70 Kelsey Abbott Kelsey: Also for anyone out there who maybe are an entrepreneur and you're feeling uncertain or uncomfortable about sharing your gifts or, or selling, if you think of it as like, you're not trying to be God, you're trying to serve God. So by sharing what you've got, sharing your services, you. Are helping the world. That's why you created whatever you created, right? Yes. That's why you're putting your work into the world. And if you hold back, if you're not shouting it from the rooftops, if you're not, uh, like creating more products and trying to tell everyone about what you're doing, then people aren't going to know, then you're like hoarding it and the world needs your brilliant INTRO MUSIC Monica: [00:00:00] Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the revelation project podcast. Today. I'm here with Kelsey Abbott. And I love Kelsey. Kelsey is an intuitive human design reader, a certified professional coach, an instigator of joy and the host of the find your awesome podcast. She helps spiritual adventures Remember who they are and why they're here so that they can experience more ease, joy flow magic, and miracles. She believes that the universe wants us to be Sparkly AF and that joy is our natural state. When Kelsey isn't playing in her business, she's bringing curiosity, play and joy to triathlon a sport. She races as an elite amateur. Hi, Kelsey. Kelsey: Hey - Its so good to be with you Monica: Its so good to have you and I am loving the energy. Um, my, at my listeners, for those of you listening, I have this beautiful woman in front of me who is buff AF and she's got the word joy on her back. Beautiful. Like, what is that color? It's like a. Pink or a persimmon or something. Kelsey: [00:00:39] It's I mean, it's a variation of red. I wish I knew the name. Ah, I can't believe, I don't know the name. That's actually something that lights me up is knowing the names of paints and nail polishes and crayons. I always love the names they come up with, but I don't know the name of that. Monica: [00:00:54] Gosh, I have a quick story for you because I love that too. There was a while I was in manufacturing and I manufactured designer parenting gear, and I used to love naming cause we would, we would create these car seat covers out of fabrics. And I used to love naming the fabrics and I'd be like, this is the Jackie O or this is the, and it's the same way. Like I loved the, Kelsey: [00:01:18] I love it so much. Yes. Monica: [00:01:19] And when you got the 64 box of Crayola crayons and they just had the coolest, now they have even cooler names, but back then even it was just like, you know, like the cran with the name. It was so great. Kelsey: [00:01:30] I feel like from a very early age, I was like, you know, everything seemed me. Okay. Because I would be very happy naming crayons, very happy. Monica: [00:01:40] It's like a business I'm going to ACE this. I'm going to use this life. Yeah. Yeah. I got this. Kelsey: [00:01:45] I don't need to be a doctor lawyer. Any of this fancy stuff. I can name crayons and be the happiest person in the world. Monica: [00:01:52] Oh my gosh. Okay. And so we were just going over this, but of course, we're, we're gonna jump into more human design because I cannot get enough of this conversation. It is so cool. Tell me how you got started. Kelsey: [00:02:06] Well, first of all, welcome to the rabbit hole. This is what happens with human design. So I got started. I became a certified coach in 2014, started the find your awesome podcasts in 2017. And I was talking to another coach on my podcast and somewhere in the conversation, she asked me if I'd ever heard of human design. I said, no. And. Honestly, the, just the name human design struck me as I was like, no, like super skeptical. Like I'm like, what is that? Like, it just, it sounded weird and like something I wanted nothing to do with, but then I learned more about it and she was like, you just need to know what time you were born. And I was like, Oh, I got that. So I went and looked up my chart and I'm a four, six manifesting generator. I can tell you all the things, if you want to know, right. Angle, cross penetration, three personality, eight 57. First thing, when I saw my chart, I was like, Oh, what do I do with this? Like, as if you have never seen a human design chart, it's like the outline of the profile of a human head wearing a tent. And then there are all these different color boxes, some are triangles, and then there's some arrows. And then on the side, there are these columns with numbers and symbols. And then there's some words on the side, if you're lucky or maybe they're up top saying like you're tight. So basically that first time I got, okay. My manifesting generator, I had no idea what that meant. And through days of Googling, eventually I found something that said that manifesting generators are warrior Buddhas. And I was like, Oh, Oh, Oh, huh, okay. Like that resonated with my soul. And that was just the bread I needed to keep going, but it was still like, A month or two later that I met somebody at a conference who said to me, Oh, you're into human design. Then you must know this person. Of course, I'd never heard of that person, but I went and followed her on Instagram and I found every podcast she'd ever been on and listened to all of the podcasts, read all of her Instagram posts. Like I basically made my own course learning everything that she had ever shared on human design. And then she eventually offered a certification program. So I signed up for that in a second. And here we are. Monica: [00:04:24] And here we are. Well, and I love too that you, it sounds like a manifesting generator, right? Like you went and you got all of the little bits and pieces and pull them all together and like found your pathway to your own bliss. Kelsey: [00:04:40] Yes. Yes. And I mean, when you look farther back in my story, it's even more manifesting generator. Like, cause I graduated with college with a psychology degree. Didn't want to use it. Didn't want to tell people what was wrong with them and try and fix them. That didn't light me up. And so instead I went on and got a graduate degree in Marine mammal science and I studied Marine mammals and conservation, and then moved from that career to being a science writer, which is taking scientific papers and making them accessible and fun and funny for regular people. And then on the side, I was always coaching, swimming. Coaching triathletes, personal training, and then this all morphs into professional coaching and human design. I'm sure I skipped something. Oh, I had a food blog in there. Monica: [00:05:29] Yeah. So, and for those of you out there that aren't sure yet what we're talking about, there are five different types, correct. Of different human designs. And so if you're a listener right now, you are obviously one of those five. So Kelsey help us understand the five and about what percentage of the human population is each of the five. Kelsey: [00:05:52] Yeah. So years and years ago, your little baby soul got called to earth school and he got so excited and it decided who you're going to be. And what you're going to do when you're here on this round of earth school and figured out all that stuff, and it puts it in a blueprint and sprinkles, all these golden nuggets in it. And then when you discover human design, you get to see that blueprint. And that's when you learn your energy type. So the five types are generator, manifestor manifesting generator, projector, and reflector. And supposedly the percentages work out to be about 35% of people are generators. 