00:00:00.64 SkylineStars what 00:00:04.58 sidekqpodcast Hello and welcome to another exciting episode of Sidekicks and Sidequests, the best unofficial Dungeons & Dragons podcast in my humbly biased opinion. 00:00:15.23 SkylineStars she 00:00:15.20 sidekqpodcast I've got an awesome guest for you this week, but before we get to my guest, you know I gotta do it. I gotta to leave you in suspense with the ad read. Insert here for some epic sounding ad read that I will add in post-production. 00:00:24.50 SkylineStars Cool, cool. 00:00:28.32 sidekqpodcast All right, and without further ado, I turn the microphone over to my guest and I ask, hello, would you care to introduce yourself? Tell us who it is that you are and what is it that you do? 00:00:39.55 SkylineStars Of course! Hi everyone, I am Skyline Stars. I am a cosplayer here in Dallas, Texas. I also run a small business that focuses on making cloaks. And yeah. 00:00:53.25 sidekqpodcast Yes, and we had the opportunity to meet ah in person when we both attended the first inaugural fake con that happened, uh, here in the local DFW area. 00:01:06.48 SkylineStars Yeah, that was really cool. i Honestly, I will take any chance I can get to Bend and Side ever again, especially now that Texas has decided it wants to reach 95 degrees. 00:01:17.12 sidekqpodcast Yeah. And so ah so not only are you a cosplayer, but you also like you make ah clothing items and and other assortments of of objects. 00:01:28.87 SkylineStars Yeah, so i so I started off as a cosplay, so that's where I sort of more learned, like, my sewing skills and stuff like that, and I really enjoyed making cloaks for my friends for, like, local Renfares, and I said, what if I just could make everyone a cloak? So I started off my business in Chantive Moth Hollow, making cloaks friend for Renfaire accessories, and some D and&D stuff, like dice boxes. 00:01:51.55 sidekqpodcast Very cool. Yes. I, uh, when I was there in person and I had the opportunity, uh, you know, milling around before I did my live recording there, um, had the opportunity to get to get to see some of those wares. It was really cool. Um, to get to see them in person. So awesome. Uh, yeah. 00:02:08.71 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:02:10.75 sidekqpodcast And, uh, you know, I, I like to start the podcast off easy, you know, with a softball question, but do you currently, or have you ever played D and D before? 00:02:21.42 SkylineStars Yes, I have. I actually, the first time I played D and&D was back in 2018. I just went off to college to Dallas and I was looking to make new friends. And luckily someone sat next to me and they started talking about Warhammer and D and&D and I was like, oh, I've always wanted to play that. So I got to make new friends. I got to learn how to play D&D and, you know, win-win. 00:02:43.18 sidekqpodcast Did you also get to learn how to play Warhammer? Because listeners of this podcast know ah I have my history of it back by junior high days. 00:02:52.27 SkylineStars Uh, no, absolutely not. I said, wow, that's a lot of money and things to do, but like, cool figures though. 00:02:58.26 sidekqpodcast ah Fair enough. Okay. You may have spared yourself that way, but ah yeah. Okay. Very cool. So yeah. So, uh, so fifth edition primarily has been, uh, the system you've been with for the most part. 00:03:12.36 SkylineStars Yes, and I have a couple friends that will do like different modules and different systems, but mostly fifth edition, yes. 00:03:18.25 sidekqpodcast OK, that's cool. Yeah, I mean, we love we love tabletop role playing games in general. 00:03:22.35 SkylineStars Thank 00:03:22.46 sidekqpodcast I know D and&D is in just, you know, the general menu that everyone knows. ah But, you know, I'm happy to rock out ah with some indie games and and the like. ah Yeah. Very cool. And ah with the namesake of this podcast being sidekicks and side quests, we like to ask who happens to be your favorite NPC or sidekick character, whether they're from an RPG, video game, movie, film, television, etc. 00:03:46.13 SkylineStars you. 00:03:52.97 sidekqpodcast And why is this character your favorite NPC or your or your favorite sidekick? 00:03:59.69 SkylineStars Oh gosh, that's hard. I was thinking about this before I got on, and I wanted to say something Dragon Age related because I have Veilguard on my mind. But honestly, I think the very first one was in Skyrim, and it was, it was, it was Lydia. 00:04:08.74 sidekqpodcast Mm hmm. 00:04:17.90 SkylineStars It was Lydia, she was there to serve, and I put all of my garbage onto her, and I said, let's go right into the sunset together and slay dragons. And then she got lost in a cave, and I never saw her again, so. but 00:04:28.63 sidekqpodcast Classic, just classic Skyrim shenanigans, I suppose. 00:04:32.82 SkylineStars absolutely 00:04:35.12 sidekqpodcast Very cool. And then, ah same thing, what's been one of your favorite side quests? 00:04:39.34 SkylineStars Absolutely. 00:04:40.63 sidekqpodcast Whether it's been, you know, RPG, video game, movie, film, television, etc. And why has this side quest or this B plot element stuck with you? 00:04:53.14 SkylineStars Ooh, okay. Side quest. 00:05:03.70 SkylineStars Probably, it's gonna be Skyrim again. Skyrim's gonna pop up a couple of times, my favorite game. It's the companion side quests where you get to become, spoiler, a werewolf. I thought it was actually really fleshed out for a Skyrim quest and not to fetch questy, but you know, 2011 RPG games tend to be a little, go find this, go come back. You're a werewolf now, congratulations. 00:05:29.82 sidekqpodcast So you opted to become a werewolf over becoming a vampire 00:05:34.06 SkylineStars Yeah, because when I first started playing, I was 11 when I first got it. So I was like walking around, I was like, oh, that these people are right next to me. I guess I'll do their quest first. And then I realized I was kind of locked out of being a vampire. But you know, you know, I can, they're also cool. I can, I can handle those world powers. 00:05:51.98 sidekqpodcast yeah 00:05:55.10 sidekqpodcast Yeah Very cool ah Man, you just said oh I started playing when I was 11 and I think I'm like, oh Skyrim I was like in early college when that came out So now I just feel the the gulf of time just opened up before me ah when you shared that tidbit so whoo 00:06:14.14 SkylineStars Mm-hmm. I will not start saying Riz or skippity toilet. Don't worry. I'm not I'm a little bit too aged out for that one Mm 00:06:21.26 sidekqpodcast Okay, yeah, I'm not quite caught up on all the lingo and luckily my my son is three So I I don't have to worry about that kind of lingo for hopefully a long long time ah Yes, hopefully to Maya my old man won't be showing too much by that point ah And then the way that I like to end or round out the personal interview section of the show is I asked the question What are you passionate about and why? 00:06:27.48 SkylineStars -hmm 00:06:52.39 SkylineStars I'm very very passionate about cosplay and just in general making things. um I love turning a lot of stuff that people would consider to be like trash into art. So I had this little project where I was taking items from the dollar store and I would transform them into like house decorations, and that was really fun. And I also really love to go to thrift stores and see what I can make from there, either cosplay-wise or actually funny enough, with Enchanted Moth Hollow, I started off making cloaks out of bedsheets and curtains. um So, you know, I just like repurposing something that is maybe trash to one person, can be a work of art or a cosplay or a cloak to someone else. 00:07:37.41 sidekqpodcast Yeah, and especially, you know, some of those vintage stores, I mean, you could be pulling some pretty cool threads for yourself if you were looking for like, like a corduroy suit, ah or, or something, you know, made out of oh nylon and, you know, parachute fabric or something like that. 00:07:45.39 SkylineStars Oh yeah. 00:07:54.18 SkylineStars Mhm. Mhm. Absolutely. I'm about to make my first other ever leather pants out of a recycled leather jacket. So, we'll see how that goes. 00:08:10.13 sidekqpodcast Ooh, I wonder, are you going to keep all the zippy pockets? 00:08:14.39 SkylineStars Uh, no, it's for an Aloy cosplay, so they didn't have zippers in that game. So, lucky for me, I don't have to install a zipper, but... 00:08:20.36 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:08:24.24 sidekqpodcast I was just thinking if you got like a biker's leather jacket and all of a sudden you're like, look, I've got all these zippers for all these pockets. 00:08:26.87 SkylineStars Like... 00:08:31.85 SkylineStars Make the zip away pants. 00:08:31.86 sidekqpodcast the Oh, there you go. Yeah. the Yeah. 00:08:35.35 SkylineStars butfu 00:08:36.69 sidekqpodcast Dramatic clothes change. 00:08:39.45 SkylineStars Exactly, exactly. 00:08:39.71 sidekqpodcast Yeah, because that's something that our cosplayers have to build into all their costumes is for when they are in a contest and then they do like the dramatic twirl and all of a sudden they're wearing ah the second outfit that you were like, how did you manage to hide that one? 00:08:47.24 SkylineStars the 00:08:51.74 SkylineStars oh 00:08:55.11 SkylineStars Those are my favorite. Those are so cool. 00:08:59.07 sidekqpodcast Very cool and ah yeah so you know so sometimes these sections can be very very brief um because you know we're all equally excited to get to the next part of the show which of course is NPC creation. 