Melanie Claymon === Melanie: [00:00:00] He's the best, um, playmate for Gus. Vince: Okay. How old? Yeah. Winston's not very old yet. No, he's two. Two. Two. Okay. Yeah, Melanie: he's just two. Yeah. He's he's a young pup. He's a very, um, pretty chill. Yeah. Well, as you can see, he's pretty chill. Daniel: How old is the oldest? Melanie: Seven. Daniel: Seven. Okay. Melanie: Yeah. So we just lost, we had a almost 14-year-old lab. Okay. Who we lost in June. Vince: Okay. Melanie: And then we added this puppy. Yeah. In July. It's been a little chaotic. Yeah. He's a good boy. He just is full of energy and he has, um, he's just very. Gutsy. He doesn't have a lot of, nothing phases him. Vince: Yeah. You know, well he has three older brothers, you know. Right. Daring him to do stuff and, Melanie: yeah. Yeah. So Vince: Gus, Gus is how old? Couple months? He's Melanie: three months old. Three months? Vince: Yeah. He's already, uh, surfed. Mm-Hmm. Okay. Or wake surfed. Yep. Um, what else has he [00:01:00] done that Melanie: jet skied. Okay. He, um. Well, he's swimming quite a bit. Yeah. Um, what else? Vince: Doing what most retrievers like to do. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Daniel: Yeah. He loves, he lived the life, loves the water. Yeah. That's awesome. So that's funny. That's cool. Vince: Um, well Winston, thank you for joining us today. We appreciate it. We'll do a podcast just with him. Yeah. Melanie: He says, thanks for having me. Vince: Yeah. All right, cool. Um, would you say is. And I'm, I'm gonna say this wrong, are all three dogs certified therapy dogs? Yes, they are. Mm-Hmm. Okay. Um, we'll get into that here in a sec. Um, because I do wanna go down that path because I think that's, that's important. Melanie: Mm-Hmm. Vince: All right, cool. Oh yeah. Melanie: Big part of, big part of why I do this is because of my sister, so. Okay. Vince: Well, perfect. We'll get into that. Yeah. Alright.[00:02:00] Is the thing on. Hey guys, welcome back to their episode of the Summits podcast. Thank you all for joining us for wherever you get your podcast, or if you're tuning in on the Heroes Foundation YouTube channel. Thank you for doing so. Uh, by the way, if you're on the YouTube channel and you haven't hit that subscribe button or the little notification bell icon, please do so. Winston would greatly appreciate it if you did. Um, alright. Today we got a special guest, longtime friend, longtime supporters of the Heroes Foundation, miss Melanie Klayman. Melanie, welcome to the Summits podcast. Melanie: Thank you so much for having me. Vince: I'm glad you're, it's great to be here. Glad you're here. Uh, and also Winston. Winston is one of, not just the three retrievers, although he is part of that trio, he is now one of four retrievers, correct? Yes. Yeah. With the newest edition. Gus, we thought about bringing Gus in, but we thought, eh, maybe at three months he's gonna be all over the [00:03:00] place. Yeah. He'd be eating all Melanie: these wires ever. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. That, that's probably true. Yes. Vince: Cool. Well, um, we started to talk about, um, we'll stay on the dog front for a minute. Um, your all dogs. All your three of your dogs, not excluding Gus since he's, he's still too young, are, are therapy dogs, correct? Um, I think that's really cool. Number one, but two, tell us like, what, what is that process and what have you done with them in that, in that respect? Melanie: Well, um, to become a therapy team, you have to go through a little training with the dog. And so all of my dogs, when they were puppies, I started working with them on different skills, more advanced skills than the typical sit, stay come commands. And so when they turned a year old, you can start. Doing the official therapy dog training. Okay. Vince: Okay. Melanie: And so I do it through an organization, well actually two organizations. One of 'em is called Pause and Think. Vince: Mm-Hmm. Melanie: And the other one is [00:04:00] called the Chris Center. Vince: Okay. Melanie: Which I just started volunteering with them last fall. But I've been a volunteer for Pause and Think since 2017. Mm-Hmm. And I've had five therapy dogs that have gone through the program and it's just So was Georgia also a therapy dog? Yes. Okay. Yes, she was. So it's just, um, a great way to get out into the community and to help people that are struggling with all different kinds of things. Vince: Mm-Hmm. Melanie: So we go to, we go to the Children's Hospital, Peyton Manning's Children's Hospital on a weekly basis. And we go to elementary schools and nice children that are. Um, struggling with reading, they'll read to the dogs and that's