descendant of the innovators, the holy beings opposed to the vandals. 00:53:43.82 Jala And we kind of covered this a little bit in the first one, but I like this exchange that goes on here. 00:53:48.35 Daniel Mm-hmm. 00:53:48.87 Jala um Finding that Medion doesn't know of Gracia, Goliath then teleports away, but he's really polite and really low, whatever. And he does he doesn't seem like, you know, like he doesn't on the face seem scarier 00:53:58.62 Daniel For a scary for a scary giant, he he seems very nice because he if you look at his portrait, he looks like he's he could wreck your stuff. 00:54:02.99 Jala Yeah, he's a nice guy. 00:54:07.30 Jala ah 00:54:08.04 Daniel He looks pretty nasty and very angry. And then also having seen him in the first scenario, you're like, oh, this isn't a guy we want to mess with. I always got that feeling just the first because you only see him like once in scenario one in the room where they're all together. 00:54:14.15 Jala Right. 00:54:16.93 Jala Mm hmm. Yep. 00:54:20.11 Daniel And then you never see him again. And it's like, what happened to that guy? Was he just the ultimate boss? Like what's going on? 00:54:25.64 Jala Right. 00:54:25.91 Daniel And then seeing him again here, it's like, Oh, okay. He's not the ultimate boss. He's pretty bad, but he's, he's not the, we're not worried about him being like bulls them in disguise or something. 00:54:34.93 Jala Right, right. So, Medion ends up deciding to find Gracia first, as this may be an important link in the fight against Bullzone, because why else would this high priest at Bullzone be looking for, you know, this this kid? 00:54:48.99 Daniel Yeah. 00:54:50.18 Jala So... So yeah, in the morning, the group finds that stump is actually a bustling town. The wood elms, wood elves that live there take to the trees where their homes are at night. 00:55:01.02 Jala So they just go up into the trees and sleep up in their tree houses. So exploring the town. 00:55:04.57 Daniel Don't forget about the seven dwarves here. 00:55:07.11 Jala Yeah, there are seven doors here. 00:55:08.54 Daniel It's technically six dwarves and then one more character who could be a dwarf and they kind of allude to him being the dwarf but I tried to make that connection and then bring it up in the discord and the people there were like no that's totally him and I read all the things like four times and I was like 00:55:10.03 Jala Six. Yeah. 00:55:14.07 Jala Yeah. 00:55:19.82 Jala yeah 00:55:26.37 Daniel I don't think he's the seventh dwarf, even though he's supposed to be a dwarf. it doesn't the The text doesn't connect properly, so I wanted to work on a rework of that, and no one's interested in doing that with me. 00:55:30.79 Jala Mm-hmm. 00:55:37.24 Daniel so we'll We'll wait on that, for but that's something that can be done. 00:55:37.87 Jala Aww. 00:55:40.87 Daniel However, it is a nice little village. It is a neat place to to find some cool characters, and one of my favorite characters coming up here. 00:55:46.99 Jala Yeah, absolutely. One of my favorites as well. But some yeah, the thing about the seven dwarves being here. So yeah, there are seven dwarves. They all say stuff that ah alludes to the Snow White and the seven dwarves kind of situation. 00:55:59.47 Jala there's There's six of them, potentially seven of them. um So right, right. 00:56:02.17 Daniel Yeah, the seventh one is on the ground. 00:56:04.31 Jala But you know it also kind of makes me think, you know it that kind of sets me up with this expectation of, well, then is one of those dwarves, like is the seventh dwarf one of my dwarves or whatever? 00:56:04.69 Daniel Yeah. 00:56:15.17 Daniel Is it rocking this, guys? 00:56:16.02 Jala Is it rock? It's just really, really rock? Okay, anyway. So yeah, as you explore the town though, there's like a lot of hidden stuff here. There's like hidden chests and stuff. And you have to go up and down the the ladders into the trees and then down again to get to some of the stuff that's there. But there's there's some extra hidden stuff in this town for sure. um But Medion is climbing all the way up, having done all of that. 00:56:39.35 Jala to the tallest tree when he hears a woman scream and an elven ranger named David appears and says that the scream is his lover head of us. So yeah, she is. 00:56:49.14 Daniel Goodbye, yeah. Who happens to be my favorite character? 00:56:52.56 Jala Yeah, and. 00:56:53.46 Daniel In this scenario, anyway. 00:56:54.87 Jala Yeah, yeah. She is a shaman who likes to sing from the top of the tallest tree in the morning. Very elvish of her. 00:57:01.58 Daniel Oh, yes. 00:57:02.63 Jala ah And members of the bull's-ome sect have taken her, and Medion and Campbell offer to help David, and together they are going to go to rescue Hedva, while Grantak heads back to headquarters to bring the remainder of the team back up to help. 00:57:17.00 Jala Because this is, I love how like the team is with you, except in certain instances where they decide that it's narratively better to leave you alone you fight alone for a little while. So. 00:57:27.08 Daniel Typically when you're roaming the map, it's literally only supposed to be Medion and maybe his closest friend. So sometimes it's supposed to be the main character and a sub character. 00:57:36.21 Jala Yeah. 00:57:36.45 Daniel And then otherwise it's like you're alone everywhere that you go. So if they talk about any of the characters in your party, they're not talking to you as a group. 00:57:42.35 Jala Mm hmm. 00:57:44.65 Daniel They're talking to you about those people. 00:57:46.79 Jala Hmm. 00:57:46.85 Daniel And you can see that referenced properly in all the texts that deals with all the dialogue that deals with that stuff. And it's like, well, aren't you supposed to take your army with you through the town so that if you get into battle somewhere, they're with you. 00:57:58.28 Jala You would think, but then I mean, right. 00:57:58.68 Daniel It's a big, it's a big plot flaw. 00:58:01.00 Jala Well, I mean, they're also in the, the headquarters. So, I mean, no. 00:58:04.04 Daniel Yeah. It's like they're just hanging out, having some tea or whatever biscuits. 00:58:06.41 Jala Yeah. They're just like, have fun over there, Medion. 00:58:07.85 Daniel yeah Yeah. 00:58:08.53 Jala If you get in trouble, yell, you know. 00:58:10.25 Daniel You go explore and we'll come to your aid if we hear you and, or get a bad feeling, which they do all the time for plot purposes. 00:58:14.52 Jala Right. 00:58:16.94 Jala Yep. Absolutely. So yeah, they all have spider sense for each other. 00:58:21.76 Daniel Yeah, it's it's a psychic friends thing going on. 00:58:21.91 Jala So anyway, this is it. 00:58:24.54 Daniel Yeah. Hey, my buddy's in danger. 00:58:25.25 Jala Yeah. 00:58:26.69 Daniel Let's go save him. 00:58:27.79 Jala Yep. So now we have battle 11. 00:58:31.40 Daniel Not a bad battle at all. ah This is where you get David to use as the first time. I believe he you start with him in the beginning of this battle and he is white underpowered. 00:58:42.52 Jala Yeah. 00:58:42.55 Daniel I believe he starts with the wrong equipment, too. um I bought him a hatchet and 00:58:45.29 Jala Yep. 00:58:48.29 Daniel put a hatchet on him right away, because again, I like range three axes and I like range three characters. 00:58:53.01 Jala Hmm. 00:58:53.59 Daniel And that's the only way you can make him range three. Otherwise he's stuck at range one, two with a with a spear. And that's not bad. Range one two is OK, but and everybody says spirits is number one best weapon. And I disagree strongly because I don't like to use that. But this is a very simple battle. You mainly have to um stay away from the edge of the upper level so that the guys don't come at you too much and then rush through and get yourself into the next room so that your other teammates show up and can then help you assist you by plowing through the other side of the outside rooms because you have to go outside the tree. 00:59:30.22 Daniel and then you come back in and then go up and deal with that werewolf man there. 00:59:34.63 Jala Right, so so yeah, it's yeah it's a multi-level battle and you are all like you are trying to rush to HEDVA's aid and because you're trying to climb up the tree, there's different levels to the map. 00:59:34.79 Daniel So it's like a three level battle in and of itself. 00:59:47.78 Jala And so like you have to climb up one way, but then you're on one section of the map inside the the portion of the tree where you know the the big villain in the big part of the battle is and then when your people come they're coming from HQ so they're coming from a lower section so they're in a different section of that map trying to get their climb their way up as well to meet you so you can all you know rejoin each other and fight this guy. 01:00:10.94 Daniel And the other thing, too, I will point out here before we go further in this is that be careful with your units. If you rush them too far to the, when you're dealing with the non-Medion side, if you're dealing with your dew in them, if you rush them too fast, they will get pincered because there are guys that spawn behind them. 01:00:27.01 Jala Mm-hmm. Absolutely. 01:00:29.30 Daniel So be careful of that. I usually leave Rock and Waltz back to deal with that extra little bit of detail, and sometimes Bernard, too, because of his excellent range. And at my in my version, 01:00:40.30 Daniel um Bernard has the highest defense out of every character except for Medion who's tied with him. 01:00:43.80 Jala Whoo! Wow. 01:00:46.06 Daniel So Bernard's like, Hey, come and punch me so I can step back and shoot you in the face. 01:00:50.18 Jala Right. Okay. Well, go Bernard. I didn't unfortunately have the experience of Bernard this time around because again, um data stuff. 01:00:52.51 Daniel Yeah. 01:00:58.34 Jala so um I will say though that I want to definitely second. I immediately put a hatchet on to David. 01:01:05.77 Daniel Yeah. 01:01:06.63 Jala To me, he's a hatchet guy. He's not a spear dude or whatever. 01:01:09.63 Daniel Yeah, I mean his animations are cool either way, but animation coolness doesn't trump combat efficiency. 01:01:15.63 Jala Absolutely. So right, so Medion, Campbell, and David fend off the undead until the rest of the army arrives. ah The enemy leader is a wild wolfman and he informs Medion that Goliath has left for Destonia, but Fear and Death-Helen are still in Stump at the top of the tree with Hedva. 01:01:35.06 Jala So you know he kind of confirms some information and gives you some extra information. So ah this little wolf guy was kind of interesting to me because he seemed like he had more backstory that maybe they just didn't put in the game or something. 01:01:40.40 Daniel Yeah. 01:01:47.57 Daniel There is a chance for there to be some development there. He is a really unique character across the the scenarios. I noticed that he's one of the only characters that you find that is of the, I think it's, no, it's not key on tool, it's um Try to remember the specific term for the breeds that are half-breeds, because he's obviously a half-breed. 01:02:08.25 Daniel Being a wolf baron, he is part wolf, part something else, most likely human it looks like. But he could also be part elf, because of the way the mythos works. 01:02:16.04 Jala Yeah. Right. 01:02:17.89 Daniel So they could have done a lot more with the plot with him. However, he's just a plot point where he's, oh, this little bit of exposition and then I die. 01:02:25.17 Jala Right, right. It's unfortunate, but I feel like there is opportunity there for like a fanfic writer to go in and be like, I'm going to make the story for this guy or whatever. 01:02:32.90 Daniel Or if we make some mods, maybe he can be a boss in ah in a modded map at some point and give him some backstory and some lines, because all of that all of those tools are coming to fruition now. 01:02:34.59 Jala Right. Right. Yeah. 01:02:42.86 Jala Right? 01:02:42.97 Daniel It's pretty awesome. 01:02:43.72 Jala so So at that point, um David explains that Gracia possesses immense supernatural powers. And when the statue of Elbesem was destroyed, the Bulzome sect began to search for Gracia as their presence can change the course of history as much as the resurrection of Bulzome. 01:03:01.67 Jala So if Gracia awakens more or less, it's the same as Bulzome awakening, but like, you know, the opposite end of the spectrum, you know, the the 01:03:08.90 Daniel Yeah, let's bring the Omega level mutants together. 01:03:09.62 Jala chance for humanity and hope, right, instead of the death of humanity or whatever. So, yeah. So, when Stump refused ah to tell the bullsom sect about Gracie as whereabouts, they were invaded by the undead just like the zombies that were just fought in the battle that you just finished. And the undead are being controlled by fear and death howling. 01:03:31.39 Jala So, ah fear leaves to search for Gracia and death Helen, although she remains nearby, lets her minions lead the charge against Medion and his men. Because that's like a a tendency that every single person, every single like villain you come across is like, go forth my minions, you're not worth my time. 01:03:51.51 Jala So, you're right. 01:03:51.59 Daniel Yeah, do my bidding. Do my bidding. 01:03:54.23 Jala So one of the mages and sources had making her fight against Medions forces and so that is where you meet head by everybody's favorite recruitable who is currently you know upset so. 01:04:01.52 Daniel Mm-hmm. 01:04:05.79 Jala um 01:04:05.94 Daniel Not just super attractive, but also extremely lethal in combat. 01:04:09.20 Jala Absolutely and I will say like my my method for doing this is probably not the best method but the way that I tend to deal with this fight is so without killing Hedva because you have to not kill her in order to recruit her. um my My tactic is to basically um wear her out let her use her magic until she doesn't have any magic and just deal with it until she's done using all of her magic and she has no more and she's just running around biffing you with her stick because she does not have a high physical damage. 01:04:37.79 Daniel Mm hmm. 01:04:38.35 Jala And then after that, then I'll advance and finish like I'll I'll clear out some of the map, but I won't finish the last bit of it until after I've got because I don't want her coming up behind me, pinching me essentially. 01:04:47.52 Daniel Yeah. 01:04:48.82 Jala And then, you know, messing me up that way. So like I usually will. 01:04:50.86 Daniel And if she's if she's out of MP, her melee combat is very low. She does like three or four damage on normal. 01:04:54.27 Jala Exactly. 01:04:56.25 Daniel However, I have a different tactic, which is to buy the bronze rod in the shop and then equip that on your view. 01:04:56.47 Jala Right. Mm hmm. Uh huh. Sleep. 01:05:02.89 Daniel And no, it's not sleep. 01:05:03.01 Jala Mm hmm. No, it's no sleep. 01:05:04.05 Daniel It actually has it has dispel. 01:05:06.24 Jala Oh, that's even better. 01:05:06.90 Daniel which seals seals her magic ability and keeps her from being able to cast spells. So every two or three turns, she unfreezes that and you have to redo her. 01:05:15.59 Jala Uh-huh. 01:05:15.78 Daniel So yes, like I said, take it cautiously, get up to her slowly, deal with all the guys around you so that you don't get ah pincered by the bats or anybody else, and then put her to put her magic to sleep, put her magic to sleep, put her magic to sleep, and press through the level is my way. 01:05:18.19 Jala Right. 01:05:28.73 Jala It's all right. Right. Right. Well, that's ah that's a better way of doing it than me. And it's like you know that's probably why that bronze what rod is there. But I wasn't paying. 