[Show Intro] Jala Hey, thanks for coming! I'm glad you're here. Come on in! Everyone's out on the patio right now. Looks like a couple of people are in the garden. I can't wait to introduce you! Can I get you anything? [turned away] Hey folks, our new guest is here! [Intro music] 00:00.00 Jala and Dave Hello world and welcome to Jala-chan's Place. I'm your hosts Jala Prendes (she/her) and today I am joined by Dave (he/him) and Nick (he/him) hello fellows as a go and it's good to be back. It's been a couple months I think since I've been on. Time is meaningless nick how are you doing. 00:23.24 Nicholas I'm doing very well back quite enthusiastically thanks for having me. Um, yeah I'm feeling I'm feeling amazing in the way that someone who's been running on fumes can only feel so you know I'm doing you know that feeling I'm you know. 00:26.26 Jala and Dave Yeah. 00:35.42 Jala and Dave But oh yes I know that feeling so well, it's like every single episode I'm like how is everybody doing and then it's like it's my turn and I'm like but every time and it's like ah continues to be like the longest year ever of my life. Um. 00:39.52 Nicholas I Feel like I should be dead but I'm not and that feels great. So. 00:54.44 Jala and Dave So but you've been really busy with some Youtube stuff so that's very cool. 00:58.40 Nicholas I yeah, it's been a really great time I'm kind of ah going full bore into it like treating it like a full time thing starring this Monday because literally just today I got the Patreon set up and the community discord set up and you know. Doing some writing all this ah all these other things I want to do and so you know it's good I'm an app start treating it like a real job. You know this week and that's going to be interesting. So but you know I love to do it. It's something I love doing. But you know it's not a concept I'm used to since. You know, just wasn't doing it that way before. 01:34.98 Jala and Dave Yeah, and it does take some ingesting but at the same time I have absolute faith that you will do a wonderful job. So ah, tell listeners if you will at the top of this episode. What your Youtube is all about and what your Patreon is since you know. 01:50.25 Nicholas Sure, um, well you can find the well the Youtube channel is called a stylish moonborn stylish has three s's and Moonborne has an e at the end like a bloodborne virus or illness and um it is a channel where i. Primarily cover action games like Bayonetta or metal gear rising or some off the wall stuff like ah Mamadora and the point is that I kind of play these games at their high difficulty level in a kind of like teaching sort of way I kind of play these games in long form and i. Explain how they work to the audience as I play in real time and it's just kind of a real fun time I do some goofy stuff on there I do some stylo stuff on there. You'll see a combination of the best gameplay you've ever seen along with the worst flops imaginable and that's all by intention. And ah, it's really a great time I did ah finally set up a patreon for people who'd like to support me there. The ah url is the exact same as the Youtube channel so it's stylish moonborn three s's and any at the end of moonborn and on top of that we've started a community discord if you ah go to the Youtube channel and look at any of the videos. You can find the link to that in the description. 03:04.42 Jala and Dave Woohoo, and of course ah we will have all of those links in the show notes as well for folks so shout out at the top of this episode to. Ah, fireart. Media's supporter Greg Aka Soulblazer so if you enjoy s and es games check out the sandnes podcast which he hosts I was on once to talk about chronome trigger so that was my my guest appearance the one time that I was on there for an s and es thing. Um. I came to the s and nes at the end of its life cycle. So um I didn't play a whole lot on that but he and his co-host Joe know their stuff and you can be like Greg and others by going to kofi.com/Jala and Dave. It's Ko Hyphen F I dot com fireart media and kick us a few bucks to help keep the lights on you can also check out the monthly patronage tears and now back to the show we are talking today about Kris and Kris three which are the second and third movies. In the k Krrish series after Koyil Gaia which was episode seventeen seventeen oh was it that far oh episode 12 good lord. Okay I had it in the notes episode 12 boy that was a long time ago. Oh okay. 04:13.84 Nicholas I believe it was 10 if I'm not mistaken. 04:27.38 Jala and Dave So so over double double the episodes later. We finally got back to the rest of it and and Nick was also on that episode as was Dave this is the same cast of folks who were talking about that one now the original the first movie Kuimil gaia very different from these 2 movies. Ah it. Was so different and was trying to be about 7 different movies in one that we basically just did a plot rundown and that's about all we did on that episode because it was just wild trying to get you from point a to point z because there were a bunch of random tangents that just go off in directions and you never know. But that movie's going to do but some Krrish and Krrish 3 are both far more linear particularly Krrish 3 which is basically an x-men movie but made in bollywood so we will be talking about those today. So ah, the. Plot of Kris just to go ahead and tackle that first one that movie was first brought out in 2006 and it follows the story of Rohit Meta's son so rohit is a character who in koymilgaa. Was developmentally challenged and it's a very wild story but he ends up contacting aliens because his father a space scientist built a special computer to do this and he contacts aliens and an alien comes to earth. 06:02.95 Jala and Dave He becomes friends with it and it gives him superpowers and so the alien heals Rohit's mind and also gives him all of these super strength and all this other stuff as well. So ah, the alien leaves and rohit. Is left at the end of the movie with his happy ending with his girlfriend who eventually he ends up marrying and at the start of Krrish which is movie number 2 it goes from Krrish to Krrish 3 there is no Krrish to ah, there's the number 1 question on Google what isishris to and it's like no Krrish is. Is number 2 in this series for some reason um the numbering makes no sense. But. 06:43.56 Nicholas I Thought we were skipping it because it wasn't good. Did I do something wrong. 06:50.87 Jala and Dave It's it's a lot of nonsense and um, yeah, it's very puzzling Koyilgaia K Krrish Krrish 3 okay, why not? So um, actually here's a fun fact the original name of the Krrish movie was supposed to be Koy Tomsa naheen which is no one equal to you and that title remains the name of a song in the movie so they were going to go with like coy naming naming conventions and ended up changing their minds and then just calling it Krrishtian instead. So. 07:22.57 Nicholas I'm going to be real I actually kind of prefer that title when I read that in your notes I was like that's such a cooler name. Why didn't they stick with that. 07:31.60 Jala and Dave That's a very good question because now they just keep on getting number 1 hit on Google like where's Krrishish to you know? So um, but anyway at the beginning of this movie both ah rohit and his wife have died. We find out the rohit. Had and gone on to become like an internationally known scientist who was recruited to help with you know this this corporation that wanted to make a computer that would ah tell the future so that the world could. Avoid major disasters like big floods and other things like that and like prepare for these things so he was told and he ends up passing away. There's an accident at the lab and he dies and his wife nisha dies in Childbirth. So this leaves Krishna the sun with. Ah, rohit's mother sonnya who is of course his grandmother and his grandmother has suspected foul play in the death of rohi accurately I will say that's that we're going to be talking about the whole movie here. So accurately. Ah Rohit actually was killed. We'll get into that later and so. Ah, Grandma takes Krish and Krishna rather and goes to the country and has a house built out way far away from everybody else because she is like I'm going to hide his talents and his abilities from the world. 09:01.24 Jala and Dave Because I don't want him to end up the same way that my son did because the world used him and he died on account of you know, somebody else. So we start the movie with a scene where Krishna is racing his white horse and. It shows him like there's there's a time lapse between Krishna as a young young boy and then Krishna as a young man and they really make sure to get like the flowing hair and you know all the oiled muscles and stuff like that to show all of that off as he's racing this horse. And become so fast that he can jump on the horse's back and you know skip over it and win the race against this horse because he's got super strength and all these muscles and flowing panteen pro v hair and you know I was surprised. There wasn't a product placement for shampoo. But anyway, um. There's product placements for everything else. So anyway, that's where we start this movie. 10:05.10 Nicholas Yeah I will say that the 1 thing I found interesting about the beginning of Krrish is that it's so it's so relentlessly dedicated to kind of like inverting the beginning of Koyil Gaia that almost feels like the same just for how much it's the opposite if that makes sense so you know you'll you start out with kind of the story of him being in school and then hit and then ah you know his his grandma getting called to the you know to the teacher's office to tell him. Oh hey, there's something strange about. Ah. About Krishna but instead of you know, revealing that oh you're you know your your soner in this case, your grandson has you know a brain injury and said it's oh no, he's like super smart and it ends up following quite a few of the same beats in. That we're in kuilgaia in the early parts of the movie but like inverted with instead of oh um, this boy has challenges because you know he's because you know because he has a brain injury instead. It goes with oh well, this boy is kind of being hidden away from the world for. Literally because he's too smart and he still has some of the same struggles. He still feels lonely and suppressed and so on. 11:26.82 Jala and Dave Right? right? and that is definitely intentional. They even have the same like head master guy come back for the same role in this one as was in um, koy milgaya so that is. You know, definitely like an intentional move on their part to just show you right at the very very beginning of the movie that this Krishna is very much all of the things that his father was unable to be but should have been as like the son of this. World renowned space scientist who made this computer that could you know contact aliens or whatever so it definitely is is setting that up for real just you know mirroring absolutely and like you can even see in the actress who play Sonia ah the grandmother. You can see in the way that she's carrying herself that she's like tensing up when she's called to the headmaster's office and she's just like oh no, don't tell me, it's the same as rohit and he's like no no, no, no, no, this is the opposite actually. Why don't you send him to school in a bigger city and she's like no I will not you know and she flat out says it in the beginning of the movie like I don't want you know Krishna to be used the way rokit was. 12:48.56 Nicholas Yeah I I will say like like Sony I really like Sony in the first movie but Sonia in this movie is just so very good. Both like as a performance and a character like she like I don't know if I'll say that she's my favorite but she did just kind of like There is something extremely sympathetic and strong about her that I appreciate in this movie in particular. 13:13.83 Jala and Dave Well, she's had to deal with so much through both her son and her grandson that she doesn't she doesn't particularly get a lot of screen time in this like 3 hour long running movie. It's just in the first quarter or so but you get more depth of her character I think. More than anyone else. Um, simply because you've we've seen her for you know 4 hours at this point. Yeah for sure and um, we should also mention that. 13:38.39 Nicholas Yeah. 13:47.46 Jala and Dave Krishna is played by rusi groshan who also played rohit in the first movie so he plays both the role of rohit the father and Krishna the son so that is definitely a thing so the whole first half of this movie hour and a half long segment is basically. Another telling of the stories of Lord Krishna or you know like a spin that would be relatable to Lord Krishna's tales. Um from when he was a boy. So. In that way. Not only is he the namesake of but then they spend half the movie setting up how much like Lord Krishna this guy is and so um, that is I feel pretty important because even though he was born um and then quickly brought. Out into this rural area. He is kind of naive but he is not at all stupid. He is very aware like he's not just book smart. He's smart in the way that he is aware of when people are trying to trick him and things like that and able to deal with that and still allow. Grace to the people who are doing these things and in this way that's really really mature. 15:07.34 Nicholas I I find it interesting I was actually going to mention something regarding this is that the beginning of the movie goes out of its way to show that you know Krishna is highly intelligent in like you know a book smart way. You know the way rohit was after he got. Powers from jadu but then it but then like it don't I can't think of a single time where that book smartness hast mattered in the entirety of Krish or Krrishtiany after that it seems to be more of this kind of like extremely high like social and emotional intelligence like you point out. 15:46.11 Jala and Dave Right? right? because since Rohit is really the embodiment of the book smart and even though rohit technically still has the super strength and stuff. Um, when you see that character again because ah rohit does come back in both Krish and Krish 3 15:46.65 Nicholas And said. 16:04.64 Jala and Dave Um, so spoiler he didn't actually die Um, in either case, like even though he comes back. He is never using his super strength even though he has it. He is only ever being basically the same character he was before but super smart. 16:22.20 Nicholas Yeah, that was that was another thing that I kind of noticed that was it. It almost felt like a soft erect con in a weird way intentionally or otherwise where it's like oh both these care except like except that the recon happens in the same movie for some reason like. 16:23.75 Jala and Dave You know book smart. 