112 === [00:00:00] Josh: Welcome to the Overtubers gaming podcast where we like to talk about buttholes. [00:00:08] We like to talk about what happens when you eat Taco Bell [00:00:10] Charlie: true story [00:00:18] Dom: What what the pork chop look like do yourself a favor [00:00:21] Charlie: S so loud in my ears, but what the hell dude? What the fuck is that? [00:00:27] Josh: That is, that is a literal [00:00:30] mountain of mushrooms. [00:00:31] Charlie: Yo, [00:00:32] Josh: that is, I was not joking. That is a literal mountain of mushrooms. [00:00:36] Dom: I was not joking. I mean, it is like you could've ate those mushrooms as a meal by itself and bin content. [00:00:42] Josh: That's a lot of mushrooms. Uh, [00:00:44] Charlie: yeah. That are non [00:00:45] Dom: psychedelic. Those are great. It [00:00:46] Charlie: was, [00:00:47] Dom: it was fire dog. [00:00:49] Josh: That is a giant pile. I'm sorry. Like, I've worked in restaurants for many years. I have never seen that many mushrooms go on any dish ever. Here, you know what? Let's just I've, [00:01:00] I, I've even worked at a restaurant where I had a side of sautéed mushrooms that I would have to prepare and it was like, probably, yeah, like Yo, [00:01:13] Dom: just tell me [00:01:14] Josh: He said, It's like, it was like [00:01:18] Dom: three, you [00:01:19] Josh: know, that's like, you know, that's like a whole Kate, like a, like a, like to produce that many cooked mushrooms. [00:01:26] That's like a pound of mushrooms. [00:01:30] [00:01:30] Dom: So like, These two are the bones, like that's like the pork chop that, so it was like three inches of pork chop and then four inches of, of mushrooms in 'em. Marcal. Yeah. That looks fire dude. We just don't ever, and then, you know, and then I finished it today for breakfast. [00:01:47] I finished it in the, in the, in the, the rigatoni today. And it was. It was magical. Yeah. Like, I went on a journey. I love Italian food, man. I love Italian food so much. I went on a, on a nice big journey. Welcome to Your Achievers Gaming [00:02:00] Podcast, where we [00:02:00] Josh: talk about buttholes and food. [00:02:03] Charlie: You can find us on Instagram at, I've been recording for two minutes. [00:02:10] Dom: If you're, if you're, if you're listening to this, I just, you should watch the VOD because I, you could, and you could see the true magic. That was that pork chop. That's a pile of mushrooms. Continue, Charlie.[00:02:30] [00:02:53] Charlie: What's up, everybody? Welcome to the Overachiever's Gaming Podcast. Joint. As always, by the one, the only, the butthole [00:03:00] extraordinaire. The butthole king, butthole server himself, Ashie Pastrami, uh, and Chef I now have a pool forever in my front yard, uh, Krondo. Chef I am the pool. [00:03:11] Josh: I mean, there, uh, you're not even exaggerating because like, I live in a town, in a, uh, community with townhomes, and One street over is where like the embankment is for the runoff for the water and there's literally a swamp over there right now like I've been up in arms about it because I'm like, this [00:03:30] is disgusting. [00:03:31] Like we pay a lot of money. If it rains again, it's going to flood again. And it's supposed to rain like really bad tomorrow. So, um, we'll see how it goes. That [00:03:40] Charlie: sounds amazing. I have to, uh, I have to [00:03:42] Josh: get a paddleboard and, uh, yeah. You know, go explore, [00:03:47] Charlie: explore, you're going to be that guy on the news who just like going across, like floating across, just like having, I feel like, [00:03:53] Josh: I feel like that's like the only thing on my Florida bucket list that I haven't done that doesn't involve me being suicidal with [00:04:00] alligators. [00:04:00] That's like, I've got, I've done a lot of crazy stuff down here. I went shark fishing at night. I've been to all the cool restaurants, nightclubs, raves. I think, uh, you know, doing some, I think some real Florida man shit is the only thing left on my to do list. So you're right. I next, now I need to get, I need to get on the news kayaking down the flood next time it happens. [00:04:24] Charlie: Yeah. You now have your, uh, you now have your, um, your orders. Mission, mission accepted. There you go. That'd be [00:04:30] good. Uh, anyway, you can find us on Instagram, og. podcast. Our Twitter is OG Recipers P. Our website is ogpodcast. fm, where you get this episode and every episode about what we're Blah, blah, blah, blah. [00:04:38] It's been a minute since we've done this. Where you get this episode and every episode where you can Charlie's just used to [00:04:43] Josh: talking to his baby. [00:04:44] Charlie: Yeah. Where we talk about what we're playing, what we're looking forward to, and a little bit of gaming news. Now, I actually have A lot to talk about because it's been like a month since we last recorded because like, you know, Well, you've been playing a bunch of games. [00:04:57] I've been playing a bunch of games [00:05:00] Uh, I also been I also have a child that I have to take care of. Um, let's be real My wife takes care of him more than I do. Um, and she's the working one. She's the working one. Wow Charlie's living the life. Uh, no, but getting there. Um, but yeah, so, uh, before I get started with a bunch of stuff that, um, I have been doing and saying and playing and doing a lot of fun [00:05:30] stuff. [00:05:30] I want to say thank you to our two Patreon members, OSUBD and Lyle77. Without you, we cannot do this podcast. So thank you very much for your contributions and your help. You can be a, uh, an overachiever yourself if you want to help us out by patreon. com slash OGpod is the website. So, all right, let's get into it. [00:05:48] Dom, how was your extravaganza in the Atlantic city? Uh, [00:05:53] Josh: well. [00:05:55] Charlie: Speaking [00:05:55] Dom: of, why don't you [00:05:56] Charlie: just tell us. Connor, [00:05:57] Josh: Connor can't, I feel like this story is about to ramp up to a [00:06:00] Connor story. [00:06:01] Dom: You guys, you guys add in Connor. You know, Connor. I mean that's cause. That dude's just chillin, he doesn't deserve this. You know. [00:06:09] Uh, I went, I had a great weekend. There was a ton of friends there. It was like, so many homies. Playing 30 of us out of 200 people. So like nearly a quarter of all the attendees were a friend group. I played three people I knew out of eight games. So you know, like [00:06:30] nearly half my games were people I knew. [00:06:32] Uh, I went five and three, I won five, lost three, but I actually counted as six and two, cause my one loss was a scam that it was, and I was to someone I know. Uh, And so, quite frankly, I don't count that as a loss, cause he scammed me, and, uh, How'd he scam you? Was it Clamor? I'm so glad no, it wasn't Clamor. [00:06:54] Clamor scams himself by having fat fingers. Uh, so, [00:07:00] he was playing an army that he usually does play, but he was playing them in a different way. And the way, like a different, like a sub faction of the faction was playing and that sub faction I play against all the time. So I was like helping him out the whole game. [00:07:14] And like my army does counter his army fairly well. I was, and it was on a very good map for me. All the things were stacked in my, in my defense. In your favorite or in my, in my, in my to, for me to win. Uh, I was helping him out all game to the point where he, he [00:07:30] was scamming himself on a rule and I called the judge over to help him. [00:07:33] 'cause I was like, Hey dude, you're like fucking yourself up. Like this is what you're supposed to do, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Uh, a few crucial, almost. And I gave him like a bunch of takebacks here and there. A few crucial mistakes of mine had the game at the last round. Uh, I was at 84, 85, and he was. Like 10 points or so behind me. [00:07:55] I forgot to do one big thing the term before He drew [00:08:00] a secondary. That's how you score points He drew a secondary that would have got him eight points, which would have beat had him beating me by one or something And I was like, hey man, like there's no reason I didn't do that thing It would actually stop you here You can tell me no, which would be shitty But I would like to do that thing that I should have I should have done last turn and he's like no I was like You know, like, you are not contractually obligated to let me have that take back. [00:08:26] But all I've been doing this whole game is giving you so much [00:08:30] grace and everything, helping you out to kingdom come. Uh, and so yeah, you don't have to do it, but I'm just never gonna forget this till the day I die. And I will let you remember it every time I fucking see you, and I will let all our friends remember it. [00:08:42] And so yeah, he didn't let me do it. He beat me by a single point. And, uh, I'm not so salty about it, if you can't tell. And Cause I would have, I would have went, I would have went six and two, which would have been like tremendous for me. That would have been, I wanted top 50 at this event. I got, I got 60th place out of [00:09:00] 215 people. [00:09:01] I really want to talk 50. That was a big goal for me, but even with it, just be five and three. I sold it. It's the best I've ever done in a, in a major. This is, this is what's called a major like tournament. Um, so I can't be too upset and in my head, even, even my coach was like, yeah, dude, you went six and two. [00:09:17] It's okay. Uh, and so, yeah, my favorite part about the whole thing though, was after we left, well, two favorite parts. We actually, we were actually arguing about it. Like our voices were getting raised, which is really funny over plastic toys, but I was like, [00:09:30] so I was so offended at how like sweet I was being to him. [00:09:33] And I'm always sweet. Like the day before that I got an award for, uh, being a good sportsman, you know what I mean? Uh, we're raising our voice as the judge comes over and goes, what's wrong? And I was like, well, we both know each other, but you know, uh, like it's not really argue an argument, but like, here's what happened. [00:09:48] And he's like, he looked at Ronnie is like, yeah, I can't tell you that you should let him have the take back. But he's like, that's pretty shitty of you not to. And I was like, sick. And that same guy still rolled with it. Yeah, of course you did. He, he wanted to win. Like that's, you [00:10:00] know, it nerds are nerds. [00:10:02] Like it's, it's rare for sweet boy Dami to exist in this world, like, in that fashion. And a hundred percent, and I have done it and I