Now before we jump into a one prime plus shout out because someone else is joined Andrew are you sitting behind. A piano yes there is a piano here so if everything is terribly wrong all tinkle the ivories I can probably play when the Saints go marching in at least the first four bars. Have you heard about one prime plus dot com and all of that it's you know amazing wonder that is with our new one prime plus member. Yeah M M welcome me in to the one prime plus family. You say it really quickly a few times it sounds like M&Ms like a and M and M and M and M and M I don't know. Come on come in Eminem you only get one shot to not miss your chance to go to opportunity comes once in a lifetime. Well wait copyright careful careful copyright strike. That was a totally original Andrew musical moment I'll have you know Jason never heard that in my life. Never know it's completely yep. That's a thank you on your shirt Andrew what's that stain. I'll be spitting some rhymes. E&M just gets me going. And M gets you going that's okay you've said some really risque and controversial things about people who support this show Andrew but and M gets you going that's a new height that one. That is thank you for getting Andrew going in we appreciate it. Wow I'll just leave it at that. So welcome E&M to one prime plus to the wonderful community join the discord send us your address so we can not stock you but rather send you stickers if you prefer. Thanks very much and if anyone else is interested one prime plus dot com is the place to go. The best domain name on the internet. On the whole of the internet. It's such a good it's such I don't think we give ourselves enough credit for that name like you've got Apple plus Amazon prime we got one prime plus dot com incredible. And to think it came out of an April Fool's joke ridiculous. All the best things come from April Fool's jokes. I'm gonna say thank you to E&M not only for supporting the show as a one prime plus supporters do but I'm gonna thank him for getting Andrew excited enough to talk about his first basketball labeled topic. Rita you excited Andrew tingling go for it. I'm so I'm well well I'm excited about old Rita I'm not excited about new Rita and this is Rita with the two E's. Sylvia Sylvia Ritzy right I've been using Rita for a long long time old Rita since Rita one. And it was one of these wonderful apps that I'm. Just would come out on a probably a biannual release cycle maybe even every three years you just get a new Rita Rita one Rita to read three read four. I was great for reading RSS feeds absolutely fantastic beautiful topography and easy to use interface didn't do a lot but did enough and just had nice little fit and finish. It was a lovely app and it continues to be a lovely app but I guess the market for RSS readers is probably not a growing one. People like you and the three of us should probably read RSS feeds we're getting old and the kids these days they don't do that. So what do you do when the market is shrinking would die before the planet you need to reinvent your app you need to go with the markets going you need to embrace the river it's no longer. A a lot of feed of RSS articles which you read and then markers read and move on and wait for your next refresh no sirs this is now a river of news. From coming from a variety of sources because nobody reads RSS nobody writes blog posts nobody reads blog posts it's not about that anymore. It is about Mastodon and blue sky and threads and YouTube and. What else is there snapchat. I don't know if I'm right now we've got like 40 minutes what are the kids keep going. So this app read a new new reader tries to capture all of those. In much the same way the icon factory is attempting to do a similar thing with their app tapestry well this one is not. Not still out there it has been released and I hate it it doesn't have any unread fake it's got no sense of unread there's no completion is involved here you just dive in read a bit of stuff and then tap out. And next time you go in a picture of where you left off. The problem is you got to add all these feeds. Find these feeds and it seems like a whole lot of work to start adding YouTube subscriptions and adding this and that I am not a fan I can't be bothered I just want RSS I'm sticking with old reader. If old reader goes away I'll stick to net news wire but I am not a new reader fan. And I want to give a credit a shout out to listen to Jim Mitchell for suggesting I talk about this and get a little fired up and the more I talk about it the more fired up I'm getting. Wow. Wow. I would just I guess I'll reply can I reply is it is it my is the podium. Can I. At your own risk Jason at your own risk because he's fired up and he's got the passion of E&M behind him. He yeah. Just remember