16:40.47 Nicholas Where it's kind of like established that yes, both of them are highly intelligent and both them have superpowers. But for the most part we only really see we really only see Krishna using like the superpowers you know plus his high emotional intellect. But then we see rohi. Literally only ever using his high intelligence life throughout the second and third movie here. 17:05.74 Jala and Dave And that's something I think where Krishna has the book smarts. He doesn't need to use them because he's out in the countryside and that's more where he's he's learning and developing like social awareness whereas that something that ah la heat. Didn't have the chance to do because he was basically only hanging out with kids for 20 years and not other adults that were his biological age so he he came later in life to that ability to start doing that. 17:38.82 Nicholas Yeah, and I think it highlights just how how much the superpowers have affected his intelligence as well because Krishna at least the way I read it unless I'm mistaken in this movie is he's also portrayed as being very very very lonely. So like we do see him like interacting with some adults in the beginning of this movie but the way he kind of like expresses his angst to his grandmother in parts of the movie kind of like implied to me that oh yeah, he's still really lonely and doesn't have anyone so for him to kind of like develop this. High social intelligence anyway, kind of says lot. 18:18.33 Jala and Dave Um, yeah, and Krishna is as close as you're going to get without being outright stated as an avatar of Shri Krishna like the god so his character arc is doing. The origin kind of stories of Krishna aside from like having a bunch of milkmade lady friends but he's he's the precocious child. He's the impetuous youth. He's doing things in that way. But ah. 18:44.53 Nicholas M. 18:50.11 Jala and Dave Has I think a little bit more grasp on like social niceties. Um, which you would think wouldn't really be the case because he's kind of a goofball but then all a sudden. He's not like he still he still maintains that playfulness but it's I can't say it's a facade. But it feels real close to being one roll heat is definitely like a little um, you know prankster if you will like he's always just like always having fun giggling about somebody else doing something. Goofy you know and like he will play little tricks on people and things like that. So he's kind of like impish in that way and that was rohee's character in the first one and Krishna he in in the movie in the first part of the movie where we see him out in. You know, basically the woods and you know out in the fields and and pastures and whatever. Um the the way that he ends up getting pulled into becoming a superhero which is actually what happens in this movie. Um, he is out in the woods one day and then he sees a parachute coming down from I don't. Know where somewhere and it happens to be a girl who is parachuting out of a I don't know she just skydiveed or if she was hang I don't know what was going on. But either way she ends up getting tangled up in a tree and then ends up. So. 20:14.59 Jala and Dave How unhooked from her apparatus and starts falling and Krishna happens to come along right about that time and saves her life and then he disappears like lets her down onto the ground safely. There's this magical floating in the air segment where everything is flowing. It's nice. Um in that surreal. You know, kind of way that would only happen for a character like Krishna and then he runs away when everybody else comes because she's part of a camping party that is out there from Singapore. And they are just out in the country to go camping or clamping rather I mean um, they're all dressed up super fancy and um, you know, not like for camping you know they look like they're just going out to a block party or whatever. But um, anyway, then he decides to. 20:59.23 Nicholas Um. 21:05.97 Jala and Dave Ah, start pranking them along with one of his friends and has his friend tell everybody that oh there's a ghost named Kali Sharan and you know he's here trying to look for his lost love and he thinks that you pria are that lost love and so he keeps on popping up. And then like helping her or otherwise saying hi and then disappearing so everybody else misses seeing him and he you know like everybody thinks that Priya is just like losing her mind. She's just you know in so much pain or whatever that she just got bobbled you know can Bob discombobulated and. You know doesn't know what she's talking about until finally Krish like or Krishna reveals himself and then ends up joining the campers for lots of fun for various days. Um, until it's time for everybody to go home at that time you know he says goodbye to priya and everybody else. And then you know then he starts feeling heartbroken and sad because he has fallen in love with Priya and Priya has gone back home to Singapore. 22:12.62 Nicholas I will say that the one read I do have also about how like we said before like Krishna is really kind of ah a prankster in this whole first you know quarter of the movie or so right is. Because because this whole ghost thing is a bit that goes on for a weirdly long time and like the only real the the only real read I got on it is that like as much as this trope you know, kind of sucks in my opinion. The only the only thing I can think of is that it's sort of like a oh well boys tease the girl they like type. 22:28.53 Jala and Dave This is known. 22:46.21 Nicholas You know thing you know like that was the kind of a beat I got on it like he found a cute girl. He wants her attention. He's going to pretend. He's a ghost. 22:54.42 Jala and Dave I Think he also kind of just got sucked into that it wasn't like an intentional. Oh I'm just going to do this thing and they kept going with it. They do he and his his buddy because his buddy is the tour guide for the camp bears and it seems like they've they've done this. 23:07.24 Nicholas E. 23:12.46 Jala and Dave Kind of thing to try to get drum up business like tourism business and because this is what gets his buddy paid. Um, so they kind of goof around with campus just to kind of get more people to have fun and and keep coming to the village. Um, only this time he's a little older and now he's like fallen in love. 23:18.40 Nicholas All right. 23:31.10 Jala and Dave Ah, there's a bit of gas lighting going on but it's not as much on his part. It's more like her friends like messing with her saying that she's seeing things and once he realizes like that that that's affecting her he you know he steps forward it like hey um I'm not actually a ghost. 23:46.55 Nicholas That that's actually a really good point I didn't think of. 23:52.26 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, so it's really important that he does come forward and confess and go yeah my bad actually and then you know is just like well let's let's have a good time for the rest of this time that you know we're out here out here together. But um, after she leaves. 24:00.49 Nicholas Um. 24:09.13 Jala and Dave It's really important to know that priya at this point is like oh yeah, he's fun but like she's not feeling like oh boy I'm head over heels in love with this guy. You know like she doesn't seem to care you know at all about that. But ah meanwhile Krishna is so. You know over the moon about her that you know when priya and her friend honey. Go back to singapore they are late getting back from their trip and because it's by several days. It's kind of like it made me think and it's not something stated in the movie. And made me think that when Krishna revealed himself they ended up dallying and staying longer than intended because they were having so much fun with Krishna ah, that's not actually stated in the in the movie at any point. But I think that's kind of what happened anyway. Um. They are both fired from their job at like a Tv station because they took too long getting back home and Priya's friend honey says oh wait but wait. We met a super boy out in the woods and we're going to bring him and he's going to be a big star and that's how you know you need to keep us on the payroll so that we can get this guy here and we were scouting him we were working when we were out there see and then manages to beg their jobs back from their boss who is kind of. 25:35.22 Jala and Dave Feels like ah the lady from Devil Wears Prada you know like has that kind of an air to her. Um, and so like it so turns out that honey then is like here priya read this call Krishna and read this piece of paper I have put in front of your face and basically it's like a script. Saying oh I can't eat or sleep and thenrna is like me either and this that and the other like basically making his sound like Priya is in love with him and wants him to come to Singapore to meet her mom so that they can get married and so Krishna is like yes this is the thing I'm going to go and Pria is like what. What is all this you know like I I didn't sign up for any of this. Um, in either case, they send him a plane ticket and he ends up butting heads with his grandmother Sonia because. Of course she doesn't want him to go. She doesn't want him to be in civilization. She doesn't want him to leave because she knows what happened to rohit or you know suspects what happened to rohit. 26:37.89 Nicholas And yeah I will say that this whole like setup for the plot with a pria and kind of like you know her and honey kind of like so basically kind of scheming together like you know it feels like I guess out like a get rich quick scheme but this is like. Them kind of like scheming to get more I guess clout at their job and by more clout I mean literally having jobs as opposed to not having jobs but like I think kind of highlights a very big difference in the dynamic between um Krishna and Priya Versus ah rohi and nisha where in the first movie whereas ah with rohi and Nisha Nitha was kind of like the more mature and patient one while you know rohi was kind of like you know, learning all these things about himself and how to handle his relationship with her. Whereas in this movie priya comes off as I guess like a lot more petty and I don't want to use this word because it seems kind of ungenerous but she seems to be like just like a bit less mature than niia was in comparison in a lot of ways. So like she's kind of playing on. She's kind of play. She's kind of got the part. The side of this dynamic with um Krishna where she's the more kind of like ah she's like the more petty one but but Krishna is the one like like we've established before he's the one who's kind of cool and collected. You know he's emotionally intelligent. He's kind of in control of every situation. 28:12.70 Nicholas So it feels kind of like a reversal of the dynamic. 28:17.39 Jala and Dave Yeah, it is a bit um but it also what that does is priya is not. She's not really a likable character. Um, now it is on part of honey that this whole thing got started. But she just keeps going with it and knowing full. Well that she's like playing with someone's emotions in order to like get a profit so that already not that's even making her petty but that isn't making her likable there. There's no. Real chemistry between the 2 of them and there doesn't really have to be because that's not what the relationship was like predicated on it's already like a made up one in the first place whereas with um, ah rohit and um nisha. Like they genuinely like liked each other The only question which we discussed in the the previous episode was that it's nisha falling in love with someone who has the intellect of a child and that it raised its own questions at the time but this doesn't have this is a more even relationship they're on more even footing. Ah, despite Krishna being like tricked and I I will definitely say like Priya definitely Krishna and priya do not have the chemistry that rohit and nisha do at all. Um, at least you know does not come across for me and. 29:28.83 Nicholas So yeah, that's true. So. 29:44.65 Jala and Dave I don't like Bria like I just flat don't like the character I also don't like honey but like honey has no like she her only stake in this is I need to save my job so you know like she could care less about her friends. She could care less about Krishna. So I mean she's pretty crap ola. But. You know also Priya just like goes along with all this stuff and like the first time that I watched Krrish through we were was in a watch party and we were watching this movie and then suddenly like there's this one scene where. Krishna is coming on real hard He's got the smolder eyes and he's like I will take care of you. What if my mom asks what your job is my job is to love you every single day like all all of everything and it's super melty and she's just She's maybe starting to like him but like she's she's rebuffing him at every turn and it's just like when he's just right there and he is just so open and honest and patient and caring. It's like all of us were like I'll marry him forget you priya I will marry him. Yeah priya get out of the way I'm want to push you down the water slide. 30:50.82 Nicholas Ah. 30:54.60 Jala and Dave I will marry Krrish yeah yeah, so I mean like that's that's the volume of of like what what he's bringing versus what she's doing which is just terrible and so I mean to a certain extent at first I was like. 30:56.70 Nicholas Um. 31:10.52 Jala and Dave Well I mean he did play a big trick on her for a whole several days during the camping trip. So I mean like they both were doing this crap to each other but like he stopped when he realized it was a bad thing to do and she kept on with it and that's the the big problem here. 31:26.12 Nicholas I did not realize that took place over several days which makes it way funnier in my opinion. 31:33.70 Jala and Dave Well, there were like campfire stories and things like that going on so there were at least 2 or 3 days that it was going on. Yeah, they were on vacation but they were they were late to get back to work by eight days like I don't know. 31:35.77 Nicholas Yeah. 31:42.58 Nicholas That's very good. 31:49.14 Nicholas Oof. 31:49.72 Jala and Dave Yes, they were fired but they should have like been given that noticed while they didn't come back for eight days yeah Yeah so um, in any case Krishna and Krishna's grandmother they have a whole um buttting of heads and that's when you really see. Krishna open up and be honest with her and instead of just being the dutiful good grandson. He's like you have held me hear this whole time. You've never let me go and leave the village I'm not allowed to do this and that I don't have any friends you know I don't have. You know this and that and I really want to go to Singapore and you don't want to let me I want to marry priya. Well you can bring you know Priya can come back here and marry you here I want to go I need to meet her mom blah blah blah and you know like he's opening up a lot of ah complex emotions that you don't otherwise see. At all in either movie either of the 2 like Krrish or Krrish 3 you don't see these emotions anywhere else because he's always like keeping them inside. He's not really airing them to anybody. So ah, that's a really dramatic scene and it kind of echoes like when. Rohet was you know having a tiff with his mom too because you know like he was telling her all of his situation and like just people just not communicating 100%. What's going on because like then of course Grandma says. 33:26.13 Jala and Dave Like you don't even understand I'm trying to protect you I lost my son I lost my daughter in law you are all I have in the entire World. You are my world I don't want you to be hurt you know and then they have like a ah kind of meeting together and. You know they they they apologize and you know they they have their heartwarming moment in all of that and you know she says okay Fine. You can go but promise me that you will hide your abilities. Don't show off. Don't let anybody see what you can do because that's a bad thing to do. People will use you for that and that's a very important promise that sets up like what happens in the rest of the movie and it's a promise that um, he he keeps like he doesn't disobey that that one edict go ahead. 34:09.92 Nicholas Yeah. 34:19.96 Nicholas Oh sorry? Yeah um I will say that scene really hurt to watch just because you know like I said I love Sonia in this movie and on top of that it was just one of those kind of like sad scenarios where you know wrote where sorry, not Rohe. Um. Ah, Krrishtiania's pain you know was very very real. But also I couldn't really blame Sonia for what she was doing like at least I get at the heart of matters either. You know. 34:46.78 Jala and Dave Right? And the thing is is that her reasoning behind trying to hide him from the world is sound because I guess we can go ahead and say this at this point. Um, ah we find out later on in the movie that rohit is still alive and he's been held in like stasis. Um, and experimented on apparently for years and years since um, like for however, old Krishna is which we have no idea how old he is but he's like a grown ass man by this point. Um, you know for all the like twenty plus years he has been experimented on and held in stasis. By the doctor who originally hired him the reason why he like he was potentially supposed to be killed in the first place ah is because the guy who was contracting him to make the supercomputer wanted. To use it to basically become god to predict the future and use that to his own ends and for his own gain and the only reason why rohit did not get killed is because the password to open up the machine in the first place. Is a scan of both rohit's hand and his eye so he has to be alive for that machine to work rohet before he's killed or before he's ah got the hit. You know the people coming after him. Ah he wrecks the supercomputer that he spent all this time working on and so. 36:17.39 Jala and Dave Over the past twenty years or whatever that doctor and his team have been trying to rebuild the computer from roheat's notes while keeping him in stasis so that they can use him to unlock it once they get it back up and running. 36:31.37 Nicholas And 1 thing I want to I want to further clarify based on what you just said when when you say like use the computer to become like god and see the future. It's quite literal like it is a computer designed to see the future like you see like you like you see the characters looking at the screen and they'll see like things that are happening 10 minutes later or whatever somehow. 36:55.29 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, it's basically like more or less. It's like cerebro kind of you know? um. 37:01.67 Nicholas It's it's the kind of like it's the kind of like fucking bullshit like you know, power of science thing in the same way that like in avengers end game when Tony Stark like quote solves the. Solves the algorithm for time travel. It gave me that similar feeling where it's like ah yes with the power of science. We can literally create a portal to see the future. 