If it makes the buzzy sound, I'm going to say absolutely stop because something is wrong. Because that's what happened to me last time. Gotcha. Did you actually discover the source of the problem? That was bad. I think it's because I was changing blocks while the recording was going. Instead of stopping it, making changes and starting again. I think it's because I was making changes. Because remember we were doing, we did Zoom and then we did the other thing. And then we were back on Zoom. So I was changing those blocks as it was actually recording. And then like a ways down, I started getting that weird like. Yeah. Roboty glitchy stuff. And I was like, okay, it's probably okay. But clearly it was not. So you were kind of like a tech podcast DJ. Like you were kind of doing scratches and doing things. Basically, yeah. I had you two. Like Guetta Stahl on the desk while we were talking. I had you two on vinyl and I was just spinning you right round, right round. Like a record baby, right round, right round is what I was doing. So I'm going to not do that this time. Yeah. Cause that was pretty bad. Normally we direct complaints to NBL pocket podcasts email, but that wasn't an NBL issue. So where should complaints go for that, Jason? I don't know. Um, probably I would send them to Andrew at dot com. Gotcha. Okay. Cool. This is where I would send them. Okay. Yeah. He's the complaint department this, uh, this year. Next year. We'll change it. But this year it's, it's his, his job. Basically everything that Apple's ever tried to do, like the whole hide my email thing, where I'm doing for Andrew, everyone go to Andrew's email. Yeah. Completely doxxed. Um, real quick before we get like too far into things. Um, can I share something with you? Yeah. We're all Southern hemisphere today, baby. Cause I got the snacks. You know how I love to eat during a recording. Yeah. That makes editing fun. I've got two Australian favorites. I've got extra chocolatey cookie Tim Tams, which I think you call something else. I don't think we have those. And our new nickname for Andrew, soft Australian licorice. Why is there French on the front? What's that? Is underneath the soft Australian nougat. I had something written in French. I think I bought them when I was in Canada. Ah, okay. I was going to say, you know what it is. It's like when you watch that Australian episode of the Simpsons and they're convinced that Australians speak some sort of BS mix of like weird stuff. Like, oh, I don't know what they speak down here. That's what it is. It's like, oh yeah, that's weird Australians. Well, that's good. That chocolatey one. I've never seen that on our shelves either. That may be customized for the Canadian American market. Is that like a double coat maybe? Could be. Why don't you open them? Well, it's bizarre. It's bizarre at least that it says cookies on a biscuit packet. Yeah, that is. Because it's like double biscuit, but you don't want to say it's a bit odd. Yeah, that's a good point. Open it Jason. Because a cookie in Australia is really the thing. The thing that we think of as an American cookie that has like that large circular shape with chips or something. You know what I mean? Like a chocolate chip cookie. Like a standard. That's the ultimate. Yeah. Okay. Like chips ahoy. Yeah. Well, there is no substitute in case you were questioning if there was. According to the packaging, there is no substitute. It does say Australia's favorite biscuit and then it says cookie on the same packet. It's just to reassure Americans they're not going to have some gigantic, you know, cookie pancake scone like thing that we've discussed before. I'm still confused by that. Yeah. Exactly. Yep. So I'm ready to go. I'm fired up if you are. Perfect. Well, I want you to open the packet. Of the Tim Tams? Yeah. Oh, do you want some like ASMR cookie action? Yes. Or sorry, biscuit action? Yes. I want to see the- Yeah, just to replace the buzzing that won't be in the episode. This will be more interesting. I want to see what it looks like. I want to see what the biscuit looks like. And then I want to see when you bite into it, what does it look like on the inside? Probably not getting all this sweet ASMR over Zoom. It's probably cutting it all out. But when you add it, it'll all be there. I'm not hearing a thing. Great for the listeners. Yep. All right. I'm placing my fingers into the package. I'm ejecting the tray. Oh, they smell incredible. Look at that. Yeah, that looks Tim Tammy. I'm okay with the appearance so far. Does that look great? Yeah. This just can't see this, but this is visual overload. Andrew's still recording on a mattress. It's very, it looks very sensual. And