00:00:05.20 sidekqpodcast Hello and welcome to another exciting episode of Sidekicks and SideQuest, the best unofficial Dungeons and Dragons podcast in my humbly biased opinion. I've got an amazing pair of guests for you this week, but before I get to my guests, I have to leave you in suspense with the ad read. Insert clever thing here where I do the thingamabob and fix it in post-editing. All right, well, ah we've got a an interesting dynamic duo ah for you today. I guess that I have been ah a long time trying to get on the show and then a wonderful returning face. 00:00:40.40 sidekqpodcast So without much further ado, hello mystery contestants. Would you care to introduce yourselves? Tell us who it is that you are and what is it you do? 00:00:45.78 Johnny Stanton IV I just, I just want to say Travis just pulled off a long sleeve to reveal that he's wearing the shirt of my former team, which I'm sure he's just trying to get at me right now. 00:00:55.57 Travis This was a literal coincidence, but I'm not mad about it. 00:00:58.47 Johnny Stanton IV Oh my that's you're lying. Okay. 00:01:00.74 Travis I'm not lying. 00:01:00.86 Johnny Stanton IV My name is Johnny. Stan. This is Travis Reeves. 00:01:03.94 Travis Who's not a liar? 00:01:07.73 sidekqpodcast Awesome, yeah. 00:01:08.37 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:01:10.30 sidekqpodcast ah 00:01:10.60 Johnny Stanton IV Thank you for having us. 00:01:11.73 sidekqpodcast Oh, yeah, of course. Yes. So, um you know, good, fair listeners of this podcast will recall Johnny has been on ah for his own standalone episode. And then, of course, he was part of the inaugural ah successful parlays at the platter ah panel style episodes that we've been experimenting with. ah We just recorded number three. So stay tuned. Public RSS feed should hopefully have that dropping soon. But if you want to hear it early, maybe you should go check out the Patreon. um And then, of course, Travis, you know, you and I, um I think our only real interaction one time before is when Andrew Strother was doing his one year anniversary stream thing for Roll for Persuasion. 00:01:39.89 Johnny Stanton IV Go to it. 00:01:52.90 Travis Oh my God. 00:01:53.05 sidekqpodcast And you and and Beth and KP and ah and Travis ah ah ah from Demiplane and all these other fine folks that were all on together for the call. 00:02:01.71 Johnny Stanton IV Did I miss the call, Travis? 00:02:04.04 sidekqpodcast And I think that's where you and I first interacted and ah and try to make something work, but then the universe conspired against us. 00:02:12.10 Travis Yeah. The universe being my inability to regularly check my Twitter DMS, but well we'll pin that on the universe. Sure. No problem. But ah yeah, I remember that fondly. 00:02:19.59 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 00:02:21.53 Travis Man, what a wild time. That was right when Johnny and I had shortly after we had met, like within months. 00:02:29.97 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. Can we give you a little bit like of an intro of how we met? Cause it's a pretty fun story. 00:02:32.81 sidekqpodcast Yeah, go for it. 00:02:35.28 Johnny Stanton IV Um, I was a fan of Dungeons and Dies before I met Travis. And I think I was following Beth's Instagram or Twitter or something when she posted Travis's little DIY ad for, um, pandemic, uh, virtual guitar lessons. 00:02:43.04 Travis Mm-hmm. 00:02:54.66 Travis This is correct. Beth May of Dungeons and Daddies fame, also an author and a poet in her own right, um screenwriter, ah was my roommate at the time. 00:02:58.18 sidekqpodcast Mm hmm. 00:03:04.73 Travis We all lived together in a tiny little house by the airport. All seven of us slept in one big bed, like the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory grandparents. And ah the pandemic had recently shut down the music school I was working at in Mid-City. And I was like, well, I can teach online. I can do that. In fact, I already was doing that with the school. But I was like, I could do it. and keep all the money. So as a fun little art project, Beth helped me shoot and edit a short commercial for guitar. 00:03:27.23 sidekqpodcast oh 00:03:34.08 Johnny Stanton IV I need to watch that again. It's been too long since I've seen this and it was so funny. 00:03:37.77 Travis You know what's really funny about it is that this was back when, before the advent of reels on Instagram, when videos were still 60 seconds maximum. 00:03:47.08 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:03:47.32 Travis So I don't have the original file anymore. The only thing I have is the condensed version, which isn't that we cut anything out of it. We just squished it. So it plays at like 1.4 speed. 00:03:58.09 Johnny Stanton IV It was just faster. 00:04:00.71 Travis Yeah. Like I sound insane in that thing. 00:04:07.25 Johnny Stanton IV Well, I mean, there's, there's a there a good chance that listeners are listening to us at 1.5 speed right now. and So just imagine Travis's voice like this, but slower in real life. 00:04:13.94 Travis Yeah, so check out the ad. It's the same thing. 00:04:20.13 Travis And ah Johnny, you know, ah adventurous souls he was, was like, that was funny enough. Let's try it. He's like, that was funny. That must mean he's good at guitar. I don't know what you what your logic was, but I appreciate it. 00:04:29.70 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. Yeah. Now, and we've, we've, it's been a ah burgeoning friendship ever since. I think it's past the point of burgeoning. I would say that we've, we, it's been like four years now. 00:04:37.88 Travis Oh, full blown. It's certainly more valid than our relationship as ah musical education partners was. 00:04:47.06 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, that's fair. 00:04:50.35 sidekqpodcast Yeah, so ah keen listeners of podcasts everywhere, especially you know as Johnny was mentioning, fans of Dungeons and Daddies, you know they've heard Travis' name a time or two because Freddie Wong always shouts it out at the end of every episode saying, oh, additional editing ah by Travis Reeves. And as you were saying, oh, you were you know roommates with Beth May, who also shout out to her, has been a previous guest of the show. ah you know I know she's finishing up with ah you know all the big touring and stuff like that for the their podcast. so Uh, well, we'll have to have her back around sometime for sure, but. 00:05:23.12 Johnny Stanton IV Somewhat successful podcast I'm 00:05:25.27 Travis Yeah. 00:05:25.15 sidekqpodcast Yeah, yeah, you know, moderately successful. You know, I think they got a pretty good. 00:05:28.83 Johnny Stanton IV really rooting for them That's crazy Well enough about a different podcast we're on this podcast Hmm 00:05:29.92 sidekqpodcast Yeah, yeah. 00:05:33.08 Travis They're going to the UK. That's their next tour in October, 2024. They're going to the UK. 00:05:40.54 sidekqpodcast Merry old England. 00:05:40.85 Travis abroad. Yeah. And merry old Netherlands. Yeah. 00:05:46.28 sidekqpodcast Yeah, and and so travis that's where Travis has his chops and now ah the two of you have combined forces ah because you both are now working on a podcast. This is something that ah that Johnny teased about ah on his panel episode that he did with but with ah with ah the other ah mentioned Travis Frederick and Joshua Simons where he's like, oh, you know, I'm thinking about doing like this this TikTok thing for athletics check where it's just like a a tiny snippet and stuff like that, but now this is like whole, yeah wholeheartedly come out now as a full podcast. So can you tell us about the athletics check podcast? 00:06:24.47 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, it's funny because the ah the evolution of it from like ah TikTok how to become a nerd or like how to become a sports fan. It didn't, it wasn't, it didn't become a podcast because it was successful on on TikTok. It was because it was so hard to make a fully produced like TikTok like multiple times a week. 00:06:44.92 sidekqpodcast Mmhmm. Mmhmm. 00:06:49.70 Johnny Stanton IV Like, you know, you spending a couple hours writing and spending a couple hours shooting it and editing it altogether, you know, like trying to do that multiple times to a point where you're actually creating actual menom on TikTok. is exhausting. And what I decided was I have so many people like I think more than most I've been able to learn about people in the D and&D and TTRPG industry and their sports fandom because I am kind of the touch point for most people within who are like creators, performers, writers, whatever, like, oh, my gosh, well, I'm a big fan of the Patriots and I'm a big fan of Lakers or whatever. And I'm kind of the I get to be the person that they talk to about that. 00:07:28.91 sidekqpodcast Mm. 00:07:29.35 Johnny Stanton IV And same thing with sports. i When people see that I am just a big nerd, they they they take get to talk to me about like board games or anime or whatever. So that's my opportunity of turning those conversations into a listenable thing. And when it came to how I wanted the podcast to be formatted, because there's ah there's, you know, in in essence, it's it's an interview show. But I think what we what we do is take a lot of inspiration or at least in format wise of Kona needs a friend. I'm ah I am a fan of of that podcast. And um I think their format with having Sona and Matt be at the very beginning of the episode and the ah at the end of the episode. 00:08:08.32 Johnny Stanton IV is really great to be able to show that, you know, that back and forth, that chemistry and Travis is somebody that I've been able to develop a a ton of chemistry with. I think Travis is one of the funniest people I know. So he, you know, he's, he's always, I know it's pretty sad. No, he always tries. He always makes me look good. Um, he he's, he's improv trained and he he knows how to, how to set somebody else up. And, um, I'm, I'm always learning from him. And, um, sometimes I teach him a thing or two. 00:08:35.12 Travis That's right, that's right 00:08:37.43 sidekqpodcast and And thanks to our mutual friend, Andrew Strather, as well. 00:08:41.56 Johnny Stanton IV yeah 00:08:41.44 sidekqpodcast um you know It's how I also learned that ah Travis himself is also a ah TTRPG star, if you will, because you know he got his start on a little show called 20-Sided Stories. And so I've enjoyed listening to the various characters. ah that ah that travis has inhabited ah through their productions whether it was been pokemon or i think there was like a hot minute where you did like some sort of like. 00:09:00.35 Johnny Stanton IV Thank 00:09:06.51 sidekqpodcast ah Twilight one shot sort of a thing to you getting to be some sort of little powder monkey on a pirate adventure which did that properly wrap up or am i remembering this writer we still waiting for like the last episode or two to come out on that. 00:09:07.83 Johnny Stanton IV you. 00:09:21.06 Travis I think we're listening for the last waiting excuse me ah waiting on the last episode or 12. That was a a significant record that, ah credit to Sage, he has been up in literal Alaska hacking away at that, like I assume people who used to live in um Alaska hacked away at coal mines or something. 00:09:34.90 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:09:42.02 Travis I don't know what to do there. but um 00:09:43.36 sidekqpodcast Painting for gold. 00:09:44.78 Travis Yeah, yeah, yeah, like hacking away at the gold panning. I haven't re used my hands for an honest day's work as we can all ah figure out by this point. 00:09:48.28 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 00:09:54.44 Travis ah Suffice all that to say, Yeah, I don't know when that's coming out, but you know, eventually, but that's been a, that was a very fun project to, to get to do, um, to call everyone, anyone from that show a star is kind, but I think the content certainly is worth that designation because it's really punching above its weight class in terms of listenership. 00:10:01.03 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 00:10:21.85 Travis And that's credit to the. 00:10:23.24 Johnny Stanton IV the listenership, the production value was always such a, like, you know, The talent obviously, you know, was, was incredible, but the production value that Sage was able to bring to it was always so incredible. 00:10:27.01 sidekqpodcast Oh, yeah. 00:10:35.23 Travis Yeah. 00:10:36.68 Johnny Stanton IV I remember that's what really got me through the 2020 season. I think I don't think it was 2021 season, but just travels and like plane rides and stuff. I usually, I have, I would, I used to have 20 sided stories in my ears to listen on the, you know, in my earbuds. 00:10:47.97 Travis That means so much. 00:10:52.96 Johnny Stanton IV So that's, uh, that's the way I would, I would travel, you know, from Cleveland to Baltimore or Cleveland, LA or whatever it was. 00:11:00.00 Travis ah 00:11:00.39 sidekqpodcast Well, I can, I can definitely, uh, uh, uh, you know, add on to that or attest to that as well. Cause when my son was born and we had to move in with my in-laws, uh, you know, after paternity leave and getting to work remote for a while, it was like, okay, you got to drive into the office four days a week. 00:11:09.39 Travis Yeah. Oh. 00:11:17.64 sidekqpodcast And so my parent my in-laws you know live out in you know east texas and you know my work is in dallas so i was having to commute in total about. Three hours a day and it was really instrumental having twenty sided stories that's how i got through ah the pokemon stuff and that was really cool the list of pokemon in the marvel stuff. 00:11:31.04 Travis ah 00:11:40.07 Johnny Stanton IV Marvel series is great. 00:11:40.30 sidekqpodcast uh the marvel series was really good and very inventive um and then of course even and then even more recently like with the with the pirates of uh of the public domain has been very fun as you know speaking to me as someone who loves pirates and you know the Pirates of the Caribbean when that came out in the early 2000s and and all that time like so it's just oh the internet and piracy and like that's just very fun and very clever 00:11:41.66 Travis Thank you. 00:11:51.43 Travis Yeah, yeah. Sure. 00:12:05.08 Travis That's fantastic. yeah I encourage anybody who, if any of these keywords are setting off a little light bulb in your head, go check it out. because Everybody works way too hard on it, particularly Sage. Like a lot of this stuff, particularly this pirate season is like singular vision, saw seen through with no competence, just tyranny of will stuff. Just, I'm just gonna do this, and I'm gonna do it until it gets done, and I'm not gonna call it done until it's what I want. And usually that leads to ruin, and it might've led to ulcers, but it led to a pretty good show too. 00:12:40.50 sidekqpodcast And that captain, the voice acting on the captain is just fantastic. I love that. 00:12:44.46 Johnny Stanton IV no David's a character. 00:12:44.47 Travis That is my also my roommate, David Mitch Merheisen, who we have been friends since third grade. Yeah, he is a character just in life. 00:12:55.77 Travis That's funny. He's in bed right now. I'll tell him that after we're done. 00:12:58.23 Johnny Stanton IV so 00:12:59.23 sidekqpodcast Oh, good. Very nice. 00:13:00.36 Travis Yeah. 00:13:00.19 sidekqpodcast Yeah. No, wake him up right now. Make him an unofficial guest on the podcast. No, just kidding. 00:13:05.04 Travis I can't think of anything he'd, no offense to you, but he's he's like, i think i'm I think I've podcasted enough for one decade. 00:13:05.53 sidekqpodcast ah 00:13:12.55 sidekqpodcast Ah, fair enough. Yeah. And so, you know, if you haven't listened to athletics check yet, you know, you've had, uh, you know, Amy Vorpahl was the inaugural episode and you've had a most recently iffy, uh, was on, and then the one that I was kind of surprised about and really did enjoy, uh, was a senior McElroy. 00:13:27.17 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:13:33.26 sidekqpodcast I was like, that was a really cool episode to listen to him talk about, oh, the old timers and hanging out and stuff like that. 00:13:33.73 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:13:39.92 sidekqpodcast So, uh, 00:13:40.91 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, we've had some really fun people on the show. Obviously if you are a TTRPG fan, which if you're listening to this podcast, I would assume you are. Amy Vorpal, Clint McElroy, If You Wanna Way, all these names that you would know, uh, coming up, we have, uh, we have Beth's episode coming up soon and we have, um, a very cool episode with, uh, Ned Donovan and Kari Payton. 00:13:57.41 sidekqpodcast Ooh. 00:14:03.79 Johnny Stanton IV Um, the creators of, uh, Travis is responding to, um, a, 00:14:09.66 Travis very cool because I very messed it up. 00:14:11.08 Johnny Stanton IV a very, it was an outdoor episode that, um, just that we lost the light, unfortunately, because of one of the hosts, one of the hosts of the show ended up forgetting a piece of equipment that was very necessary, unfortunately. 00:14:16.59 sidekqpodcast Oh. 00:14:20.78 Travis I lost the light. I lost the light. 00:14:27.77 Johnny Stanton IV But, um, yeah. 00:14:27.92 Travis Hey, at the time I wasn't a host, I was just a tech, so, you know. 00:14:31.01 sidekqpodcast oh 00:14:31.72 Johnny Stanton IV and but they They're the the creators of Encounter Party. It's an awesome show. Ned is a good friend of mine. Kari is a talent ah if by by anybody's estimation. He is an incredible, incredible actor. 