101_Maggie Moore === Maggie: Let's talk about addiction to the pain body. Let's talk about, let's talk about recognizing that as a small person, looking constantly looking for validation, you know, not knowing what we're here for, what we're doing, we're just knowing we're taking in all this information. And at some level you start to format. This is how I get attention. This is how I get loved. And then just like at the beginning of our conversation, when I kind of put the kibosh on the idea of this one formula of being a widow, right? It's like, just because my husband died did not mean that I lost the love of my life. I lost my best friend. I lost an absolutely beautiful human. I had never even known what was possible for intimate love until I met Daniel. Monica: Right. Maggie: And, and so we have a story that we're stuck in and we just ride that out over and over and over. And we keep feeding that story because we actually have said it so many times that it feels more comfortable than trying anything else. === Monica: Welcome to the Revelation Project Podcast. I'm Monica Rogers, and this podcast is intended to disrupt the trance of unworthiness and to guide women, to remember and reveal the truth of who we are. We say that life is a revelation project and what gets revealed gets healed. Hello everyone. And welcome to another episode of the Revelation Project Podcast. Today I'm with Maggie Moore a Visionary Healer , Sacred Jewelry Maker and a Chakra Shaking Creator. Maggie manipulates metals with intention. Her hands that move energy as an empath and channel to spirit. She is directed by laughter. Her path is the one of the soulful, playful teacher. She brings her wit and good humor to all she does, and will give you permission to laugh and release your past while holding you in a sacred space of healing. Well versed in hands-on and long-distance healing, Maggie has been a Reiki master and intuitive healer for 18 years. She has crafted a career as a fine arts jeweler since 2007, creating sacred talisman in Divine Combinations with her healing work, She has created a new form of healing movement to enhance her blended gifts as an added bonus to all who seek to work with her. Hey, Maggie. Maggie: Monica. So, so, so good to be here, Monica: So good to have you. And of course I'm gonna, you know, have, have Austin noticed that he can keep the intro and then I'll redo I'll I'll redo the parts that I completely amped up. It's so funny. I was like, what does that say? Maggie: Um, yeah, what is, what am I reading? Monica: Right. So Maggie, you know what, yeah, I think back to when you and I actually met and that magical experience of the rockstar camp for women with Megan Jo, and just knowing that I was in the presence of someone super special because of what happened to me when I was kind of in that meditation that you gave, it was kind of like, it was, there was a Chakra shaking. I think we did some dancing and then we kind of all kind of. Laid it in place. I think there was a point where we all kind of laid down and I had this incredible vision and that's, that's how I was introduced to. Maggie: That was actually the catalyst for a massive shift in my life of Megan Jo Wilson, who is an incredible leader of women had created this group, right? This amazing group where all of these coaches and healers and people were coming together to find their voice. And I had been a dance instructor, a teacher for her for years. So she saw me. She actually had told me that I'm her favorite, I'm afraid. I'm her favorite dance teacher. Monica: I love being the favorite. Maggie: Uh, he does love that about being someone's favorite. Right? You almost have to whisper it. You really do. Yeah. And so I, she would ask me to come and just do a really quick, we'd have less than an hour, but it would be an opportunity because your goal was to get on stage and to sing into the open yourself, up to be ready for this competence. So my job was to embody, get you back in your body. People were coming from all over the world. And so they had flown and, you know, there's all this energy and you're in your head and you know, you want to do this and you're thinking of your song. And, and so I basically show up so that my goal is to hold space. And to change the energy of the space. But the coolest thing that happened for me in those experiences was that I, as you were having your vision New York experience, I actually started to express my vision of recognizing that I could actually do energy work while I was in this expression of a movement teacher and actually said to Megan Jo, at the end of one of my classes, oh my God. Like, I think I'm figuring this out. I think I'm starting to understand that my gift in the world, or one of my gifts in the world is the ability to hold space and the ability to especially help other women shine. And this gorgeous gift that I have, which is that I can tap into spirit. And that I was able to actually get information just by being in a room with all of you. I actually was getting, um, a source information for each one and left that. And I didn't, what do you do? What do you do? Do you tell everyone, do you write it down? Do you whispered into your, you know, do you know? And so I think that there was this experience that I was having, which was, um, you know, it's like one of those, you were, you know, you talk about this concept of revelation and that was definitely one of those moments where the impossible became possible. And so I love, that's how we met. Monica: I love, I love that plan where it's impossible. I'm possible. Cause what else I hear happened in that moment was like an integration of all of your gifts and permission for you, like an opening for you to see. That you could leverage and use and draw from all of these gifts in different ways, depending on the environment, the person just kind of to start trusting that you've got. this, Maggie: Absolutely. And I think that for me, was that, you know, in my own kind of history of being a healer and a maker and a mover all at once, there always was this kind of distortion of making a choice. You know, one kind of becomes bigger or the other kind of fall off. And the experience that I was having that might kind of, one of my biggest life lessons was that. I had this opportunity to move to Maine in 2006. And I actually was doing all three. I was doing energy healing. I was teaching movement. I was doing jewelry-making. And then I started to have this weird experience where I needed to go in and something was happening. I didn't know exactly what was going on, but I started to call all of my energy in, and around that time, my first husband was diagnosed with cancer and it was almost as if the universe was like, you're going to need all this risk versus for yourself. We're going to just chop off all these lines of creativity and creation and abundance and self so that you can funnel all of this into caretaking. I mean, I basically was a 39 year old caretaker of a dying cancer patient, and it was an incredible experience where. After six months and, and, and even, you know, he had the experience of pancreatic cancer, which is, is, um, it's a really, really rough road. And him being very