now Jason's like slowly ejecting biscuits from a very tight, you know, hugging packet. That's great. Can I, can I take a bite and give you a cross section? Yes. Just bite into the microphone so listeners can hear this. Oh, my microphone is chocolate now. All right. Topic one done. I've got no biscuits. Now I'm hungry. I think we've got, I think we've got some feet now. You want to foot it up? Yeah, I'm going to foot it up. Listeners in the last episode may recall that I went on a bit of an eBay adventure. The Thunderbolt display. I sought advice from my two beloved co-hosts here, Andrew and Jason. Should I buy a now discontinued Thunderbolt display from some mysterious seller on eBay? You know, about 50 minutes drive away from Wollongong. Was it worth the risk? Because I had a decent Samsung display at work, high resolution. But there's just something about the third party display experience on a Mac that doesn't cut it. So I was considering, I was willing to go for an older display just to have that kind of integrated feel and aesthetic. Jason, you had your hand up. I just want to remind everyone, what was our recommendation collectively for this purchase? Well, Andrew, I mean, you were more open to it at first. In the end you said yes, right? Yes, I did. Yeah. Jason, you were more concerned at the outset. I was concerned, but then I came around and said it was okay. Yeah. I was like, I'm going to buy that big potato. It was a solid go. So proceed. Well, look, I was encouraged. In the end I decided I'm going to bide my time. I'm going to go for it right at the end. And guess what? I succeeded. I won the Thunderbolt display. Yes. The sniping app worked. Can we know the cost? Are we allowed to know the final bid? Yes. So I went a bit higher. It was kind of sitting around the $76 mark. And I thought, you know, I'll wait till the end, go a bit high because you know how it works. You know, I'm going to start paying kind of underneath. In the end, even though I went higher thinking no one's going to want to bid this much, you know, beyond that $76, it ended up only costing me like $79, $80 because I obviously went over. And I opted for the free pickup and I told you guys that it was in the Southern Highlands, right? So driving, you know, 45, 50 minutes out of Wollongong to go and pick this thing up. And you had to go through the other gong, Metagong. Well, yeah, because it was around that area, right? Yeah. And I thought, you know, I'm going to have to go and do this now. Is it going to work out? And look, as much as I love Robertson and the pie shop and going past the Big Turd, I mean, sorry, Big Potato, I don't like going up Macquarie Pass, which is this infamous kind of mountainous road with really bad hairpins that you constantly see trucks getting stuck and going in reverse and there's congestion. And I just feel like vomiting every time I go up there. I'm fine if I'm driving generally, but it's just I don't like that road. Everyone hates it. So I'm sorry I didn't go that way, but we ended up having a chat, Natasha and I said, why not? And I said, well, let's go together. Natasha said, there's these, you know, beautiful kind of bakeries or patisseries over in that area. Let's make a bit of a trip of it. So you know what? One morning, you know, not so long ago, obviously before this episode, we packed Mac in the car. We've got snacks for him. We go for a beautiful family road trip. We go on. And is that it? Do you call that do you call that a failed trip or is it still a road trip? Failed trip. That's a good point. We can call it a failed trip. Okay. I'm happy to happy to use that term. A failed trip. Why didn't I come up with that? It's like the field notes thing. Everyone reads field notes accidentally and I'm probably doing all these accidental visits. I do. It's great. Every time I get a damn email from them, I'm like, whoa, Martin did something. I'm like, oh, nevermind. It's just paper books. No, no, no, no. Martin's still not doing too much with that. Yeah. I didn't think of that field trip. So American. It's like, yes, I'm the failed trip. So we went on this beautiful failed trip to the Southern Highlands and the general plan was, Natasha said, how about we'll go past this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful field trip. We'll go past this beautiful place called the Gumnut Patisserie in the Southern Highlands. We'll go and get some snacks and take them to family dinner in the evening. And there's a beautiful playground near this big duck pond nearby. Why don't we go do that while you go pick up the Thunderbolt display? I went, oh, fantastic. We'll make a failed trip out of it. Everyone gets