37:23.57 Jala and Dave Well, and also the thing that makes me giggle constantly about this entire series is that rohet's intelligence like super intelligence. It's just like he's a science guy right? He is the son of a space scientist which that's a very technical term said in english that is used in the first movie. Ah, for his father but also then he goes off to build a supercomputer but then in the third one he's working on biologics and ends up making like vaccines and stuff because all science is the same right? like if he gave he could do one of them sure he can do everything I mean why? not. 37:55.76 Nicholas Um, it's like it. 38:00.66 Nicholas He's like the professor in Gilligan's island in that way where like the professor is an expert in whatever technical smart sounding thing. He needs to be for that episode. 38:00.73 Jala and Dave So. 38:10.86 Jala and Dave Yeah, pretty much pretty much. So um, when Krishna goes to Singapore to go get Pria and all of that um priya and honey are setting it up to where he's supposed to be recorded and on Tv. Showing off his powers like oh he can climb this tree faster than a monkey and Krishna sees. What's being done right? He notices that this is happening and then he you know does because he can also talk to animals because of course he can. So um, you know he gets the monkey to goof off and just basically refuse to do anything and and all this other mess so that he doesn't have to try to show off his powers and then like they wanted to do another cut where he was grabbing fish out of the water with his bare hands because that's a thing he did when they were camping. And instead of doing that he reaches into the water and then just starts pulling out trash you know because he's in ah you know Singapore so like there's trash and stuff in there. So um, he's doing that kind of thing and that's not something that they can air on Tv that would be impressive to people. So. Ah, he's foiling there every move every time. 39:26.37 Nicholas Ah, 1 other thing I want to point out just just briefly backtracking for just a moment that I love is when they when they make the transition of Krishna going to Singapore the transition they use is literally you see like a beat of sweat. Trailing down his face and the camera zooms in on the beat of sweat and the reflection of the beat of sweat becomes him going to Singapore while like the epic Krrishtian Krrishtian plays it is one of the funniest and wildest transitions I've ever seen in a movie. 39:57.92 Jala and Dave And they also time that whole bit for the intermission of the movie. So like then it goes to the intermission where you see Krrish because you're like oh snap second half the movie. Maybe he'll start actually being krishnail you know and it's like no it takes so. 40:13.60 Nicholas Um. 40:14.30 Jala and Dave Wow he's like Krrish at the very end of the movie. Basically um, he's not Krrish nearly ah for for very long in this thing. So. 40:23.20 Nicholas It's very early 2000 superhero movie rules. You have to spend 2 thirds of the movie with the person out of their suit and then if you're lucky, you'll get them in the suit like doing the cool shit for the past like for the last 40 minutes or whatever. 40:38.50 Jala and Dave And this was 2006 so that tracks. But um, so so yeah, like he is foiling the plots of priya and honey and they're about to lose their job again. Um, meanwhile Krish Krishna has met a man named Krrishtian. 40:40.12 Nicholas Yeah. 40:55.77 Jala and Dave Who is a stunt guy and otherwise like a martial artist who works for the circus and he sees this guy out on the street performing as a street performer to get money together to help his little sister who's in a wheelchair and has to have some kind of an unnamed operation. We don't know what's wrong with her. But she has to have an operation and it's a sad time because she's in a wheelchair. So um, he Krrishtian the martial artist guy ends up hurting himself and all the crowd starts to walk away and of course the little girl looks crushed so Krishna sees that and then. Picks up one of the swords and starts doing martial arts because he watched Krrishtian do it and then was able to do it in like 2 seconds because you know he's super smart and you know has all these different powers. So then he gets a lot of money earned and becomes friends with Krrishtian. And Krrishtian says well I work at the Bombay Circus here's some tickets come see me there and so Krishna takes pria to the circus and that's where the origin story of superhero Krish comes in. 42:04.28 Nicholas 1 thing I want to point out about that scene I find interesting with the girl in the wheelchair is that one a detail we glazed over from earlier in the movie is that after priya falls and during this whole like ghost routine that Krishna is doing There's a scene where she's in bed and like I think her ankle is sprained from the fall that she had and there's a scene where Krista sinks up on her and you see him literally just like grab her foot and like bend it in emotion and it just heals it completely like you know, just like like it like like she's and then and then and then so like. 42:34.25 Jala and Dave Yeah, he does some kind of like. 42:40.30 Nicholas We see that he has this ability to heal people at least to an extent but then he literally never ever uses that power ever again, including on this girl with the wheel in a wheelchair who he clearly cares about and wants to help like you know he goes out of his way to do this whole Sword. You know sword dance routine but Like. It's like the movie completely forgot that he apparently could heal people to any degree because. 43:01.38 Jala and Dave Well I kind of think that like what he was doing with Priya's ankle was like chiropractic or something and like that's not going to help somebody who's like in a wheelchair he just was like resetting something or or whatever is what that came across to he asked Dave what do you think? Yeah, maybe she had the sprained her. 43:07.15 Nicholas All right. 43:20.41 Jala and Dave Partially can you dislocate your ankle I don't think you can um, but it's sprained then he just like res sorts it versus like she has maybe a disease. Yeah, just like magic hand that away. Yeah yeah. 43:32.99 Nicholas Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, not not to um, not a cinema sends it but that was a detail I thought which is a bit kind of funny. 43:38.27 Jala and Dave Oh yeah yeah, I mean like the thing is is that the powers that came from jaddu are not 100 % explained but like rohet can't heal anybody so I don't think that Krishna can either I think he did some kind of like you know, chiropractic or something and and. Just like popped it back into place or whatever you know now. So we get to the Bombay Circus they are enjoying the performance. There's like a dance number because of course there is and then a fire breaks out and all the people are trampling out and. 43:56.73 Nicholas Yeah, that that that's a good practical explanation. 44:14.96 Jala and Dave Several people just left their kids like bye and all of these children are just trapped in this circus tent crying because everybody left them in there and so after priya and. Krishna leave Krishna's like oh snap I need to help them. But I also have to protect my identity so he flips his trench coat inside out and then grabs a broken mask that he finds somewhere and shoves that on his face and it just sticks by magic and then he jumps into the. Circus tent and starts rescuing children left and right and then one of the kids is like who are you and I'm like I'm sorry if if I was in a tent and I was like suffocating because there's no oxygen in there and it's freaking hot I wouldn't be like who are you I'd be like I don't care who you are get me out of here but they had to have the moment where the girl says. Who are you and then he starts saying Krishna but then he's like oh crap I can't say my real name so he says kr friend I'm a friend you know and so she reports to the news that Krrish saved her and so you know that. Becomes his superhero name because he almost let slip his actual name. So he said Krrish but um, he he runs away he does this and then he comes back and then you know is pretending to pria like oh wow I'm glad something happened that helped everything. That's great. You know, um. 45:41.11 Jala and Dave But there was a video camera Nick. 45:47.44 Nicholas Yeah, yeah, um, a video camera. Um, so well well this kind of comes up later. You want to bring it up now or yeah, okay so um, so ah Priya had a camera with her that you know I guess she was using to like you know film the circus. 45:52.41 Jala and Dave Bring it up now because we're on it. 46:05.20 Nicholas And when the fire broke out she ah, kind of passed out. But apparently her camera was still recording and there is a very brief window where Krishna Reaches down to put the mask on where his face is in full view of this camera as he puts the mask on you can just see his face and it. Pretty clearly shows that he is Krrish and that's gonna be that's Goingnna kind of come to buy him in the in the oscillator in the movie. 46:29.43 Jala and Dave Right? right? because after that then it's on the news everywhere. Oh Krrish Krrish you know did this thing and it you know became a big deal on the news and then Pria and honey's boss is like I want to know who Krrish is don't you know I don't care about your wonder boy I care about Krrish and so. Priya and honey are like we're going to have to expose Krish and that's when that comes into play is at this point you know they hatch another scheme where this time priya is going to be walking with Krishna because they know Krishna is Krish and. They're going to have some hired actors come up pretending to be thugs to Harass Priya so that Krishna steps in and tries to save her but they're going to do it at a certain place where they have a bunch of cameramen posted so that they can get it all on camera and show the world who Kris really is. So they're walking down the street. The cameras are in place. It's right about that time and then some thugs come up and so priya is like oh help save me and they go and they mug her and take her ring and then go away and you know Krishna. Starts to intercede but then he sees all the cameras and everything. So then he lets himself, get beat up and so that happens and he is like oh crap somebody's trying to record me again. So I'm just not going to show my powers. It turns out that those were actual thugs not the hired thugs. 48:02.20 Jala and Dave So Whoops on. 48:03.38 Nicholas And there is a wild exchange that happens right after this where where priya you knows she's she's basically crying she you know she like obviously she's not saying this is the reason but she clearly feels guilty because she set this up or so she thought and then you know Krishna gets beat up. And she's kind of like seeing they're crying and she's and she says why didn't you fight back and of course Krishna you know he just has to think up of an excuse right? for you know why? he didn't fight back and what he says is I wanted to see if you would care if I was in pain and. It's it's kind of funny for how terrible of an excuse it is but holy shit imagine imagine your boyfriend saying this to you in real life. What a red flag is. 48:54.50 Jala and Dave Um, and I why Don think that that was a made up excuse. He's he's he knows what she's doing and he's upset about it and he's trying to figure out if she actually cares about him or she's just using him so that's where that comes from and also the thieves that came by stole the ring that he. 49:00.65 Nicholas Ah, well me. 49:09.63 Nicholas Yeah, that's right, That's right. 49:09.98 Jala and Dave He gave her and then he's like oh I need you need to get that back right? So right? after that whole scenario happens. He goes full crush and he goes after the thugs who took Pria's ring and there's this whole scene where he's going up against like a biker gang and like doing all these. Wild flips and in stuff in the air and like unrealistically doing stuff on like the motorcycles as he's fighting all of these guys off and because even though Singapore is large um, everything has to happen within like a ah one block radius. Ah, Krrishtian his friend from the circus happens to be coming by at this time and so the news has been saying hey if the person who is Krish comes forward. We will give you a reward so after the thugs have gone away and he's got his ring back Krishna goes up to Krrishtian. When he's got the mask in his hand and then hands it to Krrishtian and says you be Krrishtian you be Krrishtian and get that reward because that money will help your sister. And so he hands it off and he's pretty much done with being Krrishtian at this point he he's like okay I need to to settle down because I don't need to be exposed I'm in team Krrishtian and Krrishtian like they should have got together right? They were so. 50:25.60 Nicholas Here. Yeah, they should have I I I do want to say that Krrishtian I thought was an especially good part of this movie like his performance was very charming. He just had he has a really like. 50:33.99 Jala and Dave Much better together than priya and Krishna. 50:47.18 Nicholas His really pleasing facial expressions. Just fun to watch. There's a there's a little interaction I love in this scene where when you know Krrishtian kind of walks up and sees Krrish who has taken his mask off for no reason just to kind of like to be or not to be himself. You know, looking at the mask or whatever. Um. And you know Krrishtian sees it and he's like all like wide eyed and happy like like a little boy and he he says he says I will tell everyone and then and then Krrishtian is like no don't and then Krrishtian's like but why like he's so mystified that as to why. Would want to keep that a secret and like and every single line I just relate to that he says he says it with like the most like exaggerated and wide expression in the universe and it's just really fun to watch. Yeah. 51:35.83 Jala and Dave Well and it's just so so Joyous and so just just happy and celebratory and like recognizing that his friend is just that cool. You know protect the precious child. Yeah, don't ah. 51:44.41 Nicholas Um, yeah, it's like being friends with y'all. 51:52.81 Jala and Dave Ah, you're so sweet. So yeah, and and Dave's Dave's comment protect the precious child. Yeah poor Krrishtian gets like the shortest end of the stick and like of anything that happens in in these movies like ah okay first and foremost what happens to rohit in the third movie. 52:01.33 Nicholas Oh man. 52:10.75 Jala and Dave Makes me so sad and devastated but like in this one. The worst thing that ever happened is what happened to Krrishtian because you feel some really like some strong feels for Krrishtian in my opinion in this movie and so he because of course his name is Krrishtian so he could be Krrish you know so like he turns it in he's on. 52:11.35 Nicholas Oh. 52:27.51 Nicholas Um. 52:30.45 Jala and Dave Tv everybody's like you know oh yay and he celebrates it. He gets the money for his sister and then right after that because Krrish has been all over the news and because Dr Aria the bad guy right? before the old supercomputer had been destroyed. Happened to see that his death would come at the hands of this masked man that now is all over the tv he's like well I'm going to kill him and that will keep that future from happening so he sends his assassins out and they kill Krrishtian and so that like his sister. Still alive but like he's killed and it's like this devastating and terrible terrible thing that happens in the middle of this movie and that's what causes Krishna to Don the Krish Mask again because you know right after Krrishtian is killed another character pops up. 53:08.70 Nicholas F. 53:26.48 Jala and Dave Who used to be like good friends with raw heat and um, this would be what's his name seenha sin sing him notming him? um goodness. Yeah I can't think of what his name is he he's been in the whole movie and he's framed as like a bad guy because he's spooky looking. Um, in until it dily reveals that no I'm I'm working for Dr Mera but only because Sinha Sinha and I'm trying to like help the rohi but I can't so I'm just trying to keep him alive. Yeah so what happened is that um, Mr Sinha was like a security guy. And he was really good friends with rohit and when he was in the room with rohit rohit used the computer turned it on showed him that you know the key to open it is rohit's eye in hand and so. They look at the computer and then they see that this hit on rohit's life is coming in like very few minutes and so in the very bare time that they have Mr Senhas says I'm going to go try to stall them and runs out and then rohit. Is trying to break the computer and he is feeling all kinds of feels right? at this time he gets a call from his mom who says Nisha is giving birth to your son and all of that stuff and he sounds really panicked and that's what trips. Ah, Sonia's you know radar going. Oh. 54:55.59 Jala and Dave Something is really wrong with him and then he you know she later gets this call like oh he died in some accident but she's like that doesn't sound right? The way that he was talking on the phone. It sounds like he was killed. It doesn't sound like you know, ah, he wasn't some kind of accident. They do a really good job of like keeping that under wraps for pretty much the whole movie until we see what actually happened we get the phone call in the beginning of the movie but it's just from Sonia's end and it just sounds panicked and then we don't know what happened right? and then so Mr Seenha ah ends up delaying them as as best he can but then they come in and you know they are about like Dr Aria is about to shoot rohit when Mr Sinha says wait wait wait. You can't kill him if you kill him you can't unlock this computer because it's his hand and eye. That open it and so he did that in order to save roheat's life and he's kind of undercover from that point on for like 20 years waiting until he can do something about this, you know like working with Dr Aria knowing that Dr Aria is a bad guy. Hoping to maybe save rohit's life at some point and so he comes to Krishna's door realizing that this is this is Rohit's son and tells him look this doctor has your father he is alive. He's in stasis. 