you only get one shot to not miss your opportunity. I would reply with I kind of zoned out a little bit as soon as you start talking about reader because I've heard so much about this already from the Internet. But I will say that new reader that's with two E's and E.W.R. E.D. E.R. is absolutely fantastic better than old reader in every conceivable way and is the exact app that should have been built back when reader one was built. I don't understand the the negativity towards it. There's RSS. Guess what. All of your RSS feeds go in there just as they always did. Import your OPM feed done. Add other stuff or wait. Don't add other stuff. You don't have to add other stuff. It's amazing. It works exactly the same as an RSS reader if you like. So you have wonderful categories of your home feed. Have I misremembered is the icon still brown. No it's yellow. OK good because the brown offended me for the longest time. It's a yellow little lightning bolt. OK continue. Sorry. Yeah it looks like that Shazam character. That's what it reminds me of. Shazam. Yeah so icon aside. Don't care. It's an icon. Whatever. You have your home feed. You can quickly go to just things that have video. Yeah it supports podcasts now and shows all the show notes unlike Apple podcasts. So take that. Huh. What do you think about that. Why do I want to. Why do I want to listen to a podcast in a reading app like that is the most inefficient. I mean they're based on the same technology. So it's almost like a unification. I mean I haven't used this new one but it kind of makes sense. Theoretically speaking. I think the key point here is when you said that you are old and you think in old ways. I think that's the problem where automatically it's a reading app. It is not a reading app. It was never. Reader is not a reading app. It will show you videos. It will show you audio. It will show you anything that is RSS. So it is the same app effectively that just does more in a better way. I will take my win. Thank you. Well I'm a curmudgeon and I want things to stay the way I like them. Oh no no. That's right. The new reader is subscription. There's the ultimate kicker. The old reader. You just bought it once. You had it forever. You could upgrade to a new version if you wanted to. New reader subscription. It's like 80 cents a month. Stupid. I don't want to add another line to my spreadsheet. You don't have to. Jeez. How else am I going to allocate that 80 cents. Just remember you've done it. Oh my goodness. We should move on. I'm going to get fired up. Actually this reminds me a really good book that you should both read. Business strategy book. Let's just move into business corner real quick. It's very on topic for what we're discussing here. The book really short recommendation. Who moved my cheese. Yeah. Read that book. Martin probably predates your birth. But it's a good it's a good little classic. It's actually a bit stupid. It's a bit naff the way it's written. But read it anyway. Who moved my cheese. So I just had a curiosity. Do you know when it was written. I want to know if it does predate my birth. I don't know. Let me have a quick search for that book by Spencer Johnson. Nineteen ninety eight. Nine. Nineteen ninety nine. I've got here. Okay. Ninety eight. Ninety nine. Was I alive then. You tell me. Um. You were. But you're just a little bub. Just a little baby. I was in year two in 1999. You could have done that for your book club. You could have dressed up. For book week. We did have a number. We did have a number of very important business texts. But I don't recall that one. I don't know if it was in the school magazine. The scholastic thing that they sent it. All right. That's that's the end of business corner. But I want everybody to read that book by next episode. It's only short. I have a surprise guest for you. I don't. I don't actually have a surprise guest for you. Ha. You thought I did, but I don't. Sorry. That's very measure in a way, isn't it? It's very surprising that you don't have a surprise. Maybe I do, though. Maybe they'll come later. You normally do have surprises. We're not sure. Um. Uh, no. My topic today. It's very serious. It's a very serious topic. It's a, it's a new corner. In fact. You all like a new corner. Everybody likes a new corner. This is. And we're going to, we're going to, we're going to keep this to some amount of time. We're going to keep it short. Just a quick banter from both of you. I am starting a new corner called roast my blog corner. Woo. Theme insert theme, theme design, music, cool, cool stuff happening. Uh, roast my blog corner. Okay, cool. Thank you. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I gotcha. Oh yeah. Hold on. Cook it. Bake it. Make it. Roast. Roast my blog. And then, and then, and then roast my blog. Tell me what it is. Tell me why it's bad. Roast. Roast. That was, that was, um, that was scary. It was a little scary. That was the theme. It was a theme. It's kind of like death metal. I went with death metal. Cause it's kind of like roast. Put some like heavy guitar riffs behind that. And like some like goats, goat heads. Yeah. Okay, cool. Looking forward to hearing how that turns out for this episode. That should be interesting. Um, yeah. So what I, what I would like roast my blog to be, and I will go first because this is my corner is I would like each of you to, uh, bring up, uh, my blog in your browser of choice. Um, so probably, I don't know, Camino, I guess would probably be what you both use. Oh, Microsoft Edge speaks to me a big time. Loving it. Uh, Vivaldi. Yeah. Not at all. Please don't take that seriously. Uh, if you type, uh, my URL, it will expand to, uh, HTTP colon slash slash, uh, G R E P J A S O N dot S H. Okay. Martin, you go first. Go roast my blog. So I have to be mean. Is that the idea? This is a very American thing. We don't really roast stuff like you do. You gotta roast it. Oh yeah, you do. I don't like to be mean that way. Okay. Well, I have to roast it. Um, oh God. Okay. Uh, I kind of just keep seeing things that I like about it. That's not roasting. Yeah, it's not roasting. I'm already bad at this. Okay. To be honest, this is not how I do it, but. He's already hedging. He's like, well, actually, it's not that I don't like it. It's just that if I had to, no roast. Okay. Okay. Um, the way that you have 10 most recent posts and there's no like blog feed happening, I don't, that's not how I would do it. I suppose. I see what you're making it nice and compact and neat and it's beautiful, but. Do I have to click on something? I can't just scroll and discover your stuff. I don't know. Not my thing. Ouch. Oh, that. Oh, burn. Oh, wow. Andrew, I don't even know if I want to hear what you have to say after that. That was so, that was such a good roast. Okay. Andrew go roast my blog. What are you trying to be like colorful John Gruber or something? You've got like the copycat gray background, but you're just adding a bit of color and your fonts large enough to see like, Oh, look at me. I'm like Gruber, but I'm cool because you can actually read it. And I talk about Mac stuff. Whoa. So cool. Nevermind the fact you've got these freaking ugly, like small caps kind of menu system going on there. And they're all just like menus, but then photos for some reason gets its own little special pop out. Like photos is something more, you know, famous or something gets its own site. And then you've got like, you just got these little icons, like the little pramie for OMG and he wiggles around and hemisphere views wiggles around. That's great. I hover over the little bar chart. It doesn't wiggle around. Get some consistency, man. Do you have two spaces between Grepp and Jason? And then like. Yeah. And he's got that like twiddling color on Grepp Jason. Like everybody thinks his name is freaking Grepp. It's ridiculous. They call him Grepp. They actually think his first name is Grepp and this has been proven in real life. So his whole brand methodology is off. He thinks he's. Also looking at the bottom. Did you die in 2024? He was born in 1999. I wasn't born in 1999. Exactly. Right. And, and yeah, and he's talking about 10 most recent posts. You're exactly right, Martin. Like, like I give a damn, like give me some content. Don't make me click again. Jesus. I'm not here for, I'm here for a good time. Not a long time, mate. Um, and then you've got like little icons down in the footer. Like I'm meant to know what that means. Like you've got a coffin and a stapler. Like, what is that? I've got to click on it. I've got to click on it. What is that? I've got to click it. And then the bloody rocket ship. What does a rocket ship do? It just takes me to the top. Jason, do I have to stop him? Cause I feel like we now know who the real meanie on the show is. That's why I said we would, uh, we would put up some time barriers here. Cause I knew that he would go on for quite a while. And you knew that I'd be in it. Yeah, absolutely. But if he. Okay. That's probably enough for now. I feel like I've, I feel like I've crushed you. I feel like I've crushed you now. Do you feel crushed, Jason? I feel pretty crushed. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for the, yeah. Thank you for the solid roasting slash kind of almost recommendation adjacent from Martin. I've got one last thing. I just clicked on your little uptime chart. I didn't know what that was by the way. It's just like a little bad bar chart, but I clicked it and it takes me here to your uptime. 