will still do it, if the tables return, without even harping, like, yeah dude, of course, like, I should have just played better, do your, do your thing, it's fine, like, take, do your take back, like, you're like, do your thing you should have done. [00:10:19] And always, that's how I play the game, I let people do shit, that let me lose the game many times, like, I just don't ever want to be the other, I never want someone to tell a story, And I'm that [00:10:30] person where it's like, fuck that guy. That's, I don't, I'd rather lose than be that. So, uh, then that judge that came over was the same judge that gave me a dice the day before for being a great sportsman. [00:10:40] Um, and so the, my, the second favorite part was I left, told him to go fuck himself. I walked away. I like needed a second. I was very, I was very annoyed rightfully. So I feel like again, I'm with the record to reflect in a game to win in a tournament. You do not have to do what you do not have to do the thing I'm upset about. [00:10:58] At all. [00:11:00] If I was playing at someone that wasn't being cool, I wouldn't let them take back. Maybe I would, but I don't know. But like this in this instance, all I was doing was helping them like literally like holding hand, but I came back over to the table because that's where my stuff was and he was sitting there with a buddy of ours and he was like, oh yeah, Ricky like, yeah, like Dom, tell him what happened. [00:11:19] And Ricky looked at him and he goes, wait, that was Dom. You did that too. And I was like that that response. Yes. Is all I ever hoped for like the way his tone was wait [00:11:30] That was it was you did that to dom and I was like, okay, that's great. I don't give a shit. Take your fucking win The hilarity of it all is that he dropped that day. [00:11:39] He dropped out of the tournament There's one more day left and I and I next time i'm saying i'm like, wait, why did he drop out? Who fucking he he went with that job. He went I think like Five and one or four and two four and two I think and he's like i'm good. This is good enough for me And I was just like you motherfucker You what a shitty shitter did. [00:11:58] You took that outta me [00:12:00] and yeah. So, uh, yeah. Uh, other than that, I had a great weekend. Everyone who played with those great, I had some crazy games. I've never blown, I never had a blowout before. I had a blowout. I beat someone. They didn't score any points against me. Um, you kind of like him? Who's Moofy Boo? [00:12:16] Do we know who Moofy Boo is? Oh, that's old, old, uh, um, Old, old, old person who's been here for a while, right? [00:12:22] Charlie: OG, [00:12:23] Dom: original OG. Fucking band. I kind of like them. Dead, dead to me. You're dead to me too. You and Ronnie were fucking dead to me. [00:12:30] MSFer, yeah. MSFer? Yeah, yeah, you, yeah, go hang out with fucking, fucking Casino or something. [00:12:35] Go hang out with Connor. Yeah. No, Connor's great. Connor's a great dude. We love Connor. We love Connor. Stop it. He's a sweet boy. Uh, yeah. I'm waiting for the day that you two run into each other. He's at the shop all the time. In a tournament. He doesn't play Warhammer anymore. In a tournament. He doesn't play Warhammer anymore. [00:12:49] He just plays other games. The kid is like a sweet young rich kid. I don't care. I don't care. I don't, I don't care. He [00:12:56] Josh: is, he's forever your, he is like your arch [00:13:00] nemesis in my, in my head. [00:13:02] Dom: Perfect fucking example of sweet boy dumb giving a crying 13 year old the wind so that he felt better I mean [00:13:08] Josh: you should have done that you should have just been there and been like yeah, you know what Life's hard get good bitch and walked away, but I'm not [00:13:14] Dom: out here trying to prove to them. [00:13:16] It's hard He'll find that out in his own [00:13:18] Josh: You [00:13:18] Dom: hear me? Yeah, [00:13:22] Josh: no for real they will yes real fast he [00:13:24] Dom: doesn't need he doesn't need fucking a 30 year old Idiot mustache dude playing with plastic toys that [00:13:30] remind him how fucking hard life is, you know what I mean? So yeah, that's just where that's where my weekend was. [00:13:34] Hey, uh, yeah I beat this one dude so hard that He didn't score any points like that's never that's uh, that's awesome That was really cool. I thought I was going to lose that game too, going into it. Um, so yeah, I had a great time. I loved it. I love Warhammer. I have another, my next big tournament is in August, end of August, beginning of September, it's the Nova open, which is in Washington, DC. [00:13:58] It's another like giant [00:14:00] major, like a fucking million people. Um, and yeah, I can't wait for that. I'm currently building a new army for it. [00:14:07] Josh: You're going to take the same. Oh, you're going to do a new one. Yeah. [00:14:10] Dom: Uh, They're called, uh, the Adeptus. They're like essentially battle nuns. They're like super zealous, like, uh, nuns. [00:14:17] Battle nuns actually. Yeah. Like, it's the best way to describe it. They look like nuns. They wear wear power armor. They're over zealous. Okay. Like emperor mankind. Fan girls. Uh, yeah, they look, they [00:14:30] look fucking cool though. You know, like, this is like what they kind of look like gonna do. It [00:14:38] Charlie: does look cool. [00:14:40] Look, that looks very similar to like the age of Sigmar. [00:14:43] Dom: Yeah. It looks like a nun and they're literally, they're battlements. Like, it's really funny. This, this model, [00:14:51] this model is called a Paragon war suit. It's like them in an exosuit essentially. And everyone calls them nun doms. That's a [00:15:00] nun dom. [00:15:03] That's great. So yeah, I'm taking, I'm taking Adeptus Sororitas to Nova, which I'm very excited for, unless there's some other crazy change, would you say? Where is it? It's in Washington, D. C. So I'll be there, I think it's like August 30th. Yeah, it's like August 30th or something. Um, so I'll be there for that. [00:15:20] Sounds fun. That's cool. Good luck. Good luck going, uh, top 50. Now I got, now I just want to get, now I definitely want to get top 50, so. [00:15:27] Josh: Now you know that if some dude, if it comes between you [00:15:30] being nice to somebody. No hand holding this time around. No hand holding this time. Nah, I'll still do that. I never [00:15:35] Dom: want my moral sacrifice to win. [00:15:38] That's their own fault. I mean, it's my own fault for being a sweet boy. I should've just played better and it didn't matter. It wouldn't matter that my Oh my god, you should've just Like, in reality, I should've just played better, and it wouldn't matter. I wouldn't need a Because I would just be the back. [00:15:55] You [00:15:55] Josh: remember? When I put when I, when I was really into playing tournaments of Star Wars, the card [00:16:00] game, when I was really young, that's probably like 14, 13 or 14. I, they, this new one came out the cloud, something about the cloud cities and my, my parents, I saved up. Yeah. I like saved up all my. You know, lawn mowing money and bought a box of them and was able to build this like crazy overpowered deck and I went to a tournament and I remember I beat this dude that, you know, I used to look up to and he got like, dude, I remember the, he just stood up when like, like, like stormed out, you know? [00:16:27] And like, so I, because I remember people like, I [00:16:30] used to use terms, people would just beat my ass, dude, and not even, I would get no love. at all. So like, I don't know, it's just different, different times. But yeah, I, uh, on the receiving end [00:16:41] Dom: of the stomp fest, the hobby is very much in a place where there isn't much like gotchas. [00:16:46] Like no one is really trying to like do like, no one's trying to trick anyone. They're just trying to play. So like it is very common if you're playing a Warhammer, you're playing at someone and they're about to do something and you're like, well, hold up. Like I do this thing. [00:17:00] You're going to, you're going to get. [00:17:01] Wiped hard if you do that thing. I was like this because there's so many rules in this game It's hard to keep track of it's hard to keep track of your own faction let alone other factions So the hobby has switched very much to in competitive play. Here's what my whole army does to the point where Like i'm telling I don't like i'm not gonna sit there and be like if you come within nine inches of me A unit can like run away and do some shit, right? [00:17:24] I'm, not gonna just let you do that. I'm gonna be like hey, like if you do that i'm gonna do this, right? Like that's kind of where the hobby is You [00:17:30] Takebacks are usually very much encouraged, especially in like casual play, but in a play, it's a little different. But again, um I even said to him not salty. I gave him a take back and I said i'm gonna call him I'm gonna call him one later. [00:17:44] I said that Didn't matter didn't matter didn't matter. So what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Here's the thing Uh, I could beat literally every single fucking person up in that room. So who's really the who's really the winner? You know what? I mean? Um, [00:17:56] Charlie: nice boy, domi [00:17:58] Dom: You know, I could beat up anyone [00:18:00] in that fucker. [00:18:00] Oh, you mean [00:18:01] Charlie: physically, physically beat up. [00:18:02] Dom: Physically [00:18:02] Charlie: beat him up. [00:18:03] Josh: Yeah. I think, I think the real winner is Connor for quitting the game. [00:18:07] Dom: Uh, great. Here's a great question that Lyle just asked. Is it possible to casually play Warhammer, interested in playing, but don't want to invest tons into it? Yes. There is a game called Kill Team, specifically Warhammer Kill Team, that is a smaller version of Warhammer. [00:18:20] You only need to buy a single box of models and you are set to play. You don't have to buy. Where's Mallory at? You'll have to drop a grand on a used army that someone is [00:18:30] selling, or drop two grand on all brand new models. Good night. Okay, hold on. [00:18:35] Josh: When you say you're selling for a grand, did you pay a grand for it? [00:18:38] Yes. Or is that like what you're selling? I paid Okay, [00:18:41] Dom: so you're not Roughly, well I paid 750 for all, all these gray models behind me. That was someone's army that they had. It's roughly 3, 500 points, which you need 2, 000 points to buy. To play a competitive Warhammer army. So someone was selling it. They're like, hey, I have all these models I know I'm not gonna