56:26.61 Jala and Dave He's keeping him alive just to use this computer he's about to finish this computer and you need to go and stop him. They do I can't even say it's an inversion because then I thought about it. But so when you see the younger um sinha he has a mustache and then when he's older. And he's clean shaven he looks like a bad guy and I was thinking about it and I was like actually yeah so heroes in indian mythology have fancy mustaches and then if you're a bad guy. You're clean, shaven or like a full beard or something but you don't get just a nice. Very you know well-kept mustache. So I think that that's another indication that watching this from a western point of view like throws it off a little bit right right? So um, there was a whole part in this movie which I don't remember exactly where it falls in. Where Krishna ends up meeting Pria mom and Prie are calling calling. Pria's mom actually calling Priya's house and talks to Pria's mom and pria' mom has no idea who Krishna is and Krishna is like. But I'm here to take her hand in marriage. She's like what you know and has no idea what he's talking about and he keeps that to himself. He doesn't say anything to priya right away he waits until everything comes to like a big head and you know all this other stuff before he unleashes it and says like Priya. You've been using me this whole time. 57:56.70 Jala and Dave You know so. 57:57.59 Nicholas Another another detail about this to keep in mind is that when Krishna first came to Singapore um, prea spun this ah lie that her mother was on like a trip and she was going to be ya for two weeks and 58:08.46 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah. 58:13.65 Nicholas And that and that's why you know Krishna has to stay for such a long time as he wants to wait till her mom gets back and on the same boat call where she's like I've never heard of you. She's he's like oh oh when did you come back through your trip. She's like what what do you mean? I never went anywhere. 58:27.84 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, and then that's when he's like yeah I've just been used this entire time. So but when was it that he was going to leave in all of that was that um right after becoming Krrish or. 58:40.24 Nicholas I I don't all all all I know all I remember is that earlier in the movie when Priya first tells him that lie like he kind of says. Well, what am I going to do for 2 whole weeks and like so like the him. 58:45.68 Jala and Dave That's a chart that's a toughie. 58:57.44 Nicholas So like he was planning to stay the entire time until at least initially until her mom got back from her supposed vacation and of course that was like Priya Pri as hope because you know the longer he's here in Singapore the more chance she has to kind of coax these wonder boy. You know, abilities out of him hit. 59:17.46 Jala and Dave Yeah, so I think he he gets that phone call and then he's trying to check up on what's going on so he goes to the station and that's where he overhears priya and honey. Ah. 59:30.70 Jala and Dave Talking about their their like whole thing. She's like yeah I don't love them I'm just using him for whatever and so he hears that and then that's what tips him off. Um I think before she tries to do the getting kidnapped or not getting kidnapped are you like getting roughed up by the ruffians. 59:34.64 Nicholas Yeah, yeah. 59:45.49 Nicholas Yeah. 59:47.39 Jala and Dave Which would make more sense as to why he would say something like I wanted to know if you gave 2 shits about me or what you know given the fact that he knows all this other stuff. Um, so. 59:56.94 Nicholas Yeah, and and it's interesting throughout this whole thing because it priya isn't like completely ob bolivious like there is a large portion of the movie where she and honey suspect that Krishna is Krish and that's why it kind of set up that. Fake mugging right? But after that and it doesn't work out. She like just kind of is convinced like oh yeah, he's totally not crush and it starts to feel like a like kind of like if like imagine if Lois Lane knew that Clark Kent had superpowers. But then after like. 1 test. She suddenly believed? Oh. He's totally not Superman. That's that's the kind of feeling I got from her just so easily being like oh well he got beat up one so he's totally not fresh. 01:00:47.98 Jala and Dave And they had the reveal of Krrishtian um saying that he wasrish and I'm like able to prove it because he had a piece of mask or whatever. Yeah, so I kind of wonder because Krishna has the mask again. 01:00:49.14 Nicholas Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, that's church. Yeah, yeah, yeah that that fit the little lightning bolt cut out. 01:01:05.10 Jala and Dave Did he just take that out of Krrishtian's apartment when they went by and found that he had died I guess I think so that was his like I I will revenge this. 01:01:10.98 Nicholas I was thinking that he later oh I was thinking that he well that's actually a much more sensible theory than I had I was thinking that he had somehow magically recreated. Ah, copy of the mass that was broken in all the exact same ways which I thought was pretty pretty impressive. But that's probably not what happened. 01:01:34.58 Jala and Dave Well, ah it was Krishna went to Krrishtian's apartment and then found him dead is the thing so and so not related to that but his ah K Krrish his K Krrish Jacket is his is rohis. 01:01:40.84 Nicholas So yeah, that's true. 01:01:52.59 Jala and Dave Like old science jacket which it's matte cloth on the outside and then like vinyl or ah, you know pleather on the inside that that would be so hot to wear in Singapore right? right. So at least it's super thin and can stick to all of those muscles and he can just not have a shirt on and show his rippling chest I mean like ah to be fair preetek Roshan gained like £15 of muscle to play Kris ah, that's one of the things that I read so like he. Put a lot of work in and he's like I will show it and so we will have lots of you know scenes where I have no shirt on and I'm walking around in some loose cotton pants or you know racing a horse or otherwise you know oiled up so you can see all this muscle because I worked so hard for this. 01:02:45.76 Nicholas I Have no shirt and I must flex. 01:02:47.55 Jala and Dave It's in his contract is like yeah it's like chest chest and abs have to have x amount of screen time for me to do this even though his father is the director of these movies. Yeah yeah, so um, moving right? along though. So from there Kris. Which is Krishna as Krish goes and breaks into the superscience laboratory and you know has to fight his way in and then Dr Arya the bad guy has rohit in a wheelchair in like a hospital gown looking all kinds of messed up. And like you can tell that he's aged. They've aged him they have put on you know, like ah, some silver in his hair and things like that he looks like hell and you know because he's been. You know in stasis or whatever and basically a vegetative state more or less for a number of years at this point. And he's weak and unable to do anything and so this is the first time that Krishna gets to see his father and Dr Aria is basically got a gun to his head and like I'm going to kill him. You know you better back off and go away otherwise I'm going to kill him and um, here's a whole part where like. There's like Krrish almost takes a bullet too. So ah, trying to defend his father. So ah Dr Aria thinks that he's dead. But then Krrish comes back. You know, rises again and then you know kills him at that point. 01:04:20.37 Nicholas There's a pretty fantastic bit in that scene that I love where he is part of this kind of like dynamic shot where bullets are coming at both Pria and roheats and he throws a fire extinguisher to block the bullet that's going to hit Priya. And then he uses his body to block the bullet that's going to hit rohi and you see it like hit him right in the shoulder and then you know he gets back up and and you know Krrishtian Krrish does this a few times in the movie like you remember that scene in Spiderman two after do oc takes Mary Jane away where he kind of where you know Toby Mcguire bursts out the rubble and he looks down and you see his fist shaking with anger before you know he goes off to do superhero shit and Krrish kind of does something like that with the face like multiple times in this movie but in this particular scene you see him get up. And he's looking at Dr Aria with like the greatest hate you've ever seen in someone's eyes. But then also you see like his fist quivering with anger as blood flows down it from his shoulder. It's. 01:05:26.50 Jala and Dave Um. 01:05:27.40 Nicholas Such a cool shot like I couldn't get over it every time I think I rewound that like 3 times just because it looks so cool. 01:05:31.19 Jala and Dave Well and then too you're very right ritic does this very good thing where his whole face and everything is just shaking and it's not just his arm his face like you mentioned is also his whole head is shaking because he's so mad and you know like he's got. 01:05:40.73 Nicholas Yeah. 01:05:48.64 Jala and Dave You know these violent tremors of emotion which is something that happens when traumatic things happen to people is there is actually like a physical tremor response that occurs and you can tell that it's been transferred from fear into just solid anger from you know. 01:05:56.20 Nicholas Yeah, tough. 01:06:05.49 Jala and Dave The blood dripping the gripped hand his stance his fiery eyes when he's about to just murder this man you know. 01:06:14.14 Nicholas Yeah I do think it's pretty um I do think it's just a little bit refreshing like I don't necessarily want my superheroes so always be like this but it is pretty refreshing that Krrishtian and kiry both they are movies that don't concern themselves with oh superheroes don't kill. Like so you know like Krrish absolutely will Merk someone if they deserve it like as we see in both movies. Yeah, like yeah like he yeah like he has like he has yeah and like yeah as well as one of those things where like there really is a place to have that like kind of conversation. 01:06:36.53 Jala and Dave As a he murdered like 20 guards he he hit them so hard he leaves traitors in the wall. 01:06:50.53 Nicholas Ah, like you know is it ever moral to kill but is refreshing to see like you know, unlike so many other american superhero movies especially like Batman Inspireman or wherever we don't sit here and luxuri on oh should should a hero kill for the hundredth time. And 1 other thing I do want to say before week close Alllan Krrish is that I really love Dr. a's performance a whole lot like as far as like villains in these movies. Go I think he is the best 1 by far and there's 1 particular thing he does like 3 or 4 times in the movie where he'll kind of like. 01:07:11.38 Jala and Dave Yes. 01:07:25.78 Nicholas He'll have he'll have to do kind of like a I guess like a video news read like to deliver like lies about ro heat death or whatever and the way they portray it is he kind of looks deadpan at the audience like directly at the audience. He's looking straight at the camera and he'll say breaking news and you'll like spin up. Whatever lie. That he's ah he's saying with like the utmost confidence the utmost like villainy like just this really chilling and like slimy delivery of whatever he's saying and it's just really effective like as far as like as far as like movie. Super. Movie villain movie superhero movie villains. Go I think Dr Ari is an especially good one personally just as a performance. 01:08:07.48 Jala and Dave Well and he's not blinking at all when he's doing that he's he's just like the snake eyes you know like snake eyes staring and you know like predatory and not only that but I like the fact that Dr Aria himself does not have any superpowers. 01:08:11.76 Nicholas Yes, yes. 01:08:26.20 Jala and Dave And he's very calm and controlled throughout all of it all of it and he is just a guy with a plan you know and that's that's his role. Well he's. 01:08:36.55 Nicholas You can also hear his evil smile in his voice when he does those deliveries like he has the kind of like vague smile that looks like a friendly smile but it's obviously kind of like like ah a nefarious smile and you can kind of hear that in how he delivers. 01:08:50.39 Jala and Dave Yeah I mean it's like a sociopathic thing. He's ah like a bond villain. Yeah and he Monologues and it's It's not a diagetic like he's not always talking to a camera. He's just doing it. Sometimes I think I think the last one He's not talking to anybody. 01:08:52.80 Nicholas Yeah. 01:09:06.32 Jala and Dave Just turns and he's saying it like he's by himself and it's really good. Absolutely and um, so that's like how we close out the Kris movie and I will say about like the killing and everything. So for me, it kind of harkens back to. 01:09:06.89 Nicholas Um, yeah, yeah, it's it's It's very effective. 01:09:24.45 Jala and Dave And I know I mentioned this in other places but like um, the bhagavad Gita and Arjun with Krishna on the battlefield and Arjun is upset and doesn't want to kill his brethren because you know he's like but these are like. You know people that are related to me my uncles my cousins my this my that I don't want to kill them and Lord Krishna says it's your duty. It's your duty to do that. You are a warrior you have to and so it kind of to me harkens back to that. Especially since. The character here is named Krishna and has been set up for half the movie as Shrik Krishna you know more or less. 01:10:13.31 Jala and Dave That's how we end crush the original movie. So do you want to? oh yay, that's right, that's right at the at the end of the movie Rohe survives and he has been rejoined with Krishna. 01:10:14.26 Nicholas Yeah, oh and Ro heat lives in case that wasn't obvious. 01:10:27.88 Jala and Dave And meets priya for the first time and then goes home and gets to meet his mom again for the first time in like 20 years which is a very sweet scene where like she's just sobbing her eyes out and you know like gets to greet her long lost son again at the end. 01:10:41.30 Nicholas And wrote rohi in particular had despite having a lower screen time in this movie than the first one he still gets a bunch of very very very good moments like throughout both these movies. It is I'm not going to say that I was never aware that rohi and Krishna were the same actor. But I went very long stretches for getting that was the case because herique ro does such a good job convincing job portraying 2 entirely different characters like like therere like there's what like like even like the scene at the end when like they first meet again when they're both on the floor and it looks like they're about to die. There's just a great moment where they kind of reach over and touch each other and rohe just kind of says like who are you and it's like the most heartbreaking thing because he never got to see his son like ever. Yeah. 01:11:30.70 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, is this the one that ends where um rohit is with everybody and he looks up at the sky and he's oh yeah, it has to have been because in Krrish 3 what happens to him. Ah. 01:11:41.71 Nicholas Ah. 01:11:42.87 Jala and Dave So yeah, he looks up at the sky and he says thank you Ja do and he's like about to cry because he's thanking Ja do and being you know, very thankful and grateful as he always is at the end of this movie because he's reunited with everything that you know he loves ah aside from his wife who passed away during childbirth but you know, um. 01:11:46.67 Nicholas Yep. 01:11:58.87 Nicholas Yeah. 01:12:01.66 Jala and Dave Take what he can get I guess so that is Krrish the original movie. So um, can we take a break for just a minute so I can go have a bio break and all of that get up for a minute cool. We'll be right back move your foot I'm gonna run it over. Okay. 01:12:12.00 Nicholas Totally. 