01:05:37.16 Daniel It is, yeah. 01:05:37.54 Jala I'm like, yeah. And I'm like, yeah. 01:05:38.62 Daniel And then it's also somewhat useful against future bosses if you care to keep it on you. 01:05:43.01 Jala Right, right. So um hooray for brute force, in my case. I'm just going to wait it out. OK, I'm just going to deal with it. So. 01:05:51.54 Daniel Yeah, I don't like sitting around healing three or four guys in a turn. but You don't have access to Aura yet unless you've been really power leveling you, do you? 01:05:55.43 Jala Mm hmm. 01:05:58.87 Daniel So it's not really worth trying to deal with all of her damage that she can put out with the magic. 01:06:01.51 Jala Mm hmm. 01:06:04.77 Daniel Just just turn it off. Just turn off that tap. 01:06:07.03 Jala Right, right. So after Medion and his team finish off the masked monks without killing Hedva, and when the leader dies, this frees Hedva from his spell. 01:06:18.81 Jala So enraged that they killed her minions, Death-Helen prepares to fight Medion when the Vandal Gulm appears. Yes, that Gulm, the one that has been, ah you know, like the person that Julian has been after. 01:06:32.63 Daniel Yes, if you've played scenario one, the sky is very familiar to you. 01:06:33.04 Jala So 01:06:35.71 Daniel If you haven't played scenario one, it's probably going to scare the everliving snot out of you for a second. 01:06:40.01 Jala Well, and the cool thing about this whole interaction at this point in the game is that like you had an interaction with him in scenario one, but like he wasn't really addressing you directly, at you know, Synbios and company so much. I mean, like he's really talking to Basanda and then just dosing out. Like he's. 01:06:56.07 Jala Like, he's he's kind of like, we'll see you later. But like, yeah that's all he says. 01:06:59.43 Daniel Yeah. 01:06:59.97 Jala And you don't really know what to think of him. But then here, it really makes you have a lot of little question marks, especially if you haven't played um Shining the Holy Ark, which I have not. I will eventually. 01:07:09.20 Daniel Oh Yeah, you're kind of missing it a little bit there on the sum of the story and plot That's okay The stuff that deals with Julian's childhood comes from shining the holy ark because he's a kid in that in that game You can find him and talk to him Yes going back here one second before you leave Stump Village or if you need to retreat or whatever Don't leave the village after you deal with this conversation go back into David's house and get the white rig 01:07:09.63 Jala But I haven't played since Shining the Holy Ark, which is what the game he came from. So uh-huh, uh-huh. 01:07:22.58 Jala Yes. Right. 01:07:29.39 Jala Mm hmm. 01:07:38.52 Jala Oh, yes, absolutely. 01:07:39.19 Daniel Plus 10 defense and at this point your character should start to promote At this point bernard was the only person who was promoted by the middle of this battle So if you beat the one fight and don't go and kill head but or fight head with battle You can still go get that white ring and equip it to someone during that battle, too So if you have the power and you have the availability Retreat back if you if you can if you need to go get that ring anyway, and then press on from there 01:07:41.11 Jala Mm hmm. 01:08:07.56 Jala Sometimes what I'll do too in this, this fight is I will just stop and then retreat and then kind of grind up until I don't get my people mostly or starting to level like to the, to promote it or whatever. 01:08:19.00 Jala And then, you know, like go on from there. 01:08:19.20 Daniel Yeah. Yeah, this is kind of the fight. 01:08:21.16 Jala So it just kind of depends. 01:08:22.23 Daniel This is the fight area where it's like if you don't promote here, your characters will feel underleveled because there is a a difficulty or a skill level jump here. 01:08:27.14 Jala Right. 01:08:30.12 Jala Right, so yeah going back to Galm though, Galm insults the sect's capabilities and Death-Helen uses her ice magic on him in a rage and he casually breaks free, which terrifies Death-Helen. He questions questions her about the sect's intentions, stating that Bullzone would never have ordered an attack on a peaceful village like Stump and that the sect is doing what it wants in Bullzone's name. 01:08:54.87 Jala So all of that is interesting information to have because, like, you know, because this is a shining game, you're assuming that this oh ultimate evil, he he would definitely kill a peaceful village because he's a bad guy. 01:09:05.89 Jala Right. But then here you're hearing from Gollum that no, actually, Bullzone would not do that. um You know, this this is something that's like, h OK, interesting. I don't know if I can believe him, but. 01:09:15.37 Daniel It's mainly it's mainly to do with bullsom being a leader of people that he knows and cares about and bullzoms bullzoms scope is that he wants to control and run the floating continent and take over the world that way So he would never dirty his hands with a village like this his peons peons peons would go out and deal with something like that Whereas this is like bullzoms direct commanders are doing the evil deeds So bullzom himself doesn't care enough to be involved in this 01:09:21.32 Jala Mm hmm. 01:09:28.15 Jala Mm hmm. Right. Okay. 01:09:40.26 Jala Right. Right. Uh huh. 01:09:45.03 Daniel is the fuel I get from that conversation. 01:09:46.68 Jala Gotcha, gotcha. So during this conversation, death Helen then says that the sect's goal is to resurrect Bolzom, to usher in a new thousand year kingdom led by the Vandals before recognizing that she has lost and then teleporting away. Gollm then turns to Medion and asks Medion what he intends to do and Medion tells him that he will also search for Gracia to protect them from the Bolzom sect. 01:10:10.56 Jala Gollm advises that if the prince does this, his chances of victory will be slim, but there is hope in the form of the Staff of Bessam, a holy staff containing the raw power of al-Bessam. So the staff can only be wielded by an innovator such as Gracia or a Vandal like Bullzone. Gollm tells Medion that the sect wants the staff ultimately, and once they get it, they will dispose of Gracia, and if Medion's army can get the staff first, they might have a chance against the sect. 01:10:39.01 Jala He then takes his leave, vanishing as suddenly as he appeared. so you know um From Gollum's perspective, not having the backstory of you know shining the holy arc, I actually don't know what Gollum's ploy is at this point, where it's like, why are you telling me all of this, actually? 01:10:55.06 Daniel And his actual goals are to be left alone and to not have to deal with anybody at any point at any time for any reason. So his interfering here is basically just to maintain the status quo and to help Midian's army get a leg up so that he doesn't have to deal with Bulsim becoming resurrected. 01:11:11.97 Jala Okay. 01:11:12.21 Daniel Because Bulsim would deal with Gom or try to deal with Gom or interfere with Gom's life. 01:11:16.45 Jala Got you. 01:11:17.13 Daniel And Gom's like, I don't want to have a rival slash partner slash evil hench person that I have to deal with babysit. take care of. 01:11:25.99 Jala People tire me. 01:11:26.13 Daniel Gom doesn't want that work. 01:11:27.11 Jala I'm tired. 01:11:28.89 Daniel Gom doesn't want any of that nonsense. 01:11:30.25 Jala Right. 01:11:30.52 Daniel He doesn't want to have to deal with that. And it is known that bullsom is extremely evil and powerful, but Gom is the Vandal. 01:11:34.43 Jala Uh huh. yeah 01:11:38.49 Daniel Gom is the bad guy. He is the bad bad guy. He is the super evil bad guy, but he's also not benevolent. He's not out out to kill people. He wants what's best for him, and he wants to be left alone and do his thing. 01:11:51.56 Daniel He just wants to be off in his books, reading his stuff, and playing with his toys and running his lives of the people around him and not dealing with any of this other stuff in his life. So he's like, no, no, no, I need you to go deal with these people for me because I cannot be bothered to lift fingers. 01:12:02.12 Jala Right. 01:12:09.76 Jala Sounds good to me. I mean, like, you know, if he's the ultimate evil and the ultimate evil is like, I just want to go in my corner and play with my toys. Cool. I mean, okay. 01:12:16.95 Daniel Yeah. 01:12:18.12 Jala Sounds good to me. 01:12:18.53 Daniel and not even Not even so much because Bolsom is evil Bolsom wants to take over Gomez Gomez. 01:12:21.19 Jala Yeah. yeah 01:12:23.82 Daniel I'm a bad guy. I know I'm a bad guy. I don't care I'm done with playing with people's lives. I don't want any of anything I'm tired. 01:12:30.74 Jala I'm tired. I just want to go. I want to go to sleep. Leave me alone. 01:12:33.33 Daniel I Don't I don't want to die. I don't want to go away, but I'm done with dealing with your shit Yeah, yeah, he's old band Logan 01:12:38.16 Jala Get off my lawn. Okay. 01:12:42.25 Jala Yes, yes. So, Medion and his team then rush to Varen to connect with General Rogan to sail to the Holy Land. The Seagate, which is Rogan's ship, is loaded up and and leave and loading up to leave, and between Medion and the port, there is another slew of mass monks. 01:12:59.13 Jala So, like the the ship is about to leave. Rogan's about to leave. Medion is trying to get there, and then there's a bunch of mass monks slowing him up, and there's another battle. 01:13:07.57 Daniel Yeah, this is this is the this is the having the train ticket and still missing your train moment. 01:13:11.48 Jala Right. 01:13:11.71 Daniel It's like, hey, hey, we we want we want to come too. 01:13:11.76 Jala Right. 01:13:14.67 Daniel Aw, man, I got to deal with this first. 01:13:16.58 Jala Yeah. Yep. So yeah, let's, let's talk about battle 13. 01:13:21.08 Daniel My favorite battle? Nah, it's not my favorite battle, but it is a pretty easy battle. 01:13:24.63 Jala you 01:13:25.61 Daniel It's it's really short and really simple. Rush the guys in the woods and try to stay as close to the woods as you can without getting too much conflicting issues with your guys. 01:13:36.77 Daniel At this point, it's also best if you can keep your mages away from the front lines, because the monks are getting harder to to deal with. They are stronger, I think, here. 01:13:44.99 Jala Mm hmm. 01:13:45.03 Daniel Or were they strong in the last one, too? They were strong in the last one, too, because the balsam statue was already destroyed. 01:13:49.50 Jala They were strong. Yeah. 01:13:51.60 Daniel So they're they're pretty tough here. Just be careful. Group up on them. go slowly. Don't get too far into the trees with people like Dantar or Campbell. They call him Dantaras. 01:14:01.10 Jala Yeah. 01:14:01.45 Daniel If you if you get too far in the trees with him, he can't move super fast because they don't move well through forests either. 01:14:05.81 Jala Right. 01:14:06.45 Daniel But yeah, keep your characters kind of in the middle, dealing with the guys that come at you. And then partway through the map, Julian appears and you get to recruit of him when you talk to him, which is fantastic because it's about time we see him again. 01:14:17.81 Jala So he just like ends up swimming to shore and climbs up on the shore and everybody turns and goes, who the hell are you? 01:14:22.59 Daniel Yeah. 01:14:24.66 Jala yeah Anyway. Um, and then, yeah, yeah. 01:14:27.62 Daniel If you've talked to Gom, I want to join your cause. 01:14:30.74 Jala And so that's about how that goes. And then you're like, uh, okay, we're in the middle of a battle right now. If you want to join in, cool. 01:14:37.09 Daniel but this is This is from when he came from the waterfall. 01:14:37.95 Jala oh yup Yep. 01:14:39.78 Daniel This is where he ends up and you're like, hey, okay, there's a living guy over there. 01:14:40.25 Jala Yep. 01:14:42.82 Daniel Let's go help him out. Yeah, no, he'll help you out too. 01:14:44.67 Jala Right. Yep. 01:14:46.78 Daniel fantastic timing for him and then once you get into the end of this battle and you deal with the monks there there's a bit of a choke point with the mountains I think so you have to be a little bit careful and you do also I think you have to kill all the guys on this map for the map to end so if you do leave some guys that's why I recommended going through the middle of the map because if you leave guys then you have to go back for them and it could be real pain if you forget them near the beginning or move too far past them so make sure you kill everything here on your way through and then we're headed into Barret 01:14:55.96 Jala Yeah, there is. Yeah, yeah, you do. 01:15:12.52 Jala ah 01:15:16.14 Jala Yeah, so the prince ends up, like we said, noticing Juliet on the shore. and um Yeah, he he ends up joining up because of the run in with Gollum. 01:15:27.25 Jala And so once you're in Baron, the Seagate has set sail. It's already gone. It's gone. You missed your boat. 01:15:34.07 Daniel Aw, man. 01:15:34.33 Jala Like literally you missed your boat. Um, and the land bridge to the Holy Land has also been deemed off limits due to the increased danger since the statue was destroyed. 01:15:45.47 Jala Um, there's, there's some stuff out there on the land bridge and it's gotten worse now that the statue was destroyed. 01:15:52.27 Daniel Yeah, people have gone missing trying to figure out what's happening on the way to the temple. 01:15:56.69 Jala Yes. So in gathering information around town, Medion hears that there may be a secret exit in Tybalt's former home. And there has to be a secret exit because he's blocked into town. 01:16:06.81 Jala They won't let him out to go to the land bridge because they know that's where he's going to go. So they won't let him out. 01:16:10.33 Daniel Yeah. and Thanks for coming, but you cannot leave. 01:16:12.72 Jala All right. Yeah. 01:16:13.96 Daniel We we have we have met the hell Hotel California. 01:16:14.04 Jala Here you go. 01:16:17.18 Jala Mm-hmm, so he then and kind of really like for real because we're about to meet somebody so um as Medion is going to Tibbles house he ends up meeting Don Hart in the jail or Don Hort depending upon how you want to Say it. 01:16:33.65 Daniel Yeah. 01:16:35.06 Jala Donhart is an elder centaur knight, renowned for his prowess. He explains that he dislikes Tybalt's reign and he led a rebellion against Tybalt, whose other name is Tyranny, I believe, ah in Japanese. 01:16:48.28 Daniel Oh, I did not know that one. 01:16:50.73 Jala Yeah, he's he's Tyranny and in Japanese. 01:16:51.34 Daniel Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. 01:16:53.51 Jala so Well, um what's his face? 01:16:53.55 Daniel Actually, he seems pretty ah wild. 01:16:57.49 Jala um Brutus is bribable. 01:17:01.06 Daniel Oh, that makes a lot of sense too. 01:17:01.35 Jala So it makes sense for him too. Uh-huh, yeah, so he tibbled his tyranny and that makes a lot of sense for his character So, uh, he he disliked tyranny's reign and when you put that in there, it makes a lot of sense. 01:17:13.12 Jala You don't even need further explanation Uh, so so anyway, he wanted to um, so so when the imperial army came 01:17:15.10 Daniel Absolutely. 01:17:21.99 Jala Donhardt wanted to help tyranny as a fellow Republican and ended up helping him escape, closing the secret passage after him, but in doing so, he landed himself in jail. so ah he Even though he doesn't like um you know tyranny because he's a Republican, he tried to do the like Republican ideal of helping his fellow man you know against the opposite country or whatever. 01:17:45.43 Daniel And just a note here, before you talk to Don Hart, make sure you like um look at the face on the wall because there's a brave apple there, which gives you plus one level. 