30% are manifesting generators. I feel like that's actually a little lower than projectors are next. Popular was like 20%. You may notice the math isn't quite working, right? Yeah. Then it's like 8% are manifestors and 1% are reflectors. I say, supposedly, because just like in my circle, I was telling Monica before we started, I know a bunch of reflectors compared to it. Like if there's only 1% of the population that are reflectors, you would think I wouldn't. No any, or I might know one. Monica: [00:07:03] I know, I know, cause I don't yet know any reflectors. So w let's start with that. Like what makes a reflector or a reflector? Kelsey: [00:07:11] So reflectors, when they look at that chart of themselves, there are no colors in those shapes. Every one of their centers is open. I'd open two reflectors. I call them discoballs of awesomeness. Monica: [00:07:26] Oh, Kelsey: [00:07:26] what they do is they feel an amplify, our energy. So if you want to feel really good about yourself and you go hang out with a reflector, because everything there you're going to come away and be like, that person is so brilliant. Oh my God. Everything they said is bang on because they're reflecting your energy back to you. They're making it bigger. Monica: [00:07:45] Oh my god it. I have the chills right now. I have the chills right now. Maybe I do. There's somebody that's coming to mind as you're saying this. And I'm, I'm so curious if she's a refector Kelsey: [00:07:56] You also, so the more open center someone has, like somebody can be a generator and only have two defined centers and seven open centers. And that person also is going to really reflect your energy back to you. Monica: [00:08:07] Okay. So now, so Kelsey help us understand the difference between open. Open centers and define centers. Kelsey: [00:08:16] So if it's colored in, it's defined, if it's white, it's open. Monica: [00:08:20] Okay. Kelsey: [00:08:20] And the color does not matter. Monica: [00:08:23] Okay. The color does not matter, but defined is basically my interpretation of it is that, well, let me go into, into open instead, cause it's easier for me. So an open center is I don't, it's open meaning I can take in anything that I can take in anything and a defined is that it's it depends on what I'm able to take in. Yes. Kelsey: [00:08:49] Yeah. The way I think of it is if it's open, you feel an amplify, other people's energy in that center, Monica: [00:08:54] In that center. Kelsey: [00:08:55] And if it's, if it's defined, then you have your own energy in that center. Monica: [00:09:00] Okay. Okay. If it's defined. Got it. So if I have a defined throat, it means I'm not going to mix it up with other people's energy and say something that was meant for them. Kelsey: [00:09:13] You're most likely not going to say, have something come out of your mouth and be like, what it still could happen though. Monica: [00:09:21] Okay, because there are people that I have been with who are like, I don't know where that just came from. They say something and they're kind of like, ah, like what was that? That's what that is probably. Okay. Okay. So now go more into the next one up, which is projector or is it faster? Kelsey: [00:09:42] Yeah, project manifestor is actually if we're going by like least common to most common. Yes. So manifestors, manifestors used to be the most common, the, the quote, unquote big people in history like Alexander, the great was a manifester. I can't think of any others, but like all the big rulers in history were manifestors because a manifestor is here to make things happen. Okay. Manifestors are super, super powerful. They have the biggest aura, the biggest energy of energy, any energy type, which means that a manifestor cannot sneak into a room. You feel it when a manifestor comes in there room, like everyone just turns to look at them a manifestors. So when manifestors are little, they get the message. Be small. Don't you're too loud. You're too bossy. Yeah. You're too bossy. You're too much or too you're too, too, too. Yeah. And so what they end up doing is shrinking themselves manifestors are like, Monica: [00:10:48] Which is exactly what they shouldn't be doing. Kelsey: [00:10:50] Exactly well manifestors mission in life to be aligned with our energy is to step into their power. They're here to lead energetic movements. And of course not everyone is going to get on that movement with them. They got to be brave enough to start the movement and trust that the people who are meant to be on that movement with them, we'll follow the other people. Don't worry about them, but the rest of us, well, we see it are stepping into their power. We are inspired to do the same. Monica: [00:11:21] I love that. I love that Kelsey: [00:11:23] Manifestors are essential there. Monica: [00:11:26] Okay. And I know a few manifestors and that is exactly right. When I think about who they are and how they walk into a room, it is true that all eyes are kind of focused on them. And in fact, the, the manifestor that I know the best was up until kind of the pandemic happened just in the midst of claiming her energy, like up on a stage, like just starting to do her big events. And it was like, Whoa, like you could feel what was happening with her. And all of the energy around her, all eyes were on, on her and what she was saying and what she was doing. And there was a way that as she showed up in that way, it was so different from how I had known her previously, because she hadn't been daring to shine. Kelsey: [00:12:12] Yeah. And in daring to shine, I've had the honor of talking to a couple young manifestors you were like six and seven and they've been bullied. They're bullied because their energy is so big that other people feel it. Other kids feel it and they don't know what to do. So what do kids do when they're uncomfortable? When they're uncertain? When somebody feels, Monica: [00:12:36] yeah, I don't like you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Kelsey: [00:12:40] So what manifestors of all ages need to remember is step into your power. You are powerful. You are not like other people. This is the whole idea about hind human design, like reflectors aren't like any other type manifestors aren't like any other type projectors. Aren't like any other type generators. Aren't like any other type manifesting generators. Aren't like any other type. And then within. Each energy type. There's so much that makes us all so different. It's the study and the celebration of our uniqueness. Monica: [00:13:10] And I love it. How we went from Crayola colors into science into right now I'm starting to see the, the golden threads, so to speak like, and making it fun. Right. Because you're so about fun with your big persimmon joy in the background. Kelsey: [00:13:28] I'm going to call that persimmon. I think, I mean, I think it's a persimmon. I think, I think, I think that works. Okay. So next one up is projectors. Okay. And my, one of my favorite people in the world is a projector and that is my virtual assistant Liz. She is the bomb and of course, She will love that we're talking about her. So, so go for it as the projector. What does Liz need to know ? Liz this is for you. Well, projectors are here to guide us. They do well. They really take existing systems and make them so much more effective and efficient. I'm sure this makes her a fabulous virtual assistant. Monica: [00:14:10] I mean, like to die for virtual assistant. Yes. Kelsey: [00:14:15] So projectors are all about their, their normal days. Ideally are about like honing their wisdom. So they're observing, they're meditating, they're reading, they're listening, they're watching. And then just a couple hours of the day, they are guiding people cause guiding is energetically expensive for them. So projectors again, every energy type is different from the other types. Projectors. If we are all in a forest projectors are the bird on the branch, And they can see everything. The rest of us are scurrying around on the first forest floor. So imagine there's a squirrel running around on the forest floor, looking for it as nuts. Now, the projector sees everything knows exactly where the squirrel left is nuts, and the projector can yell down and be like, yo squirrel. You're nuts are right there. And the squirrel is going to look up and be like, who are you? And why are you telling me where my notes are? Why don't you mind your own business Monica: [00:15:12] Why are you telling me where my nuts are Kelsey: [00:15:17] or this the squirrel you can look up and be like, Hey, projector, you see everything? I bet you know where my nuts are. Can you help me? And the projector's like, absolutely they're right here. And then the squirel is like, thank you so much. You are amazing. So projectors really want to create an invitation before they share information because the rest of us need a place for their wisdom to fall. Monica: [00:15:44] Interesting. So it's almost like she can see everything. However, what I'm hearing you say is that she needs to be invited or asked in order to really be received. Well, Kelsey: [00:15:59] Yes. And there are some people that have already invited her, like everyone who follows her on social media, Already invited her. They want to hear her, her wisdom. He doesn't need a separate invitation. Anytime. If she wants to go out to dinner with a friend, she doesn't have to wait for that friend to invite her. But if she wants to share, like, I don't believe anyone is here to give it unsolicited. It, Monica: [00:16:23] I love that. You said that because it's so true. Kelsey: [00:16:27] So Projectors that especially true for you because you're going to give an unsolicited advice. It's going to trigger the F out of whoever receives it because no one likes unsolicited advice. And then you're going to get bitter projector because they didn't receive your unsolicited advice. And bitterness is exactly what you feel when you were out of alignment. So that's going to be a reminder for you to get back in alignment. And when you're back in alignment, you're going to realize that you need to create your own invitation, which can be as easy as saying, can I share an observation? Boom. The person might say no. And then, yeah, just has got a hold of your tongue, but the person who's most likely be like, yeah, I'd love to hear what you think. Monica: [00:17:11] Okay. Kelsey: [00:17:12] Then you drop your wisdom. Monica: [00:17:14] Got it. Okay. So it's interesting because, and she may kill me for bringing this up right now, but, um, I'm going to go for it. So she has grown exponentially. It's like she found her, she found her nuts. She found her nuts. And in getting into like VA it's like that has just been a natural extension rate of who she is, because she's organized as systems for heart-centered entrepreneurs. She knows her exact niche audience, and she's getting so much business. What she's finding, however, is that the day-to-day grind. Okay, is really taking a toll on her with all of the two dues and that she gets much more energized actually by coaching people on how to do what she does. Does that make sense? Kelsey: [00:18:02] That makes so much sense because projectors don't have an engine. They don't have this sake. They don't have a sacral engine. Okay. So depending on the protector, they may be getting energy from another center, but they do not have. Uh, sacral engine and neither did manifestors or reflectors generators and manifesting generator. Generators are the only one that sacral energy. Monica: [00:18:27] Okay. And, and sacred energy, just to be clear is kind of the motor that keeps going, going, going, it's almost like a relentless or, you know, that I've been called relentless, which is why I use the word, but almost like an endless source of energy where, what I'm hearing is that if you're not, if your sacral center, if you don't have that, you are prone to burning out. Kelsey: [00:18:55] Yes. Especially if you're a projector with a defined root, okay. Then you're gonna think you have access to a sacral engine and you do not. So you can't hang with the generators and mgs, which is fine. You know, there are people I remember back when I worked for the federal government and there was one person who I always. She always baffled me because she was always working. And I didn't understand how I felt like I did my work, but it only took me like three hours. And then I had plenty of time to where I was like looking for things to do. And she was just always working. And so imagine the generators in particular are always working. It might take them eight hours to do something. Projector might be able to do the same amount of work in two hours. It's not about, we don't know. Uh, some, some people still are living in a clock in clock, out society, but it's not for us. It's not, that's not helping any of us. Right. So dear projectors, please don't think of the number of hours that you work. Just work on the tasks. And then also projectors know that if you are with. Generators are mgs. You are going to ride their sacral engine. So you're going to feel like you have a sacred engine and then you're going to go off and be by yourself. And you're going to be like who? I overdid it there. Monica: [00:20:23] Yeah. Like burned out. Like just have nothing left. Kelsey: [00:20:26] Yes. Monica: [00:20:27] Okay. Fascinating. She's going to love this. Okay. Next one is what, what you are. What I am manifesting generators, a manifesting generator. Okay. Kelsey: [00:20:39] Manifesting generators or hybrids between manifestors and