[Show Intro] Jala Hey, thanks for coming! I'm glad you're here. Come on in! Everyone's out on the patio right now. Looks like a couple of people are in the garden. I can't wait to introduce you! Can I get you anything? [turned away] Hey folks, our new guest is here! [Intro music] 00:00.14 Jala & Dave Hello world and welcome to Jala-chan's Place. I'm your host Jala Prendes and today I am joined by Dave of monster dear monster and nick how are you both doing today. 09:20.70 Nicholas I am doing quite well, it's you know it is a day. It is a Saturday I've had a productive week more than usual so I would say I'm feeling pretty good. Thank you? How about you. 09:35.65 Jala & Dave Um, all right did a big old workout this morning and that's a lot better than being sick which is how I've been on. Basically every other episode so far in the last ah couple of months. So ah, that is good I cannot complain Dave how about you. 09:51.82 Jala & Dave Yeah I'm doing her right? It's finally the weekend again. So that's always good to have the week out of the way and be back recording something always always recording. Yes, so today we are actually going to be talking about a bollywood movie called. Koy melgaa or I've found someone so before I get into the movie proper I want to talk about what a bollywood movie is because I feel that there are probably going to be a lot of listeners who don't know so bollywood is derived from. Bombay which is now Mumbai india and basically ah the Mumbai film industry took over from hollywood and then you know it's called bollywood because of where it's located and of course um the different style. Of production that goes on it is India's and the world's largest film industry in terms of films produced and released every year and in either case, it includes movies that tend to be over 3 hours long they have usually fairly formulaic plotlines lots and lots of melodrama think terranovvelas larger than life heroes a lot of choreographed dance sequences and some parts of the story are usually told through dance or you get a look into a character's mindset. 11:29.65 Jala & Dave Or whatnot a relationship that kind of thing and there's also usually some well choreographed fight scenes especially in some newer movies that have come out so insofar as this movie Koyil Gaia it was written and directed by Rakesh Roshan with mutual music by Rajesh Roshan this is a rosshhan family feature. Ah the main character who whose name is rohit mera is played byrit dick Roshan so this is like father and. Ah, the father's brother and the son all collaborating on this one piece and it is an action drama romance sci-fi movie from 2003. It's the first in a series of 3 movies thus far. It was followed in 2006 by Krish and in 2013 by Krish 3 both of whom star three thick Roshan as both rohit and his son Krishna so ah Krishna his son ends up becoming a superhero and that's what we end up seeing in the later two films. And especially Chris Ii it is very much like an indian xmen movie more or less. Ah so there was a fourth instalment that was announced in 2016 for release in 2020 but it was pushed back due to covered 19. 13:02.10 Jala & Dave And I have not heard anything new on that. But then again I also do not speak hindi so ah, news source wise I do not have as many outlets for the freshest news from bollywood. So ah, when it was released. It was the second highest earning indian film of 2003 it won a bunch of different awards kind of after the fact, a lot of people started getting critical of it. But like right when it first came out everybody. Loved it. So um, everybody involved talked about how challenging this movie was for them to make because ah the main character rohi is a developmentally challenged individual and the character of rohit does a lot of changing and has a lot of different ah shifts and personality. And situation throughout the movie and there's a lot of different complex relationships that he has with different characters that have to be portrayed just right and fritik is not developmentally challenged. Um, so the the. Actor had to do a lot with that but he does a very good job of being convincing in his role throughout the entire movie and that's really kind of the main thing that I first came away from this movie with when I first watched it so Dave I'm going to let you tell everybody. 14:31.18 Jala & Dave How we came across this movie in the first place like how in the world did we even get to this bollywood movie. So yeah, this was very roundabout. We were actually um out and having lunch at an ah in indian diner and they had in the just like the. Dining room. Um Chris three was playing but there but there was no subtitle so we're just watching action unfold on screen had no frame of reference. The movie was about probably halfway through we found out later but at the time it's like okay, it's. Beginning the middle we don't we don't know. There's a lot of bombastic action going on. It's flamboyant. They're just it felt like how um how the matrix was. Originally in ninety nine and then maybe like the first x-men movie if they kind of combine those and then took it to India that's that's the vibe it was giving off so it was interesting and fun looking and until we had the chance to actually sit down and watch that and gain some context because. Well, it's part. We thought it was part part 3 of some series and tracking down the first one took a little longer because they did. They didn't go with ah Kris as the first in this series of movies. Yeah, so the movies are called koy milgaia and then Chris and thenrish. 16:04.18 Jala & Dave 3 there's no krish to it's Koyilgaia Chris and Chris three so I had to double quadruple check myself and look and I'm like yeah I'm looking at the Wikipedia page and it says no koy mil guy is the first one. Ok. You know, um, interesting numbering system because they consider coinyilgaa which is about the character roheat to be the first in the series about Krish Krish being ah Krishna the son of rohit the guy from the first movie. So um, ok. But what was also interesting and and um, kind of mindb blowing was when we went back to watch the first movie. It is such a different movie from K Chris 3 because krish 3 is like indian indian superhero movie you know and. Then you get to koymilgaia and you have like this action drama that has the feel of like 4 or 5 different american movies from the 80 s like close encounters of the third kind and et but also like some never ending story or goonies and a bunch of other things just like all thrown in together and this this movie goes in so many different directions that you know you're kind of watching multiple what what would be multiple hollywood movies because hollywood movies tend to have like. 17:33.11 Jala & Dave A single premise and this one just kind of says we're doing it all now together in one movie. So Nick we made you watch this or I I made you watch this? Yeah, what do you have any background whatsoever with ballywood or was this your first. 17:49.79 Nicholas This was my absolute first I have no background whatsoever the the closest you can get to saying I have a background which still definitely isn't is. 17:50.47 Jala & Dave Bollywood movie. 18:05.53 Nicholas The one a bollywood fight scene in Scott Pilgrim versus the world where which I'm joking I know that's not actually bollywood but it was styled to be like a bollywood dance number that is the closest ever come to bollywood I am so non immersed in bollywood that when I first saw that movie and saw that scene I had no idea. It was supposed to be a bollywood joke. So yeah, short answer is no no background. 18:28.60 Jala & Dave Um, so when I was telling you about this movie and I was like okay, be forewarned. It's several different movies in one. It's doing a whole lot. Um. Ah, what was that experience like when you started watching it the the first time just in general terms. 18:50.57 Nicholas I will say it felt like a single movie for about half the runtime right? Um, and then it just kind of like sections off into being like 2 or 3 different movies after that and. 19:05.20 Nicholas What's strange about it is that it doesn't just it doesn't just necessarily blend all these different movie types. It feels to me like it'll kind of like it'll kind of like turn switches on in real time that determine what kind of movie. It is so the very beginning of the movie. 19:24.40 Nicholas Ah, like is like some kind of like alien sci-fi intrigue. But then 10 minutes in it immediately switches into being this kind of like I guess you know this kind of slice of life growing up story about you know this about you know about a rohi right? and then you know. 19:42.64 Jala & Dave Ah, here. 19:43.29 Nicholas You know you know has a romantic subplot. Okay, that sounds like it fits in the same movie and then you know you know and then we get to the halfway point and suddenly it's it's constantly like throwing switches between 3 or 4 different movies and what'll end up happening is like oh it'll throw one switch for like 5 minutes to remind you that. This is an alien movie. But then that search will get turned off and then it's like a some kind of strange sports movie for about 10 minutes and so on and so forth. Oh yeah, that's right. 20:09.43 Jala & Dave Oh I forgot space jam is one of those movies. It is Yes, thank you for the reminder. Yes also space jam. Ah. 20:16.13 Nicholas Yeah, indeed. 20:18.63 Jala & Dave Yeah, so this movie does go in a bunch of different directions and I think actually that's kind of what I like about it because you can't really predict what is going to happen this movie like a lot of what I have a problem with when it comes to hollywood. Is that I'll be watching a movie and I are ready know what's going to happen at the end and so for me like this movie was really interesting because I had no no idea where it was going to go Dave what was your feeling general feeling about this when you were watching it. Yeah, it was pretty much a surprise. It's it's a ride the whole time. Um that it is like an hour in just setting up the characters and doing kind of a prologue then they may as well have just done a title splash then ah and. 21:11.60 Jala & Dave Where it switches up. It's not you. You can see where the movie's going to go if you've watched the 5 other movies that this movie's compiled from you're like okay I can I can get these beats. Ah or if you've just started watching other. Bollywood films. It's hitting a lot of the same notes that other ones will do. There's specific. Love interests. There's um, there's an antagonist. That's maybe a serious one and there's one that's just kind of comic relief antagonist like they're they're not really a threat. But the character still perceives them that way that just more of like a roadblock or they did just red herring an antagonist for the for the story. So those things watching this when it came out would have definitely been a big ah difference I think. Would have been more bombastic and just wow um I still felt that but watching it over almost twenty years later you're like well it's it's of a time and place. However, um, unlike a western film. It's. 22:26.64 Jala & Dave Softer in its portrayals of like the archetypes and that's I think the surprise there's a lot of parts where it it doesn't swerve ah into like a more I don't know a gritty territory it kind of just keeps this nice line the whole time. And there's a lot of characters that could have been more despicable but they really kind of aren't they're again, not as threatening as they would be in like an american hollywood release. Yeah and I think that's a really good point. Um, the main antagonist for a lot of this movie. Is rush who is a guy that grew up with rohit and he has the same physical age as rohi but unlike Rohit who has the development disability this other guy rush does not and so he moved on and he's you know, just like a young man and he's just. Picks on Rahi because you know rohi is mentally behind him and he's just a crappy person but like they never the whenever there's a scene where Raj is picking on rahi I always feel like oh I know where're this is going to go oh this is going to be really really bad and yes, it's bad. Yes, you know he hits roheed and some other things happen but like it he stops way before a hollywood movie I feel would have stopped and you know like the there's just like um, not as severe. 24:01.74 Jala & Dave Ah, a line between characters in so far as like how good or bad they are like they're not you know irredeemable I suppose is the best way to say it which makes sense for the cultural difference between the Us and India so ah, so yeah I suppose at this point we should probably do a summary of the story as best we can and everybody feel free to chime in and say whatever you want to say about this story as we go. So as this story begins a space scientist and that that words in english those words are in english. Space scientist makes contact with aliens who come to earth just as he and his wife are driving in the country and the space scientist sees the ufo and is like oh my gosh, the aliens they've come and then because he's not paying attention to the road. Somehow I don't know what he hits because there's nothing out there but he flies the car flies off the road and it you know rolls several times and then catches fire with the space scientist in the car. His wife is thrown out of the car and lives. However, ah she is pregnant with her their son and has landed on her stomach which ends up causing ah her son to have brain damage nick you have something you wanted to add. 25:29.50 Nicholas Yes, one thing I wanted to say about this you know car crash scene is that it reads as like the combined stereotype of movie car crashes that never actually happens in Hollywood Basically where it's like it is literally. 25:47.99 Nicholas Like someone will make a joke about you know a car crash in a hollywood movie like oh yeah, the car flipped over and then exploded and it's like no this is literally that like it's literally you literally see it on the middle of the road and then it trips over nothing as it flips over and then explodes because of course it does. 26:07.80 Jala & Dave Yeah, it's it's real over the top in the kind of like um survival horror video game trope where it's like of course the vehicle catches fire because you can't use it anymore. That's kind of the point you know that kind of feeling where it's like yeah they they that was ah, an invented. 