young, we had an expectation that this wasn't happening, right. That, that, that there was something else that was going to happen. So when he actually passed away and I was standing over his body, I had this moment where I realized that we have this one shot, we have this one shot to be who we're here to be. We don't know when that force is going to be taken away from us. So the expectation we put on ourselves to be able to handle whatever it is, we don't, we don't know what we can handle until we do. And then we go through it and then we're on the other side of it and say, okay, what's next? And so I had shut down all of the, um, the energy connection intuition was, I literally pushed it aside. I didn't want. I w I wanted nothing to do with it. It was almost too visceral, too real. And, and he actually, my first husband, Greg actually started to visit me about once a month. I would get, uh, my, uh, computer would turn on at the time of his passing, the oven, the oven alarm would go on. And I sh I asked it to stop. I, I CA it was almost like I just, I just, I wanted to forget it all. I wanted you to forget my connection to source completely. And I moved into making jewelry and focused all my energy into this thing, which I do love making jewelry, but I kind of moved the intention off of integration and communication and, and the love and what I offered. And I turned it into a product and it became very masculine. And it became very driven to how much money can you make and how many galleries can you have and how much influence can you have and where does your marketing and all of this kind of, um, I'm not in, and it wasn't that it was a negative experience. It just wasn't embodied. Oh yeah. There was nothing embodied about what I was doing. And so I, I started to see that once, you know, once I, and I also was my own provider, I mean, I was a single woman, all of a sudden, and I had to figure out how I was going to do this. And I was grieving the fact that I basically was never going to become a mom because at this point, whatever happened next. And so I was in this experience of kind of saying what's next in my life. But what I found fascinating was I ended up marrying meeting and marrying the most, oh, like, I can't say enough about my husband, Daniel. Like it makes tear up. I sent him a text right before our call and his message to me was just pay yourself and you're going to be great. And it was like, oh yeah, I just have to be myself. Oh, right. All right. I just, I all right. Thanks for giving me permission. Just be yourself. And so when I entered this beautiful bond and ended up taking on these two tiny little bonus daughters, all of a sudden, my whole life shifted and I started to go, oh, I'm back in the place of I'm possible. All of a sudden the impossible, like you're never going to have a family that your, your, these things aren't going to ship. And so a couple of years ago, before the pandemic even hit, I sat Daniel down and said, I can't do this anymore. I need to go back to being in service. I want to express these things I came to, and it was like, A spiritual party above going, thank God. And I started getting downloads of memories from being a child. And I started to remember all the things I've done and all the people that I've helped heal or shift or open or, and it was like, everything has just been coming back. And so it's all. And so that moment with you and me and Megan Jo in this group was one of those catalyzing moments where you recognize that you are actually present to your power. Monica: So beautiful. Maggie there's so much coming up for me. First of all, I just want to honor your tenderness and your tears because it's like the grief and gratitude are strange bedfellows, but bedfellows, nonetheless, you know, and. I have that same feeling. First of all, I want to honor what you shared about the death of your husband, you know, and, and what that process must have been like and to witness and to be a caretaker to someone you love and watch them, watch them go. I mean, how, I can't, I can't imagine that kind of intimacy with somebody that I've been married to. Right. And, and what I could really relate to was the gratitude. When you were sharing about Daniel coming into your life, you know, because there's this way that, that kind of encouragement, you know, that comes from somebody wanting you to honestly shine your brightest light. Yeah, it just reminds me so much of who Austin is in my life and how, how much I want that for, for everyone, because yeah, he's taught, he's taught me to be a champion for myself too. There's been an incredible shift in how I behave because of how he's loved me. Maggie: Oh, let's just take a moment and just brag on that one for just a, just don't just say that to say that phrase again. Just, you know, you're, it's that extent is that acknowledgement of you celebrating your fullness, your beauty, because someone else said, oh, by the way, you're worth it. And you know, and the truth is is, and you and I have this issue. I know we share this, which is that may not have been our story in our childhood that may not have been our, our family of origin. And, and, you know, what's fascinating and I didn't mean to cut you off, but it just feels like a good segue to say my relationship with my first husband was tough, was unkind, was riddled with issues. And so what's even harder losing a spouse is losing a spouse that you'd, weren't sure you wanted to ever be married to. Oh, wow. I mean, that could be a whole nother podcast, right? I mean, we could hold on our podcasts about the choices we make, which now as I've mentioned, Absolutely my person and, and my first husband, wasn't a wonderful human. He wasn't. But I was there to help lead him to the light. And so my, my role with him is over. But what I learned my gift from that experience, because I, I had other friends losing husbands at the same time and literally still watching them in a place eight years later, nine years later in this sanctuary of holding that marriage, I never got that experience and I always wanted it. And so now I realized I called it in it's like you and Austin, it's like, no matter where you were, what you call in, but the way I was able to call it in was I called out myself for what I did and didn't do and what I didn't call in the first time I looked at my marriage. And when you continued the lineage of how you felt about yourself from your family of origin and chose someone who vibrated the same story, Monica: Yeah, that water seeking its own level. Maggie: Yes. Yeah. And so I don't, I don't actually, the biggest gift he gave me was in this passing and I got to experience what it meant to actually die. You know, I I'm someone who had had, uh, had had anxiety and panic attacks. That's all assumed concept that something is that you fight or flight, there's something wrong. This person actually did go through the experience that we all are going to face and that most of us have some fear of. And so just being in that experience of going, oh my God, like talk about survivors. 