Okay so he says 3 2 1 go. Have we got that Martin. I think so it confuses me because the thing that's always in my head is the lasting memory is where we finish. Yeah with the stop I always remember when we finish welcome back to the show guys. Yeah thank you you weren't here last week on my other show that I do you both were out so it was just me doing solo show last week but it's good to have you back I missed you both. Likewise it's it's better when there's 3 I find. Yeah it's strange with this too whatever the mix yeah good qualification there. You sound so sick Jason. Yeah thank you for that I yeah I'm not feeling super great this week but we're gonna we're gonna press on do you know why because there's time sensitive topics. Okay and when there's time sensitive topics the show can't wait so here we go first at the very top can I make an announcement. Yes okay thank you reminder live watch do you remember those live watches we used to do those semi regularly it's been a while we did a poll I think we did a poll a while back about what movie to watch and of course it was BMX bandits Australia's own. So we do a live watch of BMX bandits the Australian version not the US version that's what I'm told anyway that's the version I believe I have so that will be on. July 12th well let's see I have to do this like globally so and okay 8 PM pacific time US on July 12th. 11 PM eastern time US on July 12th. 11. AM New South Wales I think on July 13th and then another time maybe like one o'clock. PM Western Australia maybe. No if it's 11 in Martin it's not it's 9. No no it's one o'clock for New South Wales so. Oh 11 okay. Everyone's confused no one knows what it is but just know BMX bandits multiple Oscar award winning film it's gonna happen. Yeah yeah. Check your local show notes for the times. Yeah so that'll be fun and that's the reminder and then I will follow that what month is it can you let me know what month it is or you can I just get a month check from you. Well now it's July. It's July and then pretty important okay so before July is June is that. Okay correct unless it's a leap in the month of in the month of June. Is there anything important going on yeah my birthday that's right there was a scooter ride yeah that was a pretty soon that's right okay okay good next topic move on. No hang on there was something else oh what else was there Arcadia June oh my gosh Arcadia June for its fourth. Annual installment unbelievable. Arcadia June 2024 it's over it's done it was a roller coaster as always mainly because of my scoring sorry well that's why it was a roller coaster that will be a footnote that we will tackle. In terms of the scoring but outside of that it was it was great everybody came they played they enjoyed themselves we had two games this year. We had the regular Arcadia Arcadia sports I would love to go through the highlights if you would permit me to do so I don't believe either of you actually know what what the outcome was at this point to you did you look at the spreadsheet at all. No no I'm keeping a surprise. Oh baby and I'm particularly hands off with scores for certain reasons but yeah I'll leave it with you. All right well let's get into it Arcadia June 2024 the final results and then like thematic music and like fanfare is happening right now okay cool so here we go. First I just have to say total points posted on the board 2,000,795,817 points is that a lot of points sounds like it did we track it in the past nope so we have no idea if that's more or less we're going to guess that's a pretty big number so yeah there you go. Special shout outs for just crazy scores right we have yarr or sorry that was bad yarr that's more all that guy yeah I know yeah see you didn't know because I spelled it wrong yeah yeah. 344,500 by KCM huge score massive like over double the next place score so awesome job. Hoop fever by everyone's favorite Canadian hey Scotty J 1682 that's a good score that's such a hard game. It's massive Andrew is that is that more points in the average basketball game I think it is. Many more many more points yeah okay just check a few yeah and that was also double over double the second place score. And then two more we've got slimeinator by everyone's favorite Tashkent 95,105. And that was just about double again second place and it wouldn't be Arcadia June if we didn't call out the highest Bricko score. I bet neither of you have even remotely a clue who that could be. I mean I see someone playing it often but I just I couldn't be certain I don't know yeah. It's Tashkent again for the 900th year in a row Bricko top score 160,320. I don't even I didn't even know the game went that high to be perfectly honest. I'm pretty sure I can tell you and she's told me this before that there was a glitch or something didn't happen with saving properly with her actual highest score ever which I think was a year or two ago and she. Yeah has not been able to top that I think I hope I'm not misrepresenting her but yeah it's it's ludicrous but she went even further so it's nuts. The game wasn't designed to go that high. It broke. Too much for it. Not Rafaela's fault just yeah. Universe. Yeah we're gonna have to ask you to do a patch on that to be able to increase the upper limit of that score. So yeah there you go insane scores just awesome job everybody all around and now the moment. That most people have been waiting for the top three contestants of Arcadia June 2024 in third place with two gold medals five silver medals and five bronze medals Casey M congratulations on your third place. Victory of Arcadia June I think Casey's first first entry into the Arcadia June competition so great first outing yeah. Yeah I'll have to consult the records but I believe that's