99.93% work on your uptime, you loser. That's pathetic. Would you say that to Don Bradman, Andrew? Where's my five nines? With a percentage like that, would you speak to Don Bradman that way? Don Bradman. He was 99.98. Still, it's not a hundred. I think he's doing more. That's true. Are you telling every Australian listening that you don't believe in the Don? Well, I love the Don. Let me just bring up here quickly the uptime for Let me. Oh, I can't wait for this. This is the next roast right here. That heap of shit, that blog. Hey, so roast my blog. Just bring that up real quick. Um, what was, what was mine, uh, Andrew? What was the uptime? You're. 99.93%. Oh, interesting because the uptime for you is 98.73. Hmm. Pretty weak. If I put both of those into a spreadsheet, I believe one would be higher than the other. I don't know. So, so can we, can we infer from that when, that when Andrew went with Andrew's kind of uptime, he can't even claim to be a slash guy of all those things a hundred percent of the time. Cause it's not even up that long. He can't. No. And can you promise every visitor that they can slash save a hundred percent of the time? See, I feel like I'm being more Aussie in this episode than you are. I've defended Don Bradman. I'm looking after the underdog on the podcast after you crushed him. Jesus. God, I'm looking out for the battler, the, the, the Oregon battler in this. Oh, well, thank you for roasting my blog. I appreciate you participating in the new corner. That is roast my blog. Outro theme. Roasted. This is a little, uh, PSA for anyone in either hemisphere, but I thought this was interesting because you both have a kitchen, right? Uh, 98% of the time I do. Yeah. Yep. And when you're going to use any kind of kitchen cut rules, um, what's your favorite brand? Oh, you too. Mine is dream farm. Have you heard of dream farm? No. They are an award-winning Australian design company that creates new and incredibly useful kitchen tools and gadgets. Did you know that? Hashtag sponsor. Dream farm. Incredible. Everything they make is fabulous. They have fun names for our kitchen kitchen utensils. And when I found out we're from Australia, Australia, I said, well, of course it makes perfect sense that I would have those in because I, because I support the hemispheres. So if you. They, they roast Elon Musk on their website. So that's good. Okay. Thumbs up. He says you snooze, you lose Elon. I love a good Australian company. We don't, we don't have enough of them getting shout outs. So now we do. That's a really good tech adjacent theme because technology does cover pretty much anything like utensils. I mean, it's not digital technology, but it's technological in the kitchen. So, you know, well done for bringing Australian tech adjacency into the show. I can confirm I own, I think I own this salt and pepper grinder. Certainly looks. Yeah. Yeah. And the or two. I think I have, I think I have those. The or two is what it's called or you think you might have two of them? Well, I think I have two of them, but it's also called the or two. Okay. Interesting. It says it's not recommended for use with salt, but I have used salt. Oh my goodness. I've broken a guidance note. Didn't even read the instructions. Wow. I didn't even know this was by dream farm, but I have it. By Australian. Amazing. There we go. Right. Andrew, you have a fortnight until the next episode recording to get a slash save code on your website for dream farm. I need to do that. She's all right. You're welcome. I bring to you the important things happening on the street in Australia. This is all about whether I should buy something listeners. And I thought, you know, it's going to be a really simple yes or no. Jason, Andrew will be very clear. No controversy whatsoever. Super friendly. Move on. Right. So at home, got the Apple studio display connected to my M1 Mac mini. Love it. Beautiful setup. And at work at the office, I also have a Mac, albeit an older Mac mini. And I have a Samsung 4K display attached to it. It's actually a very good display. The thing that does annoy me, though, I don't really mind that it's 4K versus 5K or whatever at home. That's fine. But it's the elevation that annoys me. And I don't like popping them up on those little shelves and stands. And, you know, although it's a high quality display, it doesn't have the same kind of, let's say, consistency with the Mac or, you know, finesse in the design to be a snobby weirdo. And then I thought, what if I went on eBay and looked for an old Thunderbolt or cinema display or something? And I found this one. I've linked it in our notes here. And I know it's an older display. I know it's not up to, you know, current standards and resolution and stuff. But I thought, you know what? I use something like that for years. It'd still be good for general