are we supposed to be talking about potatoes now we can do that oh probably do you want to oh did you want to do the show now yes please oh okay we could do the show sure yeah we have um we have a one prime plus ama we have that i forgot we had that that's a thing we have uh over on the old one prime plus you can amas anything or ama as the kids say i think in today's modern society and this one comes to us from um someone named rob period two bees like the insect so rob two bees is i believe how that's pronounced and the question is what's your favorite variety of potato that's a hard-hitting question i have an answer for this of course you do a pretty quick one oh i knew he would he's ready martin martin fire away i think martin research look i am partial to the potato i like you know pretty much all potato varieties but i do think that a special mention needs to be given for the very versatile desiree potato just because it's really good for all different types of cooking it doesn't matter if you're roasting or mashing i like the fact that it's got the red skin look if someone went and bought potatoes that weren't desiree including us we don't always buy them uh i wouldn't bat an eyelid but it gets an extra special mention because the name reminds me of desiree the artist and who doesn't love the song life okay that's what i would say that's a good answer what about you andrew what's your potato specialty over there so so i'm not a potato connoisseur in the sense that i don't really know the details of all the different varieties but if i go to the shop and i get my choice i'm gonna get the royal blue i think i think i am i think i'm either getting this is where i get confused with potatoes because i can never quite remember if it's the royal blue or the potato i'm not a potato connoisseur i'm not a potato connoisseur royal blue or it might be the desiree or it might be the other one that has the red skin martin help me out the other one with the red skin isn't there another one with red skin that is not desiree oh probably now you're stretching my potato knowledge there's just generic red potatoes maybe that's it but i think the royal blue is my favorite because that's the one that does i want the one that makes that really creamy mash and i think that that's the royal blue i don't know yeah i don't know sorry okay we'll go with royal blue can i can i can i also say though in terms of potato i don't want anything if anything small you you guys know the size of my hands right they're massive i've seen them in person it's terrifying i want a potato that i can hold in hold in a hand like a big soft ball and then get my peeler and just if i have to peel a small potato i'm not a happy person because i'm likely to peel my finger yeah yeah i mean when when people ask like how big is western australia they're like well it's about three andrew hands is usually what they say that's the that's the measurement um my i i'm gonna throw out my favorite is those little fingerling potatoes that are coming a bunch of different colors you get like a bunch of them at once no that's not i'm getting two looks of what's what is that no no are you talking about when they're actually just made as chips like you're talking about when they're actually just made as chips like you're talking about when they're talking about the result no not not no no no no not they're they're like thin long little potatoes they're fingerling potatoes and they come in like they're you know brown ones purple ones red ones you get a whole collection no i seem familiar i don't know if i've seen them much in australia that's really cutting edge we will we will have links to both desiree and royal blue and fingerling potatoes in the notes of course professor fingerling what a great question if that wasn't worth the money i don't know what is right so rob thank you for that question rob two bees he's been sitting there waiting with bated breath for that answer for i don't know how long and you think i can just sense his sigh of relief now that he knows our potato proclivities so speaking of andrew's giant hands have you seen that photo of andrew going around where he's holding the basketball and his business attire and the basketball looks like a like a mini basketball have you both seen that photo i have it's just a lovely photo i just wanted to mention it and and once again i think i've said it in every medium that exists so far i think i've emailed you about it i think i've social media it um i think it's been in the discord but the basketball he's holding just looks like a mini basketball and i think it's a little bit more um small because his hands are so incredibly large well look i do have to confess though okay so there is a slight your your ability to detect to detect a standardized basketball is impressive for somebody who doesn't care about sports because a standardized basketball is a size seven this one was in fact a size six oh so it was a little bit smaller than than regulation is that because you were playing with children or because you deliberately chose it to accentuate the size of your hand well no no that was the only ball that was available at the time so are you gonna choose are you gonna choose no balls carrying a size five all the time just his hand he's waving with just a tiny basketball in his hand so yeah it is a little bit smaller but um okay yeah that's