true now in second place with four gold medals ten silver medals and three bronze medals. Hey Scottie J second place Arcadia June 2024 congratulations and now in first place taking home the first place trophy for Arcadia June 2024 with 12 gold medals six silver medals and six bronze medals. Wow everyone's favorite or least favorite Eric M walk Eric has once again come in and taken the first place trophy for Arcadia June 2024 with the caveat that he calculated it he only played the last nine days. Wow congratulations Eric. It's the ultimate snipe everybody thought they were going so well. Yeah for that for those nine days he didn't turn up to work there are no groceries in the fridge nothing else has happened but he won so congratulations Eric. Oh my gosh it I could not believe it I was tallying scores and I thought he's doing very well but surely with only nine days out of the month played there's no no there is right there. So for the fourth consecutive year he brings home the gold first place he now has all four first place Arcadia June trophies. This is like Michael Jordan at his apex just unstoppable. And I was gonna say like it'll be interesting to see how it goes next year now that we have that emulator that Rafaela's put out and we had sports this year I was thinking about Eric's you know unbelievable consecutive. Championship wins and look it'd be unfair to exclude him he's a champion in his own right he wants to do it he needs to participate I think that's great but maybe we should have like a mentality shift in this that. It's assumed that Eric will win each year because he's just like supernatural and it's like who will be second like second is kind of the new ceremonial each year first thing do I mean so Eric you just keep doing what you're doing that's great and yeah I don't know it's. Is it assumed is that too strong. We'll just give him he'll be 0th place from now on. That's a better way to put it 0th. And yeah. Okay so now I have to make four trophies next year. I can feel she'll have became an Apple fellow you know he goes to that heavenly thing in the sky like he's just always there. Excellent. That's it. I like that analogy that's really good. So congratulations Eric because you're not 0th this year you're first. Well done and also well done to both the high school Jane KCM and also to everybody else who participated because you know what without losers you can't have a winner. That's it yeah and if you're not first you're last so. And also it was just fun so yeah come back next year for Arcadia June 2025 which will be here before you know it and the trophies will be sent out sometime in the next two to 200 weeks. And on the scoring thank you Jason for wrapping all of that up thank you as well Andrew for your effort but since I wasn't as actively involved in the scoring and the controversy that came with it my appreciation and congratulations will stop there before I. Put my foot in it too much look I think one thing we should clarify for next year's we should actually have a meeting prior to doing the scoring to confirm that we both have an agreed understanding of how we will do the scoring. Put my foot in it now because I think it's been the same for the last three years. Why didn't pay attention because Jason have been doing it and I was like I felt sorry for Jason because the court scores are coming in thick and fast and I was like I need to help out. Answer I just thought it was like a guy you know you just chuck in the top scores. Yes I declare five of people who didn't say Andrew you were doing what you thought was common sense which was here are the top three scores and they could all belong to. Eric or Tashkent or has got a casey what it does anyone right where is Jason's established system was to. Take the highest score of that submitting participants so that you essentially have a spread of the people who've played is that is that how you put it Jason. Yeah yeah I was thinking like the class because we're playing Arcadia I thought it was like arcade games where you just have a sequence of EMW EMW EMW EMW. Cross the. Let's take that approach turns out Jason's a little bit more. Galatarian than I know whatever I can do to make it more complicated that's what I like to do so. How's the backtracking Jason was that fun oh yeah it was great but this year I will say everybody without me even having to ask. Put in their screenshots name of the game right with it it was fantastic so let's do that again next year thank you everyone. We've trained them. Hey speaking of training people I caught a train. Scooters first now trains. I'm a transport guy. I'm. And Jason it's it's this moment where I have to make an official announcement because I caught a train from Sydney where I was for the last week. To Wollongong and look at what I've got. He's wearing it. Yeah that's the best shirt that's the shirt I would buy. I am in possession of my I love the gong shirt. And don't worry Jason you've got one coming to. Oh that's if you want I'm in possession of my little person. On its way to Jason it'll get there eventually. Coming together look at this so how how you wondering how's he gotten these items how I met Martin. Finally. Over over FaceTime in real three-dimensional life like he was actually a person he has legs and everything. The beautiful legs by the way they're great legs. And you know what the legend is true he really is as hairy in real life as we've understood him to be over the zoom it was very exciting. Do you care to elaborate at all why this trip took place or. Well okay yes I went to Sydney for a week to see my partner's son was playing in school orchestra. In the at a number of venues around Sydney including the Sydney Opera House which is a