'cause I got to go on, you know, I'm, I'm getting to actually not only be loved again, but be loved the way that I have wanted to my entire life. Um, and that doesn't discount my relationships with my family or with my husband, my first husband. It doesn't actually have anything to do with any of them. It has to do with why I showed up. Why I'm here. Yeah. And how and how I am able to hold space for people one of the best. And I'm sure that it feels the same with you, which is the way, the reason you're able to talk to so many people about their issues is you've had your own experience. So you now know how to hold space for them. And now I recognize that all these things that felt like dark, dark things in my life have now turned into these incredible blossoming moments where I can look someone in the eyes and say, I hear you. I see you. Tell me more. I have been there. Yes. I know what it feels like to be. So out of alignment in your life that you, you, you don't, you don't have a past and it's like, you can, you know, you're the beacon who says, we're going to just light up this one little tiny spot for you, right? Monica: Yeah, I was just going to say, I'm getting full body chills and it's reminding me, was it Mary Oliver that said someone gave me a box of darkness. And I realized that this too was a gift. Maggie: Yeah. That is that whole, that whole, that celebration, that death, right? The destined celebration, the, the experience of really being able to witness the darkest moments that we share. Monica: Yeah. And to not look away. Maggie: Yes. Well, one of the things I have found fascinating in the work that I do. So, you know, one of the things that I do is that I can work with anyone anywhere. This w this bizarre world we live in, even you and I doing this through this experience, everything is being recorded. We're able to see each other through, you know, this zoom or. Allows me to have clients in Hong Kong. I've had a zoom in Egypt and these amazing, you know, times where we're connecting. One of the things I have found fascinating is that the theme that happens is that people show up saying, I know I need you. I don't know why. And I'm going to avoid telling you my real story as long as I can. And so I just hold space and I hold space. And then at some point, I say, are you ready to tell me? I've had people say, I thought I could get away. You know, it's almost like, but it's it's I almost assume it looks almost like, you know, growing up Catholic it's like you show up in that you show up. Monica: I was thinking about that. I was like, like, it's the confession? Maggie: You know, there's this little pattern wall between us and I'm sitting on the one side and I'm saying, oh my God, forgive my sins. But the fascinating thing is that there is a truth to this. There is an actual relationship to when we confess the deepest, darkest secrets emotions that we have when someone holds space and says, you are still safe, you are still okay. You are still alive. And you actually let out all of this nastiness and someone is able to say, tell me more, all of a sudden that story. All its power over you. And that's when you shift. And you know, it's like, like you were saying, when we did the dancing, the moving the meditation, you you've shifted your Chakras. You've allowed yourself to open and then your body says we aren't going to be able to take this on anymore. It's time to let it go. Yeah. Monica: There there's so many places to go right now, but I go back to that moment on the floor after we did our, our dancing and for our listeners, what I really want to, you've heard me talk about rockstar camp for women, and you've heard me talk over and over again about embodiment, but I didn't get embodiment. Like it just was still a concept to me. And still I started really working with my body. I started really moving with my body. I started really tuning into the sensations of my body and I didn't realize I had had an event probably a year before the, I had registered for rockstar camp, where I had sat with a somatic practitioner and I to go back to what you were saying about. Kind of the confession. The big confession that I had with this somatic practitioner was that I had never been able to sit with my body long enough to describe what it felt like to be in it, because it scared me so damn much to be there and certain conversations or things would trigger the intolerance. Pretty quickly. And I would leave. I would disassociate. I mean, this is why I talked so much about the trance of unworthiness because when we are in our heads and out of our bodies, we are in the trans yes. And the way back into breaking the trance, the way back to communion to keep using these terms. Because, because it's important. It's like when we realize, you know, it was like, I grew up learning about the sacraments as a Catholic, right. But when you really start to understand these words in different ways and you access them in service to. Conversations outside of just that very religious kind of, which also comes with all that baggage. You start to recognize what those words really meant their origin right before they were patriarchal-lized, let me just say that. So coming into communion with my sacredness, with everything about me, that was imperfect and intolerable and shameful and upsetting, and just someone who could sit with me in it and I didn't have to run. I didn't have to pretend I didn't have to. I remember her holding this space and finally what I got. Was my body feels like a pinball machine, you know, when you like pull the ball when you pull it, and then it goes in, it lights up all of these centers inside. That was my traumatic training ground. Like that was my experience inside of my body. Yeah. But it wasn't ever going to be quiet until I learned to witness it until I started to name what was happening. Like that's the magic I think of, you know, we can talk about embodiment. Like it's this really beautiful thing and it is, but it doesn't start out that way. It's fucking messy and uncomfortable and painful and upsetting and triggering. And inside of all of these pain bodies, these energy centers that have been unwitnessed, they are, they are the true ghosts and they're going to continue to haunt us until. See them until we hear their messages. And that was the beauty of like, just even getting that piece of like, my body feels like a pinball machine. It feels so activated and not in a good way. Maggie: Well, what in, what are the tools that you can then take? Right? It's like, well, that's the thing too, which is when you decide to take on that level of awareness. Monica: And realize that you're not going to be annihilated because you felt it right. Maggie: You're not going to be annihilated. But then the other part is what are the tools to now deal with this new awareness? Because I feel that one of the things I have, um, I've had the experience of when I work with clients that I've had clients say, um, I'd like to give this gift back of awareness. Thank you. I'll choose something else. No, thanks. No, thanks. Like, oh, I'm sorry. You know? Cause I'm like, you know, the truth is, is this is just like going to Oz and pulling that curtain back and seeing that there's this little tiny ego that's, you know, playing in us like a, like a pinball machine and it does, why am I having my life? I'm