that thank you for noticing the photo but remember it's not a good photo until it actually makes it on three by two that's true that's a that's a fair point so we'll put it in the hopper be careful what you wish for because we'll have our photographic critique eyeballs in hey i didn't i didn't take it so i don't care like have at it oh no don't worry we critique the subjects too nice photo though that is very kind of you to say that though there's now there's now my official photo in many places it should be it's great the thing that made me think of is like and i don't know how to say this without sounding like a weird like weirdo but too late i would love to have more photos of myself just kind of without knowing that they happened because i feel like those are the best well they're the genuine ones yeah i think back to to just photos in my library of myself and the ones that are just sort i didn't even know happened that somebody maybe sent me later are always like oh that's great because there's no you don't owe anyone anything when you're just having a random photo taken so i think that's part of why it was so nice so yeah that was all i had to say about that good photo thanks and andrew can you tell us what you were doing in the photo at all like what you were doing there um it was meeting um the attorney general of australia and another federal government parliamentarian they had provided some funding to our my organization the government had and so it was a political um exercise pretty cool backstory oh so super casual no big deal just kind of hanging out really exactly that's right i mean i mean martin met with the prime minister the other day so you know what am i this is just the just just the attorney general so what can i say new south wales is a pretty important place unfortunately jason jason if you if you were to meet with your president probably not the same oh you don't no so uh andrew you sound a little different this week yeah look i just wanted to segue left and right here like it's just a quick check like it's like tokyo drift here i'm just drifting around quick check um so i've been using this new old microphone for a few weeks and i've been using this new old microphone for a few weeks and i've been using this new old microphone for a few weeks now since i've moved into this studio c and i'm just wondering does anybody notice any difference whatsoever i i because i went through that cycle of upgrading my microphones and then i had the the road what was the what was that what's that one how have i forgotten it procaster i had the road procaster that's right and then i had the other one the sure smb with the xlr audio interface and i had all that thing going and with it with a cloud lifter boost my levels it was a whole schmuzzle and since coming back to the studio i've gone back to my road podcaster usb microphone and i'm just wondering has anybody noticed any difference you sound more in the middle compressed maybe is what i'm looking for there where it's it's just kind of not in a bad way it doesn't make it sound bad it just you sound um compressed and maybe softer okay like everything's kind of kind of smoothed out i think it sounds fine though yeah cool that's good it's it's simplified everything so much yeah i've got all that expensive gear sitting in a cupboard now depreciating yeah i don't think you need to worry about it okay good point depreciating i don't think you need to worry about it i would love to know what listeners actually think if they can detect a difference because right now i don't know if zoom's filtering stuff or it just all sounds the same i can't really detect much of a difference and when i edit the show it's typically at about starting like 10 30 11 p.m at night and quickly trying to reorganize and do everything and ensure that i'm not cutting off breaths and stuff so i'm not really actively listening to that i'm paying attention to what's being said and how to make sure that because i don't know how many listeners you know tuning into this show do podcast or audio editing themselves but you would know this andrew and you too jason because you know you've edited before you are trying not to obscure what people say and you're trying to move things in the timeline to make sure that you're not cutting the conversation is audible in a way to people who weren't there for the conversation so it's a totally different set of considerations i just hear two nice voices through two nice microphones cool thanks you heard it here first martin wants to know who has the best sounding setup in this here podcast he wants to know the winner gets a prize i don't think it's necessarily me i don't think it will be me but it would be hilarious considering that it's the cheapest setup and it has not changed i don't think it really has anything to do with the microphone i mean i think all the microphone setups are fine it would just be whose voice annoys you the least probably would be my guess good point so i think i think martin has the best voice of the three of us for this medium that's kind i think put it to a vote and whoever is voted third um will be kicked off the show i think we'll do it that way let's make a mastodon poll out of it yeah there you go okay yeah yeah perfect whoever gets the least votes will be kicked off the next show find the link in the show notes okay that seems fair sweet cool