something out of this. So we were like, how they already ditched you in this story. You're like, you go do the display thing. We'll go do something else. Well, look, I'll just say at this point that I actually, Natasha said, we should be, you should be making a little vlog thing out of this. I didn't start instantly, but if users, not users. So if listeners go and check out a link in the show notes, you can find a video edited of the day on the Hemispheric Views YouTube channel, and you'll be able to see a bit of an account of this day, but I haven't finished the story yet. Our first vlog. We have a vlog now. We're officially hashtag vloggers. Oh, I love it. It's very cash and just thrown together, but you can see a visual account of this day. Does the title have you on it going? You know, the title. The YouTube face? I'll have to do it. And I haven't given it a title yet, but now that you've said Feldtrip, it's going to have to say Feldtrip. It's gotta be Feldtrip. You gotta have the YouTube face. This is where we catapult into the stratosphere. Yeah, that's right. So by the time this episode is out, go check out the show notes, see the Hemispheric Views YouTube channel. It'll be there. Anyway, so we did the whole drop off thing, you know, went past the patisserie, beautiful food, got all these snacks and a little, like a little cupcake muffin-y thing for Mac to eat at the playground once I returned. And we were going to have all these snacks together aside from the ones for the family dinner later. And, you know, I looked up the map and it was a bit of an extra drive away from where this playground was. And I found the address, parked there and went, oh, this is a really beautiful area, knowing that the Southern Highlands is quite nice. And I parked across the road from this place, walked across, went through the front gate. And I see this person has recognised me through the glasses. Oh, this must be the guy who's coming to pick it up. I walk up, he opens the door. Now I don't know if you guys know who I'm about to say. But I was completely taken aback. He opened the door and I went, what? Dan? And he's like, yes, hello. Now Dan is not someone I know personally. I'm talking about Dan Illich, the known Australian TV personality, radio and podcast host, comedian, satirist, writer of a musical. Like this is a known Australian personality. I'm like, what the hell? And he's like, oh, you're here for the Thunderbolt display. Super friendly guy. And we start chatting and talking about like shared Mac history and stuff and he's giving me the story of this Thunderbolt display. And I'm going, what the hell? So you already tried to sell it. It fell through. And then he's gone to all of this beautiful effort in like packaging it to send it off fully professionally. This is the most reassuring eBay purchase ever. It's been super nice. And I'm like, you know, I gave him an extra 50 to cover like the beautiful job that he had done because I was already getting it for such a good price. And you know, he was super friendly about it. And then we're talking about podcasts and things because he does this great podcast called Irrational Fear. Have you ever heard of this guy? By the way? Because maybe in Western Australia and Oregon, maybe not. I have not. I've heard of him, but I wouldn't, I wouldn't pick him in. So if I was buying his display, he wouldn't open the door and I wouldn't say, hey, Dan, you know, but yeah, the name is familiar to me for sure. Yeah. So it's a good thing you were buying it, not me, because otherwise it would have been not nearly as interesting. Well, it was fantastic because he was so nice and he's also done, he did this great, he was part of this ABC kind of. Satire comedy show, kind of like, then they did exposés and deep dive investigations into things called Hungry Beast, which I really loved as well. He's actually also done a musical about, you know, the Beaconsfield mining disaster. I do. Fun fact, fun fact. I was born in Beaconsfield. Really? Yes. How did we not know this before? Well, it's never come up. Really? Yeah. Oh, wow. Wait, I thought you were from Tasmania. Yeah. Beaconsfield's in Tasmania. That is it. Oh, it is in Tasmania. Oh, okay. And nobody knows it. Nobody knew where Beaconsfield, I would say I was born in Beaconsfield and everybody was like, where's that? And not until the mining disaster, everybody's going, wow, Beaconsfield, there you go. So it's like the mining disaster and then Andrew Canyon, like that's the order of importance. Correct. Basically. Well, the birth of Andrew was the biggest deal for that town until the mining disaster happened. That makes sense. And now through this chance