00:14:42.77 Travis Uh 00:14:44.74 Johnny Stanton IV um And then you know ah we get to talk to, not only do we get to talk to nerds about their sports interests, but we get to talk to athletes about what they're nerdy about. 00:14:47.99 Travis -huh. 00:14:53.37 Johnny Stanton IV So the first episode with an athlete was with a good friend of mine by the name of Reed Sennett. 00:14:56.98 sidekqpodcast Mmm. Mm-hmm. 00:14:58.45 Johnny Stanton IV who is a quarterback in the UFL, uh, this season and played very well, but was also in the NFL for a lot, and a number of years could very well go back to the NFL now that his season is over. Um, but he backed up guys like, uh, Tom Brady, Joe burrow, um, to a Tala Viola. I, print I butchered that. 00:15:16.72 Travis Nope. 00:15:17.96 Johnny Stanton IV Yep. Now I butchered it. 00:15:18.82 Travis Nope. 00:15:19.28 Johnny Stanton IV ah But, uh, thank you. 00:15:19.62 Travis Tongue of I well, crap. Now I can't remember how it goes. Tongue of I loa. Tongue of I loa. I got it. Yeah. 00:15:24.78 Johnny Stanton IV Um, But yeah, Reed is a guy that is a good friend of mine and somebody that I really, really look up to. And then the next athlete episode was Ryan Nemeth, who is an AEW wrestler, at the Hollywood hunk. And he is one of the funniest people. 00:15:37.51 sidekqpodcast o 00:15:39.31 Johnny Stanton IV He's a part-time comedian. Like he's a standup and improver and just a ah really, really interesting guy. And he, that that man is obsessed with sharks. 00:15:47.08 sidekqpodcast Mmm Yeah coming up shark week yeah, I'm surprised they didn't ask him to host it they have John Cena doing it and they didn't ask him Mmm 00:15:47.79 Travis Great hang. 00:15:48.02 Johnny Stanton IV He loves sharks so much. 00:15:53.21 Johnny Stanton IV Good. I know it. They should, that but, uh, but it was so fun to get into that and kind of the history. Cause he wasn't just in the the recent iron claw movie. Um, and he's a, uh, yeah, he's a really, really great guy. So future episodes, um, you know, we, we have some really cool athletes coming up, uh, and sports personalities. We're kind of keeping the, um, everything pretty like the scope pretty wide because, you know, who's to say that, um, Travis isn't a jock or that I'm an out of nerd or what have you. 00:16:26.06 Travis ah 00:16:25.83 sidekqpodcast Right. 00:16:27.51 Travis I mean, I can be 00:16:27.98 Johnny Stanton IV I did, I did, I think make you the nerd, like the, uh, asumptive nerd in that situation. 00:16:33.13 Travis a sumptuous nerd. Which is funny, because you play way more Dungeons and Dragons than I do, but your jock stats are so unbelievably, as the kids would say, OP, p that it just relegates me to nerd by just comparison. 00:16:37.06 Johnny Stanton IV wait more 00:16:49.33 Johnny Stanton IV Hey, we're going to get that elbow fixed. Don't you worry. 00:16:51.66 Travis Hey, I'm we're doing all right. Now I'm working on it. Oh man, I got this, this little, this bad, this butt thing. I got a butt nerve problem working on right now. 00:16:57.59 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, good. I'm sure the listeners want to listen about that. 00:16:59.78 Travis Butt nerves. Look, sciatica, it's not a hoax. 00:17:04.74 Johnny Stanton IV Okay. 00:17:05.66 Travis um so You heard it here first. 00:17:05.66 Johnny Stanton IV Kurt, what do you got for us? 00:17:06.76 sidekqpodcast sure yeah well this is an interesting sure so this is an interesting dynamic because this is travis's first time on the show and this is a revisit for johnny so in one way it gets to be like a recapitulation of the questions for johnny but then for travis this is a fresh take so you know you were ah mentioning oh johnny plays way more d and&d than me which is a perfect segue to the question, ah you know do you currently have you ever played D and&D? 00:17:10.52 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:17:15.80 Travis Mm-hmm. 00:17:16.14 Johnny Stanton IV yeah 00:17:31.24 sidekqpodcast Or certainly in Johnny's case, you know since the last time we spoke, which would have been you know your individual episode and the panel episode, what more D and&D have you done or TTRPGs have you done? 00:17:42.84 Johnny Stanton IV Travis, do we want to answer for each other or do you want to answer for for yourself? 00:17:45.93 Travis I mean, okay, if I could answer for you, I would just say, what D and&D haven't you done? 00:17:51.64 Johnny Stanton IV OK, I'll answer for myself could because this is the part where I get to plug something else. 00:17:56.61 Travis Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 00:17:56.79 Johnny Stanton IV This is. 00:17:57.34 Travis This is too important to to let me fumble. 00:17:57.75 Johnny Stanton IV um Yeah, I don't want you to mess it up. 00:17:59.94 Travis Go for it. 00:18:01.04 Johnny Stanton IV um No, so I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons, um but a lot of it just because I've been so busy with a D and&D book, a fifth edition book that we were kick-starting that I haven't been able to play as much as I'd like if it wasn't for streams or for live shows that are coming up. So for example, um basically what what this is is we're we're creating this fifth edition book for tattoos and pirates called Sink, S-I-N-K, exclamation point, exclamation point, it's very important. um 00:18:32.23 Johnny Stanton IV we We are kick-starting this book. It's got subclasses. It's got its own mini campaign adventure that can run for about 10 sessions, bringing you from levels ten to from three to 10 or so. um We have a bunch of magic item tattoos, enough that we're going to be able to fill out a whole playing card deck, which we're very excited about the art for. um We have modular dungeons, um you know, plug and play adventure kind of thing that even if you're not playing a pirate campaign or even an islands in general, you can just plug this into your game and have a dungeon as opposed to like a one shot that you can plug and play. 00:19:03.37 Johnny Stanton IV This is a dungeon that'll be like, you know, you'll be able to handle yourself through a couple sessions while your players push through this dungeon sink. 00:19:10.91 Travis Thank 00:19:12.19 Johnny Stanton IV We're very, very excited for sink. It launches in September. um But the best way to be able to be notified about all of the very cool things as well as get on the vip list and the vip list gets you access to an exclusive pin that you can get for one dollar that won't be available during the campaign called the storm in a bottle pin. 00:19:16.69 Travis you. 00:19:29.41 Johnny Stanton IV It's filled with glitter and it's liquid. It looks like a ship in a bottle. It's very fun. Um, but the best way to keep in touch with what we've got going on is, uh, by going to get dot sync rpg dot.com. Um, yeah, we' we've got a couple of live shows coming. I don't know when this is going on, but we have a San Diego comic on August 7th. 00:19:47.80 sidekqpodcast August 7th 00:19:50.24 Johnny Stanton IV Okay. So this is unfortunately after a San Diego comic con and Gen Con shows, but, um, it was so good. 00:19:53.65 Travis It was great, though, wasn't it? Boy, did we have fun. 00:19:56.22 Johnny Stanton IV I wasn't nervous at all. And I'm sure I did perfectly. 00:19:57.87 Travis Yeah. 00:19:59.43 Johnny Stanton IV Um, but we've got some really cool people in that. And yeah, that's kind of what I got going on. Travis, you talk now. 00:20:06.36 Travis I just want to point out that nothing encapsulates, and to my mind, the range that athletics check represents more than an NFL fullback saying, yeah, it's called a storm in a bottle. It's got glitter. It's great. Just like if you needed to know where the spectrum like the the walls were of the building, that's that's how that's how yeah, that's that's where the goalposts are. 00:20:27.05 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:20:29.78 Johnny Stanton IV I have layers. 00:20:33.06 Travis um me talk now about my D and&D experience. Well, most of my time um engaging with Tabletop is in the editing room where I'm cutting Dungeons and Daddies bonus content, monthly bonus content, their New Kingdom Dad Monster series, my roommate, Esther and I. 00:20:51.11 sidekqpodcast Mmm. 00:20:52.46 Travis As you can tell, my career is largely based out of like nepotism. um People just hiring each other and handing the same $20 bill back and forth. 00:20:59.35 Johnny Stanton IV I think it's just more vicinity than anything else. 00:21:02.12 Travis Yeah, it's like sort of like nepotism, proximity, laziness and ah knowing that we can all be kind of accountable to each other, but also knowing we can get one over on each other. but It's like, oh, I'm late. Don't be mad at me because. 00:21:20.44 Johnny Stanton IV I interrupted Travis, but Esther Ellis, the main editor for the daddy's podcast is another one of his roommates. 00:21:25.21 Travis This is correct, Esther Ellis. 00:21:28.80 Travis self made editor, ah creator of the fiction podcast station blue, also the goblet wire, and some show we've been working on since 2018 that will come out probably never but if it does, it's gonna be good. And also on the 20 side of the story is Marvel season um is one of the supporting players. 00:21:45.00 Johnny Stanton IV oh that's right yeah 00:21:44.76 sidekqpodcast oh Yeah. 00:21:47.67 Travis And what else? 00:21:48.85 sidekqpodcast Also instrumental with the story break as well, which is another fantastic podcast, which I wish it would come back, but I understand why they're not doing it, but I wish it would come back. 00:21:52.03 Travis Yes. 00:21:59.42 Travis Yeah, sometimes revenue just wins out. you know um Also instrumental in that they're now learning to play the theremin and also my big time clown pal as we've been going to the east side of Los Angeles pretty regularly as of late to do 00:22:06.70 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, it's right. How did that go on Sunday? 00:22:14.22 Travis Oh, it's great. I don't really know. I was in sort of like a fever dream state of of live scoring a bunch of silent clown performances. Esther had a great time. Their second round particularly went really well. um And yeah, ah improv is dead, long live clown. It's great. um But D and&D, I haven't really played it in a while. Anything tabletop ah adjacent. It's not for lack of wanting, it's just for lack of time. And to be honest, like my involvement with 20-Sided Stories as an actor was largely born out of my relationship with Sage and some of the original cast from our community college improv team. And this was just an extension of that. 00:22:58.02 Travis and In such, we all sort of were a little lukewarm on D and&D proper, which is why those systems for every season were home-brewed. Now, Sage didn't need to create a whole system, but again, he's singular of mind and desire, and I respect him for that deeply. Um, so a lot of those were kind of bare bones, flexible one pagers or something to that effect where they were dynamic in that, like with the Pokemon season, 20 sided stories, we were able to use like a battle emulator to do the battles like you would on the game boy, as opposed to like rolling die. Marvel had some infinity stone stuff. Pirates. I still don't understand how that combat works. 00:23:36.63 Travis um And then the one shots were even more kind of parched down and things as sort of unique as like in the hospital drama episode like using monologues as opposed to like attack roles. 00:23:47.37 sidekqpodcast Oh, yeah. 00:23:48.21 Johnny Stanton IV Oh my god, I forgot about that episode. 00:23:49.24 Travis as And in the DBZ episode, using exposition unnecessary exposition to ah get bonuses on attempts of things. 00:23:51.02 sidekqpodcast I need to go back and listen to all this now. 00:23:58.60 Johnny Stanton IV Ridiculous. 00:23:59.47 Travis So with that, like I've had experience long before playing Pathfinder and like ah a little bit of 5e once or twice now and then. but um I find my taste, this is such a long answer, to be more of the arcade variety. like I'll play, I like short, repeatable experiences, even in like my gaming habits. like I'd rather play Super Smash Bros. or Burnout 3 than like Final Fantasy. Just let's do something that I can do fun, quick, disposable, you know more about the people than the mechanics. 00:24:32.14 Travis Which is not to say that's not, that seems to be kind of the vibe in the pop culture D and&D comm community, as it were anyways, story over mechanics. 00:24:38.99 sidekqpodcast Well, Baldur's Gate 3. 00:24:40.92 Travis Right. And then that and in gaming, ball just get which is just in interact you know video game D and&D. So I appreciate that about where the industry, which is cool we get to use that term, is now where it's like story and characters and personality over mechanics. I just still have that bias from 2008 where it's like it's either crunchy or it's not. 00:25:01.10 sidekqpodcast Mm. 00:25:01.49 Travis you know so And i it's just you can try to get anybody together to play more than two times in a row. Like it doesn't work unless you make it a podcast. 00:25:09.31 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. I mean, I think a lot of, a lot of the, um, like the goal of getting a gaming table together in the first place is to be around the people that you love, the people that you want to be able to joke around with. And you already have a lot of that with like, you know, being roommates with 17 people who are all like creators in their own right. 00:25:30.57 Travis but I live in a shoe? Why would I be German in that scenario? It's fine. 00:25:36.81 sidekqpodcast oh You know grim fairy tales and all that I suppose yeah You're doing doing excellent and I'll i'll try and make sure that I'm a brief where I need to be brief so 00:25:39.21 Travis That's it. That's it. Sorry, I am, as ah as a disclaimer to you all and and to the listeners, I started a new job this week, and I'm readjusting my sleep schedule, so I'm on few, few right now. 00:25:50.57 Johnny Stanton IV You're doing great. 00:25:54.26 Travis Thank you. 00:26:00.08 Travis Oh, just rein me in. Tell me to shut up. It's fine. 00:26:03.07 sidekqpodcast No, no, no. though I think Andrew on his podcast said like, no, the whole point of a podcast is that like the guest talks because it's like it not as exciting when the host is just blathering on and on. 00:26:10.28 Johnny Stanton IV you 00:26:14.01 sidekqpodcast It's like, no, I've invited my guests and I want my guests to be able to express themselves. So that's totally the vibe here as well. So ah you're welcome. 00:26:21.72 Travis Very kind. 00:26:23.75 sidekqpodcast And as this podcast is called Sidekicks and Sidequests, we like to focus on the background characters, you know, not the main characters and not the main stories. So the first of those questions here, who happens to be your favorite NPC or sidekick character? Whether they be from a TTRPG, a video game, movie film, television, et cetera. And why is this character your favorite NPC or sidekick character? Or in Johnny's case, what's a new or interesting kind of sidekick or NPC character you've come across and and why is this new character interesting to you? 00:27:00.11 Johnny Stanton IV Travis, you go first. 00:27:00.74 Travis Yeah, it came to me immediately. I don't even know if this is true or not, but improv instincts, it's Millhouse from The Simpsons. 00:27:06.67 sidekqpodcast who 00:27:08.55 Travis al 00:27:09.36 sidekqpodcast Very strong and NPC energy. 00:27:12.07 Travis Alf's back in pog form. Like, can't be, you know, his password was, his username was Thrillhouse, but it it stopped after Thrillho. Like, it's bulletproof. the band teacher going, nobody likes Millhouse. There's not a, to my mind, a better encapsulation from a childlike or adult perspective of what it is to have a loser best friend. And boy, love him for it. 00:27:42.33 Johnny Stanton IV For me, I'll go with a great choice, by the way. For me, I'll go with a ah show, the most recent show that I watched, which was season three, The Bear. 00:27:45.93 Travis Thanks. 00:27:52.11 Johnny Stanton IV um And I don't know like I would I would say maybe Cousin Richie is a little bit of a sidekick. 00:27:53.64 sidekqpodcast you 00:28:00.14 Johnny Stanton IV um Not that he would ever admit that, but I think especially since he he went through his stash over at um Ever. at the you know the big Michelin star restaurant. um He's definitely like kind of taken on that role, but he's he's ah he's a ah side quick that will give you no nonsense. he'll He'll put you in your place. ah Say what you will about season three. I have plenty of to say about it, but I think he's definitely one that stands out. 00:28:25.22 Travis Uh huh. 00:28:30.14 sidekqpodcast OK, and then ah same thing with the side quest question. What's been one of your favorite side quests or B plot elements in any of those categories that I mentioned before? And why is this? Why is this B plot element or side quest your favorite or new side quest your favorite? 00:28:49.24 Travis Well, speaking to my personal experience, it'd have to be, this isn't immediate, this is just my life, doing a lot of clown in Los Angeles. It's been a hell of a side quest. 00:29:00.26 sidekqpodcast Mm-hmm 00:29:00.96 Travis I don't make any money on it, and neither does anybody else, ah but it's a really fun art form that I find fascinating. 