generators. So we get the message like manifestors to play small. We are also here to own our power, and then we get the generator message that we're going to talk about when we get to generators. Because the thing about manifesting generators is we are here to play. We are here to follow the joy. We pivot a lot. We move quickly. According to the other energy types where the society tells everyone to go from a, to B, to C, to D we go from a, to hippopotamus to persimmon to 93. to six. Yes. And that is for us because we pick up magic in each one of those places. It's just, our path is never a straight line. We bounce a lot. We are here to carve our very own path. Like I think of it as we're here to make fresh tracks in this. No. So I know as a kid, I was always so frustrated. I felt like everyone else had a map. They knew exactly where they were supposed to go. And I was like, I don't know how do they know all the rules and I don't know them. And so I would try, try to be like everyone else. And I never made it a full day before I was like, screw it. This is too hard. This is uncomfortable. I'd rather just be me, which is making my very own path and it's harder, but it's more rewarding for me. We're here to do things that people think are impossible and to do them with so much joy, we are. We are around pegs that do not fit in square holes and are here to show everyone that they don't have to fit in either. Monica: [00:22:21] I love that my daughter is a manifesting generator. It just occurred to me because I had pulled up every family members. Of course, you know, I went down the rabbit hole and put everybody's birthdays and times in, and I got everybody. And so she's the only one out of us, all who is a manifesting generator. And the other three in the house are generators and both Austin and I, because we're about to go into generator, have that genius freak or whatever it is, channel, which I thought was interesting that both of us have it, you know, as, as partners. So that was really fascinating too. Kelsey: [00:22:57] Probably what brought you together. Okay. Because you can actually get each other. Monica: [00:23:02] Yes. Kelsey: [00:23:04] Because genius freaks. We're. Or from the future. So I'm not, I told you before that I'm not a full genius freak. I have half of that channel, but right now I'm a genius freak because I'm when your energy and my energy click together, I'm going to get the full channel. So genius freaks are from the future. And it's all about knowing when and how to share the information, because much like a projector needs to make sure that people have space for their wisdom, genius, freaks. Some people are going to be able to receive the information it's going to be the right time for them to hear it. And other people it's, it may never be the right time for them to hear the information, Monica: [00:23:42] right. That it, that you can almost, it's a very, it's a very, uh, like it goes over like a lead balloon. If you say something to people who are not. Interested in here. It almost like they either think you're a freak or a genius. Is that why that is called? Okay. So fascinating. And I love too that you're pointing to the fact that they're like puzzle pieces when we work together. And this is the other piece I got through my amazing interview with Robin. When was the, most of us are meant to collaborate and work together and that it's by working together that we're able to empower each other. Yes. Kelsey: [00:24:22] So two things to say to that one. I have this dream, that in the future, we're all going to have our charts. Like we're going to wear them like around our necks or something. So you'll be able to see someone you meet for the first time, see their chart right off the bat and be like, Oh, you've got like the genius freak channel. I could really use you for a project I'm doing, or you've got the ability to hone in on the details. I do not have that. Will you please help me with this project? Like we see all of that. Then the other thing is that we silly humans often think that we're on a planet covered with almost 8 billion different people, but really we are on a planet with one human shattered, into 8 billion separate pieces, and those different pieces need to own and share their gifts, our gifts. And then when we do, we all fit together like puzzle pieces, and then we rise. We are meant to rise together. And we need each other to rise. Monica: [00:25:29] Do you hear that unity? Kelsey: [00:25:34] humans near to humans. Monica: [00:25:35] Yeah. I mean, we really, really do. We really, really need each other and there's also such this counter-cultural message that we're all taught, you know, about this pursuit of individuality or celebrity or fame. And it's, you know, it's such this cult of me and not a cult of we and ah, it just it's, I know that it's changing, but it it's changing as people awaken and as they become aware and as they start to see, I think as their heart, right, as we drop out of our heads and into our hearts is how we're actually starting to feel that resonance with each other and build and build that future together. Kelsey: [00:26:17] Yeah. Monica: [00:26:18] But it does take us getting out of our heads, my God. Kelsey: [00:26:22] Yeah. And we. The human design celebrates that we are all unique. That's what it's all about. It's about being unique and using that uniqueness to come together. Yeah. I heard this quote that I really loved last week and it was, are you trying to be God or are you trying to serve God? Monica: [00:26:41] Um, and love that. I love that. Kelsey: [00:26:46] Yeah. So if the word God triggers, you replace it with spirit universe, all whatever are you trying to be all? Are you trying to be the thing? Are you trying to serve the thing Monica: [00:26:59] Its a really, really important distinction sounds kind of subtle and yet it's so true. It's just that, that momentary shift over from kind of that me-centric, or even when we're, we're not asking for help, it's like the doing it all thing and we don't see how, you know, not only does it undermine. Ourselves, but it also undermines our relationships with others because other people actually so want to contribute, so want to help. So want to be part of something bigger, something more, something that we did together. I mean, when you even think about the fact that when you're with friends and you're like, remember that time we, we celebrate it, we honor it. But we forget that when we're in these moments where we're not actually collaborating with each other. Kelsey: [00:27:56] Hmm. Yeah. Also for anyone out there who maybe are an entrepreneur and you're feeling uncertain or uncomfortable about sharing your gifts or, or selling, if you think of it as like, you're not trying to be God, you're trying to serve God. So by sharing what you've got, sharing your services, you. Are helping the world. That's why you created whatever you created, right? Yes. That's why you're putting your work into the world. And if you hold back, if you're not shouting it from the