00:09:19.83 sidekqpodcast And NPC Creation is brought to you by you, our podcast audience, and our patrons from Patreon. So now is the time in the show where we give a shout out aloud hoorah to all of our comfortable patrons and above. Uh, so I raised my can of sangria, pure cane sugar. I don't know. This is a weird flavor from AGB, but I got a fridge full of it and I gotta drink it anyway. I'm, I'm wildly diverting from this part, but Cheers to you, our queen of the Patreon, Goblin Katie, aka Katie Downey, as well as our other wealthy tier patrons, Anson Jablinski and good ol' mom and dad. We say cheers. Again, these folks donate at least $2 or more a month to get their name shouted out on every episode. ah They're all at least wealthy tier patrons, which means 00:10:08.68 sidekqpodcast They get to introduce an element of chance to our random tables, which we're going to use here today. ah So if you want to learn more about our Patreon community, help invest in the show, take us to the next level, why we've got all the accommodations that you could ever want waiting for you. ah from For those details, just go to the show notes below. go directly to my podcast website or just go to patreon dot.com forward slash sidekicks and side quests to learn more and can't wait to see you in the levitating platter to help us grow and can't wait to see you in the levitating platter as we work to expand in this demiplane and world's beyond. There you go. That's how you save that section of that shtick. 00:10:57.46 sidekqpodcast All right, so this part of the show is NPC creation. So ah yeah, we get to make up a character, a brand new NPC ah that's waiting ah to take their there's first steps out onto the stage of life. um And so you said that you wanted to opt for total randomization today. You wanted to go through with all the dice rolls and build a brand new NPC today, is that correct? 00:11:21.85 SkylineStars Absolutely. 00:11:23.59 sidekqpodcast Wonderful. Okay, so as I have my tables pulled up here, we are ready to go. And the first question we ask is, what is going to be the name of our character? We determine this randomly with the role of a D20. 00:11:46.34 SkylineStars What did we get? 00:11:58.75 SkylineStars Am I rolling? 00:12:00.27 sidekqpodcast Yes, sorry, i always like I always allow the guests to roll, not not me just rolling everything, not like an old school dungeon master who just rolls all the dice and doesn't let anyone else have fun. 00:12:01.31 SkylineStars Oh yeah! 00:12:10.17 sidekqpodcast No, that's totally in your hands. 00:12:10.54 SkylineStars Well, let me roll a d20. 00:12:18.17 SkylineStars I got a 12. 00:12:20.21 sidekqpodcast Well, ooh, OK, your answer was provided by our ah Patreon supporter ah of the wealthy tier of. of ah Your answer was provided by our Patreon supporter, Nicholas Cardarelli Coro, let's see, it's spelled K O R O T K I Y, which I want to say in my heart. Sounds like it ought to be pronounced. cor road ticky 00:12:50.93 sidekqpodcast Korotiki is what my heart tells me, but unless you feel like that particular spelling ah yields a different pronunciation. 00:12:51.99 SkylineStars Koro Tiki. 00:12:59.58 SkylineStars No, I think that's good. I think we can work with Koro Tiki, either shortening it to Koro or Tiki. That could be fun. That could be fun. Okay, okay. 00:13:07.35 sidekqpodcast Okay, Korotiki, all right, very good. And then let's see, the next thing we get to roll for is the ancestry of the character, which this can swing wildly. Let's roll 2d10s for a d100 effect to figure out the ancestry. 00:13:23.99 SkylineStars Awesome. All right, let's see. That is a one and a 10. 00:13:30.09 sidekqpodcast Okay, so we just got, ah wait, one and a 10, which would be 100. 00:13:35.09 SkylineStars Or 11. 00:13:36.73 sidekqpodcast 11 okay, I'll tell you what they both are so 11 would be a Lamia or if we go all the way up to a hundred that's a Yeti Which would be very funny reminiscent of a previous episode where we had both a Lamia and a Yeti featured in a single episode 00:13:54.02 SkylineStars Oh, we should do the yeti, yeti. Korotiki, the yeti. 00:13:58.37 sidekqpodcast Okay. Very good. Yeti. Okay. Uh, the next thing and we get to roll for is the job or role in society that Korotiki would have. Um, this is just a regular D 10 role. 00:14:10.94 SkylineStars Alright. 00:14:13.79 SkylineStars Three. 00:14:15.51 sidekqpodcast Three. 00:14:17.53 SkylineStars I hope he's out. 00:14:17.34 sidekqpodcast Okay. Your answer is provided by a previous guest, Brady Efler. Korotiki the Yeti is a professional mourner. 00:14:27.72 SkylineStars Oh! Okay, so they're they're attending funerals as like, you know, hired guard, but like as a hired crier. 00:14:35.36 sidekqpodcast Exactly. 00:14:36.28 SkylineStars Okay. 00:14:36.23 sidekqpodcast Yeah, professional mourner. That's that's how I make a living in the world. ah And then the let's see, then the next thing we get to roll for randomly before we take a small pause on the dice rolling the age range of our character this we determine with the D eight. 00:14:50.98 SkylineStars Alright. That is a five. 00:14:56.41 sidekqpodcast five midlife so we have a middle-aged yeti named korotiki that's a professional mourner so with all these details in mind conjure the physical appearance so we have to you know this is purely an audio medium so uh describe the physical appearance of korotiki the yeti professional mourner that's middle-aged 00:15:09.97 SkylineStars Mmhmm. Mmhmm. 00:15:16.73 SkylineStars Mmhmm. Okay. So, when I when i think of yeti... Oh gosh. two When I think of Yeti, the first thing I think of is the two-horned, white fur, sort of the Rudolph Red-Nosed Reindeer stop-motion Christmas special. 00:15:34.48 sidekqpodcast Bumble. 00:15:35.34 SkylineStars Yeah, Bumble! That's the first thing I think about, so that's what what came to mind instantly ah when I thought of Yeti. 00:15:36.47 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 00:15:41.47 SkylineStars Professional Mortar, though, and middle-aged, I wanted to lean more as Korotiki is very very professional man. He's always wearing a singular tie in black because, you know, more got to come in black, as well as glasses perched on his nose. So you can see the dead body, you know, you might not know the person, but you want to know some details about them. So like maybe the glasses will help see they're like an elf or something. 00:16:06.52 sidekqpodcast Mm-hmm. Mm. 00:16:10.92 SkylineStars I don't think the Yetis wear clothes. 00:16:14.62 sidekqpodcast um i We did have to look this up on ah the episode with Katie D. Mateus and Benjamin Martin Mooney. um Technically, Yeti fur is so coarse and thick ah that you know that they don't have the need of wearing clothes. And apparently, depending on the season, the coloration of the fur can change too. So if it's more in the summer months, it's like you shed your white winter coat and you get like brown fur. Um, and then, ah you know, when you go back to the cold in the winter, then it's like, okay, now it comes, your coat comes back in thick and ready for the, the frigid weather and all that. 00:16:45.33 SkylineStars Mmhmm. Mmhmm. 00:16:52.96 SkylineStars okay okay i will stick i don't know why the first thing that came to me was shaving in like a fur bikini 00:16:55.73 sidekqpodcast Unless, you know, ah core Tiki could totally, uh, you know, be like a sheep and get shorn, uh, to adapt wherever he he is. And then that's how he's able to fit in clothes or have need of clothes. Cause he's like, oh, I've shaved off all my fur and stuff like that. 00:17:18.88 SkylineStars maybe Maybe if like a surfer had died recently and you know a hired mortar came in and wanted to you know support support the surfer and the fur bikini. 00:17:29.05 sidekqpodcast Mm-hmm 00:17:30.24 SkylineStars Yeah, but oh, no wait, okay. Having Korotiki be like able to adapt to any of the person that he's mourning for does sound really fun. So, you know, he has the Black Tie classic, but he also adds in sort of little accessories. Like, if he wants to appear more like a feminine Yeti, he has a black veil and maybe a fancy briefcase, or if... Oh gosh. Huh. Try to think of other fun outfits. 00:18:02.08 SkylineStars We already have the fur bikini, the veil, tie. 00:18:07.52 SkylineStars Mm. Mm. 00:18:09.75 sidekqpodcast Moo Moo. 00:18:11.46 SkylineStars Moo moo. I don't- I'm unaware of what that is. 00:18:15.72 sidekqpodcast ah So Moo Moo's are a type of dress or garb that come from ah Polynesia. I think specifically the Hawaiian Islands. 00:18:24.16 SkylineStars Mm. 00:18:25.47 sidekqpodcast It's kind of like a long over like just a like a long plane over dress, I believe. 00:18:32.41 SkylineStars It's okay, yeah? Yeah, I think Kortic could rub it. 00:18:35.67 sidekqpodcast Just looking for something easy for, you know, someone of a large size creature frame to be able to easily put on not saying that he couldn't, you know, be friends with a tailor who's able to make all these, you know, custom pieces of, of clothing that he need to wear. 00:18:40.06 SkylineStars Mm-hmm. 00:18:45.82 SkylineStars Mm-hmm. 00:18:51.77 sidekqpodcast Um, I just figured something like a Moo Moo might be easy, uh, depending on, uh, where, where a core tick he's located. 00:18:59.99 SkylineStars Yeah, and I think maybe having like a ah ah chest of of accessories that Korotiki can choose from will help his business a lot. So maybe he's more of like a... Look at... Maybe Korotiki's a cosplayer. 