play anymore And I was like, yeah, I'll fucking buy them quite frankly. [00:18:59] I got a steal for [00:19:00] him This should have been outright probably 1, 000 But this person was like I'm selling I'm done, you know, I'm done with this army. Yeah Yeah, but if you buy a bunch of boxes straight out each of these boxes is 50 bucks at least That box there's 150 bucks. That's a big that's some big griffin chick. [00:19:18] So the queen of the cement is not cheap It's a more hammer dude. Plastic crack is real. It's No, at least you know what you're getting [00:19:30] when you buy stuff So like when you pick a competitive card game like magic or Pokemon or whatever there's formats things come and go You can be playing a magic deck for a year Next year that it's out of the format that it's completely out is gone. [00:19:45] You that shit's worthless with Warhammer Models and units may become meta or not, but it's not like you'll never use them again for like a season, right? Maybe the nundums are no good. But then next year, maybe none of them's are [00:20:00] fucking fire again And it's like yo, I have all my I have all those, you know, I mean Or like even if you want to play in a more casual manner You don't want to play the most hyper competitive You just, you play with, who gives a shit? [00:20:10] You play with that model. Cause you think they look cool, you built them, you painted them nice. Doesn't matter, you know what I mean? So like, I personally am trying to go to tournaments and like, go buck wild. Like, So I'm trying to play the best models and shit. You're trying [00:20:22] Josh: to play the [00:20:22] Dom: meta. Yeah, exactly. [00:20:23] Yeah. So You're a meta chaser. I'm a big meta chaser. I literally bought this army because I got a tip that their new codex was busted [00:20:30] and guess what? The fucking codex is busted. So Oh shit. If [00:20:34] Josh: Dom's go it ain't no at the next tournament. [00:20:36] Dom: No, but you gotta be good even if you aren't playing full meta busted shit. [00:20:40] You still gotta be, cause other motherfuckers are gonna be playing that same shit. They're just gonna be better than you. You know what I mean? But [00:20:45] Josh: isn't, isn't there an RNG component to it with [00:20:48] Dom: like [00:20:48] Josh: rolling dice? Of [00:20:49] Dom: course. Yeah, of course. Dice. Dice is real. So how could it be, how could it be that they're better than you? [00:20:54] Because they set themselves up for success that if their dice rolls fail, they're still not getting swamped. They're not, they're not losing [00:21:00] outright. I'll, I'll fucking be like, here's all my shit. I'm failing all these charges and I just lose the game. Right. They're setting themselves up. So they're moving to a place. [00:21:08] If they get the charge, great. They're going to kill what they're getting the charge to do. If they don't, they're in a position of where you're not going to clap them back as hard as you could, if you were even, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All that type of shit. You know what I mean? Like there's, there's, there's levels of understanding how you could work the system of RNG with dice rolls straight up. [00:21:26] Charlie: So it's like final fantasy tactics, essentially. [00:21:29] Dom: [00:21:30] Sure. I'm just going to take a word for it. Yes. But yeah, that's like kind of how you're good. You get good at orcs or bust while exactly, uh, you get, you get good at Warhammer by anticipating what you need to do for the rounds ahead, not just the round you're in right now. [00:21:47] If I move here, what can they do to me? How can I score? How can they stop me from scoring? How can they score? How can I stop them from scoring? So on, so on, so on. [00:21:54] Charlie: If, if a Warhammer feels like it's right up my alley, it's just honestly, it's the painting of the [00:22:00] models I don't really care for. [00:22:01] Dom: There's a wonderful paint called Contrast Paints. [00:22:06] It is, it's cheating. You paint the whole model in white instead of black. There's a paint, there's a paints, there's a, a formula of paints called contrast. They pool in the crevices of things, so it looks like they've been shaded. And so if I have a cloak and I want the cloak to be green, I'll use a contrast green and on the highlights of it, on the highest points of it, it will be that [00:22:30] green, but when it pulls in the crevices of the cloak, it looks like it's a darker green. [00:22:33] So it looks like it's been, it looks like you naturally shaded it, but you just use a single brushstroke instead. So contrast is the cheat code for how to like paint things quick. Like if I wanted to, these battle sisters, I'll do the armor in black. I'll do the robes in red. I'll do their armor. I'll do their, their. [00:22:49] They're a weapon, and if they have a shield or backpack, they'll do that in silver. Literally done. That's battle ready. You can go to a tournament tomorrow with that. And that's all with like, three different colors. Can you go to, can you go to an army with [00:23:00] no painting? You could, yeah, but you just, you, you lose what's called battle ready, which is ten points. [00:23:04] And sometimes that ten points is fucking huge. Why? Is that always just part of the rules? Yeah, you're expected to come to a tournament with your army painted, and if they're not, then you just don't get, you just start off as a zero. You automatically at a tournament start off with ten points. Yeah. [00:23:17] Automatically, since you're battle ready. If you're not battle ready, you still don't get the 10 points. Which literally can make or break some games. I won a very crucial game against an army that is better than mine. And I fucking, I won by two [00:23:30] points. If I wasn't battle ready, I would have lost that. Hmm. [00:23:32] You know what I mean? It seems like fun. [00:23:35] Josh: I, I, yeah. I could see how it's, it's hard. It's, oh, I could see how it is. Yeah. It's hard. [00:23:38] Dom: It's, it's a fucking hard game. I [00:23:39] Josh: could see how it's, I literally, it's surprisingly, I never really got into playing the Pokemon card games since I have, I collect so many for a while, but, um, [00:23:48] Charlie: yeah, it feels like it's right up my alley in terms of like strategy and board game stuff, stuff. [00:23:51] It, I would lie Don't, don't, just [00:23:53] Dom: don't learn from clamor, . That's all . [00:23:56] Charlie: I could tell you that for, you know, everything in life. Don't learn from clamor. [00:24:00] [00:24:00] Dom: I dunno. He's, he's, he's, he's good at camera stuff. You know, he's good at camera stuff. He doesn't war hammer, he's got fat fingers, and he can't read. You know what I mean? [00:24:10] Josh: Nice. So this is my favorite. I wanna show you what I mean. Like, like nine, like 90% of the people that play World of Warcraft, [00:24:16] Dom: I can't fucking read, show you guys what I mean by this. What I mean, so this is our friend Clammers, a dear friend of ours. Uh, for, for reference, uh, Charlie and Clamor are kind of like what got me in this whole thing, right? [00:24:29] Like, I moved [00:24:30] here, Charlie gave me his story into War Hammer, or No, into New York, New York City and film industry. I moved here, okay? 'cause of Charlie. He, I worked on the, the first movie I worked on was Charlie was shooting it. And then the second movie I worked on, Clamor was one of the operators and I, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. [00:24:43] So a Warhammer, everything is a measuring tape, everything. So like I may have, I love that I'm doing this right now. I really do. I got two, I got two homegirls, two battle sisters right here, [00:25:00] two nuns, two nuns, two nuns, two battle nuts. Aye. A normal move is five inches. So if I measure that at the end of it, it would go to here, right? [00:25:11] It would go five inches forward. That's like five inches. Klamer and his fat fingers will grab it and go like this. Five inches. Cause it's And you're just like, Klamer! That is clearly, and also the be the best thing about about it, Josh. Oh, that's like a [00:25:30] golf thing. Isn't that like the golf thing where like they take the, like people do that in golf all the time. [00:25:33] Here's the funniest fucking thing about it, Josh, is that Matt Clammer used to be what's called a first camera assistant, and that is the person on the film set that pulls focus on the camera. It's not, man, it's not, you know, it's not auto focus. Everything is manual, so it's literally the lens has a distance of feet and inches of how when something is right, right. [00:25:50] Clamor. And like a lot of other, uh, first ACs that were good and that came up in like the more old school, they can do this shit by eye. They can look at a certain distance and be like, that shit's 10 feet. That [00:26:00] shit's five, five, whatever, blah, blah, blah, blah. So the fact that he would do that shit makes it even fucking funnier because he fucking knows how hard an inch is or five inches, you know what I mean? [00:26:08] Yeah, that's super, that's, that's great. Having a measuring tape by your computer is only okay to play Warhammer. No, every single night I make sure my dick is huge. Okay, so that's what this is for. Isn't that what all guys do? Exactly. Yeah. Uh, but yeah, so that is mine. Mine's by my bed. What are you talking about? [00:26:24] That's, that's War Hammer baby. That's, that's where we're at. Uh, so it's dick measuring, is that what you're saying? Yeah, man, I [00:26:30] can't wait. So I'm painting these up like, uh, kind of, I did this cool Kit bash. Uh, there's a, an age of Sigma of the fantasy army. They're, they're, I have, they're all ghosts. Yeah. So I did a kit bash of a, like, there're gonna be a lot of ghosts in my, they're like, they're like undead adeptus toward us. [00:26:49] So this is she. It's supposed to be her. This is Saint Celestine. She's a living saint. I did a kitbash so that it's really this, like, ghost chick. [00:27:00] And then there's, there's, like, these, there's, like, power engines called penitent engines. And it's, like, it's actually really fucked up, Lord. The whole arm, all of, all of Warhammer's all fucked up. [00:27:11] Everything is, like, a bad fascist, blah, blah, blah, blah. But so I have, I got this penitent engine, and I, and usually it's, like, a dude hooked up to it. Like someone who has like committed a grievous sin, like that's what it looks like. Instead, I put like this ghost all chained up to it and shit. So yeah, it's going to look fucking tight. [00:27:28] I'm very excited. That was cool. [00:27:30] Uh, yeah. Warhammer, uh, side tangent aside, aside. [00:27:37] Charlie: It's always fun, you know, it's a game That's a game. It's a game [00:27:41] Dom: Isn't [00:27:42] Josh: it like the biggest tabletop game out there in terms of tabletop games? Yes. It is the biggest tabletop game. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, so I mean It's the same thing It's [00:27:52] Charlie: not it's not a video game second behind checkers, you know [00:27:56] Josh: I mean, do most people that are into gaming in general [00:28:00] have interest in those kinds of things? [00:28:03] They don't have the time. I wish you started sooner. Really get into it. [00:28:05] Dom: I remember I would go to the game store to do Pokemon or magic or whatever I was doing. I'd see it. I'd be like, Whoa, that is too intimidating. I wish I started so much sooner. [00:28:13] Josh: It's the exact same thing for me. I've seen people playing Warhammer and I see their like battlegrounds that they've built, you know, and I'm just like, dude, I, no way. [00:28:22] No [00:28:23] Dom: way, bro. Speaking of being I. C., this is my measuring tape when I used to be a camera assistant. [00:28:29] Charlie: [00:28:30] Fat Max [00:28:30] Dom: 25? Always Fat Max 25, baby. Fat Max 25, yep. Fat Max is so good because it can hold its consistency at 9 feet without it breaking or bending. You know how good that is? Just throw that bad boy out there. [00:28:46] You got a, you got a actor. A little far be like, as it falls. Cause I, I threw a little too fast. It's like, [00:28:53] Charlie: yeah, sorry. Eight feet, six inches. You're good. [00:28:56] Dom: Uh, yeah. Video games are great. You know, [00:29:00] uh, yeah. Well, for very excited for that, for the new, uh, expansion. [00:29:05] Charlie: Oh yeah. They got that got announced. The, uh, announced. [00:29:08] Yes. What's the best little hatred. Yeah. [00:29:11] Dom: And the spirit Walker, uh, new class. Super cool looking it's pretty much. Oh, it's a there's gonna be a new class It's pretty much the witch doctor, which is like fun It is kind of funny that there's I do kind of wish in some way that they just had all the [00:29:30] previous classes of Diablo Diablo 3 and any new stuff, but It does look cool. [00:29:35] They're updating more shit. Obviously everyone that's been playing the latest season Like revitalize this fucking game So it is pretty cool that we're getting a new expand. That's what they do Like usually about a year or so in they'll do like a really big expansion And we just hit that year mark not long ago, and I think Vassal of Hatred is, what, October or September or something? [00:29:54] October, yeah. October, yeah. It's [00:29:56] Charlie: gonna be a busy October [00:29:57] Dom: this year. Very, yeah, I mean, tons of, tons of [00:30:00] games get announced recently, so. Why, [00:30:01] Josh: what's getting, what's coming out in October? [00:30:03] Charlie: Well, we have, well, we'll talk about it in the, in the news and announcement stuff, because I actually went through and did a list, because there's a bunch that popped up on the PlayStation Turbo, if I could, we could just talk about it now, um, Assassin's Creed. [00:30:14] Shadows comes out in October. Uh, uh, I don't know, this might be August, but V Rising is coming out on PS5. So those who may have played it on play, um, PC, it's kind of like a vampire build slash, um, roguelike game. It's [00:30:30] kind of fun. Um, and the, uh, New World comes out on consoles. In October. [00:30:37] Josh: People still play New World? [00:30:39] Charlie: It's like, it's on, it's, I think it's like second, it's like the second most popular MMO besides, uh, next thing you know, right behind WoW. Wow. So yeah. It's [00:30:47] Dom: not October, it's coming out in September, Space Marine 2, very, very excited for Space Marine 2. You gonna play it on [00:30:53] Charlie: PC or console? [00:30:54] Dom: PC, yeah. Yeah. I think it's cross [00:30:57] Charlie: play, isn't it? [00:30:59] If it's cross [00:31:00] play, I'll play it on PS5 and play with you. Let me see actually, I hope it is. I'm going to, I'm going to play New World on console for sure. I really liked New World. I just couldn't get into it. And you know, since it's coming to consoles. Confirmed, [00:31:11] Dom: cross play between all platforms. You [00:31:12] Charlie: know what, you know what that means with New World on console, right? [00:31:15] Let [00:31:16] Dom: me ask you a question. As like the trophy king of, of the North, the Northeastern continent, uh, I don't even know what I was trying to say there. I was trying to be funny. As a trophy king over here. Is it [00:31:30] a little, is it a little boring to get trophies for a game you already have trophies in? No. What do you mean? [00:31:36] Okay. You're doing the same thing twice. No. So? Okay, that's all I wanted to ask. Okay. Well, it's, it's, [00:31:43] Charlie: it's mainly because I'm actually excited to play it because I've tried playing my place, uh, my PC upstairs, like on the big TV. And it's just tough to do. Cause like the wireless keyboard and your hands are like this, it's not, it's not fun. [00:31:56] Um, and I brought my. PC upstairs to play on like a, [00:32:00] like a mobile kind of like, like desk that I had, um, in the back somewhere. Um, that wasn't that fun because I was playing like, we play a lot of stuff. Um, so, uh, I was just like, I want to try some PC games I haven't played for hours. And it's, it's just not like, it's not the same as playing on the, on the console. [00:32:18] Because literally, you know, I have a controller, my wife and I and son just hang out on the couch. So It's different, right? So we can all just do our things and play on console. So the fact that it's coming to console, I'm super stoked for it [00:32:30] because I will play it a lot. [00:32:31] Dom: Um, Oh [00:32:32] Charlie: yeah. But, um, in terms of like games I've been playing on PC, um, for, and speaking of Diablo, uh, since we've been, I know I've been, I finished everything that you can probably do in the game, and I don't really feel like farming for the ubers or anything like that. [00:32:45] And I don't know if they're coming out with new stuff to do. They typically, like, mid season, they'll come out with, like, a quick event or something like that. But it's, it's, Diablo 4's been fine. I played it, I tried to do their new [00:33:00] Um, the pit, uh, grinding. I just don't feel like doing it. It's just, it just seems like it's just, it's a big grind. [00:33:06] I don't know for what end I don't really care. Um, but I have been playing something similar in ARPG for PC called Last Epoch. So that's, uh, that recently I think went live out of beta. Uh, like, I think like three months ago, and I've been, uh, I've been really quite enjoying that. I've been playing Necromancer on that, and it feels great, uh, to [00:33:30] play that class. [00:33:30] And also, like, it really, I really enjoy the finite control of loot filtering you can do in that game. It is absolutely silly. You can literally set any loot filter you want. Like, if you think of it, you can set it like you can, you can make, you can recolor uh, drops that come, uh, like that populate on the ground. [00:33:55] You can have them and capitalize, you can have them under case or, or, you know, under [00:34:00] casing, or you can do it OnX or you can do other stuff. Or you can completely rechange the color of a certain item as they're dropped on the ground. And so you can literally customize the loo however you want it to be. [00:34:10] If you're like looking for a certain item, you can have it so that only that thing drops, et cetera. But yeah, it's, I think it's like 40 bucks on Steam. It's, it's been quite fun to play. The storyline's pretty good. Um, it's an indie team and, you know, support indie game makers. So, [00:34:30] I've been playing that, it's been good. [00:34:32] And I'm also, um, kind of in the realm of like picking games back up and playing again. I've actually been really into The Division 2. I went back. Yeah, I've played probably like Shut up. I've been, I've probably put like 80 hours back into it. Um, it's, it's really good. I know you used to play it a lot, Dom. [00:34:52] This is what [00:34:52] Josh: happens, this is what happens when you have a lot of free [00:34:55] Charlie: time. Uh, it's not that I have a lot of free time per se. I just can't go anywhere and do anything. [00:34:59] Josh: [00:35:00] Well, sure, okay, sure. [00:35:01] Charlie: So I was like, I have like 15, like for me to, the thing about it is the Division 2, uh, you played it at launch, right Dom? [00:35:08] Yeah, [00:35:08] Dom: I played the shit out of it. [00:35:10] Charlie: Um, there was like, once you, once you essentially got max level and there was like nothing to do in the game, um, so flashback or flash forward as you play the warlords of New York, uh, all right. So that came out in 2020, I think, um, and so four years later, uh, they, there's a lot to do in the division. [00:35:29] [00:35:30] There's like challenging, there's like so many different modes. Now they have the invasions are back. Manhunt manhunts are back. They're doing seasonal content across the board. Um. I mean, I picked it back up because it's like, I was kind of bummed that the division, um, was, I guess, I think they pushed it back to December for the mobile game. [00:35:49] I was like, ah, whatever. So I was like, you know, I'm going to pick up the old game again. Um, cause there's a new season that just came out, um, when I was playing, um, like three months ago and it was just. I [00:36:00] forgot how fun that game is and how involved, like, the world is and, like, the incredible attention to detail that that entire, uh, world building team has there. [00:36:11] Uh, and I honestly, I would say, like, if you feel, if for anyone listening to it, like, if you want to, like, a fun, uh, looter shooter, um, it's kind of, you know, I don't know how else to describe it. It's just, like, kind of, like, futuristic ish, near futuristic, um, The game, the gameplay is great. Like I, the only thing that [00:36:30] sucks is like, it can feel a little bit bullet spongy, but the builds now have gotten to the point. [00:36:34] Well, the, the, the thing is the builds now have gotten to the point where like you can, one, you can pretty much one shot kill people. So now it feels like a lot more realistic, uh, which I kind of like quite a lot. Um, but I would honestly, I would, I would give it another shot. I would, I would reload it, uh, on PC and play it again. [00:36:51] It's