rooftops, if you're not, uh, like creating more products and trying to tell everyone about what you're doing, then people aren't going to know, then you're like hoarding it and the world needs your brilliant Monica: [00:28:46] that's right. The world needs your brilliance, which is perfect for generator. Tell me more about generators. So Kelsey: [00:28:53] generators, I mentioned, I kind of foreshadowed with the mgs generators are born. Knowing that they're here to lift the world up. And then when they're little kids, they get celebrated for sacrificing themselves for sharing their favorite toy, uh, for eating the thing, they didn't want to eat. We're going and hugging the weird uncle. They didn't want to hug. And they're told they're good girls and boys, but what a generator is really here to do is not sacrifice themselves, but follow what, lights them up. When a generator and an mg that's manifesting generator follows what lights them up. They not only create energy, that's that sacral engine so they can keep going. They also become sparkly, AF, and when they become sparkly, AF, their energy is juicy and magnetic and irresistible. And then they elevate the world that sparkle elevates the world. So sure you can sacrifice yourself and maybe make somebody who was grumpy, less grumpy, or you can follow what lights you up and you can elevate the world. And that's why we're here to elevate the world Monica: [00:30:09] To elevate the world. So Kelsey, when I see things like each, each human design has their not self theme. And so, uh, generators. Not self theme is frustration. Is that true for all generators? All generators have a not self theme of frustration. Okay. Kelsey: [00:30:31] Generators and manifesting generators. When you are out of alignment, when we are out of alignment, we feel frustrated and that frustrated is what we think of as frustration. It's also energetic frustration, meaning it's just feeling kind of meh. Flat. Monica: [00:30:50] Yeah. Flat blah. Kelsey: [00:30:52] Okay. I just went through a week of feeling really flat and it took, it actually took kind of disconnecting from everything in order to get back on track with myself. It was almost, and I'm kind of thinking as I'm talking about it, but because it was so fresh and I literally used the word flat. That there was a way that like, nothing was working, nothing felt inspiring. And I know when I'm on, or I know when I'm in alignment, because everything feels new and exciting to me and everything just felt meh stale flat. And I just, I was like, why do I feel like this? It was like an entire week of that. And again, like, I don't know if my own self care was the thing that I needed to focus on and just kind of stopping the to-do list because the to-do list was to doing me. You know what I mean? Like it wasn't even productive at, at any point anymore. So just putting it all away and just following my bliss for a couple of days is what brought me back Because ideally, no. Let's just cross that out. What generators are really here for is what lights them up. Always, always natural state is I'm so excited. Monica: [00:32:22] Okay. Kelsey: [00:32:23] We get lit up all the time. So what generators and when you're feeling flat, how to take an inventory of your energy, what is a no, what doesn't light you up? What in your life is not a Holy hell? Yes. And it can be in any part of your life. It could be like Monica: [00:32:46] What about laundry. Kelsey: [00:32:48] Yes. If it doesn't light you up, let it go and find a way to make it light you up. Monica: [00:32:55] Okay. So, um, and then of course we do have the practical conversation, like the dishes, the dinner, the, so what you're saying is like either find a way to make it fun or, don't do it? Kelsey: [00:33:11] So let's actually take laundry as an example. So laundry, if you are doing it all day every day, like for real all day, every day, And it doesn't let you up then letting it go. But more than likely, you're like, honestly, it it's like five minutes, five minutes of gathering the clothes, putting them in the laundry, then maybe another five minutes to switch things into the dryer or take them out. And. And hang 'em dry. And then another five minutes to get them out of the dryer. That's a load. That's a total of 15 minutes. Recognize that, okay, this doesn't light me up right now, but it's 15 minutes and those 15 minutes don't own the rest of your day. Monica: [00:33:55] Right. And I, and I actually have found ways to do things like that and make it fun. So I can pop ear pods in and listen to an audio book, or I can, you know, practice mindfulness, like chop wood, carry water, like whatever, the thing that there is a way to really do that. And then there's some days Kelsey, you know, where I'll be honest, like some days I just need to go and snuggle up in my bed and read and like fully self indulge for hours sometimes to just kind of come back into myself, whatever that thing is. I think each person has to figure it out for themselves. Kelsey: [00:34:31] Yes. and depending on whether you. Are, if you have an open solar plexus or defined solar plexus, which is called having emotional authority or any other kind of authority, that's also going to determine kind of how you feel, how things light you up on a daily basis. Monica: [00:34:50] Okay. Because I'll have to look at that, but I would generally say that I don't, I can't do it unless I really feel like doing it. Kelsey: [00:35:00] So you, some people would likely say that that means you have an emotional wave. Okay. Which means you have an emotional authority, the term authority here doesn't really work. Monica: [00:35:11] Okay. Kelsey: [00:35:12] It just means that. Your solar plexus is defined. You have your own energy, you have your own emotional waves. You're always someplace on that wave. And when it comes to decision-making, you're gonna feel you're, you're not going to have clarity in the now you're going to want to give yourself 24 hours when making a big decision to feel into it, to get your sacral response. Okay. I love that. It's you're not going to get it right off the bat. Monica: [00:35:38] Definitely have to feel into things. I definitely, and then I, I usually always come to the yes or the no, and interestingly enough, so I'm going to go back to manifesting generator for a minute because my daughter is really, really struggling, trying to figure out if, what college and if college right now with the pandemic and everything else. And I've always really trusted her to make her own decisions. I've raised her to be very. Very conscious of how she's feeling of trusting, you know, herself. So it's interesting to watch her go through this big kind of decision-making process and. Try to navigate it. And part of it for me was I think you need to go to the places you've narrowed down to feel into them. Now this is the generator speaking, and I know that she's a manifesting generator, but she called me last night and she was like, mom, I don't know. You know, it's like all the thoughts in my head. And I'm like, okay, get