meeting with Dan Illich, you know, renowned Australian media personality, we have come to learn this great thing about Andrew that was lost in time and history. Yeah. And I'm sorry, let's not get distracted by my birthplace. That's all right. But anyway, as I'm saying, super nice guy, great effort in actually packaging up the display. And then he said, do you want to come in and see the podcast studio? So he's taken me inside and he's got this fantastic iBook G3 on the table, which he uses as his kind of nostalgic, internet free distraction. It was like the graphitey grey one, I think. It looked cool. Okay. Yeah. I mean, I've got the tangerine one. I think you do too, Jason, right? But this, this looked quite cool and stealthy for a bubbly Aqua Mac. Yes. It's a great shelf. So, yeah. New in the box. I don't want to carry on too much, but I just wanted to say super surprising to run into such a nice guy known in the Australian kind of media community, I suppose. And to also be invited into someone's home to check out their pro setup when normally it's like, oh, am I going to get robbed with some sort of gum tree or eBay purchase? Really, really nice twist of events. That's lovely. And bonus fun fact, the Thunderbolt display, he told me was previously the property of Dr. Carl. No, not the US one who gives questionable family and life advice. Dr. Carl, the scientist and kind of generally published author and radio personality in Australia. So, it was Dr. Carl's display before it became Dan's and he was selling it on because he had something else. Wow. That is, I know that name. So, it's a... That's incredible. Dr. Carl Krzyzniski? Yes. So, that would make it a Macaniski. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. And now the Thunderbolt display is on my desk at work and it's one of the best decisions I've made in changing up that setup and it's good. Now the display just kind of cooperates with brightness and it has the inbuilt speakers, which the other one didn't. It's just a better setup. So, thank you, Dan, for a great eBay experience. And yeah, from there, the day just kept getting better because we went to the playground, had our cupcakes and snacks and things. And thank you, family, for joining me too and for listeners for coming on this journey. Have you given him five stars? Absolutely. Oh, man. What if Martin got like a four star? This creepy guy entered my property against my will. The whole story is false, Martin Fabrico. Oh, no. If he got a four star. Oh, two questions. Question number one, did you have him sign the bottom of the foot of the monitor? You know, I didn't, but he did actually kindly agree to appear in the video, so I'm taking that as a very generous sign. It's a generous act and a win. So you can check him out actually addressing listeners and everything on the YouTube channel. It's like a video signature. Wow. Okay. Pretty much. Yeah. So I'm happy with that. I was thrilled to have met him, so it was good. So it's a collab. Oh, it is. Yeah, absolutely. It's a Martin X Dan. Yeah. The second question was going to be, did you record anything in said studio with this lovely gentleman Dan? But it sounds like you did a video instead of which one? Yeah. So I'm going to record a video of this guy. I'm going to record a video of this guy. Excellent work, Alex. Thank you so much. Very good. And I'm excited that we have a new theme for our Roast My Blog section that so captures the essence of what we're trying to achieve. I just climbed up on my desk while it was playing and jumped off of my desk onto the floor into the imaginary crowd as though I were crowd surfing. So that's, that just tells you something. I'm injured now, but it was worth it. There was nobody to catch you, so I'm sorry about that. It's good to watch. Yeah. Then I was looking at our Discord server, which is home of quality people, and I realized, seeing there, we had another theme song submitted by One Prime Plus member, Jacoby. Why? He submitted a song, a Roast My Blog theme song. I couldn't believe it. Can't believe it. Incredible. Can't believe it. Yeah. And it's really good. So let's hear that now. Also really good. So good. So we have two amazing themes for Roast My Blog, both sort of expressing a similar feel. I love it. I don't know which one I love more. I think I love them both. I think we're going to have to alternate between them, which means Roast My Blog is now an official Hemisphere Reviews corner. And the only one to have two theme songs alternating depending on the episode. Yeah, that's pretty special. So. So given that we've now. I suppose normally we wouldn't do that, but this is good. No, no. So now that we've played