sort of a like a once in a lifetime opportunity who gets to play there and I sure haven't. So we were able to go watch him but as a result of being in Sydney I was able to travel around and have a holiday at the same time with my kids. And one of those days we decided we would head out to the gong because it's just a mere 90 minute. I think it's an hour and 24 if I have my memory serves from Sydney Central to North Wollongong station. Don't go to Wollongong you want to stop at North Wollongong. Save you some time. Yeah exactly. And I like to the train and I went to the wrong side of the tracks waited 5 minutes and then Martin said no no you got to come to the like I said to you Andrew in the clear and concise message. You need to walk over the overpass to find me so I did that and there he was I met Martin and I met Mac. And it was it was a great day we do a whole bunch of things and we've even recorded a little episode. Lovely you gonna splice that in this is that this point now do you reckon. Let's splice it in. And for context we were sitting next to Bellmore Basin which is like part of Wollongong Harbour and yeah the weather was beautiful the clouds parted sunshine came in we got rained on later but yeah so Andrew whipped his phone out and said we're doing this now let's do it so cut to that. Okay we are here in Wollongong I say we because it's me Andrew outside of my hometown because who else is here with me. It's the Feldfoot himself I've been yes it's happening I'm being shown the sights of Wollongong by Martin. And where are we sitting we're sitting at the park at Bellmore Basin Wollongong Harbour. It's been a bit of a flurry because we've got kids with us we've got David. Yeah. How you going David. He's on his phone now because he's realized that we're on our phone. And who's on my lap who's this. Mac. Do you want to say hi to everyone. Hi. Oh hey. All the people listening. Yeah you've been riding around like a like a fast bike rider haven't you. With your green Mohawk. Yeah. Actually I've put photos of that on micro dot blog before people like oh my goodness what's this helmet. This is a bit weird isn't it like we're actually physically in the same space and you're not like in a rectangle somewhere else. It's very weird. We have three dimensions to both of us and like literally sitting side by side. I'm looking at the side of your head like profile. Yeah like I didn't know that existed. It's nice to actually know how tall you are. I knew you were taller. But the size of your hands come on. We have compared hands. Like it's not freakish but it's notable. Well I was thinking the other day. We're going to go to Lighthouses soon. You know how I upgraded to this iPhone 15 Pro and I was using it the other day and I saw somebody else with the iPhone Pro Max. Oh yeah. And I thought that's actually what I need. I've gone from the mini to the max in my what I think I need for myself. I mean you do that in all aspects of life too don't you. You go to the max. You're all about the max. The max. I don't know I'm just generalizing now. So yeah. So the reason I'm here I've traveled to Sydney for the week to see my partner's son play at the opera house. The Sydney Opera House. That was last night which was like the reason we came. But then you couldn't get this close to Wollongong without jumping on the train for an hour and a half. Travelling south. It is south isn't it. Yeah it's south. Yeah it's south. Along the east coast. That's it. Yeah. And realizing the one realization I've had is that Wollongong is actually quite nice. Thank you. It's not terrible. And it feels more like Australia than Perth. I think Sydney people think Wollongong is horrible. So they don't go any further south in the most northern suburbs. Yeah. Like oh I'm going to get mugged or killed or something. But it's like we're nice people. It seems nice. It's a regional city. It actually is nice. I think well I don't know yet but I think I'd live here. You'd be very welcome. And Jason would be too. That's the sad thing. I've met Jason in person. That was before COVID. Yeah. And now as you said before when we're having lunch. I'm the link. I'm the weird link. Yeah. Yeah. So someday the trio will happen. But that day is not today. Not today. But we've sent a photo. Yeah. And so this will be I guess part of our next episode. So it's my edit. So we'll just keep talking because then it can just be dropped in. I don't have to edit this. It's live. It's intentional. Less editing for me and the actual show. Like I'm glad when you get to edit because I always like hearing how you do it Andrew. One sec Max. Sorry. Dad's still talking. He's always talking too much isn't he? I will say though the one thing that disappoints me when I'm not editing is that I can't splice in things at the very end that you've said or when you've been singing. Oh yes. Like I don't get to kind of. You don't get to do that. Yeah I don't get to like mildly humiliate you. Should we sing now? Yeah we can. What are we going to sing Max? What are you going to sing? Maybe. Maybe about donuts. Donuts? Donuts. That's our next stop. The donut shop. What do you want to sing about donuts? Maybe do do do do. Okay I don't know if the listeners heard that. How about this? Baby do do do do do donut. Baby donut. What does that sound like? I don't know. I think it's baby shark but Andrew's trying to trick you with baby donuts. But I don't want a baby donut. I want a grown up donut. Because what does Andrew do? He goes to the max. No no no no no but I got. But I want a McDonald's donut. A McDonald's donut. Don't they even do them? No I don't think so. I don't think they do. Yes I made them. Oh my goodness. Alright well should we go to the donut shop? We'll see how