photo and video editing. It's a high quality display, even if, you know, it is a bit older. Jason, Andrew, do you think that would be wise to, you know, be kinder to my eyes in terms of an Apple display case? And get something as old as this, which just for the listeners who can't see this at the moment, has a bit of $77.85 and free pickup if I drive an hour to Mittagong. I was looking at this ad that you linked and I'm trying to figure out what the catch is. There's got to be some weird catch here. Yes, maybe there is. Because these monitors, I'm not sure they're compatible with the current Macs. I'm really not certain. Is it really 27 inches because the photo makes it look really small? Remember, the bezels were much thicker. That's true. Why is it only $77? I'm just, I'm flummoxed. Like I would say almost yes, buy it just for the intrigue. But my answer is if you want a functioning monitor that will do what you want, you're not getting it for $77. So basically you're going to say, I'm going to throw away $77 for intrigue. Maybe I could start a spreadsheet called money I've thrown away. Would that make you happy? Like I can waste as much money as I like as long as I record it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And as long as it stays within a certain percentage of your net income. All right. So Andrew's advice is go for it, but be cautious and just record it some way. OK. Yeah. Yeah. And no, you're going to get screwed. Like you, something will not work. You're going to be disappointed. I mean, there's like an adapter. I mean, I think it would work. What current USB-C is a photo of an adapter with a fray in it, which is very promising. All of those cinema displays were like that, though, after not too long, because people pulled them and then put them at like 270 degree angles to plug them into their computers. They did not. They did not fare very well. So I think that part's probably OK. OK, good to know. Your thoughts, Jason? Where's Mitt? Oh, Mittagong's in the southern highlands. So you duck on the highway out of Wollongong, drive about. Gong to gong. 40, 50 minutes and you're there. Gong to gong. There are other gongs, although we are the one that is woollen, as you've heard. I'm just looking at on the map. You, there is not a direct line drive, mate. You're going to have to go around a mountain range. Yes, I'm aware of the escarpment just up the road. Yeah. OK, so it's going to be a bit of a pain. It's going to be a longer drive than like a direct line. Thank you. I actually wasn't familiar with my own area. So I'm glad that you've illustrated that. Thank you. I'd take the southern road through Robertson. Oh, you would? That that's I think. OK, past the Big Potato, lovingly known as the Big Turd. Yeah. Oh, can you? Well, now you've got to go because I want to see this big potato. They have a good pie shop. It's a it's a fun stop. And then you drive past the potato. And when it's been raining, let me tell you that rusted brown takes on a whole new fecal life. Wow. OK, this is you have to do it. Hamish, reviews road trip. Road trip past the Big Potato Turd. Get a pie. Go and get this fraying display. Come back. Record in a spreadsheet. That's Andrew's kind of path. Thank you for that. That's one prime plus money being put to good use. I just think we fund the whole thing. Um, I well, I think normally if you ask me, should I buy this thing? Yes, you should. That's just kind of like the standard answer. Probably. If you're even thinking about it. Yeah, go for it. The biggest issue I have here is I don't actually think it's going to work. I don't think that will. Well, what computer? I guess I should back up. What computer are you using this with at work? So I have a, uh, an M1 Mac mini at home, but this is the dark gray, you know, like the space gray Intel Mac mini they brought out. That's what I have at work. So that may actually just have Thunderbolt 3 anyway. So you wouldn't even need the USB-C. So you may be good there. That. OK. That's actually probably OK then. I think the bigger issue here is going to be is 2560 by 1440 enough resolution? It's good. It might look a little, uh, pixely, if you will. And those bezels alone might drive you to madness. Possibly. Um, I agree. It will look better on your desk than a Samsung monitor. Hands down, a 55 year old Apple monitor will look better than a 2024 Samsung monitor any day of the week. No question. Um, but now that I know it's an Intel, I have less reservations about this. And I think the $77 is very concerning because even for this is the cinema display that Andrew sold back in episode like seven. Well, this one, the listing says Thunderbolt. So I think it's newer than what Andrew was talking about, which makes it even more. Yeah. $77 seems low, but this