fun and its cross play, I think with PC now. It's not just, uh, on the console that you're on. Dom's [00:36:59] Josh: downloading it right [00:37:00] now. I wish. Nah. You should. I, I just Nah, I got Warhammer paint. [00:37:05] Dom: The Army's the paint. Division 2 was great. But I played the Division for the PvP aspect mostly. And the, the Dark Zone in Division 2 was not Not as good. [00:37:18] Not as good as Division 1. Division 1, Dark Zone PvP was Bunkers. It was just so, it was a silly as shit. It was so silly in the, in the best way. And I [00:37:30] didn't, I didn't get that in, uh, uh, division two. [00:37:34] Charlie: No, uh, the division two PVP was not, it was not up to par in my opinion. I bet you we [00:37:38] Dom: get division three, uh, announcement soon. [00:37:41] Charlie: Probably. I mean, it's been six years, and they actually just did, they just did something, uh, for The Division 2 where they announced, like, seasonal characters, where, like, you start at level one. I don't know how that works for that game, because, like, you can literally go to, like, shade level, like, you can go to, like, over 10, 000, something like that now. [00:37:59] So, [00:38:00] like, there's people who put, you know, thousands of hours. It's over [00:38:02] Josh: 9, 000! [00:38:04] Charlie: 9, 000! Anyway, that was good. And then, um, speaking of older games, you know, Josh and I have been playing a lot of Fallout 76, although not recently because someone's been playing Cataclysm. Um, but the new DLC for Skyline Valley, uh, just dropped a couple days ago, last week. [00:38:21] Fallout 76. Yeah. [00:38:23] Josh: I need to play it. [00:38:23] Charlie: It's quite good. I've already finished the quest line for it, um, and I've done a lot [00:38:30] of the, the events that are in there. Um, actually what I would do is I would put, starting tomorrow, I think I have server reset. It's double XP for the season. Like the season rewards. You get like the double XP for a week. [00:38:42] Oh yeah. So. Yeah. I have to get on it. Well, that's good. It's in Shenandoah Valley. They added a whole new map expansion. They didn't add like another area. Oh really? Yeah, they just, they essentially, it's the south southern part of the map. They opened up and now they stuff to it. Shit. And it's, it's really cool. [00:38:58] And it's, that's cool. The lu's [00:39:00] there. Um, the new end bosses are fun. Super fun. It's like three big giant. Oh, they added new end bosses. New end bosses. Um, I finally launched a nuke in the game, which was fun. Oh, nice. That was quite fun. Um, and, uh, they have a new top of the hour every hour, um, they have like a new event that they always do with these sort of things, which is quite fun. [00:39:22] Although it's kind of, it's a little boring, but, um, the new enemies are kind of cool and the storyline for this new, uh, Expansion is like [00:39:30] pretty fucked up. So it's quite good. It's quite good. So I I'm impressed Is it better than meat week? It's not better than meat week meat week. Well meat week was [00:39:39] Josh: the best [00:39:39] Charlie: one. [00:39:39] It was amazing Meat meat week meat week [00:39:46] Josh: Um, it's a big like orc super mutant singing it Yeah, no, I uh, I need to get back on it. Actually what I really what I really want to play which i'm probably You know I'm going to get into is I want to try the Elden Ring DLC. I've been seeing [00:40:00] people post, like, all this stuff about, you know, getting back into Elden Ring and I don't know, I'm getting, I'm getting the bug because I kind of like go in waves where I really hate myself. [00:40:12] I was going to say, like self deprecation. That's when I want to play a souls game And i'm kind of reaching that point and especially since i'm not smoking weed anymore. I'll be interested to see if my Reaction time is better. That's the cope i'm gonna throw out there. Um, but uh I'm, i'm [00:40:30] pretty i'm pretty yeah, I got I gotta get it. [00:40:32] Charlie: I would make it I think it just came out. It just came out or it's about to come out [00:40:37] Josh: I saw people I saw asmongold playing it. So maybe it [00:40:39] Charlie: came out yesterday on a tuesday or maybe last week. I don't know Um, I would make a new characters that way you don't Oh, [00:40:46] Josh: I am 100%. Yeah, I made, I made a, I made a mage like right before we got into 76 and it's, I think I've killed like two bosses, so I'll probably just hop in on that one and keep rolling. [00:40:57] Cause the, the cat, the spellcasters are actually really fun in that [00:41:00] game. Um, they, they, like in, in dark souls. Two and one being a spellcaster was incredibly, it was just super hard because they weren't that good. But in Elden Ring, they clapped dude. So I'm pretty excited about trying that out. [00:41:16] Charlie: Have you guys seen or try out the new free to play game from Ubisoft called X Defiant? [00:41:23] Dom: No. The fuck is that? What is that? Did you try it? You [00:41:26] Charlie: obviously tried it. I did try it. Uh, it's not for me. [00:41:30] It's, it's essentially, um, [00:41:33] Josh: So what would make you think it's, it's for myself? [00:41:36] Charlie: Uh, it's like an Overwatch type of game. [00:41:39] Josh: Oh, okay. Yeah, no, I, I, uh, I never played Overwatch. I'm gonna, I'm gonna try the, the Marvel one. [00:41:45] I'm gonna try the Marvel one too [00:41:46] Charlie: when it comes out. Yeah. I will, I will play that one. [00:41:48] Josh: I think, yeah, although people, I love this. People were playing the Alpha and they were like, this game sucks. It's like unpolished and it's broken. I'm like, yeah, cause it's in fucking Alpha, you dense tool bag. Like [00:42:00] what is wrong with you? [00:42:00] Like. It is really, genuinely, truly why we can't have nice things, because I can't believe there are actually people on the internet slamming a game and it's alpha phase. Like they don't, truly don't understand what the meaning of an alpha test is. So it's just, uh, [00:42:15] Charlie: that's supposed to come out early in 2025. [00:42:18] Josh: No I think it's supposed to come out early in like first quarter next year. If I'm not mistaken. You're right. It is either the end of the year, like December or it's, it's early next year. [00:42:27] Charlie: I wouldn't be surprised if they push it in December saying it's [00:42:30] a beta and then being Oh yeah, sure. Sure. Sure. Yeah. A hundred percent. [00:42:34] Josh: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It [00:42:36] Charlie: would make sense. I mean, [00:42:37] Josh: invest in this game. Yeah. A hundred percent. Um, [00:42:40] Charlie: there's been a lot of other stuff that happened as well. So destiny just had its final chapter destiny to final chapter, the final shape. I want to think I stopped, I stopped paying attention to destiny back when I watched the lower videos, that's about it. [00:42:55] Yeah. I don't, I don't know what anything is going on in there. I think the second [00:42:59] Dom: it's [00:43:00] still, it's all silly shit. The game is so wildly. You're like, wait, are we goodies or baddies? Who's to say? Find out next time on destiny. So wait, is this, [00:43:09] Josh: is this the, so like when they say it's the final expansion, it means that they're going to finally move on to what destiny three after this or [00:43:18] Charlie: destiny two is a lot of fun. [00:43:19] I have to say it [00:43:20] Josh: was great. I can't, I can't believe they're still putting out content for it. I don't, that's too great. Okay. It was a good game. I'm not going to say anything [00:43:30] bad about it. I just didn't, I don't know. I can't believe there are people still playing and rating on it. I mean, it's [00:43:35] Dom: a first person enemy. [00:43:35] You're literally playing fucking World of Warcraft and you're sitting here like, yeah, because it's a great game. I can't believe people are still playing and rating it. Destiny 2 is just like, clearly you could play. It's a good game if people are still playing it. Case in point, World of Warcraft. I mean, but World of Warcraft is a superior game in every way, so I mean, it makes sense. [00:43:55] Yeah, if you like, if you like fucking throwing thunderbolts and being a dork, sure, it is a [00:44:00] better [00:44:00] Josh: game. Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. I do throw thunderbolts, and I, I do play an elemental shaman, and I am a dork, okay? So, I feel targeted and called out. Uh, that's it. It's not how you play an elemental shaman, okay? [00:44:13] Dom: Uh, Josh, uh, Destiny 2 is way more American, cause you have guns. Oh! Oh! Okay, gotcha. Show me a gun. Okay, hunters [00:44:21] Josh: carry them. [00:44:22] Dom: Hunters use guns. Probably a whack ass class, right? Is it whack? Hunters use them. Is it whack? Is it whack class? Hunters are, hunters are like second or third deep [00:44:30] best DPS. They give you a whack class. [00:44:31] for confirming. for confirming. Bad class. Uh huh. Anti American. Uh huh. Thank you so much. [00:44:35] Josh: You're just mad because I'm hating on Destiny for being a mid tier game. Clearly it's not mid tier since it's still going. How many people are playing? Hold on, we gotta Google this. How many, how many active players on Destiny 2? [00:44:49] Charlie: Right now it's probably a little, a little, uh. [00:44:50] Josh: We got a hundred, 130, 759. How many people are playing Destiny 2? Wow, we'll just use wow classic as an example. Okay. So wow [00:45:00] classic alone is 309, 449 active subscribers. Oh, [00:45:04] Dom: that's apparently the best is only yeah, even double. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is classic Okay, hold on. [00:45:10] Let's let's go. That's really impressive People [00:45:13] Josh: are playing wow Discovery. All right, so we got 74, 000 people playing wow, crazy, [00:45:21] Dom: under destiny, wow, man, that's wild. Season of [00:45:24] Josh: discovery sucks. I don't like this. Crazy [00:45:26] Dom: numbers up in here. How many people are playing [00:45:30] [00:45:30] Josh: WoW live? Okay, on live, there's 7, 000, 004, er, yeah, 7, 000, 004 to 12, 000. [00:45:37] So live means that's the current version of world of warcraft. I play WoW classic. I thought it was a season. Which is the older version. There's three different versions of, there's actually like four or five different versions of wow out there. There's the hardcore version. There's fuck you guys. All right. [00:45:57] There's the classic version. There's the hardcore [00:46:00] version. There's season of discovery. There's [00:46:02] Dom: live classic cartoons. Anyways, [00:46:10] Josh: how many people are playing are playing the division. Oh, not none last 30 days. Average players. 