26:25.00 Jala & Dave Thing there? Ah but but either way like in short form they they kill off the dad and then have damaged the brain of the son like the next scene that we seen after that is the wife who is now a widow. And she is at the doctor's office and she's talking to the doctor about well why is my son you know having trouble in school in this and that and he shows some x-rays showing the brain and says well this area of the brain right here has trauma. And she's like but he's never had anything happen and then he's like well it's because you know when he he was in the womb you were thrown from that car and that's what did it? So um, then you know we're set up right away with okay so the sun has brain damage. Got you. And the doctor says you know more or less. Okay, well he's just going to be behind everyone basically for the rest of his life. There is an operation that can be done to fix his brain but the chances of him surviving this operation are so slim and she basically says. I don't want to do that because I already have lost the father I do not want to lose the 1 thing I have left in this world I think that's how she says it. So. 27:47.94 Nicholas Yeah, 1 1 thing about this scene that stands out to me as someone who doesn't know anything about birth or having children etc was that I have to ask is is there is there anything realistic about the fact that. She had this horrible accident and then and then rohi grew up to what probably like what 6 or 7 or however old he was supposed to be in the scene and then then they find out that he has brain damage like that felt that felt kind of strange to me when I saw it. 28:22.99 Jala & Dave I Don't think I mean night none of us are are doctors but I feel like that's something that would have been caught at Birth like earlier doing just general wellness checkups. So yeah I don't know the state of um, the. 28:33.11 Nicholas Yeah, that was my instinct as well. 28:40.20 Jala & Dave Medical situation in India either. Yeah I I don't know um I I feel like it was placed at that age range more for the drama of it because if rohit were a baby and they were finding hey this baby isn't. You know, mobilizing at the same rate as other babies and is still you know, um, like a newborn infant at a year and a half or whatever like somebody would have noticed that sooner than that. Yes, um, the movie I feel is is. You know, not really focusing because they don't they don't tell you exactly what his condition is I do not know if there is actually a condition that because they were pointing to a specific area of the brain but I don't know if that's you know, just making making something up. You know, just for the purposes of the movie or if there was actually a condition that was mentioned maybe in hindi that was not translated over I don't know um I am not an expert about that at all. But I do agree that yes they would have caught it just from you know rohit as a baby. Not being able to do the stuff that he should be able to do by that age. Whatever age he is developmentally like they would have caught that sooner. Yes, um, for the melodrama because that is a bollywood feature though they have to put it where oh. 30:06.32 Jala & Dave I don't understand why my 6 or seven year old is is behind and and struggling and you know well Mrs Meta your son has brain damage. It's because of that fall all those years ago when you lost your husband and also to fix your son might kill him. No, like you know like that that that's super tell novella type drama there. That's what they're doing with that. That's ah more a beat of the bollywood than it is something practical to um, you know the science of it. 30:40.55 Nicholas Yeah, and like you know I found it interesting when they you know, brought up the brain surgery because like at least from my very you know Western immersed in Hollywood Lens they talk about the brain surgery in like a way that made me feel it was like. Check off's brain surgery I Thought that was something that was going to come up again later maybe not necessarily something is that happens but like I don't know maybe there would be a dramatic scene where rohi you know, tearfully asks his mom. Why she never gave him that surgery or whatever but it's just like never discussed again. It. Appears in that scene specifically to kind of like I guess frame the drama and then unless I Miss something. It's never ever brought up again. 31:25.27 Jala & Dave Nope it is not brought up again and I think for me I've seen ah several bollywood movies but not like I'm not like okay ah super super immersed in all of bollywood. So um, but just from my. Awareness of that and of course the version that I know which is telenovelas you know, ah just from those kinds of beats it made sense to me to have it brought up like well because somebody somebody in the audience would ask well, why didn't she just isn't there something they could have done about that. Well. They've covered their bases by saying there is a surgery but it could kill him and she's not doing that so you know like that's just covering the bases there but I will say that one of the things that um, this movie was dinged for by critics after the fact, not like right at first but later on. 32:04.78 Nicholas That's a good point in. 32:19.71 Jala & Dave Was the fact that the science in this movie is nonsense because the space scientist Dr Meda when he was sending his signals out into outer space. He was sending the sounds of om now that is a very you know obviously Hindu. Um. You know thing because that is the universal sound of the universe in life. Ah, however, sound does not travel in space which is a vacuum. So ah, that wouldn't work like just the even the premise of just how he calls. The aliens is not a thing. It's just not a thing. So um, that's one of the things that the movie was dinged for um is just like the science isn't there. So like I'm I'm not looking at it super skeptically for or super. Um, stringently let's say for the scientific elements I will also add that bollywood does not tend to stray into sci-fi. With any frequency whatsoever. There's like a handful of movies that even mention aliens or space or anything like that. So this movie going into sci-fi is already um territory that is not very well trodden by bollywood movies which is part of what makes it interesting. 33:35.90 Jala & Dave so ah so yeah roheat okay for after the scene with the doctor rohet it skips forward to him playing ball with his friends and he's a little kid and he smashes the window of this neighbor of his and then there's a time. Skip. And the same thing is happening again some number of years later but rohit now looks like he's a 20 something and he's playing ball with his friends who are all little kids and he smashes the window of that neighbor again and this is actually a really funny scene because the. And neighbor in question happens to be a police officer and he's probably 1 of my favorite characters. Dave I want you to to describe how this happens because I just love the way you do it? Okay, so this this particular character is named Suquani and he's like a comedic foil. He's just bombastic over- the top guy and he's yelling at these kids but not in like an he's angry because they broke his window but he's yelling at them and like it's I don't know it's a good natured to just. Chiding children kind of manner. Um, but he's he's clearly like disturbed that they keep busting his windows and the camera takes the time because every window in his house is broken. Yeah to show that every window is busted um from these cricket balls. Ah. 35:08.91 Jala & Dave And it's just the the guy is great. He delivers his lines and he's like oh you, you've broken all my windows and here I am I'm here out here yelling at you and everything is in my house I got the wind and the rain and the dust is all on my house but look at me I'm out I'm stuck out here. Yelling at you can even be in my own house and there's this really cute scene where rohe is just like I'll fix it for you. But you're going to have to give me the money for the materials and he's like what what do you mean? and and he's like yeah I'll fix it for you when I get grow up and. Then you know sukqu is like you grow up how much taller do you need to be because you know roll heat happens to be really really tall and um so it's just this very very cute and funny scene and like you know this neighbor is not. Like okay 1 thing I will say about the the movie overall is that okay, there are a couple of people who treat rohi badly for being disabled. There is raj and then there is 1 particular teacher. Everybody else is extremely understanding and accepting and nice. And they are fine. Everybody else is fine in a way that's super atypical of things in hollywood if this was a hollywood movie 99% of the characters would be. You know, um Duncan on on rohe for being how he is so um anyway Suquani is. 36:42.49 Jala & Dave Very you know overall very kind. He is upset that his window got broken but you know ah life moves on. Ah there's a scene later in the movie and I'll go ahead and mention this now there's a scene later in the movie where his windows are repaired. He finally repairs them and then he ends up going outside and starting to smash all of his windows and all of his neighbors gather. And are watching him and going what are you doing and Mrs Mera Rohit's mom comes up and's like suquai. What are you doing and he's like well I fix my windows but for years I had all this sunlight and fresh air and all this other stuff. So I missed it and then. She's like why didn't you just open the window and he was just like oh because he he had not thought about that because he hadn't had any reason to open his windows in so long. It was a very very good scene. So Nick you had to say. 37:36.75 Nicholas Yeah, yeah, since you mentioned um the difference between how ah you know disability would be treated in a hollywood movie that reminds me of yet another um movie comparison I don't think either of us mentioned and that's for stop just a little bit right. 37:44.58 Jala & Dave Ah. 37:50.51 Jala & Dave Yeah, yeah. 37:52.74 Nicholas Like that like that was something I kept ah thinking while watching the early parts of the movie both times but then it just flew out of my head as soon as it got past that I can't imagine why surely didn't have anything to do with it becoming 5 different movies. But you know. 38:07.23 Jala & Dave Yeah, yeah for sure. But yeah, there is some ah forest Gump Dna to be had here. Absolutely so um and in forrest Gump I don't know they don't I don't believe they ever say exactly what his disability is in that movie. I I cannot remember if they do yeah and it's kind of the same situation here. So you know like that translates over so I will say something else. Um, Roheat's little friends. All of his little little kid friends. 38:23.52 Nicholas I Don't think they do but I could be wrong. 38:38.74 Jala & Dave I amdb refers to them as the super 6 which is just amazing because that just reminds me of like the fearsome 5 from dark wing dog or something like it sounds like a superhero group and it's it's just like a band of little kids that are his ah friends. But um, anyway. Ah, yeah, they ended up all like after that whole scene they are just going somewhere on their scooters and end up coming across a raj and his friends on their motorbikes and then they happen to be crossing a bridge at the same time and it's like the whole. You know stubborn goats meeting on the bridge fable kind of situation. you move. no you move we were here first blah blah blah and then eventually the kids are like go ahead and make us make us move and then they end up doing this this whole. Kind of like take down like these little little kids. How old are these kids like 10 they're like 10 maybe and um, they take down they like just kick them in the shins and stuff and then take off on their scooters in the other direction and they're like dodging over. You know, ah tree branches and and other obstacles in their way and then like there's a remix of the never ending story theme that plays and they end up like successfully beating them up and running away and I was just like. 40:07.21 Jala & Dave Ah, they did They really did This is super ah super kid kid movie from the eighty s stuff here for sure. 40:16.35 Nicholas There's ah in an incredible part of that scene where I love where there's that kind of like stopgate or whatever that they're running through and then the kid and then when the kids on the scooter. He like clearly ducks under to get through and then you see one of the you know bikers just. 40:24.78 Jala & Dave Um. 40:34.11 Nicholas Merrily come right? behind him seems to make gives no indication that he's aware this stock gate is there and just like plows through it and falls off. It's like it's like he has a very specific kind of blindness that makes him unable to see those gates. 40:51.76 Jala & Dave Well, it's it's super spielberg and so inspired it feels like to me and I know that Spielberg movies were ah cribbed a lot. They were referred to as ah reference material strong influences for this movie. So. Ah, that tracks for like Spielberg movies in the 80 s and like movies for kids adventure kids movies in the eighty s and that kind of a thing so this is another film that gives rohit and and company his assorted super 6 a lot of agency and they're they're. Technically I mean he's even a kid just mentally. Ah, but it's that whole like they they probably don't have parents. It's a real like they don't address it. But it's that same sort of like even in the 80 s the cartoons like kids would just go on adventures and that just wasn't addressed. Like there's just no adult supervision because they don't need it. They're just off doing their own adventure and that's that's the important part and this takes that and just kind of runs with it and no one's really ever giving them like trouble over it. Like there's not They're not yeah they might be a yelled at for doing like some shenanigans but they're they're never treated as anything other than like tiny or humans. Yeah for sure and actually speaking about being yelled at for shenanigans after that whole scenario. 