you've just opened up like deliberate spite or strategizing now it's like let's just kick off person x anyway i already have my ranking i already know i'm gonna vote so it's i'm ready to go beautiful all right jason you wrote something i did i built something and wrote something because that's what i'm all about blogging now in case you didn't know i had a i had a goal to achieve and i'm to blog once a month i think i've blogged like five times this month already so that's pretty good the uh the ipod hi-fi everybody's favorite uh media device the best sounding speaker that apple has ever made in their entire history only sold it for eight months but that's fine i built a adapter that is a 30 pin dock connector to a raspberry pi that you plug in the top of your ipod hi-fi so that it becomes an airplay 2 uh destination so now when you bring up your little you know whatever on your phone your computer and you do uh you know airplay you got your home pod you got your whatever got ipod hi-fi in there now pretty sweet so now it um is the best home pod in our house because the audio quality is so far superior to a home pod and i'm pretty excited about it so i wrote up a little blog post about how to do it is that audio quality really better you're not just saying that i am not i am not uh as you would say taking the piss here i am full-on committed to the ipod hi-fi being the best audio quality that has ever come out of that fruit company in uh cupertino california so much so that i am my next adventure is going to be figuring out how i can do a uh stereo pair ipod hi-fi for the media center down in the basement good luck with that one so so yeah that's next level just putting that little raspberry pi dock in is that undermining your whole ipod project though um a little bit but it's okay because it's only coming from sources like my computer or my phone where it's all kind of the same stuff anyway um but now i can put it in my ipod and i can play like podcast easier because doing podcasts on ipod in 2025 is a royal pain in the ass like it is not a thing you want to do i'm sorry it's just really annoying and bad because i mean think about you have to go plug in wait for them to sink down and then but it's it's bad it's really bad you don't get you don't get any of the wonderful show notes you you're kind of screwed on podcasts when it comes to the pod so you know playing podcasts through my phone via airplay 2 is great and i'm still not doing any kind of streaming or anything it's still all just the content i already had so i think it's okay can i offer a view here on the whole ipod hi-fi home pod thing because as we sit here as long as you agree with me yeah well yeah in a way but i want to add some of my reasoning or thoughts too so i have an ipod hi-fi right next to me let me see if i can get uh center stage to follow me guys everyone listening can just imagine a cool panning transition oh doing pretty well actually it didn't work it didn't it didn't bring it in the picture it's like a home pod but um ah great i think what jason says about the ipod hi-fi is true to an extent i would say probably the audio engineering maybe in the home pod is more advanced or has more computational stuff in it to make it sound good right don't dismiss me with your hand waving jason i think the difference is really the physical design or maybe the physics of it right because i would say that a home pod stereo pair sounds better than an ipod hi-fi purely because you've got the two separate dedicated speakers i have one around our oled tv and i think it sounds great i think as a home theater or tv setup it's great as do i now right it's it's beautiful it all integrates well but when you have one home pod by itself it sounds impressive for the thing but they're having to do all of that computational trickery and scanning the room or whatever to make one thing sound like it has this big sound state and it's not going to sound like it has this big sound state and it's not going to sound like it has this big sound state and it's not going to i would say the ipod hi-fi it's going to be subjective whether you like certain things or not for different songs but i think the sound stage quote unquote uh is probably better to begin with because of the way that it's got that speaker arrangement facing out into the room it's not a kind of cylindrical thing trying to direct things in different areas so i would agree that maybe an ipod hi-fi by itself has the physics to make it sound better and more convincing than a home pod does by itself and my main concern is that the sound stage is going to be more making any sense yes and i think that's part of what i feel is that like i have my hi-fi behind me right here and it fills the room completely to where i don't think it's behind me sure but a home pod always feels like it's wherever the hell it's placed even though it's supposed to be doing magical whatever bounce stuff around the room like it still feels like oh it's coming from behind me yeah it's in the corner yeah and i think that you're exactly right it's like the engineering of this just means it can be better and not have to do so much you know the ipod hi-fi doesn't have to run ios 18 to put audio into the room it just it doesn't i don't think it runs anything it's just like a dumb speaker but um it also allows you to put batteries in it and carry it and it allows an