01:12:21.17 Jala and Dave Character Just put note in the thing Whoosh is hot here. 01:12:32.26 Nicholas He's still hanging in there dad. 01:14:39.36 Jala and Dave Um. 01:14:47.98 Jala and Dave Um, I am back but I am waiting on Dave to come back. 01:15:45.21 Jala and Dave People do do do do you got to wait and until no missray the roof for a quick that'll click. Okay sure please do I am a sweat. All. 01:16:08.20 Nicholas However, I am back. 01:16:11.64 Jala and Dave Cool. We got to wait for Dave Dave is ah running and spraying the roof real quick because we have to turn off the air. So yeah. 01:16:19.69 Nicholas Oh yeah yeah I just um I just stepped away because ah, we've got some crazy ah wind out here in central North Carolina right now and it's not raining. It's sunny outside even though there's some dark storm clouds in the distance. It was raining earlier and. 01:16:27.84 Jala and Dave Ah. 01:16:32.30 Jala and Dave And. 01:16:35.78 Nicholas The winds only got so strong that I definitely heard something knocking against the house might have been one of the branches but I don't know what is we have had some issues with trees falling over lately. So yeah. 01:16:47.31 Jala and Dave Um, so when it comes to Krrish 3 like my grasp on exactly when things happen is kind of precarious. Um. 01:16:55.68 Nicholas Yeah, it's it's kind of la put this way I'll talk about this when we get to recording again. But Krrish to the this sorry Krrish she doesn't exist on Krrishsh Krrish is by far my favorite movie of this trilogy. And Krrish 3 is like it's it's like the easiest to follow. But it's kind of like you know my brain has gotten so swoll from following the first 2 movies that kind of like turns off during in kish three because everything is so basically part of it I already told you I was I was struggling to find like good subtitles. 01:17:30.84 Jala and Dave Yeah, no okay. 01:17:33.32 Nicholas I ended up never finding any by the way. Um, yes I just kind of watched most of the movie with like bad so Supplis that barely worked and we're not time properly. but um but I just like I like was kind of like halfway checked out the way I'm very bad about being during movies. Sometimes. 01:17:43.51 Jala and Dave Ah. 01:17:53.24 Nicholas And I still feel like I got all of the plot beats down like it's a very basic movie compared to the first 2 01:17:55.50 Jala and Dave Yeah, well, it's we'll we'll hey there he is cool. We will talk about it but like it is definitely like the most Marvel of any of them. It's very much a Marvel movie but made in bollywood. So. 01:18:05.49 Nicholas Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:18:12.35 Jala and Dave Okay, and now we are Dave is back and we are ready to go so I guess I'll lead us back in from here so moving right? Along. We've got kris 3 which is basically. A Marvel superhero movie except made in bollywood. So ah Krrish 3 which did that just throws me off because we go Krrish kris 3 but we've talked about that ah came out in 2013 so in that way these movies which are basically one of fritik roshan's like um things that he's enthusiastic about that are just basically there as a vehicle for him to show himself off in the way that. The riddix series is for vinten diesel and david tooy which is the director of the riddix stuff so like ah this is a comparison that I had made when we were watching it the the timeline is kind of similar like ah koyil gaia came out in what 7003 then Krrish came out in 2006 Krrish 3 came out in 2013 pitch black came out in 2000 chronicle of riddi chronicles of riddi came out in 2004 and riddick the third movie came out in 2013. 01:19:42.38 Jala and Dave And then both of them right now have a fourth movie theoretically in development. Um for riddi furia they actually have like a script that ven diesel and David Tuwey have in their hands. Um for it. I don't know if it's actually been scheduled because of course Ben Diesel's been doing lots of fast and the furious things. But. Ah, they do have the script at the very least I do not know where Krish for is in terms of actually happening but both of them theoretically have a fourth movie coming out so in a lot of ways they kind of parallel each other at least in the way that um, it's a thing that's. Basically maybe not like the best movie franchise in the world but like stars. Ah an actor who really loves their particular role that they're playing in these movies or in hertik Roshan's case roles that he plays and um, you know like. The character that it's you know the character or characters themselves are interesting even if the movie themselves you know the movies themselves are not very good. So like I still love these movies and I love um I also love Riddick but like. Ah, understand that these are like goofy goofy movies. So in Krish three it starts out with Krishna and priya they are married and at the very beginning of the movie Krishna is. 01:21:13.15 Jala and Dave Trying to hold down a day job and failing miserably. He keeps getting fired because he keeps on running off to go do superhero shit and you can't do superhero shit whenever people need you and also hold down a day job and priya just kind of tolerates it she still got her Tv. You know newscaster journalist whatever thing and then rohit who lives with them has his job doing science stuff over there and now he's not doing computer engineering stuff now. He's doing biologic stuff. So whatever. 01:21:47.35 Nicholas His his official his official job description is science shit like he like he he is a scientist the same way Carlos in welcomed the night vales a scientist. 01:21:51.10 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah. 01:22:00.30 Jala and Dave And a fun part about Krish Krishna like continuing to like not being able to hold down a job is that all of his bosses keep going look at Krish out there saving the world and why can't you just be like that. Like that would be if you just did your job like he does this is like ah wow, right? right? But also they set up at the beginning of the movie for the sake of comedy a short little fellow who is. Krishna's buddy who hops job to job to job with him who then ah claims to Krishna that he is Krish and why do you think I can't hold down a job because I'm busy fighting crime and like gives a reason that is actually Krishna's reason and Krishna is highly entertained by this and it's like oh well, you are such ah, ah, wonderful and great man you know and just like rolls with it because he just thinks it's so funny and he's like I thought you'd be taller. Yeah yeah, and he's like well it's just when I put on the upfit you see it. You know, whatever and he's just. Posturing and stuff and like that character kind of pops up at several different moments like there is a point in the movie somewhere which is this whole very silly scene where he's on a date with a girl and is buying ice cream and we'll get there once we actually set up once we set up like. 01:23:28.46 Nicholas Um, oh. 01:23:31.38 Jala and Dave The context for that we will. We will get to that so put a pin in that. But um, then Krishna is surprised by priya with a birthday party and at this party after a dance number she tells him guess what we're going to have a baby so she is pregnant with his child and they are going to. Have a kiddo so that's the beginning of this movie and we go from that to kind of skipping over to seeing news reports about a virus in Namibia. That is just wrecking the population and they're just showing a bunch of people dying and all this other stuff and there's like this big virus and then we kind of skip over from there to this guy named Cole who is in a wheelchair. He can only move his head and his two index fingers and he's in. Sciencey place. He's talking to his scientist people and then you find out that this guy is doing human experiments because he wants to find a way to get his mobility in his limbs because he. Can only again move just like his index fingers in his head and no scientist. You know scientist that is out. There has been able to figure out. No doctor has been able to figure out how to make his limbs work. They don't know what's wrong in the first place to try to fix it. 01:25:00.73 Jala and Dave But he has telekinetic powers because sure ah he's kind of like if you took magneto and professor x and mashed them together and that's kind of what you get here with him. He doesn't have like the future psychic powers but he has like the telekinesis and and stuff like that and. He's like he's definitely the bad guy from the beginning because he doesn't have like a facial expression other than intense staring and dark smirk. Those are his 2 expressions and he has a very deep voice like I can't do the deep voice but he's got like a deep voice. 01:25:33.10 Nicholas And yeah, and one though the way he looks also is like he looks like you like you said he looks like Professor X but also he looks like Professor X mixed with a vampire or as I prefer or or is or is I or as I prefer to call it. 01:25:46.47 Jala and Dave The yes. 01:25:52.76 Nicholas Dracul X but. 01:25:55.87 Jala and Dave Yeah, well, that's that's ah, that's something I was going to touch on too is that they definitely have ah used pale pale makeup on him to make him look paler and aha the whole 9 and then also he's wearing all black I mean like. 01:26:03.37 Nicholas Um, he's got like purple like dead purple lips and everything. 01:26:11.77 Jala and Dave You know I think there might be a so little bit of color but it's muted if there is any like in certain scenes but most of the time he's in black or very dark colors and so ah, he and his ah retinue of doctors or scientists or whatever they are. Have been doing all these different experiments and you find out that he is the the person who engineered the virus and let it loosen Nabi Naibia so like he is basically umbrella from the resume evil series also and he's doing this because he wants to release. The antidote vaccine that he already has developed for this engineered virus that he's created the super virus and he's just waiting until enough people die and there's enough panic that he can get a really good price for it and so like. Having gone through pandemics since that movie came out like and especially with all the stuff in the news right now about Moderna and them jacking up the price of the vaccines and stuff like that. This is just like no this is like actually our lives now god um. 01:27:15.90 Nicholas Yep, we have. 01:27:21.74 Jala and Dave He's trying to raise the money and not because he just wants wealth. He wants the money so that he can fund his experiments as he tries to find some kind of Dna mishmash that will help him somehow get his. Like I don't know exactly how the Dna is going to make him able to use all of his limbs and stuff. But um, he's been doing experiments on people and they they show different people that have been experimented on and ah, he's also been crossing their Dna together with different. Animals which comes up to the best line in the entire thing which is only said once it is they they are not referred to as this ever again, but just this one time it's the best because call super serious dead Lips Dead Eyes Dark is like. I've crossed a human and an animal. It's some kind of animal just like the first time I saw that I lost my shit and we had to rewashch rewatch it several times because it was just so much. Nonsense. Yeah, and they say I think in um, the hindi they're saying mutant. 01:28:22.43 Nicholas Um. 01:28:28.16 Nicholas At. 01:28:34.65 Jala and Dave For the rest of the time but the subtitles keep saying manimal and it's It's really good or bad or ever you want to like take that. 01:28:39.31 Nicholas Know that? yeah and as far as like the Dna goes it feels like they're going by like like a metroid or me your solid Dna rules where like you know your Dna where you know Dna does like literally overwrite your. Active being in the moment. Yeah, but. 01:28:56.51 Jala and Dave Yeah, it's it's something like that. So I mean whatever I mean like there is the fact that if you experiment with viruses. There are viruses that will meld with the Dna of its host and then that's how it ends up mutating. And so like if he is working on viruses. It is entirely possible that he could give himself a virus that merges with his Dna and does something to him that irrevocably changes him I mean like. It's all pseudoscience anyway. But like there. There might be some kind of somebody read an article once about it and then thought that was a cool idea for the show you know I don't know either way we don't need to worry about that. This is a dumb movie. Ah so ah, the animals all have different. Wild powers and they are basically different types of mutants that in certain cases mimic x-men you have a ah mystique esque character named kaya who is his right hand animal and then you've got a guy who is like toad who has toad powers. Um, and that's where the ice cream. Turns into a goofy moment and we'll we'll have that we'll talk about that in a minute and then there's like ah one that's kind of interesting is they have like ah a scorpion lady but the scorpion stinger is her braid which I don't know. 01:30:21.10 Jala and Dave How her hair carries Venom but I mean sure because it looks like normal hair but we'll just go with it and I don't know there's a bunch of different characters that um, pop up and get beat up or and or die but the ones that are mostly. Seen for most of the movie are going to be that mystique character in that toad Character. So So anyway, um, do we want to talk about the goofy ice cream scene because it doesn't really have any bearing on anything in the movie. Really. 01:30:48.40 Nicholas I really don't want to talk about it. It's April fool's day I'll let you figure out how how genuine that is. Yep, it's it's very good. 01:30:57.32 Jala and Dave I don't talk about it because it it sends me over the edge because this toad guy should have the worst ice cream headache ever because he ate like 12 scoops of ice cream in a minute. Yeah yeah, so so what happens ah leading up to it. Um. 01:31:12.21 Nicholas Ah. 01:31:15.14 Jala and Dave The virus has been dropped in Namibia the roheat is in the lab trying to make a vaccine or antidote or both um he is getting really close to that when calls pharmaceutical corporation releases. Its ah antidotes and everything in Namibia. But then call is like we need to do this whole thing in a bigger more ah populated area and he spins the globe and just kind of points his finger and it happens to conveniently be Singapore where all of this you know like where Krishna and family all live. So then he gets his animals to go out into society and drop these capsules. Ah stick them in air vents drop them in sewer grates and stuff so that this aerosolized virus you know, putting in them in the water supply because apparently it can also go through the water and infect people that way. Um, like it's just going everywhere because Singapore is so densely populated people start getting sick and all of that. Um, but while they're out there trying to um, do their their dirty work and go spread this virus. There's this whole scene where that little guy who was Krishna his friend. Is on a date with a girl who's rather unimpressed with him and they go get ice cream and as soon as the ice cream is put into the cone they look away like the 2 characters are looking away at something and then the toad guy's tongue comes out of nowhere and so. 01:32:46.21 Jala and Dave Goops up the ice cream and just eats the ice cream and ice cream disappears out of the comb and then the guy is like she's like you ate my ice cream and he's like I didn't I bought it for you I didn't eat it and so they go back to the ice cream Guy. You didn't give me the ice cream and the guy's like yeah I did you saw. Me here. Let me put the ice cream and then he scoops another scoop and then like it disappears because the toad guy has eaten that then there's a little girl crying because her ice cream got taken and like he's just eating everybody's ice cream. And so like there's even this one part where it zooms in on the little toad guy's face and he's like swallowing you know when his tongue comes back to his mouth and he's like right? and it's just the goofiest thing and I was waiting for the ice cream headache and I was so Disappointed. It didn't happen because he keeps doing it. He keeps eats more. 01:33:30.59 Nicholas Um, it was it was like an yeah it was. It was like ah the Eddie Murphy ice cream skit gone wrong. 