00:19:16.42 sidekqpodcast oh Okay that's how that's how it loops in i mean so now you're kind of yeah you're drawing on personal a well of deep knowledge to kind of help inform the character okay. 00:19:17.26 SkylineStars ah get the 00:19:21.33 SkylineStars Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly, exactly. So I think general core taking outfit if he's in between jobs right now is glasses and a black tie, you know, must remain professional, but you know, still. Yeah. 00:19:42.21 sidekqpodcast And so my question is, you know, depending on the kind of setting that you're in, like if we're thinking of like a major fantasy metropolitan sort of area where you could come across all sorts of wild creatures all living in close proximity to each other, or if it's like, you know, traditional, ah you know, fantasy land where it's like, oh, you'd only find yetis like way up in the mountains and stuff like that. 00:19:52.30 SkylineStars Mm-hmm. 00:20:08.11 sidekqpodcast So How are you kind of imagining core Tiki, uh, living and thriving? Is he like, he's like, you know, a fish out of water. Like I left my tribe. I'm here in civilization. I make my, I like wearing clothes clothes and costumes and you know, people want someone big and furry, uh, to mourn for them and, you know, comfort their family. And so that's how I fell into this gig kind of a thing. 00:20:32.35 SkylineStars Um. Um. 00:20:32.90 sidekqpodcast Or what are you thinking? 00:20:35.80 SkylineStars I think Korotiki belonged to a traveling circus. As a Yeti, 00:20:40.86 sidekqpodcast Oh, okay. 00:20:42.75 SkylineStars Before that, he was sort of like, you know, dropped off at a doorstep, sort of, you know, here's a baby, raise it, but like as a holy getty. 00:20:47.52 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:20:51.35 SkylineStars So I think he was dropped off at a circus and sort of got his sort of of love for acting and dress up from there. And one day the circus had traveled to these a larger city where more fantasy races and species do exist. 00:20:59.65 sidekqpodcast Okay. 00:21:03.30 sidekqpodcast Mhm. 00:21:06.90 SkylineStars And I think that's where he learned about sort of the professional mortars. because I feel like if you are in a circus, you are around actors of different types, and so I feel like maybe I'm like a like a little luncheon of of actors and circus people and mourners, they all all got together and networked. 00:21:11.73 sidekqpodcast Mm. 00:21:26.77 sidekqpodcast Ah, is there a guild of mourners, you think? 00:21:31.56 SkylineStars I think it would be a branch of like a guild of actors or bards, but like maybe like a more- I'm more of an instrument, yeah. 00:21:35.61 sidekqpodcast Oh, it's like a specialization within the actors guild. 00:21:39.49 SkylineStars Yeah, yeah. 00:21:40.85 sidekqpodcast Mm. 00:21:43.02 SkylineStars And I think... 00:21:42.98 sidekqpodcast You must be properly vestured in order to attain these ranks of professional mourner. 00:21:49.87 SkylineStars Yeah, the interview process is you just go up and cry in front of them. 00:21:54.25 sidekqpodcast Oh, but you have to be able to cry on demand. 00:21:56.42 SkylineStars Yeah, cry on demand and change up your cries. You know, you want you big wet tears. 00:21:59.41 sidekqpodcast Yeah, it's like we want like wailing and things like, and it's like now we want like demure and like barely any tears and like sucks it in and it's like barely. 00:22:02.33 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:22:08.99 sidekqpodcast It's like, ah, perfect. Yes. 00:22:11.28 SkylineStars Yes. Yeah, absolutely. 00:22:14.20 sidekqpodcast Very cool. Okay. So this is cool because it's like morphed into like, you know, we thought, oh, professional mourner, how's that going to work? And now it's turned into this whole backstory of like, well, he was part of a circus. That's where he learned acting and costuming and all that stuff. 00:22:24.82 SkylineStars Mm 00:22:27.38 sidekqpodcast And now he's specialized to be able to do this. So does he still remain with the circus or is he like left the circus? He's joined the local actors guild in this major metropolitan area. And this is like how he chooses to make his living. 00:22:44.26 SkylineStars Yeah, I think he, as soon as he, like, had this interaction with the Actors Guild, he sort of was like, alright, I'm getting too old for the circus now, I need to pave my own way in the world. So that's when he decided to join up with the Actors Guild and get gigs and contracts. It's a professional mortar. 00:23:02.45 sidekqpodcast o Right so his main source of income is the professional mourner because obviously people are dying every day and not everyone can afford resurrections if you see in the gold and the the gold prices these days you know how much you know how much can i buy. 00:23:12.05 SkylineStars Yeah. we 00:23:17.43 sidekqpodcast ah So yeah so obviously people need mourners to. as adventurers need mourners especially if they are the edgy uh backstories of like oh my i'm an orphan and i have no parents in attachment so you obviously need someone to come to your funerary services to uh to properly mourn for you yeah so that's where his valuable services uh come in uh 00:23:23.94 SkylineStars her 00:23:29.66 SkylineStars Mmhmm. 00:23:37.21 SkylineStars Yeah, you you can't have no one at your funeral service. Like, one is kinda cool, but if you have no one, it just kinda sad. Mmhmm. 00:23:49.21 sidekqpodcast Okay all right cool and let's see so we've we've got this idea of of his history and like how it informs how he looks and stuff like that are there any other interesting or defining characteristics or features that would make him stand apart as far as a as a yeti as a professional motor or anything like that I'm just thinking of like ah 00:23:56.73 SkylineStars you 00:24:09.85 sidekqpodcast Oh you know Harrison ford's character has that a chin scar and so in the opening of the last crusade it shows young indiana jones. River phoenix going through the circus car and he uses the bowl and he hits himself in the face of the whip that's how he has the scar on his chin i was just thinking because of the i drew the parallel with the circus things i was like oh does you have any cool scars from his circus days or whatever. 00:24:26.94 SkylineStars Thank 00:24:38.21 SkylineStars Maybe not so much scars, but he from the circus days he's learned like some of the other trades of the circus, maybe not so much as acting and costuming, but he's very nimble for a yeti, so that makes him able to get out of sticky situations pretty fast. 00:24:50.64 sidekqpodcast Mm-hmm Okay Exit stage left you Okay, all right, so he's nimble and then learn a couple of other tricks and tray of the trade and stuff, okay 00:24:54.23 SkylineStars um If you need to get out of a funeral really quickly, because someone is like, hey, who are you, you'll be like, oh, we've gotta go. 00:25:13.39 SkylineStars um calm yeah he's very he's he's business oriented uh very very much cares about his business and his work um 00:25:14.61 sidekqpodcast All right, and if you had to describe Korotiki with three adjectives, what three adjectives would encapsulate him? 00:25:29.09 sidekqpodcast Kind of meant to help narrow the role play focus, if you will. Okay. 00:25:45.07 SkylineStars He is sort of a charlatan almost. Since he does have his acting chops and he is business oriented, he wants to make as much money as possible. 00:25:48.47 sidekqpodcast Mm. 00:25:51.83 sidekqpodcast OK. 00:25:54.98 SkylineStars So if an adventure comes up that has like a higher price, he might try and suede someone to pay even higher. And last one is... Hmm. 00:26:12.09 sidekqpodcast Cool 00:26:12.47 SkylineStars Cool. Cool or calm. He doesn't lose his head. 00:26:15.47 sidekqpodcast or calm? 00:26:16.15 SkylineStars He doesn't lose his head very easily. He's very, very collected. 00:26:19.72 sidekqpodcast Okay, yeah, I imagine being a very large ah individual, you know, hard, hard for many things to get under his, her their fur, ah you know, just because of literally much bigger than most people, and can just, you know, growl or do something, and then most people probably back down, or what have you. But that's very interesting, the adjectives business oriented, but charlatan, 00:26:44.82 SkylineStars Mm 00:26:44.91 sidekqpodcast So okay i just thought of like oh i'm just like you know i kind of fell into this thing and i just do the specialization but now i just it kind of paints a different picture a little bit of how ah core tiki kind of came into this kind of like oh people are always dying and you need people to mourn you. 00:26:55.16 SkylineStars -hmm. 00:27:02.17 sidekqpodcast It's like you know these adventurers are just sitting on piles of money and you know they have to figure out how to divvy out that share somehow. Why not be able to take my cut of this dead person's share or whatever? 00:27:15.52 SkylineStars Exactly. 00:27:17.29 sidekqpodcast Okay. Wow. Okay. Yeah, I know this is very interesting, learning about Korotiki and the process of this of this ah NPC creation. 00:27:27.20 SkylineStars Hmm. 00:27:27.67 sidekqpodcast Okay, well, now we get to go back to some dice rolling, you know, because there's still dice we haven't used yet. So we like to figure out a valuable item, piece of lore, secret, or ideal or concept that Core Tiki might ascribe to. This is a combination, so we're going to roll a d4 first to determine the valuable category, and then a d6 for the particular thing. 00:27:52.63 SkylineStars All right, d4 is 1, and my sixth item, okay, and my sixth was also a 1. 