00:29:08.06 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, I was going to say the, there, there was a Tik TOK trend that I saw. I don't know if it was a trend or just one video where this brother and sister were talking about side quests that they went on through their life of like, Hey, remember when you went to Australia for three months and then you came back like with an accent or something? Just like that kind of idea that like getting to recognize the side quests and other people or in yourself that like, Oh, that was a weird part of my life that like just kind of gave me the experience points to get me further along in my main quest. Um, Yeah, I think, um, one of my favorite ones that come to mind in terms of like, again, I don't think we necessarily answering the way that, that you're expecting us to for like side quests, but, uh, learning the ukulele was always a favorite one of mine. 00:29:49.28 Johnny Stanton IV Cause that was literally a side quest for me in my senior year of high school, because that I was trying to figure out how to spend my time while recovering from my ACL injury. 00:29:52.35 Travis Nice. 00:29:57.68 Johnny Stanton IV I'm like, learning the ukulele sounds like a fun way of doing that. 00:29:57.82 sidekqpodcast Mmm Yeah 00:30:00.63 Johnny Stanton IV And it became a personality for a good year or so. 00:30:04.62 Travis Big man, small guitar. 00:30:06.42 Johnny Stanton IV Exactly. 00:30:07.82 Travis um Speaking outside of myself, it came to mind, though it is still in the real life, trying to draw some more ah sports and nerd crossovers. It's a bit of a meme at this point, but the Jimmy Butler regular season side quests, you know, he started a coffee company, he'll go to Brazil, he'll tame horses, he'll show up. 00:30:20.45 Johnny Stanton IV Yes. 00:30:24.30 Johnny Stanton IV Straighten his hair. 00:30:26.75 Travis Yeah, do the emo swoop for media day, do the dreads for media day. Jimmy Butler is a basketball player, placed in the Miami Heat, ah noted eccentric, and just picks side. And one of his teammates was quoted as saying, yeah, I don't know. Jimmy just kind of does side quests throughout the regular season and then locks in for the playoffs. And the quote was under him riding a horse in New York City. And it's like, yep, that's what that is. 00:30:49.49 Johnny Stanton IV I don't know if there's ever ah ever been a better encapsulation of what the NBA season looks like. Like, yeah, you don't have to pay attention until the red playoffs start anyway. 00:30:57.40 Travis Yeah, not our players don't even. 00:31:00.35 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:31:01.97 sidekqpodcast Wonderful. 00:31:02.90 Travis What about you, Kurt? 00:31:02.92 sidekqpodcast ah Me? 00:31:04.53 Travis Do you have a favorite? 00:31:04.60 sidekqpodcast A favorite favorite side quest. 00:31:05.05 Travis Yeah. 00:31:07.28 sidekqpodcast Ooh. I'm just trying to think of the last couple of games that I've played. you know With a three-year-old running around the house, I can't ah exactly just be like, oh, Dead Island 2. 00:31:18.18 Travis Yeah. 00:31:17.91 sidekqpodcast Exploding zombie heads are totally fine for a three-year-old to see. But um no, just I finally finished um Star Wars Fallen Order, Jedi Fallen Order, with Cal Kestis. 00:31:27.99 Johnny Stanton IV hi I wanted know wanted to play that. 00:31:29.95 Travis Nice. 00:31:30.69 sidekqpodcast And I think it was really fun um doing, the I guess, the side quests, which is basically just finding all the collectibles, which is really fun of like ah you you know big ah the main starting planet. like you know I was like, I want to get these secrets, but how do I do it? It's like, oh, I have to play the game and like learn the skill to be able to double jump and wall run to be able to swing on the vine to like finally get to the area that I needed to find the the force echo or whatever it was to work my way to basically near completion of everything in the game. 00:32:03.17 sidekqpodcast So that was ah a fun game. And it's like um I know with my just most recent previous guest, Wes Murrow, we were like, oh yeah, this Outlaws game is coming out where you get to be like a Han Solo type. But I'm waiting for the Mandalorian game to come out. like I would be more interested in getting to be like a Mandalorian, getting to make like all my armor and all that stuff, and get to just be taking on Jedi or whatever it is. 00:32:18.40 Travis Mm. 00:32:25.10 Travis Piska. 00:32:29.09 Travis Yeah. 00:32:28.97 sidekqpodcast ah be Yeah, really cool. 00:32:30.50 Johnny Stanton IV I'm sure Disney has all the plans in the works. 00:32:33.37 sidekqpodcast John Favreau Filoni, get on it. 00:32:36.04 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah and behind the screen, Filoni. 00:32:37.17 Travis Learn to code. 00:32:40.47 sidekqpodcast Do it. 00:32:41.93 Travis Learn unreal. 00:32:45.73 sidekqpodcast and then ah And then the way that we round out the personal interview section of this show is we ask the question, what are you passionate about and why? Or what's a new passion or cause that you've ah ah well what's a new passion or hobby that you've picked up since the last we spoke and why? 00:33:04.46 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, I don't know. I did a Ted talk about, um, in, in, in March that just went live recently. 00:33:10.86 Travis flex Oh, I don't know. 00:33:13.88 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, I don't know. It must be my Ted talk. 00:33:14.73 Travis I was doing a TED talk the other day. 00:33:19.09 Johnny Stanton IV Um, no, I did a Ted talk about, like it was called discover your and, um, and it was all about, allowing your passions, um, to create like a more well-rounded person, like explore more, allow that exploration to help you discover passions and use those passions to become a more well-rounded person to become, you you know, a ah better, um, employee, but a better person, a better, a more like interesting person. 00:33:26.32 sidekqpodcast you 00:33:48.30 Johnny Stanton IV I think is, I don't know, it's, it's, I feel like I'm not encapsulating my ah talk very well, but, uh, 00:33:53.47 sidekqpodcast Well, go go watch the TED talk. 00:33:55.47 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, go watch it. 00:33:55.23 sidekqpodcast It was fantastic. 00:33:57.18 Johnny Stanton IV Thank you. 00:33:57.15 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 00:33:57.70 Johnny Stanton IV It was, um, it was interesting to do. I wouldn't say like that was a ah passion of mine. Like, I think I can see myself getting into more public speaking, but good Lord, I was nervous about it. 00:34:05.63 sidekqpodcast o 00:34:06.96 Johnny Stanton IV And I don't know if I can make that like a a regular thing that I'm passionate about. I was just talking to somebody last night about. 00:34:13.04 sidekqpodcast Never mind that you go into these screaming nerd conventions with like tens of thousands of people cheering you on while you play D and&D and somehow giving a lecture in a lecture hall is more terrifying. 00:34:21.17 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:34:24.61 Travis or spend a decade getting into human car crashes voluntarily. 00:34:24.92 Johnny Stanton IV I mean, these are academics. 00:34:28.79 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, that's true. No, but that's like there like the TED talk experience was like, I need to pretend to be an academic. Uh, somebody who got a kinesiology degree in college needs to like stand up in front of people and talk as if you know things. 00:34:38.53 Travis I see. he 00:34:43.78 Johnny Stanton IV I always spoke. between a student that made like a scientific discovery and then um a one of the most like prominent, foremost LGBTQ ah ah journalists, and somebody that I look up to um in the world. And I'm like, why? I've just played football and decided to talk about Dungeons and Dragons every once in a while. Why am I here? um That was my experience with that. And I think I did an okay job. But um but yeah, it was it my answer to that question is more about like talking about passions is is something that I'm passionate about. Which I think led me to athletics check. 00:35:19.94 Travis Yeah. 00:35:21.08 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 00:35:23.85 Travis Just let the dead air hang. Don't cut this out. Just let it hang. 00:35:29.46 Johnny Stanton IV Just just sit in it, it feels good. 00:35:29.53 Travis Breathing. We're going to wait for the duration of Johnny's TED talks. You can come back and have that context. 00:35:34.67 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, good, 17 minutes and 54 seconds. 00:35:37.29 Travis Seventeen minute. Holy shit. That's awesome. 00:35:39.71 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, the cut off is 18 minutes. 00:35:40.93 sidekqpodcast Thank 00:35:41.82 Travis Wow. Wow. Nice getting under the getting under the the wire there. 00:35:45.94 Johnny Stanton IV I don't exactly know what the time was, but yeah. 00:35:47.89 Travis Um, that was because I'd forgotten the question entirely. 00:35:48.41 sidekqpodcast you. 00:35:50.93 Travis I was so enraptured by thinking about your TED talk and considering your year, the winding journey that is your life to this point, but now remember, um, also, uh, sidebar, but I was listening to NPR the other day because I'm that, uh, kind of person. And there was this local l LA story about how there's like a lot of residual anxiety around that like Tustin, like fire that dome fire thing. 00:36:17.10 Johnny Stanton IV Oh yeah. 00:36:18.13 Travis Yeah, and I remember when that I just associate Tustin with you don't live there anymore. But like, I associate that with you. 00:36:24.90 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:36:25.49 Travis And this is, again, what I'm talking about when I said I'm on I'm running on fumes. 00:36:29.93 Johnny Stanton IV Hey, is that what you're passionate about? 00:36:30.32 Travis My interest. 00:36:31.36 Johnny Stanton IV The, the, the, the Tustin, um, just so yeah you know, this was a big Southern California thing, but we have listeners, I'm sure all over the country. 00:36:32.57 Travis Yeah, the Tustin don't fire. 00:36:37.35 Johnny Stanton IV This is a, uh, this was a, a big airplane hangar, a blimp hangar, actually. 00:36:41.93 Travis Aircraft, yeah, air airplane hangar, that's what it was from World War Two, right? 00:36:43.52 Johnny Stanton IV aircraft carrier from from World War Two that was made of wood and burnt and there are two of them intestine in Orange County, California and one of them burnt down. 00:36:45.79 Travis Yeah. 00:36:46.23 sidekqpodcast Mm. 00:36:52.57 Travis just like see me you know ah everything happens that one day it's not burned down then the next day it is but it's one of those like oh that that burned down i almost didn't think it could do that when you hear but you're like yeah and unfortunately released a uh a significant amount of both asbestos and lead into the atmosphere which now has from what i understand and all tests have confirmed has largely been cleared up but there's still a lot of a um 00:36:52.43 sidekqpodcast Oof. 00:36:58.95 sidekqpodcast Right. 00:37:02.06 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. Yeah. Great. 00:37:20.30 Travis What's the word they use for it? ah Toxic anxiety, not in like the way that you'd see it as a TikTok tag, but just like people are anxious about that there might still be toxins. 00:37:30.83 Johnny Stanton IV Not like the weaponized therapy term, throwing 00:37:30.92 Travis And that's what's plaguing the people of, yeah. 00:37:30.82 sidekqpodcast Mmm. 00:37:33.75 Travis um So that's not what I'm passionate about, even though it sounds like it. I already talked about clown. Dare not I say clown for the third time? That would be ah gauche. I didn't know this question was coming. um Uh, what did you say Ted talks? I'm not digging holes in the dirt. Um, no, we're getting back. 00:37:51.44 Johnny Stanton IV parties in your backyard. 00:37:52.67 Travis Yeah. Seemingly this weekend. Good Lord. Um, I live, uh, in Los Angeles in a house that has a backyard, which is in itself. If anybody knows anything about Los Angeles, that's a blessing in and of itself. And it is arranged as such to where we have pretty free reign in terms of like. noise and time that like events can go to so we occasionally have parties or even full-blown shows here in our backyard and ah I think all of us as creatives, be it part or full time or aspiring in whatever way or professional in some ways or whatever, there's this like inherent desire to kind of keep making something more where it's like, this was cool. What if I did it but more? So what were parties and small events we're now talking about, okay, how can we build this up to where we can 00:38:48.45 Travis you know, instead of just having like a band play, let's have them play and through, you know, multi-track recording, have their performance that we can then give to them. And then I have some other roommates that are videographers. It's like, and then we could set up like a multicam to either stream it or just record it to package after. And then before you know it, you're like, oh, we're doing a tiny desk, except it's a medium backyard. 00:39:04.72 Johnny Stanton IV you 00:39:11.42 Travis And it's like, do I wait hold on I have like a lot of other stuff going on do I is this actually what I and then but of course you do because if you can do it why not do it which I think is this is getting so beyond the point of the question but the thing I like the most about 00:39:23.06 sidekqpodcast Mmm. 00:39:29.97 Travis Particularly the creative field that we're all in in like the nerd space um from say 2017-18 and especially through COVID to now is it feels like ah a new industry was just cracked open. And the barrier to entry isn't low in the say that it's easier in the sense that it's easy, but it's slow low in the sense that like it's open participation. And if you have an idea, if you can find the right people to do it with, you can not only do it and do it well, but most of the time you can find an audience. And it's an audience that's 00:40:07.86 Travis Largely, like the litmus is like are you a good hang and cool, and like good to people, which as somebody who comes from music and a little bit of acting in theater, um industries that have been around so long that they are just jaded, like, at a baseline. 00:40:11.22 Johnny Stanton IV Mm hmm. 00:40:21.71 sidekqpodcast Mm. 00:40:23.53 Travis this Not that anything, everything, nothing is without its issues, but it's a really cool space to be in for the fact that, you know, you've been trying to get me on the show for three years. If this isn't out of any ill will or animosity, I just keep forgetting. But you're like, yeah, man, come on. It's like, wow. Any other industry that would have been like, well, excuse my French, fuck that guy. 00:40:41.14 Johnny Stanton IV Well, I think what's so cool. 00:40:45.52 Johnny Stanton IV I think what's cool is that how because it's such a new industry and because there aren't like the old heads at the top of it, there isn't like this. It's so self policing that like, yeah, it's it. 00:40:56.57 Travis That's a great way to put that. Yeah. 00:40:59.42 Johnny Stanton IV There's you you can't stand at the top for very long while being a bad person. And, you know, there hasn't been a whole lot of rotation of like who's at the top. 00:41:04.69 Travis Yeah. 00:41:07.20 Johnny Stanton IV You know, it's pretty much just like 00:41:08.51 Travis It's a girl. 00:41:09.44 Johnny Stanton IV three groups, yeah um but it. 00:41:10.79 sidekqpodcast Right. I mean, you've had other people, I suppose, that have had their their, you know, their spotlight shown on them when, you know, it's been like bad behavior. 00:41:17.80 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:41:20.25 sidekqpodcast And, you know, you know, I yeah i try and keep this play this show, this place pretty family friendly and not, you know, negative saying and naysaying and all that sort of kind of stuff. 00:41:20.62 Travis Uh-huh. 00:41:30.95 sidekqpodcast So but I mean, yeah, I acknowledge that, you know, we're all we're all human, we're sinners. And so some people are going to like mess up and, you know, 00:41:39.12 Johnny Stanton IV yeah 00:41:40.03 sidekqpodcast maybe in this day and age it's easier to just be like hey let's you know they're maybe they're not invited at my table anymore i can work to forgive them you know if it's something that i can work towards but like you know hey maybe it's not the right time for you to be at the table and maybe you need to like you know uh do some self-reflecting and and and make those amends and those atonements and and what 00:41:58.37 Johnny Stanton IV Right. 00:42:01.06 Travis Yeah, it's it's a big tent, but it's a morally sound tent that isn't, you know, that doesn't really um suffer behavior in the way that some other legacy entertainment industries do, which is cool. 00:42:15.80 Johnny Stanton IV right 00:42:16.54 Travis And it just, it seems to attract better people, I say, you know, like, but yeah, good stuff. 00:42:25.53 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:42:25.92 sidekqpodcast no Very cool yeah so ah yeah so it's been fascinating getting to talk with ah with both travis and johnny you know johnny travis all that good stuff and ah without further ado i think it's time we head into some npc creation. 00:42:40.59 Travis Yes. 00:42:45.11 Travis I hurt myself today. 