1, 506 makes [00:46:24] Charlie: sense. That tracks [00:46:25] Josh: Charlie's one of them. How many people are playing [00:46:30] Warhammer [00:46:32] Dom: 40 K Tabletop around the world probably like two mil or some shit. [00:46:37] Okay, two point. That's actually created. Apparently it's uh, [00:46:41] Josh: As of february of 2022 2. 4 million people in english speaking countries alone [00:46:49] Charlie: that data is a little outdated still not as big as world of warcraft, but more expensive than World of Warcraft. Way more expensive than World of Warcraft. [00:46:57] Josh: That's debatable. [00:46:58] Charlie: No, that's true. Yeah. [00:46:59] Dom: Yeah. If [00:47:00] you didn't subscribe to the talk of the game, maybe. [00:47:03] Josh: Or, or if you're somebody that buys gold from people. [00:47:10] Dom, you look salty. I don't even [00:47:12] Dom: know [00:47:12] Josh: what you're talking about. We were talking about how World of Warcraft is the most superior game In all of existence is, is, and you guys are hat on me for it's, if you're [00:47:23] Charlie: listening to the podcast, it's been made. I muted Josh at this point, so you really can't understand what he's talking about. [00:47:27] So he's not gonna be able, [00:47:30] ever able to, its undeniable Charlie show. So [00:47:33] Dom: it is undeniable that World of Warcraft is the most successful MMO ever made. A hundred percent. No one's ever, no one has ever, nor can they ever deny that. So anyways, uh, I was, I, I, did you hear what I said? I thought I was muted. [00:47:50] You're not fucking muted. Josh charlie's a ding dong Did you hear what I said? I said it is undeniable that it is the most successful mmo ever made. [00:48:00] [00:48:00] Josh: Okay Destiny 2 still sucks. Um, i'm just kidding. I don't I don't care about destiny anymore. I don't really give it I don't either i'm just i'm just i'm just talking shit. [00:48:10] Um, you you John me talking shit Yeah, I am. Lemme give give lemme go get my pinky ring on real quick. Um, sorry. What? Yeah. Dom's got it. Within reach. You got the big one, the big fat boy. Oh, he's got, he's gonna put all of 'em on. Oh shit. Now, now I can't compete. [00:48:30] Can't compete Dom. Well, they can only pinkies, [00:48:31] Dom: so I can't really put Yeah, yeah. [00:48:33] Put, can put 'em on your uh, you [00:48:35] Josh: could, you could stack on the pinkies. Yeah. Yeah. You good? There you go. There you go. Looking tough diamond. Yeah, how'd you like to get punched in the face with that one? Give my diamond imprinted in your skull bitch. What are you guys? So for the listeners Dom is flashing his extremely all for my Bodacious jewelry. [00:48:54] Yeah, we were talking about Actually, I don't know what we're talking about. We're talking about games. What's the new games are coming out? [00:49:00] Yeah, so I started playing World of Warcraft classics cataclysm and [00:49:06] Yeah, cataclysm is awesome That's, that's all I'll say, because I don't want to waste y'all's time. Weren't [00:49:10] Charlie: you like, not thrilled about it or something like that? You weren't going to play it, or? I [00:49:13] Josh: wasn't, but it's actually a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. What makes it more fun? It's really hard. [00:49:19] It's like, really, really, really hard. Um, as a healer, I play four different healers, and They changed the way [00:49:30] the game is played for the most part. So in like the other classic versions, you could sit there and just like spam heels, like religiously, but in in cataclysm, they made it, this is like when they started to convert the game to more retail. [00:49:44] oriented vibes and everybody has to do their job so you can't just like everybody has like interrupt spells you can't stand in fire you can't Um, there's a lot of raid wide mechanics that you got to dodge and you know Like me as a healer when I run through heroics i'm like Dude, you [00:50:00] fucking idiot, like, would you please, for the love of God, there's three of you fucking guys that can kick abilities, and you guys aren't doing it, and it's like, how are people, the funny thing is, this game is like, what, 20 plus years old, and people still suck at it? [00:50:12] It's astonishing sometimes, to be honest with you. People make mistakes from here and there, but, you know, there is no, uh, take backsies, um, you know. So it's, uh, it's just, you know, I love it though. I play way too much. I'm looking for a new game though. Kind of, I've kind of like, [00:50:29] Dom: [00:50:30] uh, [00:50:30] Josh: what? [00:50:30] Dom: It's just so funny. [00:50:32] Uh, so fucking stupid. Oh, fucking hell. He's an idiot player. Oh, but I love it though, you know. [00:50:38] Josh: I love the people that I play with on a regular basis that sign up to my two raids and come to my two raids. I have fun with those, but I have to do, I have to grind heroic dungeons in order to get gear and my voice is cracked because I'm hitting puberty, but, um, They're all hitting puberty. [00:50:54] I have to do these heroic dungeons and you run into just the dumbest fucking people on the face of the [00:51:00] planet and, uh, Yeah. That's what it is. You gotta learn how to get the old, the old, the old saying, get good scrub, you know, get good scrub rings. It just rings true on a, on a daily occurrence for me. Get fucking good scrub. [00:51:13] Yeah. That's all there is to it. I'm playing a lot of that. I started playing legal legends again recently and I'm remembering very quickly why I don't play it anymore. Um, cause it's just brutal and very punishing and if you're, the sucky thing about [00:51:30] league is that everything. You get all excited to like play a game with your boys, you know, and like, you guys in the lobby, you're shooting the shit, you're laughing, everything's going on. [00:51:39] Then like five minutes, you know, you're standing there. It's like an ally has been slain. An ally has been slain. Now you're like, like, what are you fucking doing, dude? Like, stop dying. You know, like all mad at each other and not really like literally mad, but you know what I mean? Like gaming mad where you're just like, bro, what are you doing? [00:51:54] And, uh, It just, it just quickly spirals from being a fun event with [00:52:00] the boys into League of Legends. That sounds [00:52:04] Dom: like League of Legends. [00:52:05] Josh: Yeah. If you know, you know. So, um, but yeah, I'm, I'm, uh, I'm, I'm pretty, I'm pretty excited about, uh, old Metroid Prime 4, the trailer they did at the, having a watch there. [00:52:17] Charlie: Oh, a long time ago. What's that? It's just a game that they pulled a long time ago. That said that this is not ready for. [00:52:22] Josh: They, they, they like were in mid production of the game and they were like, yeah, we don't, we don't like this. Scrap it. Start from scratch. [00:52:30] So. Classic. It looks good. It looks great. I'm very [00:52:33] Dom: excited for it. [00:52:35] Josh: Yeah. I mean, I'll buy it's a day one buy for me without a doubt. Um, the other one that they did is, uh, they, they previewed the new Mario party game, which I, if, if I Mario party game comes out, I buy it. Cause I love Mario party. That's like just forever going to be one of my favorite series of all time. [00:52:52] Yeah. Yeah. My best friend Trondo and I, we like to play against each other and uh, yeah, we have a lot. We have a very heated lifelong rivalry in that game, [00:53:00] so just got to keep that going, you know? Hell yeah. So, I mean, it gets, it gets, yeah, we talk, I mean, you guys know I like to talk shit. We talk a lot of shit. [00:53:08] You talk shit? Yeah. And then we get like the girls that were dating involved and then they start to like get into shit talking. And, uh, yeah, it's, it's, uh, it's fun. Yeah. I would say that's healthy. Very merry event. Yeah. It's healthy. People should talk to each other. Yeah. It's also great. It's a great time. [00:53:25] Yeah. And you get a lot of little booze in you. Little booze. Little booze [00:53:29] Dom: in there. Little booze [00:53:30] boys. You know what I mean? They call me the booze boy. Maybe have a little double pork chop for dinner. You know? Yeah. I'll tell you about it. With the sign of that spicy vodka. Oh my God. You don't even know, dude. [00:53:42] I don't know. I don't, I would love to eat that dish. I really wish I would. I wish could eat Mallory's leftovers [00:53:48] Josh: tonight. She will murder you in your sleep. She, she may not. She didn't even, she didn't even like it that much. I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be honest with you, she didn't even like her meal that much. [00:53:59] Charlie: Where is this in [00:54:00] Queens or is this where Yeah, it's a place called Velma's in Ridgewood. Velma's. Okay. We'll get one to go when I'm in the city next week. So do yourself a favor. I would, uh, get the [00:54:13] Dom: double pork chop. I don't know. Is that the life lesson? It's a lot of food. The double pork chop is. It is from, it's from big. [00:54:22] You know what I'm saying? It's, it's for damn big boys. You know what I mean? Like, if, if you, if you wanna sit in the toilet for a solid hour the next morning, a [00:54:30] toilet, you better get you a double pork chop in Marcella sauce with a pound of mushrooms on top. [00:54:37] Charlie: You like my Torro? So you like your, do you have a bidet? [00:54:40] Uh, yeah we have a Japanese toilet. So dude, Toto. You got toto? Mm-Hmm. Yo [00:54:44] Josh: toto. I don't know how people don't live life without them Sun. [00:54:47] Dom: The toto. [00:54:48] Josh: Bt we, we like to talk about heated seats. [00:54:50] Dom: Here, [00:54:50] Josh: here in it's the best [00:54:51] Dom: heated seats. I dunno if heated seats blow dryer. You got, you got multiple cleaning functionalities, options, blow dryer. [00:54:59] Oh [00:55:00] yeah, man. Blowing around down [00:55:01] Josh: there. Yeah. When you, we blowing [00:55:02] Dom: around down, down there B day, it blow dries your butt. Dude, we talk about you blow drying, it literally dries your butt after you've been, if, after it's been wet. How, how, how are you not understanding this? It's like, it makes so much sense. So you don't, so you don't wipe at all. [00:55:17] Josh: Don't, you don't need to. It is wonderful. Y'all are, y'all are gross. You need to wipe a little bit. You do not, actually. With a proper You need to get the With a real bidet. [00:55:28] Dom: With a real bidet. Alright, so the [00:55:30] Overtubers Gaming Podcast has now returned. No, there's [00:55:33] Josh: tushy Yeah, first of all I use a bidet. Okay. [00:55:36] Well, it's not where I get shit twisted. Mine just doesn't have a fucking I don't know. It's some shit. I bought on Amazon [00:55:43] Dom: Do yourself a favor? Toto Japanese bidet, okay. It has an oscillating water function Oh, yes heated water in the winter It has a heated toilet seat and has a blue gosh as a self clean option It's what it's it's the future of but cleaning.