00:27:57.43 sidekqpodcast This is gonna be an item. 00:28:02.85 sidekqpodcast Also a one, okay. Wow, okay, so your, this could be very, ah this could feed in very nicely for the character. Your item was suggested by our Patreon supporter, our queen, Goblin Katie, aka k aka Katie Downey. Core Tiki has a tarot deck that casts Detect Thoughts once per day. 00:28:26.92 SkylineStars Oh. Okay. Hmm. Yeah, that- okay, pair- 00:28:30.80 sidekqpodcast This is, you think this is how he's getting into the the minds of the the rest of the adventuring party or whoever comes to you know pay respects for their beloved, ah dearly departed? 00:28:43.72 SkylineStars yes and i think also with the tarot deck that makes a lot of sense coming from a circus background i mean you would have tarot readers and fortune tellers in a circus sometimes so that makes sense he thought he'd pick that up um but yeah he definitely uses the tarot deck to sort of either get into people that are coming to him to request the service of being a mortar and sort of trying to angle up a better price uh or you to at the actual funeral to learn uh some of the 00:29:07.30 sidekqpodcast o 00:29:13.32 SkylineStars feats of the dead adventure or dead person. 00:29:17.54 sidekqpodcast Interesting okay so is that part of his morning services as he does readings for the ah Sorry, excuse me. Is that part of his professional morning services is he offers like tarot readings or something like that to like, oh, you know, you want to make sure that really they've passed on or that they're on a good place or like, ah you know, communing with the gods, if you will, to be like, let me let me do this reading for you. And these people may not know that he has the circus background and that charlatan streak in him. So 00:29:52.59 sidekqpodcast You know maybe someone else who's trained in tarot cards might know like oh actually he's kind of like working this up or playing this up a little bit to like you know grease grease the palms and his favor kind of a thing. 00:29:59.06 SkylineStars Yeah. need 00:30:05.78 SkylineStars Absolutely, yeah. but Party comes along, asks a couple questions. Oh, do you, oh, your friend, do you want to know but more about your friend that passed away? Well, here's their afterlife prediction, and then sort of learn from their detect thoughts profit. 00:30:24.51 sidekqpodcast Yeah so detecting thoughts so he's trying to scrub for information so then he can you know use that in his ah his bluffing his way. 00:30:25.62 SkylineStars and 00:30:32.83 sidekqpodcast ah Well I mean some of it may be bluffing but some of it I mean if this if he's this. Professional from the former circus life he probably you know knows how to interpret it to a degree I don't know how successful or not but. 00:30:44.15 SkylineStars yeah 00:30:45.97 sidekqpodcast ah and Okay, yeah, and my my question is how did he get this deck that is magical to cast this spell once a day? 00:30:50.81 SkylineStars I think. 00:30:57.37 sidekqpodcast Is it from like a former colleague in the circus? 00:31:01.60 SkylineStars Yeah, ah since I guess he was he was raised in the circus, it would make sense that someone in the circus sort of acted as a guardian towards him. 00:31:10.49 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:31:11.25 SkylineStars So maybe this tarot deck was his way of like ah as a parting gift from that guardian. 00:31:16.76 sidekqpodcast Ooh. Any clues or thoughts as to who that guardian was? Or are you going to leave it open and ambiguous for whoever wants to use Kroyateki to invent who that could be? 00:31:27.67 SkylineStars I will leave it open and and ambiguous. 00:31:32.59 SkylineStars Mm 00:31:32.64 sidekqpodcast So there you go, an easy plug-in spot ah for your game to be able to slide in core Tiki there. Perfect, okay. And then of course we like all of our NPCs on this podcast to be able to offer cool side quests to all the hero characters. so Maybe interesting, you know, the circumstances in which you will meet Korotiki, but if you want to randomly generate this, we you get to roll the last dice, which is a d12. Or if you're inspired, you can totally invent what you think an appropriate side quest would be that Korotiki would need the help of the player characters ah to go and do. 00:32:01.74 SkylineStars -hmm. Mm-hmm. 00:32:11.65 SkylineStars I do love randomly rolling. I might see what I could get out of the random roll and see if I can tie it in to what is cooking right now. 00:32:21.26 sidekqpodcast Sure. 00:32:22.32 SkylineStars Yeah, so d12. 00:32:23.92 sidekqpodcast Yes, that is correct. 00:32:26.55 SkylineStars I rolled a 10. 00:32:28.02 sidekqpodcast Ten. Ooh, okay. Well, this is also from Nicholas Cardarelli. He gave this response back when he was a guest before he was a Patreon supporter. But this particular side quest, Korotiki needs you to deliver the package. What is the package? 00:32:44.87 SkylineStars Ooh. Okay. 00:32:50.29 sidekqpodcast If he's this business oriented charlatan cool calm collected guy, who's at your party members funeral, you've paid him, you know, to come in more because he doesn't, know you know, this rogue that set off the trap didn't, you know, he was edgy, didn't have any family and you, you can't afford the resurrection. Um, but you know, yeah, what's so core Tiki comes to you and is like, Hey, I need you to deliver this package. What could it mean? 00:33:20.15 SkylineStars Oh gosh. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. 00:33:25.86 sidekqpodcast I mean it could certainly be open-ended as to like you know what his goals and aims are but does this have something to do you know something you know as innocent as like hey my old mentor I want to deliver a package to my old mentor to let him know how I'm doing you know and this is where you know it ties in with the deck as far as like oh that's the guy who gave me the deck so you know oh my old mentor I want to give him a care package or is it something more you know, more business as far as like the actors guild is concerned or or is it something more nefarious, you know, speaking to the charlatan thing of, um you know, of ah something of that nature. 00:33:59.84 SkylineStars one 00:34:04.61 SkylineStars Yeah, I think with Korotiki, you know, dealing in kind of the business of death, he might want to speed up his job prospects. So I want to, I need to find out something that is in this package that can relate to sort of 00:34:24.79 SkylineStars either harming an individual or or maybe encouraging another and individual individual to harm another. So that way Kory can get a job. 00:34:33.42 sidekqpodcast um Okay, so there's a couple ah things that I can think of. Obviously, if you had something you know tangible that's like, here's a poison that I want you to deliver this package to someone because they know they're expecting this so that they can use it to poison someone. 00:34:43.57 SkylineStars Mhm. 00:34:51.97 SkylineStars Mhm. 00:34:52.63 sidekqpodcast It could be a box of incriminating evidence ah to you know prove of someone's infidelity ah or or you know dishonest business practices that will surely spell their execution um or you know any number of those kinds of things. 00:35:05.45 SkylineStars Mmm. 00:35:09.09 sidekqpodcast um Hopefully, it's not something as drastic as an explosive device or something of that nature. um Yeah. you know you know Not that I'm trying to intentionally be like, oh, trigger warnings of ah you know of of ah real life events that you know people may may have ah experience with or anything like that. it Obviously, you know you've done your homework, you've done your session zero, you kind of know the vibe of your players and what kind of game you're running. so maybe you leave this open-ended to adapt to whichever world and story that core tiki finds himself in or if you think there is like just something that's like no this brings true to the character this is what you want you to deliver or maybe it's something you know uh you know completely misleading uh it could be something just you know sincere and genuine maybe it's uh 00:35:39.82 SkylineStars hmm 00:36:04.17 sidekqpodcast something for the tribe. ah Maybe he seems to have found information on a tribe and is trying to just be like, hey, I was dropped off at this circus. 00:36:09.73 SkylineStars and 00:36:13.06 sidekqpodcast I'm trying to see if I belong to this tribe of Yetis or not kind of a thing. 00:36:18.85 SkylineStars Yeah, okay. 00:36:22.36 SkylineStars Yeah, definitely not anything too over-the-top. I don't think Koratiki would be is that sort of character. I think he's more sort of underhanded, so maybe he's sort of delivering some sort of blackmail to sort of encourage like a mercenary to go after someone else instead of this person. 00:36:35.26 sidekqpodcast Oh. 00:36:41.66 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:36:43.13 SkylineStars Maybe someone at the circus is in trouble with a mercenary. and Kortiki does not want to see them be harmed so instead Kortiki is sending an item let's say let's use the old game of thrones method let's say it's just a dagger a special dagger that was used to to kill this mercenary's guild leader 00:36:48.94 sidekqpodcast Hmm. OK. 00:37:07.90 SkylineStars um Somehow, Korotiki is in possession of it, but that is, you know... Sprinkle into a little magic there. Movie magic, how he got that. And he is asking, you know... 00:37:18.12 sidekqpodcast Sure, yeah a tail he's an actor he could spin any kind of yarn that he needs to make it plausible and believable Yeah, I used his cosplay and prop making skills to to dress it up Hmm 00:37:24.86 SkylineStars And this dagger couldn't even, like, it doesn't have to be that actual dagger. It could just be some random dagger that Korotiki has spruced up. um and 00:37:36.92 SkylineStars but discuss Exactly, exactly. That's more rubies to the hilt. And he's using that dagger as sort of like a distraction or a blackmail to get this mercenary off of his circus guild member and onto a new target. 