01:17:45.51 Jala um 01:17:54.23 Jala Oh yes. 01:17:55.43 Daniel And if you forget to do that, it's gone as soon as you talk to him because you can't search the face anymore. 01:17:57.90 Jala Uh-huh. Yeah, it's like right next to where his cell is, I think, isn't it? 01:18:02.71 Daniel Yeah, it's right there. 01:18:04.09 Jala Pretty close. 01:18:04.07 Daniel So make sure you don't talk to him first. Go to the statue thing, touch that, get your apple, because that's very valuable. 01:18:09.26 Jala Okay. Right. 01:18:11.84 Daniel You can also get a Chaos Ring in this town. um if As soon as you're done dealing with Dunhart, there's a treasure chest that you can miss if you don't go all the way south and go across where it looks like you're supposed to go. So don't leave that map. Go south, go left, and get that Chaos Ring, which stops you from receiving the bad effects of all the cursed items in the game. 01:18:32.48 Jala Right, right. So ah I have a little bit more about Donhardt here. So he initially does not trust the imperial prince, but is convinced of Medion's good intentions when he learns of the groups aimed to find and rescue the god child. So you know he's um religious. he He is a guy who devotes himself to Elbessim. So you know when he finds out that the imperial prince is trying to help the god child, he's like, OK, well, if you're trying to help Gracia, then you must be OK. 01:19:01.24 Jala um 01:19:01.23 Daniel Yeah. 01:19:02.44 Jala And in in exchange for being freed from his cell, Don Hart opens up the secret passage and leads them through. So, you know, it leads you, Medion, and the forces. ah Despite Medion's good intentions, Don Hart does refuse to serve under any imperial. 01:19:15.76 Jala He does not want to do that. 01:19:17.60 Daniel Yeah. 01:19:17.73 Jala Medion extends a warm invite for the night to travel with them all the same. And so Don Hart joins as an AI unit that mostly does his own thing, except in one battle where you can give him general instructions, which we'll get to. 01:19:30.27 Daniel Yes, also if you have the translation patch, one of the quality of life updates makes him usable. 01:19:30.64 Jala So, ah 01:19:35.99 Jala Oh, that's even better. Great. 01:19:37.05 Daniel Which makes him a lot more useful. ah Also at a certain point soon, um I'm not sure if it's yet, but once you have enough units in your party, you can assign him to a tertiary slot so you can put him in your reserves and he'll still come with you to those battles. 01:19:48.84 Jala yeah Cool. 01:19:51.10 Daniel So you can essentially have 13 force members. So once you get enough members to have 13 or 12 force members and one in reserves, if you swap out that reserve person for him, he's still usable in all the maps that he's attending. 01:20:03.35 Jala Cool, cool. So at that point, Mandy and his team are fighting their way to the land bridge. 01:20:10.71 Daniel And we go to the beach battle here. It's a nice fun battle. Be super careful when you approach the runes. There are two or three characters that can trigger the runes earlier. I believe it's Campbell. I don't remember the other one or two, though. 01:20:23.29 Daniel So if you go up onto anywhere near that last platform with the runes, be super careful who you take on to that platform, because a couple of people and that that information can be found online. 01:20:27.29 Jala Mm hmm. 01:20:32.64 Daniel We'll bring it up in the extras episode. I forgot to make note of that. 01:20:34.81 Jala yep 01:20:35.36 Daniel But um ah you can get to that platform pretty easily just by rushing everybody down there. as I usually run, again, because Bernard was so tanky, I would run him across to deal with some of the other guys that were on the right hand side of the map. 01:20:48.30 Daniel But you could pretty much pull everybody straight down. get to that ruins inside that ruins. That's number three here. Um, this one is a really fun ruins. You only need two people and the reason you only need two people. 01:20:57.98 Jala Yep. 01:20:59.22 Daniel And again, for me, I sent David and Campbell. 01:20:59.94 Jala Hmm. 01:21:01.20 Daniel Um, you can rush the guys and pretty much put a block where the thief is going to go, let him open the two chests. And then once he's gotten the two chests open, you can hit him once or twice to knock him out or. 01:21:12.97 Daniel stop him and take his items. And then as soon as he's knocked out, that ruins ends. So you can use this time also to kind of take care of all the guys that are left on the beach because that thief doesn't really attack much. 01:21:26.39 Jala Right. 01:21:26.39 Daniel He's only he only attacked me like twice in the ruins and then he stopped attacking me. He tried to route himself to the exits instead. And down at the bottom of that map, there's a few places where you can kind of get ahead of him and go around him. 01:21:37.24 Jala ah 01:21:37.78 Daniel So it becomes really easy to try and deal with him there. He's just running and you just Catch him in the back there pretty easy nice little spot and then we're hopping straight in from here to the next battle I believe it's actually not even like the end of this battle isn't actually an end to the battle It just leaps loops into the next battle directly. 01:21:43.28 Jala right 01:21:49.55 Jala Yeah. 01:21:55.92 Daniel They're not there's no plot line or anything. 01:21:56.02 Jala yeah 01:21:58.42 Daniel These two battles are tied right together and And this next battle is where you're actually dealing with the land bridge. 01:22:00.95 Jala Mm hmm. 01:22:03.67 Daniel So it doesn't really, there's no plot to go through there. 01:22:03.81 Jala Yeah. 01:22:07.04 Daniel It's really just a run through. ah This one will spawn some lizard men and stuff. 01:22:08.72 Jala But. 01:22:11.13 Daniel Yes. Go ahead. jell 01:22:12.39 Jala I do want to say, so as you're crossing the land bridge, you end up getting attacked by a kraken. I know you were about to say that, but the kraken is overwhelmed with and corrupted by dark magic. And the the thing here that is the plot point is that Zero reappears carrying Khan's alpessum orb, disclosing that he was sent by Synbios to help. 01:22:22.26 Daniel Right. 01:22:28.20 Daniel right 01:22:30.58 Jala And so ah you have to use that orb on the kraken's magical shield in order to be able to attack him. so um 01:22:37.98 Daniel I also highly recommend, the um since um Zero has missed a lot of combat, that you do not leave him with the elbow some orb. Give it to someone else who has some HP and some defense. 01:22:46.14 Jala No. 01:22:48.87 Daniel In my case, it could have been Bernard. I was silly enough to leave it on Zero and just run him through the map, but I retreated five times here to power him up. 01:22:53.91 Jala Oh no. 01:22:57.12 Jala Okay. 01:22:57.74 Daniel And he died twice. 01:22:58.97 Jala Yeah. 01:22:59.09 Daniel So he's still he's still pretty useless. 01:22:59.25 Jala I mean, even if you power him up at this point, he's like, it's rough. It's rough. 01:23:03.67 Daniel I think in the shop, you can buy a wing for him, which boosts his agility and his defense, the silver wing, which also makes most of the enemies in this map weak to him, which is a bit of a boon. 01:23:13.02 Jala No. 01:23:13.97 Daniel However, it's still not enough to conquer the fact that he's missing like seven levels and not promoted yet. 01:23:15.57 Jala no yeah 01:23:18.41 Daniel So you can if you want to, you can grind here for to get him up. 01:23:19.10 Jala ah 01:23:22.71 Daniel If you really like to up to you, I didn't do it. I ground him up much later in the game when you finally get him for reals and he's there permanently ah for the rest of the fights. 01:23:31.90 Jala Yeah. 01:23:33.26 Daniel So I recommend giving that orb to someone else, running them through there. Try not to let certain people like Hazuki and some of your squishier people get in range of the tentacles, because especially when the long tentacles come out, they get reach and they can reach over your guys and just smack whoever they want and they will murder your team. 01:23:46.26 Jala Yeah, they do. 01:23:51.55 Jala So i what I have to say about the crickens is that when that that sprite came up for that thing, I just started laughing. 01:23:51.75 Daniel And the Kraken is strong, but doesn't have super high attack value for whatever call. 01:24:03.40 Jala And I'm like, wow, wow. I mean, like this is a gooby-looking critter. And I'm going to have to post it on um Blue Sky and then put a link in the show notes for people to see what this thing looks like. 01:24:16.43 Jala it is like This is the pinnacle of evil and it's like, its eyes are going in different directions and it's just kind of like, hmm. 01:24:23.75 Daniel Yeah, this is this is not a Kraken. 01:24:24.29 Jala ah weird woo 01:24:26.26 Daniel This is Cthulhu without the name because they couldn't give it that name. That's what it feels to me. It's like, oh, this is really twisted. I don't I don't know what they were doing with this. 01:24:32.91 Jala Well, well, there's, well, and then, but it's also looks like if Cthulhu was a derp, I mean, like a complete derp, you know, it's just the goofiest. 01:24:35.52 Daniel This is still shutting for skiing. 01:24:41.25 Daniel Yeah. Cthulhu, but just goofy, goofy and super, super wide, like they've got this sprite and he's all stretched out. 01:24:46.40 Jala Yeah. Mm-hmm. 01:24:49.67 Daniel And yeah, it look it looks like it's a giant sea creature. 01:24:50.10 Jala Yeah. 01:24:52.82 Daniel um Could be a Kraken could be Cthulhu could be several other things. It's gray, isn't it? 01:24:57.57 Jala Yeah, yeah, so everything. 01:24:57.96 Daniel So terrible coloring terrible When I first saw it as a kid, I was like, oh no, this is what is that? 01:25:00.87 Jala Yeah, yeah right. 01:25:05.65 Daniel What is that? I also failed this fight the first time as a kid because I didn't realize you could use the elbow so even reading the text I still didn't realize That you could use that on him to lure his defenses. 01:25:12.16 Jala Yeah. 01:25:15.29 Daniel Otherwise, he takes no damage. 01:25:17.17 Jala Yeah. Yeah. And that's the thing. I mean, that's why um when we were talking about it on scenario one was spirited, I was like, and then you have to use the Elbess Amorb. 01:25:21.51 Daniel I 01:25:26.54 Jala And you're like, yeah, you probably do. And then in the bonus episode, we're like, no, you don't. You don't. 01:25:31.02 Daniel Yeah, it doesn't do anything for Serial. 01:25:31.32 Jala So PSA. 01:25:32.82 Daniel Yeah. 01:25:32.97 Jala Yeah. Yeah. On on the the first episode we recorded of this, we already ah corrected it in the bonus episode for cutting room floor for patrons. But like, just as a PSA for everybody else, you don't need to use the Elbess Amorb on spirit. 01:25:44.89 Jala It doesn't do anything for her. uh, in scenario one. 01:25:46.51 Daniel Yeah. And also, unlike unlike the original Vandal that you fight in Stereo 1-2, this guy, when you attack him and you do zero damage, you do not get any bonus experience points. 01:25:48.40 Jala But we'll, we're, we're going back to this though, but yeah. 01:25:59.10 Daniel They fix that problem. 01:25:59.80 Jala Mm-hmm. 01:26:00.73 Daniel So you can weapon skill up here if you want, but you do not gain any XP from hitting him for nothing. 01:26:06.56 Jala That sucks. 01:26:06.58 Daniel So it's not really worth anything. 01:26:09.00 Jala Right, right. 01:26:09.28 Daniel its Don't skill up here. Not a good place. 01:26:11.39 Jala Yeah, so you use the orb to lower the shield and then you dispatch it and then you head into the Holy Land and that is the end of Chapter three, I was about to say scenario three. 01:26:22.54 Jala I wasn't going to do it again, but I didn't. so so um So I'm going to suggest that we take a break to sit up and and take just a quick break. um i'll I'll catch the time right now. 01:26:33.65 Jala We're doing good on time. 01:26:34.60 Daniel Yeah, we're doing good this time, yeah. 01:26:34.81 Jala We're doing great. So yeah. So I'm just going to get up, ah go to the bathroom and stuff, stretch a little bit and come back. It'll just be like a couple of minutes. 01:26:43.08 Daniel Sounds good to me, yeah. 01:26:44.18 Jala Cool. 01:28:57.12 Jala Welcome back. 01:28:58.51 Daniel Yes, and same to you. 01:28:59.86 Jala Yes, okay. Yeah, I think we will have enough time if we keep the same pace to have like a little bit of time to kind of compare contrast a bit of scenario one and scenario two at the very end here. So cool, that that's good. 01:29:10.48 Daniel Yeah. 01:29:11.61 Jala I would hope for something like that. 01:29:13.64 Daniel Yep. 01:29:14.31 Jala Okay, so I'll go ahead and take us back in. 01:29:16.74 Daniel ye 01:29:18.70 Jala So from here we go into chapter four, the holy land of Elbesem. So after you arrive in Elbesem village, Medion ends up hearing the rumor of imperial troops aiding the Bulzome sect. And this is, I think the first time you hear this, like, synthesis or Judo saw that stuff with cruel in the beginning of the game, but I don't think they mentioned it to anybody, or did they at the beginning? I don't remember. 01:29:42.72 Daniel Yeah, I can't recall. 01:29:44.14 Jala OK, well, either way, either way, this is the first time you've heard of ah any of the imperial soldiers out and out helping the bulls on sect. So Julian ends up. 01:29:52.82 Daniel Yes, this is the first. 01:29:54.43 Jala Yeah. 01:29:56.55 Daniel Yeah. 01:29:57.81 Jala Julian recounts how Synbiosis' army fought an old, weak Vandal and Quonus, the former home of Governor and Garvin, who now leads Saraband. And Garvin sacrificed his people for the sake of his own personal gain, and this knowledge makes it fairly clear that the Imperials, the Bullzomes, Monks and Saraband are all working together. 01:30:18.32 Daniel Mm hmm. 01:30:18.94 Jala The villagers are, as a result, distrustful of any Imperials, including Medion's team, and are unhelpful. Unable to gather any more information, Medion leaves for the Temple of Besom, fearing that the mass monks may have beaten him to it. And, sure enough, on the way to ah temple the temple, the group finds a force of bullzone monks awaiting them, and worse, they are in pursuit of a group of villagers and a monk named Hera who is trying to protect them. 01:30:47.08 Daniel ah Just before we leave to go and deal with that, in the town there's a really good item in the shop that you can haggle for. 01:30:48.71 Jala Best. 01:30:53.69 Jala Mm hmm. 01:30:54.03 Daniel Haggle's in this game, I think I mentioned in scenario 1, you talk to the shop person, they don't have anything special for you, talk to them again, talk to them again, until they finally drop the special item that they're holding, which is like a 1 in 8 chance to get, usually. 01:31:06.09 Daniel Sometimes it's 1 in 16, it's 1 in 32, so depending on your RNG, in the game, you can get these items to drop. There's a life ring in this one. So definitely worth haggling in this town. 01:31:16.98 Daniel If you've already turned on from the Translation Patch Quality of Life, you can have it set to auto-haggle, where it just provides them in the shops ah under special deals. So you can pick that up. And then also in the um deals in the weapon shop, you can get a Saint Ink for the first time, which gives you, I think, support level two, which is a really helpful spell in things like this, where you have to defend more than a tech. 01:31:33.30 Jala yeah 01:31:38.04 Jala right right so this battle where you're trying to protect the group of villagers and the you know and there's also this monk but also try to take out the other people that are coming around this is one of those tricky battles it's another one of those protect battles but also you'll see some good old friends that we had from scenario one and actually from this one too 01:31:54.48 Daniel Yeah. Hey, recognize those guys. Yeah. 01:31:58.14 Jala You know, those those people that were leaving from railhead, or they were not leaving from railhead, they were leaving the empire and they were at the railhead switching point. 