two theme songs, we've talked about Roast My Blog being a corner. Jason burk, it's time to roast my blog. Oh, wow. Are we actually going to continue it? I figured it was a one and done. No. No, I've been looking forward to this. And I just want to put it out there that the first time, like, I knew what a roast was, but, you know, you're my friends, you're my co-hosts. I didn't want to go, you know, too hard on Jason the first time. But this time, I have to tell you, Andrew, your blog is shit. It's not even your turn, man. It's shit. It's not your turn. Hold back. No, it's shit. Oh, sorry. Okay. It's Jason's turn to go first. Oh, man. Oh, wow. Okay. Hold back. I'm already too keen. Yeah. So. I'll start with a question. What is the URL of your blog? Because I've never actually visited it. Well. Oh. Wow. Wow. That was good. That was really good. It's an incredible URL. It's Canyon.blog. It does what it says on the tin. Oh. You mean that. You don't need to type slash save. I think. Sorry. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I haven't bookmarked it as slash save. I don't really know the actual URL. Wow. I was not prepared for this. I didn't realize we were actually, like, doing this for real. Let's get into it then. Let me go into Canyon.cay. Oh, no. C-A-N-I-O-N dot B-L-O-G. And then we get to this. Oh, blinding. Just. I can't even see it. It's just pure white. It's just. No option for dark mode, says the guy who loves dark icons, but can't be bothered to make his blog have any kind of accessibility whatsoever. So thanks for that. We've got your little face up there with glasses on, which I've not seen you wear glasses in quite a while. So maybe update that. That could be a place to start. Canyon.blog. Yep. We already know I'm here. We've got some navigation. Okay. Podcasts. Should we even. Dive into that. Oh, hemispheric views. Okay. Yeah, I can get on board with that. That's a good one. I like that one. No mention of one prime plus.com at all. That's a little upsetting, but I guess we can move past that. NB, NBL pocket podcast. Unfamiliar with it. Keep practicing. We'll just skip that for now. We don't want to bring up that sort of subject. And then we've got. And then we've got. Let's see. Bookshelf. Who cares? Books. On this day. Doesn't seem to be loading. So I'll skip that. Random news. Newsletter. You have a newsletter. Yeah. I didn't know you had a newsletter. It was the micro.blog thing. Like it just goes out. Yeah. It's the posts that are done recently. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. It's the summary. All right. Well, I'll. Nice feature. Nice feature. I might subscribe to that. Not right now. Nice feature. Shit newsletter. Yeah. I don't. I don't really want. I'm already looking at it right now. Why would I want it in an email? Come on. Slash save. Here we go. Here's the one. This is where the action is. This is where it all comes together, ladies and gentlemen. The slash save. As heard. Oh, yeah. Here we go. Slash. Let's see. What are all these things? Aussie broadband. No. OMG. That's pretty good. Backblaze. Big fan. Good job. I don't think you use half of these things anymore. So we should probably. Update this page as well. Tell you what. The way he's leaning on mattresses and sprawling himself in all of our recordings now. He is definitely doing booty underwear. That's what's coming up. A hundred percent. A hundred. Yeah. And he needs to get on that mattress game because this is. What other podcast has actually recorded from a mattress like multiple times? This one. Yeah. So get on it. We're taking it seriously. Purple. Casper. I don't even know what other mattresses exist these days, but let's. Also. Sorry, Jason. Just to check something under internet infrastructure. How do you say the second item under there? Oh, wait. What page are you on? Slash save. Oh, on save. Oh, sorry. I was. I moved way past that. I gave up on slash save years ago. Internet infrastructure, Aussie broadband and. Oh, okay. I see why. Hover. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yep. They can't. They can't help but hover. How would you say that? Hover? Hover. Would you say hover? Hover. Hover. So H-U-V-U-H. Not hover. Hover. Hover. H-U-V. What is this? Anyway. Hover. I haven't got you. Accents. I'm saying every time I've ever heard that in America. H-O-V-E-R is hover. Hover. Hover. Hover. Hover. Hover over something. Hover. Hover. Hover. Do you hover with Craig? You hover with Craig? Hover. Well, change the spelling to be H-U-V-U-H and then you'll be fine. Slash guy. Moving on. I'm still concerned that slash guy. Has things crossed out. I just, I feel like they just need to be deleted. Cause this feels to me like you're not ready to let go of the fact that you used to be this guy and you think you're going to come back to being that guy. You got to just delete it. Just get it out of there. He needs to add a new item to the list and that's, he's a slash guy hoarder guy. He's a hoarder of the guys. Slash hoarder guy. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. About, let's see about. Yeah. Okay. Oh, this thing that's in an iframe is. Really awful. You've got to fix that. That's terrible. You should not be scrolling within a scroll. No. And you know, that's going to be great on an iPhone too. We're going to, we're going to check that out. And then the stats. What are these stats? This is interesting. Total posts, 2,783 posts. No. It's true. It's true. How do you have that many posts? I like his further explanation or qualification after total words written. 150,019. That's almost three novellas. Almost. In case you weren't aware, that's almost three novellas. So. Could you just write that's almost a novel or something? No, that's the plug in doing that. I don't do that. Oh, really? I thought you were typing that. I'm like, that's hilarious. Sure it is. Oh, average words per post is 53. That's why. Okay. Got it. Okay. Longest post published. Yeah. All these graphs, numbers. Yeah. Okay. Where's your uptime though? That's the real question. That's the real question. I don't see an uptime here and I bet it's not 99.999. Huh? No, I don't think so. What else here? I think that's it. I think I'm basically done. It's fine. You know, it's on the internet. I think the coloring of these ads at the bottom can be fixed because the contrast between the words and the background is not doing you any favors. No, I hear that. I hear that. But yeah. It's a Canyon.blog. It's fine. I give it a 7 out of 10. Not a bad. That's pretty generous for a roast considering what I did to your blog. Yeah. Well, some of us are kinder than others. Martin, is there anything you need to add? Jason's already done a full roast of the site, so I don't want to replicate or repeat what he's already done. So I've decided to take a different angle here and I've gone to your search. I've got a new page. Oh, no. Okay. And I went to search and I typed probably what is Andrew's favorite thing in the world more than he loves, you know, anything he's ever said on the show before. And that is the word spreadsheet. I typed spreadsheet to see what came up. And I received nine results in 0.15 seconds. First one. I needed a spreadsheet solution, but couldn't be bothered to design and build it myself. No problem. I'll spend $5 on an Etsy solution. Paid the money. Now waiting 72 hours for payment clearance. Awesome. That time saving I did. Didn't quite pan out. This is the hard hitting content on Andrew's blog. Fantastic. And look, we've got other things. We've got a guide to using YNAB to support NDIS self-managed budgeting. Actually very informative. Not going to roast that one. Well done. Case study. The weekly cost of an iPhone. Not surprised. Moving on. There's one post called technology and I feel like self-explanatory. Okay. Moving on. Once a nerd, at least you own it. Next one. Object linking and embedding. Oh, that one is actually. A hemispheric news item. We need to send another one out. That's my fault. Next one. Budgeting and YNAB. You're recycling, Andrew. What's going on? Next one. Subscription pricing for apps. Oh, God. Don't want to read that one. Jewel of the defaults. My list. Ah, look at that. Quality on the blog. Very good. That's a good one. People should listen to that. Yep. Yep. So I'd like to commend you, Andrew, on having a search that works quickly. Some of it I don't want to read. Some of it I do. But that's good. And I'm going to give you, just because I want to be the more generous one, a 7.8 out of 10. Oh, wow. Why is there a decimal? Don't know. Wow. How fast was your search result for nine results? 0.15 seconds. Oh, interesting. Okay. Is that all right? I think it is. Mine was 0.12. I was just curious if it was different. Well, that's just because you have a better than commercial grade. Must be. Network that would put all of Australia to shame. So that's where you got that 0.03 extra shaved off. Well, there you go. Theme. Or no, we don't have an outro theme. Do we? Play. Oh, oh, back mask it. Play one of them backwards so that you can get the crazy. Yeah. Get the message. Yeah. But it will actually be a nice one because you're not racing. Be like, oh, your blog is so lovely. Your blog is lovely. We love your blog. It is so nice. Although it wouldn't be blog. It would be Golb. So your Golb is lovely. Yes. Golb is nice. We