00:37:53.62 sidekqpodcast So there's like a fake note in there that's like, you know from the intended target is sort of like a Like a dare of like hey, I got this knife, you know, you know that killed your guild leader You know, you know, ha ha ha and so then that'll spur the mercenaries to then go after you know the supposed other guy instead of the the circus guild member and 00:38:06.35 SkylineStars Mm-hmm. 00:38:15.47 SkylineStars Yes, absolutely. 00:38:17.33 sidekqpodcast Okay, very interesting and very cool, a very sneaky that way. Okay, so how is Core Tiki going to award the players when they're successful? They've delivered the package, you know, whether it was a, you know, kind of like a dead drop, or if it was like a, ah like, you have to go physically hand it to the person, take it to the mercenary guild hall or whatever, wherever it may be, what's going to be the reward when they report back to Core Tiki that the package has been successfully delivered? 00:38:48.44 SkylineStars I think Kortiki is going to use his tarot deck as mentioned and sort of um figure out what the player is thinking and maybe undercut them from what they had expected, but not too much to piss them off. um But that could be interesting if your player can you know sense magic and sense that Korotiki is detecting your thoughts. um So if there's a player that that does like figure out that Korotiki is sort of being a charlatan, I think Korotiki is going to excuse himself. 00:39:09.75 sidekqpodcast Mmm. 00:39:22.87 SkylineStars I'm imagining this in his apartment. There's like a front room and a back room. He excuses himself to the back room, he puts on a new disguise, and he runs out the back door. 00:39:32.51 sidekqpodcast Did anyone see that large individual that was just here a moment ago? 00:39:32.99 SkylineStars he sort of shirt wears oh he's so good at this he's so good at disguises he's like um 00:39:37.49 sidekqpodcast Oh, there was a large individual that left. 00:39:44.97 sidekqpodcast Right the only thing going for you know the only thing going for the player characters in that regard if they're going to engage in an urban chase or whatever is like we're looking for someone that's large unless this guy knows how to like you know shape change into a medium-sized creature or go invisible or whatever it may be um but you know if he's got his uh you know his magic bag of tricks you know maybe he's got smoke bombs or something like that that he dramatically like 00:40:13.97 SkylineStars Yeah, yeah, and he uses his nimbleness and his quickness to sort of skirt the streets of this metropolitan city. 00:40:21.12 sidekqpodcast Yeah. Also, I think Yeti's innately have some kind of like a frost breath weapon as well. So, you know, but you were mentioning earlier, he's a very cool, calm, collected guy. I feel like there's a pun in there of him or being like, chill out. 00:40:32.22 SkylineStars you 00:40:35.58 sidekqpodcast And he goes like, and he like breeds ice on them. So they kind of freeze in place a little bit and he like scampers away. 00:40:42.89 SkylineStars Of course, yeah, one of the biggest things they teach in Actors Guild is to do one-liners. 00:40:47.99 sidekqpodcast Yes. 00:40:49.33 SkylineStars Mmhmm. 00:40:49.38 sidekqpodcast Yeah, he had he had his one-liner in the circus and and all that. So yeah, that's where he developed it. Perfect. ah Okay, all right, so he's gonna use so he's gonna use the tarot deck on the on the party then to figure out ah You know what they're expecting as a reward and then he's gonna kind of work it so he's like almost gonna give them what they think So in this case, we're assuming like a gold amount like he's like, oh I can pay you in gold You know if you go deliver this package and he's just gonna be very vague about what he's willing to pay them if they're going to kind of hammer the 00:41:02.63 SkylineStars Mmhmm. Mmhmm. 00:41:13.21 SkylineStars yeah 00:41:20.40 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:41:22.81 sidekqpodcast hammer the price before they accept the quest. Is he going to does he promise some number arbitrarily, you think like if he's pressed for it? 00:41:29.70 SkylineStars Yeah. Yeah, if he's pressed for it before, he can do his sort of tarot reading. um He's probably gonna say, oh, i have I have a lot of and costumes in the back, and I also have some gold for my morning days that would surely sweeten the pot. 00:41:46.31 sidekqpodcast Hmm. Okay. Yeah. I'm just trying to think if like, cause if, you know, you have to account for the murder hobo's. So, you know, someone will get angry and then just start attacking this guy to be like, no, I want to know how much gold you have. 00:41:54.19 SkylineStars Yeah. Yeah. butha 00:42:01.36 sidekqpodcast Kind of a thing. 00:42:03.04 SkylineStars yeah 00:42:03.25 sidekqpodcast Okay. But now we have to consider the opposite. What's going to be the consequence of failure or refusing the call to the adventure. So. However, the circumstances that core Tiki and the players have come together. If they say no, if he asked them to deliver this package and they say no, or something happens in the process, they the player snoop, they decide to check the package themselves because they're nosy. 00:42:26.35 SkylineStars and 00:42:29.35 sidekqpodcast um Or if it's like you know the mercenaries don't fall for it, or or I don't know, what what do you think is going to be the consequence of failure or refusal? 00:42:38.06 SkylineStars Oh, nice. i'm I'm assuming, or I guess I shouldn't assume, um that this is happening you know a little bit after Kortiki has given them the quest, so maybe Kortiki has gone back to his apartment. 00:42:54.58 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:42:54.91 SkylineStars And you know if the players want to confront him, he is there, and I believe Kortiki would most likely 00:43:01.28 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:43:02.30 SkylineStars um try and talk to the uh party just to like you know hey guys don't like kill me because i'm doing blackmail um it's for a good cause i swear my my guild member or yeah my circus member is is under attack and and they're truly innocent um and i was just trying to help them out um so maybe he would explain sort of his reasoning i'm trying not to give away Try not to show too many cards in his hand, but just enough to sort of gain the trust of the party back. 00:43:31.06 sidekqpodcast Mm hmm. 00:43:37.28 SkylineStars But for ultimate failure, I well but for ultimate failure i think that he will still do the escape route frost breath thing. 00:43:47.72 sidekqpodcast Mm hmm. Yeah, chill out. 00:43:50.87 SkylineStars yeah 00:43:50.96 sidekqpodcast And then he just he just books it and runs. 00:43:52.29 SkylineStars free 00:43:55.98 sidekqpodcast And then it sounds like if it's a situation of like, you know, the, the common phrase being, don't kill the messenger. If the mercenaries or whoever they're delivering the package to gets hostile, then it's just a matter of, Oh, well now the party has to deal with the hostile, uh, you know, recipients of the package or whatever. 00:44:15.90 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:44:15.88 sidekqpodcast And then they come back to core ticky and then they have to report how that went. Is that going to play out differently? 00:44:22.60 SkylineStars Yeah, I mean, if the adventurers end up killing the mercenaries, I think that's, like, that's helpful to Korotiki, because I mean, they're kind of... 00:44:31.28 sidekqpodcast That's a fail forward. 00:44:32.91 SkylineStars Yeah, fail forward, because, like, A, you get rid of the people that were threatening your your circus members, and B, you have more people to go mourn for. 00:44:40.81 sidekqpodcast Yes. But now you've got the ire of this mercenary guild. 00:44:42.19 SkylineStars So I think... 00:44:44.65 sidekqpodcast It's like a fallout three with the black talent company. 00:44:47.52 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:44:47.45 sidekqpodcast Suddenly more black talent people are going to start hunting you because it's like, you just wiped out a whole squad of our dudes. What's up with that? 00:44:56.28 SkylineStars I think that Kortiki to like so like help out the adventurers and help out himself with this mercenary group, I think that he is going to use his costuming and disguise skills as well as his silver tongue to get into one of the funerals for the one of the mercenary peoples that were killed and you know make ah make a real big show about crying and and 00:45:14.78 sidekqpodcast Mm-hmm. 00:45:19.01 SkylineStars throwing himself over in sadness and grief, encouraging the party members to do the same at this mercenary's funeral to help get them get get this group off their back. 00:45:29.38 sidekqpodcast Hmm. Oh man, it's just, you know, just the image of this very large individual. It's like everyone else is like, you know, medium sized normal humanoids. And there's just this large dude at the back that's just bawling his eyes out. Like, wow. 00:45:44.73 SkylineStars the 00:45:46.09 sidekqpodcast It's like, I didn't know that Bob knew this guy. Okay. Apparently he did. Like, wow. Like Bob really is sad that Doug, you know, died in, you know, fighting these, uh, these kids or whatever it was. 00:46:00.54 SkylineStars Yeah, and I think that Toru Tiki will really ham it up. He'll be like, well, me and Bob had this ultimate epic fight when we first met, and I was just so impressed by his skill and progress that I had to come and give my thanks. 