we go. Alright. We'll head over there now. Alright. Well thanks for this live version of the show. Hemispheric views. It was antipodean views once again. Yeah Jason needs to get here. Or maybe we meet him somewhere. I don't know. We'll work it out. We'll figure it out. We'll work it out. Alright. Thank you. Good thought. I like that. Wow. That was amazing that you recorded that on your phone in the rain together. There were so many highlights but the highlight of highlights. Martin do you know what my highlight of highlights was? Let's see if you can pick it. Highlight of highlights. Oh. I mean. When you guys went to the Illawarra Hawks game together, wore matching jerseys and did the cheer. Was it when you made me, well close, I was thinking Jason, was it when you made me stop the car like in the middle of the road after the roundabout to get your photo of Wynn Entertainment Centre? It was very close. That was a highlight but not the highlight. If we had gone to a game that would have been the highlight. Unfortunately it's out of season so we just looked at the venue from the outside. I'm sad about that. Yeah. I'm sure you were. But no. So you're not getting. The highlight was we went to the place where we had a counter talk. I went to the. Oh yeah. The donut shop. Donut van. We did. And we sort of, we didn't quite reenact it because there was nobody to deliver donuts to except ourselves. But those donuts are ace. They were good right? They were so good. I inhaled mine. Well I only got one because I wanted to show some level of restraint. But it was a cinnamon donut, just a pure cinnamon donut but freshly made. Like they make it on demand. So it was piping hot. And because it was a bit wet, you know, a bit drizzly outside, the idea of eating a donut with my cup of almond flat white. It was great. Did you enjoy the semi-derelict, semi-industrial surroundings? It was precisely as you describe it. It was. Thank you. But I'm a fan because I'm always a fan of what I call industrial coffee. I always think industrial coffee is the best kind. And that fit my vibe. You know you go to industrial areas and you get the best coffee. So I felt like it was semi-hipster but kind of grounded. Like you were in an area that felt real and authentic. It wasn't for show. Yes. I'm with you. Yep. Yep. That's exactly right. So look, I had a blast. I can't believe I actually met Martin. Jason, you're next. Oh, I already met him. I met him like three years ago. OK. What do you mean that Jason's next on your list, Andrew? Yeah, that's what I meant. But that's fine. Oh, oh, right. As you said, Andrew, when we met, like I'm now actually the physical link. You know what I mean? That missing link. It was fantastic, Andrew. Echo what you said. It was lovely to meet you properly in person. And I knew you were taller, but it was good to actually get an idea of dimensions. Yes, in person. In person, you are taller. And it was good to actually get an idea of the physical height and dimensions. Lovely to meet David, too. So thanks so much for making the effort to come down. And we had limited time, right, Jason and listeners. We had limited time because he had to come down from Sydney and I knew that he had to get back up from Sydney to Wollongong. And I thought, you want to have like a proper sit down, get to know you in person and have lunch or something. But then you also kind of want to see something of the city. So I blitzed it. I've taken them around. And he's probably gone, what the hell have I entered here? This is just too quick. So, but you were very good guests. You were very polite. And I hope you got to see enough of this beautiful city. I like it. It's underrated. So, Martin, who's taller? Oh, you're both taller than I am. No, but between Andrew and myself. Oh, I don't actually remember. I think we had a previous episode where we said the dimensions, like the actual height. My height is forgettable. Hmm. I just remember you're both taller than I am. And I'm I'm I'm one hundred eighty five centimetres or six feet one inch. So I'm not short, but you're both more like basketball height. Hmm. I'm probably more swarthy. And by swarthy, I mean chunky. Swarthy? I don't think I've ever heard that word in my life. So you're a swarthy person. There's a title, a swarthy person. So when you're starting to get the middle age spread, but you don't want to call it that. So you're just swarthy. Well, the only way to really compare height is we'll have to actually be in the same place, stand back to back and do a ruler on the on the head. And I held Martin's phone as well, which sounds weirder than what it is. That does sound weird. Yeah. Why? I checked something on it, pulled out of my pocket and he's like, oh, look at this tiny thing. It was the mini and it was indeed comically small in his hand. Oh, yeah. It was like, oh, we also did like a shoe comparison, like the size of our feet. Wow. That was fascinating. All right. I don't want to hear what came after that. So let's go on to the next topic. What do you think? Good segue? I think it's a good time. Good segue. I meant to have you bring a prop to the recording, but I forgot. So eating pasta with a fork. Hmm. Oh, OK. We all know Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, toilets go one way, toilets go the other way. We all know this is just, you know, that's just how it works. My question is, you have a fork. You're going to eat spaghetti, let's say. Just simple spaghetti. You put the fork into the spaghetti and you're going to do the twist up. You twist up some spaghetti onto a fork. Are you twisting your fork clockwise or counterclockwise? I guess I should assume this is all right handed. Are we all right handed