could also be potentially a misidentification on the listing, causing them to have fewer people looking for it. Whereas you would be looking for a cinema display, not 27 inch Apple monitor. So that may be in your favor. Every once in a while, good eBay trick. Search for things that are not exactly what you're looking for in like this exact way. So where instead of looking for cinema display where, Oh, they're $500, look for Apple, Apple 27 inch monitor to find this for $77. So I think now that I know about the big potato, I know about the big mountain, there's pies. There's no way you can't do this. So it's a firm buy. A firm buy. Wow. Now, Martin, there's a couple, there's just a couple of other things I need to allude you to. So there's only been one, there's only been one bid so far and it still ends in three days. Um, I don't know if that's your bid, but just be aware of sniping. You know, the classic, like the price may escalate rapidly towards the end and I'd hate for you to miss out. Secondly, note the postage. It is $230 of postage. Now I presume you're picking up, but. It says $76 and 5 cents. Are you, is this some sort of West Australian currency difference or something? Oh, probably shipping to him. It's 200. Oh, probably is probably, yeah, it's probably probably shipping to me and it does. You're right. It does say free local pickup. So that is good. That is good. But I wouldn't want to pay $230 to get it shipped. So yeah, do the pickup, get the pie, visit the potato. I think we're in a good shape, good place. This is going to be fun times. I'm actually genuinely surprised because I thought even if I don't get this, like I decide against it or I miss out with the bidding, like you say, it just escalates or one of the other nine people or eight people on the watch list gets it. At the very least, we get to learn something new. And I'm, I'm just genuinely surprised you're both so supportive. I thought this would be a flat no. Nope. It's a, it's a, it's a hard yes. I think you need to gas up the car, get ready for a road trip and go get this thing. And also bid on some Firewire 800 drives so you can utilize that Firewire port on the back. If we've only learned one thing, it's that I am an absolute like Apple design snob, because as nice as that, as superior as that Samsung display is, it kind of offends me to have it sitting there. And if you were to walk in, you'd probably both laugh, like throw your heads back and laugh because you know how they always put that Samsung logo on the bottom of the frame? Like they'll put Samsung logo on the front of anything. I took my like Dymo labelling gun and did Macintosh and put it over the top of it. So it's got a shitty Dymo thing over the top of Samsung. Cause I, and look, just to be clear, work did not provide this monitor. I'm not having to go at work. I brought it in because I wanted a better monitor. And it's like, I'm so offended looking at the thing that I purchased that I had to put a Dymo label on it. I love that you brought in your own monitor. So recently at my work, I've brought in my own mouse. I just brought in my own office chair. Cause I got sick of the crap chair. The next step on my hit list is taking in my own monitors. Basically, I'm just trying to replace the entire office environment with my house. It's the way to go. If I'm going to be here, I'm going to be comfortable and with things that are familiar. Because what? And you can try and ask people to buy, you can go to the people and say, "Oh, I need a new chair." They gave me a new chair. It was like the serviced one, apparently out the back. And it was like, it was terrible. I'm like, "This is garbage." Nah, nah. So BYO stuff. BYO stuff. That is now the title. BYO stuff. Okay. Real quick. Jason teased us this morning about Proton. Proton mail, Proton VPN, Proton passwords, whatever. Um, it sounds like he's getting into Proton. I'm easily influenced. I need to know, is Proton better than Fastmail/1password/whatever else? And does it support IMAP, CalDAV kind of thing? Or is it more like its own world? Because it's super secure and you have to use their apps. I'm going to just head you off right now and say that Proton, not for you. Easy as that. Just based on the questions you're already asking, it's not for you. He looks disappointed. He wanted you to convince him. He's like, "I want a new writing app. Ah, I'm let down. Why is it not for me? I'm good." Because it's exactly as you said, it is for the most part, it's its own universe. Jason's saying that he's a power user and you're not, basically. That's what I feel. I feel exactly that, Martin. He's just throwing shade at me. This is payback for the website roast. Remember when you said my blog was shit? Take that! No, but seriously, it's not. I