00:46:18.14 sidekqpodcast Okay, yeah, so he, like you said, he uses that actor's woodiness and skill to be able to to lay it on thick. So probably very ah trained in the art of deception and ah persuasion and intimidation, I would wager for sure. 00:46:33.27 SkylineStars Yes. 00:46:37.13 SkylineStars yeah I think he's pretty good. 00:46:39.26 sidekqpodcast All right, and then we have a list of optional questions if you think Kora Tiki needs any more needling down or do you feel like he's pretty well rounded out? 00:46:51.03 SkylineStars I think we covered all of our bases. We got the backstory, we got the motivation, got the personality. Yeah. 00:46:58.67 sidekqpodcast All right, well, we've made it through NPC creation, so now it's time we take our NPC and we throw them into a random encounter. 00:47:18.91 sidekqpodcast And that I have to be a little different because this is where I insert a completely different ad break. And yeah for Zencaster and all that good stuff. So Zencaster, woo! Alright, so now we're here in the Random Encounters section of the show. This is where we get to do a little bit of a vignette, a scene, some role-playing, some very light D and&D for this evening when we're recording. so I think you're gonna do a great job as core tiki but the question i have is who am i going, who am i going to be in the scene of playing against you am i going to be, um you know one of my podcast adventuring characters that stumbles across you in some sort of professional, 00:47:47.01 SkylineStars Mmhmm. Mmhmm. 00:48:01.97 sidekqpodcast You know, morning, well, it would be core Tiki's professional morning, but it would be ah an adventuring ah hero type that would be at a funeral for someone and then stumble upon core Tiki that way. 00:48:06.44 SkylineStars Mm 00:48:14.20 sidekqpodcast Is it core Tiki and, ah you know, this circus member friend from their past that's having trouble that's coming to core Tiki for help. um Is it um I don't know any number of interesting scenes whatever speaks to your fancy um Or is it even core tiki with his mentor as he's getting the tarot deck I mean like I said it could be any number of scenes that you're interested just a vignette to kind of give us a slice Into the life of core tiki 00:48:35.50 SkylineStars -hmm. 00:48:44.62 SkylineStars Okay, I think it would be pretty funny if if you were a necromancer that kept on raising the people that Korotiki has gotten to mourn. 00:48:56.03 sidekqpodcast Oh, okay, so I'm just some random necromancer, you think. 00:49:00.30 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:49:01.84 sidekqpodcast Or is this because as I look at my list of episodes, um you know, I've been on a hot streak this season. It's been several episodes ah since we've actually had one of the podcast adventuring characters ah come in ah to be, you know, interacting in one of these scenes. 00:49:10.55 SkylineStars Mm hmm. 00:49:21.11 sidekqpodcast But since you threw out necromancer, haven't actually invented like a necromancer sort of adventuring character i guess that would be a that would be like another wizard type 00:49:26.38 SkylineStars Oh. 00:49:31.01 SkylineStars Mm hmm. 00:49:31.14 sidekqpodcast um So yeah, we could we could totally invent a brand new character and then kind of throw them into the Rolodex of ah characters that we could then use for future ah random encounters with other guests. So I'm down for that if you are. 00:49:46.72 SkylineStars yeah 00:49:48.63 sidekqpodcast ah The only thing that I would need to figure out is because I believe Agape was the last Character that was invented and she's the tiefling She's the tiefling sore lock started out as a sorcerer and then became a warlock sore lock So because I had a lady last time I think I got to go back to a dude and plus and you say necromancer and it's like everyone thinks of a dude um and I know 00:49:59.28 SkylineStars Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 00:50:16.41 sidekqpodcast ah I haven't played Baldur's Gate 3, but I know everyone loves Withers, the who's always doing resurrections for your parties and all that stuff. 00:50:21.71 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:50:26.38 sidekqpodcast So I'm wondering if it needs to be like that kind of vibe, like it just like a literally like an old man, um but I'm just curious if you have any bent on the ancestry. Because if I've already got, let's see, human, human, um let's see, then we have a dwarf, and then we have a wood elf, and then we have an astral elf, and then we had a tiefling. So who am I missing? ah You know, to then be able to make this necromancer, this old man necromancer. 00:51:01.68 SkylineStars Gnome. 00:51:03.13 sidekqpodcast a gnome. Brilliant. Okay, so we have an old gnome. Oh, man, I was gonna say we need it. We need a name for this guy. What's his name? I mean, so and in you tell me, ah because Orion, the astral elf illusionist wizard, Orion is like their name that they use. So that way no one knows their true name. If we're following kind of those ah conventions of like, oh, magic users don't really use their names or else you get power over them. So 00:51:32.51 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:51:32.64 sidekqpodcast What kind of name, if we have someone like Withers you know kind of ah inspirational wise, and but they're a gnome, what kind of name are they using for this but this guy? 00:51:44.30 SkylineStars Oh. 00:51:48.00 SkylineStars I'm tying it to something like necromancy is a little on the nose. um I'm looking to these these these no names and they all have very funny 00:52:00.84 sidekqpodcast Cutesy names? 00:52:02.08 SkylineStars yeah 00:52:04.98 sidekqpodcast He probably once had a cutesy name, but then he went down on this path and it just kind of sent him off. Uh, I wonder if he has, you know, it, does he use a cutesy nickname? That's ironic. 00:52:16.97 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:52:16.83 sidekqpodcast Uh, or is he someone that's like, no, I want to go hardcore and sound menacing is all get out, but I'm literally only like two or three feet tall. 00:52:24.73 SkylineStars Hmm. 00:52:31.37 SkylineStars Oh, what about... I like the the ironic version, so maybe something to do with like life and living. 00:52:39.82 sidekqpodcast Mm. 00:52:41.02 SkylineStars Maybe something like... 00:52:44.03 SkylineStars I just got this last name Copper Spill, and i I was like, Life Spill is his name, because that's what he's trying to do. 00:52:56.30 sidekqpodcast So he goes by the name life spell. 00:52:58.83 SkylineStars Life Spill. 00:53:00.10 sidekqpodcast Okay. All right. So I'm going to, this is okay. So a new, a brand new NPC has been created for the podcast or the adventuring characters. We have life spell the necromancer and he's a, he's a gnome probably. 00:53:14.06 SkylineStars it yes 00:53:16.91 sidekqpodcast Yeah. Probably for like was once a forest gnome, a rock gnome, you think, or deep gnome. 00:53:21.96 SkylineStars ah 00:53:25.80 SkylineStars probably four no 00:53:27.11 sidekqpodcast Forest gnome, okay, forest gnome named life spell. 00:53:28.08 SkylineStars You see a lot of life and death in the forest, so. 00:53:33.48 sidekqpodcast Naturally, naturally. Okay, and then, all right, so it's going to be a scene of life spell the necromancer is meeting is meeting. Core Tiki at this funeral, because he is constantly trying to raise all these people up, um but they're just there. He just doesn't have them. He doesn't have the mana or the spell slots to do it. 00:53:58.29 SkylineStars miss christ Yeah, so maybe he's sort of like buying his time um and sort of gathering up some more diamonds to help raise people 00:54:07.29 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:54:10.72 sidekqpodcast Okay, all right, so would you like to set the scene or would you like ah for me to set the scene? 00:54:17.07 SkylineStars Uh-huh. Hmm, I can set the scene. 00:54:21.47 sidekqpodcast Perfect, whenever you're ready. 00:54:24.61 SkylineStars So I think with any good funeral, it's ah it's a dark and stormy night, um and this is the funeral of, let me just generate a random name real fast. 00:54:39.22 SkylineStars That one. That's flag descriptions, not names. 00:54:47.90 SkylineStars hippie names. All right, so that one. We're at the at the funeral of Phoenix and they are a half-elf who has recently passed away after flying a little bit too close to the Sun and to the Sun I do mean the the Forge. 00:54:57.46 sidekqpodcast Mmm. 00:55:02.97 SkylineStars He was a forger. 00:55:04.20 sidekqpodcast Mmm. 00:55:06.65 SkylineStars But this Phoenix, they are they lay dead and Korotiki has joined in, and because Korotiki had asked like some of their family members that had reached out to him to come to this this funeral and help ah bolster Phoenix's numbers, Korotiki has learned that Phoenix was really big into this certain type of flower called the crescentum. 