01:32:06.26 Daniel yeah 01:32:06.48 Jala um Well, those those immigrants, you know those refugees fleeing the empire are here. 01:32:06.62 Daniel Yeah. 01:32:13.33 Jala And now they're getting chased by more people. 01:32:16.34 Daniel Yeah, I think there's, is there six people fleeing now? Cause there's a thief with them too now, right? 01:32:21.27 Jala there's There's the thief guy with them as well. 01:32:23.27 Daniel Yeah, so there's six people to save, I believe. 01:32:25.17 Jala Yeah, yeah. 01:32:25.97 Daniel Or is it six? I can't remember. 01:32:27.32 Jala Something. There's, there's some number of people, several people and Hera is with them. 01:32:28.93 Daniel But either one got changed to a thief, or there's six people to save. And Hera's really useful here. She's one of my favorite adds to this battle. 01:32:35.17 Jala Yes. 01:32:37.24 Daniel If you didn't have Hera, this wouldn't be possible. 01:32:39.38 Jala yeah 01:32:39.58 Daniel um And I found a very strategic way to place her. If you wanted to talk more about the battle or the pre-battle, 01:32:46.02 Jala So the basically the main thing about the pre battle the takeaway here at this pre battle is that Don Hart, if you have him like as he is out of the box in the game is saying, Hey, um you know, I, I'm going to help you. 01:32:58.60 Jala But where do you want me to go? Do you want me to go? basically up and go fight the Imperials or do you want me to go over and go help the refugees? And for me, it works best to send Don Hart over to help the refugees because he can get over there and kind of um distract and interrupt some folks and it allows you to like go over there and and and get the folks over there in time to save everybody. 01:33:21.13 Daniel I do the same thing. 01:33:21.45 Jala um It's important Yeah, yeah, it is important to also try to save at least um certain refugees in this one because ah they will give you a thing that you need in order to get a secret character, Robbie the Robot. 01:33:23.40 Daniel I do the same thing. 01:33:35.82 Daniel Actually, you can get that no matter what. 01:33:37.76 Jala Oh, OK. 01:33:38.12 Daniel the the um The robot eye, if that villager dies, he will drop it where he dies. 01:33:42.72 Jala Oh, OK. 01:33:43.25 Daniel And it'll be kind of shiny on the grass, I believe, so you can kind of go and pick it up at any point. 01:33:46.94 Jala So is. 01:33:47.37 Daniel So hes he's not required. If the thief lives, then you get a power wine. 01:33:50.22 Jala Oh. Yeah. Okay. 01:33:53.29 Daniel And that's the nice thing, because that's a boost to your attack stats, which is always helpful in games like this. 01:33:56.36 Jala There's, is that that situation? Cause like, I know you, you come across some people who are like, yeah, there was this thief guy. And like, is that the thief guy here that they were talking? I think it was something like that word that the, uh-huh. 01:34:06.40 Daniel Yeah, because he's he's got the treasure, which is the the power wine. And if he does, you don't get their treasure no matter what. 01:34:10.42 Jala Ah, okay. 01:34:12.51 Daniel It's an old people that he goes and stays with. 01:34:12.87 Jala Gotcha. Oh, okay. 01:34:15.51 Daniel Yeah. 01:34:15.76 Jala Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah. There's a whole subplot just for the thief guy that shows up with them. And for me, I was like, why is there a thief guy? 01:34:19.99 Daniel Yeah. 01:34:21.88 Jala You know, so right. 01:34:22.48 Daniel Yeah, that's kind of he was like, yeah, that's a neat little feature. um And then, yeah, so the Rabi that's always available, you could always get that every time. 01:34:28.99 Jala So, so then what is the benefit for saving all of them? Or is there any benefit at all? Other is like, is there an exp benefit or something for saving them or no? 01:34:38.08 Daniel oh actually I'm reading here I just saw a note so you gain XP for every character that lives so you gain up to 50 bonus XP I believe it is because I think there's five guys if if the thief lives and the other guy lives um you don't get the power white so you need to let one of them die apparently which is kind of weird because if the old man the old man saves 01:34:44.36 Jala Yeah. 01:34:49.16 Jala Yeah. Oh, well, there you go. Interesting. Yeah, that is weird. 01:35:02.19 Daniel um Yeah, there's something about that. I'll have to do a little bit more research as to what exactly that is, but we'll put that in the extras. 01:35:08.21 Jala Yeah, for sure. 01:35:09.32 Daniel There's more information on that. However, yes, for this, so I have a really good tactic with Hera. I park her on the corner of the first mountain point where they can where everybody else can run past, and then she becomes like a stopgap. 01:35:16.51 Jala Mm-hmm. 01:35:19.06 Jala ah 01:35:21.35 Jala Yeah. Well, and what... 01:35:22.03 Daniel And only one or two of the guys will come down from the temple at that point. 01:35:25.42 Jala Right. And what I do, I do that. I put her there and then I have her stopping the the rest of them. But then and then I also, to make sure that the other guys that are around don't come after them, I kind of like loop all of the little villagers and stuff around the the lake, like through those trees and stuff around that lake so they can meet with Dawnheart who goes that way. 01:35:41.96 Daniel Oh. 01:35:45.64 Jala And so if you do that and you send somebody else with Don Hart to help Don Hart finish off that last little guy, by the time the villagers come around that lake, they are safe and in the clear and they're good to go. 01:35:45.98 Daniel ah 01:35:57.28 Jala And you can just like leave them there and finish the battle and not worry about them. So. 01:36:00.79 Daniel I totally parked by villagers in the mountain corner in between the two drop points. 01:36:03.71 Jala Oh, hmm. 01:36:05.53 Daniel But by that point, when I was able to get them there, 01:36:08.49 Jala Yeah. 01:36:08.59 Daniel Um, all of my guys were first were, were past that first drop off point. So I wasn't worried about my guys being, um, or, or getting that, having the members from somebody falling down there. And I wasn't worried about the top drop off point because I had sent guys far enough ahead and probably did the sticking carrot method where you send a guy ahead and he gets hit and then you retreat them so that the, they weren't able to focus on the villagers. 01:36:27.32 Jala yeah Yeah. 01:36:30.65 Daniel They were more focused on my guys up there. So that was my tactic was I just parked them in the mountain corner and then I also ran Campbell and three or four other people, including Bernard, through the forest ah along the bottom to take out that guy at the lake and to come up and take out the guys dealing with Hera. 01:36:46.16 Jala Right. so 01:36:46.78 Daniel And then Hera just sat there and hailed herself every turn. 01:36:49.19 Jala Right. So what I ended up doing is I sent those villagers around that lake. I let Don Hart do his thing. I sent the bulk of my force actually through the trees and then up to fight some of the guys that are up there. 01:37:02.54 Jala um And then I sent like a couple of guys up around the mountain to go finish off some of the people and distract some of them to prevent them all from swarming my guys and and you know do some of that. 01:37:07.91 Daniel Mm hmm. 01:37:13.46 Jala And then basically my larger group ah was able to simultaneously assist Harris slash block block off if any of the refugees were still scrambling to to get through to the safe section and then you know whatever, all of that mess. 01:37:26.39 Daniel Yeah. 01:37:28.58 Jala So ah different tactics, different different stuff can work here, ah but it is a fun battle. 01:37:31.27 Daniel Mm 01:37:33.95 Jala This is one of the more memorable ones for me. 01:37:36.15 Daniel hmm. 01:37:36.68 Jala I think it's kind of any time that there's those villagers on the map, it's really easy for me to just remember that battle because you try so hard you know to keep people alive. 01:37:45.33 Daniel Yeah, it's the efforts there a lot more. I also at this point in my playthrough had switched back to normal. 01:37:48.90 Jala Right. 01:37:51.50 Daniel um I was struggling and dealing with the Stump Village area on insane, so I had to stop trying to push that because it was just too much of a challenge for not knowing the tactics well enough. 01:38:02.83 Daniel Again, I played scenario one hundreds and hundreds of times. This is my third time through scenario two. 01:38:07.83 Jala Right. Well, and then also with like a deadline to play that makes it different. 01:38:08.35 Daniel So. 01:38:11.27 Jala Like if you were just playing for leisure, you could go back and just finish all of that on whatever. 01:38:12.27 Daniel Yeah. I would just spend however long it took, yeah. 01:38:15.94 Jala Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, so yeah. Um, this is a fun battle. This is cool. Hera is great. And, um, so yeah, in this battle, Medion is able to instruct on heart. 01:38:26.80 Jala Like I said, um, I always send them off to go help the the people that seems to be, um, about the only way that he's really useful. I mean, like if you send him up and around, I don't I don't feel like that's going to be like, because you need him. 01:38:43.27 Jala hes He's already when you start him off to go help the villagers, he starts a little bit separate from your party. So he has a leg up when it comes to movement range. So like in order to really successfully keep as many people alive as possible, you need to have him go that way, I think. 01:38:53.25 Daniel Yeah. 01:39:01.48 Daniel It depends on your tactics. You running the villagers around the lake makes your structure of the battle totally different from my structure of the battle. 01:39:02.72 Jala Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. Right. 01:39:08.65 Daniel But I also sent him to save the villagers. I don't send him to attack. Even if he has, um and if you've broken the game, sometimes you do that kind of stuff for fun when you've played it enough. Say you give him certain items that make him super powerful, give him a white ring, make him ah have faster movement by giving him ah running a running ring or a running pimento, then he can sometimes get around the top faster than you can send guys through. 01:39:27.74 Jala Pimento. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 01:39:34.16 Daniel But you really have to focus on doing that. And that's a strategy you'd have to build around. 01:39:36.55 Jala Yeah. 01:39:38.12 Daniel And honestly, I don't have the time in this playthrough to to play with that kind of stuff. 01:39:41.97 Jala Right. 01:39:42.20 Daniel So I just found it was a really easy um effort this time, but maybe also because I'm playing on normal. 01:39:42.75 Jala Right. 01:39:48.47 Jala Mm hmm. For sure. 01:39:49.47 Daniel So the effort level was just straight up but most of the battles I didn't have to retreat from or replan my my plan of attack once I got into a battle. 01:39:55.35 Jala All right. Right. So and that's again, because like you're you're you prefer to min max. And so like you want to play it on the hardest mode and do you know optimal everything. 01:40:04.18 Daniel Yeah, i I like, I like making my characters super strong and then also having the challenge. 01:40:08.44 Jala Right. Well, we might eventually do you know um an episode in future on you know just an updated version if you do go back through all of this and finish it all on Insane and we talk about that a little bit. 01:40:17.89 Daniel Yeah. 01:40:20.27 Jala We we were already talking about doing like another episode anyway in future on this. so um 01:40:23.97 Daniel yeah 01:40:25.35 Jala Moving right along though, having disposed of the monks blocking his path and also having saved the villagers, Medion finds Hera joining his force out of gratitude for doing so. um ah Apparently, she does she also join you if the villagers die or no? 01:40:42.74 Daniel Um, Hera, I believe she officially joins your force if she's alive. That's the only requisite for her. 01:40:49.01 Jala Oh, if she's alive, okay. 01:40:49.42 Daniel Yeah. Yeah. 01:40:50.69 Jala All right. Well, ah the chief of Albessum village also asks Medion to come back to town. And although the prince is short on time, he decides to listen and see what the chief has to say. 01:41:01.32 Jala ah The chief informs Medion that there is a guardian robot in the temple who defeated a great evil during the thousand year kingdom and was enshrined to watch out over the the temple. 01:41:11.33 Jala And if the prince and his team can reactivate him, Robbie will be able to help fight the sect. The chief provides a map of the vault inside the temple and tells Medion to get the robot eye from the young man who'd escaped with Hera and the other villagers. And if you fail to save him, the eye is on the battlefield, as you mentioned. 01:41:29.45 Daniel Yeah. 01:41:30.11 Jala So Medion and his army enter the temple to find more forces awaiting them furthermore the cores of the temple which provide its shields Which this is where it starts getting sci-fi because you know, like a lot of ah shining force stuff has sci-fi stuff in it Um, so there's cores there's there's energy cores in the temple that provide shields and they're all severely damaged and malfunctioning with arcs of electricity sparking between them and injuring everything in their path so um this 01:41:44.24 Daniel Yeah. 01:41:57.91 Daniel They do have an actual pattern here. It is laid out. 01:42:00.06 Jala Mm-hmm. 01:42:00.67 Daniel You can look up what the patterns are for when they attack, and if you stand too close to them, they will hit your guys. 01:42:06.43 Jala Yes, yes. And this battle also includes the temple vault where you have to use zero to hit some buttons on the wall to open up hidden doors to allow teammates to get through to the chamber where Robbie the Robot and thieves stealing treasures can be found. And once you activate Robbie, he will join your party after the battle. 01:42:25.49 Daniel There are specifics with this particular um temple as well. You want to have zero, not have the eye on him. That was my first mistake this time through is I had him with the eye. 01:42:36.02 Jala Oh no. 01:42:36.17 Daniel um I did that on accident on purpose. I gave him the eye because I was like, oh yeah, he'll go and do all this stuff. I forgot that he has to be the one to activate the switches. 01:42:44.17 Jala Yeah. 01:42:44.39 Daniel They want somebody else to activate Robbie. 01:42:46.19 Jala Uh huh. 01:42:46.51 Daniel So then also if you activate the switch that is closest to to or farthest away from Robbie first, then you'll have a hard time getting there and getting through it before the thieves leave because that is the wrong door, which I did the second time I went in. 01:43:00.59 Jala Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 01:43:02.53 Daniel So I had to do this battle three times because I was getting Robbie in battle. 01:43:04.06 Jala Uh huh. 01:43:06.16 Daniel That's just my way of playing and I'd forgotten all that. So make sure you go in, put zero on the, the switch that's closest and it'll take you two turns to get there. I think unless you boosted his movement, it should take two turns to get to the first switch and then a turn or two to get to the second switch. 