auxiliary input so pretty versatile different world right pretty freaking sweet um yeah we still have a stereo speaker and a stereo speaker and a stereo speaker and a stereo speaker and a stereo speaker of the home pods down in the basement with the tv and everything and like it yeah it's it sounds good but like what if it was two ipod hi-fis we shall find out also you can get an ipod hi-fi for like 100 bucks now wow and a home pod is what like 400 or something yeah i don't know yeah i will say that like the home pod stereo pair with the whole hdmi arc or earc or however many letters it has now um great when you factor in stuff like connecting an ipod and a stereo pair and xbox the fact that it does allow a modern home theater kind of connection or throughput i don't know what the right word is the fact that it enables that is pretty cool yeah but also kind of stupid that you need the newest of everything or whatever yeah the audio return channel stuff is fantastic that and it works it used to work like 70 of the time but nowadays it's i mean effectively it's 100 it works all the time which is great 60 of the time it works every time exactly yes that's i think it's a great idea yeah i think it's a great idea yeah i think it's a great idea that's the the technical amount yes uh yeah so ipod hi-fi continues on and i'm probably never gonna stop talking about the ipod hi-fi so there you go oh i did get a remote today finally oh you got a remote i got a remote now oh brand new in the package nine dollars shipped brilliant love it holding one up too is anyone else gonna talk about anything or do i just keep going keep going tabletop game corner yeah i'm curious about this game unstable unicorns have you heard of it no no uh no if it's a tabletop game you can assume that i probably have not heard of it okay well there is a kid's version so throw that out there both have kids i'm gonna play the kid's version not that the normal version is like horrible or anything it's just i think a little complex for kids is it difficult i bought another game a while ago i don't know if you've seen it and i couldn't even get to the beyond the setup because it was so confusing and i was like this is too hard you know especially if you've had a beer or two it's very difficult to focus in on how to set this game up is it one of those types no it is not you can have multiple beers you'll still be fine playing this game okay it is a it's a card game it's two to two to something players i it's just something you can have on the table and pull out anytime anybody's over or if you just want to play with one other person it's a lot of fun i think everybody should check it out it's a lot of uh strategy slash being able to like do things to other people when they don't want that to happen you have like upgrades and downgrades you can play against other people it's uh it's quite a fun game okay just for the purposes of the show notes as well the game i was referring to that i couldn't call because it's mysterious i think i should probably watch it or watch people play on youtube i'm sure there you go yeah and that's probably how i should learn how to play it rather than actually reading instructions like a man from the 1980s ironically by looking that up and providing the name you made it less mysterious so thanks for that it's a service to everybody martin i don't i don't deal well with mystery i will say that when it comes to games though i'm always happy to try and give them the have the time to do it but i've always felt a little bit i don't know if you've had this and maybe you've had this before but i've always felt a little bit i don't know maybe jason i'm going to be pissing off maybe you are one of these people but when you've been over to someone's place or maybe there's a dinner party or something and they go oh we love this game let's try and they crack it out and they are seasoned professional lovers of the game and you are totally new to them they go oh it's easy once you've learned this set of 20 rules and the way the mathematics works and i'm like what the hell and then suddenly there's this kind of awkward silence that falls on the thing when they realize that wow these people actually don't understand how to play this game that we've been practicing for five years no i i hate that as well um that's that's super annoying but i would say you don't need a uh you don't need like a master's degree in aeronautics or something to be able to do it's it's pretty straightforward good and you can easily like play through it and and get it going so i don't think it's one of those where it's like oh you found this particular bush and because it's the month of may and aligned with saturn and you have this set of two extra cards that means that you can leap forward this many you don't know all the lore from the last 25 years of this card game yeah no it's not it's not like that now i've been looking forward to hearing from you about this one jason because i was actually going to add this to the show notes myself and then i saw that you were putting it in so i'm very keen to hear what you have to say um so this line item says tapestry is s tier this is my attempt to be hip with the youth i think no one cares about anything unless it's in one of these tier charts now i think that's how the world is going so i'm gonna put it s t it's so mead oh see look andrew already