thinking ping pong, but it's similar. But, but the idea is, is that when we do pull that back and we start to actually make peace with the fact that, oh, right, not only is this little guy behind the screen, we are actually. Completely irresponsible for that little guy behind the machine. You know, we can be in a world where we're constantly blaming saying, oh, this is the patterning of my parents. Or I got this, this, this was drilled into my head or whatever happens. The truth of the matter is your body is saying, hang tight. You're the one who keeps telling yourself the same story. So when you stop telling yourself this story, when we can actually be in community, That's when change happens. That's when you can start accessing this life that you really want, because ultimately that's one of the things I find is I am, I'm a big fan of truth tellers, and I hate the blame game. We have this experience we're teaching. So my bonus daughters, I, we are very clear that there is no blaming in our household. And so in their little, their little, so it's all the blame. And so everyone, so someone broke my toy. Someone did this. I don't, I don't, I don't own my feelings. Someone made me feel this way. And so while we will do embodiment practice where I'll say, okay, let's breathe in. Where are you feeling it in your body? What does this feel like? And then it always cycles down into, oh, well, this makes me feel like I don't belong. Or I'm feeling sad because no one wants to play with me or whatever. And then my self at 48 years old goes, oh my God. I still feel that way. I can validate exactly what you're saying right now. You know what I mean? Or that there's this kinship and you're, and it's almost like I find for me, there's this intensity of having these girls in my life, these little ones that makes me even more ferociously wanting to help women, because I know that they are lingering in this tiny form from zero to seven, we're all trapped in that body. And so when that beautiful embodiment coach said to you, what do you feel like? I guarantee that started at those ages. Oh yeah. I mean, and that's, that's the magic because instead of us telling ourselves the same stories over and over and over, this is who I was in my family, and this is what a blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's actually going. And now the story stops, you know, I am going to end this chapter. This chapter is over, but as this coach made it clear to you, the question is, what do I do? Yeah. What, what do I do with this new found relationship I have with my consciousness, with my body, with my awareness, that pain in my body may actually be a memory. I personally have been working on pain in my lower body, and I have been asked, I ask it. And so it's been telling me, and so I work with, I work with my own healers to say, okay, this is what's coming up. I know what I know what this is about. This is really old. The wonder it's in my lower chakras. No wonder it's in my knee. No wonder it's hiding in my left hip. And, and that doesn't mean there isn't a physical pain. There is, but there's this community. There's this connection. It's like, you're having a conversation with someone and you can feel your shoulders tightening and your jaw is on fire. And, and that experience of recognizing how many times have you done that in your life, that there's information waiting for you to be released? Monica: Oh yeah. I mean, the body holds the wisdom. The body holds the wisdom and there's, it really, it really started to occur to me as a big T truth that the body is the way. And again, it's so counterintuitive to what I learned about my body growing up, that my body was shameful. My body was sinful. My body was not to be trusted. I mean, we've all had a very variations of these messages. And if you grew up in a religious household, that was probably even more intense. And so. You know, it really it's, it's a process. And for those who experience or who have experienced trauma, you know, it can be true that somebody initially did something to you and that your body is responding to a, uh, past trigger that will continue to trigger in you. And, but, but when that pivot or that transition, or that alchemy happens, where we actually meet our pain, witness our pain. Process our pain and then express our pain is when you know that, that I go back to kind of like what gets revealed gets healed because, and there's a way that sometimes I wonder Maggie will my body or my nervous system ever truly regulate. But what to the point where I'm like, I mean, I would love to be like a hundred percent, like always, you know, but I don't even know if that's necessary. It's more that I notice the progress that I notice my ability to pause to breathe to retreat, to reckon with, to reflect, to re author. Maggie: Right. And I think the reoffering is, is ultimately what you're doing, which is that rewiring. If we can rewire without. Because, Monica: and can we just brag on the rewords for a minute? Maggie: That was a really long, that was a good one. That was a really nice one. I wanted to start. I wanted to start doing some, like some snappers, some on let's just, yeah, let's just re re re re release, but Monica: remind rework, rework. Maggie: Woo. I think that there is something to, you know, I, I was actually, so this morning, before our, before our call, I was talking to a client she's in her late sixties, almost 70. She is still in this experience of, um, fighting against her nature. Right. She hasn't really liked to get up and do the same routine every day. She doesn't really want to do this, and yet I've known her long enough and we've worked long enough. That what happens for me is that as I'm working with someone, I will get. Language for them like a shift in language. So what if we take the concept of, of doing, of, of having to do to ritual. And so every time this nervous system, like you're talking about your every time, your nervous system, or just to activate instead of going, oh my God, am I ever going to be done with the service totally in control is to, is to be in that place of witness and saying, what ritual can I do right now to support my body, mind and spirit, not what activity? Oh my God, I got to do 20 minutes of yoga. I have to, oh, I should be, you know, drinking my celery juice or being in this place of duty. Right? Like there's always this idea that we're constantly having to. Kind of feed the check-off lists, right? Like you ate, right. And you did this, right. And you did it screw that. Like if you actually replace the idea of it all, and it is kind of bizarre how it does continue to lead back to that relationship with religion. Because I think that the format in which we're giving, if you are brought up, whether with religion or spirituality, and in some sense, it gives you this greater format that you can then use the language in a way that feels more special to you. And so using the idea of what a ritual is, Is starting to recognize the sacredness of your body of your mind. And ultimately I think the experience that, you know, it is that question of, is my body ever going to regulate, am I ever going to stop having these pains? And what I always say is