00:55:36.11 sidekqpodcast m 00:55:38.30 SkylineStars So, Koriticki comes with a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Why did I choose the hardest flower name to pronounce? We don't know. He comes with a bouquet of them full, and he is he's doing his best acting, and yeah, I'll i'll leave it open to you. 00:55:53.94 sidekqpodcast Hmm Yeah, so is ah So Phoenix was Phoenix one of my adventuring party members or is just like I'm just the necromancer who's on the prowl looking for bodies for my skeleton bros and stuff like that. 00:56:14.50 SkylineStars Hmm. 00:56:16.88 sidekqpodcast I'm just kind of wondering how eccentric of an old man I am because I definitely rolled randomly and it confirms that I am an elder gnome. 00:56:17.23 SkylineStars I think that I'd... Mm-hmm. 00:56:24.21 sidekqpodcast So I just kind of seem to putter around and I'm just kind of like looking and I'm seeing all the people and acknowledging them um and and maybe I do manage to have one ah undead with me but I have them very heavily dressed ah you know wearing like a mask so it kind of obscures their facial features. um So people kind of like 00:56:44.58 SkylineStars Mm-hmm. 00:56:46.23 sidekqpodcast ah regard my my man servant, ah you know, for the stench, ah but I just usually typically mutter or babble something about like, oh, it's not his time for his monthly bath or whatever. ah Yeah, so um um what what do you think, ah Dungeon Master? 00:56:59.48 SkylineStars Yeah. 00:57:02.50 sidekqpodcast Am I a party member of Phoenix or or just an old man puttering through the funeral ah services? 00:57:11.39 SkylineStars i think i think my spell is hanging out at the local funeral home just to see what sort of new bodies pop up 00:57:18.49 sidekqpodcast ah Yes, yes, I do I do like them young and strapping. Yes. 00:57:21.84 SkylineStars and with you 00:57:22.20 sidekqpodcast That means they have good bones good bones for for my army. Yes. Yes yesha me maybe and then So he's like puttering around and he's like gently trying to make his way and like get a good ah Good eye on on the the body laid before in the wake And then he looks over and he sees this very very large compared to him a very large individual ah And so he just kind of looks at him, uh, and seeing the chrysanthemums and the crying and stuff like that, he legitimately thinks like, Oh, he must really know this guy. Uh, and so he'll just be like, you're a big fella. You know, this body, but, um but fellow, this fellow body of man person thing. Yes. 00:58:09.30 SkylineStars Thank you. so I like that you mentioned that the servant is dressed up. Do you think Korotiki could recognize this as a costume and sort of get some understanding that this person that is traveling with this gnome is not actually a person, nor is it alive? 00:58:28.32 sidekqpodcast Oh, yeah, I think with your acting ah skills, it's but you know, you'd have advantage on, you know, doing a check and easily determining like ah the manservant moves in like a very jerky sort of manner, like seeming to indicate like a skeleton. 00:58:43.06 SkylineStars Mm hmm. 00:58:44.49 sidekqpodcast And when you look beyond the portion of the mask, it's not obviously covered by a top hat and like some big scarf you can see like bone bleach ah white peeking out from underneath and you you're like ah that's a skull and so ah you know this thing you know a little bit of clattering and stuff like that and um you know but life spell actually did go to some work to like put some like um actually like taps on the shoes so it almost sounds like he's like a a tap dancing sort of man servant if you will 00:59:14.53 SkylineStars but Okay, little traveling entertainment. I think this definitely piques Kortiki's interest, um and but he still wants to make this person, this gnome, believe that he's he's here on true and honest reasons. 00:59:18.83 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 00:59:25.05 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:59:30.65 SkylineStars So Kortiki would wipe his tears and go, oh yes, I have done Phoenix 4 around! oh He was quite young for an elf, so not that long, but still long in terms of human life, you you would know. 00:59:41.83 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:59:47.65 SkylineStars Anyways, it is just so hard to see them die so young and so able of body as a Forge Master, so strong, ah very good with the hammer I've heard. 00:59:49.34 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 00:59:59.67 SkylineStars he's He's definitely trying to like lay it on a little thick because Portuguese kind of picked up that he he can pick up other people's bodies. 01:00:01.68 sidekqpodcast Hmm. Hmm. 01:00:10.75 SkylineStars And as 01:00:10.98 sidekqpodcast yeah and i think uh yeah life spell rolls is insight check and ah he kind of rolls low because he's more distracted with like what can i you know how let me let me look at the body make sure it's in good condition figure out where it's going to be buried so that i can come back later and you know uh raise dead and all that ah you know or create undead ah from it um but he's like he's really trying to like you know do he's like looking around at all the staff and he's like you hear him muttering you know it's gnomish but it also comes through in common as well as he's like and better not be that one cemetery yes they have enchantments on it that prevents the undead from raising which is really a bother and it just has really been putting me behind my skeleton army yes yeah 01:00:33.10 SkylineStars Thank you. 01:00:56.25 sidekqpodcast And so, you know, so yeah, Korotiki is able to clearly hear all that, you know, this old man ah puttering and muttering, um but, you know, catching himself and trying to come back ah to the scene ah that Korotiki is, you know, saying like, oh, I know this half-elf and his life. and He's like, ah, ah but very good, baby good job. And here very, very tragic when they, yes, they die, tragic, die young, but good Good stock. Yes. here He was made of good stock. Yes. 01:01:34.65 SkylineStars ah At this, Karateki is going to sort of lean down, or get down on his knees, however he can to get close to Lifespell, and Karateki will sort of ask, so your your buddy next to you, um is is he is he okay? Is your buddy here okay? 01:01:58.59 sidekqpodcast My manservant? Yes, he's fine. Dude, do a dance. Dude, do it a little. And he like hold holds his hands out and the skeleton finishes doing like a crack and like ah you know making you know finishing the ah the musical cue. He's like, yes, yes, my fine manservant here. um Yes. he And he does the old man thing where he's sitting there. He's trying to rack his brain, um ah trying to think of the name. ah ah o and i'm wondering if ah you know he you know be knownome and stuff like that he probably thought of like some sort of on ah had to do with like bones or skeletons um and so the 01:02:33.95 SkylineStars You know? Yeah. 01:02:48.85 SkylineStars Mm 01:02:48.95 sidekqpodcast ground bone meal or I don't know what what do you think would be like a pun sort of skeleton bone ah osteo Oscar I don't know what do you think would be a good pun name I'm i'm i'm drawing a blank like this old man 01:02:53.67 SkylineStars -hmm. 01:03:13.51 SkylineStars Gosh, puns are hard when you're put on the spot. 01:03:16.82 sidekqpodcast true so then uh you know what i'm just gonna call it and i'll say he goes octavius is a grand man's servant the grandest one that that 01:03:18.02 SkylineStars but 01:03:30.81 sidekqpodcast a man could ever want in his life, yes. um And so he's like, yeah yes, present present the card. And so then um ah Octavius reaches into a pouch and you do see the skeleton, you know, is wearing gloves. And so when he goes to extend the card and you take it, you can very clearly tell like, there's no meat on the beneath the gloves of these hands. 01:03:52.04 SkylineStars and 01:03:54.37 sidekqpodcast It's like literally just skeleton hands being covered by like thick gloves and stuff like that. and then that the hand retracts back in a jerky manner and just continues to idle listening to Lifespel's commands. 01:04:09.62 SkylineStars Corticky is going to take this card and and and give it a quick read and he'll reply back. So, um, you see, do you do you have any other of these serpents that maybe you you can't take out and about maybe because of, um, less than desirable tailoring? And Kortiki's gonna point to, um, Mr. Octavius and sort of, you know, motion towards the bone peeking out to, um, life spell. 01:04:41.36 sidekqpodcast oh And then ah he follows the line of gaze and then he sees that. And then so life's probably like Octavius, I told you to mind your outfit. remember And so then he will use his mending cantrip to like mend up the clothes. ah So then they like seal up proper like they should be. 01:04:57.50 SkylineStars Mm 01:05:00.56 sidekqpodcast And he's like, that it's hard to find good help these days, especially when they're able to body. I mean, So more, more muttering and, uh, you know, inane ramblings and stuff like that. Uh, but he does answer core Tiki in the way saying like, um, employment opportunities are hard to fulfill. 01:05:22.80 SkylineStars hmm 01:05:23.90 sidekqpodcast I've been trying to find good help, but, uh, I keep running a thwart of red tape. 01:05:33.52 SkylineStars Ah, yeah, this is the sh- I 01:05:34.31 sidekqpodcast the divine sense of tape. Clergy, hallowed grounds, that sort of thing. 01:05:42.11 SkylineStars -I-I see ya. 01:05:42.49 sidekqpodcast But then he feels like he said too much and so he starts climbing up and like really eyeballing this guy now being like, why is he asking so much about Octavius? 