here? Oh, yes. OK, clockwise, counterclockwise. Andrew? Clockwise. Interesting. OK, Martin? Clockwise. And I have what I think is the reason for that, or I'm happy to wait for your discussion. I just wanted to confirm science. Like toilets, I counterclockwise. Really? Really. The pasta twist. With the right hand. Yeah. OK, is this something that you had actively considered before and you do it on purpose or you just looked at it one day and that's what you were doing habitually? And now you're asking about it. Like, was there a point or intention to this? We were having pasta at one point for dinner and I was doing the motion and I looked across the table to see Valerie doing the motion. And I was like, hmm, do people do this in different ways? Do some people go counterclockwise, some go clockwise? I don't know. So, of course, that's like one of the most hemispheric topics of all time, I would think. How does it happen down there compared to up here? You know, so there you go. In my mind. And look, I'm going to go and eat pasta soon and then realise that I do it the other way. And this whole discussion will be moot. I had pasta with Martin. Martin, what did I do the other day with my pasta at the restaurant? Oh, I think, yeah, you were doing a bit of a twist. And I didn't look at the direction because I didn't know this topic was coming up, but it looked as I would do it. And you did have- it was pappardelle, wasn't it? So, it was one of the more challenging pastas or spaghetti style, like longer pastas, being flat to avoid staining one's shirt. So, you did a good job. I didn't see any splatter hitting other guests or, you know, dribbling down your chin or something. So, well done. No, to me, like, and I'm not saying it's the correct way, I'm just thinking, I think what I find more natural or habitual about doing it clockwise is that when you have it in your right hand, the thumb kind of pushes, you know what I mean? It- the thumb is the kind of the thing that drives it for me. And then the index finger, middle finger, if they're holding the fork, kind of just keep guiding the fork around. So, I think the thumb is what pushes it. But you're pulling with your thumb then, like you're twisting in the other way. That's interesting. Yeah. I feel it would slip doing it your way, Jason. Do you have pasta slippage, Jason? Is that an issue? I don't have any pasta slippage, no. I mean, I am getting older, but so far it's all working out. Good. What about the spoon? Like, do you have a guiding spoon? You know how some people say that's the way you do it? Do you ever bring in the spoon for certain more challenging dishes or saucy things? I don't know. I just- I just do- I just fork it. Just fork it. Yeah, fork it. Go for it. Yeah. I'm with you. Who needs a spoon? Yeah, that's- that's a lot of extra stuff going on. Yeah. That is good for Thai food, though. That's why they do it, because they have noodley dishes. Jason, Americans, I've always noticed, do cutlery all wrong anyway. Oh, boy. Here we go. So this maybe expands into a broader point, because what I noticed- so- so an Anglicized person, civilized Anglicized person such as Martin and I- Wow, it's getting worse. All you slobs out there of other cultures. Yep. Well, I'm using- I've got two- two pens. You can see- you can see me using props. I've got my fork and I've got my knife. Right. And I stab- let's- let's- let's use steak for this, because it's a convenient example. I stab the piece of steak in my- with my fork, and then I cut with the knife. And then the morsel that is small is already stabbed with my fork, because that's where I started. Right. So I've cut the small morsel, and then maintaining both the knife and fork in the same hands, I simply lift the fork to my mouth and eat the slice- the piece of steak. And repeat. Hmm. I notice, for no apparent reason, Americans will do a similar sort of thing with the knife and the fork at the cutting. Then they will place their knife down. They will switch the fork to the other hand. They will re-spike. They will lift and eat. Then they will place down- they will switch the fork back to their left hand, pick up the knife, and start the process again. Which seems like an awfully amount of redundant work. And if you were going to do, like, time and motion studies on this and implement some sort of lean manufacturing eating guide, this would be- this would be, like, just denied. The Australian way is much more efficient and much more sensible. Explain yourself. Why do you do it wrong? Um, the way we do it is for very good reason. It's a performative dance as respect to the meal, instead of just shoving food down our gullet. Can I clarify something? Because this does fit an American stereotype. I think Monty Python actually did something like this, at least in that Grim Reaper scene. So when you- when you stab, you're not simply putting it to your mouth. You're actually waving, maybe like the subtle wave of a magic wand to show people the meal that you're enjoying, and then it ends in your mouth. So it's a bit of a dance on the way to the mouth. Is that what you're saying? It's more experiential. Yeah, it's more- it's not as much about survival. I think we're past that now. Like, we're in a restaurant. I think we- we're probably going to make it. So now it's more about the experience of the meal. Yeah. Andrew's desperate. Like, he's on the edge every day. It's like, I need to get this into my gut. I get that. You know, you just never know. Like, boy, is this the last steak ever? I don't know. Actually, I want to pose something to Andrew here, just on this apparently, you know, quote unquote, civilised, anglicised world that we apparently live in. Yeah. Yeah. When you're eating, and I didn't take notice of this when you were doing the pasta because that's not so much a knife and fork dish. If you were sitting down to, like, a steak meal, that example that you gave, when you have cut said steak and then taken that piece or the small morsel, I think you said, to your mouth, while masticating, do you then return the cutlery to the plate as a respectful sign of etiquette, or do you continue to hold the cutlery or potentially wave it around in the American way that you suggested? Oh, he's waving around. He's pointing with knives. He's, yeah. No, I'm strongly rule based when it comes to cutlery. So while I am eating steak, I will return my cutlery to its rest position, which is about the, if you imagine a clock, sort of, what would it be? 8.20? 