[00:56:00] [00:56:00] Hold on. Wait, wait, how does it work? A bidet [00:56:02] Josh: self [00:56:03] Dom: clean itself. So it has like a, a, it, it comes in and out for like where it like is stored and when it's on the inside, if you hit the clean button, it sprays the water inside that and cleans itself off. [00:56:20] I don't know what to tell you. It's wonderful. I, [00:56:22] Josh: I'm, I'm confused by this contraption that you sure you, Oh, first of all, I don't need heated seats cause I live in the butthole. I sleep in Satan's asshole basically. Yes. [00:56:30] So you live in the Jersey. I don't. Yes. [00:56:31] Dom: We know. [00:56:32] Josh: I don't need. What does that even mean? I don't know. [00:56:35] I don't get the. Well, [00:56:36] Dom: if you talk about New Jersey, you say it's a Florida, the North. You're talking about Florida. You say it's a Jersey in the South. Cause both states are. Wait a minute. Hold on. So why do so many New Yorkers come to Florida? Cause they're fucking idiots. Cause every, cause they're all fucking. [00:56:49] Josh: Idiots. [00:56:50] Dom: Cause they're fucking idiots. Cause they're Floridians. [00:56:52] Josh: Is that so? Yeah. Or is Florida just that awesome? Let's be honest with each other. [00:56:57] Dom: No. I don't think there's actually a [00:57:00] monetary value that exists that would get me to live in Florida. [00:57:05] Josh: What? Yep. So if somebody paid you a billion dollars, you wouldn't move to Florida? [00:57:08] Yep. Okay. Let's be real. Okay. So somebody gonna pay you a billion dollars. You would not move to Florida? [00:57:17] Dom: Yeah. I'm staying in New York City. Yeah. Okay. [00:57:22] Josh: I just don't, I just, that, that, that's why, well, what's your, I dare you to find that fucking job. I can make you a fly. I can make you a [00:57:30] Porsche. Okay. I can, I can definitely find that motherfucker. [00:57:32] You know, we have, we, you know, we have Michelin stars down here now, right? Who says who? [00:57:37] Charlie: Fake news. I'm not talking about the Michelin guy. I'm talking about the tire tire company. So I'm [00:57:41] Dom: talking about the Michelin guy. First of all, You saw that and you're like, we don't got that down here. I heard you fucking say it. [00:57:46] I [00:57:47] Josh: will play the tape. I heard you fucking say it. Shut the fuck up. [00:57:54] You literally said it. [00:57:58] Dom: Oh, that was [00:58:00] wonderful. Oh, I love you guys. Oh my God. I never confirm. I will neither confirm nor deny. I said allegations. Dude, that was. That could, that could have been any funnier. I would [00:58:16] Josh: never, I will neither confirm nor deny said allegations, but I'll tell you one thing. We do have banging ass Mexican food, really good Cuban food, really strong seafood. [00:58:27] And uh, if you like Russian [00:58:30] food, there's really good Russian food here. I don't eat it, but yeah, cause it's garbage. Russian food mainly, you know, really like [00:58:37] Dom: chopped up bodies and fucking borscht or fucking what the fuck is the other thing [00:58:47] Cigarettes what about other games coming out? That's cool. That's cool [00:58:51] Charlie: Well, there's a there's a couple new mobile games that just assassin's creed shadows. That's gonna look that's gonna be now we're going to actual feudal japan I'm, [00:59:00] super stoked. Wow. [00:59:00] Dom: Wow charlie you you're like you like that woke game What are you talking about? [00:59:05] I didn't know you were so woke. Wait, what happened? Because there's a black person [00:59:10] Charlie: in [00:59:11] Dom: it. [00:59:12] Charlie: Oh, [00:59:12] Josh: you're not allowed to have black people [00:59:13] Dom: in video games. That's about, [00:59:14] Charlie: that's, that's real. [00:59:16] Dom: No, no, no, Charlie. That is. That's history. That's the woke, that's the woke mind virus. Flo Florians will tell you all about the work of the Flo Florians. [00:59:24] Oh my god. [00:59:29] Josh: Dude, first of [00:59:30] all, first of all, I live closer to the capital of gay than you do, okay? Let's be honest. That's actually very true. [00:59:36] Dom: It is very true. That's very true. I've seen the birdcage. I know, uh, I don't know what that is. Yeah. Uh, that's very funny. Uh, yeah, that game looks cool. I haven't played an Assassin's Creed game Since I lived with you, but that game looks pretty cool. [00:59:51] Josh: Charlie will sink like 200 hours into it and then say he didn't like it. [00:59:56] Dom: Charlie's about to put in a double overtime, [01:00:00] uh, week into that game. When do [01:00:01] Josh: you, when do you go back to work, Charlie? [01:00:02] Dom: Middle [01:00:03] Charlie: of August. [01:00:03] Dom: Jesus Christ. And when does the [01:00:04] Charlie: game come out? That is such nice paternity leave. Uh, it comes out in October. [01:00:09] Josh: Oh, so you're going to be right back at work. Gotcha. [01:00:11] Charlie: Or I'll just take another paternity leave. You get more, I mean, no, no, just haven't just really had a second kid just to have a second. Just real quick. Yeah, [01:00:21] Dom: yeah. Classic [01:00:22] Charlie: round two. Sorry. [01:00:23] Dom: Yeah, that game looks cool. I am actually very excited for another [01:00:30] return to an older style Zelda game because I love. [01:00:33] I love the classic, like a linked, a linked, huh? Is it like an isometric top down game? It's, I think it's supposed to be like the old link link to the past style of, of game. All right. What is it called? Echoes of wisdom. Uh, it's not really top down. It looks, but it is. It does, it does, it almost looks like the graphics of Wind Waker, uh, and it's like kind of top down. [01:00:56] It looks like it's actually angled. No, it's isometric. No, it's top down. [01:01:00] Yeah, it is. Yeah. It's kind of like [01:01:00] Charlie: Diablo style. [01:01:02] Dom: Oh wait, are you playing as Zelda? Yeah. Yeah. That, I've been waiting for this for so long. I've been waiting. To actually play as Zelda? Yes. I've, I've been saying. You mean you want [01:01:13] Josh: to play, you want to play as Zelda in a Zelda game? [01:01:16] Dom: Yes. [01:01:16] Josh: Thanks. I've been saying a [01:01:18] Dom: really cool concept that I feel like they've slipped on for this longest time is that you play as Zelda, but when she's Sheik in Ocarina of Time, and you play while in [01:01:30] that time frame, that Link is in stasis, like traveling back and forth between time. Cuz everyone lives their life normally in between that even though link is like in a second He just like goes to the future essentially that would be sick That miss so cool That game was fucking sick. [01:01:47] Sage Marine 2 looks fucking sick. I'll probably play Assassin's Creed if it's good. Why not? I'm really [01:01:53] Josh: surprised that there hasn't been the announcement of a new Resident Evil game or like anything I haven't heard any news [01:02:00] at all, which is weird Hmm [01:02:04] Charlie: Maybe sometime it might be something maybe next next year [01:02:08] Josh: next summer. [01:02:10] It's just surprising Usually they have like something every year coming out Resident Evil related It's like the first year in a while that I have not heard of anything because we had The remakes the sequel like a few years back and then we had eight we had seven and I think 20 19 7 20 7 came out in like [01:02:30] 2019 or 18 but Yeah, just weird I saw, I thought by now there would be like, uh, another RE like remake or something like that. [01:02:39] But nothing, which sucks. Cause I'm like Jones in a place from Resident Evil games. I don't want to play the same ones I've played 5 billion times. You can [01:02:46] Charlie: go back and play them again. It doesn't. [01:02:49] Josh: I know, but I've played them so many times. Yeah. I get it. [01:02:51] Charlie: That [01:02:52] Dom: motherfucker's played those games so many times. [01:02:54] Josh: I mean, like, I get, I get in, like, the mood sometimes to just play, like, the, the [01:03:00] original Resident Evil 2, and I'll, like, play through it real quick, and then, see you later, but, yeah. [01:03:06] Dom: Oh, the Dune MMO had a new trailer recently that looked really good. Wait, there's a Dune MMO? Oh, yeah, what the hell is it called? [01:03:12] Dune Is it Spice Wars? Is that it? No, that can't be it. No, that's a, that's a [01:03:22] Charlie: No, that's an older game. Didn't even know that was a thing. [01:03:25] Dom: Yeah, there's a new game coming out. Is it Dune [01:03:30] Awakening? Yeah, Dune Awakening. Uh, really? You didn't hear about this? I might have. It looks sick, dude. I'm not surprised you didn't hear about it. [01:03:39] Nice, you guys got the new ads. Uh, yeah, dude. Watch the trailer. It looks It looks awesome. [01:03:47] Charlie: What's the uh, the website? It's called Dune Awakening. [01:03:53] Dom: Who isn't going to want to be a Fremen though? Like they're super, they're super. You know what I mean? Super [01:04:00] cool. [01:04:00] Charlie: What is the, oh, there's a beta sign up? I think I signed up for the beta already. I'm doing that. 100 percent right now. [01:04:12] We'll see, there's another game that I've been playing that I can't really talk about because I'm technically under NDA about it, but, um, [01:04:18] Dom: Oh, there's a cool guy NDA over here. [01:04:19] Charlie: No, it's not, it's nothing, it's nothing, nothing fun. It's called Steel Hunters. It's, I've got, I had an ad on it for like Instagram. I was like, oh, this looks cool. [01:04:26] Looks like a MechWarrior game. The gameplay looks really cool. I hope [01:04:30] they, uh, it's all free to play games. It'll come out sometime end of the year or whatever. But it seems, um It seems like, it seems fun if you like kind of like the MechWarrior style game, or just fight other people and Some PvEv, it looks it's it's one of those PvEvP games so looks kind of uh Interesting. [01:04:50] So [01:04:51] Josh: what about pp games? [01:04:52] Charlie: pp games? [01:04:53] Dom: You're a [01:04:53] Charlie: pp. [01:04:54] Dom: pp games. Think I think they