cool. We go to nursing homes. We do a lot of special events. So we just recently, well, we're also a crisis response team, so some of these things you have to be, you have to go through additional training. Mm-Hmm. To, like, to go to the hospitals. You have to be, it's called Pause to Heal. [00:05:00] Okay. So we do that. Mm-Hmm. And then the crisis response is, as you would imagine, any kind of crisis that. Um, people are going through, whether it's a tornado and, you know, yeah. A community, you know, needs some love from some dogs. This petting dogs just provides, you know, it lowers your heart rate and, um, just, it provides a lot of happiness to people, so, yeah. We enjoy just going anywhere that people have the need for it. So we do some fun things too. Um, sometimes the Pacers have events and they'll ask us to come out and Yeah, bring some dogs. And so we just went to a celebration of life last week for, um, an employee of a company. And so he was, he, he was a big dog lover. Okay. So they thought it would be nice to have some therapy dogs there to, yeah. Help some of the attendees just, [00:06:00] you know, with their emotions. Sure. Mm-Hmm. Vince: Yeah. We know that as part of that process, um, as it, and as it relates to this podcast, you guys have also visited, um, inpatient oncology patients at, at Peyton, either Peyton Manning's or, or anywhere. Yeah. Oh, yes. Um. Is it a combination of both adult and pediatric? Melanie: Um, during the summer we do go to the main hospital. Okay. So we do see adults, but most of the year during the school year, we do, we typically just do Peyton Mannings. Okay. So we're, we see a lot of children going through. Chemotherapy and, you know, that have been in the hospital for, for a long time. Mm-Hmm. So, um, it's just great to see the smiles on their faces when we walk in. Yeah. They love the dogs. They love to have them come up on their bed and snuggle. Mm-Hmm. With the dog and, you know, a lot of them. Have dogs at home and they haven't seen 'em in a long time. Sure. Yeah. So it's just, it's a great win-win for all of us. The dogs love it. Right. I feel good about [00:07:00] what I'm doing. And then obviously not just the, the children and, and the hospital, but their families. Yeah. You know, their parents that are there. Mm-Hmm. It helps them too. So, yeah. And all the nurses. Vince: Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well kudos for you guys for doing that. That's awesome. Um, certainly we know through our Team Joy program what, um. Reactions you get by being there to help support people going through that experience. And it's, uh, it's, it's rewarding for sure. Um, I kind of skipped over this. We went straight, straight into the dogs once didn had me all excited. But, but, um, let's, let's do a backtrack and let's do a little, do a little intro. Obviously we've known each other a long time. I could probably do the intro for you, but why don't you do a little introduction, introduction on yourself? Melanie: Sure. Well, my name is Melanie k Clayman and I grew up in St. Louis. Uh, born and raised there. And I went to IU for undergrad. Okay. Um, Vince: remind me what, what made you decide on iu? Melanie: Well, okay, so I actually [00:08:00] started out at Arizona State my freshman year. Vince: I did that. Okay. Melanie: And went there. My, my sister was there and I'm a warm weather person, so that's really what drew me out to Arizona, my sister and the weather. Vince: Mm-Hmm. Melanie: And I loved it, but, um, I wasn't particularly doing the best study wise. Yeah. A lot of distractions and, um, so anyway, I decided to transfer to iu. Okay. Uh, I was an accounting major there and it was really the business school that attracted me. Mm-Hmm. To iu, and I wanted to be closer to St. Louis. Okay. I just wanted to be driving distance. Yeah. So that's the main reason why I went to iu. I. And Daniel: what, what part of St. Louis are you from? Melanie: Chesterfield. Okay. Grief Corps. Daniel: Yep. Area. Are you Melanie: familiar? Daniel: No. Oh, well, I'm familiar. We have a, a small office in St. Louis area, so Oh, really? We're our, our, when we acquired the company out there was in Grief Corps area. That's where I grew Melanie: up. Daniel: [00:09:00] Yep. So very familiar with that, that area. So that's Melanie: very nice. So my whole family still lives there. Awesome. So we go quite often to visit. Daniel: Okay. Melanie: And I love it. It's, Daniel: yeah, Melanie: I mean, Indianapolis is very similar. Mm-Hmm. It's just smaller. Yeah. Yeah. But you know, Midwest, yeah. Midwest towns are right. There's Daniel: a lot of fun to be had in St. Louis for sure. Yes, Melanie: yes, yes. For