This is a machine transcription and is subject to error. Apologizes in advance. hi my name is Jessica Green I'm the wellness coordinator here at Stonehill College. and we are 0:03 going to be interviewing a student named Peter talking with him about his 0:08 introduction to college transitioning some struggles he's faced and also some 0:14 mental health issues that he's experienced in hopes to help future students. 0:20 Hi Peter welcome. Hi Jess welcome. how are you doing today. good good good 0:25 so I just wanted to get started and just ask you a little bit about what college 0:31 life was like for you what was that transition like from high school to college and your first 0:36 semester. yeah absolutely I don't have talked little bit in the past 0:42 but just to reiterate and go over that again. I had a tough transition coming 0:47 to college. I struggled making deep connections 0:52 with other students um and it wasn't really until I started to get involved 0:57 the end of my freshman to sophomore year. I really was on the verge of transferring 1:03 my friend base wasn't what it is now. um. so yeah it wasn't really into like involved 1:09 um and really apply for leadership positions where I was able to make deep connections. I think 1:14 that's so important to say because sometimes I think students do feel that way they get to school and 1:20 they think maybe they have expectations that it might end up being you know one way they have all these thoughts 1:25 about what college is like and how they're gonna experience it and then they get here and after a week 1:30 or two and that newness wears off that feeling of I'm just not sure if it's a good fit for me or not. 1:35 and the thoughts of oh should I stay should I go do I transfer out. I 1:40 think that's very common so I commend you for being honest about the yeah there there's almost like a the lull you have that 1:45 you know the excitement orientation you meet all these people but they're not really your friends yet so you're kind of in the situation 1:50 where you have your friends at home and but you're away from your friends and family 1:56 and and and you're alone and you're on your own and it's daunting and it's truly daunting 2:01 and there's really no way to explain the feeling yeah. thank you. so what 2:08 what kinda made you stick it out you said that you started to get involved what was the turnaround point for you. 2:13 you wanna talk about that. yeah so I was kind of I was transferring. I live 2:18 in Rhode Island I had my ya know papers into providence college actually was I ready to leave 2:23 and on a whim I have applied to to be an RA and I applied to be a peer mentor 2:30 and luckily they they liked me and I had that I got accepted to both positions. 2:35 I'm right in my first year and in those trainings and and those experiences where I met 2:40 some of the best people my life and I was able to really connect with people on deep levels that I didn't 2:45 I didn't personally have that experience in my first year res hall. yeah I think that's really hard 2:51 trying to start a new place find new 2:56 hobby. also trying not to overwhelm yourself I hear that a lot about first year students 3:01 not wanting to get too involved because you make sure that you have time for academics. 3:07 so there's kind of a fine balance and so I hear you saying loud and clear that 3:12 you know trying to find a new hobby or activity or a 3:17 new venue. that way you can meet different people have different experiences feel a little more connected. 3:22 that was what helped you. absolutely I mean my only my my biggest prices would be just to get out get involved 3:28 sign up for everything. people understand that you won't be able to do everything and and as first year students you will drop 3:33 things but something will stick something something will be bound to stick. yeah. thank you I appreciate it. 3:38 I'm wondering when you're going through this to did you talk to anyone about how you're feeling or did you kinda keep it to yourself. 3:44 how did you handle that. yeah. I struggle I struggled with opening up to people. 3:49 I'm not I'm not the most open person so it really made things harder for me. I 3:55 have my family at home. um but I mean I truly if I'm being honest with you 4:00 I didn't talk to as many people as I should have I 4:05 think that's also very common I think that we hold things inside and we sometimes put on the space 4:10 everything 's you know fine and happy and I'm smiling and things are okay I mean outside but on the inside 4:15 we feel like we're really struggling we don't have that person to open up too. so. so I just wanna 4:20 kinda put it out there for everybody that if you're feeling that way and you did want to reach out 4:25 to some you have a lot of really great resources here at Stonehill. the health and wellness Center counseling 4:30 services. you're wonderful ra, peer mentors student leaders 4:36 even your faculty we have small class sizes for reason a lot of our students 4:41 are sometimes surprised that they can you know reach out to faculty during their office hours are after 4:46 hours to work on projects and assignments. yeah at Stonehill 4:51 everyone's ready to listen. everyone's ready to listen no matter if it's professor fellow student 4:57 a faculty member everyone a staff member everyone's here for you and you just have to come to learn that 5:02 absolutely and I'm wondering about your 5:08 second semester when you did decide to stay here um I'm wondering if you can just talk about 5:13 some of the things