knows words that i don't know you're capping jason oh god i'm way out of my depth holy shit i'm gonna keep going i'm gonna pretend like i understood everything you just said tapestry what is it wow it is it's an application so already you know i'm old because i called it an application is it a program it's a program it's a dot exe probably no it's from um who's it from it's from uh the uh icon factory yeah and it's i don't even want to describe it it's i i should probably should have looked up how they describe it it's kind of a feed reader that can do a bunch of different stuff so like rss reader that does rss this will do rss it will do podcasts it'll do different social feeds youtube like all the different things i would call it a social aggregator okay sure yeah yeah i could see that um i i don't know if they call it that i use it really as a rss reader i'm probably like way under utilizing it but i decided to try it out as just a rss reader um and and there's also the um little plugins called connectors or connections or whatever i think it's connectors yeah connectors yep you can do it with glass and stuff too yeah you can build for different things um there's a couple that have been built by somebody that on uh mastodon that does like glass um i think there's like a microblog one there's one for there's a bunch of different ones but anyway i mainly use it as an rss reader and i've added i dropped in my opml file which is fantastic because that's how all things should be like if anything doesn't let me just put an opml file in like you've already lost the game like goodbye so i did that put all that in there um i did add the glass one in there because that's pretty cool to be able to follow um glass i wish it could be where i could like log in with my glass account and see everything that way but it's it's really more about adding you know glass stock photo the way that they present the information i really really like the sync is incredible the timeline sync is just works 10 out of 10 and i really appreciate the way that the amount of information that they give you per thing like in an rss reader a lot of times you'll get it's more like email right where you get kind of a subject line and like a line or two of what the thing is and then you got to click on it to kind of see the whole thing this allows you to go from that to the next thing and then you get to the next thing and then you get to the next thing and you like show me three quarters of the stuff as i'm scrolling through which is what i've always wanted from an rss reader was just like show me the full thing and let me just scroll through the full thing for each line item which i don't think most people want but i do and this kind of does that in a pretty nice way it looks pretty i mean of course it's icon factory they do pretty stuff and there's going to be a mac app soon that's my one complaint is there's no mac app so i'm using the ipad app on the mac which anybody that uses an ipad app on the mac like you know already it's it's not it's not ideal like you open a link and it opens this weird dialogue that's like we're opening a browser now and it's like what okay anyway the mac app is coming they've told me this so i'm happy about that but have either of you used this i didn't back it like two years ago or whatever when it was on kickstarter i was like i'll see it when it as with most kickstarter i'll see it when it's on kickstarter i'll see it when it's on kickstarter things like i'll see it when slash if it actually comes out and if it's cool i'll just pay full price like that's fine um so i i'm very new to this i have not had like you know test flight access or anything but have either of you did either of you back it i guess or have you used it i didn't back it but i have tried it yes okay and what do you think uh andrew did you first of all um i was gonna back it and then i was like nah i'll just wait so yeah but and i haven't tried it i've been i keep hearing about now and i keep meaning to think i'll have a look at it but my experience is tainted because i tried the new reader and i didn't like that at all and i feel like this is kind of that same thing so i don't know i'm in a happy place with mona and all that at the moment so i don't know but maybe i'll try it but i can't so martin you you you might have experience to actually be able to reflect whereas i don't jason you have something else to say before i was just going to add real quickly like yeah with with like mastodon i don't add any of my social feeds to it like i really use it as like a fancy rss reader because i think to your point andrew like i already have like i look at all my mastodon stuff in ivory because a lot of times i want to actually interact with it and reply which this is this is like read only this doesn't no interaction okay no no this is like if there were maybe like a let's say there was a blue sky that you wanted to follow you don't have a blue sky account i think you could still follow but you wouldn't be able to interact with it is my understanding but i mostly use it for rss so for things like mastodon i go to my mastodon for that i don't really want everything in one feed but i think as an rss reader which is probably not what they want that's how i'm using it i find it to be very very good so yeah anyway sorry go ahead martin no that's fine look i'm gonna say i think the