5 and 7. Yeah. So, yeah, 8.20, 5 and 7 hours. So not parallel on a slant, because that would signify the end of the meal. You're quite clearly seeing that mastication will continue and then you will resume with the desperate survival cutting and feeding. Yeah. Absolutely. Yes, absolutely. They need to go at that angle of point. So, yes. So it creates a triangular shape. When you are finished the meal, then you place the two together, touching parallel, sort of parallel at the six o'clock position. That indicates you are finished and we can move on with our lives. Look, in the running tradition of this show, what this is episode 115 now, right? I'm the foot, but my fellow Australian on the West Coast comes out with very, very prescriptive rule based ideas about how everyone should live. So, look, I'm just throwing it out there. I might not be the only foot or the most footish person on this show. So let the listeners decide that one. The fork and knife thing, wasn't that, I have to look it up and if it is, I'll put it in the notes or maybe one of you remember, but wasn't it like a plot point in a movie or a story or something about it was like, I feel like it was like a wartime thing and there was like an American spy or something? Oh, Inglorious Bastards. And like, they knew that he was American because he did the fork switch thing and like no one else in the... I feel like that was a thing or if it wasn't, boy, that would be a great part of the film. Yeah. It reminds me of Inglorious Bastards when the British guy does the wrong three with his fingers to the Germans. But you're talking about an American cutlery. Yeah, very similar to that. Yeah. Maybe it wasn't. I don't know. I'll have to look. I'll do my best to find it. But I feel like as soon as you said that, I was like, that feels like that was a tell in a TV show or a movie or something. But yeah, good tangent. Thanks for the addition to pasta twisting. Which is the right three? The right three? Oh, well, in Inglorious Bastards, the whole thing is that I think, sorry, this is a bit of a spoiler. People haven't seen it. So skip over if you haven't seen this movie from ages ago. But the English guy pretending to be German holds up his middle three fingers like what I'm doing. But at least in the movie or historically, they kind of do this other thing with the thumb or like a different spread of fingers. I would do index, middle and ring. I would do thumb, first two fingers. Really? How would you do it? I would never use a thumb unless it was five. Yeah, I'm the same. Or unless maybe you were starting to count like one, two, three, like you'd hold out the thumb first. Yeah. And do the five. The thumb always starts first. The thumb is the lead. Thumb is one. Again, very prescriptive. We have another foot on the show. I will say that this whole discussion about like American and English etiquette and all this stuff, it just reminds me and I'm just saying this because I want Jason to include a Monty Python reference in the show notes. Sorry. But do you you've seen Meaning of Life, right, Andrew? Yes. Yes, I have. At the end with like with the Grim Reaper. And he's just like, shut up, you Americans, you Americans, you talk and you talk and you say, let me tell you something. And I just want to I just want to say this, but you're dead now. So shut up. And it's just all this thing about like pontificating at the table with your fork. Anyway, I'm not saying I agree with that, but it is a funny moment. Do you know what I'm talking about, Jason? I have no idea. No. Yeah, it's a good thing. You're dead now. So shut up. It'll be in the notes now. So thanks for that. Jason, get to your XOXO thing because it's been in the notes like for like four running episodes. So tell us about that. XOXO. The only reason I even put that is because I'm going and that's really all I have to say. I'm pretty excited about it. I don't really know what to expect. I've never been to one. And it's also the last one. So I will never go to one again. All right. So it is my first and last XOXO that I will ever go to, which would be a great clickbait title if it weren't for the fact that it was actually the last one. So it's, it's, it's really everyone's last one. But, um, yeah, I, I imagine I'll have more to say about it after the fact, but I guess if anybody happens to be listening to this, that is also going, uh, I will be there. So say hello. Is that in Austin? Yeah. That's it. No, it's actually here in Portland. Oh, okay. Oh, that's convenient. Portland, or. Yeah. Very convenient. It's right down the street from me. So when is it? It's a very, it's in August. It's August. Uh, oh, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. August 22nd through the 24th. Okay. Well, I've got an idea. I've got an idea. Let's all go to XOXO. So maybe you could tape an iPad to your chest. Okay. Initiate a zoom call and walk around with the two of us also attending XOXO free of charge. Hey. Can't imagine that. Sounds appealing. Be bad at all. That