00:42:47.70 sidekqpodcast And NPC Creation is brought to you by you, ah the podcast audience, and our patrons and patrons from Patreon, that's right. So now is the time of the show where we give a shout out to our comfortable patrons and above with a loud hoorah. So to you, our queen of the Patreon, Katie Downey, aka Goblin Katie, as well as our other wealthy tier patrons, Anson Jablinski and good old mom and dad, we say cheers. ah So again, 00:43:13.33 Johnny Stanton IV years. 00:43:13.96 sidekqpodcast yeah i love the enthusiasm yeah just for a mere two dollars a month on patreon gets you that shout out on every episode and all the fine folks i mentioned um actually get to do what's called introduce an element of chance they've contributed suggestions 00:43:14.92 Travis Sorry. 00:43:29.96 sidekqpodcast to our random tables for NPC creation, which we might get to use here today. So if you want to learn more about the Patreon, just go to the show notes below, go to the podcast website or just go directly to patreon dot.com forward slash sidekicks and side quests. Learn more about our accommodations that we have awaiting for you in the levitating platter in this demiplane and worlds beyond. So ah while we were waiting to round everyone up ah for the show, we were kind of debating back and forth like, oh, is this just going to be Johnny holding Travis's hand through making a character? But then I was explaining, well, no, with two guests, sometimes we can we can do it where each one makes a character and then we find out like through the course of it, what's the relationship between the characters? Or most recently, we had Allison and Ryan on from the kids table. 00:44:17.32 sidekqpodcast dnd podcast and instagram and they worked together to make a singular character so um kind of with like some of those um items in mind what are what are we thinking of doing today in npc creation are you each making a character are you working together to make one character or or what were we doing. 00:44:38.18 Travis Let's make. 00:44:38.34 Johnny Stanton IV Travis is an improviser by not by trade, but like by background. Um, so I think I want to try to keep up with him and maybe we can improvise a new character. 00:44:46.96 Travis Let's make brothers, let's make brothers. 00:44:48.17 Johnny Stanton IV Let's make one of your brothers. 00:44:49.80 Travis Yeah, let's make two brothers. 00:44:50.11 Johnny Stanton IV Okay. Let's do brothers. 00:44:51.56 sidekqpodcast Okay, so we got yeah, we definitely have the random tables ah that we can use we use all the standard array of dice So you get a chance to roll some dice and then have some fun. 00:44:55.42 Travis All right. 00:45:01.78 sidekqpodcast So okay, so brothers Okay, so that we can we can definitely work with this. So then The first question that we ask What is the name of each of your characters? So if you want to roll for that randomly, it's a d20 roll or if you just know just tell yeah, tell us 00:45:15.79 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, I think I just thought of a name. I at least have a last name. 00:45:20.98 Travis Yeah, druthers brothers, brothers. 00:45:21.63 Johnny Stanton IV Uh, we are the druthers brothers. 00:45:29.76 Travis ah same 00:45:33.23 Johnny Stanton IV I feel like I could use it in a sentence, but I don't know what druthers like what the definition I'm going to look at. 00:45:37.09 Travis if i Well, if I had my druthers, which is like, if I had sort of my wherewithal or my if if I had my stuff together as sort of the implication there, the druthers brothers, I'm gonna be Samuel druthers. 00:45:41.16 Johnny Stanton IV Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. 00:45:51.42 Johnny Stanton IV um 00:45:51.32 sidekqpodcast OK, we have a Samuel. 00:45:54.44 Johnny Stanton IV um 00:45:57.83 sidekqpodcast Is it an alliterative thing where it's also an S name, or is it different? 00:46:02.73 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, it's got to be, right? um 00:46:04.19 Travis It could be, or you could be, you could be alliterative with your own last name. 00:46:07.61 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, I could do ah not Samuel, but Billums Brothers. 00:46:17.04 Travis Billum's, Billum's insane. 00:46:20.90 Johnny Stanton IV Billums druthers. 00:46:22.25 Travis So it's like, they couldn't quite figure out if they wanted to be William or Bill. So they're like, let's just sort of somewhere in the middle. 00:46:28.00 Johnny Stanton IV It's just, it's not, it's not like Willem Dafoe, but it's Billums druthers. 00:46:31.67 Travis Yeah. Billum. 00:46:34.83 Johnny Stanton IV ah It just trips off the tongue. 00:46:35.18 Travis Billums. Billums. 00:46:36.27 sidekqpodcast So B-I-L-L-A-M-S, is that how we're spelling it? 00:46:40.47 Johnny Stanton IV B I L L U M S. 00:46:42.96 Travis Billums. 00:46:42.71 sidekqpodcast U-M-S, and then sam and then ah Druthers, D-R-U-T-H-E-R-S. 00:46:48.42 Travis Yes, correct. 00:46:48.92 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:46:49.42 sidekqpodcast Okay, so Billums and Samuel Druthers, the brothers. 00:46:52.63 Travis This is good. 00:46:53.73 sidekqpodcast Okay, all right, fair enough. And then let's see, the next question here, what is the ancestry of your character? No, no assumptions here. You could be the same ah race species or you could be totally like adoptive brothers or what have you. 00:47:04.92 Johnny Stanton IV I feel like we can roll for this one. 00:47:06.51 Travis Yeah. 00:47:10.36 Travis Excuse me. 00:47:10.20 sidekqpodcast So yeah, if you want to roll for that randomly, it's a D 100 or two D 10 roll. 00:47:15.56 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, I'll, I'll roll the tens place where you roll the hundreds place. 00:47:15.86 Travis hey 00:47:19.30 Johnny Stanton IV How about that? 00:47:20.11 Travis Okay. Uh, do I have a 10 here? I have a, ooh, is this a 10? I think this is a 10. Yes. No. Yes. No. This is what I mean by I don't play D and D much. Yes. 00:47:31.50 Johnny Stanton IV Show them the camera. 00:47:31.79 Travis Cause I have a 10. Yes. This is a D 10. Yes. 00:47:34.36 Johnny Stanton IV Okay. 00:47:34.16 sidekqpodcast Yeah, this is an audio medium, but yes, show the camera so thus ah thus us can can see it. Yeah, yeah. 00:47:40.33 Travis Right? 00:47:41.43 Johnny Stanton IV Yes. 00:47:41.64 Travis OK, you can tell by... 00:47:41.71 Johnny Stanton IV That's a detent. 00:47:43.30 Travis Good, yes. my My geometry is lacking. 00:47:45.57 Johnny Stanton IV Okay. You got the tens place. I got the ones place. 00:47:47.76 Travis OK. 00:47:51.02 Travis 50. 00:47:52.42 Johnny Stanton IV Seven 57. 00:47:52.98 Travis 57. 00:47:53.61 sidekqpodcast 57 from the list. Ooh, gif, hippo folk. 00:47:58.98 Johnny Stanton IV Oh. 00:47:59.10 Travis I like that. 00:48:01.42 sidekqpodcast From perfect for space jammer, uh, it's jammer. 00:48:04.22 Johnny Stanton IV I love that. 00:48:05.12 sidekqpodcast Sorry. Yeah. So space jammer. 00:48:06.13 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:48:07.38 sidekqpodcast I don't know what I'm thinking. Uh, I guess maybe I must be thinking of Michael Jordan bugs bunny, but no spell jammer, the spell jammer setting in the Astral sea. Okay. A pair of and Billums, Billums and Billums draw the sounds like a very gift name. 00:48:16.62 Johnny Stanton IV Now I want to run a, now I want to run a, want to run a one shot that is space jam. 00:48:21.83 sidekqpodcast So this is very on point. 00:48:22.22 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. Now I want to run a game that is space jam and spell jammer. 00:48:25.87 Travis There you go. Whoa! 00:48:28.14 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:48:28.96 sidekqpodcast Well, get on that you got you got crimson held games, you can do a live stream and be like, okay, we're doing a special one shot of a sports basketball in l j and I took that personally. 00:48:30.34 Johnny Stanton IV m came in empty and 00:48:37.76 Johnny Stanton IV And welcome our second, our special guests, Michael Jordan. 00:48:46.24 sidekqpodcast That's how the meme right works, right? 00:48:47.34 Travis Yeah, that's good. Yeah, that's it. 00:48:47.98 sidekqpodcast I never I never watched. 00:48:48.94 Travis That's it. 00:48:48.94 sidekqpodcast I didn't watch the documentary. I'm sorry. I just know the memes. 00:48:51.61 Travis That's fine. It's 10 parts. 00:48:52.21 sidekqpodcast ah 00:48:52.81 Travis It's really very long. 00:48:54.35 Johnny Stanton IV It's very long. It's very good. 00:48:55.34 sidekqpodcast okay and then for the druthers brothers uh what what now we have to figure out the job or occupation uh for you guys because you're npc's paralegals oh lawyers 00:49:04.27 Travis Paralegal. 00:49:06.69 Johnny Stanton IV colds 00:49:10.72 Travis Yes. 00:49:11.58 Johnny Stanton IV we We are druthers and druthers law firm. 00:49:14.71 Travis Yeah, but just paralegals. 00:49:16.92 Johnny Stanton IV yeah We don't have a licensed lawyer in the building. 00:49:17.71 Travis We're a paralegal firm. 00:49:23.72 Travis Neither of us can pass the bar to save our lives. 00:49:26.86 sidekqpodcast ah okay uh yeah i was gonna say you could roll randomly if for a d10 if you want but i know you're okay you want to be a pair of paralegals a pair of legals okay 00:49:30.86 Johnny Stanton IV No, we got it. 00:49:35.01 Travis A pair of Legals. 00:49:40.58 Johnny Stanton IV druthers and druthers paralegal firm for hire for actual law firms I think Travis is crying now 00:49:41.63 Travis A pair of Legals. 00:49:49.72 sidekqpodcast ah Okay, I like that. That's very funny. That's very good. um hi Hiring yourself out to all the prestigious law firms of the Astral Sea. Very, very good thing to do. ah 00:50:04.04 Travis I'm not, I'm touched. Whoo. 00:50:08.35 sidekqpodcast OK, and then let's see the age range of your characters. 00:50:09.18 Travis Whoo hoo hoo. 00:50:12.58 sidekqpodcast So um this is a D8 role. This kind of gives us like a rough category unless you're just like, I want to spitball a specific number. But if you want to narrow down the range, you could roll a D8. 00:50:23.26 Johnny Stanton IV let's do Let's each do a D100 roll to see how old we are. 00:50:26.74 Travis Sure. So that means I roll 2d10s. 00:50:30.20 Johnny Stanton IV two d tens 2D10s. 00:50:32.30 Travis think i Do I have a D100 around here? No, it's in my car. I have like a novelty D100 in my car. 00:50:36.21 Johnny Stanton IV But the one that you have, the one that you rolled already that has the two two so digits on it on each side, that's the 10s place. 00:50:41.18 Travis Yeah. Got it. 00:50:46.81 Travis I got a 90. 00:50:48.69 Johnny Stanton IV Oh no, I got a nine. 00:50:48.50 sidekqpodcast 90. 00:50:49.47 Travis What'd you get? yeah 00:50:53.42 sidekqpodcast So Billums is the kid brother. 00:50:56.76 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:50:57.84 sidekqpodcast So 9 and 90. 00:50:59.23 Johnny Stanton IV um 00:51:00.15 Travis yeah 00:51:02.40 sidekqpodcast If this is what you want. 00:51:04.93 Travis Yes. 00:51:06.10 Johnny Stanton IV Druthers and druthers brothers, paralegal firm. Um, I can just see the ads now. 00:51:13.49 Travis It just... 00:51:13.39 sidekqpodcast A cherubic little gif and then like this wizened older gif brother. 00:51:16.32 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. Yeah. 00:51:18.34 Travis Exact same outfit. It's like twins, but they need to veto an Arnold Schwarzenegger. 00:51:24.29 Johnny Stanton IV Yes. 00:51:25.76 sidekqpodcast ah Brilliant ah yes I okay well I think this is leading brilliantly into the next question because now we get to take a pause on the dice rolling because now we get to come up with the physical appearance of your character so we have gift you know these are the hippo folk from. the Astral Sea spell jammer setting. um you know You're both this pair of paralegals that seek to hire yourselves to prestigious law firms. um you know And one of you is a child and one of you is an elder at this point. So ah describe the physical appearance of each of your characters. 00:52:00.57 Johnny Stanton IV Billums is the spitting image of Samuel, but miniaturized. 00:52:05.48 Travis Whoa, okay, nice nice deflection. um i didn't ah Just for reference, I had to look up what gifts look like. And in the Forgotten Realms wiki, there is a there is a bipedal hippo wearing like captain's regalia with a monocle smoking a pipe and holding a gigantic musket, like sawed off musket. 00:52:27.05 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:52:27.59 Travis This is... 00:52:27.67 Johnny Stanton IV No, it's basically supposed to be like, it's supposed to kind of call back to like, uh, colonial England, like, um, like as if he was like a safari hunter kind of thing. 00:52:28.09 sidekqpodcast Blunderbuss! 00:52:30.45 Travis Punderbuss. 00:52:35.78 Travis Oh, I see. OK, well then, let's say he ah Samuel is wearing a standard three-piece suit but has a safari hat on. 00:52:43.11 sidekqpodcast Mmm! 00:52:50.15 Johnny Stanton IV I like it. 00:52:50.84 Travis Yeah, yeah. 00:52:51.39 Johnny Stanton IV I'm going to make the sure that the suit is pinstripe. 00:52:51.54 Travis wait Pinstripe, waistcoat included. 00:52:52.71 sidekqpodcast Mhm. 00:52:55.30 Travis We'll give him a waistcoat as well, and it's or the vest thing or whatever like that. be yeah But but so like, safari hat. 00:52:59.78 Johnny Stanton IV yeah That's what three-piece suit means. 00:53:01.44 Travis Yeah, yeah. I've worn clothes. 00:53:06.16 sidekqpodcast well okay so you say sorry 00:53:07.29 Johnny Stanton IV Do we have muskets still? 00:53:08.17 sidekqpodcast i was thinking of a plinth helmet but you actually mean like a safari helmet and not like a plin ah 00:53:14.11 Travis with the thing on top, plinth meaning it has a little thing on top, right? 00:53:14.13 sidekqpodcast hel 00:53:17.61 Travis A little like diamond. 00:53:18.41 sidekqpodcast the plan for is the it looks like a helmet it's got the very tiny brim here in the front and it's got the bigger brim up on the back 00:53:26.49 Travis Let's do, ooh, yeah, let's do that. 00:53:26.99 sidekqpodcast it's like the 00:53:28.44 Johnny Stanton IV No, I think we want like the the classic like safari helmet. 00:53:30.95 Travis Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm good with either. 00:53:35.75 Travis I'm Googling so much. 00:53:37.57 Johnny Stanton IV Is it a helmet? 00:53:37.78 Travis That's not what, 00:53:38.05 Johnny Stanton IV What does it mean out of? 00:53:39.81 sidekqpodcast Good question. 00:53:40.13 Travis it I misspelled plinth and Google thought I meant pedestal. 00:53:41.91 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, it's definitely hard shell. 00:53:46.26 sidekqpodcast OK, and so then so. 00:53:48.54 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, pin yeah. 00:53:49.31 sidekqpodcast so 00:53:50.42 Johnny Stanton IV Pint helmet. I guess it's the same. Oh, oh, I see what you mean. 00:53:55.01 Travis Yeah, okay, that's what I was thinking of. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 00:53:57.78 Johnny Stanton IV Pith. 00:53:58.60 Travis Pith, oh, pith helmet. 00:53:58.79 sidekqpodcast Oh, sorry. I said the wrong word. 00:54:02.10 Travis That's fine. Now plinth, now I'm realizing plinth is another name for pedestal or like base of a statue. 00:54:02.07 sidekqpodcast My apologies. 00:54:07.50 sidekqpodcast Oh. 00:54:08.34 Travis This is an educational show when you get down to it. 00:54:10.65 sidekqpodcast The more you learn. Okay, so you're both wearing three-piece suits and you have these pith helmets, these safari helmets, um and you just present yourselves as these ah paralegals for hire. 00:54:28.80 Travis Yeah. 00:54:29.75 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, we have outrageous pricing because there's no other paralegals in the, in the area. 00:54:32.54 Travis Yeah. It's yeah. 00:54:39.22 Johnny Stanton IV But that's why we have like our own firm is because we have to work for all of the law firms. 00:54:39.32 Travis and 00:54:43.10 Johnny Stanton IV There's way too many law lawyers, not enough paralegals. 00:54:43.61 Travis Exactly. Yeah, the just an absolute glut of lawyers and just nobody thought to aim lower. 00:54:53.93 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:54:55.09 sidekqpodcast Do you work for ah the circles of hell as well? Do you take work from there or not? 00:55:02.00 Johnny Stanton IV Hmm, interesting. 00:55:01.79 sidekqpodcast Because, you know, devils and lawyers and all that. 00:55:04.41 Johnny Stanton IV Those are the kind of contracts we work with. um 00:55:06.89 Travis Yeah, I mean, we'll do anyone's paperwork. 00:55:08.44 Johnny Stanton IV We, I think we, we, we, we do law on behalf of those who have like, who have accidentally sold their souls or have like, are trying to get out of their contracts of selling their souls with devils. 00:55:19.14 Travis Yeah, we're a non-profit. 00:55:23.94 sidekqpodcast Oh, no, the thing I thought of immediately was ah these these timeshare lawyers were like, did you get suckered into a timeshare? 00:55:27.88 Johnny Stanton IV We rely on donations. 00:55:31.56 Travis Oh yeah. 00:55:31.75 sidekqpodcast We'll do the work for you to get you out of that timeshare. 00:55:34.30 Travis That's funny. I like that i like to do that the astral plane is just like this long stretch of road with all the same like ride share amigo billboards. 00:55:35.55 Johnny Stanton IV We really, we really rely on donations though. 00:55:44.86 Travis Call Jacob. 00:55:48.43 Johnny Stanton IV Jacobian Myers Yeah This 00:55:48.21 sidekqpodcast Oh, man. 00:55:48.83 Travis Oh, my goodness. Yeah. ah Sweet James. 00:55:54.33 Travis Morgan & Morgan. 00:55:54.37 sidekqpodcast Okay. 00:55:54.85 Travis Those are law firms. 