01:43:16.12 Jala Yeah. Yes. 01:43:21.34 Daniel So you really kind of have to make sure you guys are right at the doorways when they open up and then push them through and try to group them up. 01:43:25.30 Jala Right. 01:43:27.35 Daniel I took in a bunch of guys and I only left Cam or not Campbell, who did I leave outside? I left Midian, ah Julian and your view outside, which kind of was dangerous. 01:43:37.90 Daniel I didn't realize, but when you go in this temple, some of the bad guys inside come out to fight your main force, which was kind of kind of tricky. 01:43:43.98 Jala They sure do. 01:43:45.51 Daniel I was like, Oh, but luckily Bernard was outside too, I think, actually. 01:43:49.07 Jala Oh, yeah, you said you had your tank. 01:43:49.18 Daniel So I had Bernard. 01:43:50.51 Jala yeah 01:43:50.57 Daniel And bernard Bernard was able to snipe slash tank all of that, and then Eurydia was there to help heal up. And at this point, I think Eurydia also had Aura 1, finally. 01:43:58.42 Jala ah 01:43:59.10 Daniel So he becomes much, much more group heal, and you focus a lot more on group heals at this point in the fights. 01:44:05.75 Jala Right. 01:44:06.00 Daniel ah This fight is particular because the columns ah do attack in a specific order, as I mentioned, and they do Spark 1, Spark 2, or 3, and then Spark 4 in sets. And without knowing the patterns, you're just going to get to hit a bunch, 01:44:19.69 Jala Right. Yeah. 01:44:20.48 Daniel Or if you stay near them, you're less likely to get attacked a second time in a row because they don't go off all at once. 01:44:25.03 Jala ah Yeah. 01:44:27.44 Daniel Um, and I usually run the guys, so once I got Robbie out of there, I usually run the guys up the right hand side and then cross over into the middle and try to not to go too far over to the left hand side of there. Because if you have two groups separated, it's really hard to keep your guys healed up, especially if your review is your only main aura healer at that point. 01:44:44.91 Jala right 01:44:45.29 Daniel um I think at some point in the game you can get a Ankh that gives you Aura too. I don't remember when and where you picked that up, but that makes Hedva or someone else a secondary healer. 01:44:55.71 Jala Right. 01:44:56.34 Daniel So you can utilize that if you plan on doing that with your guys. It is a bit of a waste if you're using that on your powerful mages, but I generally put that stuff on for a lot of the fights because I find that she's already super powerful without any other help. 01:45:11.27 Jala Right. 01:45:11.34 Daniel And her specials with Anks are pretty cool. And then she also being able to heal at that range and that extra amount of healing really helps with the battles that follow. 01:45:20.90 Jala Right. Right. So for me, well well, I will say for me, when I was doing this, I um definitely had split into two groups to fight all the guys on the two sides. 01:45:21.94 Daniel And then once you've killed those monks, yeah, go ahead. 01:45:32.01 Jala And then slowly the group on the left started going to the right is how that happened. 01:45:32.87 Daniel No. 01:45:35.84 Daniel Yeah. 01:45:37.13 Jala And I didn't go back and redo this fight. I was like, we're just dealing with it. 01:45:40.32 Daniel Yeah. 01:45:40.84 Jala um But like, yeah, it was, it was like, oh, Hera cannot, Hera cannot help with this. 01:45:44.86 Daniel No, she she cannot carry heels in this fight. 01:45:47.29 Jala No, no, no, no, she can't. 01:45:48.19 Daniel She's a good secondary healer, but she's not she's like tertiary Yeah Yeah Yeah Oh Yeah 01:45:50.25 Jala Well, I mean, like I, what I had her doing is like, I had her using items and stuff instead liberally using items. And then everybody was giving her items, but then that meant that they couldn't attack because they were giving her items to heal them. So, you know, and it it got kind of like tricky, but like I manage. And part of the reason too, ah is for going to the right-hand side is because Don Hart goes on the right-hand side if you have him on AI as well. So yeah, so, so yeah, after you beat those guys though, 01:46:18.67 Daniel Yeah, we then put the past there. We headed right into the temple and we get to deal with the stuff inside, which brings back the Sanda and this Heron into our sphere. 01:46:23.34 Jala mhm. mhm. 01:46:28.25 Daniel And we get to deal with some of their nonsense inside the temple here. 01:46:31.49 Jala right. 01:46:31.68 Daniel Go ahead with that. child 01:46:32.93 Jala Yeah, so you find Basanda and Death aon death Helen ah waiting for them, and fear has taken Gracia down into the lower level to force them to break the seal on the staff. And as Medion prepares to engage, this is another battle, of course, ah the rainbloods, the personal assassin squad of Emperor Dominant appear, saying that they are also there for the staff of Besom and will eradicate anyone in their way, including the prince. 01:46:59.80 Jala So um you've got a lot of things happening in this battle all at once. 01:47:04.25 Daniel Oh yeah. 01:47:04.85 Jala So Medion and his team are scrambling to access the lower level, but also Basanda and Death Hellen are facing off against the rainbloods. And there's also a lot of other stuff going on. 01:47:14.87 Jala But to the access point for this lower level you is inside of like a little It's like the center of a a pond and you have to use a freeze spell on some water to make an ice bridge in order to cross over to get to that staircase to go down to that lower level. 01:47:32.38 Jala And um they do give you an item here in case you don't have somebody who has freeze on you. um You can cast freeze on the water. 01:47:37.81 Daniel Can you cast Freeze on the water? Does that work? Oh, I wish I had known that because I had just used the Ice Ball and I got trapped a couple times with some of my characters and had to I had to run away from the rainbloods. 01:47:41.43 Jala Yes, it does. Yes. Oh. No, you can. Oh wow. 01:47:49.08 Daniel Oh, yeah that was scary. 01:47:49.19 Jala Yeah. No, no, you can use, you can just use a free spell on it. 01:47:50.86 Daniel Good. 01:47:52.74 Jala Like that is a targetable thing, but that like either. 01:47:52.97 Daniel Okay. It is. I tried to fight it once too. 01:47:57.11 Jala Yeah. 01:47:57.74 Daniel Midian was bored and he attacked the water. 01:47:59.55 Jala Yeah. No, no, that doesn't do you any good, but, um, and, and what I had happened to me in this, this particular fight is that, um, I think. 01:48:01.51 Daniel No. 01:48:08.89 Jala I think I had Hedva with the ice spell. 01:48:12.74 Daniel Oh, yeah, she does. 01:48:13.80 Jala Yeah, so she had an ice spell and so she was trying to use it on the water and then I had the ice ball and I used that. 01:48:14.04 Daniel Yeah. 01:48:18.48 Jala But then like I was dawdling too much. like I started doing the ice ice thing before I finished off all the guys. and so like It took too long and then only some of my people were able to go down to the lower level and because I didn't have any more magic because Hedva ran out or something. 01:48:25.09 Daniel Oh, yeah. 01:48:30.59 Daniel Yeah. 01:48:34.15 Daniel And you only get two ice balls. 01:48:34.33 Jala and Yeah, yeah, yeah. so 01:48:37.30 Daniel Which is kind of annoying, because if you use one right away, then you're like, oh. And they've and if you send Hedva down, 01:48:40.62 Jala Mm-hmm. 01:48:42.95 Daniel And you've used your ice balls that you have no other way to do that. 01:48:44.18 Jala Uh-huh. 01:48:45.15 Daniel So that's, I think what my problem was, was I ran out of ice balls and didn't have any characters that could use, use freeze. 01:48:48.08 Jala Yeah. 01:48:50.93 Jala Yeah. 01:48:51.60 Daniel I don't even know special attacks that do ice damage it would count. 01:48:55.06 Jala No, there's nothing. 01:48:55.83 Daniel No, right? 01:48:56.35 Jala yeah no I don't think so, no. 01:48:56.89 Daniel Yeah. So. 01:48:58.28 Jala so yeah and that's That's part of the trick is that like you have to clear out all the guys first before you do anything to that water, then you have to freeze the water, then you have to shuffle everybody across as soon as you can. 01:49:02.82 Daniel Hmm. 01:49:09.02 Jala and The problem with Hedva is how fast she is versus other characters because the the ice will break. 01:49:12.59 Daniel Yeah she goes early. 01:49:14.82 Jala The ice will break before all your people can get across if they come at a certain point. so You just have to leave some people out there if you if you have used the ice balls already. So I would say use Hedva to use her ice spell first. 01:49:27.37 Jala And then if you still have some people that you can't get across, then use the ice balls for those people to get across. And then you can get everybody down. 01:49:33.45 Daniel Yeah. 01:49:35.16 Jala But it's a little bit tricky um that that whole section. So once you go down into the lower level, though, because like it is scary, you have Basanda and Death, Helen fighting all the rainbloods. 01:49:46.03 Jala And that's going poorly for Basanda and Death, Helen. 01:49:49.54 Daniel Yeah, the rainbloods are nothing, no joke. Those guys are scary. 01:49:51.56 Jala No. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, they, they are all mobbing them and it's not going well for them. 01:49:56.75 Daniel In the vanilla version of the game, the rainbloods have question mark, question mark, question mark, health and magic. 01:49:56.88 Jala So. Uh-huh. Yes. 01:50:02.64 Daniel In the quality of life version, you can see what the numbers are. And they are all 666 HP. 01:50:08.52 Jala Yep. So you go down. 01:50:09.97 Daniel Yeah, not and thanks. 01:50:11.56 Jala Yeah, right, right. So you go down and fear is torturing Gracia trying to get the God child to break the seal. So um at this point, when you see all of like, you know, at first, there's like two or three rounds where fear is saying different stuff and I was thinking, oh man, it's a timed thing. 01:50:27.85 Jala I have to get over there so fast. So I was trying to rush and push my guys. And that screwed me up pretty bad. And and I had to like restart. 01:50:33.35 Daniel If you. 01:50:34.45 Jala like I had saved mid battle, but I had to you know restart from that older save because like I thought I had to rush through, but you don't. It's it's not a timed thing. 01:50:41.49 Daniel Yeah, if you pay close attention, it's ah they're not even indirectable. 01:50:43.01 Jala Yeah. 01:50:45.05 Daniel It's a cutscene. 01:50:46.16 Jala Mm-hmm. It is cutscene. 01:50:47.01 Daniel It's an end it's an in battle cutscene that's going on. You cannot interfere with their stuff no matter what. You just have to kill that bad guy, the the one that said as the boss in the middle. 01:50:51.82 Jala No. Yeah. 01:50:56.55 Jala Yeah. 01:50:56.64 Daniel You can rush him. It's a bit tricky. I usually send my guys up to the left. And also at this point, it's a good idea to check most of these pillars because there's metros and other things available, rushing the guys from the left side and then coming across to the center and then blasting with a bunch of magic through that last guy. 01:51:07.04 Jala and Right. So Medion's army ends up slaughtering all of these troops to get to the dais just as the rainbloods enter. 01:51:21.13 Jala So I will say about isn't this the battle? And I like I might be completely miss misremembering. Is this the one where like there's mages on either side and there's like a single passage up or no? 01:51:31.89 Jala is this a number one Okay. 01:51:32.06 Daniel Yeah, yeah, there's they're not mages, though. I think they're just guys with the I think they're just no, they're just masked monks. 01:51:34.87 Jala Oh, they're not mages. Range though. No. ah But they they use. 01:51:40.94 Daniel The idea is that they're trying to draw out the battle so the rain blades will come and get you. They want you to think that you can go around and ah and have time to attack these guys, because you have to go way around the sides to get to those couple of guys. 01:51:50.86 Jala But I did. 01:51:52.34 Daniel Yeah, well to kill, to kill eight five of those monks, because there's one monk that's the key. 01:51:55.73 Jala I did. 01:51:57.22 Daniel I didn't, I left two of the monks on the one side. 01:51:58.74 Jala but I killed everybody. 01:52:00.22 Daniel I did not, I just detect them all. 01:52:00.67 Jala So. OK. 01:52:01.90 Daniel I was like, no, no, no, you're a boss and I'm tired of fighting this. Synthesis died again for me at that point. 01:52:07.03 Jala Oh. 01:52:07.43 Daniel So I was like, okay, well, we're not having fun anymore. My poor Synthesis is now level six or level, what was she? 01:52:11.57 Jala Right. Right. 01:52:13.54 Daniel Level two or something. And everyone else is level five, I was like, I'm not enjoying this as much. 01:52:15.93 Jala Oh, man. 01:52:17.50 Daniel So she's laying behind. 01:52:18.04 Jala Yeah. Yeah. 01:52:19.18 Daniel I need to get through this. 01:52:20.63 Jala Yeah, i I went through and i I went up one side, killed all those guys, went up the other side, killed all of those guys, then went in the center. so ah That was how i I ran it because I was like, I'm not going to get mobbed because of those those even though they are monks, they have but skills that they can use on the people in the center. 01:52:36.65 Jala They have ranged attacks that they can use on the people who are rushing up the center to go to the boss. 01:52:41.48 Daniel They might have magic spells in them. Oh, they might have been casters. 01:52:43.24 Jala Yeah, they do. Yeah, they they're casters. 01:52:44.85 Daniel There might have been one. I think there was one of each. 01:52:45.97 Jala Yeah. Yeah, there there's a caster and there's a mage, which means that like if you are in the center part and you don't have anybody on the sides to help attack, and all you're doing is blasting spells, that mage is going to heal it, or the the healer the monk guy is going to heal everybody. 01:52:54.20 Daniel Yeah. 01:52:59.74 Jala So like you kind of have to run people over if you want to take them out. If you just want to blast through, I mean, that's up to you. 01:53:03.40 Daniel Yeah. Yeah. 01:53:06.50 Jala Either way, either way. So um after that, the rainbloods enter the ring. You know you finish killing everybody. Rainbloods show up. Gracia decides to break the seal on the staff as fear wants, because in the current situation, there are two groups looking for it. And Gracia is going to be forced by one or the other party to do it anyway. So as Gracia breaks the seal and seizes the staff, the holy energy knocks out fear and the rainbloods. So at this point, this is like one of those points of this this game where I'm like, 01:53:36.49 Jala Y'all did the dumb you sure you should have just you should have just taken him out just stab him in the heart while they they're down and dead I mean, that's all you got to do just stab him in the heart. 01:53:40.01 Daniel yeah 01:53:46.66 Daniel Well, the problem is that the staff of Besom wouldn't have been available to Bolsom's needs and Bolsom needs the staff to complete his plans. 01:53:47.15 Jala Don't just run away. So Yeah Yeah, yeah 01:53:56.46 Daniel So he needs the seal to be broken. If they kill Grisha beforehand, the staff stays sealed until the next innovator is born. And that could take and that could take decades or hundreds of years. 