what I find is it's like that onion theory, where once you've gotten to a point where you've kind of released a certain amount of trauma or stress in your life, oh, the universe just pulls that layer off and says, oh, by the way, this has been lurking underneath. It's bigger, it's darker, it's more intense. And so one of the things I always try to say to people is our goal is to self heal every day, every day. Right? And so instead of looking at, oh God, when is my body going to stop hurting saying, I, right now, my focus today is to, to have my body be in alignment. You know, I teach, I teach these right now. I've I've started doing this really awesome thing. So I've been teaching dance breaks, 20 minute dance. They're awesome. They're they're live right now. I mean, they're just amazing. And so it's completely led we're from wherever you are. So we're all on zoom. So one there's witnessing too. There are no moves. This isn't a class. This is an experience. So it's about being embodied three. We start with breath. We end with gratitude. So you're getting all of these little tiny bits and rituals. But the thing that I love about it is it's only 20 minutes. By the time you're done, you have realigned your shocker system. You are ready for the day, or you are ending your day. So you're slowing yourself down. And this has become one of the tools that I give my energy clients, because I recognize that I can send you a long distance energy. We can do Reiki. We can talk and talk and talk. It's not until you embody this practice into your body, that you're going to start to recognize that real changes. Yeah, but I always think that don't you think that part of me thinks that the change isn't about changing the pain, it's changing the story that we have with the pain so that it starts to become the teacher and the muse and the wise one. And we start to work with it and the pain has to shift because we are no longer aggravating it in this way where we're saying there's something wrong with it, right? Monica: Yes. Yes. And what I want to add here is. That there's also this whole piece. I think that we forget that is actually physiological, which is the vagus nerve kind of shaking off the trauma. Right. And that, that actually is like something that we see out in nature all the time with animals shaking trauma off. Yes. And it actually it's like literally shaking it off so that, that energetic harmony comes back into balance. And the other thing is that. It's also those moments when I notice it's the noticing like, oh, my nervous system is dysregulated and my mind might be asking that question. Right. Which is like, am I ever going to, you know? Yep. But what else happens for me is that it's that moment where I get to be like, just like you said, kind to myself, offer myself compassion. What can I do to support my body in this moment? I'm so done with beating myself up. I'm so fucking done with it. Yeah. I'm so exhausted by that approach. It doesn't serve anyone, least of them. No Maggie, I would love for you because I often launch into these conversations without, or we're assuming that our audience all has the same definition of what is Reiki. So I, you know, I would love it if you could give us your, cause I think different people express what it is differently and also what energy is to you. So I'd love to hear that. Maggie: Thank you for asking me about my, my kind of belief system about Reiki. The truth is, is that I believe that we all have the ability to self heal. And the way I like to explain Reiki is that everything is energy and there's this gorgeous, universal life energy that is available to all of us, but in the practice of Reiki, there's this sacred symbols that it's like almost like a, it's like a tuning fork. Like it's like theshazamright. It's, there's something about it that act, it actively allows me to tune into your energy quicker, more reliably and kind of remind you of where you are. But my goal as a, as an energy healer and the reason I, the reason I get a little tripped up about the Reiki is because the truth is, is I don't really depend on Reiki. My, my experience is actually more about, it's probably more channeling or accessing to spirit, but I use it as one of my. Tools. And so ultimately what I really feel is that as practitioners of healing and self healing, the ability to know when we give ourselves a hug, right, we can do this, we can close our hands around our body. We can feel our own body heat. And the brain is able to say, I'm feeling, you know, I'm feeling your hands. I get it. I'm giving myself a hug. But when someone else gives you a hug, it's a completely different experience because you've now connected these two energy bodies. And there is something about even long distance where you're nowhere near me, but I'm sending your energy. It, to me, it feels like communion. It feels like we have made a connection on a star level, on an energy level, on a cellular level that is reminding you that you are 100% perfect the way you are. And my goal is to remind you that it's already happened. You're already. And so these little, these, you know, these, these it's, it's one of those things that, you know, when I send energy cross the world, I've had people say like, I'm getting tingling in my body. How is that possible? Right. I mean, how is this all possible? But there is a truth to the fact that when we start to allow the veil of the unknown to come into this place of what if, what if we really can feel each other? It's like the intuition you, you thinking about someone and someone suddenly calls you, what, how is that any different than someone sending you energy or sending you love, or, you know, this idea that you feel warmth in your heart. There's all these studies of people that are, you know, monks who are meditating in these big groups. And, you know, they're able to lower their blood pressure and, and actually change the atmosphere of the energy around them. I have, I have friends who have changed the weather, you know, the space that they're living. And so I, you know, it's like, and so I, yeah. And so, and so I always feel like to me, when people ask me, what is Reiki, I say it is a universal life energy, which is accessible to all of us, but being in partnership is what makes it. It's what it's it's, it's the glue that we need. It's like that it's to me it's permission. Yes. It's permission to self heal. And the truth is, is that you could literally trim everything I just said. And just say that one phrase, what is Reiki is the permission to self heal. I love that because, you know, cause I think that that is the truth. And it's funny because here we are, we're trying to talk about this stuff. The dogs are coming in, the microphones go and funky because my, my source is going. It doesn't matter. This is the cool thing is people come to me now. They have no idea where they found me, why they found me. They just know that they're ready to make a shift in their psyche. They're making a shift in the way that they see themselves talk about themselves, acknowledge their experiences. And they're just there. And honestly, as we both know, this pandemic has created a space for people. To be forced to look at every