during the next couple of years that you found 5:18 really rewarding as I really really enjoyed during your time here and still know that made you glad that you stay one 5:23 thing honestly it was it was getting into fitness. I the gym helped me a lot. I would go 5:28 I would you know build it into my schedule and it tell me relieve stress. I'm not a big talker 5:34 so I needed to get stress out someway somehow. and the gym is big for me just 5:39 scheduling it no matter how busy I am me right now as senior you know I go six thirty in the morning and when I don't 5:44 go my whole day is ruined and so really for me it was the rec center getting involved whether it's playing 5:49 basketball friends or spending a couple hours in the gym. that was one thing that 5:54 I needed that really showed up for me I think that's huge because I think that um not a lot of 5:59 people realize the connection between physical activity and mental health it helps 6:05 relieve stress it helps you sleep better at night gives you energy so physical fitness 6:10 is really important. we are very blessed to have a very full rec 6:15 sport center so if you don't wanna you know join a varsity sports team. they have all those 6:20 different clubs and rec sports to get involved in as well as the state-of-the-art fitness center with free 6:26 classes like yoga zumba bar. there's many 6:31 many so also things to get involved and so that's great. next I just wanted to talk 6:36 about mental health. and if you had any struggles with 6:41 mental health during your time here as a student. if you wanted to speak to that. in case there's someone out there listening 6:46 who may feel the same way and they might feel comfort in hearing your story. 6:52 yeah. so my sophomore year one of my good friends passed away. 6:57 she was studying abroad and got into a tragic accident um and it's hard to talk about. but 7:03 it's important to talk about and through that experience it it forced me to see 7:08 death and attempt to conceptualize what it means for someone to die 7:13 and actually that that that affects a human being and affects our mental health and it effects. 7:18 how we go about everyday life and that took a lot out of me after finally realizing 7:24 that I belong here at Stonehill um tragedy like that happens 7:29 and it was a struggle for me I had to wanted to talk to people I had to learn to open up because without 7:34 that without my friends and family in that time. I'm not sure what I would've done so 7:40 to be here today is a blessing truly a blessing. thank you so much for sharing and 7:45 sorry that you had to go through that but I appreciate you being open and honest about that. I think that's something 7:51 else that Stonehill does really well compared to a lot of other schools. when 7:56 people are struggling. we really are there as a second family and so 8:01 we don't know about that unless you open up and share what's going on but 8:06 whether it's a traumatic event or personal struggle. we just wanna encourage people to speak 8:12 up and and to reach out for help. I also wanted to ask you if you now thinking 8:17 back you give me a graduating in a couple weeks you have any advice for our incoming freshmen 8:22 about maybe how they could make their time here. a little bit better. yeah. get involved 8:28 like I said man I mentioned earlier sign up for everything. you won't be able to do it all but somethings 8:33 bound um sign up sign up sign up I apply apply apply. I 8:38 can't push that anymore that's how you make those deep connections here at Stonehill whether it's 8:43 through training or meeting or class meeting and sign up for everything teaching 8:48 ideas course. I mean there are so many opportunities here in leadership positions just signed up and apply forever. 8:54 actually everything you can. that's wonderful thank you so much and looking back 8:59 over your last four years did you say that there's any truly rewarding or amazing 9:04 moments that you would recommend students maybe take a part over try or things 9:09 that you would recommend. did you take advantage of any of those internships or study 9:14 abroad opportunities. yeah. so I I found a love for higher education 9:19 while I was here I'm going crazy saying and I'm I'm gonna be at Boston college next year studying 9:24 getting a Master's in higher education. so I really found value in our leadership positions specifically 9:30 our peer mentor position. that's where I met my closest friends, my friend group and my girlfriend I mean I met 9:35 everyone who I left today throughout the position um. so I that is the brightest 9:41 moment of my life is applying to be a peer mentor and eventually being able to coordinate whole program. so 9:46 that is that is my one shining moment. as a Stonehill student. that's amazing. thank you. absolutely 9:51 there's a lot of those types of positions on campus we have lot of work study opportunities 9:57 for students in many offices all throughout the college um a lot of 10:02 volunteer opportunities and internships both home domestic and abroad. 10:08 so if you're interested in getting out and seeing the world or staying close to home or traveling US. 10:13 um I definitely recommend reaching out to those offices. so we'll thank you so much Peter for 10:18 doing this interview I really appreciate you being here and giving this advice to our students. absolutely. 10:23 thank you. stay tuned for more wellness podcasts and thank you for listening 10:29 This is a machine transcription and is subject to error. Apologizes in advance.