sure. So that's neat. But yeah, so, um, I met Matthew. At iu, my end of my junior year. So we met through some mutual friend friends and it's been downhill ever since. Vince: Yeah. Just kidding, Matthew. Yeah. Melanie: Yeah. So anyway, so Matthew was from here. Yeah. And he was starting a business with his two older brothers. And me being an accounting major had a lot more flexibility in where I lived. Mm-Hmm. So the. Let's see. When did you guys start Vince: dating Melanie: in 94? May of 94. Vince: 2014. You mean [00:10:00] when we were in school, right? Yeah. Yeah. Melanie: Shoot, I don't know why I said that. Vince: So was that junior year or heading? End of senior year. It was Melanie: the end of our junior year. Junior year, okay. Yeah. Okay. So actually speaking of these. Um, housing situations at iu. So when you live in a fraternity, you have to, if you stay for summer school, you have to move out. Mm-Hmm. In the summer, 'cause the fraternities and sororities all close up and I was living in an apartment with four other roommates and he. He's gonna laugh and I'm telling you the story, but, so he, he and two other friends of his were looking for a place to sublet for the summer. Mm-Hmm. Yeah, because they were staying and I was staying to take, it was, back then it was called aco, right? Yeah. And I was trying to catch up on some classes since I transferred. And so I was the only one of my roommates that was staying for the summer, and he knew one of my roommates and he really wanted to live in the apartment where I was. And so, um, basically that is how we met because him and his [00:11:00] two friends ended up living in my apartment. Mm-Hmm. Okay. They sublet in my apartment for the summer. And we just, we hit it off right away, so. Awesome. Um, that's, that's how we met. That's the rest is history. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It is four Vince: dogs and three kids later. Yeah, Melanie: exactly. Yeah. It's crazy. Well, that's cool. So, Vince: um, yeah, I, so I don't, I don't know when I met you, I, I'm sure we met down there, but I met Matthew I think sophomore year, maybe, heck, maybe even freshman year, just because Matthew had gone to North Central and there were a lot of North Central guys in our house and North Central people in general at iu and. Just the usual Indiana thing. Everyone is two Yeah. Two people removed from, from everyone else. Exactly. Um, and then we, you know, we've been friends ev pretty much ever since. Um, done a lot of stuff together. You guys have been a lot of, a lot of the Heroes Foundation events. We greatly appreciate your guys' continued support there. Mm-Hmm. Um, but. As it kind of rolls into the, the basis of, you know, none of us ever thought we would have our own cancer stories. We never, never thought, Mm-Hmm. [00:12:00] We'd be sitting here talking about what we're talking about, but, Mm-Hmm. You guys were certainly around and, and supportive when, when I had my experience. Um, and then your cancer story certainly hit home as well. Um, so if you would, melly. With October being breast cancer awareness month, um, what is your cancer story? Melanie: Well, so I have two older sisters and we're all very, very close growing up and you know, just our parents got divorced when I was in high school, so my oldest sister, Stephanie, she was, she basically became my mom. Mm-Hmm. Through, through that whole situation. And, um, when I. When I was pregnant or right after I had Austin, my first child. Vince: Mm-Hmm. Melanie: She was diagnosed with breast cancer and so I was only 27 and she was 32 at the time. Okay. She had three young kids, um, and it just, she had a regular [00:13:00] mammogram and found. You know, found a tumor and ended up being a pretty aggressive type of breast cancer. So she went through chemotherapy and she did a double mastectomy and she did all the things that, you know, the most aggressive treatment that, that you could get. Mm-Hmm. Back then. Mm-Hmm. And this was in 2000 Mm-Hmm. So it was, you know, it was a big shock to all of us. We don't have any breast cancer in our family, so it just. You know, it just really, yeah. It was took us by surprise. Sure. And her being so young. Yep. You know, nobody was expecting that news. Yeah. Mm-Hmm. So, you know, I was living in Indianapolis and she's in St. Louis, and so it was, you know, I tried to be in St. Louis as much as I could for her treatments to support her and. You know, it was just, it was a tough time. 