aspect of their emotional, mental, physical health. That's right. You are redefining your tribe. You are redefining your value system. And in that we have this incredible opportunity to celebrate in a way that does not take anyone down. It's no longer about you versus me. It's saying you and me, Monica: I, I have never wavered on my deeper understanding of this time as happening for us. Like in this way, there is no doubt in my mind that there is not divinity in this, you know, that there is not a cosmic conspiracy for good. Maggie: Yeah. Let's start another podcast called con uh, cosmic conspiracy, Monica: Cosmic Conspiracy. Maggie: Yeah, that I Monica: am. Maggie: So I love the, you know, that that phrase is, is so poignant and it's so intensely true is that, you know, for all of the fear and the misunderstandings and miscommunications and all these things that we're missing out on what you just said is so, so viably beautiful, which is what if we looked at this as a gift, even though. Sucks. You know, even, even those things that are taught Monica: Mean we'd have to look at our traumas Maggie: What a crappy, but delicious thing to think. But yeah, I mean, I think, you know, to me, it's, it's that whole thing of the, you, you said the phrase, which is this happening to you, right. I love this idea that when we change that tiny, tiny phrase from it's hap it happened to me too, for me, when we really start to recognize that these are these opportunities, but you know, it's hard when you're really in the darkness when you're really stuck. A lot of times, I think one of the things that I'm not sure about you, but we can get addicted to that and we don't want it. Monica: I think that's hard to admit, but I think that there's like a payoff. Maggie: Absolutely. Because it started really young. I mean, we can talk about food and addictions and sugar, addictions and alcohol. Let's talk about addiction to the pain body. Let's talk about, let's talk about recognizing that as a small person, looking constantly looking for validation, you know, not knowing what we're here for, what we're doing, we're just knowing we're taking in all this information. And at some level you start to format. This is how I get attention. This is how I get loved. And then just like at the beginning of our conversation, when I kind of put the kibosh on the idea of this one formula of being a widow, right? It's like, just because my husband died did not mean that I lost the love of my life. I lost my best friend. I lost an absolutely beautiful human. I had never even known what was possible for intimate love until I met Daniel. Right. And, and so we have a story that we're stuck in and we just ride that out over and over and over. And we keep feeding that story because we actually have said it so many times that it feels more comfortable than trying anything else. Monica: Well, the identity gets so kind of wrapped up in it. It's like, who am I without that story? Which, you know, becomes a really, you know, again, if we can look at that as like a really magical place to create from versus like something scary and awful or. You know, there's more to be revealed where that, you know, for all of us, I think to begin that reoffering process. And that's been really interesting for me as I continue my endeavor to write this book, right. It's like I find myself going to the page and sometimes taking the same story and just rewriting it from a different perspective. And it's really been fascinating to just kind of give myself permission again, to play with a different question. Like I loved in the last couple of episodes, I think it was a couple of episodes ago. Sarah was, I think it was our episode in beautiful you or Maggie: Redefining Beauty that Monica: Yes, redefining beauty. And she said, what am I. What's right about this that I'm not getting. Right. And I loved that again, these repositioning of questions that have us turn something on its head and look at it from a whole different vantage point. It just gives us access to, I think, other insights, revelations, possibilities, and the magic is always right here. I think it's just using those tools. Like you were talking about to work with our reality in different ways. And this is what we're up to now. I think what the pandemic, you know, we kind of look we're in a, we're in a co-creative process. That's very different. That's that's getting very intentional. Yes. And I think the longer we're kind of. I have this space to explore, to recognize, to realize, should I go back Where remembering as well? Maggie: I love remembering, Monica: Remembering who we really are without all of these, you know, without all of these constructs, without all of these masks, you know, and I, when I say that, I don't mean like the COVID masks, the masks we've all been wearing. And so Maggie, I know you love to work with stones and I want to make sure that we get to this part of the conversation, because I think so many people have. They go, you know, it's like, I, I love stones, but I don't know how to work with them. I don't know how to use them. I don't, I don't know what they really are all about. So, you know, and I, I would be in that category, honestly, like I've, I've often, you know, tried working with stones. Like I was showing Maggie that I have a blue lapis heart that I, or a Chrysocollathat I always is that the name of it that I always keep me or me when I'm podcasting, because throat chakra. Right. And also it's the goddess stone. So there's that. So I wanted to just have you dive in wherever you want on that. Like what, what would you want to tell us, Maggie: You know, Well, it w you know, it's funny because the I'm wearing my own personal talisman and the irony is, is that this actually isn't a crystal at all. It's actually a beach stone that I got down in Cape Cod. And that's one of the things that I love about using. So, you know, so crystals, of course, you know, crystals are amazing and I'm actually, I'm actually in the process of becoming a certified, like medical certified crystal healer, which I'm pretty excited. There's this incredible. And I will, and if it's okay for me to actually, is it okay for me to share a resource that I use because it's Monica: Of course, any, anything. Maggie: Oh, okay. Awesome. The like literally amazing human that everyone should be following and really focusing on his name is Kyle Gray, G R a R a Y UK, Kyle Gray, UK. Lovely. I say he's maybe in his early thirties, he's been doing crystal works since he was 14 and he is he's my guy. One of the things I love about him. He is actually ch rechanged the way I look at every single part of the crystals. So for instance, you have this gorgeous lapis, which is for people who are listening, is this really beautiful, Royal blue, the Royal blue color as actually probably a little closer to the true color of our third eye, then the third shock chakras, more of a sky blue, which would be more, um, aquamarine is kind of a traditional one for the voice and, or also like theChrysocolla, like of Chrysocolla, which is a little bit of a lighter blue there's things like sella style, which is actually a really beautiful light blue that actually has a connection to