01:05:52.83 SkylineStars Um, Kortiki, he picks up on this sort of, like, hesitation, and he wants to sort of give his- his own little- he wants to show a little card to that- that, um, life spell he gave a little trust back, and he's gonna say, well, you see, ia I, uh, I- I deal in- in the dead, but not in the sense that you might be thinking. Uh, I, well, Let's just be real, I didn't pick these flowers just so I could come here and cry without getting paid. 01:06:29.20 sidekqpodcast Oh, I see your aim, your game. hu hey 01:06:35.69 SkylineStars But, you see, I could help with this sort of outfitting of your manservants so that you might be able to take them out onto longer expeditions around the town without having other people noticed. If that's what you might want. 01:06:53.03 sidekqpodcast oh Yes, yes, you're... yeah Yes, Octavius, your threads are getting much, much too old. They're last century. we will We must keep up with the times. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. This one knows. See, Octavius, this is what it is when you use your mind for good, smart things. And the skeleton just kind of like blankly looks at him because he is a skeleton. 01:07:18.42 SkylineStars Thank 01:07:19.45 sidekqpodcast He doesn't have brains. He can't think. 01:07:21.43 SkylineStars ah 01:07:21.30 sidekqpodcast But life spell just believes as if he, you know, he's like braiding Octavius for not thinking of obvious things. He's like, yes, young man. Yes. Yes. Yes. I we can come to an arrangement. I believe. Yes. So, hmm. You know, I don't often find myself in these situations. well What is it that um Well, is there some need of me that you need? i'm um he's like He fiddles his pockets and he's like, oh, not ah not enough diamonds, not enough diamonds, not enough components. yeah Help, you need help? Help, yes. 01:08:02.63 SkylineStars ah Well, yes, you see, um I think our skill sets could be very valuable when used together. So much so that we could, you know, get three for the price of one if you were catching my drift. 01:08:20.76 sidekqpodcast Mmm. Yes. Yes, quantity. Yes, quantity is good. i ah you They usually say quality over quantity, but let's be honest in what we're dealing with. we You always want quality. you want You want quantity over quality. Oh my goodness, Octavius. 01:08:38.75 SkylineStars Thank 01:08:40.26 sidekqpodcast You're messing with my morning coffee amounts. 01:08:43.35 SkylineStars you. 01:08:43.99 sidekqpodcast I'm saying wrong things. And he like smacks him and he's a skeleton. He just he just takes the hit and it doesn't do anything to him. But again, he has to show that he's like this competent, you know, master of this of this man servant. He's like, yes, quantity is my aim. Yes. 01:09:05.89 SkylineStars Yeah, with with that core ticky, he feels like he's he's baited and he's hooked, um so now he's going to start sort of reeling it reeling it in a little bit. ah So you you agree that that quantity is is more powerful over quantity, especially in our business when we get paid for each person. So how about we do a little deal? You will go 01:09:31.96 sidekqpodcast Deal? yeah Okay, deal, what what what deal? Yes, what do we, what but do you need? What do you need, man? Big man? 01:09:41.87 SkylineStars I will give you a cut of my earnings as a, oh ah let's just a friend to all that are dead, and I will help outfit your manservants so that they may pass more easily through cities and towns without getting, well, noticed, and you will provide me with more funerals to attend. by just, you know, bringing back our friends and having them play their little play once or twice or three times. 01:10:12.43 sidekqpodcast Mmm... 01:10:21.30 SkylineStars and the The rest of them will have to be closed casket, of course. 01:10:29.22 sidekqpodcast He starts getting a little maniacal chuckle, which he then looks around and sees like this family. Like half of them are kind of like, why is this little man laughing maniacally in our loved one's funeral? 01:10:38.01 SkylineStars you 01:10:40.54 sidekqpodcast And so he like very quickly, he's like, yeah you he He does like ah like a prayer gesture of like, you know, like, oh, yeah, the ashes, ashes, dust to dust be be gone by gons, your soul. And he like very hurriedly finishes through something so then he can just like work to try and pull a core Tiki more into private so then that way they can start their scheming. 01:11:03.08 SkylineStars and 01:11:05.47 sidekqpodcast ah And then so, yeah, then is this is this where the package handoff happens? 01:11:12.85 SkylineStars Yes. I think so. I think Kortiki has this job in mind, and he will pass off this package, and, you know, sometimes, you know, when you're fighting mercenaries, sometimes things can get a little out of hand, and you'll end up with a little bit more um bodies than you do people. And maybe that will just, you know, the more bodies there are, the more times you can raise them, you know, more quantity, more payment. Profit. 01:11:45.46 sidekqpodcast and 01:11:51.03 sidekqpodcast And scene. So there we go. We made it through the random encounter section of the show. So what did you think it was like getting to be Kortiki the professional mourner yeti? 01:12:02.41 SkylineStars It is very fun to just roll random characters, because you can get- I think it's a challenge just trying to get everything to work together, but as you see, that you can things just end up tying together, like the tarot cards just ended up really working out, because I didn't plan on having him be a circus background. I was just like, yeah, circus. So so i that was really fun. 01:12:24.92 sidekqpodcast Yeah. Yeah. I think sometimes, you know, having random prompts, you know, allows for the most, uh, creativity to flow because it's like you have, you know, the entirety of the sandbox to play in, but you get like your edges defined. So it's like, okay, well, I know how big my sandbox is and it's not like the Sahara desert, if you will, of like analysis paralysis. 01:12:46.97 SkylineStars ah 01:12:48.42 sidekqpodcast It's like, okay, here are my, here are my roles. Here are my things I have to work with. And then bam, let's play. 01:12:54.60 SkylineStars Yeah, yeah, absolutely. 01:12:56.60 sidekqpodcast cool yeah so we're here now in the final section of the show called final thoughts very aptly named but yeah I always like to check in with the guest and figure out you know how was your time on the show did you like it did you vibe all that good sort of kind of stuff 01:13:13.15 SkylineStars Yeah, this was super fun. Usually when I play D and&D, i have I am the forever player, so sort of taking the role into figuring out NPC and writing their story and getting their quest was different, but it was still like, it was challenging in the way that like, it it's like ah like a brainteaser. 01:13:31.26 sidekqpodcast Yeah well certainly you know we've made our way up to a hundred and thirty episodes so we've got a good amount of NPCs and side quests that have already been thought up of you know in combination with me but certainly by guess of this illustrious podcast so 01:13:31.67 SkylineStars Almost, yeah. 01:13:45.62 SkylineStars and 01:13:48.52 SkylineStars see 01:13:48.81 sidekqpodcast You know, if you feel like you've gotten your itch now, like, oh, I could be a DM. This is easy. Or, you know, with a little bit of a prompting, a little bit of ah a morale courage boost, it's like, yeah, I could be a DM. Then, you know, I've got a whole cornucopia of characters that you could definitely use and stick in your game. No problem. 01:14:05.57 SkylineStars Yeah, yeah, or I could just do the random roller and see what comes out 01:14:10.78 sidekqpodcast Exactly. Yeah, you could totally do that, too. I believe, you know, at one point, ah Katie and Ben for their ah show that they were doing, they were like, oh, we love this idea of the random roller. We should totally do this for our game and just invent a bunch of different tables and make up NPCs for our game world that way live on Twitch and stuff like that and have that fun with the community of being able to invent NPCs on the spot and stuff like that. So totally. 01:14:37.56 SkylineStars Yeah. 01:14:39.94 sidekqpodcast So of course, you know, this is, uh, you know, you know, certainly, you know, final thoughts, you know, any other feedback or critiques. Um, but before I, I totally, you know, end the episode, I always like to have the guests, uh, take the stage, the microphone, the soapbox, uh, the platform and to be able to promote and plug, you know, where we can find you on social media, where you want to be followed. If you do, um, you know, all the, you know the various wonderful things that you've got going on and that any passions or projects or causes that you want to let us know about laid on us. 01:15:13.95 SkylineStars Yeah, of course. um As always, I'm Skyline Stars or Sky for short. You can find my cosplay content over on Instagram at SkylineStars.com. Oh, not that. We'll try that one again. Yeah, as always, I'm Skyline Stars or Sky. You can find me on the internet. I'm over on Instagram at Skyline dot.Stars. I'm also on TikTok and YouTube if you want to check out more video content. And if you like cloaks and you have a room fair coming up, you can check out my cloak brand, Enchanted Moth Hollow, and that is all across the internet as Enchanted Moth Hollow with two H's, or check out our online shop, EnchantedMothHollow.com. 01:15:55.93 sidekqpodcast Wonderful. Well, again, Skye, thank you so much for being a guest on the podcast. I can't wait to have you back on, making even more interesting NPCs. 01:16:03.35 SkylineStars Mm 01:16:09.21 sidekqpodcast okay so we'll 01:16:28.45 SkylineStars hmm.