'cause you know, I had just had a baby and he had some health issues and so anyway, it was just, it was really difficult. And [00:14:00] here, during what she's going through, she's trying to support me with, with the health issues I was going through with my son and, Mm-Hmm. So anyway, she went through all of her treatments and, um, and she was just so strong throughout all of it. I mean, she really was inspiring. Um, to, to lots of people. Yeah. So she went through that and then she just was doing all of her follow up, um, appointments and she was clear she was, didn't have nothing, showed up for a long time, and then nine years later and Wow. 20, what, what year was that? Um. Oh my gosh, I can't do any math here, but it was around 2010, I think. Okay. Around 2010. She, she, it, she had a recurrence. Okay. And I. You know, that's never a good thing. Mm-Hmm. So same had to Daniel: same cell? Same, yes. Same [00:15:00] diagnosis. So they found Melanie: it, she had a little spot on her sternum. Vince: Okay. Melanie: And so they biopsied that and it came back that it was the same exact cell. Vince: Okay. Melanie: As what she had before. Vince: Okay. Melanie: So. And even, you know, before that she had done, um, the BRCA gene test, which she was negative for. Mm-Hmm. Okay. And, but she was HER two positive, which I don't know if you know, whoever knows a lot about breast cancer. That's a pretty, it's very aggressive. Okay. So, but the good thing was that there were certain drugs that were just to target the her two cells. And so she. She was on that. And so, you know, it was a whole, it, it just, when she was rediagnosed it was very scary, you know? Yeah. She, it was on her bones. Mm-Hmm. And she did a PET scan and they found, you know, some spots in different places and so it was some on her lungs and. [00:16:00] So she just started all over again and Mm-Hmm. Had to, at that point they had new, new drugs that were out that she could try and So she was just, she was a fighter. Yeah. Yeah. Fighter. And then what was, Vince: what was the, what was the prognosis at that point? I mean, did you guys kind of know then, or, or. Was it not until, yeah, her having tried a few things. Melanie: Her, her oncologist was always very positive and, you know, just kept telling her that this is not the end, you know, we have a lot of, we have a lot of options and, you know, a lot of tricks up our sleeve. And she, she just said, we're gonna try everything. Mm-Hmm. So I think my sister knew, you know, she knew that. It was gonna be a tough battle. Vince: Mm-Hmm. Melanie: And, but she was, she was willing to fight as hard as she could. And so it was, um, I mean she really, she did, she she had some really great [00:17:00] years even after that. Yeah. Um, I'd say she lived another seven years Okay. After that recurrence. Yeah. So, you know, medicine has, medicine had come a long way. Mm-Hmm. Which was great. And. You know, at the point where it had spread to some of her major organs, I think that's when, you know, the oncologist was telling her, just enjoy Vince: Mm-Hmm. Melanie: You know, enjoy every moment and, yeah. Mm-Hmm. So we did. And so she finally had lost her battle in 2017. She was 49 years old. Wow. And it was, it was really hard on, hard on our family, obviously. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, just being there for her, those last three weeks were really tough. It eventually had gone to her brain and that's when it really, I. It really was. Yeah. [00:18:00] We knew, I mean, we, we actually had to make a tough decision because it was, you know, do we do surgery to remove the tumor that they found on her brain, you know, with her health condition, is she gonna be able to survive the surgery? Mm-hmm. Because it was also her, her kidneys were also failing and. Okay. Things were just starting to Yeah. Really unravel compound. Yeah. Yeah. So, Vince: well, I'll tell you, um, first of all, and you already know this, you know, we're, we're very sorry for your loss. Mm-Hmm. Um, I was at the funeral and you can tell a lot about a person or the, the, and their family, um, by going to either a funeral or celebration of life. Mm-Hmm. And, um, it was packed house, which says a lot. Mm-Hmm. Um. Variety of emotions from obviously sad for, for the obvious reasons, but also a lot of, a lot of positive stories, um, a lot of support, um, which I think again, I [00:19:00] think speaks volumes for stuff as well as your family. Melanie: Well, I have to say that one of my, a memory I'll never forget is seeing you show up at the temple. That was, you know, time What Catholic kid in here? Yeah. No, it was. I was not expecting any of our friends from Indianapolis to travel to St. Louis to the funeral. Mm-Hmm. And it just, you know, there's things that that you'll never forget in life. And that's something that really touched me and touched Matthew. And so I