principle or the intention of this app is fantastic right i was happy to try it i like the attention to detail if anyone knows the icon factory or used twitterific which i did for years i loved that it was very sad when it died for reasons that everyone listening to this show probably knows uh connected to the network that is no longer really called twitter very sad but anyway great attention to detail beautiful design and i love the idea of we're now living in the fediverse or fragmented social media blogs rss feeds different channels and things that you're so when i opened it and saw what it was trying to do i thought well done icon factory you've really done a good job with this in practice though and i say with asterisks emphasizing the word subjectively for me i don't feel that it works i really want to like it i keep going back to it and trying to change something and for further context i tried to add all of the things to really see how it would work with their intention you know to the fullest so mastodon was in their was in their rss feeds youtube all different stuff and i think that they've done a fantastic job of denoting very clearly with colors and icons and different things in these rectangles what you're looking at to go okay this thing now fully expanded or compressed however you want to customize it because they have that attention to detail as well it really clearly shows what you're looking at but in practice when you put all those things in there to my eyes and to my taste it's visual overload like it's actually way too much so i feel like people who aren't bothered by that or are happy to do that maybe customization or that sort of stuff will come down the line it would be cool but i actually find that all of my personal needs are met by net newswire now i know that everyone listening who likes rss is going to have their rss reader of choice but net newswire actually kind of does this already if you're talking about a read-only app that takes all this stuff i have youtube channels in there i've put mastodon stuff in there but i think where personally for me and i'm not having a dig at icon factory here because i think it's a different kind of mission i like the net newswire style because i just want to see the name of the thing that's coming in and i actually find myself removing mastodon stuff because a mastodon post or a post or at least a short form post is a different thing to me from an article i don't really want to mix those two things together so i suppose what i'm saying is if you are thinking of subscribing to something like tapestry or giving it a go i would heap praise on the icon factory for trying this and doing it and executing it well but you're going to find that it doesn't work for you if you don't want to mix media i don't want to see those things alongside each other so i think jason that's probably why it's worked for you because you've decided i love the style and the presentation and the customization of this but i'm only going to use it for that so big tick for icon factory for letting you put as much or as little as what you want in but to the max it didn't work for me it made me think of three more things then i'm done i swear of course um their filtering is really really good i really like how they've done filtering uh where it's also it was fantastic on twitterific i loved the muffles yeah like you can bring that stuff and you have both now where you can muffle or full-on mute where a mute is just out of sight out of mind and a muffle is a like a little teaser like hey this happened but like we're hiding it so yeah really good job there um the fact that you can create different timelines so you could have your main all feeds timeline you can set up timelines for you know pretend i'm andrew and i have a basketball timeline that's just like only basketball stuff because i want to just be like watching that as the game is the big game is happening right right andrew is that yeah exactly that's exactly yeah for sure and the other thing that i remember just connectors the other two that um that came to mind were uh some dot pics and um status dot lol there's connectors for those which i've put both of those in there i have done some filtering i'll be honest but um like i never see those feeds and it's really cool to see like all the some dot pics photos come through and a lot of the different status dot lols which you can't reply to anyway so it's just kind of a nice way to see like what people are doing with that because i don't use either as much as i feel like i would like to so it's kind of nice to be able to see those in my feed as well but um yeah i think i think you just got to try it it's um i don't know if it's a good idea to try it but i think it's a good idea to try it i think it's a good idea to try it but i think it's a good idea to try it i think it's a good idea to try it all these things are subjective if you're using net newswire or or or reader or or tapestry or whatever the hell the next one is it's it's about how it's displaying the same information which i think is the benefit that we get to keep looking at the same collection of stuff but we can have different lenses to look at it and that's what i love about this like yeah as i said if i can't put an opml file in like you've lost already i'm not committing to like your thing no it needs to be my open feed collection or bust