sounds great. Yeah. Just me here with all my freeloading friends. Don't worry. That's the larger iPad pro, right? That that's the one. Yeah. And two of them. Actually, that's right. You're good point. You don't use your thumb with the two. She's those two. No. My, my one, my one is a thumb is didn't survive. I was just hold up two thumbs. It'll just look really positive all the time. Two of them. Yes. Yes. But yeah, let's do that. Okay. So live show at of hemisphere views at XOXO. Take Jason's chest. We'll see. We'll see how that goes. More, more to come. We'll say now, but before we end on what I think will be the wine everything I do want to know, Jason, no, don't cross it out. You've put down the lens. I look through all Apple software products. Now I think we can do this quickly. All right. Cause I want to know what you mean. Oh yeah, for sure. So this one is, this came about when, uh, iOS 18 betas or not beta, uh, whatever I was 18 was announced and there was the, you know, the Apple password. Manager, whatever, standalone thingy. That's, you know, it's Sherlocked one password. Oh my God. Like whatever. Okay, fine. But it just, I had an experience a couple months ago that has really changed how I look at literally everything that they do from an integration standpoint. And the password one was a very good example of that. That was very eyeopening for me. And that experience was a couple of, I feel like it was maybe a few months ago now. It feels like it was a while ago. Maybe not. Maybe you both remember this. There was a wave of like iCloud signouts slash your password doesn't work. You can't reset it. It didn't hit everyone, but it hit a lot of people. You did. Yeah. And I got it. And long, longish story short, the way that this represented itself was that on my phone, I got the little, the little like modal dialogue that comes up where you can't do anything else on your phone. And you're kind of locked out from everything that says enter your iCloud password. I was like, well, that's weird. So immediately you think, oh boy, I've been, you know, someone's trying to fish my account or whatever. Or it's just, it's iCloud and like, let's be honest, like things just don't work sometimes. So, okay. I got to sign back in for some reason. Fine. Try to sign in. Can't sign in. Long, you know, again, longish story short, I tried to go reset the password. The reset system is broken. And then it starts happening to all my other devices. Cause the beauty of Apple products is that they're all logged into your iCloud. So everything works together. But then, so now I can't get into my, anything on my phone, then my iPad, then my Mac, that everything. So all my devices, I'm now effectively logged out of iCloud, which means I can't message anyone. I can't use my iCloud drive. All of my third party apps that store stuff in iCloud drive are now questionably usable. So effectively my whole tech stack, quote unquote, is kind of useless to me at this point. I can't really do anything. And then, so, you know, I look at then this password thing and to think that if all of my passwords were in this password manager, all of my passwords and information would be in the same boat of being totally locked out. Whereas if I'm using 1Password, I can go to any computer on the planet, log into my 1Password account and like get to my stuff. So this lens that I speak of is just this, if iCloud's not there, what happens with this new thing that they've presented to me? And in the case of passwords, like that would be pretty catastrophic. For me, this whole situation resolved itself after maybe eight hours. So, okay, maybe not the end of the world, but if I had needed to get to something or I needed to message someone, like there are some things that would be pretty, pretty potentially catastrophic if I couldn't get to them. So that's my lens is now, you know, iCloud is great, but if it goes down, what's my backup? And for something like passwords, that's super scary to me that, you know, it's not that they're lost, they're still there. But if I can't get to them, does it really matter that they're not lost? I mean, they basically are if I can't get to them. So, yeah, that was pretty eye opening for me. Like it was really annoying in the moment, but it was a very instructive thing to remember, like, hey, all this stuff works great, but when it doesn't work, what's your backup plan? It's a good thing to share. And thanks for telling us, because I was curious what it was going to be when I saw it on the list here. I think I'm not going to prolong this because I think you've said everything that needs to be said, at least from my perspective. I think the interesting thing here is that for the longest time in the past and now even today, there's this thing of Apple and services. Do they do it as well? They do it phenomenally well. Glitches happen and they've been so phenomenal with it that this integration that we long understood only as hardware and software is now really services. Everyone who was like an Apple person has essentially submitted to this overarching service that glues all of these things together. So Apple is incredibly good at services and they've sucked us all in for better or worse. So I agree. It might be worth looking at backups and time permitting, I might do the same as you. Look at some alternatives. That's a defaults question, though, isn't it? We've done that before. Episode 97 and submit your defaults to Rob. Thank you. Jason, all that I'll say is that like any good investment portfolio, diversification is a smart move. Good segue. What do you have to say about that? I knew the D word was coming. I could just feel it. Yeah, so you will know that I have been a loyal user of the