source energy and to, um, really connecting to ancestors. The thing that I love about it, that he has been really helping me understand is that we all have attraction to these certain stones. We're not exactly sure why, and there's this incredible history that they are. True. Manifestors because they're basically from this earth and they've been with this earth for so long that they are actual validations, that manifestation and transformation can happen because these gorgeous little beings have, you know, these things have come from the earth and been carved out of the earth. So he is all about gratitude. So when you're working with stones, one of the things I've always heard, like, you know, you put your stones in the Moonlight, right? That's how you clear them and you do all this stuff. He's got this incredible way of redefining this, that you can actually do it with intention, with visualization, but that you actually clear the dark energy. And then you thank every single person that. Cut the stone out of the mountain, shifted on a plane, moved it to you, been in the store that you got it. You know, all these things that you're you're in this place of gratitude tap basically set the intention to clear the stone. And he does this opposing energy, which is that when you're in the place of need, you use the opposite color. So you'd actually be calling in, like, let's say you were having a time where you weren't sure about your vocal chords. You'd be actually putting on like a citrine or some kind of an orange or a red stone to activate these colors. So I'm in this. So I love that. You're asking me this, because right now I am in this completely like mind blown experience. Changing what I knew about crystals, which is, you know, you can basically at this point go onto Google type in any crystal healing energy, and it will give you, this is the, you know, the Ruby is all about royalty or properties. Yeah. Right. You know, Amazon has these properties, but one of the things that I love about this is that, and this is the thing I love about working with people. So when I make jewelry for them, we use the stones as a way to help us figure out what stones we need to have, you know, in the tray, whatever, wherever they are, whether they're celebrating something, it could be that someone had passed away. And it's a, it's a celebration of their life. Um, it could be that they just went through a really rough time in their life and they're needing the confidence. So we'll actually use the energy of the stone. What I love is that most stones have more than one use. And every time I will look that stone. It will only show me what is needed for that person. But yeah, so I find that, you know, I, so I actually send heart stones to my clients and I allow the stones to kind of talk to me, but what I find so awesome about it is, is that they're really the way I like talking to people about crystals is that imagine them as being your elders, they're really here as this reminder of, of your beauty and your validation and, and they help you attune and align to whatever it is that you're looking for. And, and I see. If the color is what you're attracted to, it's almost like you can put the intention in it so you can use it any way you want. Does that make sense? Yeah, they all, they all vibrate at a similar vibration, so it's, it's your intention. That is the most important part of this. And so when I work with crystals myself, like I have people, when did I send my heart stones? I have, I've had people use them to help with addiction. Um, so they'll leave it in a place in their house that they can look at and remember, okay, I'm not alone. I'm working with someone I know. And I'm, you know, it becomes their accountability stone. I have people who have physical pain and they'll actually rub it on the part of their body. That's activating. But I feel that they are, to me, it's like journeying home. I mean, we are starting, we are Stardust and they are that reminder of just the beauty and the celebration of our life. They're gorgeous, they're glittery, they're magical. And, and they have the ability to transform energy. You know, when I, I, you know, when I do crystal grids for people, I let the stones choose. So I will say the person's name and I will get a little flash of almost like a flash of light. Like a little flashlight has gone over the stone and I will just pick those stones up and create from that. Yeah. And so to me, it's about once again, tapping into that unknown space, which is, if you see these as your teachers and you bless them and you thank them for the journey that they made to get to you. Then they gave you this opportunity to Skift to say, what is it that you want to learn from us? Does that make sense? Monica: Yeah, there's so much that makes sense in what you're saying and to reflect back to you, what I'm hearing is that there the stones and all of the mater matter, you know, of which the world is made, there are these they're eternal, but they're also mutable changeable, transformable, right? Because you think about like water, right. Transforming a rock. And there are certain ways that the elements are always calling to us. So there's this elemental magic, I think in terms of remembering, which to me is healing to remember is to heal. And, and then there's this other part that is about. Intention and placing your intention on something again, so that it kind of becomes a mirror or a reminder of your remembering. And so it's beautiful to me. Like I always, I have my UNC that I'm to me is like just a real talus man, a real symbol for me. And I also, you know, I have talismans everywhere. Like I have ritual, you know, before I do a podcast before I meditate and it's more to create a container of intention and to give myself the space to explore and heal or meditate on an inquiry, you know, something. Is meant yes. Is intended for more alignment is like that deeper connection to the mystical, to that. I'm I think it's, it's like if we're looking sometimes for the tangible mystical, right. That, that this can be helpful, you know, that it's yeah. Even to have a stone in my pocket that has an intention that every time I touch it, it has a certain right. Intention associated with. It's like, oh yes. Today I will be brave. You know? Or like that there's so many ways I feel like I've used them and I'm still so drawn to so many stones. And you recently were working with me with the migraine, you know, and you were talking about the Bloodstone. Yes. And how to use the Bloodstone. Maggie: Yes, and it, and it's all about like, you know, what the gorgeous part about this is that based on the color of the stone, not so much, you know, what, what its name may be, but the color of the stone is, is pulling dark energy out, pull it, bringing in the light energy in activating the, you know, using the beautiful Shakur system and reversing the colors to balance. And then at, you know, and then basically enhance. So I love this idea. You know, even this little pack of crystals that you have, you literally could have a black crystal it's ed jet. It could be jet. It could be, you know, obsidian and then you have a court. And just those two that yin and yang brings