out of your head and just know that there's no pressure here. It's, it's really about helping you feel into something, giving you the opportunity to go like immerse yourself in it, feel your way through it. And if you come back and you still don't know, that's still okay. So I don't, you know, again, I like, I don't know. I don't know. Kelsey: [00:37:06] You're a good mom. You're a good mom missing generators when it comes to college. That's tricky because manifesting generators actually, ideally don't commit to anything too far in advance because we get a sacral response. Like right now, if. So we're it's Monday right now. If I was invited to do something on Friday, I might, right now it might light me up and then Friday, I'm getting ready to do that thing. And I'm like, eh, I don't want to know. And we need to listen to the second sacral response. When this comes to getting together with friends, ideally you get your friends to understand you and you respond to everything maybe, probably. And you guys go ahead and I'll probably be there, but I don't know. And you get really understanding friends. College doesn't work that way. You have to commit to it way far in advance, right. And feeling into it is going to help feeling into it as actually it feeling into it physically like being on the physical campus. And also if possible, imagining a full day like visualizing a full day can also really help. Get that full sacral response. I, last year I thought I went off social media and I retired from social media in 2020. And I thought I wanted to create a community using a platform called mighty networks. And I was like, Oh, I'll have people just come in there and play human design. And I started telling people about it and I was like, why isn't this? Like, why am I not getting like huge feedback? It was a really low price point, super easy access. I'm getting all these people who want to talk about human design all the time. Why aren't they joining this program? And then I felt finally felt all the way into it. I was like, I want community. I want to be able to talk to people. And then the piece I had missed is, Oh, I'm going to go online every day and check in on this group. And I'm going to that. Oh, I was like, Oh, uh, no, no, no, no, no. It was like, Oh, okay. So that's why people aren't signing up because I'm blocking the energy there. I hadn't felt into it all the way, but it's a no, it's a hard, no, I do not want that. Monica: [00:39:17] That's so fascinating. Yeah. I mean, that's so true for me. And you just helped kind of explain some times why I don't get the hit the yes or the no, until I get further into something and then I hit that wall or something's not working and it's not aligned and it's because somewhere I'm a no, and I haven't figured that out yet. Kelsey: [00:39:39] Also what's your profile in human design. Do you know that off the top of your head? So numbers. Monica: [00:39:45] Oh, it's the numbers. Okay. Let me look. I mean, why not? And while I'm looking, why do our listeners, why tell me more about like, how can this help them? Kelsey: [00:39:57] Hmm. So when I first started coaching, I've always been, I called myself a confidence coach early on. I've always been passionate about helping people remember who they are, but I never had like that concrete thing to show people. Now that I have human design, I can show somebody their chart and say, look, this, this is why you're not made to do this. And now I know so much more. I have so much clarity for you, Monica. So one thing is you're a one three, which means that there is a lot about you that you're not going to know. If you like something until you experience it for yourself. Monica: [00:40:38] Oh my god. I never a truer statement was spoken. It's so frustrating. It really is Kelsey. I mean, it really is. Sometimes I'm just like, I'll, I'll do the thing. I'll invest in something and then I'm doing it. And I'm like, no, this, no, it makes me crazy. Kelsey: [00:40:58] But is there a place you can shift your mindset about that? My first investment as a coach was in this systems course and. It was like $500. And I, I immediate was immediately, it was like, systems are not for me. That's what I, my big takeaway here. I don't want anything to do with any of this. I hate it. I was like, okay, I paid $500 to learn that any systems that need to exist my business, I will hire somebody else to do that. Monica: [00:41:26] Right. And, and it, and I can shift my mindset around anything, but it's this momentary thing that I sometimes will, we'll talk about getting frustrated with myself. And then of course, it's the use my tools use my tools, shift it, look at it differently. See through another lens, whatever it is, but I'm sure there's also a way that I can. Uh, that I can really kind of go into things with a deeper understanding, like you were just saying to our listeners that helps me to actually approach something with a little bit more like even knowing, for example, to give myself 24 hours before I make a decision that actually, even though, as somebody who can be impulsive, that at times that impulsivity really like to give myself that space is even if I feel like a yes, And I don't typically, if I, if I feel an immediate, yes, I will. I will leave. I will, because that feels very clear to me, but there are times where I'm attentive and that's when it's helpful for me to know, I need more time to really, really feel into this 24 hours at least. Yes. Kelsey: [00:42:44] Okay. Yes. So this whole thing, and for our listeners, I pulled my profile back up. So in this area of profile and you guys can go grab your own human design chart is the place that you would lead them to go to this Jovian archive. You can actually get it on my website. I, I will grab it for you and I'll email it to, which also means I'll send you a little nugget. Oh, yay. So you'll give them actually a little something, something. Yeah. So go to Kelsey abbott.com and click under the, under the play with me tab. It says, what is human design go there and you'll get a chart. Monica: [00:43:23] Awesome. And then not only will you get a chart, but she's going to give you a little bit of insight into what you're all about. Correct? Yeah. That's really amazing. Okay. Kel, so anything else? So obviously I have, no, I have an open route. Kelsey: [00:43:39] You have a velcro butt. Monica: [00:43:41] I have a Velcro, but what does that mean? Kelsey: [00:43:43] It means that you right now, today you actually have, because the planets move today, everybody has a defined route, but normal situations, you have what I call a Velcro, but which I don't know if I have a swivel chair, you can probably, you can see that I'm moving nonstop. I have a defined route. I just like, I think by moving, I, I am movement. You guys have this ability to sit in one place for a really long period of time. It is miraculous to me and my husband can do it. And I like go in and check and make sure he's. I'm still breathing. Monica: [00:44:22] Yes. I can get like, into what's called, like