00:55:56.28 sidekqpodcast Oh, okay. Oh, oh, uh, specific joke. 00:55:57.50 Johnny Stanton IV is druthers and but mrs druthers and druthers paralegal law paralegal firm me All right, let's move on 00:55:57.83 Travis Anne Fong. 00:56:00.97 Travis Something wrong? Call Anne Fong. 00:56:07.85 sidekqpodcast Okay. So, uh, I mean, as far as the, the physical, you know, appearance, I'm just trying to think. So, you know, I, I don't have it in front of me immediately to know like the, you know, what the game says, um, like a typical life expectancy for gifts. are I know in my setting, I based 00:56:22.94 Travis Better be 99 or up. 00:56:25.64 Johnny Stanton IV Could be 91. 00:56:27.05 sidekqpodcast ah I know in my personal homebrew setting of of ah the Astral Sea, I usually equate that places like being timeless or like like basically whatever your normal lifespan would be, you basically in increase it by a factor of like 10 to 12 and like that's how much longer your life is expanded. 00:56:36.77 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 00:56:44.17 Travis OK. 00:56:46.73 sidekqpodcast So you could be like 90 years old, but you could still be like still look youthful or whatever. So that that might be how I play with it. in my home brew but like someone else be like, oh, 90 so are we imagining him like, like a super old, like, ah you know, like a Ebenezer Scrooge sort of a guy 00:57:03.09 Johnny Stanton IV I think I don't want to make any decisions for Samuel, but I think he has a soul patch. 00:57:08.16 Travis Sure, yeah. i like And that feels like somebody, and this is great they're establishing this because looking at the sort of the wiki sheet, I like it playing by your homebrew rules because otherwise the average lifespan is 70. um ah But something else of note, the alignment in the fifth edition statistics is lawful neutral, which 00:57:30.56 Johnny Stanton IV i feel Yeah, that feels right in line with what we're doing. 00:57:32.36 Travis we backed yeah We backed into this. This is great. ah I would say, yeah, it's the lifespan is you know and increased by a factor of 10 or whatever it was. So we're we're just hitting our our prime here, which means Soul Patch Hippo. 00:57:46.53 sidekqpodcast All 00:57:49.68 Johnny Stanton IV Which means Billums is like next to just having been born. 00:57:56.18 Travis yeah 00:57:56.27 sidekqpodcast right. So how did, that's an interesting story. So how did Samuel come to be in charge of his literal kid brother? Like, you know, it seems weird that like, oh, your kid brother is also a paralegal too, but like, you know, Billums could be very intelligent. 00:58:10.62 Johnny Stanton IV Parents are on vacation right now. 00:58:14.90 Travis Yeah, um I would say that the first language, little known fact, but the first language that gifts are introduced to is actually legalese. 00:58:23.93 sidekqpodcast Hmm. I see. 00:58:27.58 Johnny Stanton IV Maybe we had like a, like a devil, like, like babysitter or something. Um, and that's how we kind of got, you know, maybe maybe that's how, like, that was your babysitter. And that's how we got introduced to like the whole concept of, um, like contracts and law. And like, we just got tutored by a devil in legalese. 00:58:46.63 Travis Yeah, this works for me. um Did you guys know there's something in ah second edition called a death minnow? 00:58:51.51 Johnny Stanton IV This is just Travis reading the Wiki. 00:58:57.27 sidekqpodcast Uh. 00:58:57.75 Travis so 00:58:57.83 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, D&D is a weird place. 00:58:58.79 Travis It's a small fish that can kill you. 00:59:02.80 sidekqpodcast Pretty cool, pretty metal. 00:59:03.86 Travis Yeah. 00:59:04.74 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 00:59:06.05 Travis There's also an entry. 00:59:06.13 sidekqpodcast Flooding around the Astral Sea. 00:59:07.01 Travis there' is There's an entry for something called Long Road. 00:59:10.87 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 00:59:11.32 Johnny Stanton IV Okay, Kurt. 00:59:11.80 Travis Yep, it's just a long road. All right, anyways. 00:59:14.06 Johnny Stanton IV Kurt, what's the next question? You cannot leave this at the driver's window. 00:59:15.21 sidekqpodcast OK, sure. Okay so and i was just i was just kind of curious if you guys had crafted the like the story or you know sometimes in this podcast if you don't have an answer it's just a perfectly okay to be like we'll just leave it up to the interpretation of whichever dm or player character decides to introduce these characters in their game or backstory or whatever so i was just curious if like you know it was a you know travis uh And well, sorry, Johnny was suggesting like, oh, it was the infernal babysitter. 00:59:46.30 sidekqpodcast And that's how we learned all about contracts and stuff like that. 00:59:47.36 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. i I think what happened was that Samuel was having a really hard time keeping up with all of the work that all of the legal firm law firms were putting on the one paralegal firm that he needed a para paralegal. 00:59:49.92 Travis I like that. 01:00:02.76 Johnny Stanton IV So that's where I come in. 01:00:04.04 Travis Nice. 01:00:04.28 Johnny Stanton IV So I'm the so Billings is the para paralegal and to to assist for Samuel. 01:00:04.22 sidekqpodcast Ah. 01:00:05.28 Travis Yeah. 01:00:08.21 Travis Yeah. 01:00:10.62 Travis Though just on the record, two word joke, infernal babysitter, pretty great. that's I don't mind that being a part of it. 01:00:16.98 Johnny Stanton IV Perfect. I love it. 01:00:19.45 Travis also they're in the picture on our desk that's for sure it's all free they were that they they perish in a slip and fall at the grocery store which is what got us 01:00:21.09 sidekqpodcast Okay, and then our mom and dad still in the picture or are not. 01:00:25.25 Johnny Stanton IV It sounds like a goosebumps title. Yeah. Mom and dad, I think of, um, have didn't come back from the grocery store. I think one day. 01:00:47.41 Johnny Stanton IV and we're And we're still fighting the legal battle to be able to get justice. 01:00:50.23 Travis Yeah, it's like a borderline like near full metal alchemist scenario. Like, oh, they were going to get dinner or something. I don't know. And then they had to slip and fall. And then we've dedicated our lives to legalese to try to get because we feel like the grocery store got one over on us. 01:01:05.15 sidekqpodcast o 01:01:10.45 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, at some point we're going to be able to win that legal battle that's been ongoing for decades. 01:01:13.95 Travis Yeah. to ah win the legal fight against the astral plane equivalent of the kronky family. 01:01:21.05 sidekqpodcast o Hmm Okay, and if you oh the big bad, okay ah If you had to describe each of your brothers with three adjectives, what three adjectives would you use? 01:01:24.34 Travis That's the big bad. Yeah. 01:01:35.47 Johnny Stanton IV So I'm describing Samuel. 01:01:37.11 sidekqpodcast No, you would be describing, uh, uh, Billums. 01:01:38.03 Travis Each other. 01:01:40.10 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, I'm straight. 01:01:40.81 sidekqpodcast And then, you know, yeah, which of your, you know, you, you, you, you own each of your brothers. 01:01:41.85 Travis Yeah, okay yeah, yeah. 01:01:46.13 sidekqpodcast Um, but which three adjectives best describe them kind of knowing what we know already. 01:01:52.42 Johnny Stanton IV I'm serious. I don't think Billums can, can laugh at himself. I think he just takes himself very seriously. 01:01:59.41 Travis for a nine-year-old, that's great. Let's see, three adjectives. 01:02:11.58 Travis Large. 01:02:14.67 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 01:02:15.50 Travis Yeah. 01:02:16.00 sidekqpodcast He's a big, he's a big gift. He's a big man. 01:02:17.93 Travis Yeah, yeah. 01:02:20.19 Johnny Stanton IV I guess I'll go with miniature since I'm large, but mini version. Um, no, I'll figure something out. 01:02:29.68 Travis Uh, excitable and scheming. 01:02:33.06 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 01:02:36.94 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 01:02:39.54 sidekqpodcast Okay. 01:02:39.83 Johnny Stanton IV Um, I think, um, billems is malleable. 01:02:43.39 Travis Nice. 01:02:45.95 Johnny Stanton IV And, um, yeah, I think um impressionable, male malleable, I think is my, and because miniature was a one of mine. 01:02:54.02 Travis Yeah. 01:02:54.04 sidekqpodcast Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I could, yeah, I totally see the, the, yeah, the simpatico, the, uh, you know, the, the jiving, the vibing between each of the brothers and how, you know, 01:03:05.06 Travis Mm hmm. 01:03:05.11 Johnny Stanton IV This is turning into like a Disney brother. This is like onward right now. 01:03:10.69 Travis Perfect. 01:03:10.89 sidekqpodcast onward Yeah. No, though I love that movie. That was, it was great. 01:03:14.91 Johnny Stanton IV Great movie. 01:03:15.33 sidekqpodcast So. OK, now we get to go back to potentially some dice rolling. So we like all of our NPCs to have something cool on them, whether it's going to be a valuable item, a piece of lore, a secret, or an ideal or concept that the character ascribes to. So you know typically, if you know you're spitballing it, you know then you can maybe throw in a couple. But if you want like a concrete thing from the tables, you would roll a D4 first for the category, and then you roll a D6 for the particular thing. 01:03:47.07 Johnny Stanton IV What are the categories again? 01:03:48.95 sidekqpodcast and a valuable item, a piece of lore, a secret, or an ideal or concept ah that they would ascribe to. 01:03:59.99 Travis It's personally ah for Samuel. Samuel has with him at all times an Olympic gold medal. 01:04:09.08 Johnny Stanton IV in what, in what event? 01:04:11.21 Travis Shot put. 01:04:13.07 Johnny Stanton IV All right. 01:04:13.87 Travis Not his. 01:04:17.76 Johnny Stanton IV yeah 01:04:17.56 sidekqpodcast You just found it floating in the Astral Sea? 01:04:20.05 Travis Yeah, yeahve yeah. You never know who's going to wash up. 01:04:27.34 sidekqpodcast Very true. 01:04:28.81 Johnny Stanton IV does it 01:04:28.76 sidekqpodcast I have a working, I have a working theory that, you know, all these magic items that exist as far as extra dimensional spaces that there is some portion of the Astral Sea where there's just like clusters of these items all just floating around. And so if you are really scheming and enterprising, you would try to find this pocket of space that way you could literally just go up and steal everything out of people's bags without them knowing. 01:04:44.79 Travis Yeah. 01:04:52.20 Travis good 01:04:55.70 Travis The astral trash barge, as it were. 01:04:59.61 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. Do you, do you keep this metal like behind your desk? I like framed as if it was yours. 01:05:04.60 Travis Ah, a suit pocket. 01:05:06.62 Johnny Stanton IV Suit pocket. 01:05:07.15 Travis It gives me plus one to, hey, look at this. 01:05:10.03 Johnny Stanton IV Nice. 01:05:11.48 sidekqpodcast And hey, it's a, you know, it's worth, uh, it's gold, uh, you know, cause it's, if it's a solid gold medal, then it's, you know, it's however many gold pieces of value that would be. 01:05:15.23 Travis Yeah. 01:05:21.20 sidekqpodcast So you've always got collateral on your person, I suppose. 01:05:24.68 Travis And Samuel's convinced that it gives him an air of ah to be taken seriously. 01:05:32.02 Johnny Stanton IV I think, um, Bill M's is the only living, um, Speaker or reader of a, of a language that he thinks he made up in childhood. Um, but it turns out to be like this, this specific key to unlock this like contract or something that he owned that, that he can read, but nobody else can. 01:05:52.60 Travis Oh wow. This is how you know someone plays D and&D. This is useful. 01:05:58.44 sidekqpodcast ok 01:05:58.85 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, that gold medal thing, what the hell's that mean? 01:05:59.30 Travis This is a story for- It's funny! 01:05:59.41 sidekqpodcast OK. 01:06:02.82 Travis It's a bit! He's got an olympic- He's a big hippo that's a paralegal with olympic gold medal. That's bits for days! 01:06:11.89 Johnny Stanton IV That's fair, that's fair. 01:06:13.33 sidekqpodcast And then so and so Billums thinks that he's made up this language and he's the only one that can speak it, but really it is the cipher necessary to figure out like some complex sort of legal agreement that's floating out there in the world. 01:06:28.46 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, he's tried to teach Samuel this language a number of times, but it's way too complicated and Samuel does not care enough. 01:06:33.49 Travis Yeah, no, no. 01:06:36.01 sidekqpodcast It's like Gen Z speak or something like that. 01:06:38.22 Travis Yeah. 01:06:38.96 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:06:38.77 sidekqpodcast We're just like, I don't know what a skibbity toilet is. and I don't, I'm too afraid to ask at this point. 01:06:47.98 Johnny Stanton IV Travis, you work with kids a lot. What's the next what's the newest Gen Z or Gen Alpha term? 01:06:51.84 Travis Jen, um. OK. They're kind of without. ah like signature slang so far, as far as I can tell. 01:07:09.24 sidekqpodcast Mhmm. 01:07:09.82 Travis um That said, they are like into a lot of the hallmarks of like mid 2000s hot topic mall culture. 01:07:20.90 Johnny Stanton IV Nice. 01:07:21.08 Travis Like it's back, like raw or so random is back. 01:07:24.21 Johnny Stanton IV Oh god, really? 01:07:25.13 Travis Yeah. Oh, big way. It's crazy. I've got some students, one that I'm keeping, even though I started the new job I'm with at school, who unironically wants to learn like every corn song. 01:07:37.32 Johnny Stanton IV Hell yeah. 01:07:37.86 Travis Yeah. like it's like it's We're just we are circling back around. um 01:07:42.78 Johnny Stanton IV This circle gets smaller and smaller every time. 01:07:45.08 Travis Yeah. it's in there are The general vibe is internet poisoning. They're all just ra irradiated with online. 01:07:52.70 Johnny Stanton IV Great. 01:07:55.14 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:07:55.19 sidekqpodcast Hmm, yeah. 01:07:57.02 Johnny Stanton IV Our future is going to be great. 01:07:57.33 Travis Though they are pretty funny. Well, I had a fifth grade student ah who shall go and I'm still going to out them on a podcast who one time I asked them how school was going. They're like, ah that's all right. The kids of my class started the petition to have me put down. 01:08:11.62 Johnny Stanton IV I remember this story. 01:08:18.89 Travis It's like, I've never been funny. I thought I was funny. I've never been funny. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. um 01:08:23.97 sidekqpodcast Oh, goodness. 01:08:25.20 Travis Yeah. And then we, then she wanted to learn, uh, um, the red jumpsuit apparatus song used to be really popular face down. 01:08:30.79 Johnny Stanton IV Good 01:08:31.25 sidekqpodcast Face down. 01:08:32.96 Travis Exactly. 01:08:34.06 Johnny Stanton IV call. 01:08:34.62 Travis Yeah. 01:08:34.87 sidekqpodcast Yeah. Not me, just, you know, browsing through, you know, YouTube ah for early 2000 songs while I was at work. And I saw that song was like, oh, yeah, I read, I read jumpsuit apparatus face down. Yeah. 01:08:48.48 Travis Second stage warp tour. 01:08:48.62 sidekqpodcast So. 01:08:49.56 Travis Let's go. 01:08:52.02 sidekqpodcast All right, so we've got our valuables figured out for each character. And then of course, we like all of our NPCs to be able to offer up side quests. So is there a side quest that each brother offers individually, or is there like a side quest together ah that they need to offer a bunch of hero characters who are going to come across them that they need their help? um If you want to roll for it randomly, last dice to roll a d12 or otherwise, you know, talk amongst yourselves, figure out what you want to do. 01:09:14.24 Johnny Stanton IV Nah, I think it's together. 01:09:24.62 Travis This feels important. 01:09:28.58 Johnny Stanton IV Hmm. 01:09:31.92 Johnny Stanton IV Do we want to roll that D12? 01:09:33.78 Travis Can we roll the D12 for inspiration? 01:09:36.33 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, I like that. 01:09:36.10 sidekqpodcast Sure. 01:09:37.18 Travis Yeah, let's do that. 01:09:38.88 Johnny Stanton IV You want me to roll? 01:09:39.81 Travis Yes, please. 01:09:42.80 Johnny Stanton IV That's a 9. 01:09:44.09 sidekqpodcast Nine. ahha Well, look well um but let's let's see how this goes. Okay, so this answer was suggested by one of my lovely live audience members when I was at FateCon, who asked to be credited as MK. 01:09:57.45 Travis Oh, nice. 01:10:00.06 sidekqpodcast And ah the way this answer was phrased was, retrieve three buckets of a particular bodily fluid from a particular animal for whatever they need it for. 01:10:11.60 Travis Ah, blood to sign contracts. 01:10:14.88 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, usually has to be your blood, right? 01:10:15.70 Travis Yeah. 01:10:20.24 Travis I mean, we don't have to, the devil doesn't have to know that. 01:10:21.43 Johnny Stanton IV For like the devil part. 01:10:26.47 Johnny Stanton IV What if there is like so this is the Astral Sea, right? Like pretty much anything can can exist. 