42:21.40 Jala & Dave Ah, where in the inspector Kn ah and sukhui the police officer happened to stop Raj because rush and his cohorts as they chase the kids are riding their motorbikes on the sidewalk and so the police stop them and then Raj is like I don't think you know who I am. And he's like oh I know who you are. You're like the magistrate son or whatever it is and um, you know make sure to double the fine sukwaine because you know let everyone know that nobody gets away with stuff and regardless of who they are in this town or whatever and it's actually like a ah. I know the way I presented it just then makes it sound like oh he's just like ah a hard ass or something but no the way it comes across is like no, he's a solid bro and he's not going to be swayed by. You know the power structure or whatever and so like you end up kind of liking him even though later in the movie. He turns into a sort of villain because he's. Basically just doing his job. But um, anyway, so that's that's another thing that I like about this is that all of the characters are given different dimensions. So. There's not any character that is solidly just a flat villain a flat you know, ah happy-go lucky perfect serene. Everybody's got their situations and those are expressed so ah so anyway after that rohit is going to the movies with his friends and they're like oh we got to go get the bus. Oh we missed the bus or something like that and then meanwhile a. 43:56.50 Jala & Dave New person to town nisha who ends up becoming the love interest ah Nisha who is again the same physical age as rohit happens to be driving by and she's looking for a particular villa where um, her parents are. Going in in hanging out with their friends. Basically her parents are friends with the magistrate and his wife and niche's parents have moved the family there so that way. All of the parents can retire together and just hang out and be buddies and anyway so nisha is trying to find this villa where the magistrate lives or whatever and asked the kids hey where is this villa and rokit is just going to answer her and tell her where it's at and then beat through one of the kids. Um, it's just like oh no no, no it's over here and ro he's like what that's not where it's at and they end up basically b two's idea is to trick the girl into giving them all a ride to the movies and so that's what happens they ah trick her into taking them to the movies. They jump off of her Jeep and then she's like hey this isn't the villa and then they're like yeah no, it's not. It's over that way. Well, why did you tell me this way because we wanted a ride also all you have to do is go over there k by and so. 45:25.19 Jala & Dave It was this very very funny scene and not only that but like the kids they were talking about this movie beforehand before they went to it and then one of them was like oh yeah, it's a 3 hour long movie and 1 of the other kids is like 3 hours and then you know one of the girls is like. Oh yeah, that's all of rage these days or something so it's even poking fun at the length of the movie itself. Um within the movie which is pretty good. So ah, they end up coming across the same girl again later because. At the villa. There is like some big party that happens and all of the kids hear about it just I don't know where they hear about it somebody nobody has parents but somebody found out about this party anyway. And they all go and sneak and hide under the table and then a couple of them go through the line and put you know, shove the food under the table so everybody can eat and right about the time that ah rohit grabs under the table to try to tell btu he's hungry and he wants more food. He ends up accidentally grabbing Nisha's leg because this is at like a fancy party where she's there. You know, hanging out with her parents and in Raj and everybody and then um, he gets startled. 46:43.93 Jala & Dave Gets up ah really quickly from under the table because he's so big. He knocks the table over and knocks all this food and drinking everything all over nisha and then they all run. It was like a soup like dumped ah a soup on her head like ah, an entire bowl. Huge big serving bowl. 47:03.30 Jala & Dave Yeah, so after that she ended up having to go to the salon and try to get her hair ah fixed and everything and meanwhile ah roheat's mom is like oh you've got to apologize to her the next time you see her so he's going by on his scooter happens to see her through the window. And knows her jeep of course. So he's like okay I'm going to write a little um apology letter and leave it in the car so he does that but it doesn't stay when he tries to set it in the seat. So then he takes a piece of gum and sticks it on the seat and is going to put the sign on it and then that's about the time that raj and everybody comes over. And they start picking on him and going like what are you doing? you know he's he's messing with you again see like you would have had to cut your hair with the gum and all this other stuff. Andsha at this point somehow still doesn't know that rohit is developmentally challenged. And so she 6 raj and his cohorts on rohit. 48:05.80 Nicholas Um, I will say one thing I love about the cns stands out to me is that if you look at the note um it ah it basically just says I'm sorry. But then there's like a smiley face on it and that was just like a nice little detail like it never like really like waves it directly in the camera that I remember anything but you see it's like oh. 48:22.65 Nicholas Like you know, yeah, it just kind of adds this little touch of like you know genuine innocence to the ah bit that you know gets you know, cruelly trampled over in just a second. 48:34.22 Jala & Dave Oh yeah, for sure and that's the thing it's like um, a lot of what the drama of the beginning hour and 10 minutes or so of this movie trades on is people not observing each other accurately. People assuming things about each other and not actually you know like somehow rohi makes it to 7 without anybody ever thinking anything was different about his development and you know nisha comes across this guy who's there with like 6 children. And is acting like another child and somehow she doesn't think that possibly he might ah you know not be just playing games. You know on her or something. So I mean like a lot of the drama in the beginning is is really just trading on people assuming stuff and not really seeing each other clearly um, in either case rush and his cohorts go and beat up roheat and trample his scooter and break his scooter and. Meanwhile b two who is ah basically this most solid bro of the super 6 little children ah runs to the bank where rohit's mother works and gets her and brings her you know to the scene of everything happening because this is in a small town and. 49:58.90 Jala & Dave So she runs over and sees. What's happening you know sees that her son is crying sees the apology letter puts it all together in her head and figures out exactly what happened so she because again small town like she goes around the corner to the the nest cafe where everybody hangs out. And then she is carrying the letter and she comes up to them and you know reams them out over the coals and has this really you know it's strongly um, emotional speech about you know he is innocent. And you have hurt him. You know if you all you all are you know what he would have been like if he didn't have this brain damage. You know I would rather he be like he is because he is a sweet person. He is lovable and basically you all suck. And you're miserable and terrible and shame on you and I think she even like crumples up the note and throws it at niche or something um and then walks off and then niche is like oh crap I didn't realize and so she decides that she is going to. Make amends and I am sick of giving this summary Dave tell us more more I will tell you won't well actually so that part there um, when hits mother is lambasting them. She's she looks at niche and she's like okay, you're new here and. 51:29.70 Jala & Dave You I give you a little bit of a pass because you shouldn't you wouldn't know but raj you you literally went to school with him. You've you've been together for like twenty something years ah there's no more shame that you should have like this is the most ridiculous thing and grow up. Ah, you're the ones that need to grow up. Not you know my son I think he's fine. 51:52.75 Nicholas It is definitely one of the more like I'm I'm not saying I've seen tons and tons and tons of scenes like this cross movies. But I will say I think this is one the more effective and moving like scenes I've seen a movie where you know. A mother kind of goes like hands off my baby like you know the whole time I was like gone that poor lady like like yeah you tell those people. 52:20.95 Jala & Dave Yeah, it's a really impassioned speech and you all of that comes across in like a very eloquent Way. She's she's yelling at them. But it's very well worded this happens again a little bit later with ah rohit where he. Gets back at another adult that has been like downtroddening him and it's the same kind of dressing down but just very well worded to where you're going. No this makes sense and yes I should feel bad. 52:50.31 Nicholas Um, yeah. 52:54.68 Jala & Dave Well and then too I will insert a production note here that the role of Mrs Mehra was specifically written for the actress rika the actress who place Mrs Mera and Rakesh Roshan did not have. Any idea of who else he would cast if she said no so that role was specifically written for that actress and it shows because she shines in that role. So Dave tell us about niche's apology because I don't want to read anymore. Okay, so for her apology and she understands that um well she goes to like deliver I think a verbal 1 but she wants to so make sure that yes he is going to a school and he's in grade school so she kind of follows him to school. And checks in on him as he's in his classes and just trying to find a time I think to talk to him. Um, and it it comes down to that as her formal apology. She buys him like a pretty fancy looking bike. Ah, which rohi. Ends up thinking like his mom got him for his busted up scooter and he's super excited about it and then he finds out that it's from nisha and his face just falls because he's so upset because the last time that he saw her you know she was yelling at him. Go ahead. 54:27.81 Nicholas There's a pretty amazing part when she delivers her verbalpology where she says and I quote it's true I made a mistake and just this kind of like and I know that could just be like a translation thing which is the kind of cadence Of. I Literally sicked a biking on you to dismantle your favorite scooter and respond to that with oh mistakes were had it was that was just very Funny. You know me. 54:55.18 Jala & Dave Yeah I feel that's probably a translation. There were some other things in the subtitles where um, that seems maybe like a Trans literation thing versus actual like recontextualizing it. But you know we we don't know for sure. 55:05.15 Nicholas Yeah. 55:11.47 Jala & Dave Yeah, So after that apology which is weirdly super easy I mean it's just because rohit is not somebody who holds a grudge and you know he's just a loving and caring Person. So I mean when she says look I did a bad I'm sorry. And also I will make all of the guys apologize to you as well and they're never going to bother you again and then he's like well what if they do bother me again and she's like well we'll team up and beat him up together and that was like a cute little scene and then he's like ok you know because he's a little kid in his mind. So. You know, um, he's just innocent and like ok that sounds good So She brings him to a club where all of the guys are hanging out and has them all apologize because she's just bringing them to like go and hang out with people his own age. But I mean. Questionable concept here because I mean you are bringing basically a child to this club. But either way, um, they all apologize. Sorry Rohet Whatever but the moment that nisha moves away to do something. They spike his coke with. Alcohol like vodka or something and give it to him and just like make him drink it and he's like oh it tastes bad I don't want it hear drink it hear drink. It'll make you feel better and then she comes over and stops it in the middle of everything happening and if this were a Hollywood Movie. He would have been drunk or sick. 56:42.93 Jala & Dave Or, Whatever and there would have been some really horrible repercussion. Something bad would have happened at that point in this movie. However, because it's not Hollywood It is Bollywood. She stops it when she sees it happening and she and rahit leave and then they have like a bollywood dance number in the rain. And it's really cute and charming. 