just really, really appreciated seeing you there. There's actually Vince: a funny story, and I don't, maybe you've already heard this, I don't know, but, so I go and, um. I, I think I, I was probably running late, but I'm big church or big Temple. Mm-Hmm. Um, there's a, there's a balcony and like all the main areas already just packed. So I'm like, okay, I'm going up to the balcony and literally like in like the next to last row or [00:20:00] whatever and was sitting there, it was like no big deal. And, and, um, oh crap. Who was it? A mutual friend of ours who was there down, sitting close to them and that the service hadn't started yet, but they happened to. Get up outta the aisle and look up and, and maybe it was my bald head, David Klan. Um, no, actually it was Sherry. Sherry, yeah. Um, she looks up and she's like. Is that Vince way up? Because next thing I know, I, I see, I can see her on her phone, but I, I wasn't really paying attention then all my phone buzzes and I'm, I'm like, it's, she's texting me. She's like, what are you doing up there? I'm like, I just got here. This is Melanie: Mm-Hmm. An Vince: open, open seats. There's a seat. She's like, get your ass down here. So I'm like, okay. Yeah. So I have to Melanie: say, so on this topic, um, while Stephanie was in the hospital during her last few weeks, uh, she was in, when she went to hospice, eventually, um. One of the things that they had at the hospital were therapy dogs that came through. Okay. Daniel: Yeah. Melanie: And that was the one thing [00:21:00] that brought a smile to her face. Mm-Hmm. And, you know, and it, and it brought a smile to me and my family. Vince: Yeah. Melanie: Because we're all dog lovers. Yeah. Everyone in my family has dogs and multiple dogs. And Stephanie, it just, she, I had been talking to her actually at the time. About getting a puppy and I had two dogs already. Vince: Okay. Melanie: And um, so she actually helped me pick out Archie, which is our now 7-year-old Golden Retriever. Vince: Yeah. Melanie: And she never got to meet him, unfortunately, but she saw pictures of him and she, you know, helped me decide if I should get a boy or a girl. Mm-Hmm. And she thought, oh, you have to get a boy dog. And yeah. So that is what. It inspired me to make my dogs, therapy dogs Vince: Awesome. Melanie: So that, that was my goal. Yeah. After she passed away, I said, this is, this is what I'm meant to do. Mm-Hmm. You know, I was an accountant. I went to school to be an accountant and Yep.[00:22:00] And it was, it was fine being in that role, but. I knew, I mean, I just had to do something. Yeah. To help other people. Daniel: Yep. Melanie: Going through a difficult time. Mm-hmm. And it really has, I think of her, well, obviously I think of her every day all the time, but when I'm at the hospital with the dogs and walking into rooms with seeing patients that are going through cancer, it just, it. Makes me feel like I'm doing what I'm meant to do. Mm-Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. And that she's watching down on me and saying, you know, thank you for doing this. Yeah. So Vince: that's one of the, one of the gifts. She's, uh, she's loved you one of many. Yeah. Mm-Hmm. And I think I'm, we're, we're very happy about what you guys are doing. Um, getting back to Winston, who, um, has sleeping chosen to fall asleep on? I was taking a quick nap. Um, Melanie has a, uh, social media following at the three retrievers. Um, Chris will put that up on the screen so you guys have not followed them on Instagram. Please do [00:23:00] so. It's a lot of fun, uh, watching these dogs do different things. Uh, you can poke fun at her husband, Matthew. I I certainly do and enjoy that. He would appreciate it. Um, but it's, you know, it's, it's amazing like the connection people have with Mm-Hmm. Dogs or other pets. Um mm-Hmm. And it's probably safe to say that when you started that you had no idea it was gonna blow up into what it No, no idea has become at all. But, but think of it, I mean, it's. As you were just saying it, it has become kind of a passion of yours. Mm-Hmm. Um, you get a lot out of it as do other people, and you know what, right. People enjoy it, so Yeah. Yeah. Melanie: Why Vince: not? Melanie: And so during the pandemic, um, all of the therapy visits. Were came to a halt because Right. Mm-Hmm. We couldn't go, you know, to the hospitals and schools were shut down and Yep. All the places that I was taking the dogs were closed. Mm-Hmm. So, uh, I, when I started the Instagram account, it was in 2020, right before the pandemic actually had started. Yeah. But just about a month [00:24:00] before. And I think that since a lot of people were stuck at home