01:10:29.01 Travis Okay, yeah. 01:10:31.27 Johnny Stanton IV What if there is a creature in the Astral Sea that like mimics your mimics like your blood type or like your like it like if you like it it it can 01:10:31.32 sidekqpodcast Sure. 01:10:44.66 Johnny Stanton IV Not only can it like work as like kind of a transfusion type thing, but it can it can like, if you write it, basically the idea is if you use it for ink in a devil's contract, it thinks that it used your, more your blood. 01:10:58.04 Travis It's legally binding blood. 01:11:00.02 Johnny Stanton IV Exactly. 01:11:00.33 Travis It's legally binding. 01:11:00.50 Johnny Stanton IV But it, but it does allow for like, um, ah like loopholes and, and contract outs and stuff where like, yeah this is, this is their specific, this is, this is what makes them so sought after as paralegals. 01:11:07.64 Travis Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:11:09.22 sidekqpodcast h 01:11:13.34 Travis Yeah, but the catch is the animal is adorable and sentient. 01:11:20.75 sidekqpodcast And you have to get three buckets. Well, and we so we said blood. 01:11:23.65 Travis Buckets, gallon buckets. 01:11:24.43 sidekqpodcast Yeah. 01:11:29.14 Johnny Stanton IV Yep, that's what you have to do. 01:11:31.91 Travis Good luck. 01:11:33.51 sidekqpodcast Well i'm since i i am running a a home i you know i'm with a friend it and it's all my google docs as well very very fascinating way to play one-on-one dnd but it is a spell jammer campaign and so i am kind of steeped in the setting um and i do happen to know that the giant space whales kindori um you know so it's like a giant whale uh you know so kind of like in star wars as we saw with um 01:11:34.68 Johnny Stanton IV what is this What does this animal look like? 01:11:41.63 Travis Oh, wow. Okay. Aww. Okay. 01:12:02.83 sidekqpodcast the soca show and probably it was back in like clone wars and and rebels and stuff like that but the giant space wheels that allow for hyperspace travel or whatever but in dnd it's just kindori there the giant space wheels that uh fly through the astral sea 01:12:07.78 Travis Yeah. 01:12:12.75 Johnny Stanton IV i I will say as much as i as I love that, I think the whale is too big for people to think that they can't get three buckets of blood out of them without killing the whale. 01:12:18.21 Travis I like this 01:12:29.81 Johnny Stanton IV So I think that we're really making them like, You really have to hurt like hurt yourself. 01:12:36.59 Travis this is a This is a moral fork in the road. 01:12:38.46 Johnny Stanton IV This is the moral quandary for you if you're going to try to do this. 01:12:38.67 Travis this is a 01:12:41.78 Johnny Stanton IV this is This animal is a cross between ah a pony and a rabbit and it's the size of a dog. 01:12:48.26 Travis Oh my God. 01:12:48.61 sidekqpodcast The Almorosh? 01:12:50.56 Travis Sure. 01:12:50.35 sidekqpodcast Are you talking about the Almorosh? 01:12:50.94 Johnny Stanton IV no I'm not talking about Elmerage. I'm thinking, I'm, I think Elmerage I'm thinking is like, is pretty much just a bunny. I'm thinking of like, this is, this is a, a dog sized bunny, but has like the limbs, like a horse. And, but it's fuzzy. 01:13:05.69 Travis I said cute, Johnny. That sounds horrifying. 01:13:08.35 Johnny Stanton IV No, it's cute. 01:13:10.65 Travis It's like a like a ah dick dick kind of. 01:13:10.47 sidekqpodcast Or, oh, giant space hamsters. 01:13:14.78 Travis Have has anybody here ever seen a dick dick before? 01:13:14.87 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. Yes. 01:13:18.12 Travis Yeah, it's like, yeah, it's like those things like a little, little big eyed antelopes. 01:13:18.19 Johnny Stanton IV Not in person, but a picture. Yeah. 01:13:22.97 Travis so We could have bunny ears or something like that. 01:13:25.20 sidekqpodcast I mean well I mean the the whole the whole famous boo and mince ah you know is like he's a miniature giant space hamster but in spell jammer like there are the giant space hamsters so you know. 01:13:37.96 Travis Sure. 01:13:38.19 Johnny Stanton IV And how big they do those get? 01:13:39.96 sidekqpodcast I mean I think they're like large sized creatures. 01:13:42.53 Travis If you had to measure them in buckets, how many buckets would you say they are? I also defer to your spell jammer expertise. Whatever you feel like is the most functional version of this. 01:13:50.47 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, I'm fine with going official. 01:13:52.81 sidekqpodcast Yeah. Well, I mean, it's your it's your brothers. It's your characters. 01:13:57.02 Travis I like this. 01:13:56.95 sidekqpodcast so I mean, I'm just one suggestions. 01:13:57.78 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, but this is I think I think it's got to be a it's got to be a new character because we're creating new lore for this. And I don't think the giant space hammers hamsters have um blood that can that can deceive devils. 01:14:08.70 sidekqpodcast Hmm. True, true. Yeah. OK, so you want to leave this open then to invention. So it's like some sort of like cross. 01:14:15.22 Travis Sure. 01:14:16.80 sidekqpodcast but So you were suggesting like some sort of cross between like. 01:14:18.79 Johnny Stanton IV It's a dog sized dick dick. 01:14:22.55 Travis They're kind of dog sized already. 01:14:22.38 sidekqpodcast OK. 01:14:24.50 Travis um Also, are they real? 01:14:25.41 Johnny Stanton IV Dictics are tiny, though, this big. 01:14:27.45 Travis Oh, wow. I have no concept of how big dikdoks are. um So I would also say that as the DM of this, if there's something that feels more like lore appropriate to characters, I think there may be a room for massaging there as there always is. 01:14:30.47 Johnny Stanton IV I think they're pretty small. Yeah. 01:14:41.46 Travis But I do like. 01:14:41.78 sidekqpodcast oh 01:14:43.69 Travis Yeah, I like the idea though, but... ah Yeah, yeah. 01:14:46.68 sidekqpodcast Okay, so it's a very rare animal here in the Astral Sea, so it is going to be a bit of a chore to have to go seek these things out or or dare I say because I'm looking at some of the other suggestions here ah because one of the other random suggestions that in recent episodes has been rolled multiple times but just hasn't fit the character as far as like a 01:14:51.38 Travis Yeah. 01:14:51.64 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:15:07.66 sidekqpodcast you you know Oh deliver a breeding pair of a rare species available to reserve to help them repopulate their numbers so um you know so seeing that and then just you know thinking about how this answers been crafted of like. Oh the reason why these things are so rare is because like they were hunted you know to a near point of extinction and so you're being asked to like. 01:15:26.69 Travis Yeah. 01:15:27.78 sidekqpodcast Oh we just need you to break into this reserve and you know just get three buckets of blood ah from these little 01:15:33.73 Travis Yeah, push them further towards extinction because we need these contracts eight yesterday. 01:15:41.69 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. I mean, if the party has to figure out an infertile contract themselves, like that, they'll be highly motivated to do it. 01:15:45.92 Travis Yeah, infernal contracts. 01:15:49.09 sidekqpodcast Okay. 01:15:49.66 Travis Well, hey, we hey, they maybe they don't have to do it and then they got to figure out how to how to deal with that. You know, life is complicated. 01:15:57.97 sidekqpodcast Okay. So, well this well this is leading... 01:16:01.95 Travis Not everything can be black and white. 01:16:03.78 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:16:04.44 sidekqpodcast Not everything can be as black and white as ah as a devil's contract. 01:16:07.98 Travis But it can be read all over, which is to say three buckets of blood. 01:16:08.23 sidekqpodcast ah 01:16:09.97 Johnny Stanton IV Oh yeah. 01:16:11.50 sidekqpodcast ah 01:16:11.83 Johnny Stanton IV yeah 01:16:12.40 sidekqpodcast There we go. Yeah. Well, I think this leads in nicely then because we have to figure out based on the side quest What's going to be the what's going to be the reward for the players? 01:16:19.20 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:16:19.36 sidekqpodcast So if they go to wherever these creatures are they retrieve the three buckets of blood and they come back to the the pair of Paralegals and secure your three buckets of blood. How are they going to reward the party? 01:16:31.24 Johnny Stanton IV They get the, they get the, they get the three buckets of such thing. 01:16:31.76 Travis three three buckets i can get more but it's like we don't need these 01:16:41.53 Johnny Stanton IV No, i think I think what it is is you um you can you become prepared for when you go when you come across a devil that is trying to um offer up a ah bargain with you. 01:16:52.03 Travis Yeah, we will do your contract negotiation. 01:16:55.04 Johnny Stanton IV We hold you in your contract negotiations and we can do it in a way that will allow you an out in the future. 01:17:01.07 Travis Yeah. 01:17:01.05 sidekqpodcast o 01:17:01.93 Travis Yeah. 01:17:03.24 Johnny Stanton IV So it gives you like the upper hand in those negotiations and like, you know, you get a, uh, a little one up on, on any kind of infernal that that's trying to offer a contract. 01:17:05.58 Travis Yeah. 01:17:15.19 Travis yeah 01:17:15.07 sidekqpodcast OK. 01:17:16.23 Travis And you get three buckets. 01:17:18.21 sidekqpodcast Oh, and then Samuel just wants to give you the buckets. 01:17:20.91 Travis Well, it's like I didn't need the buckets in the blood. 01:17:21.31 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:17:23.32 Travis You can have the buckets. I don't want these buckets. 01:17:27.12 sidekqpodcast Well, hey, I mean, buckets are ah are in the. 01:17:28.23 Johnny Stanton IV We, we walk our hands in these buckets. 01:17:30.70 Travis Yeah, I want contraband around here. 01:17:31.95 Johnny Stanton IV we don't want 01:17:32.87 Travis Get out of here. 01:17:34.43 Johnny Stanton IV ah Monster? 01:17:35.89 sidekqpodcast I was going to say, if it's there in the tables in the player's handbook, then I guess, yeah, if you wanted to give buckets, there you go. 01:17:36.89 Johnny Stanton IV You don't want that. 01:17:43.39 Travis This. 01:17:43.20 sidekqpodcast So unless you were going to be like, oh, these are buckets that I found in the Astral Sea as well. It turns out they're made of like solid platinum or whatever. 01:17:51.85 Travis Sure. Hey, that's your discretion. If they're, if they're particularly needy party, you can make them whatever out of whatever you want, but get them out of our office. 01:17:59.29 sidekqpodcast Minecraft human buckets. 01:18:01.67 Travis Yeah. 01:18:03.03 sidekqpodcast ah Okay, very cool. and then ah But now we have to consider the opposite. What's going to be the consequence of failure or refusing the call to the adventure? So the brothers have come across these heroes, gave them this job. 01:18:18.00 Travis hey 01:18:18.34 sidekqpodcast They don't come back with the buckets of blood. They... 01:18:21.91 Johnny Stanton IV You get, per you get the wrong, ah the wrong end of the, of the strong arm of the astral C legal system at your throat. 01:18:25.40 sidekqpodcast We're 01:18:27.73 Travis Yeah, you get sued. We sue you. 01:18:28.95 Johnny Stanton IV You get sued. 01:18:31.58 sidekqpodcast not doing this illegal job. 01:18:32.72 Travis For breach of breach of contract. 01:18:34.76 Johnny Stanton IV Yes. 01:18:36.46 Travis And you got to go through trial. 01:18:36.21 sidekqpodcast Ah. 01:18:38.04 Travis And it's gonna be at least a whole session. And it's gonna be really boring. Got to do mock trial. 01:18:45.00 sidekqpodcast Oh, OK. 01:18:45.66 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:18:48.12 sidekqpodcast OK, so that so. 01:18:48.79 Johnny Stanton IV go be the most boring te and tea session of all um become I think it becomes trial by combat is is the way that you get sued in the Astral Sea. 01:18:53.06 sidekqpodcast Why was I don't know I was expecting a twist or I don't know somehow it comes back to the brothers like maybe in the in the thing of trying to get the blood. 01:18:53.50 Travis cha 01:19:01.43 sidekqpodcast All the animals get killed and that's obviously a problem because the whole point was for the all of these animals not to be killed so that's a failure of some kind so. 01:19:04.51 Travis Um, yeah, that's true. it's true 01:19:17.65 Travis That's true. 01:19:19.88 sidekqpodcast The two brothers pull out their blunderbusses and just go blastin'. 01:19:23.73 Johnny Stanton IV No, no, they have champions. 01:19:25.43 Travis We have. chance 01:19:28.06 Johnny Stanton IV We are the most honored paralegals in the Astral Sea. 01:19:27.93 sidekqpodcast Ah. 01:19:33.13 Travis Yeah, it's not, it's actually no coincidence. There's only the two of us. 01:19:37.63 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:19:38.46 Travis Okay. Okay. Fair enough. Fair enough. Fair enough. Um, yeah, so there's, there's consequences. Like if you end up exterminating the species, cause like we didn't need that much blood, you sickos. 01:19:48.77 Johnny Stanton IV I know who our champion is. 01:19:49.10 Travis Um, you know, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta maintain the, the, the blood line. And then, uh, and then we, yeah, you have to fight our champion, which is. 01:20:01.21 Johnny Stanton IV Mother druthers. 01:20:04.69 sidekqpodcast and who is mother druthers brattell oh so mom who was so who she wasn't in the picture before but if you get the bad side of the brothers they sick their mom on you 01:20:05.16 Travis Ma! 01:20:07.04 Johnny Stanton IV It's, it's mom. It's mom. 01:20:09.30 Travis Ma! You gotta be a champion! 01:20:17.22 Johnny Stanton IV She still has a cast from the the slip accident at the grocery store. 01:20:21.17 Travis Heck yeah. 01:20:24.66 Travis He's got a neck brain. 01:20:26.92 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. She's go i still got a neck race on. 01:20:29.10 Travis And boy is she steamed. 01:20:33.94 sidekqpodcast Is it an especially brutal combat or is it just meant to be like, oh, so now if you hurt mom, it's even more legal troubles. 01:20:41.98 Travis That's the fun part you got you got a yeah, it's winner be sued You know how the like the combats I'm imagining the combat styles to be something similar to like King K rule from Donkey Kong giant Yeah, 01:20:51.98 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 01:20:54.41 Johnny Stanton IV And that's how, that's how mother, that's how mother druthers fight is like King K rule. 01:20:54.16 sidekqpodcast I had Donkey Kong Country. I don't know if I ever made it that far in the game, but I know 01:20:57.82 Travis big old because it's got the blunderbuss big old gun like titanium stomach and small 01:21:00.97 Travis yeah big old because it's got the blunderbus big old gun like 01:21:04.59 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:21:05.30 Travis titanium stomach and a small helicopter I'm remembering that's what he has. 01:21:11.33 Johnny Stanton IV Mother druthers is just King K rule. 01:21:12.97 Travis Yeah, but like with pin curls and lipstick. 01:21:17.06 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:21:17.72 sidekqpodcast Mm, okay. 01:21:18.77 Johnny Stanton IV And a neck brace. 01:21:19.58 Travis Yeah. 01:21:21.98 sidekqpodcast Okay, all right, all right. 01:21:22.33 Johnny Stanton IV Make that fan art. 01:21:26.10 Travis Cowards. 01:21:26.02 sidekqpodcast I waited with, I wait with bated breath for any fan art of this podcast, certainly. um Is there is there a difference in how the brothers would. ah Deal with the party if they just refuse them outright if they're like hey we want you to do this contract we want you to do this mission they don't sign anything and they just say no thank you like are the brothers. Gonna treat the party differently or anything like that find legal recourse or something else. 01:21:57.91 Travis I don't think so personally. I think that's one of those, you don't know you're in it until you're in it. 01:22:03.91 sidekqpodcast Hmm I see they just gotta dangle it over him 01:22:05.31 Travis It's like, if they say no, it's like, all right. Hey, it's good. It's a good gig. 01:22:11.83 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, I think we've got a long line of 01:22:14.23 Travis Yeah. 01:22:14.64 Johnny Stanton IV We've got a long line of clients that we we need to tend to. 01:22:16.27 Travis Yeah. Yeah. So sort of at their discretion, I've been far away from the microphone, sorry, at their discretion. And, uh, but once they, once they say, yeah, and like, well, we'll pitch, you know, it's like, Hey, look, not everybody gets to do this. This is, this is a pretty well paying gig and we don't, it doesn't come around all that often. And it's, it's trust me, it's easy. 01:22:38.54 Johnny Stanton IV you want You're going to want these buckets. 01:22:39.35 Travis It's easy. You're going to want these buckets. You haven't seen buckets full stop. ah And then you know if they say yes, it's like, well, here we go. 01:22:56.02 sidekqpodcast All right. Okay, well ah well, we have optional questions. If you feel like the characters need to be explored further, or do you feel like ah these characters are are pretty well discovered? 01:23:05.54 Johnny Stanton IV I feel like they're pretty flush out. 01:23:07.97 Travis this feels This feels almost obtusely detailed. like this is i can't um don't don't Don't do that to yourself. 01:23:18.01 sidekqpodcast Fair enough. Well, without further ado, I think it's time we throw the Druthers Brothers into a random encounter! 