01:54:07.21 Jala Yeah, I'm not talking about killing Gracia. I'm saying when the staff knocks out fear and the rain bluds, Medion's team needs to go and finish the job. 01:54:17.83 Daniel Oh, that part of it. 01:54:18.33 Jala It needs to go kill those people while they're down in paralyzed because that's the only time you're going to act like, why are you doing it? 01:54:18.75 Daniel Yes, sorry. Yeah. 01:54:26.39 Jala But for plot, yeah. 01:54:26.69 Daniel Unfortunately, Midian, while Midian even in his name, he's Midian, right? He's the middle point. He's the I am a just and noble balancing scale, and I am the midpoint between the ideas. 01:54:31.85 Jala Yeah, I know. mother 01:54:37.20 Daniel If it was Julian, Julian would have finished them off. 01:54:40.04 Jala Yeah, so. 01:54:40.78 Daniel Synbios, maybe be at that point. so If Synbios, because it comparing the storylines, Synbios was probably hard than enough by that point to do it. 01:54:47.47 Jala Right. 01:54:47.61 Daniel But Julian is not there. 01:54:50.38 Jala Right. 01:54:50.35 Daniel He's just not capable for a long time. He's not that kind of guy. And I don't think he ever becomes that kind of guy. 01:54:54.68 Jala Well. Well, and the thing is is that like that's actually a plot point relative you know that that's really related to what happens later on with the emperor. We'll get there. 01:55:03.48 Daniel Yeah. 01:55:04.12 Jala um So anyway, if it were me, I would have been the evil one. I would have killed them all while they were down and moved on with my life and saved myself from having future enemies. 01:55:08.20 Daniel mean 01:55:13.68 Jala Either way, Rogan and his men appear and say that they rushed to the temple as soon as they heard Medion was there. He advises Medion to take Gracia, the staff, and fear and run as the rainbloods will reawaken anytime now. 01:55:26.37 Jala So ah Rogan takes Medion and his team to the Seagate. They keep fear imprisoned in order to pump him for information. Now, this is also stupid. It's stupid. 01:55:37.01 Jala This man teleports. What do you think you're doing putting him in a cell? Unless you have some kind of magic, put a dispel spell on him, have somebody there constantly casting it on him, and then maybe you're okay. 01:55:46.87 Daniel Yeah. 01:55:48.10 Jala But like this motherfucker teleports around. What do you think is going to happen? Anyway, we'll we'll get there. 01:55:53.54 Daniel Yeah, they don't they don't mind this magic, which is the stupidest thing. 01:55:55.42 Jala I know. 01:55:56.02 Daniel If you're going to keep a magic user alive, find their magic or silence them so they can't do spells. 01:55:58.74 Jala Right? 01:56:01.11 Daniel Obviously, he doesn't need to chant anything to to teleport. 01:56:04.00 Jala Yeah, exactly. 01:56:04.65 Daniel So these guys are powerful enough that they they can just leave whenever, so you have to do something to keep them from doing that. 01:56:05.38 Jala so Exactly. Yes, you have to have magic dampening cuffs or something. Come on. Anyway, ah so they think that they're going to pump in for information, though. 01:56:16.80 Jala And so Rogan fills Medion in on what's been what he's been up to, and they all think that they're impervious to damage from fear or whatever. Anyway. ah Back after Emperor, the Emperor was kidnapped, the Seagate encountered a bull's-own ship, but the executor, General Cruel's steam-powered ship, fired on the Seagate and helped the bull's-own ship escape. So we have proof now that, you know, other than Synthesis and Uryutos, you know, having witnessed this whole exchange between fear and cruel earlier in the game, now we have always actually actively doing something, not just talking, not just conspiring, but actually actively a part of this kidnapping. 01:56:55.57 Jala so um Anyway, Rogan thought that it was a case of mistaken identity and andin unintentional friendly fire, but the executor's movements after that made him think otherwise. 01:57:07.08 Jala Rogan suspects that Prince Arrogant and ah is being in league with the sect and cruel is Arrogant's general, so that would make sense sense for like cruel to be operating under Arrogant's control. 01:57:19.70 Daniel Hmm. Mm-hmm. 01:57:20.93 Jala So, Rogan's scout, the Pegasus Knight Honesty, tells them that Saraband has used its steam engines to relocate to Headland, a southern region of the Republic. Rogan recommends that they sail there, as that was the last place anyone saw the Emperor. So Gracia, exhausted, takes their leave to rest and recuperate in Rogan's cabin, while Medion goes to interrogate fear. 01:57:45.66 Jala The ship's horn sounds and fear wakes up, telling Medion that it must be the executor coming to seize Gracia and the staff of Bessam. For some reason, Synthesis and the others are surprised when he teleports away. 01:57:59.12 Jala Huh! Wow! Never saw that coming! Never saw that coming, you know. 01:58:05.02 Daniel No, even though we've seen him, we as players have seen him teleport all the time and you see the monks or the um the upper echelon, balsam sect members teleport all the time. Even some of the masked monks have teleportation abilities. 01:58:18.15 Jala Right, right. 01:58:18.48 Daniel You see them teleport all the time. Let's just let this guy do his thing and be free. 01:58:22.84 Jala I know. I, and at this point, it would have been just a little fix for them to just be like, we put magic restraining cuffs on him and then he picked his way, like had a little lock pick or something and picked the lock off of the cuffs or something and then was able to use his magic. 01:58:38.24 Jala Voila! that The end. 01:58:39.07 Daniel I just realized what they could have done, too, is they could have had someone there using the Elvis some orb on him every turn. 01:58:39.60 Jala That's all I needed. That's all I needed to be okay with the scene, right? But, oh. 01:58:47.76 Jala Yes, they could have done that. That would have been perfect. 01:58:50.25 Daniel Here, take this orb. 01:58:50.46 Jala That's it. 01:58:51.43 Daniel Take this orb. Take this orb. Take this orb. 01:58:53.50 Jala Yeah, let me ponder this orb. Okay, so ah rushing on the deck after this. 01:58:55.93 Daniel Yeah. 01:58:58.48 Jala Anyway, ah fear disappears says ha ha ha it's there. They're coming to get you. Medion finds that fear is correct. The executor is swiftly approaching and has opened fire on the sea gate. 01:59:09.25 Jala Honesty has also been captured. So this is a really cool battle. I dug this part of this this game like this was one of my favorite battles I think in this entire bit. 01:59:19.89 Daniel The first part, not the second part. The second part's just a battle. 01:59:22.52 Jala Yeah, the second part is just a battle, but this first part's cool. 01:59:23.51 Daniel it's ah Shooting cannons is pretty awesome, I must admit. 01:59:25.64 Jala So, yeah. 01:59:28.52 Daniel And each of the cannons on the enemy enemy's ship have 40 HP. The cannons on your side also have 40 HP, so you want to put somebody on your cannons that are higher than 40 HP, and you also do not want to put Midian on a cannon, because if the cannon explodes, Midian dies. 01:59:38.99 Jala ah No. 01:59:43.78 Jala Yep. Yep. Absolutely. so What's happening here is the executor is is swinging up on the Seagate. It's catching up to you and like you you are trying to run, but you can't run from the steam powered ship. You are a sailing ship. You are the fastest ship other than the steam powered ship, but you're going to have to engage at this point. You don't have a choice. You can't outrun this boat. 02:00:06.50 Jala So ah you end up deciding that you're going to fight. 02:00:06.71 Daniel Yeah. 02:00:09.25 Jala They are trying to fire at the Seagate. 02:00:09.91 Daniel Mm 02:00:11.69 Jala They're trying to take out the Seagate's cannons. So you need to man the cannon and then fire against ah the executor to take out their cannons before they take out your cannons. 02:00:14.23 Daniel hmm. 02:00:21.75 Jala So you do have some critters as well that you have to fight. 02:00:22.54 Daniel you also and you and you start at one side of the map and you have to send at least some of your people to the other side of the map try to have them spread out because when they land cannonballs on the ship it does a I think it's a range 1 or range 2 range 2 attack that will hit up to 5 guys and does 20 damage to the first person it hits to the middle person and then 10 damage to everyone around it so if you spread your guys out and try to keep your healing 02:00:27.46 Jala Yes. 02:00:30.64 Jala Yeah. 02:00:36.79 Jala Range two. Yeah. Mm hmm. Yep. 02:00:48.52 Daniel You know to a minimum that'll really help not that you have to worry about that for the next fight You're fully healed But it is kind of dangerous if people die here because you don't have time to go back I don't think or do you can you go to the church in between? 02:00:49.41 Jala Mm hmm. Mm hmm. 02:01:02.29 Jala There's not a break in the battle. I, you might, I don't know if you egress at the start of the second battle, if what that does. 02:01:08.30 Daniel You get all your guys's health and magic back, I think you can probably egress and come back to it And I've never done it either but 02:01:13.00 Jala You might be able to, I don't know. I didn't do that, but yeah, you might be able to. So yeah, arrogant ends up ordering, uh, the boarding of the sea gate after you take out those cannon. Uh, and so ah arrogant wants to take out the boat with manpower and yes. 02:01:28.60 Daniel So one more note about the cannons is that if you have surviving cannons, you get 10 XP for every cannon alive at the end of that. 02:01:29.51 Jala Uh-huh. 02:01:34.79 Jala Oh, that's cool. 02:01:36.22 Daniel So assuming you survive with the least one, you get 10 bonus XP for everybody, which I actually gained like three level ups. 02:01:36.83 Jala Great. 02:01:42.27 Jala Cool, cool. 02:01:42.83 Daniel Yeah, it was pretty neat. 02:01:44.07 Jala Yeah, so I like that they tack on the same bonus for surviving cannons as they do to surviving villagers. 02:01:51.55 Daniel Yeah, you survived. Congratulations. Here's bonus. 02:01:54.08 Jala more Right. So in the ensuing battle after that, ah you've got like a couple of planks that are tossed across from the executor to the sea gate that you have to use. There's also some flying enemies you have to handle as well ah that are kind of around, um you know, like around that area that you have to handle as well. And um yeah, Medion ends up fighting the invaders and boarding the executor to do battle with Prince Arrogant and Cruel is is what you're trying to get towards. um What are your notes for this battle? 02:02:23.66 Daniel So this battle is pretty straightforward. I rush my guys to the bridge points and then I use my range to try to knock out the guys at the far end as fast as I can. If you don't have access to good range at this point, if you're not using two and three range weapons, then it becomes a bit more challenging if you get held up on those bridges because it's a really difficult choke point. 02:02:43.51 Daniel So if you can't do that, it's OK to lure the guys onto the bridge way and then destroy them on your side of the ship and then rush across. 02:02:48.20 Jala Mmhmm. Mmhmm. 02:02:50.69 Daniel The only downside to that is that the birdmen will come across and try to attack you from the sea because they come up from the south end of the bottom corner there. 02:02:55.89 Jala yeah 02:02:58.70 Daniel And so you got to kind of have somebody ready to deal with that as well. That happens no matter what tactic you use. At this point, Hedva was my absolute MVP. She was able to absolutely destroy people with range three. 02:03:09.96 Daniel I think it's Sephiros is the spell name. She can cast that across the ship. And once you get across the ship onto the other side, some of the guys jump up from but like it looks like they just shoot out of a cannon, kind of like Samurai Pizza Cat style. 02:03:23.03 Jala yeah 02:03:25.65 Daniel Just shooting out of these cannons to land in front of you so that you have like five extra guys to deal with on that side of the ship. 02:03:31.00 Jala Right, right. 02:03:31.93 Daniel And then also once you get through that and there's a laneway, did you take both sides of the ship to get around? 02:03:32.36 Jala So 02:03:38.63 Jala Um, I think I, I usually try to, because you end up having like a choke point where not enough people are going to be able to go, um, down the one single side. 02:03:39.05 Daniel Or did you just go around the close side? 02:03:48.74 Jala So like, I think I usually send like a few people the other way, at least a few, just so that way, you know, the bulk of them goes on one side. A few of them come the other way is usually how I ended up doing it. 02:03:57.26 Daniel Yeah, I just run people through the one side, but I'm still trying to deal with the people that come up because I rush. 02:03:58.73 Jala Um, just yeah. 02:04:03.35 Jala Yeah. 02:04:03.61 Daniel So I'm still trying to deal with those couple of guys. And then I rushed some people up to deal with the army that comes out. And then also once you get to the front end of the ship, some more guys come out of the front um passageway there to deal with. 02:04:12.36 Jala ah so So the the birdmen that are back that come down from the south end, i when I was playing through, I just put Rock and Waltz there because Rock had like a tomahawk or whatever and was able to have ranged and then like the two of them together, like they they just knock them out. 02:04:25.71 Daniel Yeah. 02:04:29.82 Daniel Ranch destroys flyers. Yeah, that's great. 02:04:31.20 Jala Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. But then as you reach the front of the ship, you end up having to take on an arrogant and cruel. But then you find out, actually, no, ah the prince is revealed to be yet another bull's-own monk in disguise. 02:04:45.95 Jala The real prince is somewhere else. Your prince is in another castle. 02:04:49.83 Daniel Oh, cruelty. How dare you do this to me yet again? 02:04:50.66 Jala So indeed. Right. Right. So um what are your notes about cruel, though, fighting cruel? 02:04:56.92 Daniel Oh, I just. He's an axe guy, right? A mace guy. He uses a mace. So you can... 02:05:03.59 Jala I think he's a mace guy. 02:05:04.93 Daniel You can stop him pretty easily with your sword users. Julian makes short work of him. 02:05:08.67 Jala Mmhmm. 02:05:08.85 Daniel I generally fight him on my way to the... to Erent. And as soon as he's pretty close to dead, I make sure I cast on the monk first to get Erent to drop his guys. 02:05:20.32 Daniel One time, I made the mistake of having zero on my team and rushing zero across at the beginning of the fight. 02:05:28.19 Jala oh 02:05:28.77 Daniel to attack him with the Elbasim orb from the front end of the ship. 02:05:28.85 Jala Mmhmm. Mmhmm. 02:05:33.82 Daniel And he just kind of sat there and let me do that. So I was able to do five damage to this punk until the monk was dead before he even got to cruelty and accidentally ended the battle really soon. 02:05:38.01 Jala Uh-huh. Huh! Oh, well. 02:05:45.20 Daniel So that's a tactic you can use if you want to use zero. 02:05:47.83 Jala Uh-huh. 02:05:48.35 Daniel He's super useful for that because he cannot be targeted on that end of the ship or the AI doesn't realize he's there. And and that's a fun little note. But yeah, so Generally, I just deal with that monk after I've dealt with cruelty. 02:06:00.98 Jala Right. I mean, like if you want to end the battle soon, that's okay, but like you probably want the XP from that. So, I mean, I dunno, it's up to you, whatever you want to do. 02:06:08.36 Daniel It depends. I mean, it's a couple of guys and if you guys are already strong, I thought it was a really neat tactic that you can utilize there. 