01:33:38.81 Jala and Dave So so anyway there was this whole scene like that and that kind of leads into like Krishna happens to be walking by at this time and happens to see the ice cream disappearing and he because he's got super senses can see that the ice cream is disappearing and follows the tongue. And goes and finds the toad guy and then has a battle with him and like uses um street signs as lances or javelins or whatever and bounces off of a sign that he throws into a wall to jump up onto the roof because that cartoon logic works here. 01:34:19.20 Jala and Dave Definitely it works like a spring. Absolutely ah, whatever. So it's it's a bunch of goofiness but like all of that happens. He has this fight with the toad guy and then. All of the um, different aerosolized canisters and stuff start affecting people because this virus is like super strong and can kill you within just like a matter of seconds to you know like a minute or something like that like it's super instantaneous that it just takes you over and you die and. All of these people are screaming and running and Krishna ends up like distracted and has to leave toad guy to go try to save people and he tries to grab like this little girl and go get her to the hospital or something and he's you know, running at super speed and then looks down and she's dead and hits in his arms and he's just like. Traumatized by this whole ordeal. So. It's really rough because it's it's sort of like in ebola like you bleed out and just die and he's just in the middle of the street and everyone's screaming for him to help them because he's the only like there's there's. There's a big traffic jam. There's nothing else that nobody can get anywhere. They're stuck in traffic and people are just dying and he's hearing like 5 different people calling for his name and every time he turns around like the people are dead and it's just it's it's horrible, right? so. 01:35:39.74 Nicholas Yeah, it's a really rough scene to watch honestly. 01:35:44.60 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, and again like ah seeing the crowd scene and then the virus going out and everything especially um, having been through pandemic. It's just like nobody's wearing masks. They're so close. There's all this Oh my God you know, just like the extra horror that comes into watching it. Um. 01:35:55.98 Nicholas He. 01:36:02.65 Jala and Dave At this time rather than like it would have been affecting at the time but like extra affecting having you know, been in a situation where there was a deadly virus is a deadly virus still. Um, although we do have some kind of defenses against it now and more on the way. Hopefully um. 01:36:22.00 Jala and Dave So that's kind of like the scenario that's happening there and Krishna is just having a lot of internal struggles about this. He's like I don't know what to do and rohit's like. You know I'm working you know like this pharmaceutical company has done this thing. Maybe we can contact them to get them to send their vaccines over here and all of that and he's like meanwhile I've developed you know, um, this stuff. And I maybe it will you know make me immune I'm going to try it on myself and Krishna is like no, you're the super scientist let me use it on myself and they go back and forth about it and eventually you know Krishna takes the injector and you know injects the. Stuff into his own arm and then he's fine like he has a proof vaccine so he is not going to get sick and that's important because then there's you know various times that he is exposed thereafter that you know this becomes significant. Um. 01:37:24.19 Jala and Dave I believe at that point they didn't they put it into production and that caught the attention of call who was upset that he didn't get to use his virus or his virus anti. You know protection stuff and all of that so calll gets really mad because he's like the the. Vaccine is made from my Dna there can't be another one because it's only mine. So that means one of y'all of my science people leaked this and now we can't get the money so I'm going to have to kill all of you because I can't have a traitor. 01:37:59.64 Nicholas There's There's also a fantastic. There's also that fantastic bit I think it's in the same scene where he just angrily says my blood in someone else's veins which I know I Just thought that was a pretty evocative read. 01:38:10.74 Jala and Dave Well I mean like also if it kind of goes with the whole dracula thing I mean like. 01:38:15.61 Nicholas Yeah, yeah, another thing I think that's interesting to point out is that this movie came out in 2013 which if I remember correctly that was 1 year before the amazing Spiderman came out the first reboot with Andrew Garfield which had a similar like which had a similar plot where like a you know toxin was being released into the air that was turning people into lizards and they had to get a vaccine for it. Yeah. 01:38:44.22 Jala and Dave Well somewhere in their call kind of pieces together. He's like I need to find this doctor mana who made this thing because I need to you know? Allegedly this guy made this thing. And you know he has already gone through and killed a bunch of his scientists. Not everybody because there's still some people left later in the movie. But um, he's like okay I've got to track this guy down and I've got to find him and get him and so ah, he sends his animals who go and um, end up kidnapping Pria. And they do this too basically because like she is the daughter in law of rohit and like I don't remember I think Krishna came right about the time that they were about to actually take rohit away. And so he fights them animals and gets them to go away. But ah Priya has already been captured and then they place the mystique person Kaya in her place and so she's a plant to kind of spy on rohit to see what he's doing and how he's. Able to make this vaccine and so she's actually trying to find that out and she's like oh well, we need to know how he did. How did he make that vaccine. How did he? you know all this other stuff and so like um, that's kind of like her her whole place. She's like a plant for that. 01:40:15.38 Jala and Dave And there's a really super fun scene because this is right after she just took over um priya spot and she's talking to rohit and um Krishna and she's like how how did you make this thing. This is amazing and Krishna's like 01:40:33.62 Jala and Dave You don't sound like yourself. You sound that sounds strange and so she's like sweating like big sweat like oh no, he's undiscovered me immediately and he's like you sound like the reporter that you used to be and it so she's like oh Sh do that one. 01:40:48.59 Nicholas It's It's so very forced but also very funny and. 01:40:51.30 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, and and he's like you need to have a break I think it's because you're pregnant. Yeah, he's like you're pregnant you you're acting weird you're you're pregnant. 01:40:57.90 Nicholas Yeah, yeah, there's yeah, there's also another great bit I love in the scene right before this when you know what when they first find out that you know or so they think that Pria has miscarried There's a great exchange between Krishna and rohi where rohi is clearly losing it because you know one thing about rohi is that he is a very very very outwardly emotional person right? and there's just this great exchange that legit made me tear up. The first time I saw it where. 01:41:24.40 Jala and Dave And. 01:41:33.17 Nicholas Where he kind of like grabs his son hugs him. He's shaking you tell he's losing it but he starts comforting his son instead is like everything's going to be okay Krishna. It's okay and just like that kind of like like relentless selflessness that rohi displays is just like It's one of the best scenes in any 3 movies of him displaying. It's very very very touching. 01:41:57.37 Jala and Dave It's a very touching scene in this and that part that like 15 minutes or so that are around that it's the first thing. Um that when Jel and I first watched this movie That's what we saw because we saw this like in the middle of the movie and then had to go back and watch the whole thing. Um. And we didn't realize that shhi Roshan was playing 2 parts because it's like oh it's him and maybe it's his brother I mean or his dad like yeah well and you can absolutely tell that they have make up to the hell out of him to be rohi. 01:42:22.30 Nicholas Um, they look so believably different. Yeah. 01:42:30.96 Jala and Dave But at the same time I was like well that guy looks like he's obviously been made to look older. So I don't know he's got to be related to that other guy though. But like the what the reason is because they also make it where like Krishna is a little taller because they put like they they line up the the 2 01:42:37.76 Nicholas Here. 01:42:48.66 Jala and Dave Versions of him in such a way that he's a little bit taller. Maybe they put like when he's in his criche costume. Maybe they put like some you know, platforms and issues or something to make him look even bigger or you know, maybe it's just camera tricks. They just shrink rohe him. 01:42:50.47 Nicholas Yeah. 01:42:59.89 Nicholas Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:43:05.38 Jala and Dave But um, yeah, that's definitely because we were an indian cafe and we were just eating lunch and we looked over and we're like what is this and we were just watching it and we didn't have any subtitles and then it turned from that into like x-men and we're just like what is going on and. That's why we were like we were absorbed in this movie from this part and then we're just like we got to go and find whatever this movie is and then watch all of them and that's that's how we got on this whole kick in the first place. Sure do it. 01:43:29.86 Nicholas Yeah, would would you like me to go over the next scene all right? So you know, ah so you know Krishna says that priya needs some rest and he literally picks her up and princess carries her to their room to go to bed. We get a rare I believe this is the rare ons screenen Kiss we see in a bollywood movie like the 1 time I think in this series and one till I love here and they keep doing this is they kind of portray kaya is actually falling for Krishna despite this role that she's playing. 01:43:53.48 Jala and Dave Yeah. 01:44:06.49 Nicholas And 1 detail they do that I think with the special effects works way better than I would have expected for 2013 is that whenever she starts like getting really emotional and lovey w over him her like face kind of reverts to her real face but it's done in this kind of like. 01:44:21.32 Jala and Dave Um. 01:44:23.90 Nicholas Really gradual way where she's still like disguised as Praya, but she's but you could see that her eyes are Kaya's eyes and they do this. Basically every single time throughout the movie when she kind of like starts swooning over him and it's just a really. Really good effect that I Love saying. 01:44:42.41 Jala and Dave And they also do the of course bollywood version of let me show that I am in love with him by having like a whole dance number out in the desert somewhere where high is in different different outfits and like having like these scenes as herself. Ah, with. 01:44:50.73 Nicholas Yeah. 01:44:59.14 Nicholas But yeah. 01:44:59.96 Jala and Dave Krishna because she's falling for him and there's also different scenes where like say for example, they show that she is starting to change because like they're in a mall or or something and or yeah I think they were both in the mall together and then like they got. 01:45:13.80 Nicholas Um, yeah. 01:45:14.93 Jala and Dave I don't know they got split up or something and then like or maybe she was by herself I don't know anyway like a lady was called because she won something and she was on like the second floor of this very busy mall and she goes. Oh oh that's me that's me but she happened to be holding a baby and because this is just. So sensible like she goes and you know comes over to the railing. Oh this is me and she almost falls off the railing and the baby drops because she just is like Whoopsie I got to hold onto this winning lottery ticket instead and like I think Krishna it. Yeah, they were together because Krishna. Holds the lady and saves her but then kaya goes and like jumps out of the air and like saves the baby and then all the people around are like clapping and applauding her good deed and then they give her like a Krish symbol because. Everybody carries Krrishtian symbols now in in Singapore and they give them to people who do good deeds and so everybody's like holding up their wrist where they have like a little thong leather thong on it that has like this little Krrish symbol on it and everybody's got one so you know that's a thing. And so she's just like completely discombobbled and like you know what? I don't I didn't even realize what I was doing when I went and I saved this baby and everything so you know like they're they're showing that she's starting to change and that she's like no longer. She's like losing herself in her role for sure. 01:46:38.84 Nicholas Also somewhere in this within this sequence of events I don't remember exactly where it is but there is a scene somewhere in all this where the animals keep ah attacking. You know the house right. And you know there's this kind of big action set piece where I think Krrish has to fight 2 of them or 3 of them at once he has to fight he has to fight the toad character and whoever the other like the rhino type character is right? and. 01:47:05.67 Jala and Dave Um, and and it's also Kaya that was right before Kaya took Priya's place 01:47:11.28 Nicholas Okay, yeah, that's right, That's right,? Yeah, and and when you get into the oh yeah, Ok yeah, that's right? So It's after priya and by priya I mean Kaya like wakes up in like you know the hospital or whatever. There's um, there's a scene where ah the toad wakes up as he's in Bondage. And they've cut his tongue out and it's this.. It's probably the most upsetting scene in any of these movies for me where like you just kind of see him without like this massive strong like muscular tongue that he had I mean I Guess a tongue is a muscle but you go what I'm saying like. 01:47:28.81 Jala and Dave Oh yeah. 01:47:47.52 Nicholas Just kind of screaming angrily like you know and like in horror and then you know I believe Kaya like she kind of stealth kills him when no one's looking. 01:47:56.46 Jala and Dave Like she she does like she's like oh we have to kill him We have to kill him and then she like orchestrates it where like he has an accident a convenient accident. She's like oh I'm so scared you know and she's yeah yeah, like. 01:48:02.81 Nicholas Yeah. Yeah, you. Also you also see your stab his stomach or something to that effect if I remember. Yeah yeah. 01:48:13.57 Jala and Dave Ah, she but she set it up to look like some kind of an accident or whatever and like you know at first she's trying to get Krishna to kill him and Krishna is not doing it because he's like he can't do anything. He doesn't have his tongue. You know like we're not going to do that. You know we need him to pump him for for information. And then like she just kills him instead and then it's like oh I'm so scared you know and is in her disguise and everything. So. 01:48:38.23 Nicholas It's a really good transition to because you see her like you know, kill him or orchestrate his death and you see that she kind of has like the the like confident smirk and then as she like turns away to Krishna. You see it like. Synchronize as she's turning her expression melts into the oh I'm so scared Regina and it's just this really good, really satisfying like transition. 01:49:02.26 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, so um, as the movie continues we get to see call where pria the actual pria is waking up in call's fortress. Ah, and then she has like a kind of interview with call and call is like. I found out from my bioscans that you're pregnant which means that you have the Dna of that doctor guy and that's you know something that I need because I'm going to do experiments and I've never done experiments with a human fetus because we have to make him as evil as possible. And so ah, he plans to use Priya's unborn child like cut it out of her stomach and then just use the fetus for experimentation outside of her body for you know the same nefarious purposes of of whatever. So ah, somewhere in here. Roheat gets captured where does that happen. It was so. 01:50:03.23 Nicholas Oh I don't remember exactly I do remember like that he has like some confrontation that leasts that happening and he gets brought to Kyle but I do not remember winning exactly it takes placee. 