Daniel: Yeah. Melanie: You know, and watching these videos of dogs Right. Doing cute things. Mm-Hmm. Just brought happiness to people and yeah. So it gave me, I mean, the reason I really started it was to just document, you know, all the pictures and videos that I take. Mm-Hmm. If you saw my phone, it has probably a hundred, well, it does have about 120,000 pictures and videos and, yeah. So it's about 90% dogs. Yeah. On there. Yeah. My kids, you know, are all older, so they don't like when I take their pictures anymore, Vince: but Melanie: used to be the babies. Yeah. But now it's the dogs. Yeah. So it, it is a lot of fun. It really, I did not expect it to grow like it has and you know, and so now it has sort of become a business. Yep. And. Um, I do some brand endorsements. Cool. And a lot of, um, pet [00:25:00] products. Yeah. And some non-PE products too. Okay. So it's just the world that we're in today is a lot of social media advertising and Yeah. So as well, it's a whole new, a whole new venture for me. Daniel: Right. What's your uh, it's been fun. What's your most viral post or video with, uh, oh my gosh, with them? Melanie: Well, I, oh gosh. I have a few that have gotten. About over 20 million views. Okay. Wow. And oh my gosh, I'm trying to remember. It's 20 million. It's kinda like our podcast. Yeah. Daniel: It's pretty 20 million. Very similar numbers. Yeah. Yeah. Melanie: Some of them, I was really shocked that they got that many views. Yeah. 'cause they, I didn't think they were that great of videos, but for whatever reason, whether it was the algorithm or totally resonated, or we've had the same thing like we've Vince: experienced like certain posts or, or certain episodes we thought would, would knock outta the park and they didn't do. They did. Okay. Yeah. Yep. And then other ones, you're like, eh, it is fine. Yeah. And all for whatever reason, it catches fires. Yeah. Melanie: Sometimes it's the audio [00:26:00] that I use. Okay. That it's a trending audio. Mm-Hmm. And Daniel: so it gets promoted more or shows up you Yeah, yeah. Melanie: Um, actually one that I just posted last week of my husband giving our puppy a bath on the dock. At the lake. That one has about 10 million views. Wow, okay. And that was just about a week ago that I posted it. So Vince: yeah, Melanie: that one's going viral. And you know, I don't know, I guess people like to see a puppy all drenched wet, all soap soapy and I don't know, maybe it was my husband's feet wasn't mask bald head, that's for sure. Vince: He, he didn't see his name. He not sure. The same hairstyle. Melanie: Yeah. Maybe people liked his feet. 'cause that was the only thing that was in there. Vince: That's a different episode. Yeah. Melanie: Yeah. So. Um, and then, you know the one of of Matthew Jetskiing with the dog? Yeah. That one has gotten a lot of views. Nice. But there's some old ones that from a couple years ago. Um, that are just, I don't know, the dogs pumping each other. [00:27:00] Daniel: There we go. Hey, you Melanie: can see a theme here. That's right. Yeah. If it's Daniel: funny or something, I mean, it's, it's gonna, it's gonna do well probably. Right. That's pretty cool. That's, that's fun. Yeah. Yeah. Vince: Well, Mel, thanks for, thanks for bringing Winston in. We appreciate it. And thank you for coming in and sharing your story. Yes, thank you. And spending a little time with us. Melanie: Oh, you're welcome. Thank you for having me. Been a pleasure. Vince: Likewise. Well, we, we appreciate your friendship. Mm-Hmm. We appreciate your guys' continued support. Mm-Hmm. And, um, of course, obviously we're, we're here for you guys and, and here for Winston and, and his brothers as well. Yeah. Yeah. You guys keep up the therapy work. We greatly appreciate it. We Melanie: need to take a picture before, you know, so I can post it. There you Vince: go. And that'll get like 50 million views for sure. Yeah. Easily. Of course. Easily. All right. Cool. And thank all you guys for joining us on this episode of the Summits podcast. Thank you again from wherever you get your podcast or if you joining us, tuning in on the Hear us Foundation YouTube channel. Thank you for tuning in. Mm-Hmm. And, uh, you know, drop, drop a comment from Winston and, uh, we'll, we'll pass those along. Yep. Until next time, guys, don't forget Beat cancer.[00:28:00] Melanie: Stay Vince: with the, uh, Melanie: stay. Vince: Winston Melanie: Winston. Vince: So close. You're such a baby. Daniel: Just thinking about it. Stay. Melanie: If it had peanut butter in it. Yeah, Daniel: sure. Yeah. Melanie: Melon put it right here. You really wanna, uh, put his tongue on it? Daniel: It's okay. Melanie: [00:29:00] It.