02:06:09.42 Jala Yeah, for sure. Yeah, that's very cool. So ah after you dispatch of Cruel, then Medion takes a key from Cruel's body and finds out that Honesty is in the brig and the executor's overwork steam engines explode as Medion heads down to the brig to release Honesty before the whole ship collapses. 02:06:32.96 Jala So General Rogan scrambles up ah scrambles to release Honesty, who is then transforms into fear and locks Rogan inside the cell, telling Medion that he is headed for Flaggard to see Lord Conrad, Synbiosis father. So this is how this ties in with the first one. This is you know when fear disappears for a little while. This is what he's off doing. He just fooled everybody. And um Anyway, lock because when he teleported off of the Seagate, you don't necessarily expect him to show up on the ship right across the way. 02:07:02.93 Daniel Yeah, you think he's running away, but really he's laying another trap for you. 02:07:04.54 Jala Yeah. Mm hmm. 02:07:06.77 Daniel Which is something he does, because he's a butt. 02:07:07.27 Jala Mm hmm. Yeah. Right, exactly. So, yeah, but he locks Rogan inside the cell of the ship that is starting to collapse and explode. 02:07:17.80 Jala So just then, synthesis rushes down to Medion, telling him that another imperial warship is approaching and this ship carries Bresby. Prince Mageron, or Majesty's advisor, who informs Medion that a flying vandalship, the Volcure, has been activated and is headed for Destonia's capital. 02:07:36.30 Jala So everything is blowing up right now for poor Medion. 02:07:38.91 Daniel Yeah. 02:07:39.49 Jala Like, he's trying to run from Bolzom, he's got the godchild, he's got the staff of Besom, you know, this guy's about to get blown up, who's a solid bro. ah You know, now his capital city is getting exploded, he doesn't know where his dad went, you know, what's going on for this poor man. 02:07:48.79 Daniel Yeah. 02:07:54.18 Daniel Yeah. 02:07:57.23 Jala So yeah, the Vandal ship, it the Valkyrie is something that came from the Thousand Year Kingdom. 02:07:57.68 Daniel Yeah. 02:08:02.55 Jala like it This is like big deal, bad kind of situation here. 02:08:05.22 Daniel yeah 02:08:05.88 Jala so 02:08:06.73 Daniel Interesting fact here, you see the Valkyrie in the cutscene in scenario one, because they were originally planning on having it as part of the first game. 02:08:06.82 Jala um 02:08:13.02 Jala Yes. 02:08:15.75 Jala Oh, wow. 02:08:16.66 Daniel Yeah, which they cut that detail caught right out of it. 02:08:17.56 Jala Yeah. That's weird, because like even some of the the illustrations and stuff also show you fighting the Volcrae. And I'm like, that never happened. I was like so mad, but i do I didn't fight it. 02:08:24.68 Daniel Yeah. 02:08:26.58 Jala But then it's it's just. 02:08:27.33 Daniel It's even in some of the text, they mentioned it when they're talking about unearthing the Titan and stuff in Aspia, they mentioned the Valkyrie there as well. 02:08:31.12 Jala Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 02:08:35.97 Daniel I think so. It's pretty cool. 02:08:37.01 Jala Yeah. So anyway, Medion then finds himself in a difficult position, needing to tow the executor to shore before it sinks and follow Saraband for information, but also needing to intercept the Valkyrae before it wrecks havoc on the empire. So Julian offers a solution saying that he, Gracia, and Donhardt will travel to Dystonia on Bresby's ship to intercept the Vandal war machine while Medion tows the executor and continues to Saraband. 02:09:04.12 Jala As Julian is interested in finding the Vandal Gulm above all else, this serves his own purpose as much as Medions, because this is a big Vandal ship. He might be able to find Gulm there, is his his idea. 02:09:13.69 Daniel Or at least some answers, yeah. 02:09:14.25 Jala so some answers, something. So Zero also leaves heading for Flaggard to hopefully assist Lord Conrad and retrieve the brig key from Fear to free Rogan. 02:09:25.62 Jala So you know that Fear has left. Fear also has the key to the brig because he just locked Rogan in. 02:09:29.00 Daniel Yeah. 02:09:32.28 Jala So Zero's trying to go get that key. 02:09:32.24 Daniel Yeah. 02:09:34.48 Jala So that is why in the last episode when we were talking about scenario one, we're like, that key is important. 02:09:40.27 Daniel Yeah. 02:09:40.32 Jala Get that key from Fear. 02:09:41.62 Daniel Get back here from PO. 02:09:43.00 Jala Yeah, yeah, so Medion and his now considerably smaller force, he lost several people at this point, like four people, ah ends up continuing on to Saraban towing the executor, which is smoking and which has Rogan trapped in there. 02:09:43.30 Daniel Yeah. 02:09:58.04 Jala Now, I don't know about you, but like if the ship is sinking anyway and you've you've got this thing in the brig, couldn't you just like hack around, just take some axes to some of the wood around the bars and just break the wall and get them out of there? 02:10:11.97 Daniel There are a couple of things ships sinking at sea, so first of all, ships sinking at sea. 02:10:12.95 Jala like There are ways you could do this. Oh, oh, uh-huh, yeah. 02:10:19.73 Daniel um After a point that just becomes a total collapsed mess so either it collapses on itself like they're towing it I don't know how many hundreds of kilometers here right you think about the towing it across the sea it would collapse and then you can free him if he doesn't get knocked out from that collapse but that's an extremely dangerous like think of Titanic right when the water is rising through that ship that's a metal ship this is a wooden ship the board start to separate things fall apart it might be easier to escape just from its sinking 02:10:23.93 Jala Mm. 02:10:29.16 Jala Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. 02:10:49.08 Jala Yes. 02:10:49.43 Daniel Also, you could drill in through the center through the top. There's ways to just destroy the wood around the sides. You have axe users in your party. 02:10:57.60 Jala Yeah. 02:10:57.88 Daniel Hey, let's throw some hatchets at this until the rest of the walls break, but no plot armor. 02:11:02.30 Jala Yeah, I know. And that's the thing because like, since they're towing it, they could have just had somebody come in from the top, right? They could have just had somebody hacking at it. 02:11:07.67 Daniel Yeah. 02:11:09.44 Jala Use fire magic and just like use the free spell right after the fire magic. 02:11:10.17 Daniel rather Rather than deal with 02:11:13.48 Jala that There are ways. Like if this was D and D. Yeah. Okay. 02:11:17.33 Daniel Rather than deal with all of these complicated mechanics and even even still, there are things like Berserk, which you could have used on yourself to get through the bars. 02:11:20.35 Jala Yeah. 02:11:25.95 Jala Yeah. Yeah. 02:11:26.05 Daniel There are several things that you could have done as magic users and intelligent people to circumvent, oh, it's a locked door. 02:11:26.49 Jala Yeah. 02:11:32.99 Jala Yeah, but that's okay. 02:11:33.27 Daniel And it might've been metal bars. If it's metal bars all the way across, you destroy the theres foundation. 02:11:36.16 Jala Yeah. 02:11:38.47 Daniel You attack the top and you destroy it and you pull it down. It shouldn't be that complicated. It would take a lot less time to free him then to hook up a toe and toe him all the way to Saraband. 02:11:45.67 Jala yeah I know. Well, they have to have this drama because like you know we'll we'll get we'll get there. 02:11:53.27 Daniel but 02:11:53.43 Jala there's There's some drama about that. But um yeah, we're that that's the end of chapter four. This is where we're at. Maybe they're just real tired and they're just like, I just don't have the energy to be hacking at the bar. 02:12:04.83 Jala Anyway, but we end chapter four. We go into chapter five, the army of the third prince. So as Bedian arrives in Sarabant, there are so many soldiers around that he decides to seek information on dominance whereabouts on his own rather than with his whole force or anything. He comes across Arthur, a retired centaur mage knight, who briefly met Synbios and felt he should come out of retirement. He was inspired by Synbios and decides, I'm going to not be retired anymore. And he ends up joining Medion's army. 02:12:35.80 Daniel This is the second time you see him in this scenario. And you can actually see him once in scenario one, I believe two. He's in the same place, isn't he? 02:12:41.94 Jala Yep. Yes, he is. 02:12:42.49 Daniel So this is the third time you had a chance to talk to him. Third time's the charm. 02:12:46.28 Jala Yeah, absolutely. and I know Arthur is mid perpetually mid to bad in every game he shows up in, but I love him and I always make him like as good as I can, even though he sucks. 02:12:57.43 Jala so you know that's 02:12:58.41 Daniel He's on my, he's on my reserve roster currently. I haven't touched him. 02:13:02.10 Jala For understandable reasons, um but you know i I can't help it. 02:13:05.64 Daniel I tried. I pulled them out in the prison fight. I tried. I tried my best. I couldn't do it. He was Yeah, 02:13:11.06 Jala I used him in the prison fight, absolutely I did. And he did things and he he survived through there and he helped and he did stuff. But like you have to like make your tactics around him. 02:13:23.02 Daniel it's it wasn't effective. 02:13:23.21 Jala I love him, I'm sorry, I can't. 02:13:26.17 Daniel It's okay. I forgive you. 02:13:27.45 Jala So yeah, I forgive you for liking this useless character. huh Anyway. 02:13:32.31 Daniel It's so it's okay, shoulder pat, shoulder pat. 02:13:34.59 Jala but Well, especially since my like I stan Yogurt as like the um mascot of sinna or um Shining Force One. 02:13:38.84 Daniel Oh. 02:13:41.70 Jala I love Yogurt, even though he's 100% useless. 02:13:41.88 Daniel Yeah. 02:13:44.65 Jala I don't know. 02:13:44.85 Daniel He is. 02:13:45.20 Jala so He's so cute. 02:13:45.46 Daniel s He's so beautiful. 02:13:47.31 Jala I love him. 02:13:47.33 Daniel Beautiful little guy. 02:13:48.37 Jala Yeah. anyway so ah Unsuccessful in procuring intel on his father's whereabouts, Medion is returning to HQ when synthesis and Honesty appear, informing him that Saraban soldiers raided their headquarters and arrested everybody except for them as they flew away. Honesty then leaves to check on the two ships as Rogan is still trapped in the executor. She's worried about him because she has no idea when the ship is going to collapse, so she runs away. 02:14:15.76 Daniel Yep. 02:14:16.12 Jala And so this leaves Medion, Synthesis, and Arthur to head to the secret passage that Synthesis and Uryudo saw cruel using at the start of the scenario. 02:14:26.89 Jala And the game temporarily becomes Metal Gear Solid. This is a weird and cool part of this game where you're dodging around guards and flashlights. 02:14:32.43 Daniel So I think think you missed you missed one point here, because the when um Medion leaves headquarters and goes to explore, 02:14:35.76 Jala Oh, yes. 02:14:40.06 Jala Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. 02:14:43.01 Daniel in saraand in the in the west district where you would normally be Synbiosis area the republic side when he gets there his entire force gets captured and that's why it becomes a mental gear solid game because you have to go in and rescue your guys yeah so oh yes no you don't have a you don't have a fight you get thrown out 02:14:48.40 Jala Yeah. 02:14:56.23 Jala Yes, yes. So, um as you come upon the jail, you, well, well okay, so so that part where you're metal gearing, it's real cool, because like, um if you get seen, you have a fight. And if you don't get seen, you can Oh, you don't have a fight. 02:15:12.58 Jala Oh, you get thrown. Oh, yeah. Okay. 02:15:14.53 Daniel Yeah. 02:15:14.66 Jala So, ah but yeah, like there's, there's guys coming down the hallways and they have flashlights and if they shine their light on you, then you get you know caught out, caught and then thrown out. And then you have to start over again with that section, but um it is cool and fun. 02:15:26.14 Daniel Yeah. 02:15:27.97 Jala I still enjoy doing this whole little like sneaky sneak. Like you don't have like a special sneak function or anything. You just wait for the light to pass. 02:15:35.25 Daniel Yeah, stay out of the light. 02:15:36.64 Jala Yeah. 02:15:37.15 Daniel Did you go and get the items in the little hidden room? 02:15:39.88 Jala Absolutely. 02:15:41.02 Daniel Yeah. I have to do that part of the thing. I'm like, yeah. no Even though you're going to get caught when you come out of that room and have to do it again, that actually saves time, because then you go that wine one way to get that, and then you go the other way to get to the the rest of the level. 02:15:45.86 Jala yeah ah 02:15:51.81 Jala Yep, yep, absolutely. So then you come upon the jail and then you have to free all the rest of your units. That's a whole nother battle that you have to fight here. So ah i yes, I did use Arthur. 02:16:05.36 Jala yeah Yes, I did. I used my guy and you know he was he was about useless, but I used him, and damn it. 02:16:11.74 Daniel Yeah. 02:16:12.67 Jala and I i you know had him plinky-plink and do two damage and then run away because everybody hurts him very badly. 02:16:19.21 Daniel It would be much, it would be much better if you could give him a magical item that actually had a spell on it. 02:16:23.42 Jala Yeah. 02:16:24.58 Daniel Like if you could give him an aura spell or if you give him support or even if you could give him a summon, you could give him a sword that has a summon on it. Or if they had a lance that he could equip that had a summon spell on it, it would be much better to use him. 02:16:34.86 Jala yeah 02:16:37.41 Jala Yeah. 02:16:38.95 Daniel He would become viable. 02:16:40.36 Jala Mm-hmm. 02:16:41.02 Daniel But his damage combined with his lack of defense for being a centaur, because he's a mage, so he has a lack of defense. 02:16:43.56 Jala Mm-hmm. 02:16:46.49 Daniel He's high agility, so he goes early in the turn. 02:16:46.74 Jala Yes. 02:16:49.24 Daniel he's not It's just not a good... 02:16:51.46 Jala oh 02:16:52.10 Daniel It's a great idea. 02:16:52.37 Jala she yes 02:16:53.38 Daniel It's a great idea. It's poor execution just like Elder. 02:16:55.35 Jala Well, it's I was going to say it's the same as the Birdman. The weakness in shiny force is that they never figured out how to properly ah plan the battle slash make the stats to where the mage knight or the Birdman are useful. 02:16:58.48 Daniel Yeah. 02:17:10.17 Jala So. 02:17:10.32 Daniel And i've I've created a hack for elder and the other birdman that give them a wing that has range four, which is the but max range you can use in the game without breaking things. 02:17:12.92 Jala Mm hmm. 02:17:15.96 Jala Mm hmm. 02:17:19.12 Daniel And that makes her useful. 02:17:20.84 Jala Yeah, I would imagine that would. 02:17:21.54 Daniel Would make zero would make zero useful, too. 02:17:23.96 Jala Yeah. 02:17:24.29 Daniel However, yes, so this one I um I made several mistakes here, and this was the longest battle for me. This took me seven attempts ah that I was really glad to be playing on normal, but I forgot how to do this battle. 02:17:31.10 Jala Mhmm. 02:17:34.20 Jala Mhmm. 02:17:36.86 Daniel because only Hedva and Yodu can do things without and anything equipped on them, and all your characters are in jail cells. 02:17:44.89 Jala Yes. So you have to like, there, there are nights that are coming that are coming up behind you and there's, there's guys that you have to fight. But then like the, you start at the battle with your Medion and synthesis and, uh, Arthur, and there is a key on the table or whatever, and you have to go get that key to go open up the cells. 