called. I don't know. I don't know why. [01:04:59] Josh: There's [01:05:00] also I'm going to go make a going to go make some double pork chops double breaded pork chops. I hope you [01:05:04] Dom: do. I honestly do. I hope you tonight. I hope you I hope you make a little more solid. [01:05:09] I'm not going to make that tonight. You should do like a [01:05:11] Charlie: mountain of garlic and eat the garlic entirely. So, I [01:05:14] Dom: would eat a mountain of [01:05:15] Josh: garlic. [01:05:16] Charlie: I'd eat a mountain of fucking [01:05:17] Dom: garlic. Are you make a little fried garlic chip, they're delicious. Shiii I'd eat that mountain of garlic all day long, baby. I'd bathe in that shit. [01:05:24] I'd bathe in garlic every single day. You would not Italian [01:05:27] Josh: if you wouldn't eat It's a pile of garlic get the [01:05:30] fuck out of here. Yeah, I'm sorry. What were [01:05:32] Dom: you talking about? Get the fuck out of here Uh, I Don't even know I was going on anymore. I'm so tired There also is like in a quiet place a quiet place for you coming out from the movies Uh, which I thought was interesting. [01:05:46] Yeah, what was the game that, is that the horror game that somebody lent? Yeah, that's the one that [01:05:48] Charlie: Meech was saying. Yeah, that shit looked, that [01:05:52] Josh: shit looked scary, like actually scary. Like I would actually, if you sat there and tried to play that game in a dark room with no, nobody around, you'd be like, [01:06:00] all right, I'm looking for the light switch. [01:06:03] Charlie: Is that kind of like the, you know, I have to look at it. I didn't see what it was. I'm guessing that's kind of like the, um. The old, the old games of, uh, It wasn't, there's like, used to be like one game that I was, that I used to play. It was like, uh, it was like a, you walked around with a camera and now it's all you have. [01:06:19] There's no weapons or anything like that. It was like one of the scariest games I've ever played. Um, I'll have to check that out. [01:06:26] Josh: I don't know which one you're talking about, but I think, I think I know, like, I mean, I know the genre, but I [01:06:30] don't know which one you're talking about in particular. I'm [01:06:32] Dom: actually doing, it's pretty fun though. [01:06:33] I have a stream series, a sponsored stream series for A Quiet Place, day one, the new, the new movie. I had my first stream today, actually, and, uh, it was pretty cool. I've never watched any movies, so I haven't either, to be honest. I hear the first two are okay. Yeah. Have you guys watched any [01:06:51] Josh: of the boys yet? [01:06:53] Dom: I've never watched a single one. I've never watched any boys. What? [01:06:57] Charlie: It's great. [01:06:58] Dom: What? [01:06:59] Josh: It's [01:06:59] Charlie: [01:07:00] very good. [01:07:01] Josh: I don't like superheroes. [01:07:02] Charlie: Now, the real question is, are you guys going to go see, uh, Deadpool and Wolverine open the weekend? [01:07:08] Dom: Well, Neo Venom is here. That's a name I haven't seen in a long time. July 26th. When does, uh, [01:07:17] Josh: They're giving out red stars like candy, man. I guarantee you that them giving out red stars, I still wouldn't get them shits. Man. [01:07:25] Dom: Man. I think I lost the password for my account. I probably would still be playing the game. I [01:07:29] Josh: just, [01:07:30] I just, like, there's no way. I still have wouldn't, I couldn't. I just have no desire to play. [01:07:33] I have access to mine. There's just no, I have, I have like, few stars yet. I'm surprised there's not like no stars yet. Or like, There is, there's something, they added something different. It was, I think it's like gold or black stars or something. They did. Like they 100 percent did. That's amazing. Yeah, I'm pretty [01:07:49] Dom: sure they're like, oh no, diamonds. [01:07:52] Diamonds. Say, hey, first of all, Neo Venom, I don't want to play the game, but if you find joy in playing it, Let, let [01:08:00] that flag fly, homie. [01:08:01] Josh: Yeah, people, people love some mobile games, man. And there's, there's some, I mean, like AFK journey, for example, like we played it for a little while and like, it was really fun, but then they just kind of shit the bed with the, the development of the game. [01:08:12] And you know, there's still people who love the game and I don't understand why, but [01:08:16] Charlie: not really doing much with it. I log in, do the thing and stop playing and that's about it. So. [01:08:21] Josh: Yeah, [01:08:21] Charlie: I haven't really done much but um, is there like [01:08:24] Josh: there's still people going hard on contests of champions Like I logged into my account the other day and the [01:08:30] guild that I was in i'm still in it. [01:08:31] I don't know why but uh They're like there were like still 20 dudes in there that were just like, you know Spending a bunch of money open up a bunch of crystals, you know, and i'm like dang dude This has been like years that these guys have been in this guild playing this game together. So blows my mind But it's a good game. [01:08:52] Charlie: Anything else coming out that you are, uh, you guys are all looking forward to, excited for, et cetera? [01:08:58] Dom: Space Marine 2, baby. Can't wait. [01:09:00] That game looks fucking gooood. [01:09:04] Josh: I'm gonna play the Elden Ring DLC. That's what I'm gonna start doing. I gotta get, I gotta, I, I, I gotta download the Fallout patch for the new. [01:09:12] Yeah, just come [01:09:13] Charlie: play. It's just been me. [01:09:14] Josh: Skyline Valley? [01:09:15] Charlie: Skyline Valley, yeah. Skyline Drive, sorry. Um, it's Shenandoah Valley, Skyline Drive. [01:09:20] Josh: Yeah, I know. Trondo got, I don't know, he's like. Doesn't want to play it. So, um, [01:09:26] Charlie: I'm playing it. Come on [01:09:28] Josh: Okay, I'll come [01:09:30] play it dude. Relax. I just haven't been like come [01:09:32] Charlie: on now [01:09:36] Josh: I've been busy playing cataclysm. [01:09:38] All right, you do [01:09:38] Charlie: two things at once. That's fine [01:09:40] Josh: I can't play cataclysm and play oh shit at the same time ain't happening. [01:09:44] Charlie: No, no, I mean you can download it Why you play cataclysm? That's what I'm saying [01:09:47] Josh: Oh yeah, solo leveling arise. Yeah, that is, I actually really want to play that game because the anime solo leveling is extremely good, but the game has spoilers for the [01:10:00] storyline in it. [01:10:00] So I'm not going to play it. Cause I don't want to, I don't want to. Thing. [01:10:03] Charlie: Oh yeah, I tried, tried, I, I saw that pop up. I was like, I don't know what I'm doing in this game. And it seems weird. I've been playing, um, withering or withering waves, which is kind of like another one. And I don't really know what I'm doing in that game either, so I'm just kind of just, there's so many games that just pop up in the Yeah. [01:10:17] In, although in my [01:10:19] Josh: Instagram ads and stuff like that Yeah. [01:10:20] Charlie: I was about to mention Star Wars hunters. Yeah, that's, that's actually quite fun. And they're like five minute, um, like five V five matches, or four V four matches. [01:10:30] Um, it's fun. It's just like team deathmatch or like captured points and her for five minutes. [01:10:35] It's, [01:10:36] Josh: Oh, is it kind of like a, like wild rift leagues version of a mobile? No, it's a, it's a, it's [01:10:41] Charlie: a third person shooter. It's like, um, like an Unreal Tournament kind of deal, so. Let's check that out. Yeah. So, it's, I wouldn't say it's necessarily Overwatch, um, because you don't have, like, the objectives of, like, go down the thing and protect the, and push it, push it back and forth, [01:11:00] etc. [01:11:00] It's, it's more like, I would say it's like, OG Unreal Tournament, so you have, like, team deathmatch, you have, like, um, capture points, um, that sort of stuff, so. Hmm. But, yeah. Anyway, it seems fun. All right. I plan that. It's, it's, it's, it's fun. Um, I really want to kind of get back into Torchlight, um, and, uh. [01:11:19] Torchlight? Yeah. Torch. They have a new [01:11:22] Josh: one coming [01:11:22] Charlie: out? Oh, no, they have the, um, no, I'm just talking about Torchlight Infinite, so. They have a new season. [01:11:30] BD's [01:11:30] Josh: son has been playing Star Wars, so if you get paired with someone named Captain Underpants, I am sorry. Ha ha. [01:11:35] Charlie: Even better. [01:11:36] Josh: So good. Dom, there's your chance to get in there and teach your son a lesson. [01:11:39] Beat another, beat another child in the game. Beat him up, dude. And, and then your saga of hate [01:11:45] Dom: on BD they say about old Dom McGallaghan, he's a big piece of shit. [01:11:49] Josh: Right. Just like you took this morning. [01:11:57] Charlie: 100%. All right. All right. We're going to call it there. So thanks everyone for [01:12:00] coming out. Uh, sorry. We were, you know, a few. Are you going to call it on that comment on that comment? Yeah, exactly. That's, that's where I draw the line. Um, yeah. Oh, why'd you draw the line? So anyway, thanks everybody. Oh, okay. Okay, dad. [01:12:12] Uh, thanks everyone for coming out. Uh, you can catch us on Instagram, og. podcast. Our Twitter's over at achieversp. Our website's ogpodcast. fm where you get this episode and every episode where we're talking about what we're playing, what we're looking forward to, and a little bit of gaming news. Uh, and if you have anything, uh, you wanna, uh, You know, come talk with us about it. [01:12:28] You can hang out with us at our discord, [01:12:30] discord. me slash OG podcast, as well as thank you to our two patron supporters, Lyle 77 and OSU PD for being patrons. Uh, if you'd like to be an overachiever yourself, you can, uh, help us out at patreon. com slash OG pod. Until next time, we will see you all then. And then, uh, we'll continue to post our shenanigans in our discord, uh, which is always in the link in the description below of this podcast, as well as on YouTube. [01:12:55] So thank you all. So what if for a dollar a month what a deal hey, you know, every little bit [01:13:00] helps man We always appreciate it. That's literally that It picks up the slack for what Crondon and Ashy don't do, so it's fine. [01:13:08] Josh: Yep. I'm a piece of shit. I'm a giant piece of shit. I [01:13:11] Dom: am the [01:13:12] Josh: shit. [01:13:14] Dom: So. I am the poor chap that's coming out of my butthole later. [01:13:19] Charlie: Thanks everyone, we'll catch up with you [01:13:20] later. [01:13:30] Cheers.