57:07.30 Nicholas I do want to say that picking a single favorite scene in the movie. It's definitely this one. Um, this is the moment where it just kind of like you know because again, this was my first bolly movie. This was the first scene where it kind of transformed into this interesting. But also you know literally foreign concept of a film to me into like okay this is something special because you know the the song is great. The core the weird like. Gravity defying like dance choreography is great like it's the see. It's the scene on most if I'm ever likely to go back and rewatch favorite scenes from this movie. It would probably be this one. 57:50.43 Jala & Dave Well and it also echoes you know the whole singing in the rain concept. You know, just like the the musical singing in the rain and in that whole bit. So I mean like it's It's cute in a lot of different ways and it really is kind of like. You were watching a slice of life sort of movie and here's some hard knocks going on for this character drama. But then now here's a reminder that this is not just that There's a lot more coming up soon and like the movie just kind of ratchets it up from there. Um, insofar as. The kind of surreal things that happen, especially after the Alien finally comes which we're not to the Alien yet. So Let's keep going. Um, but yeah, this scene this scene though. Um the dancing is fun and cute. But yeah rohit is leaning to the sides but like. Very obviously edited to be leaning further than he could physically actually lean. They have some reversals where he's falling up and things like that. So Um, and everybody is fine even though they're falling in the rain and stuff. Um, but it's this cute scene where basically nisha is um, kind of. Charmed by Rohi because they're they're just walking and rohit has just decided that he's going to jump in the puddles and walk in the rain and he coaxes her out into the rain and you know they just start dancing and singing and you know she kind of gives up her kind of adult hat for a minute to just have fun in the rain and just be you know. 59:26.93 Jala & Dave Hanging out you know with her friend and and it's Cute. It's really cute and charming. Yeah, and I I think it was before this or it comes just after ah she has little he didn meet her at his house or at her house or parents' house. And he sees their um little Pc and he's like oh my my dad was ah like a space scientist computer after that and um, she's like oh did you, you wanted to exactly I wanted to learn computer but no one will teach me and she's like oh I can teach you like I know about Computers. And they they end up finding his dad's old computer in like the shed at his house and ah, they reassemble it and that's that's where they start sending the space signal but I did want to mention about when he met her parents. Um. Again, if this was a Hollywood movie. It would have been treated very differently when rohit comes to the house. Um, Niche's father is like oh you told me about that that disabled kid in town. Well I was doing some research on the internet and it seems that you know the best thing you can do is just love Them. You know and and show them a lot of love and everything and that's the that's the quote unquote cure for them is just imagine that you treat them like anyone else and that's it. 01:00:57.93 Jala & Dave And um, then when rohit is there they are very kind to him and you know he's said you know they're like oh do you want coffee or tea and he's like I want born vita which is like this malt drink with vitamins in it like a chocolate malt drink or something and um, they're like we don't have. Born Vita and he's like oh you should have born vida every day it'll make you healthy and strong all of you need to drink born vita and then the mom is just like oh we'll go out and buy some tomorrow you know and so like they literally like they're they're accommodating their sweet. You know this wouldn't be the case if it was like a hollywood movie I don't think so um, in either case after that yes they find the computer and rohit happens to know the tune of the signal to send that. Happens to bring the aliens to earth because his mother taught it to him on the little piano when he was a little boy and that was a scene that was shown briefly like at the beginning but you didn't know you know Ah what that was leading up to just yet. So. They accidentally send the space signal but it takes a while for it to kick in I guess like it takes the aliens must have been like way on the other side of the galaxy or something because it took some time um for the aliens to come. 01:02:20.88 Nicholas It took time for them to develop technology that let them hear sound in the void of space. 01:02:28.89 Jala & Dave Yeah, well, it's a radio signal I'm pretty sure you can send radio signals just have to have something to to decode it. Yeah, that's that's true. That's true. So um, now it's Eoc because like people do send music signals and things into space these days. 01:02:46.26 Jala & Dave But um, at the time like in 2003 I don't know how much the critics who were saying oh well this doesn't make any sense I don't know um what the technology was like at that time I can't remember it's been too long I've slept in the last twenty years I think the issue is more the power consumption that it would take to. Boost a signal and get it anywhere is not something that you're going to be to send from like a rooftop dish without like causing a blackout for the whole city. Which happens when the aliens show up as a matter of fact, all of the and it's weirdly like even the candles go out everything and that's never explained. Don't worry about it. Um, everything goes dark when the alien ship comes to the planet and. Um, then of course everybody's like oh my gosh. What's going on and and then whatever and then then it's reported on the news. Oh. There was a ufo citing and then the magistrate and the inspectors and everybody are like. Looking around to see what happened and where the alien went and then there's like a whole festival that happens because they're like the aliens came to casali and we were on the news cool so they had like a big festival where everybody was dressing up and um raw heat is. 01:04:06.31 Jala & Dave Wanting to go out there and go um, be with his friends and dress up but his mom is upset at him because he touched the computer and he did the things and brought the aliens to um, that planned it again and she's upset because of course she's upset her father. You know her husband had. Died the last time that happened so you know she's scared basically and tells him. No, you can't go out there blah blah blah and um it happens that he gets upset and throws this pot that he he had drawn a face on that he was going to wear on his head and then. It turns out that when the alien ship came to the planet. It was here for a second and then it went away again, but it apparently left behind 1 alien and that alien has come to the house and it sees the broken pot and fixes it and leaves it there. And you know it's just hiding in the woods and then the next day rohit finds it and then is like how did this happen and at first thinks that this little shadow in the woods is his friend beatu or something but then he ends up coming across the alien. 01:05:19.73 Nicholas I do have to say that with regards to this alien this is a I don't know to what extent it was prosthetics versus puppetry but this is a very very very good practical effect throughout the movie in my opinion. Um, like I know that you know they're trying to evoke et you know with you know, the third or fourth movie that this is trying to be but there is something about it that really stands out as memorable and just like a really fun puppet to look at and see move or you know prosthetic whenever it may be. 01:05:54.93 Jala & Dave The mask of Jadu was developed by a company in Australia and it took over a year to make it was over a million dollars most of the budget for this movie went into the mask of Jadu. Actually and or at least a large part of it went into the mask for Jaddu and the person who was in the suit because it was a suit with a mask. The mask was such that the person in the suit could not see or breathe. And so after every scene with Jadu's face had to pull the mask off real quick and get a shot of oxygen so that was ah what they were dealing with so ah, there was some animatronics involved in the animation of the face. However, this was actually a prop that was worn by the person who was doing that so that was not a computer effect or anything that was um, a person wearing that. 01:06:57.77 Nicholas It's especially incredible when you consider it in the context of 2003 when 2003 that was just a year after the second star wars prequel came out where they were like going all in on these really you know. Technically technically impressive like cgi aliens and here they are were with this very very very very good combination of practical effects. 01:07:21.86 Jala & Dave And in the so team that was working on the special effects for this movie. They had a couple of Americans who had worked on Independence day so they had ah in that in some other movie I Forget what the other movie is but they they had worked on. Some big name movies. So for the time period This had some really exceptional effects. Yeah, and that's something that if you're using spielberg at all as your playbook for what you're kind of the vibe you're going for. Ah, a lot of that was practical effects and that keeps a movie. Um, it adds longevity to it and you can watch that again later and that it just ages much better where as something like the opening to credits to this film. Are terrible because they're they're all in Cg and it's it's I can't even say it's 2003 Cg It looks like it's like 9093 E Cg or is something someone made on um ah windows powerpoint like. Rotating effects. It's bad. 01:08:31.78 Nicholas It looks like a star wars opening crawl. But by way of of your old digital alarm clocks font like it is literally. It is literally. It is literally just like a literally I can't even exaggerate if you look at it. It is just. A three d c g text version of alarm clock font with you know the 8 points of of you know of you know lines or whatever drawn in that exact same way like the elongated bars with you know, little points at the end. It. 01:09:07.95 Jala & Dave It is a choice and it's so wacky really because that was the first foot that was set down on the ground so when you first start watching this movie. That's what you see at the beginning and you're like oh boy, what's this. But then you get to later parts of the movie and go actually they have some kind of cool stuff. 01:09:08.00 Nicholas It is. It is quite a choice. 01:09:27.76 Jala & Dave By the way the other movie that the um americans that were on this team had worked on was the godzilla movie from around that era as well. So um, but yeah, so the the effects are something they kind of go in a ah range. Let's say. Ah, from stuff that seems really outdated to stuff that for the time was really high end and that kind of feels like something that I see a lot. In indian tv I don't know about bollywood movies as much but definitely in indian tv I see that where it's like this is something that's being released right now but the effects that are in it are like pretty dated by this juncture. That's just not where their budget went it probably went to the specific actors that are in it because there's usually big big name actors and even in the Tv series. Yeah, definitely so okay so the alien has come to earth rohit finds. It becomes friends with it. And um, ends up naming it ja do which is like though the word translates to magic or at least the way that they translate it in the subtitles I don't know if that's the literal translation. Um. 01:10:44.99 Jala & Dave And he hides jaddu in his shed where the computer was like just like a separate building in the back of the house and they're trying to give jadu all of this different type of food like I don't know what he eats and then he just you find out that he eats sunlight that is how he is powered is by Sunlight. So. He needs to be in the rays of go doop like judge who has this really low voice you goop jaw doo and so he doesn't talk very often but when he does it's like this um, kind of computer effect slow digital voice. Is a little in diesel tiny miniature bind diesel with a solar panel on his head just like ven diesel. 01:11:31.49 Nicholas It's like he was Auto tuned. It's like he was reverse Auto tuned is what it sounds like like he talks and it's like this very very tight like static radio effect around his voice and. 01:11:44.13 Jala & Dave Which is really neat like I like the fact that they didn't just have it be ah some dude's voice. You know, um, it's in it I like the fact that it's difficult for it like ja do understands but it's hard for jadu to speak because. His vocal chords aren't like our vocal chords you know he's trying to make the sounds who knows so um, but anyway so they become friends and then one day all of Rohit's friends end up finding Jadu as well because they are. Messing around with the cricket ball. It goes through the window of the shed they go in there to get the ball and find jadu there and then you know that is when jaddu uses his powers for the first time and fixes the window levitates the ball and then uses the ball to tease Sukuwani who happens to be. At that exact moment. Ah that actor Johnny Lever is so good like I I looked him up and I was like oh my there all are all these Tv series and stuff I would so love to watch these but I do not think any of them are available with subtitles for me to watch. Sadly. Yeah, we tried to track down he he does ah think is a series of movies. But it's a buddy cop series and I was like well if if he's so good in this role here I want to see kind of more of this and that's what those other ones looked kind of like but there was unfortunately not even like vcds or anything that we could import. 01:13:11.45 Jala & Dave Yeah, it is sad day. So if anybody listening to this happens to have like a hookup let me know. But anyway. So ah, you find out that he has powers and he can he repairs the window he can make the ball hover he can do all different kinds of stuff. Well. His mom Rohit's mother happens to also come across this alien happens to like they've been hiding him in the house for like a week or who knows how long and eventually she finally comes across him I I will say some of the scenes where he's quote unquote hiding are hilarious like Jadu comes in. And you know rohit is sleeping and jadu is using his powers and then his mom wakes up rohit's mom wakes up and then goes in there and then rohi just stands in front of jadu and it's like you could very easily see that jadu is behind him. But. Ah, because his mom is not really looking in that direction. She doesn't notice and it's just that kind that level of you know, ah not paying attention because you're assuming nothing's there and thus you just missed the obvious thing in front of you is actually pretty funny and you know it works so well because you can just imagine this. Mom who is done with their child crap. Yeah, like come on. You got to get to school like I'm I'm not really paying attention I just want you to move. You know. Can you think of how frustrating it would be to be a parent and then you have for 20 years 01:14:43.92 Jala & Dave Ah, child. That's still an elementary's not like repeated children the same one in the same grade for 20 years and it's just she's done. She's done with all this and but you know she loves her boy so it it all comes out in the wash. But yeah, she's not putting up with anything like that. Well. 1 thing is is um Ja do find the the important part is that Ja do does happen to be seen by the mom and happens to hear the story about what happened to rohit and how rohit. 