Lindsay Jean Thomson: What happens when you commit to showing up for your creativity every single day? Rukmini Poddar: I realized that what you do consistently you become. I wasn't the graphic designer, I wasn't the recent graduate. I was that girl that posts every day, at least in my friendship circle. It was just amazing. What was amazing wasn't really what I created, but it was the commitment. And it was like how I felt about myself by just showing up and doing my little scribbles. And even when I was drawing evolved in a hundred days and they kind of turned more into portraits and images and watercolor and landscape. And I felt like what I got from that 100 days was more than my whole art school experience, actually, in terms of how I felt about my art. It was a sense of self trust, which I think is so key to creativity and any type of healing work. Lindsay Jean Thomson: Hi, and welcome to #The100DayProject Podcast. On this season of the podcast, we explore what it means to develop a creative practice, find your voice, and build community. Anna Brones: Something that I think a lot about is that, for some reason, we're still living with this myth of the solitary artist and creative. And I think that, obviously, we need alone time and solitude to get work done, of course. But I think we really just don't highlight how much we need other people in our creative lives. Other creatives, but also just other people who want to support our creativity, right? And I think that that's probably also just because of the culture that we live in, you know, a highly individual culture where it's sort of a forge your own path, do it alone, right? And it's like, we just don't do it alone. So it's not surprising to me that the artists that you connect with are really actively involved in community because I think a lot of us, we create what we need. Lindsay Jean Thomson: Through conversations with artists, designers, and makers we dive deep into the realities of building and maintaining a creative practice, working with our blocks, and finding ways to continue to show up. Elle Luna: I think what is the most transformative for me with #The100DayProject is the practice of how to be with my blocks. I would say that's the number one learning I've had from #The100DayProject, and it's the number one issue that I have in my own painting process. And when you hit a block with your creative work, if you're in your studio or you're in your sound room or wherever you make work, when you hit a block, like, how do you work through it? Your answer to that question is everything. Lindsay Jean Thomson: We also explore how to bring more wonder, joy, and curiosity into making. Lindsay Stripling: I find I'm my best as a creative, I'm my best as a teacher, I'm my best as an artist, as a partner, when I find a way to like, infuse curiosity and like fun into whatever I'm doing, even if it's problem solving, even if it's, you know, finding a way to, you know, pay rent during an extremely hard time, like all of the things, if I can channel some way of like being creative into it or being open to an idea I haven't thought of before, it, it always makes me a better version of myself. Lindsay Jean Thomson: And the most important lesson of all: trusting the process and trusting yourself. Olivia Lin: I think part of what this 100 day challenge, or #The100DayProject has taught me as well, is to be more gentle on ourselves. And we don't have to be so hard, you know, I feel like you're really good at kind of encouraging that and, like you said, if you learn something, if you did it like even one day and you haven't done it before, I feel like that's one day doing something new. So it's been really great. And trusting the process and kind of trusting yourself has also been a really big lesson. I feel like a repeated lesson that I keep seeing over and over again. Lindsay Jean Thomson: I'm your host, Lindsay Jean Thomson. My guests this season include Elle Luna, Rukmini Poddar, Anna Bronnes, Lindsay Stripling, and Olivia Lin. Join us as we explore how a daily creative practice can transform not just our art, but our lives. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts and visit the100dayproject. org to sign up for our newsletter and join the community. That's the 1 0 0 day project .org.