Welcome to the ShadowDragon podcast. Do not forget to like, subscribe and share this podcast if you appreciate it. I want to discuss something that we are currently seeing while monitoring the internet for political disturbances or in general disturbances. What we are seeing is in an effect of Israel taking out multiple Hamas leaders. We see that there's a lot of scatter coming from in and around of Iran. Looking for a need to spread propaganda that they are going to retaliate on Israel in the form of firing rockets, missiles, drones or basically starting something that we can most likely call a war. What makes this interesting is that we can see that there's a lot of influence campaigns that are clearly using imagery that's generated by artificial intelligence that look like, let's say rocket barrages against Israel. We can see drone propaganda posters that they're going to attack, that those attacks are imminent Ð and that's scare tactics. Most likely when we look at what in this case, the warnings are, there's a NOTAM alarm which means that there's a no-fly zone declared in and around that region because there will most likely be rockets fired towards Israel and vice versa to Iran. But we can also see that there's a lot of scatter around troops assembling in and around that region. We can see that US vessels are assembling. NATO is assembling some military deployments. And we can see that for example, from monitoring the sky that certain flights are being diverted. Also, we can see that certain supply planes, military supply planes are in and around that area. On top of that, we can also see from a monitoring perspective that there's a lot of unrest going on in the world. Recently in Southport, in the United Kingdom, there was a deadly stabbing at a dancing school where you very young kids were killed and murdered. This was falsely attributed to Muslims and migrants. Which means that this spiked huge riots in the past days in Rotherham and in other locations like Liverpool, Tamworth, Bristol, Manchester, Blackpool, Belfast. We can see that there are again certain narratives being spread while monitoring social media where they call to set arson or riot against migrants or visit migrant locations where they are housed or where they stay to basically beat them up. We can see that certain accounts spread this narrative with a very far right wing leaning view, when you look at this, we can also see that they also try to look at the local police as an enemy because they the right wing orientated people that are mostly behind these riots presented in such a way that they make it look like that the police is working in favor of the migrants which and actually factuality is not really true because when you look at the footage and when you look at the footage and social media, we can see that the police is basically trying to protect certain locations where large crowds are gathering with sticks and stones and all kinds of art of things to beat of others. And don't get me wrong because we can also now see that for example, the Muslim Defense League, which is a kind of a group that is actively online, but also globally is patrolling the streets trying to protect Muslims that are viciously being attacked in and around certain cities in the UK. By monitoring social media for the scatter, you get the early warning on what's going on, who's involved with it, but also who's pushing certain narratives. So we can see global politics wise that Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Israel are in a use conflict. We can see that there's a lot of propaganda and misinformation being spread with false narratives or just amplifying narratives to make things look worse or help people choose a side that they would otherwise not choose. We can see a similar thing going on in the United Kingdom when it comes to these migrant orientated rights. Basically, it means there's some underlying things going on that basically spike these huge riots. We've seen it previously with the pro Hamas and pro Palestine protests around the world. There's a lot of narratives being spread on social media and this is why monitoring social media can really help you move forward in understanding this. This was a little brief that we had from ShadowDragon. Do not forget to like and subscribe if you want to know more. Let me know, hit me up and otherwise I will see you at the next one.