01:15:19.48 Jala & Dave You know has brain damage. It's because of the last time the aliens were on earth and Jadhu's like oh crap you know and owns it jadu undoes uses his powers and undoes the damage in Rohit's brain and so like he uses his powers and then roheat's brain is healed and suddenly he can use the full capacity of his brain. 01:15:44.80 Nicholas 1 thing that stands out to me and we'll get and obviously as the summary continues. We'll get more into examples of this but the way his brain damage being healed for lack of a better word. Like it manifests itself. It reminds me less of like oh I'm cured and more like he's given like more like he's given superpowers similar to that movie limitless if you've seen that where oh he can use 100% of his brain now. He's just. Magically super good at you know all these physical things. All these mental things. All it didn't it doesn't feel like what jaju did like just healed his his like learning comprehension. It actually like gave him all of this knowledge he would he wouldn't have you know. Reasonably gotten you know beforehand because you know he couldn't quite process. It. It was very interesting and weird of an expression of that idea. 01:16:46.70 Jala & Dave Yeah, and it it feels kind of like hey here's the the extra ten or twelve years of growing. You did just got uncompressed. Um, but yeah I see that limitless or maybe something like powder like that's kind of what that feels like. 01:16:55.35 Nicholas So yeah. 01:17:03.43 Jala & Dave Um, because some of the things he gets are are extra super like super you he can kick stuff really far like into orbit. Yeah, he suddenly has muscles and stuff like it is um, a hand wavy literal magic happening here. You know, like if the damage was undone in his brain. He would suddenly be able to understand things but that doesn't mean he would instantly have all this knowledge or all of this other stuff. So yes, it's not only a healing of the damage but also an empowerment. He gets super strength and he gets. You know, better speed and things like that which eventually get passed on to his son which is how his son Krish or Krishna rather turns into a superhero and because he was grasping for a name. He just is kurish and then that's just how. Chris became his superhero name is because he was about to answer his name is Krishna and then he stopped himself before he finished so he saidrish and that's how Chris became the superhero name. But anyway, um, Nick yes, you have something else to say. 01:18:09.69 Nicholas Yes, as long as we're talking about like ja do like being established as a character in this movie I don't think I don't think I can forgive myself if I let us continue without bringing up that incredible Coca-cola product placement that happens. 01:18:24.96 Jala & Dave oh yes, oh yes the product placement of born Vita Nest Cafe and Coca-cola in this movie is off the hook. 01:18:35.45 Nicholas It is very very strange where they put it to because it's in that it's in the middle of that if evermer correctly it's in the middle of that song that they're just singing about jadu right? like just suddenly he's drinking like I can and Coca-cola and it's center frame very clearly like. 01:18:42.67 Jala & Dave The song. Yes. 01:18:53.84 Nicholas If you had showed someone that ten second clip you could tell them it was just literally a Tv coke advertisement and they believe you like you. 01:19:01.37 Jala & Dave Yeah, and that happens repeatedly where characters will have a coke or something and they set it down of course label right? to the camera. Yeah, it's It's pretty pretty good I actually find it very funny because it's so overt like in. In Western films when they do product Placement. It's not that very obvious what they're doing like this was our sponsor who gave us money you know, but um in Bollywood or at least ah in this particular Bollywood Movie. It is just real right? there. They're not even going to pretend to work it into the background. It's there This is Coke Enjoy Coke We're going to do a dance in a song right? under the nest Cafe sign. 01:19:50.30 Nicholas It's very literally The only thing I can think of that comes even remotely close in hollywood is that 1 infamous. Oh god I forget which beer it was but that 1 infamous infamous beer ad in the fourth transformers movie where. Mark you Mark literally just like holds it up to the camera and angularly like chugs it down and then crushes the can like that is like the only thing I can think of in hollywood that comes even remotely close to just this like shameless and over as product placement. 01:20:20.86 Jala & Dave Yeah there's some older things. Um j and b whiskey is like in they ended up having to like stop doing this because the company got but mad because it's in almost every horror film from like what 60 xty s onward and they kept going you're associating us with people just getting indiscriminately murdered but all the protagonists always had a bottle of that particular whiskey with. 01:20:43.68 Nicholas Now now now to be fair depending on the era of horror. It wasn't quite indiscriminate. 01:20:49.98 Jala & Dave Yeah, but everyone's getting murdered I will say that the product placement 100% worked on me and Dave to where we were like what is born Vita. Let's look it up. Oh sad day. It is not vegan. Um, but there was a born vita shake at like a restaurant like a fusion restaurant and we were like okay, we're going to break being vegan just this one time just to try this this born bee because I just need to know what this born Vita tastes like but I don't want to buy a bunch of it because I don't want it I just want to know once and. We were going to do that. But then they were out of it that day so we never did try it and we're not going to go by it so we will never know what bour vita but we were almost going to like try it just out of curiosity. Even though there's some kind of milk powder or whatever in it. So. 01:21:36.64 Nicholas Oh no, it worked. 01:21:40.32 Jala & Dave It's super worked but not quite enough to make me buy it even though I'm big but but if I wasn't I would have absolutely bought a can yeah because it's not just in this movie. It's in the entirety of the cruise series where they just keep saying born beat that and I was like well maybe it's good I bet its like ovaltine and I hate opvaltine. So's. Probably not I don't know well I mean like it's just a chocolate drink that has vitamins in it and you know it's got some kind of milk powder in it to make it creamy and that's the end of the story and it's like you know, average you know chocolate drink probably like nestquick or something. Yeah, it's at a I think it that was a. You who were whatever so I mean whatever it. But anyway like that that was a thing I'm probably going to look up and see if I can find like vegan version of born Vita like how do you make something that tastes like that but is vegan at home I'm probably going to look that up and see if I can find. A solution so I can try. You know the approximation of what it tastes like. But anyway so um, at some point or another all of rohit's friends are like hey you and Nisha are boyfriend and girlfriend because she gave you a kiss on the cheek right? You know? so therefore you're going out. And so he's like oh my god and then the little girls are like you need to buy her a present. So but I don't have any money. My mom only gives me like 1 ruby ruby a day or ruby a day you know, whatever and so um, then they're like but you can buy her a flower so he buys her a flower and and you know says oh. 01:23:11.33 Jala & Dave My friends tell me and this is super cute scene where he's just all shy and he's like smiley and stuff and she's like what what you know What's up roheed and then she's like or he's like um, oh well, my friends say that you know if a boy and a girl you know have a kiss on a cheek then they're. Then their boyfriend and girlfriend and then you know she just like oh my gosh you were just too cute. You know and is just like yeah I'm your girlfriend or whatever and they're just you know whatever it's really cute though. But ah there is a point after that happens where. Raj is getting mad that netsha is spending all of her time with rohi and ends up telling his family hey I'm engaged I'm getting married to nisha and didn't even talk to nesha about this at all so nisha of course is furious and tells everybody no, that's not what's going on. Ah, stop being you know making drama for me and everything and Raj's like but you know you can't have a real life with rohi because you know, whatever and all this other stuff and she's just like you're despicable and I hate you goodbye? Um, but. All of that ends up culminating in nisha trying to have a heart to heart with roheat and say look eventually I'm going to have to get married and and go off somewhere and then rohit is like well you know we're really good friends I'll help you find a good guy you know like and she's like. 01:24:40.76 Jala & Dave Um, oh well, how do you How do you know? he's going to be right for me and he's like well you and I are so so you know alike that if I like him you'll like him so I can find 1 for you and it's just like this really cute little scene where he's just he he loves her. And cares for her and just wants her to be happy and you know it's just like I'll I'll go find you a boyfriend you know I'll find you a a man you can marry or something and but he does ask at 1 point. He's like so you know what about me and then she's like well. If I were to get married and have children the person that I marry needs to be able to have a ah job and support us and do all this other stuff and so and then he just like kind of gracefully understands. Ok I'm not. What she needs and that's where all the rest of it comes in. 01:25:34.83 Nicholas If I remember correctly this is the same scene where he smoldders all over her right? Oh it. It's so so incredible like he it's like a switch turns and just turns into like. 01:25:39.32 Jala & Dave Oh, he's got the eyes and he's just like I'll I'll you know like that's. 01:25:52.70 Nicholas This and he just turns into every stereotype you can imagine of like a Hollywood Heart Throb just in that one second like he comes right up to her leans her over. 01:25:58.17 Jala & Dave But yeah and he's like but what about me but he's like but he's he still hasn't had his brain fixed at this point yet. But Like. You're suddenly like oh actually no, there's more to rohi than just you know this assumption that he is just a child. You know like there's more to him to than that. It's not just you know and that's where it kind of you know gets into that whole territory where. Ah, a friend of ours who was watching it with us was like oh this feels kind of Predatory. You know that nisha is is you know talking about all of this and it's It's really like it brought up to my mind like. When it comes to disabled people in society generally speaking um from many different accounts directly out of the mouths of disabled people that I have read um and they say that it is very common that. They are basically placed in a box where they have to be an inspirational story or they are a burden on society but they are not allowed by society to express themselves as sexual people as people who have romance as people who have. 01:27:21.47 Jala & Dave You know any kind of libido or interest or or any of that or fashion sense I mean like they're not allowed by society like that society does not like when they express themselves this way. Um. To the point that like on Tiktok if somebody is in a wheelchair and happens to be wearing lingerie or something then that gets taken down really quick but then somebody who is talking about ah how they exploit and you know pretend to have a limp so that they can exploit the wheelchairs in the airport that does not. Get taken down that kind of a thing. 01:27:56.53 Nicholas 1 other thing I found interesting that kind of came to mind during watching this scene is that nisha just as a character she she comes off as particularly independent and not at all damns old in a way that I don't. Especially associate with this era of movies at all and this scene in particular is kind of interesting because it kind of explicitly expresses multiple times like oh every girl has to get married someday by. It's still there was still something about their exchange that didn't. That didn't make me feel like she had a lack of agency if that makes sense like there like it never feels like she's you know, giving into row heat or you know or you know being like 1 over or anything like she is this kind of like. 01:28:37.78 Jala & Dave Yeah. 01:28:51.80 Nicholas Very clearly independent person with their own hopes and dreams her own standards of what she wants in a partner and you know Rohi or whoever has to meet that or they don't basically. 01:28:59.87 Jala & Dave Yeah, and in this scene she's laying out how rohi you know, even though there's a lot of things that they are on the same page about there's some stuff that Rohi just does not fulfill and she's making that very clear to him in this scene and. I like it because she's treating him and his question seriously and that's where I was going to kind of loop back to that hole is this a predatory kind of thing I don't think it is because she's just treating him like everybody else like she has those standards she wants these things in a partner. And rohit cannot meet some of these for these reasons. So he's like ok well I'll either help you find somebody or I'll become that thing and when he has his um brain supercharged and everything by Jadu and he becomes a super powered person like he. His project is to make himself marriageable more or less so in that way, it's kind of a turning it on its head where he has to make himself acceptable for his lady love rather than her having to make herself acceptable to him or his family or whoever. So I actually rather like that quite a bit the way that they have that term because he is just head over heels in love with her only has eyes for her and he's got the solder only for her you know So after that whole. 