01:50:15.14 Jala and Dave I don't know either. It's really close to when roheat actually shows up but there is a scene so rohit ends up at calls fortress. He is brought there. He is he is captured at some point when Krishna is off doing krish things and. He has a confrontation with call in which call says guess what? you are my father more? Ah ah, ah, ah, because Dr Aria was doing experiments on your body. Also while you were in stasis for 20 years and I was a test to baby with your Dna father. And he keeps on calling him father over and over again throughout there. The rest of his time around roheat and he's like I'm going to use instead of that fetus. It's even better to have you I will use your bone marrow or whatever father. And so he pins rohi down to a table and does some kind of transfusion shit and then ah magically like 2 seconds later pops up and is like I can use all of my body watch me do horrible things to everyone and then he proceeds to murder a bunch of people. Um, and walk around and and talk about world domination kind of and then he's like I will go kill your you know others because then like rowhe's like you're not my real son. You're terrible I don't have you as a son you're just an abomination or whatever and then he's like. 01:51:43.30 Jala and Dave Father that's and and you know unsightly of you I will kill your son blah blah Blah blah and. 01:51:46.38 Nicholas I will say one one ah creative decision that I think is kind of curious and interesting is that you know ah Herik rahan plays Krishna who you know is just kind of meant to be you know rohes you know blood son right. It's it's very interesting how they decide to have critiq rahan play Krishna but not play the other son that's literally presumably like a Dna clone of his father like that I think that could have actually been interesting if they had hertique ra sha play 3 of these characters in this movie. 01:52:19.69 Jala and Dave Well, they were roofing off of twins so you don't have Dan Devito playing both twins or Arnold Schwarzenegger playing both twins you get 1 one was the junk twin. 01:52:23.80 Nicholas Yeah. 01:52:28.80 Nicholas I guess I guess I'm asking a I yeah I guess I guess I'm asking for this to be like 1 of those Jim Carey movies where he plays 5 different roles. But. 01:52:39.32 Jala and Dave I Just meet the the the clumps. Yeah yeah. 01:52:46.32 Nicholas Oh god I was thinking of um, the animated a Krrishtmas Carol by um Robert Zamacu a river. 01:52:55.80 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, well I The thing is is that if he also played call. It would be immediately obvious that there was something going on there and so like to have that as like a plot surprise a plot twist. Um, they had to have hidden be somebody totally different. 01:53:02.36 Nicholas That's true. 01:53:09.52 Nicholas Surprise I am Liquid snake. It's like. 01:53:11.33 Jala and Dave Um, yeah, so so yeah, but like that happens and then like he's super abusive to Kaya by the way like every time he's around Kaya he's like trying to choke her out and stuff his love language is is choking people. Ah. 01:53:22.78 Nicholas Um, yeah. 01:53:30.48 Jala and Dave So like I think at one point too. He's like you could have stood by my side as my queen or something but you betrayed me and like he just knows that she's betrayed him and like she you know he he like he ends up ultimately killing her. Um she before she dies she brings Kris. 01:53:49.88 Jala and Dave She's like I know where you know everybody's being held captive. You've got to come with me and then takes him to the fortress of Solitude which is basically what it is. It's like a fortress out in the middle of snow and Tundras I don't know where this is but they go somewhere. 01:54:00.88 Nicholas Yeah, yeah. 01:54:06.60 Jala and Dave It's out in the middle of an icy wasteland and that's where um Krrish has his first run in with call face to face and call has just gotten all of his capacity to use his entire body. Ah Krrishsh and kaya fight their way in. To go save everyone and I think kaya manages to get priya out of there right before call kills her but she dies she. 01:54:33.81 Nicholas And and one detail we should probably bring up is that right is that right before this event you know obviously Krishna does find out who caught you know that Pri is really kaya and it's in that same exchange that he finds out. You know that you know pre is a lot. Prey is a lie pria kid Priya and his kid is still alive. Their unborn child and and 1 thing that I love about the ah scene where kaya fights Kyl is that you see this moment where they're fighting and she kind of like morphs into what I guess is supposed to be like. 01:54:58.17 Jala and Dave Um. 01:55:12.19 Nicholas Her true core form and it's like this kind of like very cosmic horror looking like kind of octopus massive like slime and nerves and octopus tentacles. And yeah I Just love a monster like that I thought it looked really cool for the moment you saw it on screen. 01:55:26.81 Jala and Dave It's It's really yeah, it's really giving ah envy from full metal alchemist vibes. Yeah I think she's ah I think it's a sea medusa. It's an actual animal. She's just. 01:55:32.99 Nicholas Oh. 01:55:40.52 Jala and Dave Ah, people-sized version when I think the real thing is very small so it based on an actual animal but definitely got those Nv vibes from full. Yeah, oh man. So so anyway she she is killed tragically um, but she has. 01:55:41.70 Nicholas Oh Ha All right. A Animal. What. 01:55:58.84 Jala and Dave Instead of killing Priya. She has helped Priya Escape and she basically is like you are the real Pria. He loves you I need you to live because I want him to be happy and like this is her self-sacrificing moment for Krishna's happiness to kind of like counterbalance all the shit that she's done in the meantime. Um, you know, being part of this whole scenario and so she dies and rohit is there and you know he's being held captived by call because he's always like you know the damsel and distress and in these movies apparently and um, then there's a big fight. And during this fight called on's what can only be charitably described as a trash suit like he just he does the magneto and he summons all the metal that happens to be like all the walls and everything happened to be metal and it just. Tears off chunks of metal and it doesn't form into anything that looks nice. It just looks like trash and he's got like a football helmet on. It's literally a football helmet with a little like guard in front of the face and everything but it's like uneven and goofy. It looks like somebody made it out of tinfoil. It's it's empty guys. 01:57:02.85 Nicholas He would. He looks like the Phantom of the paradise. 01:57:10.71 Jala and Dave Um, like the Md keist ah anime suit. It's a foot. It's a psychic football armor. It's what it is. Yeah so it's really really wild. Ah this this trash suit that he's wearing um. And anyway like he uses the metal and pins Krish to the wall and he has his dramatic moment and he's like father watch while I kill your true son blah blah blah and then like he straight up kills Krishna ah right there in front of Rohit's eyes and then he's like I don't need to kill you now because I killed you know your and your unborn grandson and your daughter in law because he doesn't know that Priya has escaped and um I've killed your son. There is nothing left so I can leave you here and go off and do crime spy and he flies away and. Leaves roheat there. So I'm sorry Dave like he just showed me a picture of the mdgeist I'm sorry that looks a lot better than than calls outfit like I said calls outfit looks like it was made out of tin foil. Um, like really like a kid took some tin foil and paper mache and went to town and that's about what it looks like so we'll have to put like a comparison in the show notes. So people can see this because it's bonkers. But um, so anyway something we didn't mention at the top because. 01:58:35.80 Jala and Dave We were too busy talking about like the ice cream and the animals and stuff is that rohe at the beginning of the movie has made a pen-sized dongle because although he is doing ah biologic science now he still also does like invention science. Um. And he has made a little dongle that can bring things back to life with the power of the sun so he is hoping except when he uses it on a plant, the plant starts to come back to life and then promptly explodes into a million pieces because there's too much energy and he says at this time. I need a filter but it needs to be a smart filter that can filter out just the right amount of x y z you know sunlined or whatever to do what it needs to do blah blah blah so fast forward again to a call trash suit man has left in i'm. Ah, keep on saying that because it's very funny to me so like ah probably count how many times that happens in this episode. Yeah garbage animal. Yes, that is exactly what he is. Ah so anyway, um, animal x. 01:59:37.56 Nicholas Garbage animal. 01:59:49.68 Jala and Dave Garbage animal. Yeah yeah, well anyway, so we move on and the sun is setting rohit is sitting there in this ruined fortress in the middle of a tundra with his dead son and nobody else is around. I don't know how Priya got warped out so fast but that happened um and so he is heartbroken and he looks at his little pen dongle and is like the sun it is setting I can set it up and so he sets it up and he lays Krishna's body on you know. Some trash I don't know that there's somehow a dais there and he lays it the body there and then he goes and you know watches the light cover Krishna and then he stands in between the light and Krishna's body and he. Is still alive for a minute filled with the energy of the sun and says it needs a smart filter and Krishna comes back to life rohit is there long enough to see his son come back to life and he says everybody needs you I'm always with you and you know. Like I'm never really gone and then he just explodes so Krishna just like wakes up from being dead and then sees his father explode and that's and he's often again in the middle of a tundra in the middle of nowhere. Um and is heartbroken to see his dad just die right in front of him. 02:01:19.60 Jala and Dave So. 02:01:19.16 Nicholas I was very sad when I saw this because I really want to see more rohe like he's a he's my precious little boy and he deserves to live. 02:01:27.96 Jala and Dave Yeah, roheed's still the best character out of every single one of these movies when he just keeps showing up. He just he's so charming and Angelic I don't know he's He's just a little little guy. You got to protect protect roheat. 02:01:41.22 Nicholas Yeah, and they and and they killed they killed both Rohe and Sonia in the same movie like we didn't go over it but at the very beginning it's revealed that Sonny has passed away between crush and crushsh. 3 02:01:54.32 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, well I mean um, at this point she'd be a great grandma. So I mean you know it's probably because they couldn't get the actress back but at the same time like yes, it is sad of course like what what role would she play in this movie exactly. So. 02:01:59.99 Nicholas Yeah. 02:02:10.78 Jala and Dave I mean like they did that for plot reasons but at the same time it yes, it does suck um because Sonia is also. 02:02:13.93 Nicholas She becomes the she becomes the Grand Mama animal. 02:02:20.86 Jala and Dave Ah, yes, yes, so um, but rohit has passed away and ah we kind of flash over to Singapore where priya is back with all of the people in Singapore and ah call has come and he blows up this statue of Kris that has been erected. And stands on you know, like the the bottom half of the torso in his trash suit and just like everybody I am your new leader blah blah blah and then everybody in Singapore is like we love Krish and we're going to hold up our Krrishtian symbols and we're going to stand up to you and then he starts like destroying stuff and and like. Pulls all the guns from the swat team and aims it at everybody and they're like oh maybe not oh this sucks we go and die and then like right about then Krrish Flies in from wherever because now he has the power of the Sun. So why not now he's like isn't he flying in this one like he's flying he flies over and then just like. Attacks call and manages to save everybody just in time and of course priya is there among all the people because again everything has to happen within one Square block in Singapore and I so I think what happened with priya earlier was when kaya and Krish. To went to go save um his father and priya they weren't in the same place k had like 2 fortresses and I think they were he he was in a different one with um rohi and prio was in like the old fortress I think that's what happened. Okay. 02:03:49.90 Nicholas Yeah, sorry. 02:03:52.57 Jala and Dave Well kaya somehow gets from 1 fortress to the other one and ends up being killed by call somehow or whatever I don't know either way. Um that all happens now we're in Singapore and there's the big massive fight and this is like the fight where they used all their budget. Um, they are. Flying through the air and like destroying whole floors of skyscrapers breaking buildings and like call is is realizing that he can use the entire city as hostages because Krrish is going to want to try to save everyone. So he starts knocking over buildings and shit and of course there's a baby in a stroller in the middle of some rubble that somebody just left there because people like to leave their children in places dangerous places in these movies or throw them off of the second floor or whatever just you know plot reasons I mean you know. How many babies are footballs in this series I don't even know. Um, yeah, right? So like there's all of this where and then Priya has like a moment where she goes and she tries to like you know, save. 02:04:46.16 Nicholas Um, well does depend if row heat counts as a baby. 02:04:58.80 Jala and Dave Ah, the child or whatever and then you know has to be protected anyway. Like um Krrish is like taking all this damage because he's trying to protect everybody as best he can and he's just not able to do this stuff but he manages to um. Outwit call and then throw him down on some rebar so he gets impaled like tomb raider video game style. Yeah he he he kind of lures call into a um, a car garage that has a giant car magnet in it and since call is wearing a full. Full metal suit. He gets like sucked onto the magnet. It's it's you go ahead. 02:05:35.63 Nicholas And it kind of oh sorry yeah and and it kind of leads to this whole like kind of like heroic sequence where Krrish kind of just like beats the sauce out of him like he he's veritably like he picks him off the magnet flips him over and he's like he's veritably. He's juggling him. The way the mad peria and cowboy bebop juggled spike like he just goes to town on call for like a good like 2 minutes or so. 02:05:59.96 Jala and Dave Yeah, and this is like full Tilt raging Batman style like you know, absolutely pummeling the tar out of call the whole time and the thing is is call just looks Smug and and horrible the whole time. 02:06:04.39 Nicholas Yeah. 02:06:15.77 Jala and Dave And like eventually he ends up like I said throwing him into some rebar and this becomes a really important point because he thinks okay I've impaled him in like 5 places in his torso. He's definitely dead this time and then call gets up has the rebar in his body I think does he pull it out or just bend it in I don't remember. 