01:23:26.50 Travis Oh my goodness. I hurt myself today. 01:23:33.34 sidekqpodcast And a fun fact, all that music was written by me way back when and oh, I guess it would have been like right at the end of 2019 or beginning 2020. I've just been using the same music ever since. And that's just the filler ah to be able to then get me into this next part. 01:23:49.41 Travis Sounds great. 01:23:49.45 sidekqpodcast All right. yeah so we've made it here to the random encounter section this is where we get to do a little bit of dnd some role play a vignette if you will a scene from the life of the druthers brothers so the question i put before you gentlemen. Is that you know we have a johnny's gonna be billings and we have travis who's gonna be samuel but the question is. Who am i going to be in the scene that you wish to present the druthers brothers is it going to be them meeting one of my. adventuring characters and ah they're they're going to ask them to do the quest. Is it ah you know them meeting with a potential law firm ah that they want to work for? Is it that instigates or initiates them being like, hey, we need to get more of this supplies? um Is it them? I don't know. any i'm Whatever kind of scene you're interested in, how you think you're going to be able to best showcase Billums and Samuel. 01:24:47.07 Johnny Stanton IV I think it's a um it's a kind of it's a concept conservationist that is hearing issues about the the loss of life at this um this creature that we have been having to source our ink from. And this conservationist is not happy with us right now because we've been sending all these adventures to source more blood for us for our contracts. 01:25:17.37 Johnny Stanton IV If that's too dark, we can go a different direction because I didn't get the response that I was. 01:25:21.12 Travis yeah I'm just, no, I'm just staring down the barrel of having to confront this monster I've created. 01:25:23.37 Johnny Stanton IV necessari 01:25:27.47 Travis ah No pun intended. 01:25:28.56 Johnny Stanton IV Let's do, let's just, let's just do the an adventure, I think. 01:25:31.03 Travis Well, yeah, I was gonna say, Kurt, ah you know, our things are set. What sounds the most fun to play off of for you? 01:25:37.79 sidekqpodcast Well, I mean as of late I've just been doing ah a bunch of different vignettes But I mean I have I do have a whole roster of characters that we could use 01:25:47.31 Travis Yeah, Summit speaks to you. 01:25:47.25 sidekqpodcast um 01:25:49.31 Travis Yeah, that's, you know. 01:25:49.10 sidekqpodcast Yeah, okay. So you know just just to remind our podcast audience who all these fine adventurers are, we've got Duncan, the recklessly brave adventurer for hire, happy-go-lucky kind of a guy. he Sam Rusk did a fan art of Duncan, so very appreciative of that. 01:26:05.59 Johnny Stanton IV Oh nice. 01:26:05.50 sidekqpodcast We've got Sonya, the warrior woman. 01:26:06.49 Travis Nice. 01:26:08.94 sidekqpodcast who who started as a barbarian multi-classed into a paladin who serves a god to redeem the undead. We have Korak who's the lawful evil arcane trickster roguish dwarf. um We've got Chrisley who's the herbalist botanist wood elf druid who started as a ah you know, started as a druid, multi-classed into a cleric who serves ah the god ah living memory. ah We have Orion, who's the Astral Elf illusionist wizard. ah We have Agape, who is the lilac-colored tiefling Sorelok, so started as a wild magic sorcerer and then took a feywild archfey warlock pact. 01:26:54.53 sidekqpodcast And then the newest, I think, character that we've added to the roster would be Life Spell the Necromancer with his little skeleton manservant, Octavius. 01:26:56.46 Johnny Stanton IV you 01:27:06.49 sidekqpodcast So if any of those characters speak to you, I know, you know, if you if ah if you go back and listen to the episode we did with KP, Orion did finally manage to make his way back to the Astral Sea. I could see Orion being an interesting character to to interact with, but If you prefer any of those other characters, I'm of course open ah to having any of them just randomly, you know, any number of spells or circumstances could happen to make one ah suddenly appear in the Astral Sea. 01:27:35.09 Travis I. 01:27:35.75 Johnny Stanton IV who's Who's most likely to be in legal trouble with the devil? 01:27:39.09 sidekqpodcast Hmm. I mean, Korak is the lawful evil character that I've specifically made and it has been a long while since we've heard from him, probably because he must have run into some legal trouble. 01:27:53.11 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, I think he found some himself in some legal trouble and went to the Astral Sea to go to the only people that he knows can help him best. Does that sound good to you, Trav? 01:28:05.81 Travis I like it. 01:28:07.29 sidekqpodcast OK, all right, as I find my notes here on I have to scroll back now quite a ways, hopefully not too far. OK, there we. Where did you go? I'm staring at a spreadsheet here trying to look. OK, there we go. Yes. OK, way back when in episode 94. So I guess I'll go ahead and and set the scene so. Where we last left our hero question mark korak back in episode ninety four like how they would used to do in comic books. um He went to the shop of ash amel who was the had a z who worked in the mirror shop. 01:28:45.05 sidekqpodcast And had the the strange looking glass mirror and correct was on the run is he had just you know participated in some five finger discount ring of the local lord's house um and then step to the mirror and kind of found himself in the fae wild and of course that the wibbly wobbly nature of time going forward and backwards simultaneously in the fae wild. You know, through the course of that adventure, you know, kind of learned a little bit more about himself, but you know, just that lawful evil streak in him, he just can't help himself. When he knows that, you know, the law is on his side to do the most selfish things for his own benefit, much to the chagrin of Ashamel. 01:29:27.22 sidekqpodcast Who did try and really help him, but suffice it to say ah because of the portal nature. um Yeah, Korak got into mischief in trouble in the Feywild and was desperate to try to find the right portal and soon enough finds himself ah stepping through another looking glass mirror type thing. And where does he find himself in the Astral Sea where he's going to easily be able to find ah these brothers or some indication of where the brothers were located? 01:29:56.85 Travis The portal dumps them and into the middle of our office. 01:30:02.38 sidekqpodcast seemingly perfect okay yeah so he steps out of this portal uh and he looks around and is just kind of like ah where where where am i what i was running from the prince's army and where the blazes am i and he starts going off in a bunch of dwarvish but he's looking around and what does he see in this office 01:30:19.69 Travis Uh, front. 01:30:23.20 Johnny Stanton IV I think from you. 01:30:24.48 Travis Yeah, go ahead. so Go ahead. you 01:30:25.62 Johnny Stanton IV Okay. I was just going to say behind from behind a desk. You can't see any, anybody there, but you see a little, you hear a little voice say, welcome to druthers and druthers, paralegal where you we help you find your druthers. Uh, how can we help you? 01:30:40.42 sidekqpodcast Yeah, yeah yeah he he pulls out his daggers and he's like looking around like ghosts. Wait, did I end up in a place with ghosts? What's what's going on? 01:30:50.28 Johnny Stanton IV No, um'm I'm just down here. 01:30:52.36 sidekqpodcast He he looks down there. I'm guessing they're probably on the par for the same height. He goes, oh, oh, he puts. 01:31:00.31 Johnny Stanton IV I hop up on the chair to be standing up to be able to see him. 01:31:03.41 sidekqpodcast Ah, he puts his, uh, he puts his daggers away and he's like, uh, hello, nice to meet you, strange. And he, he does, he rolls a history check and he does like really but poorly. And so he just blurts kind of like out without thinking. He's just kind of like strange talking hippo person. 01:31:25.99 Travis Just so we're all remember, in a suit with a pi with a pith hat on. Just paint this image. 01:31:33.60 Johnny Stanton IV Um, ah I think I'm going to have to bring my associate out here, Samuel Billums. 01:31:33.35 sidekqpodcast Yeah, Korak has never encountered a gift before, so he does not know what to make of this. 01:31:38.11 Travis Yeah, of course. ah Sorry. do what what the I can't remember your name again. is It was Billums. I'm like, and that's, I couldn't remember. I thought there was a TH in it somewhere. Sorry. from the other room you hear, ah hu aren't banging, crashing, banging, something loud falling down. 01:32:01.46 Travis Billums, what's going on? Oh, a customer. 01:32:04.46 Johnny Stanton IV A customer. 01:32:04.49 Travis Hello. oh Hello. 01:32:05.68 Johnny Stanton IV Hello. 01:32:07.34 Travis I'm gonna do a lore check on this guy real quick in my own head. 01:32:10.55 sidekqpodcast Sure yeah you so you roll and you know with your natural legal insight you're you get like a really high insight check so yeah you you totally clock this guy you know he is a dwarf he's scar riddled he's wearing like dark clothing so you definitely get like the rogue vibe but you So you sense maybe a little arcane off of him so he maybe knows some other kinds of ah quick tricks. So he's you know so he's used to like you know living by the skin of his teeth and rolling from the next situation to the next. So this guy definitely reeks of like legal troubles if he stays in a place too long. 01:32:46.38 Johnny Stanton IV Samuel, you took the portal. 01:32:47.68 Travis My friend, you smell like portal and strife. Samuel Druthers, nice to meet you. And you are? 01:32:54.50 sidekqpodcast ah Horak nice to meet you. He's like slowly shaking your hand. Not quite. There's a larger one of you how What's I? 01:33:05.36 Johnny Stanton IV Put her there. 01:33:05.40 sidekqpodcast ah And he's just like good confused ah And he shakes your hand it oh two hands at once. 01:33:07.60 Johnny Stanton IV Millen's druthers. 01:33:09.55 Travis Two hands shaking at once, two hands at once. 01:33:12.57 sidekqpodcast Yeah, he's shaking both hands He's he's thoroughly confused. Like I said, he's never met a gift before so he's just like totally drawing a blank like You're talking that's 01:33:23.81 Travis Well, as are you. In fact, let's continue this conversation here by our desk. Samuel, or sorry, Billums, please show this man a seat. 01:33:33.79 Johnny Stanton IV Here's your seat, sir. Pulls up a seat for him. Just lays out a cloth on the chair to be able to like make it as fancy as possible. 01:33:42.85 sidekqpodcast ah Thank you. And as he goes to sit down, there is an obvious spill of more gems and coins and other sorts of fancy art ah items that he's just kind of like, oh, crap. um the ah I'll pick that up. Don't worry about that. ah Yes. 01:34:01.78 Travis Samuel, Samuel breathes heavily. 01:34:06.50 sidekqpodcast ah Yeah. 01:34:07.31 Johnny Stanton IV We are more than happy to help. 01:34:09.85 sidekqpodcast Oh thank you thank you young man my young man yes and so he'll turn to look at samuel and be like um yeah so where am i i was in the fae wild last i knew 01:34:23.83 Travis You're exactly where you need to be. Nobody falls through in our office unless they need our help. And what do we do to help? We help you get out of trouble with whoever you're in trouble with, as long as you don't need the help of an actual lawyer. 01:34:36.00 Johnny Stanton IV You know what they say. If you're ever in trouble, don't call your mothers, call the druthers. 01:34:40.94 Travis That's right. And then we'll call a lawyer. 01:34:41.83 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 01:34:43.93 Johnny Stanton IV And maybe our mother. 01:34:44.95 Travis Maybe our mother. So what's got you in here today? What happened? Who's on your tail? Nobody's going to come here, right? There's nobody going to be falling through. 01:34:50.53 Johnny Stanton IV Nobody behind you in the portal. 01:34:53.02 sidekqpodcast He looks around. 01:34:53.66 Travis You shut the portal behind you, right? You shut the portal behind you? 01:34:55.31 Johnny Stanton IV I pull a musket out. 01:34:57.56 sidekqpodcast He gets he he gets immediately freaked out seeing the muskets and he like reaches for his daggers to like hold them up and like are also like a mini Mexican standoff for a second before he like he starts 01:35:09.55 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, I'm pointing it past him. Don't you worry, sir. I'm not, i you're a client of ours now. I'm protecting you. 01:35:14.51 Travis Yeah, this is for your protection. We need to make sure that nobody else comes through that portal while we're having our consultation. Not only is that dangerous, it's a breach of confidentiality. 01:35:23.65 sidekqpodcast ah Ah, he nods slowly and puts the daggers back and just, you know, kind of ah ah flexes his hands and he's like, do you. 01:35:34.59 Johnny Stanton IV Just to be completely clear, we don't have legal confidentiality because we are not um license holding lawyers, but we do know quite a few. 01:35:45.48 Travis And they practice confidential eyes, so we figure it might as well get you in the vibe, get you used to the process. 01:35:49.05 Johnny Stanton IV Yes. 01:35:50.82 Travis Now again, as I was saying, what is it that brought you falling into our office today? Who's after you? What do they want? What did you do? 01:35:57.93 sidekqpodcast Well, I was... 01:35:58.64 Johnny Stanton IV That you're completely innocent of. 01:35:58.83 Travis And might I say your beard is truly magnificent. I've yet to see such facial, you have facial hair, right? That's what this is? 01:36:06.97 sidekqpodcast Oh yeah, no, he's like very like stereotypically thick bearded dwarf with like, but he's also got like plenty of scars and all sorts of other things. 01:36:07.45 Travis I'm looking at a beard. Yeah, yeah. to 01:36:13.95 Travis This is the beard of a dwarf who's seen things and knows people. And I don't take you for a fool, which is why I'd like to take on your case to a lawyer. 01:36:22.45 sidekqpodcast ah Ah, yeah, yeah he's the you know, he he is an arcane trickster. But you know, he, you know, I play him as kind of a character who's not very super intelligent. So he, you know, you're fast talking him and he's just kind of like buying more into it just kind of like 01:36:34.29 Travis Great. 01:36:39.25 sidekqpodcast Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I fell through a mirror when I had to leave I felt a monkey individual had to Z had to Z yeah it was called a had to Z. I went through the looking glass mirror and I was in the fair wild for any like he has like no sense of how much time is past he's like I was there. Fighting some kind of a war and the kid was nice but too young and idealistic and I split off and I just started grabbing things that weren't nailed down because I think they're better off with me and well, I don't think the Archfey quite liked that. So that's who I'm running from. 01:37:23.87 Johnny Stanton IV Let's just be clear, you didn't sign anything, did you? 01:37:26.61 sidekqpodcast o 01:37:27.40 Travis Because if you sign something, we we we can't help you. But if you haven't signed anything, then we can there's we have to work on this alibi. But there's hay to be made here. 01:37:35.47 sidekqpodcast No, I didn't sign anything. 01:37:38.68 Travis Fantastic. 01:37:39.11 Johnny Stanton IV Wonderful, wonderful. 01:37:40.94 Travis Now, here's what you need to know. You're going to probably be, what we call in the business, hunted for revenge, which is different than sport. because as it seems, you have stolen things from people that were not yours. Now, look, I personally have no moral opposition to that. I understand what it means to be a hunter-gatherer in the social sense. So that's not that's not for me or my associate here who I'm related to to pass judgment. But we need to make sure that you have is a solid story so that when they come for you and they will, 01:38:12.83 Johnny Stanton IV Yes, all right. 01:38:17.57 Travis you have protection. 01:38:19.10 sidekqpodcast Hmm. 01:38:19.42 Travis And that protection is called a good alibi. 01:38:22.77 sidekqpodcast o Yeah. 01:38:24.38 Johnny Stanton IV I thought you were going to say Brothers and Brothers Paraleald. 01:38:24.77 Travis Think of it like a spell that's made of a lie. 01:38:28.07 sidekqpodcast Ah, now you're talking my language. Yeah. Yeah. 01:38:33.21 Travis So let's go over. 01:38:33.01 sidekqpodcast He's getting more and more agreeable to you so yeah it's like you now now he's getting chummy and you're actually seeing like he's smiling more and you can see more of the metal teeth poking through in his smile some very strongly cracked teeth and stuff like that and he looks over at Billums and he's like. ah You got any alcohol in this place I could kill for a drop of drink. 01:38:57.20 Johnny Stanton IV ah He keeps it on the top shelf. 01:38:57.34 Travis I've got it. I've got it. Billums, why don't you talk to our client here, talk them through what our usual process is, drop maybe some contracts, and you i'm just let's give them the full package. I'll i'll rustle them up some some beverage. 