love your Golb. It's so nice. Woo. Thank you for joining us on Golb Corner. Yeah. . . . . . . god what if it did say something backwards that would be so incredible if people want to submit theirs or a friend of theirs blog for roasting oh more than welcome to do so we're accepting nominations we still have one left yes yes we do of course have one left so yeah okay but that one never gets updated so you know it's like we'll have to go to the internet archive and that's currently down yet hold the content for the next one i don't know what you're talking about andrew i've no no we're not pre-roasting there's no pre-roast here this is which one roast on demand oh i have not received any uh proton emails from andrew he promised me he was going to go all in on proton and he has not i've gotten zero messages what is the status uh so i checked it out i had a look at their web page and then i went to the um defining truth of all this good on the internet i went to reddit oh boy and basically people said that fast mail was better than proton so uh based on that copious research i decided why would i why would i upset my infrastructure in this way uh i'm sticking with fast mail so yeah no proton messages and don't sit there waiting for one you you live you live to disrupt infrastructure that's like your whole thing yeah but that's mainly when oh yeah actually that's the point i was gonna say that's only with notes apps but then maybe it was so easy to convince you proton message you flipped already there's a proton message and you've got a little screenshot here of a proton dot doc or something and maybe that is a notes app so now i'm conflicted man oh by the way andrew it supports marketing markdown god damn it bloody hell no i'm not gonna do it no so you have to enough on the plate you have to no i'm not going to yeah but when haven't you used five different services simultaneously that's what i'm saying cross knowledge managed them and they're not been able to find anything it's your whole shtick that's the whole idea and then you can write a blog post about it that i can search for later see at the moment i'm i'm going i'm buying multiple apps on my to-do list at the moment so i'm currently using yeah so i'm currently using always using the to-do list using omnivocus um had been prioritizing top three in obsidian but i've now switched it up a little bit more to give myself more structure in my day using the structured app that's available through setup and it runs on all my devices except windows devices but yeah structured and you can set the amount of time you want to spend on each task and you can check it off it's quite satisfying did you say you were prioritizing top three through obsidian is that words that you just said yeah i was just setting up like a checklist using the tasks plugin oh and typing it in just at the beginning of the day these are the three things that i need to get done today okay you know from omnifocus look at my omnifocus list then shortlist it put it into obsidian but now i'm more time blocking my day using the structured app weren't they already in a list yeah but a different so you took a list and then like made it another list yeah to give myself more focus because omnifocus wasn't giving me enough focus i'm losing focus on this conversation i can tell you what's going on okay also my mind goes somewhere totally different when i hear something like proton i i'm cast back to my like school years watching wheel of fortune on australian tv this is australian wheel of fortune and that and their car that you would win was always a proton like the malaysian proton you remember that like proton satrias and wajas and jumbucks and they were like hollow plastic and you're like if you get a car accident with one of those if you get in a car accident one of those you are stuffed and oh lo and behold when natasha and i got together uh her brother drove for a couple of years a proton jumbuck and survived so um wow there you go i just think about spinning the wheel and you land on the wedge and if you lost you got your consolation parker pen prize set that's what i think when i hear proton that sounds like that sounds like a rabbit hole i'm going to go down to look at this car that i've never heard of this sounds great wajas satrias and jumbucks jumbucks because i'm older i think of i think of roger ramjet eating his proton pills see so many associations with this word roger ramjet he's a hero of a nation his adventures just be sure and stay tuned to this station it wouldn't be an episode without andrew singing it just wouldn't no i feel like it's part of my kpis i've got bags they're multiplying john travolta