02:18:01.98 Daniel From the guard, actually, you have to kill the guard. 02:18:03.17 Jala Oh, it's on the guard. Okay. Well, you have to do that. And the table is important for just like keeping, uh, space, you know, like, uh, meet, you know, arranging your space around and your gear, your gears on there. 02:18:10.65 Daniel it also has all your It also has all your equipment on it. yeah So every guy who you free, you have to rush to the table to give them their stuff, or they're also mostly useless in combat. 02:18:14.29 Jala So. 02:18:20.38 Jala Yes. 02:18:20.91 Daniel The first character I always freeze you to you, and then I don't bother freeing certain characters because they have things that they can do in their cells, like Hedva and Synthesis. They can cast spells from their from their cells. 02:18:32.91 Daniel I mean, Synthesis is not locked up, but if she was, she would be much more useful in a cell casting spells than, you know, i 02:18:33.46 Jala Right. 02:18:38.73 Jala Yeah, really, for sure. 02:18:40.12 Daniel yeah 02:18:40.85 Jala Yeah. 02:18:41.21 Daniel But yeah, so I do my best, but that was a big struggle for me. This, this battle was not fun. 02:18:46.51 Jala Right, and ah again, like I'm assuming at this point that nothing is in spinna spawn in Shining Force because I have been finding even in Shining Force one, the stuff I thought was in spinna spawn has like five or six rounds and then it stops. 02:18:58.20 Daniel Yeah. 02:18:59.11 Jala So um I'm sure they're not in spinna spawn, but there's lots of guys that keep coming and they're really strong. And then like with your your handicap of not having all your folks ah makes this kind of difficult. 02:19:09.22 Jala And so I had Arthur running around opening up doors. 02:19:13.83 Daniel That would have been smart. 02:19:13.98 Jala i had him but I had him running around opening up doors. 02:19:15.27 Daniel Yeah. 02:19:16.84 Jala like I had him first plink-plink against a few people, open up doors, and then after everybody was out, then I had him plink-plink some more. But like I was using him for that purpose, and then focusing Medion and synthesis on defense against all the guys coming in, and then just trying to free the people. 02:19:33.85 Jala um For me, i I don't remember who is in what cell. Some of your really strong guys are like further away, so depend. 02:19:40.96 Daniel Yeah, Robbie is tucked away in the corner with head of a 02:19:42.36 Jala Uh-huh. Yeah. 02:19:44.32 Daniel Yeah, head was locked away in the farthest cell away from you. 02:19:46.98 Jala Uh-huh. 02:19:47.11 Daniel She's not viable even at that point, so don't bother with her. 02:19:50.59 Jala Yeah. She can just at cast healing spells basically at the, at whoever's right outside the door, but that's it. 02:19:56.25 Daniel Yeah, and she has no other options at this point. 02:19:57.18 Jala Um, yeah. 02:19:58.29 Daniel You can't get anything for her that gives her another spell or anything that's damaging. She has no items she can use unless you give her a black ring. And to give her a black ring at this point, you have to open her cell, pass her a black ring. 02:20:09.30 Daniel You might as well get her out of the cell. 02:20:10.71 Jala Yeah. 02:20:11.49 Daniel um But you can bypass a lot of this fight by killing the silver knight that shows up He is the boss if you kill him all the rest of the guys die I did use Arthur for most of this fight to just destroy the barrels. 02:20:15.69 Jala Right. 02:20:22.98 Daniel That was his point He was just going to destroy those barrels in the corner. It was free XP for him I thought there might be items in there. I didn't think I don't think there I found anything in there though um But from what I yeah Medion had the key so Medion was walking around opening up doors and taking guys hits while you're you followed him around and healed him and 02:20:31.63 Jala no Yeah. Yeah. I just passed that key off immediately. 02:20:41.17 Daniel So but that would have been smart, but I apparently was not playing it very smartly. 02:20:42.51 Jala So yeah. 02:20:46.22 Jala hey whatever you know like you you made it through that's the important point that silver knight is tough though like because he has a lot of guys that come with him at the end of that so um right so so this is a tricky battle uh it is i can't say it's one of my favorite battles it is a memorable battle though yeah 02:20:49.77 Daniel Yeah. 02:20:54.75 Daniel Yeah, quite a few. 02:21:02.17 Daniel It is memorable. Yeah, I will never forget that battle. 02:21:05.28 Jala Right. So ah you overhear at the guards talking about how the Emperor is in Governor Garvin's mansion. So the rumor is that Dominant conspired with Garvin to orchestrate his own kidnapping. 02:21:17.62 Jala Medion and his team sneak over to the gardens in the interior of the palace, after of course after this fight is over, and then they fight their way inside. That's another battle that you have to fight. 02:21:28.11 Jala So 02:21:28.08 Daniel Yeah. And the mansion fight isn't super hard, but you do have to not. The goal here isn't to kill all the guys again. 02:21:35.41 Jala No. 02:21:36.27 Daniel The goal here is to get to the entranceway into the next part of the map so you can deal with the Emperor. 02:21:40.01 Jala Right. 02:21:41.54 Daniel So my strategy here was to kill all the guys. I came out the one side. If you do this, you can do this anyway you want. There's two entrances to this fight and you can spawn on either one, depending on how you exit from the prison. 02:21:48.38 Jala Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 02:21:53.65 Daniel so there's the door over by um So there's the the one doorway over by the cells, or there's a doorway where the silver knight comes down and you go in either one of those takes you out either side. 02:22:02.01 Jala Yes. Mm-hmm. 02:22:04.79 Daniel So I went in the one that was with the door next to the cells and I rushed across and then I fought all the guys. And then I tried to walk across the map down to the bottom thing, thinking I could go through there. Turns out that doesn't really help you any, because that doesn't really lead to anywhere important. 02:22:18.82 Daniel And then I had to climb all the way back up and run somebody through. 02:22:19.12 Jala Mmhmm. 02:22:22.28 Daniel And I actually made the the fatal mistake of only having the one person near that door when I put somebody through the door. 02:22:25.84 Jala Mmhmm. 02:22:29.06 Daniel And she disappeared, and Hazuki was alone in there for two rounds by herself. 02:22:32.01 Jala Oh no. 02:22:33.56 Daniel And I was like, oh no, this isn't fun. 02:22:33.68 Jala Oh no. No, no, tough, tough. Yeah. So um yeah, that that battle um I also entered in through the cells and I didn't go down down to the other door. 02:22:46.67 Jala I just be lined up and and moved on. I don't and don't recall having a time with this one. So um no, no. 02:22:52.78 Daniel Yeah, it wasn't a super memorable fight. 02:22:55.35 Jala So after that, Garvan and Arrogant are trying to force Dominant to relinquish control of the Empire to Arrogant. And Dominant refuses, and Arrogant suggests that perhaps the emperor needs to meet his end in an accidental death. 02:23:12.28 Jala ah Much how Dominant succeeded the throne despite being the fourth son himself. So, ah you know, Arrogant is doing to Dominant what Dominant did to his own brothers in order to become the emperor. 02:23:17.63 Daniel Mhm. 02:23:23.92 Jala So you find out a lot of stuff about all your family at this point. Oh, everybody shit, pretty much. 02:23:28.71 Daniel Yeah, runs in the family. 02:23:29.83 Jala So, Yeah, so before arrogant can attack dominant, though, Fidelity, ah who is like the the counselor advisor guy, asks to kill the emperor himself. 02:23:41.65 Jala And arrogant agrees and Fidelity grabs the emperor and then makes a run for it because he was faking him out. You know, he's really just he's, you know, his Fidelity is to the emperor, not to arrogant. 02:23:53.32 Daniel Yeah, which is which makes a lot of sense for his character. 02:23:53.75 Jala So Yes, absolutely. So he ends up assembling some soldiers into a defensive formation and kind of holding up in one little corner with the emperor. 02:24:04.85 Jala And he stays over there. He has remained loyal to dominant the whole time and reported arrogance movements back to him. And this this thing about spies, this is dominance thing, his thing. 02:24:15.33 Daniel Yeah. 02:24:16.11 Jala It's his thing. So ah right about then. 02:24:17.75 Daniel There's a reason his name is so strong. 02:24:19.78 Jala Absolutely. So ah right about then is when Medion's army appears and Garvan and Arrogant summon the party healed, or partly healed, Death Helen and her bullsome forces to fight. 02:24:30.53 Jala So during this battle, Yasha appears and informs Garvan that Synbios defeated Fafhard outside of Flagard and that fear killed Fafhard. So you have learned all of the stuff that's going on in Synbios' neck of the woods and that Synbios is undergoing his own meltdown right now. 02:24:41.89 Daniel Mm hmm. 02:24:46.51 Jala um and that Synbios is heading for the Tower of Lookover in order to meet with Duke Pulsus. 02:24:46.51 Daniel Yeah. 02:24:52.09 Jala As Vapard's son Braff desperately wants revenge on Synbios, whom he believes killed his father, Garvan instructs Yasha to have Braff lay siege to Aspia and wait for Synbios there. So you kind of get a tab. And I like that they put these little parts in there because even though you, if you've played scenario one, you already know what's going on with all of this, it helps give you context for what is happening simultaneously as you're going through. 02:25:18.06 Daniel Yeah, you get a good feel for the changes and the things that are evolving through everybody's plot here. 02:25:22.88 Jala Right, right. So arrogant Garvan and Yasha leave to take the Seagate still docked nearby by force and then head to Aspia with the Seagate. 02:25:33.41 Daniel We did kind of gloss over that battle. 02:25:33.75 Jala Meanwhile. 02:25:35.01 Daniel Again, it's not a very memorable battle, um but the only note that I'm going to put in there is that you cannot, um Dominant cannot be attacked. 02:25:35.46 Jala Oh, oh, that's part of the battle. OK. Mm hmm. 02:25:43.95 Jala No. 02:25:44.10 Daniel Him and Federate don't actually have any Hit points hit boxes. They're not actually characters. They're just right strong on the map They're literally background to the to the story there. 02:25:50.09 Jala Mm hmm. 02:25:53.41 Daniel Your main goal is just rush to sarin death. Helen be hen and ah Defeat her she's pretty easy. She has some magic. So be careful. But yeah rush up one of the sides take her out and And those guards if they die if they die the guys guards got it dominant. 02:26:00.74 Jala Mm hmm. Right. Yeah, yeah. 02:26:08.16 Daniel They're just there they respond every every every yeah battle now, so 02:26:12.20 Jala Yeah, they do. They will from now on. I don't really have any notes for this. um At first, I thought, oh man, I have to protect the emperor, and then I realized I didn't have to protect the emperor, and then I just moved on. 02:26:24.87 Daniel Yeah, pretty easy. 02:26:25.27 Jala you know it just so so ah Important note to to have there. so yeah yeah um So, arrogant Carvin and Yasha end up taking your ship, the ship that you had that was still functional, and then go to Aspia. 02:26:39.66 Jala And meanwhile, Medion takes down Death Helen while this is happening in this fight. ah Just before she's killed, or downed, or whatever, Yasha reappears and whisks her away for healing. 02:26:51.02 Jala So, as usual, somebody has to show up. I'm surprised it's not Basanda. 02:26:56.90 Daniel She's busy right now she's dealing with graph she's doing she's dealing with her son Yes 02:26:57.93 Jala She's busy with Synbios. Yeah, yeah. then and bra ah So now that Dominant is safe after this fight, Medion informs his father of the Valkyrae's attack on Destonia. 02:27:09.55 Jala Honesty appears and informs everybody that the Seagate was taken by Arrogant, but Rogan is still trapped in the sinking executor. And I believe this is the point where if, if um ah is this the point where if you have the key or no, no, no, no, that that's a little bit later. 02:27:25.69 Jala That's outside of Saraband a little bit later. We'll we'll get there. 02:27:27.86 Daniel little right outside of Saraband, so this stuff to happen first. 02:27:29.59 Jala Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So rather than rushing back to Destonia to save his country or chase after arrogant, Dominant informs Medion that they are all going to march on Aspia because he wants his land back. He wants the Republic downed, and that's his goal. 02:27:45.41 Daniel Yeah, he's out for blood. 02:27:45.54 Jala so ah Aha, he wants to take advantage of the war between Destonia and Aspia and the infighting in the Republic and recapture that land he lost 20 years ago. Dominant instructs Honesty to deliver a personal letter to Prince Mageron or Majesty back in Destonia. He is familiar with the innovator child Gracia, but reacts with surprise at the mention that Gracia has the staff of Bessim already. So like, Dominant's in the no he was you know. He orchestrated his own kidnapping. 02:28:15.95 Daniel I think he has ties directly with Balsam is what it sounds like. 02:28:15.99 Jala in order to make this. Yeah. 02:28:19.25 Daniel He's not ah as small a player. 02:28:20.01 Jala Oh, yeah. 02:28:20.73 Daniel He was probably in control of a lot of what happened here. 02:28:24.10 Jala Mm-hmm, absolutely is. And like he knows everything. He's got spies in every corner, and you know he's using everything to his advantage. So with no shit, Medion has to pass through Headland to Swampland. 02:28:37.49 Jala On his way out of Saraban, Medion meets Garrosh, who wants to re repay Synbios for freeing him in scenario one, and he joins Medion's army. Or if Garrosh died, Jade will join you in order to meet Synbios again to get revenge for Garrosh, who died. 02:28:52.13 Jala So yeah. 02:28:52.47 Daniel Mm hmm. Yeah. And I had the unfortunate gross being dead at nine. So I ended up with Jade. 02:28:58.94 Jala There you go. I ended up with j2 because the default is that Garrosh died. 02:29:02.58 Daniel Yeah. 02:29:03.69 Jala Outside of Saraband, Medion is met by zero and if zero had the key, Rogan. so ah zero has like if If you get the key, 02:29:14.59 Jala in scenario one, then here is where Rogan gets saved. And if you don't, then Rogan has died. So Synbios obtained the key from fear, handed it off to Zero, who flew to the executor and rescued Rogan just in time. 02:29:20.56 Daniel Yeah. 02:29:29.80 Jala in the best scenario, let's say. So the Republic force then ah comes up against Medion and that fought that force is led by Jade, Garrosh's brother. 02:29:43.15 Jala ah But if you have Jade, it's a random random unit in charge instead, I think. it's It's some other unit. It's not Jade. 02:29:49.79 Daniel Um, actually it's a queen worm. 02:29:52.17 Jala Oh, is is it a queen worm? It's Jade if you um have Garrosh, though, I think. 02:29:58.20 Daniel I'm pretty sure this is the battle where you have to go across. No, I'm thinking further in. Yeah, this would be the battle that you have to deal with, with Jade. 02:30:07.75 Jala Yeah, so ah if if you have Garrosh in your party, Jade is your enemy. 02:30:08.52 Daniel but 02:30:13.64 Jala Jade will not disobey his orders, even if it means killing his own brother. And he does not survive combat um in this case, because if you know one of them has to die canonically. 02:30:23.94 Daniel there There is actually with the Quality of Life updates a way to have both of them happen.