hyper-focus I also feel, and this is where the open head is, you know, and this is maybe a discussion another podcast for another time, but you know, like having had some childhood trauma, what, what I think maybe is like leftover PTSD, add like call it what you will, but then I see that open head and I'm like, there's more to be revealed here because sometimes it's, I talk about the hyper-focus because that's a very, that's a term we use in the ADD world where you can just sit and geek out on something that you're really, really interested in for long periods of time while the whole world is going on around you. I mean, my husband sometimes would be like, Monica, like the house could be on fire and like, you would be completely oblivious. And that's what happens to me. And I don't know, you know, there's, there's so many lenses to look through. There's the add lens. There's the. There's the human design lens. Kelsey: [00:45:21] Hmm. Or we can look at your, add in your human design or, Monica: [00:45:26] or yet another. Okay. Kelsey: [00:45:29] So, so I have ADHD and I see where it lives in my human design. And I see a couple of the same places in yours. One is that piece, the genius freak. Okay. It's in that, that gate 43 in your Audra is it's about having unique opinions and insights. They come super easily to you. You do not understand that they aren't the way other people think it's just duh. Monica: [00:46:01] Correct. Kelsey: [00:46:02] And another is in your sacral. You've got the gift and this is actually a huge part of your personality. Have you ever heard any people say like there's an exact time that you're supposed to wake up to be as healthy as possible and productive, and there's an exact time that you should eat breakfast and. And you should fast and you should exercise it this time and all of that stuff. Monica: [00:46:26] Like the optimal, like the optimal time, Kelsey: [00:46:28] All of that stuff is not for you, Monica. None of it's not for me, either your body. Yeah. Your body has its own way of doing things. Listen to it. Monica: [00:46:44] Amen. Okay. Amen. A man. It is so true. It is so true. I just get such delight from hearing these things and maybe this is really what I want my listeners to know is like, there's something so freeing about having this stuff mirrored back to you. It's like, Oh, thank God. There's some way that human design allows you to see yourself in a way that feels all it all. It really all feels positive. The stuff that feels hard or challenging it's because I wasn't designed to do it. Yes, you guys. I mean, this is the piece it's like, you may not be designed to do the things that are really, really hard for you to do. It's not because you're stupid or you can't. So there's a way that does human design just completely, really levels the playing field and makes you feel special in the way that you are. Kelsey: [00:47:42] I love that you said that so much. I'm so passionate about that. And I also tell people, if you learn stuff about human design, that doesn't make you feel good, please. If you're learning that from me, please reach out to me. And I want to clarify it for you because everything you learn about your human design should make you feel like this huge sigh of relief, and just wonder and gratitude towards your soul for picking this out for you. And it should just make you feel super sparkly and magical. If it feels makes you feel trapped, you're not understanding or that person is not for you. Monica: [00:48:17] I love that. Yeah. It's because there's so much here and there's a lot actually to learn not only about yourself, but how you act interact in other relationships. I was even thinking like how powerful this is to look at a family dynamic. Yes. So help me understand, just in the last few minutes that we have, how have you seen this used because. I'm imagining it's so helpful when it comes to professions so helpful when it comes to making a big life change so helpful when it comes to maybe coupling yeah. Kelsey: [00:48:54] Yeah. Everything, a business partnerships career, what you're doing in your job, for instance, Monica, you're not made for pressure. You are here to flow through life, like no deadlines for you ever mental pressure. Whenever you say that there's no deadlines, no mental pressure, no shoulds, not for you flow through life. That is ideally how you operate. Uh, so understand understanding your own emotional wave and the emotional wave of other people is. Just amazingly powerful and Monica, you have the same emotional wave that I do, which is sometimes we feel like we don't actually have an emotional wave because when we're in our wave, it's prompted by connection because we are all about deep connection. And when we're in our wave, it just feels like we're not as sparkly as we usually are. It's just, our sparkle is dimmer. Whereas when other people are in a wave, it's like they're down, down, down, down, down. And so sometimes we can think like, Oh, I don't have an emotional wave because I'm just like, not that sparkly. So I feel like our souls chose this wave one to protect us from other people's emotions. So we don't feel other people's emotions and two, because we have to be like super sluice. We have to be super discerning and be like, Oh, I'm in a wave. Now. I want to like. Really truly not do anything for 24 hours. Just let, let the wave pass through me. Don't put anything out into the universe right now. Don't make any decisions. Don't really talk to people because just let the, let the wave flow through me. Monica: [00:50:47] That's when I usually wear my, I hate people.com t-shirt yes. At which I don't really have, I just always talk about it. I need sometimes that 24 hour, like I just can't. I just can't. Yeah, yeah. Kelsey: [00:50:59] Just no people, sorry. Nothing nice to you right now in my head. Butyou don't want it to come out Monica: [00:51:03] And I love people. Like I love people, so it's like, yeah. Okay. Kelsey: [00:51:10] So, and imagine the, for instance, there's another gift that you have that I you've got the gift of turning ideas into reality. I have the gift of creating newness. Creating new things. Those two gifts together are amazing. That person is like the CEO and the creative director of their brand of themselves. And recognizing for instance, I don't have that gift of turning ideas into reality. So again, this is fitting the puzzle pieces together. I could be like, Hey Monica, we could work together and make something magical. Right? We've got this together. So understanding for you, understanding that motivation is going to come in waves. And that is okay. In fact, there's a gift in every part of the wave. That's going to give you permission to not something I see in athletes a lot is this constant need for challenges to keep them motivated, but being motivated all day, every day, isn't their natural state. So this gives you permission to, to not just be you, but to flow through. Life and work and everything in the way you're designed to do. Monica: [00:52:27] It's just so, so