01:30:25.85 Jala & Dave Scene though? Um, it turns into kind of space jam because um, after roheat's mind is superchard and he has all this power rajja and his cronies try to pick on him. And then rohi fights back and scares them off and then once he realizes all this stuff. Ah, it's really kind of um, cute because he walks out and he is all like in fancy duds probably from his dad's closet right? like. You know every different color loud color you can imagine with a scarf in the whole 9 and he walks out of his house with this swagger and his little kid friends are like what are you doing you want to go playball or whatever and then he's like no. Adults don't hang out with kids and he goes off and at this point if it was a hollywood movie. He would have ditched his friends his you know kid friends and all of that but he never does you like he says that 1 line and you know he's just making a point to them that you know his brain has been. You know, changed and everything. Um. But his friends his his kid friends have agency throughout the entire movie help him help ja do and do stuff but they also are true friends to him the entire movie and you know like they are seriously good backup for him so he gets. 01:31:53.50 Jala & Dave Into his fancy I guess his father's duds and it goes and goes to the club where nisha is and then he enters a dance contest because he's trying to more or less like get with the the hipness you know the program of being you know something that. Nisha can be proud of and so that's what he even tells her when she's like what are you doing and he's like I'm going to make you proud of me, you know I'm going to grow up I am going to mature just give me some time and then he has this fancy dance number. Ah, with like some of the most interesting little moves but he is the actor. Ah hi think Rohan is such a good dancer and he loves every second of it and it just he shows everybody up in every single dance choreography that he ever does. so it's so good. it's so good 01:32:46.66 Jala & Dave Yeah, the the actor himself has I think hosts or judges like dance competitions and he's done for years and years he's ridiculously good and every time there's because it's not when they do backup dancers. It's not like 4 it's like 20 or 30 people and. You don't you never lose him in the crowd. He's always center stage and even if he moves off of that center line. You only see him when everyone's yeah, so it's actually kind of sad because you can't like look at anybody else because he's just chewing the scenery and tearing up the stage every time it's it's great. 01:33:24.63 Nicholas There's also that a very very amazing bit during that dance number where there's just like 5 very attractive women hanging off him and ni is kind of like looking at them and it is just a dumb joke I thought that was pretty funny. 01:33:35.20 Jala & Dave Um. 01:33:38.19 Jala & Dave Well, it was pretty funny because you know all these women are hanging off of him and he's just like nice to them. But he's still only looking at her the whole time like he is he might like look at the the person he's dancing with for a second but he's always turning back and looking at her because he that's who he's concerned with. 01:33:48.86 Nicholas Yep. 01:33:57.42 Jala & Dave So and he's concerned with her reaction and whatever and so think Roshan does a really really good job of conveying how madly in love rohit is with nisha because like there is no question at all in any scene ever. Um, they just have such good chemistry and good rapport. But um, after the whole fancy dance number he comes across Raj and ends up like Raj is like yeah you can't do no ni no no niche's mine, blah blah blah and so then ah roheat ends up saying okay, let's settle this then let's have a match. Let's and ah raj happens to be a basketball player like a leader of a team who just won the hero cup. So he says ok, let's play basketball I'm going to fight you on the court and whoever wins gets a kiss for niha so ah, this is without actually asking nisha unfortunately, which is. Bad but rohi's like confident that he's going to win especially with John Du's help and his superpower so he's like you know she's like I don't want to kiss rush and he's like but you'd kiss me right? and then she's just like but what have you lose you know? So he's like I'm not going to. And and that's like you know the whole drama of that scene. But um, this movie then turns into space jam they bring ja do to the basketball court in like a rucksack a very very large. 01:35:28.55 Jala & Dave You know Cc sack or something I don't know it's ridiculous with 2 very large eye holes cut out. It's the most ridiculous looking thing like yeah, that's not you know, ah questionable that large sack that they keep running over to and. Happily you know patting each other's backs and looking in the bag I mean I not at all weird you know, but um, so rohit needs to challenge Raj Raj already has his team which is all of his buddies that naturally they are his basketball team. But Rohe's alone oh yeah, that's right, he's got the super 6 the kids but the kids can't jump. They're like you know half the size of the other people so they concoct this plan that they're going to use ja do's power ja do will be brought to the court ja do will help the kids be able to fly just like he made that ball fly and ah. Tease Sukwani so what was nice about that is when they're kind of debating the legitimacy of this plan like how it's going to actually work because urohi forgot that he actually asked to have a basketball team. He was like oh just one one. Challenge that entire team and the the kids like ah you need a team to do that. He's like oh look I have you guys and when they say oh we can't jump. They don't go ask jadu jahu just volunteers his services. He's just like lifting up bittu like floating him so he's. 01:36:56.77 Jala & Dave He's using his own agency and not like a prop like they're actually friends so it's it's cute. Yeah that's a very very good point because um jadu. Yeah, like you, you definitely feel that jadu when he heals and then supercharges rohi he's trying to undo the damage that was done and when um, the mom gets a call from the school at one point and is told that he is now in the tenth standard and then rohi's like. Mom they put me in the tenth standard because there is no higher standard. You know, no higher grade at that school. Um and she was just like crying her eyes out ja do has his little arms open and he's just waiting to give her a hug and like he's healing everybody including. The mom and the mom's trauma and pain and she comes to accept and understand him and again if this was a hollywood movie. The mom would never like the alien there would always be some kind of problem with the alien but in this movie she wholeheartedly ends up accepting him and um, you know. Allowing herself to emotionally be healed from this trauma that she's dealt with and carried with her as a widow and mom to a disabled child so during the space jam section of the movie. 01:38:16.34 Jala & Dave Ah, they are getting donnked on because there are clouds in the sky and jaduose power relies on sunlight and the sun is hidden under the clouds so they are getting completely wrecked on the field of battle and they even the announcer even calls them the pond of us which is a reference to. The mahabarata which is this very very big indian epic that is referenced in a lot of indian media because it is very um, definitive to a lot of hindu thought and ah in that epic. The pondovas are a few brothers who are fighting the cordovas who are like a hundred the hundred sons um and so the end their armies are outmatched and everything and they're on this field of battle and the thing that sways. In the pond of us favor is that ah one of the princes Arjun has Krishna as his charioteer Krishna the reincarnation of Vishnu and so he has god on his side and there's like ah the bhagavad gita the holy scripture of. Ah, hindu thought that is basically an excerpt from the mahabara and it's more or less um just going through the exchange between Arjun who is questioning himself on the field of battle and questioning. 01:39:49.30 Jala & Dave You know, killing his family members these you know cousins of his and uncles and everything who are on the opposite side and Krishna is explaining to him. You know the duty that he has before him and so like. All of this is to say these kids and Rahi are the the pond ofas and they have the power of Krishna on their side because Rohit Prayd Krishna and suddenly the clouds dissipate and the sun comes out and jadu has his powers. And then they rock the cord so they start doing like these slam dunks all these spins in the air. All kinds of stuff and they catch up and then barely squeak by and win by like one point. And win the hero cup against Raj and the rest. 01:40:47.60 Nicholas The way you describe that whole bit with Krishna like this is literally 1 word away from being like a day of sex machina. It's like a it's like a day of sex machina with extra steps of. Oh god doesn't make the win god gives the alien the powers to let them win and. 01:41:07.35 Jala & Dave Yeah, you're you're able to the agency you have in completing a task is helped by specific divinities and your prayers. They don't do it for you though you still have to do the thing. And that's kind of what's happening here I mean they're they're they're fudging it a little bit but that's what it's the lens that they're viewing this through so those cultural touchstones are maybe a little harder to access as a viewer outside of this culture. 01:41:32.16 Nicholas Ah, yeah. 01:41:46.94 Jala & Dave But they're because they're playing in the playground of like Spielbergian Era We can kind of you you. It's not. It's nothing's going to be like obfuscated. You understand what's happening. It's just you might not get like the little details that's just going to be part and parcel of. 01:42:06.30 Nicholas Um, yeah. 01:42:06.51 Jala & Dave General Pop culture society. 01:42:13.70 Jala & Dave Sorry about all the noises there. Okay so um, moving right? Along. So obviously at the end of this raj is looking over at the um team that rokit has and he's looking at that big sack and going. Um. I wonder what's going on with the big sack over there and at the same time since the time the aliens had landed and then left everybody has been looking for aliens because they suspect they so they saw some footprints. And they therefore suspect that there is an alien left on the planet somewhere and so inspector Khan and all of his people have been looking for this alien ever since and space jam happens before they figure out who the alien is it's actually because of space jam that. They piece together hey that sec roheat is suspect because kids don't fly through the air like that. There's no way you know and that tips them off because of this public display of power that you know there's something going on there and um. 01:43:20.20 Jala & Dave There's this whole sequence where Raj and his friends come across the kids on that same stupid bridge again. Ah Rohit is not with them and he you know the kids have the sack with Jadu in it and so raj is like what's in the sec and then they're like none of you be's wax. You know and then um, they have a kind of scuffle and the sack rolls down the hill right into the path of sukuan's car. So sukuani. The police officer gets out and goes oh god it's the sec the sack. Everybody's looking for. And he calls for backup because he's like there's an alien in the sack. Oh my god you know he didn't go check it He's just like I'm not going to go over there I'm going to go call somebody you know because he's comedy relieved. He's not like action man. So meanwhile while he's on the radio trying to call people to come. Jadu runs out of the sack stuffs. The sack full of hay and then runs away and finds the kids. The kids take him back to Rohit's house meanwhile rohit is coming along here's you know, finds out that the sack is missing and oh gosh all this other stuff from you know from the kids before the kids reunite with ja do. And he finds the sack picks it up and runs and then you know there's this whole chases scene and everybody you know, finds him eventually and gets the sack from him only to find it full of straw but they're like we're watching you. 01:44:45.75 Jala & Dave You know so rohik goes home empty handed has no idea where jadu is finds him at home because the kids have taken him there and then everybody is talking and the mom is like you need to call his spaceship back because he's not going to be safe on earth they're going to just keep tracking him down. You can't keep him here forever. And rohi's like he's my friend I'm never going to leave him and all this other stuff but tearfully decides that you know they need to call the spaceship because there's just no way rohit even with superpowers can fight the entire nation's military. You know. So ah, they make the call to the alien ship which of course it went off into the end of the galaxy again. So it's going to take a while for it to get back. But um, in the meantime the house is surrounded by inspector Khan and all of his military folks and there's a big fight. Scene where rohit is trying to protect Jadu and ends up getting beat up and overwhelmed and ja-du is taken away and at this point. While you know rohik goes back inside his house and he's sitting there all beat up and they're all miserable and sad and like I don't know what to do? you know we need to go find ja do but we don't know where he is su kuwani the police officer comes in and says yes it is I that was a really touching display of friendship and so. 01:46:08.79 Jala & Dave I will tell you that they're taking him to Delhi and from there they're going to take him blah blah blah and so he lets them know what where chandhu is and so his mom at that point says rohet go he use your superpowers because you're a superpowered man go save your friend and so. Ah, roheat goes off and he's like on the motorbike that he won from the hero cup and then the kids are also on their scooters following behind him. But of course can't keep up so they they come in like the second wave of of you know defenders of jadu. And then the movie turns into an action movie where raw heat turns into solid snake for a while and is like sneaking into this this compound to come and break jadu out and in addition to breaking jido out. He breaks the necks of like 7 dudes sneaks up and snaps their necks. You don't see him killing any of you but but it's highly implied. He probably killed them. He's very strong so it's it's ah so Nick? what? What did you think of this action scene of this movie. 