01:39:11.58 Johnny Stanton IV Uh, the full package contract. Yes. Uh, he files through some papers. is Yes. And this is a basically our managing agreement. Um, our, um, our finding fee for being able to find you an actual lawyer who will be able to take on this case. We are an agents for several, uh, astral C lawyers. So if you sign here, here in here, we can start working for you. Uh, assuming you have the necessary funds on your person right now, uh, which seems to be the case based on. 01:39:35.86 sidekqpodcast He reaches into a pocket and he pulls out and drops like this huge thing of like, you know, it's like necklaces and tiaras and like, you know, a very fancy, ah you know, Feywild jewelry and like, and in silverware and all sorts of odds and ends that he just was too sticky fingered to not pass up. 01:39:57.00 Johnny Stanton IV Now let me be perfectly clear. These are, um, these are stolen items. Is that correct? 01:40:04.31 sidekqpodcast They were lying around and there was a war going on and you know what? 01:40:09.18 Johnny Stanton IV Oh, that yes. 01:40:09.71 sidekqpodcast Finders keepers. 01:40:11.98 Johnny Stanton IV And that's exactly what we would say here at druthers and druthers, a paralegal firm. 01:40:15.44 Travis Mm-hmm At which point Samuel 01:40:15.81 Johnny Stanton IV Um, that absolutely, that should just about do it as he kind of shuffles it back to Samuel and kind of pushes it back to you. 01:40:25.85 Travis ah ah A beam of a glare at the pile of riches on the table ah clambers down from a ah a small step stool with a large mug of of foamy drink and places one at your side, grabs another for himself and grabs a junior cup for Billum's cider. 01:40:49.08 Johnny Stanton IV Cider. 01:40:50.05 Travis Yes. ah 01:40:50.97 sidekqpodcast ah 01:40:53.26 Travis Okay, well, it's ah clear to me that we we have the makings of a wonderful partnership and I can guarantee you within the confines of the law that you will be protected from any and all legal action. Now, I must be ah clear that this does not necessarily protect you from violent action. That is outside of our purview. We ah do not provide physical security. We provide legal security. So while you may still be yet ah you may still yet be drawn into combat over this issue, ah you will not ah face legal proceedings so long as we can take your case, ah file the appropriate paperwork, and bring it to one of our ah many 01:41:20.81 sidekqpodcast Mmm. 01:41:39.06 Travis partner law firms and get them to agree to take on the case. And as long as we can get those several steps done, you will be completely safe. But I want to assure you now, you are completely safe legally. 01:41:53.83 sidekqpodcast Hmm, okay, and he like takes a big sip Ah Yeah, smart smart and he like he drowns or drains this whole drink ah Sets it down lets out a big nasty burp and it's just like ah starts picking his teeth with one of his daggers and then it's just like ah well, you know, this is great, you know, I've 01:41:55.82 Johnny Stanton IV it's the It's the mind, body, and spirit that we cannot ah account for quite yet. 01:42:01.18 Travis And your bones. 01:42:20.46 sidekqpodcast do it well well for myself. Usually in these, ah you know, it's usually a tit for tat sort of ah a thing. So is there like, I don't know, is there something you need help with so I can guarantee these legal services will remain with me indefinitely? 01:42:38.23 Travis Now that you've mentioned it, I mean, we were we were quite happy to to call it square with the pile of riches. 01:42:38.11 sidekqpodcast Yes. 01:42:45.19 Travis We're happy to, you seem like a friendly guy, so we're going to give you a family and friends discount. But if you're really feeling generous, truly, and I feel like we've made a connection here, so this may just be between friends at this point, we could use something, something quite specific. 01:42:57.44 sidekqpodcast Hm. 01:43:00.56 Johnny Stanton IV Yes, as a as a nonprofit paralegal um firm, ah we 01:43:00.82 sidekqpodcast Hm. 01:43:06.10 Travis As I dump the gems into a bag, just slide off the table. 01:43:10.23 Johnny Stanton IV We do require donations of a product to ah to come through the doors to continue working, um which is why we ah are in need of of a donation soon, specifically of greeble oil. which is ah the technical term for um three buckets of blood of greebles, which is a creature that's found here in the Astral Sea. 01:43:41.02 Travis And it's not found quite easily. 01:43:41.08 sidekqpodcast Oh. 01:43:42.38 Travis I'll tell you that right now. And you may be asking yourself, my dwarven friend, why do you need three buckets of greeble oil, which is blood, to run a paralegal firm? That is a great question. A little known fact about paralegal practice, and legal practice in general, in the astral planes, as it were, ah is that contracts are only legally binding if signed with 01:44:00.64 Johnny Stanton IV A lot of ink. 01:44:09.44 Travis Crable oil, which is blood. Now the trick is these animals are not only scarce, they are in fact quite intelligent. Some would even say sentient. They know pain, they know emotion, they understand reason. So even when you confront one, felling it is not just a matter of how hard can you swing your axe, but how deep can you reach into your soul to confront the moral quandary that is to take a life that is not only innocent, but aware. 01:44:37.09 Johnny Stanton IV And to watch the light go out from their eyes. 01:44:39.68 Travis and then get buckets. Well, we can we have the buckets, but then we need three buckets. It's like like four and a half greebles. 01:44:45.70 Johnny Stanton IV And we don't want them anymore after we you use them. 01:44:49.73 sidekqpodcast Hmm, and he just kind of starts laughing and he's just like ah watching the life leave from a person's eyes That's what I call the Tuesday 01:44:59.58 Travis It sounds like this. It sounds like the guy for the just says it's the right guy. 01:45:01.81 Johnny Stanton IV I think we're he's going to bring more work our way too, because based on that that kind of response. 01:45:01.98 Travis This is a guy. This is the right guy. This is going to be good. Yeah. Yeah. This guy makes bad decisions. This is violent. 01:45:09.49 Johnny Stanton IV yeah 01:45:10.75 sidekqpodcast Yeah, and he yeah you know, he's he's doing some dagger tricks and ah but you know, he's just so tickled pink that ah he's just has one of the daggers and I'm guessing this is a nice desk and you know, he doesn't know better manners. 01:45:15.56 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah. 01:45:21.68 Travis Mm hmm. Of course. 01:45:23.94 sidekqpodcast He's just absent mindedly stabbing the desk because he's just so happy and like making chips and and stuff like that. 01:45:26.96 Johnny Stanton IV I put a coaster down. 01:45:31.90 sidekqpodcast He's stabbing the coaster with it still on the desk and 01:45:33.08 Johnny Stanton IV That's fine. 01:45:35.18 Travis With each desk stab, Samuel winces slightly. 01:45:38.98 sidekqpodcast Ah, okay, so greeble oil, okay, and you need this for contracts and, um, you know, hmm, does this, is this a, I have a question. 01:45:49.15 Travis Mm hmm. 01:45:49.47 sidekqpodcast So in my past, there were these two lovely composer ladies that I only think I've just recently found out were Rakshasas. Is that a problem? 01:46:04.12 Johnny Stanton IV So you have been in um and contact with infernals before, it seems. 01:46:09.74 sidekqpodcast I guess, if that's what you call them. I mean, they just had me go hunt down a guy and tell them where he was. And I did that. um But I think I must have said something funny to one of them, because she gave me a weird look. And I don't know, I just get the weird feeling every once in a while that, ah you know, maybe I'm being followed or something like that. Like, I was just on this whole thing in the Feywild, but like, I really sit down and think about it. It's like, I don't know. are though A rakshasa is something to be worried about. 01:46:40.78 Johnny Stanton IV You better believe they are. And he transforms into the. 01:46:46.96 Johnny Stanton IV No. Um, a i' it sounds like your legal trouble has been avoided since you fulfilled the contract. But, um, but again, physical, uh, damage and trouble and, um, danger is not our ah forte. 01:47:06.63 Travis I'll put it to you this way though. 01:47:06.81 sidekqpodcast Ha. 01:47:08.08 Travis I've never met an infernal that I couldn't out legal. You hear about these infernal contracts, souls being claimed and reclaimed, traded like shreds of paper, like first round draft picks, push back and forth, the entirety of someone's life being treated as a token of transaction. I won't stand for it if you meet an infernal and they try to get you to agree to something. Just know that as long as you come to us first, you will be safe from the twisted words and winding ways of their 01:47:48.13 Travis Paragraphs. As it were. And such. 01:47:55.52 sidekqpodcast Well, Korak is just delighted to continue talking and getting more details. And so with more ah rude behavior, desk stabbings, and just general uncleanliness because this guy does not take very good care of himself, more treasure spilling out every which way, ah he'll get the coordinates and he will head out to get some of this greeble oil. 01:48:07.55 Travis Mm hmm. 01:48:19.33 Travis All right. 01:48:22.88 sidekqpodcast And seen so we did it so there you go and we made it we made it through the random encounter So what did you think it was like getting to be the druthers brothers? 01:48:23.71 Travis Today. Yay. 01:48:33.40 Travis I had a great time. 01:48:33.55 Johnny Stanton IV It was a, it was wild. 01:48:34.89 Travis I found myself mentally falling into the hippo character from a Harvey Birdman attorney at law and, you know, that's all right. 01:48:42.22 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, Travis, I think he missed your calling as a lawyer. 01:48:45.82 Travis Thank God. 01:48:45.94 Johnny Stanton IV As like a better call, Saul esque, you know, lawyer. 01:48:48.05 Travis You ever hear lawyers talk about being a lawyer? They're miserable. Every last one of them. 01:48:53.89 Johnny Stanton IV You sounded happy. 01:48:56.48 Travis That's what happens when you don't actually, when you just say you're something, you don't have to go to school for it. 01:49:01.70 sidekqpodcast i mean get entertained enough I get entertained enough ah listening to what J.D. 01:49:02.04 Johnny Stanton IV Just like paralegal just like paralegals do nice. 01:49:07.86 sidekqpodcast Stone the legal eagle on YouTube. 01:49:10.14 Travis Oh, that's right. 01:49:10.79 sidekqpodcast so yeah He makes it seem fun. 01:49:11.66 Travis Yeah. 01:49:14.29 sidekqpodcast at least 01:49:15.26 Travis Yeah. 01:49:16.60 Johnny Stanton IV Thanks for having us Kurt. 01:49:16.60 sidekqpodcast and you learn Yeah, of course. So, you know, i this is, you know, double the guests, you know, double the fun and, you know, just generally means a longer episode, which is fine, you know, because, the you know, hopefully the hardcore listeners of sidekicks and side quests are in it for the long haul with the awesome guests, the jokes, the the the good times to be had and all that. So, ah yeah, so, you know, we're here in the final thoughts section. So I always like to just Get the vibe check as the kids say with the gas and just you know how was your time on the show and you know for for Johnny it's a return for Travis it's the first time so yeah what you what was it like being back on. 01:49:57.45 Johnny Stanton IV i was I was excited to be back on. It's always fun to create NPCs that I'll probably end up using in in home games in the future if I ever get to run one, because it's my job to create these stories now. and It's so hard to do it for my own games. 01:50:12.45 sidekqpodcast Which is why this resource podcast exists, for sure. 01:50:15.07 Johnny Stanton IV It's true. It's true. 01:50:19.31 Travis You know, I think back to all the days I could have spent being on this podcast and I just, I feel shame and regret because this was a delight and to think that such time has passed and I remained in your good graces to the point of being able to be a guest on this podcast just warms my heart and affirms that there is in fact good in the world. 01:50:40.31 sidekqpodcast ah And I I can tell you mean that and you're not just trying to butter me up with flattery and all that so 01:50:47.24 Travis I'm not on the come down from pretending to be a lawyer to speak. 01:50:50.67 sidekqpodcast Right, right, exactly. ah Yeah, no, awesome. So obviously, you know ah before the podcast wraps up, I always like to give um the stage, the microphone, the soapbox, the platform over to the guests. So whatever you've got to plug, ah you know where can people find you on socials if you want to be found? um you know Any other concluding thoughts and ah you know any passions or causes that we need to be made aware of? Let us know. 01:51:16.69 Johnny Stanton IV Thank you. check um on your favorite podcasting app um or watch it on YouTube or join our Patreon um where similar to this show, you'll be able to get a shout out during the episode. 01:51:24.45 Travis or watch it on YouTube. 01:51:29.41 Travis Yeah. 01:51:36.36 Johnny Stanton IV um You can even at the highest, which we just had our most our first game at the highest tier, you get the opportunity to play in a ah virtual D and&D or TTRPG game um with myself, um possibly with Travis, um bi-monthly every other month, you get an opportunity to play in a ah in a D and&D game. And it was really fun to be able to do that last week. 01:52:01.09 Travis run by either one of us. And let me be explicitly clear, I have never once in my entire life ran a D and&D session before. so 01:52:10.49 Johnny Stanton IV So if you want to be in Travis's first D and&D session that he's ever run, join the Patreon 01:52:14.99 sidekqpodcast Mmm. 01:52:16.85 Johnny Stanton IV at, uh, athletics, check ah.com athletic check, athletic, check podcast.com. 01:52:19.61 Travis patreon dot.com slash athletics check pod also special shout out to my other roommate Frank Janice who does all the video editing and largely is the lead editor of there on this show because what's a roommate if you're not working with them it is the point of my life that's almost all of them that's four of five so Katie now it's all five 01:52:25.33 Johnny Stanton IV Yes. 01:52:28.06 Johnny Stanton IV yes 01:52:31.00 Johnny Stanton IV Largely is the reason why these episodes actually come out. Yeah. How many roommates did we mention this episode? Yeah. 01:52:46.53 sidekqpodcast Yay. And then, of course, for each, ah you know, collectively, yes, we got to we got to be making sure we're subscribed, like and share for athletics check podcast. 01:52:55.67 Travis You gotta be. 01:52:55.83 sidekqpodcast But for each of you individually, certainly, if we're not already following you, you know, where where should we be following you and such? 01:53:02.66 Travis Johnny, you got stuff to pitch. You got sync, you got, you got. 01:53:05.52 Johnny Stanton IV Yeah, I mean, but athletic check is the reason why we're here together. So athletic check is the main thing, but... 01:53:08.73 Travis Tell them about sync, it's open forum. 01:53:11.28 Johnny Stanton IV But yes, go to you can check out my social medias at Johnny Stanton IV on all the, you know, ah required websites to be on nowadays um and um check out sync RPG um at sync RPG on Instagram and get dot sync RPG dot com. 01:53:11.34 Travis You got stuff. 01:53:21.63 sidekqpodcast you 01:53:29.01 Johnny Stanton IV If you like pirates, if you like tattoos, if you like D and&D, you're going to like sync um and you can get a very cool little glittery pin um that Travis seems to like me describing. um that over at get.syncrpg.com with just a $1 pledge that will come with your fulfillment of the project. 01:53:48.81 Travis Fantastic. You can find me on LinkedIn. I don't update it. um You can also find me at the Clubhouse on Vermont Street in Los Feliz, either going to a clown show or being a participant in a clown show or at the Elysian Theater in ah Frogtown. You can also find me by the airport because I live by there. And if you need to keep your car there, um There's usually someone taking the space. 01:54:14.72 Johnny Stanton IV It's a great spot. 01:54:16.33 Travis Yeah, but like we we can figure it out. You can also find me largely in the social media sense on Instagram. It's not a well updated thing, but I post ah what funny things I see in the gym on my story. ah Today they were playing Hunter Hunter at the gym on one of the TVs, which that's fun. And anything else I try to plug is just going to dilute the legitimate plugs that Johnny had. So causes. 01:54:44.71 Travis Oh boy, Spain new to your pets. 01:54:49.73 sidekqpodcast the bob barker and crimson herald games right that's the actual game company that's putting together a sink along with hit point press right 01:54:50.19 Travis Give them the old Bob Barker. 01:55:01.34 Johnny Stanton IV Yes, yes and no, it's where um Crimson Herald is a part owner of the sync project along with Crimson Herald. ah Sorry, along with Hit Point Press and along with Sam Rusk, Samurai Rusk. 01:55:10.00 sidekqpodcast i see 01:55:13.10 sidekqpodcast All right. Yes. ah Awesome guests of the show. 01:55:14.31 Travis Fantastic. 01:55:15.84 sidekqpodcast So we got it. We got all the plugs. We got all the the mentions and and all that stuff. 01:55:19.71 Johnny Stanton IV Hell yeah. yeah 01:55:21.56 Travis Close up the plug bag. Let's get out of here. 01:55:23.98 sidekqpodcast All right. Well, thank you both so much for being on the podcast. Can't wait to have you back on, making even more interesting NPCs. 01:55:30.74 Travis I don't know if we can get much more interesting, but we'll try. 01:55:35.22 sidekqpodcast All right.