so tapestry is my i feel like this is going to come up again because even though i've said things that are maybe a little bit more critical or that i dislike i really want to like this right i see the intention of what they're trying to do and i love what you're saying that it's just easier to see all of this stuff in the same place so i want it to work for myself and if the mac app comes out maybe that's the thing that will tip me over or i'll find a way to make it work because really they've just released it it's going to change and develop so for sure we'll be keeping eyes on this definitely i've got in here omc after hours which is the um yeah it's the oregon museum of science and they do an after hours thing i know you both have like science centers where you're in both of your locales sort of yep do they ever do like they call it after hours here it's effectively like it's so they're the museum is closed now and it is now reopening for like 21 and up like adults to come in and like look at all the exhibits there's a bunch of different stuff there for kind of after hour stuff you know there's there's food and cocktails and beers and like there's just like it's in a it's time for the adults to come in and just kind of like hang out walk around look at all the exhibits with some food and a drink or whatever we did this just last wednesday at the one here and i was just it made me wonder like is that a thing where both of you are do they do like after hours or whatever they call it like focused on adult crowd only to come in and like just hang out and like look at all the cool stuff um i could think of events and nighttime things that maybe i've been to in the science center or it's called the science space now has a planetarium or one of those theaters in it so they'll do that stuff maybe later but maybe not in the way that you're describing what about you andrew yeah we have we have sci-tech here which is very kid focused very focused on the primary school age kids yeah same here i feel like i may be misremembering but i feel like there was some after hours stuff like maybe a decade ago i'm sure it doesn't run anymore and i'm i have a feeling that it didn't go so well that maybe maybe people got things a little out of control um or it's just on a new but um yeah i don't i certainly never have never heard about that stuff in recent times so i don't i would say no not a thing okay we're not that cultured here i would be curious to hear from people listening if they have these where they're at because they're it's a lot of fun like it was great it was super cool a lot of cool uh other stuff that's not part of the event like they had a big a big vr thing going on they had this this tesla coil demonstration which was wild this dude was doing all kinds of crazy stuff not that tesla no no no tesla coils yes like actual the proper tesla yeah yeah like actually something actually cool not you know owned by a dickhead um and then the the coolest thing and i'll end on this i won't talk about every single exhibit that we saw but the coolest thing was you mentioned planetarium they have a planetarium and they had laser daft punk in the planetarium um and then they had laser daft punk in the planetarium wow probably one of the coolest things i've ever seen in my life you go into the planetarium they're all these uh so it's it's a circle it's planetarium the the earth is not flat and there's these recliner seats that you sit in you know in concentric circles around and normally they would show you know here's some planet stuff and there'd be the you know the attenborough voice or whatever talking about whatever thing we're looking at but this was instead i think there was like a planetarium and i think there was like a planetarium and i think there was like a planetarium like 10 or 15 of these like high-powered crazy laser machines that can draw moving animations on the ceiling and there was like fog and lighting and uh daft punk music spoiler playing along with all of these animations and stuff and it was like okay the winamp visualizer you're all familiar with that it was like being inside of the winamp visualizer like you were in the machine i'm very jealous now it was so freaking cool and it was it was just amazing and apparently this is a show that goes around and if you have a chance to see it anyone listening wow it's you hear laser daft punk and you think that sounds sweet yes it was sweet times 100 i was gonna say if you could include any i don't know links to youtube if they had a demonstration or some sort of ad or teaser for it but i don't know if that'll do it justice that's that's the thing that was annoying me i wanted to share this with people and i kept looking for like videos of it like i didn't take any pictures or video because i knew it'd be super lame and not even be close to what it was but looking at videos of it it looks really freaking lame when you're looking at it on a little box on your screen at home like it just doesn't do it justice it's um god i don't even know how i could replicate it you have to do it it's one of the things you have to do so go to your local science centers because they're probably going to be gone soon if you're in the united states oh yeah good point very good point and on that happy note three two stop yeah yeah oh i didn't do it wait did you stop no no okay okay here we go in 3, 2, 1, stop.