01:47:16.48 Nicholas It is probably the is probably the bit I most expected from this movie but also the one that feels the most out of place compared to all the other parts of it because like again no background bollywood. 01:47:26.34 Jala & Dave Yeah. 01:47:33.19 Nicholas But 1 thing I kind of went into this knowing, especially you know I don't remember this strictly bollywood but especially with like all this talk earlier this year about movies like rrr is like oh bollywood. Um, tons of singing also crazy action scenes and so by the time I got to. The action sequence in this movie I had like fully expected it going into the movie by the time I got to this part of the movie I was like oh wait we're doing this now really. 01:48:03.48 Jala & Dave Ah, yeah, yeah, because this is like two and a half hours into the movie this happens out of a 3 hour long movie and. 01:48:09.30 Nicholas Like yeah, it's like literally the last fifteen minutes or something to that effect like like two thirty out of two forty five or whatever it might be. 01:48:17.63 Jala & Dave Yeah, yeah, and it's ah pretty notable for that reason and I'm like how is he going to? Oh he's solid snake in it. ok ok and like it's convincing and it's it's it's very fun because ah fri thick Roshan of course has played an action hero many times and so. Ah, you know he still sinks into this role real easy. So even if it's kind of ah, really interesting to try to think of roheat the character that this movie started with being in this scene. The actor sells it because his range is just phenomenal and so. Ah, he grabs Jadu and runs for it and he is in a truck that he stole and he's going down the road and then the kids he finds the kids as he's driving away with jadu and tow and so it cuts to him going through the Forest running with Jadu in the sack on his back. And or not in the sec. He's just piggybacking I think yeah, he's just piggybacking. Um, but then when the truck is caught up to by the authorities. All the kids are in the truck they have been driving the truck to be a foil and so like that gives rahit time to. Get away with jaddu because the alien ship is approaching earth at this point and so he gets jaddu to the meeting place jadu goes on the spaceship and you know it is already been explained that jadu when he leaves. 01:49:49.41 Jala & Dave All of the power that Ja do has given rohit will also leave and so fully aware that he will go back to how he was rohit wants to help his friend and you know goes ahead and you know helps him get back to the spaceship and then the spaceship leaves. Then there's this like kind of Montage of news articles and things like that talking about you know the Alien left Earth and rohit was um, charged. With Felony crimes and stuff like that. But then he was acquitted because they found him to be mentally incompetent. 01:50:29.20 Nicholas Um, one thing I don't think can be overstated but like I think it at least for me like I think it can be easy to forget this and how like crazy and wacky this movie gets but I think to be overstated just. What a defining entirely selfless decision that was on andro heat's part to let to help Jod you leave because like his life had completely transformed basically overnight and like you know you see like him earlier in the movie like and he is like he is constantly fucking. 01:51:03.76 Nicholas Miserable about like you know his state about you know his state of affairs like you know, not being able to advance in school and all that and then he just kind of at the end like like after like what maybe like 30 seconds of deliberation like he's just kind of like ok no the right thing to do is to help judge you get home. Even if it means I lose everything that's fine and I think that's a really really important like character moment that you know it's easy to kind of like maybe forget just how monumental that is of a decision. 01:51:32.36 Jala & Dave Well and the thing is is that when he hesitates it's only because he looks at Nisha and you know it's registering to him that you know this is a decision he can make but it's also going to affect everybody in the room including nisha and that. You know the life that they would have had together would be gone and you know because he cares for his friend. You know he decides. He's going to go and that's part of why I love rohit as a character like Krishna his son is more or less like rohi minus a few of the rough edges. But. Krishna as a character is not nearly as endearing to me as rohit by any stretch of the imagination and it's because rohit is so selfless and so loving and so you know innocent in so many ways and he keeps that after he gets his brain. Healed and everything and get superchard. So um, yeah, it's a really really monumental decision and the only thing that he's upset about when jadu gets on that. Ah ufo is just I am sad that jahu is leaving. 01:52:48.51 Jala & Dave Yeah, and it's um, it's an important decision that he makes it's also like his mother you can see that she understands like the sheer gravity of saying the only thing that can save him is if we try to send him home. And that's when Jadu tells them like a if I leave like the magic goes with me and so even his mother is like well I mean it's up to ah lowhiat like that's his decision to make because it's his life that changes you know in in. And addition to endangering or saving jadu well and then too rohit does look at his mom too because he knows that if he goes back to being how he was that she the rest of her life is dedicated to caring for him in that state again. So I mean like it is a very very big dramatic decision. But at the same time. The only hesitant you know part of it for him is just I know this is going to affect people that I love as well and that's unfortunate, but we need to do? What's right here and nobody bucks it nobody says. No, you need to stay the way that you are you know, screw that alien or whatever like no they they are all solidly of a single mind of of you know, community and love for each other including the alien that they have accepted as their friend. So um, there is that montage. 01:54:20.36 Jala & Dave Where basically because he has gone back to the way he was before they ended up acquitting him and then his town Casali ends up honoring him for being a good friend to this Alien. And they're like yeah he had like this this great friendship with this Alien and you know all of this other stuff so we are going to honor him at the end and he's standing on this podium and it's It's such a sad moment because he's standing on the podium and he is just being him. But you know he's looking over at like nisha and his his friends and his family his mom and just like you know, Even even though he is now back to being where he was before like he remembers having been different. You know. And just like that expression on his face and the expressions of you know their faces as well At that moment is just so so touching and I'll stop for a second here to say the director of this film had 2 separate endings recorded for this one of which was basically ending there. Where like he is back to being how he was and you know he is you know back to where he was before Jadu changed him and the other ending was where Jadu was able to give power back to him. 01:55:43.65 Jala & Dave And he is kind of restored to the superhuman that he had become as kind of like a a gift a final gift from his friend before his friend had to leave again and he had aired both of those 2 versions of the ending of this film. And had talked to a bunch of other directors and you know he had aired them for like trial test test test audiences test audiences and things and um talked to a bunch of different directors and then eventually decided on the one where rohit gets all of his powers back. Basically because that would be the one that audiences wanted especially from like a spielbergy and kind of you know, influenced film. That's what they would want at the end of it but ah insofar as like. You know because like 1 big thing you can ask is okay, what does this movie say about disability. Well I mean I can't even say that it's saying anything about disability because the director did not really have a strong feeling like he he was leaning towards the one where rohi just went back to how he was before. And the only reason he did the other ending is just because you know for test audience purposes and for general release purposes people wanted a happy ending where he got to be with nisha and all of that. So um, anyway, the way that this film officially ends is that you know all of that passes. 01:57:08.11 Jala & Dave And then jadu's spaceship comes back. You know into orbit but does not go close to the earth just long enough for rohit to get his powers back and then you know the spaceship goes away again. You know somehow jadu got the magic to work 1 more time from orbit. And um, you know it stays with rohit this time and jadu is gone and that's the end of the movie is basically rohit and nisha looking up at the sky together. 01:57:37.83 Nicholas I feel like an immediate question that would be fair to ask is if John do could do that. Why couldn't he do that before but another thing to consider is that if his ship came back briefly briefly to give or heat his power. It is possible. There were other aliens on that ship who were like more powerful or something to that effect to help them out as well. 01:57:59.62 Jala & Dave Yeah I felt like it's likely that it's a collective like all the aliens you know did the the boost. 01:58:06.92 Nicholas Ah, yeah, they they they were thinking rohe for helping bring their lost. You know member back to them. Yeah. 01:58:10.49 Jala & Dave Yeah, because they were scared of elephants which is why they left the first time. Oh yeah, we didn't even mention that but yeah, like the aliens got off their ship and they saw these elephants in the jungle and they were like oh my god and then they got back on the ship but like. Jadu had tripped or something and and ended up like missing ah the ship and they were in such a hurry when they were leaving because they were terrified that um, he just got left behind so that that's how they he got left behind on there. But anyway, so yeah, that is the the long version of this movie. Um. Yeah I've already inserted a bunch of the trivia that I know about this movie during the chit-chat about it? Um, but yeah, insofar as how this movie treats disability like I said rohit is treated with respect. By everybody with the exception of like 2 characters who are like absolutely miserable terrible characters. Um, there is 1 teacher for example, like a computer teacher who is absolutely cold like cold blooded cold to rohi because um. He's like why are you in my class again and rohit says because my father was a scientist and he used a computer and I want to learn how to do that too. Well ask your father. Well he's not in this world anymore. Well you should go to him like whoa like pure blasts of ice going from this dude. 01:59:37.81 Jala & Dave And then rohit has this very calm and quiet statement where he's just like you know you need to be respectful of people and lift them up your duty as a teacher is this and he's just dressing him down but it without being at all mean. Mean-spirited or hateful or you know anything like he's just very calm and like loving and it's kind of the same way that I feel like Mrs Mera comes across as well like when she's reproaching people she's doing it from a place of love and that's just. Really different the way that those scenes come across here versus like in a lot of western media when something like that happens. So ah, another thing that I wanted to mention is that religion in this movie is just. And accepted you know like there's diversity ah shown represented here and there's no ah, no comment about it like rohidas hindu and Btu is sick and. Then he goes to like a catholic school because like there's that the head headmaster is like a priest like a catholic priest with a big cross on and everything and all of these things coexist without any comment. Ah, which. 02:01:06.43 Jala & Dave That's just because in India there is like this blending and accepting of a bunch of different you know interpretations of of spirituality and just life and like there's just more acceptance generally speaking. They're very tolerant. But. If it was a western thing. It would be like somebody would make a comment somewhere about it or it would be shown in some kind of negative light or you know something like that and I like the fact that it's just it just exists and it breathes you know like this did. Everything is just you know being and I and know a like a lot of the things that I am pointing out are just in somebody who watches a bunch of bollywood or who is indian or who lives in India or whatever. It's just going to be like that's just that's just daily life that you're talking about there but like I'm pointing it out because. By and large the people listening to this podcast are not going to be very familiar with that culture and with these types of movies and this sort of representation and should anyone who is listening to this not have seen this movie and decide they want to watch it. I want them to be able to pay attention to those aspects and appreciate them and kind of like reflect back on. ah the differences and ah just you know what what this says about this culture our own culture in the United States 02:02:32.94 Jala & Dave And things like that. 02:02:37.40 Jala & Dave So at this point it is time for wrap up thoughts favorite favorite part So I will go ahead and toss to you first Nick What are your wrap up thoughts about Koy milgaia I've found someone. 