YNAB. Oh, sorry, I'm in Australia. You need a budget. Is that the National Bank of Australia? Is that? It's so easy. I understand why you would be confused. I really do. So, yes. I, yeah. Thank you for the clarification. Incidentally, if you click, when you go to their website and you say you click the button, yes, I'm in Australia. All their links to various blog sites, blog posts and all that don't work anymore. So always say, no, I'm not in Australia. Otherwise you'll just get their vanity page and nothing more. Gosh. Yeah. URL rewrites, challenging stuff. So, yeah, I have been a big time booster of YNAB for a long period of time. I was shaken a few years ago when they put their prices up. Quite a lot. Look, they've done it again. They've put their prices up again with a few months notice, which kind of goes against the grain of, you know, budget ahead, plan ahead. You'll be ready. Can you really budget for strong economic headwinds though? Ah, the headwinds, the headwinds. You know what? I don't care what the headwinds are like in Australia, in America. I'm paying for a service that hasn't changed a whole lot in years, despite being sass, right? The whole idea is keep paying his money. We'll keep making the software better. It's gotten a little bit better, but you know, what's made it really good is all the toolkit people that provide browser extension for free. That gives it real superpowers. So the toolkit people don't charge anything and they've added the most value. It also continues to not work with Australian bank connections. So you're still manually importing everything, manually entering it. And the loan facility they pushed out to great fanfare doesn't work in Australia because we have modern approaches to loans and variable interest rates and what have you. So that doesn't work. And then they introduced an Apple pay and Apple cash connection. Well, I'm afraid only America has that. So you know what YNAB, you can stick your price increase. I am sick of it. Why should I continue to pay your currency adjusted increases, which makes it even worse in Australian dollars to get barely any of the features. I am jacked and I've had enough and I've, I'm voting with my feet people. I've set up a picker pod and on that picker pod is an installation of actual budget. It was a formerly commercial software program. The guy gave up on it. He open sourced it and now the open source community is doing their thing and they've turned it into a really impressive budget app with more improvements on the way. And in some ways it's almost better than YNAB already with some of its templating and features particularly. It looks a lot like the old YNAB, the one that I bought YNAB for that was like a self-installed application that ran on Adobe air. Remember that thing? Oh God, now I have to link to Adobe air. Damn it. But net, but this runs in a web browser. A picker pod is basically the easiest way to do it. There are workarounds. You can run your own server. You can just run it locally on a machine, but spend a dollar 40 US. So maybe $3 Australian per month on a picker pod installation is literally you click install it. That's all you have to do. It will import. It can import your YNAB data. I've done all that. I've set it up. Yeah. So it's like it's it's it was flawless. And so now I'm currently, and this is the sad reflection on me. I'm actually currently running two budget apps. Of course you are. Do you have them linked via spreadsheet or how do we, how do we keep them reconciled? What I do is I load them up on a big monitor. I like on my iMac and I split screen it. That's where I have one ever on one side and I have actual on the other. And I make sure at the moment that they are absolutely mirroring one another in their data. People say it doesn't exist. So look, I hate one app, but it is fun doing one app and actual at the same time. It's like twice as fun. So I have a cookie and then I get a second cookie. But long story is I think I'm at the point now where I'm going to can YNAB. So why am I going to lose what, 150 bucks a year for me, for me, and I'm going to replace it with a. Do you have $20 actual budget thing? That's totally my own and I don't have to worry, but you know, and it's, it's good. It feels good because I wasn't getting the software as a service promise. And the only way you can respond with stupid SAS is to cancel a subscription. So take that. So can you. I've got blog slash save. I've got to get a pick a pod referral code sorted out because the YNAB one will go away. Yeah. You get that off there ASAP. And that is my exciting budgeting story. How do you guys feel about it? It was a roller coaster. It was, there was ups, there was downs, there was sadness, there was joy. Um, yeah. Wow. Um, congratulations, I guess I'll say. Thanks. Freeing yourself from, uh, the national bank of Australia. I'm sorry. Um, the, you need a budget. I just, it's so hard to not confuse the two. They're just so identical, you know. But in all seriousness, don't you think, don't you think YNAB, the company should be looking at themselves and thinking we've lost Canyon, like he was our guy. Like if we've lost him, that spells trouble strategically for this business. Yeah. I just don't know what they're doing over there. If you look at all podcasts across the globe and the notes outbound links to the YNAB product, far and away, we are just top of the pack and that is going to fall there on their little metric tracker that they surely have at headquarters. It's going to say, Oh, big fall off on a July, whenever this comes out. That's what, that's what that's going to say. No more outbound links from hemisphericfuse.com. Not happening. Sorry. End of an era. But while I say is I'm very happy for it.