02:06:32.21 Nicholas And he pulls it out. Yeah. 02:06:34.71 Jala and Dave Okay, he pulls it out but then he's like because I was never born I cannot be killed and like for a western audience. This seems like nonsense logic but like in Hindu mythology because everything is the cyclo samarra like um if he's outside of that cycle of life and and death and rebirth. Then like it could be. You know a logical explanation like no he he wasn't ever born so he cannot be killed that That's like ah you know something that makes sense with like the kind of um sensibilities that you got over there. So. 02:07:06.72 Nicholas It rules just saying I thought I was a really Killer line I Love that. 02:07:13.60 Jala and Dave Yeah, and like you know he just comes back to life from this rebar and you're like how is this even going to work out you know and then um, you know Krrish at this. Crescendo of the movie when you're just sitting here looking at it like oh shit he's right. He hasn't been born. He cannot die. What are we going to do about this. He pulls out the pen that his father had and he sets it up. And you know of course ah call doesn't know what this thing is and he lines it up and sets it up so that it's shining on call and because if it doesn't have a filter it will blow you up. He lets it blow call up and it like doesn't it like melt everything into just yeah, so call is not dead so it. It supercharges him easily becomes like insanely powerful for about point 5 seconds and it's like you've only made me 3000 times stronger and then he starts melting like all of the armor is becoming liquid metal onto his body and then he melts and explodes. Yeah, and then everything in that area turns to just like magma and it's all melting it. It totally hits ah Priya and Krrish they would have just well Pria would have died like you can't take a bunch of liquid metal to the face. 02:08:33.67 Jala and Dave And you also can't be close to the fumes of all of that kind of stuff and actually let alone the fumes or the heat or any of that. Ah, but like again, we're operating with resident evil logic where you can have a fight in a volcano and it's fine. So um, that's where we're at and so we blow him up. With Rohit's final gift which is you know because Rohit is really like the mastermind behind so many different things that you know allow for everybody to like save the day even though he himself is not actually doing it. You know and that's that's another thing that I like about rohit is like. He he makes the things that help but he himself is not actually other than the first movie where he he has his little moment. He's not that action protagonist guy he like sets that mantle down. Rather passes that mantle onto his son and lets his son do the thing because his part of his life. You know he's out of that cycle of his life. He's in the latter 8 years now yes he passed down the and indiscriminate murder power to his son. After going on his rampage to to free jaddu versus movie. Yeah, absolutely because he definitely killed a lot. He win so total solid snake on that one but and that's like how we end the krisch series so far. 02:09:48.35 Nicholas Um, yeah. 02:09:54.96 Jala and Dave Um, the the way it wraps up is that we skip forward a little bit after the end of call and priya is in the hospital and gives birth to her son and you know wrote the Rohit. Ah. Krishna is worried because he's like hopefully it doesn't have brain damage see she went through a lot of stuff. We know what happens when lots of stuff happens to the mama but ah, the baby is absolutely fine and in fact, more than fine. Ah, the camera kind of indicates that they don't show the baby but it indicates that it is flying around the roof. Um, and they are looking up at it like oh ha ha ha we've got a flying infant. This is absolutely fine and they name it roheat. So we've got another roheat in the mix even weirder because go ahead. 02:10:39.43 Nicholas And of course this is a so it should be pointed out I'm pretty sure this is technically a new superpower because we see Krrish jump really high and really far and like do what might as well effectively be flying but we never see him actually fly like Superman. 02:10:56.38 Jala and Dave Yeah, he he flies Once he's been resurrected so he gets the extra power then but he's already fathered the child before then so it's we don't yeah just happens. 02:10:58.69 Nicholas If I remember correctly. Oh yeah, that's right? Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, the power goes stronger with every generation. 02:11:11.56 Jala and Dave Ah, yeah, it must have been a latent power that unlocked on the on his um new game. Plus right right? and then the fact that they name the new child roheat and the fact that like I think they even reverb. Um, where original roheat is like. I'm always with you I don't actually go away like I'll always be with you. You know you will carry me with you. Um, that kind of to me tips me off that maybe in Krsh for if rohit. Um, you know is a grown up person or whatever that he's just basically going to be original roheat. You know part 2 and have a lot of the original rohis character traits is how that makes me think it. They'll just do what they've been doing in the last few um hollywood films where they deage the actors and so they just have the rohi I mean um, criti Rohan playing rohi. But they deage him back to like 2003? Yeah I don't know we'll see we'll see whenever that actually comes out but that is the end of this kind of wild ride of movies that just go in all different kinds of places I mean like when you first watch the first one. You are not thinking that this drama you think it's going to be a drama about this developmentally ah challenged kid and then you end up with like a superhero movie that is cribbing super hard off of Spiderman x -men. 02:12:41.40 Jala and Dave Any number of other you know, big Marvel films or just like you know hollywood movies in general I mean the first movie is basically trying to be all of Steven Spielberg's you know, ah, 80 s works to put together you know and it kind of goes from there. So I think the most original in terms of like directing style and stuff would be the second movie Krrish that one has like the least cribbing off of something else vibes. But yeah, so. Dave what do you think about these movies I really I mean they are definitely like popcorn flicks and they help when you're watching them to have maybe seen some of the movies that they're kind of referencing like lovingly. Um. But it's not necessary. You can watch these and just be flabbergasted by all the many genres that have been put together into one movie and then enjoy 9 hours of ah rohit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Nick how about you? What do you think about all of these movies. 02:13:52.16 Nicholas All right? So you know I was on the the Kmg episode already and I thought that movie was interesting and there were a lot of individual bits of it I enjoyed I don't think I could say that I super enjoyed the whole package as it was just because it was kind of hard to follow. I think of the three I really like Krish the best which actually surprised me because when we initially watched Krrishtian Krrishtian 3 for the watch party I was kind of okay on kr and like Krrish 3 a lot more but rewatching them both I think Krrish has a lot more to grasp. Ah, grasping it in terms of like ideas and what themes it's playing with and what actually happens whereas Krrish three. It's like you said earlier, it's much more nakedly. A Marvel superhero movie which to be clear I at least I can't speak for jalla but for myself personally it feels like. An old Marvel superhero movie. It doesn't feel like an mcu movie. It feels like more of like the kind of Marvel movies that we got like in the you know two thousand s and the early twenty ten s for the most part and it it just feels really really really kind of basic as a result. 02:14:58.31 Jala and Dave Um. 02:15:04.72 Nicholas I'm really hoping that if we get Krrish for or knowing them. It'll be called crush 5 um like I'm really hoping that they kind of like lean more into making it just a little bit quote too much in the same way that Kmg and Krrish one were quote too much. 02:15:19.64 Jala and Dave Well, they'll just make koil gaia 2 and then we'll understand like the the movie naming logic right. 02:15:26.60 Nicholas Ah, oh so oh so oh so it's like a all fantasy tend to or Xennobla Chronicles x or bravely second or you know. 02:15:30.83 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, well ah John do as a character was really really popular in India and they actually at one point were talking about making the movie name something having to do with jadu. Um. Like the the second movie krsh they were thinking about naming it something like that and so like I'm kind of anticipating that if they pull it in for Krsh for and they actually do make that movie that it will bring jadu back? Um. At least in some capacity because jadu was such a popular character. It actually surprised me that they didn't put him in anywhere because he had his own little spinoff cartoon series and um, that character was rather successful people liked it a lot so I don't know we will see what happens with that. But as for me, the first movie we watched was Krisish Ii and I thought that was really interesting I liked that movie because there's so much screen time for both Krishna and rohit and you get to see hriti rashan playing both characters. Interacting with 1 another but successfully and convincingly ah playing them as totally different people in such a way that like you know it was like oh now I need to watch a bunch of harik roshhan movies to see other stuff that he's acted in because he's an exceptional actor so that actually um. 02:17:01.32 Jala and Dave Sent me on like the whole spiral of like buying a bunch of Frik Roshan movies some of which are still on my ah, two watch list and you know there's that but having seen so much of roheat in the third movie and then going back to kuyimillgaa and seeing more roheat in that movie. I like rahit. He's my favorite character even over sonnya ah his mom I prefer rohit and I like rohit as a character and so ahris had the least amount of him in it so that is not really my favorite movie because I don't like Pria and pria is all over that movie. And I love rohet and he's not really in that movie. So you know like I kind of like the other ones not because I think that they are better movies. Um Kris is far more unique in the stylization of it and as you say like in terms of things that it is bringing up. But um. Like the other ones just because they have the characters that I prefer I mean it's it's not even about like how good of a story. It is I mean Krrish has the best villain hands down of these because Dr Aria is so good and. 02:18:09.80 Nicholas Yes. 02:18:14.57 Jala and Dave You're right like those scenes where he is just breaking news and then he turns to the camera and he's like Snake eyes just unblinking stare and like you know, sort of warm but also sinister at the same time somehow smile and like all of that just like he just brings it so hard. 02:18:26.76 Nicholas Yeah. 02:18:31.92 Jala and Dave That it's just no, it is. It is really memorable and interesting. So yeah. 02:18:40.75 Nicholas Um, plus it has it has a Krishna being a human crypted for about an hour which is still wild to say. 02:18:48.37 Jala and Dave Yeah, and it is. It's really really fun to see him just like pretending and then like when they're just b sing. Ah all of those people and just like enjoying it. Ah you know, enjoying their you know being completely confused and also scaring the crap out of like. The super big camper guy who was all severe in everything I mean like that was also really fun and and entertaining and the one thing I will say about Krrish that where I was like come on. You had the lowest hanging fruit and you failed to take it is um, the guy who is the friend. 02:19:13.43 Nicholas Um, yeah. 02:19:24.75 Jala and Dave Of Krishna who is basically the tour guide who is like telling them. Oh well. Um, you know he is the ghost khali charan and stuff. He keeps on going just imagine just imagine and they say it all the time and they even have like honey or priya or somebody saying it on like the um little newscast and everything like that. But there was one point in the movie where it was just right there where it was like. Definitely somebody needs to say just imagine and like everybody watching it's like just imagine and they don't say the the words but they put it in everywhere else where it doesn't even make sense. It's like okay yeah I was just going to say like when they're using it generally it. It didn't fit the situation. For the most part except for the 1 time where they should have said it. They're like yeah we're not going to say that? Yeah, so that's my one little beef with the with the second movie there but that. 02:20:27.43 Nicholas I Will say one thing that I miss from both these movies and I know logistically he would been like really old but or like in terms of timeline. But these all go to pull that off where the ah the police constable from the first movie. 02:20:38.60 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah. 02:20:41.88 Nicholas I really want to see him again because he was just very like very cute and very quaint in Kmg and I was really hoping to see him again. 02:20:48.40 Jala and Dave Yeah of the different ways that they try to manufacture humorous moments in all of these movies. The most successful was that cop guy in koymilgaia to me like that was the funniest. I mean like it was mildly amusing that the toad guy was eating all the ice cream but it wasn't the same caliber as the cop who just broke all of his own windows because you know he was so used to having all the sunshine and the fresh air in his house and. Then you know, ah Mrs Meh ah comes by and is like why don't you just open up the windows and he's just like oh I didn't even think of that. 02:21:29.16 Nicholas It's such. It's probably the. It's probably the absolute dumbest joke they go for but also like the most memorable I think yeah. 02:21:38.80 Jala and Dave Yeah, it was it was dumb but it was funny and cute in the fact that that character is actually super well-meaning and is like ah that display of friendship was so touching this is where they took him you know and all of that like that was very very good as well. Like they make him a solid row. So. 02:21:48.96 Nicholas It. 02:21:55.29 Jala and Dave So anyway, um, that is wrapping up the episode on Krrish and Krrish 3 yay we finished him so from here Dave where on the internet can people find you if you are to be found. 02:22:11.38 Jala and Dave If you were to find me on the internet I'm primarily on Twitter at cinininat underscore. Plus you can also find me on several other podcasts. My main one is monster dear monster which is at monsterdear.monster and nick how about you. 02:22:29.16 Nicholas Ah, well as a as state at the top of the show. You know I do run a Youtube channel and currently have a patreon to support it. So the main places you can find me at are youtube.com/orpatreon.com/stylishmoonmore and that's. Ah, triple s stylish moon born with an e at the end. Um check those out if you want to see me play some action games if you want to see me teach you how to play action games or give you a ride carry's experience if you don't think you're up to playing them. And you know we'll have a good time come join the discord come take a look see what I have to offer. 02:23:04.14 Jala and Dave Yeah, and I will say that you make everything look so easy and like I definitely am I I am too tired I am too tired to even try for that level of mastery so I will just watch you stream and you know watch your videos. 02:23:16.10 Nicholas Um. 02:23:23.40 Jala and Dave And just appreciate it from over here. Ah you are doing me a service. It is kind of like coal over at duckfeed playing horror games that I would not ever want to suffer through because some of them are just kind of Jak so April fourteenth 02:23:34.69 Nicholas Well, what when when is this episode going live joa. Do you know? Okay, so sometime in the not in the not too distant future after this episode goes live I will be having the next mortal skill play. That's my next That's my main. Long play series where I play an action game and talk you through it. Um the next moral skill play on bayonet three is going to be coming out so that's been something I've been working on for way too long I've been working on it since November and I told myself I'd have it out by December so you know we're finally nearing the finish line though. So. It ah hopefully will come out ah sometime in the next within the next couple weeks after you hear this episode so keep an eye on that. 02:24:18.23 Jala and Dave Yeah, just why don't you just subscribe and put on your notifications and then you'll know. Yeah, whatever all those things that people say Yeah yeah, all of those things for sure So you. 02:24:22.37 Nicholas Indeed. Yes I Yes hit the subscribe button and smash that Bell and you know I'll should yeah Wicked weed that Bell you know how it goes? yeah. 02:24:36.91 Jala and Dave Can find me anywhere I can be found on the internet at jola cha including gellla on that place where you found this episode and all of the others and of course you can support us on Ko Hyphen F I dot com slash fireheart media and that's all for now. Ah, folks until next time take care of yourself and remember to smile. [Show Outro] Jala Jala-chan's Place is brought to you by Fireheart Media. 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