much comes up for me. And I'm sure that as, as this settles in each new kind of nugget or piece or insight, it's starting to recognize and become more aware because it's almost like to go back to the athlete. You don't expect to pick up a racket and be Serena Williams. It's this idea of really learning a new element on your human design chart and starting to notice, where does it show up? And this is where I think some of the coaching and the classes becomes so fascinating is because as you're doing it, and you're learning about an element and how you personally are impacted by that element, you take that, move that new. That new tool into your everyday life. And you look at how you can apply it differently until over time. It all just makes so much more sense. And you're operating more from a place of design by design your, your origin of design, then you're working against it. Yes. Yeah. And it's God, and that's where more energy comes in because the more you're aligned with your human design, the more energy and the more alignment you act, I actually have. Kelsey: [00:53:45] Yes. When you get off the struggle bus, you experienced flow, Monica: [00:53:49] Struggle bus.I have to write that one down, get off the struggle bus. Kelsey: [00:53:55] There's one piece that we both have Monica. Well, there's a lot. We have a lot of overlap in our chart, but what I wanted to just share with people, because I'm really passionate about this one too, is. And neither of us are here to be super specific. We're not here to be strategic. We're not here to be specific. And in online business space, you hear a lot of, you gotta be super specific, know ideal client. And know your listener, know like what they have for breakfast. Monica: [00:54:22] It's like my worst nightmare, Kelsey: [00:54:25] Mine too. Monica: [00:54:26] I get asked that all the time and I'm like, Oh, ah, Kelsey: [00:54:30] So here. Yeah, stop. Don't even like, just now from here on know that you are not here for that answer, you can, I'm sure you can make something up. That's what I did for years. I'm just going to make something up. I didn't say that, but it just like, it felt horrible. And I did try on being specific and it totally blocked my flow. I, it put me right on the struggle bus and put the brakes on my flow and I was like, what is happening? Then I learned human design learn that I'm not here to be specific. And now I know I'm just here to. Follow it lights me up, show up and be in the moment and be in the moment. Monica: [00:55:08] Yes, because this is how this shows up for me is I've started doing podcast interviews on other people's shows and people are like, what's the revelation project. And I'm like, there's a different answer every time. And again, it's very, it's very much in the same vein, but it's not, it's not like this script. And for me, there is nothing more deadening than saying the pitch. And I hate that. I hate it when it's, doesn't feel like it's coming from an authentic place. So I always Chuck it Kelsey: [00:55:40] I am with you., Monica: [00:55:41] Oh my God. It's just makes so much sense Kelsey: [00:55:44] with you. We're here to be authentic. Totally authentic. Like no matter what. Monica: [00:55:49] And, and sometimes when it's completely just, and this goes back to kinda what we were talking about. If I'm asked, I'll also say the thing that still sounds like the turd in the Punchbowl. That's just not, you know, not necessarily what people wanted to hear, but if I'm asked and I say it, it is at least true, like it's coming from a true place in that moment. And that's what I can live with. That's who I can look at the mirror and be like thumbs up every day. And it's not always the, for me, you know, it's not always about saying the pretty thing. Kelsey: [00:56:26] No cause you're a genius freak. You're here to shine a light on the truth. Monica: [00:56:33] I'm here to reveal. Yeah, exactly. There's no accident. Kelsey: [00:56:37] You are, you are. You're here Monica: [00:56:39] to reveal. Yeah. It's so good. Well, this is just, Kelsey: [00:56:44] and some people can handle it. Some people can't that's Monica: [00:56:47] all right. So I guess you guys out there can choose. Yeah. If you're a, if you've listened this far and you can handle it, you can handle the truth of what's that you can't handle the truth, whatever that movie is.I love that. Yeah. And of course there's my truth. It gets to be mine. It doesn't have to be anybody else's so, Oh my gosh. Okay. So one last question and that is what have I not asked that you. Would like me to ask or would like people to know? Kelsey: [00:57:22] Hmm. What I want people to know is that while generators are manifesting generators, we're here to follow the joy and be lit up. And then that makes us sparkly, AF, and that elevates the world. The every single energy type, every single human on this planet is here to be sparkly. AF. The universe wants you to be sparkly. A F you are here to own and share your unique gifts. Please do it and doing it might be super scary and you may not be ready. And that's why there are coaches. That's why there are so many helpers in the world. You're not supposed to know how to do it because likely you've been training for years with this idea that you're supposed to be small and you're supposed to sacrifice yourself and you're not supposed to shine. And you're just supposed to like, keep your head down and work. All those things. Monica: [00:58:14] You've been training for the struggle bus. Yes. Right. That's what li I like our conditioning is, is really about getting us ready for the struggle. Yes, it really is. Kelsey: [00:58:27] It's. Yeah. And you've done a great job in getting on and off that bus every single day. Now let's get off for good Monica: [00:58:34] trooper. Yeah, you've been a trooper, but it's like, it's just time. Like it's, it's time to shine. It's time to stop, struggling and start shining and being sparkly in your unique genius. I've loved this so much. Kelsey, you are such a delight to talk to. You've mademe laugh more than I think anybody has in months. Thank you so much. Kelsey: [00:58:58] Yeah. That's like the biggest compliment ever. I love it. Monica: [00:59:04] All of you listeners, of course, who have heard Kelsey's personality, there's, there's more to be revealed for sure. Just, just in this one hour, of course I've tapped into so many delightful things about not only human design, but about who you are as a coach and what lights you up. And it's clear that you're doing what you love. So thank you for your work in the world. And for our listeners, of course, we'll make sure to put all of Kelsey's links. Don't forget to go to her website and get your own human design. You guys do it, do it, do it. And until next time more to be revealed, We hope you enjoyed this episode. For more information, please visit us@jointherevelation.com and be sure to download our free gift, subscribe to our mailing list or leave us a review on iTunes. We thank you for your generous listening and as always more to be revealed.