02:02:55.19 Nicholas And um, I will say this is both I kind of allude to this before but it's both a lot like and not at all like what I expected. Um. It's it's kind of hard to pin down like there was both more music and less music than I expected there to be um, it was really it was really easy to follow the movie in its individual parts but also kind of like harder to follow in aggregates. Um. 1 thing that I noticed when especially I notice actually while we were recording in fact was it was you know I went back to not only did I go back to rewatch the movie last night to refresh myself and take notes. But also I actually read I rewatched a significant portion of the second half of it. Today leading up to our recording because I kept kind of feeling like both times I watched it like wow the second half of this movie just kind of like slides off me and I'm afraid I miss a lot of it. But then you know we're recording. We're going through the summary we're talking about the events that happened I'm kind of realizing like oh no I I did. I did you know process the second half of that movie is just that it is so off the wall that it's hard to like contextualize all these things together like like like there like there was very rarely a thing that was brought up during our overview that had me like. 02:04:21.83 Nicholas Oh I didn't remember that at all. It's like no no I individually noticed all these events. It's just very hard to after it gets out of the first half the movie which is mostly kind of cohesive as 1 movie like it just kind of like becomes. It just kind of starts to feel like very disjointed in like that kind of way where like okay I'm processing all this I'm not processing it all together as part of a whole. 02:04:45.13 Jala & Dave Well, it's it's like ok so we're talking about it. We are spending you know 30 minutes or more talking about just the beginning of this movie and everything. Ok, we're feeling it we are in the groove where how does space jam come into it. How does. You know this other movie come into it. How how in the world does it turn into rohit is solid snake like what? yeah and that's that's I I actually really respect the fact that um, the director and the writers and everything. Did as many things as they did and somehow made the entire thing while you're watching it make sense. Although like when you go back and try to talk about it. It gets jumbled and confused and you're not exactly sure how it all got pieced together. But like when you're watching it though. It's like oh ok and then raw heat you know and it it. It seems you know sensible in the moment when you're watching it. It's just very hard to describe and then also no hollywood movie would ever have that many different subplots and turns to. Different styles of directing different styles of of you know, lighting and action and costuming like it is literally different movies stuck together. Yeah I mean I agree with that and I think what it's doing is. 02:06:14.86 Jala & Dave Um, front-loading everything and then kind of changing it up in the back half in a way that as you said when you're watching it all the beats are there and everything is you can see where it. 02:06:32.90 Jala & Dave Not where it's going, but you can see how it got there like everything that pops up you? Okay, no that that makes sense within the context of the film. That's a logical step that it took It's not It's not making weird leaps and changing it might change genres. But it's not changing like the character. It's it's not changing. The world itself. So it's still cohesive. Um, but since there's so much going on that's where in in retrospect or reviewing it you you'll get a little lost because it's ah hard to remember what would a bcdefg. Because most louise is just Abc like you know it has ah a beginning of the middle and then a resolution and then this does that but then it does a lot of little jump around toward the end. Um and they all lead to something. And I don't feel that there's like this is a case of some movies that are that are this long or that have a lot going on. They'll hit a point where the movie probably should have ended like it's doing multiple endings and I don't think that that's the case here I don't feel like oh it could have ended at this point or here it's like no it it. It said what it needed to say and it ended where it needed to end the the long bits was the setup and then you're including like 30 minutes of music videos. So that's just the other the other filler and if I did have a favorite part in the movie. It would be the the titular Kuyul Gaia 02:08:03.70 Jala & Dave Music video because they go through like decades of costume changes from like the 60 xty s to the 90 s and it's fantastic. Yeah I I I have a hard time trying to figure out exactly what my favorite music video bit was. I would probably have to say koyilgaia like the title track as well. It's just too good. Ah the the ja do song sticks in my head all the time. However, it's also really creepy because he uses his powers and makes like shadow people in the clouds and it's like really weird and upsetting. To look at and then they're like dancing with their shadows and all different kinds of stuff but like it's cute ish. But then it's also kind of horrifying at the same time. Ah kind of but go ahead. 02:08:51.95 Nicholas That scene. Oh sorry, um that that scene feels it feels cute yet terrifying in the same way that I feel like maybe teletubbies is cute and terrifying. Where it's like oh oh look at oh look at the big blue sky. You know, look at the smiley faces in the sky. Oh How doal, but that's like whoa Whoa This is actually just a little bit unsilling. 02:09:13.20 Jala & Dave Yeah, yeah, it is ah you hit the nail on the head with that. So yeah, ah, this movie. Why did I decide I wanted to talk about this movie. Ah because. Ah, rohit as a character is like so sold to me I love rahit as a character. He's like 1 of my favorite character in media like overall all media like I just love his character so much. Um, the true. Power of Rohan who is like a top build if not the top build bollywood actor ah is on display here and this is earlier in his career like twenty years ago in his career ah he has gone on to become basically everything in and in so many different movies and. Ah, has like this whole big catalog of stuff that you can watch him in where he plays villains and he plays different types of characters and he's in romantic comedies. That's what he was in before this movie in all in action movies and all different kinds of stuff soon. Ah, if not already. Vikram Venha is out which is like his newest film and he's a villain in that one as well. Which I'm absolutely looking forward to watching whenever I can find somewhere to stream it. Um, and so like ah his his being introduced to him was interesting. 02:10:31.62 Jala & Dave The movie itself has a lot of really really good actors in it I love beat 2 s actor like I love that little kid. Um, who is not a little kid anymore has been 20 years oh my god ah yeah, that's that's kind of horrifying to think now I wonder where I wonder where all those kiddos are um, but anyway. 02:10:50.87 Jala & Dave Ah, and just like the the actors and actresses did a really really good job. Riha is phenomenal as Mrs Mera and um Dr Mera the father of rohit was literally played by Rakesh Roshan who is hurt the Roshan's father so like the actor's father played. His dad in the movie. So ah, that was a ah fun little bit as well. But yeah, this movie happens to just span so many different kinds of movies and feels like a mishmash of. A bunch of stuff that I grew up watching and so in a lot of ways because it is so highly influenced by Spielberg and since Spielberg was like all over the place. Um, during my childhood years. Um, it just felt. Really weirdly nostalgic. Even though it's like so different than anything that I've watched you know from spielberg at the same time and it's got like this unique worldview and everything that I just absolutely love and we will be talking about kr three possibly Krsh Slash Kris three in the same um 1 I don't know. Ah Chris I is not my favorite like the second movie in the series is not my favorite The third one is off the wall. It is so so many things like it's it I don't know we're going. We might have to do 3 3 episodes just because. 02:12:20.83 Jala & Dave Chris 3 is going to take some time to get through as well. Um, because there's just so much going on and so much to unpack there. But um, anyway, this movie is just ah, one of my favorite movies I think and I understand that when you're watching it. It comes off as kind of um. 02:12:39.31 Jala & Dave A little bit jarring when you I say a little bit. Ah Nick already said it's really jarring and going between all the different types of movies that it's being but it's weird because it it is all of those types of movies successfully in the sections where it's being that type of a movie it just it. Ends up making it feel a little bit disjointed. Okay, a lot disjointed if you're Nick or probably other people who you know I made watch this movie anyway, um, it's disjointed as a result of of having mashed all those things together but it's like really a big flex from the Roshan's overall um, the music is good. The dance choreography is good. The you know writing is convincing. The acting is great. You know the direction like I said it's so many different movies successfully in the sections that it is that type of movie. Ah, as an overall one piece. You know one one movie. Maybe it's it falls short there because it feels like it's it's got okay now we're setting this you know like we're still taking the same characters and stuff but we are going to go into a whole different realm now for about 30 minutes and then we'll move on to the next one um but it's interesting it is very interesting for that reason and so that's why I wanted to bring it up for this show. Nick. 02:14:02.92 Nicholas I yeah 1 more detail I felt one more thought I felt I should share um is that um is that a ah Harry think rahan did I pronounce that right I feel bad if I didn't um, okay, good. Yeah. 02:14:14.54 Jala & Dave Critic Yeah, ah. 02:14:17.12 Nicholas Yeah, just 1 thing I want to say like for his acting in this movie is that every single expression he makes sells what he's going for at every single time perfectly I don't think there is a single shot where he's where he's. Not like perfectly emmoting a certain feeling like every time every time he gets sad every time he cries every time he looks like he's happy or laughing like it's it's this like impossible like just a level of like mastery over his faciial expressions and I think. If I had to pick one favorite part 1 favorite like element of the movie. It's probably that. 02:14:59.63 Jala & Dave Yeah, yeah, and that's that's the thing the the biggest thing I love about this movie is rohit. Why do I love rahi for you think Roshan brought him to life if anybody else was playing this I don't know how they would do because they have to be in so many different modes in this movie and in quick succession. You know? So um, yeah, he definitely sells it and that's that's what made me decide that I was going to buy like a bunch of free think rahan movies and then just start watching them. But of course since bollywood movies are 3 hours long apiece at least. Um, that means that I have a whole backlog of bollywood movies with Riy Grosson in them to watch so instead we spent the time watching Ko Maggaa 3 times 4 times actually in in the last like what. Three or four months we've watched it like 4 times. It's that's how many times I've watched this movie because I actually just really like this movie and there's parts of it that just make me really really happy like all the times that suquani is on screen that guy is so great like that actor is great. His cadence is great. He is the best comedic foil. Um, and I love I love so many different aspects of this movie and so many different beats even if it is disjointed so ah for anybody who is interested in this movie. It is no longer available to stream on anything convenient for people who are not in India. 02:16:26.10 Jala & Dave But you can buy a copy of it on Dvd for cheap. Um I bought a copy of it from like a library copy or something like that for like ten bucks on ebay. Not a big deal. Um, so that is always an option. So i. Definitely recommend that people. Take a look at this movie if you have any interest at all from just hearing all about all the different things this movie becomes so anyway, ah now for our final final wrap up where on the internet can people find you. Dave thinking can find me primarily on Twitter at sentineutt underscore plus and also on a few other assorted podcasts. The main 1 being monstered dear monster which is part of this network indeed. And Nick where can people find you on the internet. 02:17:22.43 Nicholas Ah, the handful of people who know me ah know I go by ssstylish moonborne in most places. Ah primarily you can find me on Twitter at Sss underscore moonborn. Keep in mind moonborn has an e at the end. Or on Youtube at ah, youtube.com/stylishmoonborn again. Don't forget the three s's. 02:17:42.11 Jala & Dave And I will have those links in the show notes for everybody and thank you so much for listening until next time take care of yourself and remember to smile. [Show Outro] Jala Jala-chan's Place is brought to you by Fireheart Media. If you enjoyed the show, please share this and all of our episodes with friends and remember to rate and review us on your podcast platform of choice. Word of mouth is the only way we grow. If you like, you can also kick us a few bucks to help us keep the lights on at ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia. Check out our other show Monster Dear Monster: A Monster Exploration Podcast at monsterdear.monster. Music composed and produced by Jake Lionhart with additional guitars and mixed by Spencer Smith. Follow along with my adventures via jalachan.place or find me at jalachan in places on the net! [Outro Music]