don't think this is an every person product. I've been using it for about two months now and I still am questioning my overall longevity of the world. I'm doing what Andrew does with his apps where he runs six things concurrently and will put a note in all six of them every single time there's a new thing. I'm doing something similar right now. We are not at a decision point, but we will be soon, I think. And I will then let you know definitively, yes or no, this is or is not for you. And why. Oh yeah, for sure. Look forward to that sweet thumbnail. I look forward to a YouTube video. Right? Pointing up at the corner with like a big lock with like a surprised face of like, "Oh my God, the lock, it's secure." Yeah, it'll get the views. And there'll be a fat colored outline around your body. And you're going to be wearing a backpack, Jason, while you're doing that? I probably will be. Do you know what backpack I'll be wearing? Which one? This one. The Peak Design Everyday Backpack version two, 30 liter in coyote. The color is coyote, yeah. I had a 20 liter that I've been using for the last five, six years, seven years, for a very long time. Um, favorite backpack ever. It's just got all the right pockets and all the right places. If you happen to be a photographer as well, it's fantastic for that. Problem that has happened in the last six years is that laptops, although they have gotten smaller, they've also gotten larger in the sense that now I have a 16 inch laptop and sliding it into my 20 liter backpack. Sliding is generous. Shoving my 16 inch laptop into the little laptop area and then filling the backpack up and wearing it. You could see the laptop kind of flexing a little bit in the slot, which was concerning for your only computer that you have. So I, uh, I jumped on the, on the support chat and I said, hello, Peak Design folk. Can you please give me the internal measurements of the laptop sleeve for the 20 liter and 30 liter? What did they do? They replied immediately right back with the exact millimeter measurements of the inner of the intersection of the laptop sleeve. Turns out 30 liter fits my laptop more than perfectly. So I upgraded to a larger one to fit my laptop and also for, uh, upcoming travel. It's going to be nice to have the extra space to hold stuff while we're out and about. Can I just clarify just for our US audience, 30 liters is 7.9 US gallons. I don't know why you've suddenly gone metric. I appreciate it because I know what the hell you're talking about. It's weird. We've all had to bend our brains to be something inch TV. Like we're still doing that rubbish over here and now you're doing liters for backpacks. I don't know what's going on. Everything's going crazy. Just crazy. I also said millimeters for the measurement. I don't know if you noticed that, but you're welcome. Yeah. I'm accommodating. I am an accommodating cohost. Okay. Fantastic. Well, given you're so accommodating, do you reckon you could take a model shot with your new backpack so we can make it the artwork? In YouTube style. YouTube style. Yes. YouTube style model shot with your coyote backpack. Doesn't it? Oh God. Yes. You got a point at it. You got a point. Listeners, he's gone crazy. He's like opening up like crocodile snapping or something. Just speaking of YouTube, I just want to give a shout out to our mate, Johnny Decimal. He's been doing some good YouTube stuff recently. I'm really I'm intrigued in his timer-y toggle YouTube stuff and I'm fearing a rabbit hole. But I'm enjoying the content. It's a good stuff, Johnny. Keep it up. Maybe you can go do that instead of the proton route. I want to do both. All right. I've got 30 seconds before I have to walk out of the house. So someone wrote, I am probably going to keep Zoom. Who was that? Me. I'm keeping. We're probably going to keep Zoom, even though I said we were getting rid of it. I think I'm going to keep it. So, yep. They got, they're going to get more money as, as noted by the fact that we're on Zoom right now. One thing, one more thing, Martin. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Clock's ticking. I know. 30 seconds. I'll take 10. We're talking infrastructure. Also want to mention podcast hosts that we've been using since our inception. Fireside has now changed hands. Ownership has changed. This could be big news. There might actually be a feature added to this platform. Who knows? We'll see. That was very impressive. Andrew actually did that within 10 seconds. So honestly, we've had some difficult times recently where it's like, Ooh, episode 118, 119. Is this like episode one? Do we know what we're doing? And look at this finely tuned machine, type 45, maybe even less once this is edited. Congratulations, both of you. This is great. Yeah. No. Bye. Bye. Bye.