you back to that mystical space of the darkness, the light, the dark, you know, the dark night of the storm versus here comes that light. That's going to come in and change that. And it's almost like pulling up the poison, but you have to replace it with something. And so the Bloodstone is a wonderful stone, which then when you recognize you can also activate your higher shockers with that, because it's like tone of voice. It's like this idea of tone of finding everything. And it is about the mystical nature of, of what our world is. It also reminds me when I was a kid. It's like the lucky, like the, the rabbit. Yes. You know, people would rub a rabbit, you know, like Monica: a rabbit's foot. That's right. Oh my gosh. I so forgot about that. You always, when I was a kid, I wanted a rabbit's foot. Yeah. Or you'd have a Maggie: pet rock, right. You'd have a pet rock and you'd keep it in your pocket. And if you lost it, it was like this incredible, you know, you'd have this incredible feeling towards it. We, we put memory into these things. We, it is the personal talisman. It is those things. I carry stones in my bra. I'll put them in my pocket and it is that remembrance. I am strong. I am safe. I am, whatever it is that day I, you know, I'm facing a challenge. It's actually part of the reason that in my jewelry, making that I asked for the personal talisman I had, one of my favorite experiences was a woman contacted. Her 14 year old son is facing a lot of anxiety and stress and is such an old soul. That being a teenager is just, it's tearing him to pieces and he is obsessed with north Norse language. And this, I mean, this man, this young man is Monica: Norris language, Maggie: like all the symbols and he's just so we made. We made him a talisman he could wear. And I put a north symbol on the backside so that he would have that reminder that he could rub that he, it was like his, it was like his, you know, his rabbit foot. It's like that lucky stone in your pocket. That thing that gives you that I, you are not alone Monica: permission. Maggie: Yes. It's giving permission and saying, we're doing this together. You know, it's like, how, how many ways can we, and you keep saying the word and I love the word. Remember, and it's something that I use in my work, which is my whole, my whole life is built on how many, how many ways can I remind you that you are beautiful? How many ways can I remind you that you are perfect exactly the way you. How many tools. Cause I, I like, I, I love this idea that, you know, the masculine tool belt, right. Is full of like you got the hell, are you got all this stuff, but the feminine tool about the energy tool about is validations is, is sisterhood is, you know, acknowledgement is, is, is crystals is movement is shocker. Shaking is, you know, all of these things that we can offer each other and have these little symbols, like I send journey, I sent journals. So you have a journey journals that you, you know, you can write your notes down, but you said earlier, when you were talking about writing your book, you'll rewrite the same page, the permission to allow yourself to rewrite that page is not only beautiful because you had to write the first story in order for the second story to. You can't skip it. Right. You can't skip it. It's it's like, that's the thing that I love about the concept of allowing something to be revealed is that we try just like when I was talking, people try to avoid, well, I'm going to tell you everything in my life, except this really, really pointed thing that happened to me because it really hurts. And I just don't want to talk about it. But that's the thing that when that, when that kind of boil gets, you know, discovered and released, then all of a sudden the skin heals, the body heals the story heals. And so no wonder in this process, you're in, of being in the rhythm of a writer of writing your stories, how gorgeous is it that you are giving yourself permission to become even wiser with every word? What if we allowed ourselves to be. As flawed as we can be. Right. You write your flawed version or your, you know, that version that just comes out and then you take what feels good to you. And then you discard the rats and you move on. If you don't send that version out, nothing is possible. You can't change without acknowledging what doesn't work. Monica: Yeah. And it reminds me of speaking of that, you know, in that there is, you know, one thing that they have proved in quantum science is that in order for a cell to change, to activate, it has to first be witnessed. Yeah. So it's, it's like, again, I love that, you know, so many of these mystical concepts hand be an R back. You know, in ways that we can prove and see, and, and not that we need to, but it certainly brings a level of depth and richness and solidity, I guess, to, you know, it's like that foundation from which to build on your own mysticism, your own practice of communing to go back to that with the divine, which in so many cases, I consider that energy, the unknown, the creative void. I don't necessarily, there's not a face on my God. Right. There's more of an essence. Yes. So I know Maggie, like, we'll do this again for sure, because we could Maggie: keep talking Monica: about. You're the most fun. You're my Maggie: favorite. It is so true though. Isn't that the, it is, there is something about being your fate, right? What Monica: Maggie is talking about is that Austin, you have to make this opposite 100 it's symbolic. And meanwhile, he's in the background. Like what, what are you saying? Yeah, we need it. Yeah. How much funds are 100 and I'm totally, I'm totally at what is it when I I'm coveting. Let's just do all the religious language Maggie: dive in. Monica: Yeah. I'm coveting that piece on your neck. It's so. Maggie: Thank you, you know, I've, I, I picked it up over the summer on Cape Cod and I, yeah, I just, what I love is I carved hearts on the backside. So the wearer knows that they're loved and that no one else knows it's on there. So there's right now it's upside down because of our video, but I mean, come Monica: on, Maggie. Come on, Maggie: But here's the fun part about that is that's the child, that's the child in me who doesn't, I don't Monica: love so deeply. Maggie: Well, who loves deeply. Yeah. But also doesn't care if someone thinks that that's a kitsch thing. I don't care if it's kitschy. I don't care if Monica: it's, I think it's beautiful. Yeah. But this is the thing. I mean, I think it's so loving. I mean, And, and, and it shows that you love yourself because you're willing to just be like here hearts, you know, I'm going to cart. Cause it like has meaning for you. And you know, that that person is going to wear it against their skin. Maggie: Yeah. They're going to put it on and it's going to become part of their story. But you know, it's funny too. And I love, and I just want to acknowledge that. I find it really funny. How, when, when you ask questions about, you know, the concrete questions, what is Reiki? What is, what are crystals? My little person is like, I don't care. I just know, know, like I have this, there's this playfulness in me. That's like, I can't honestly explain to you anything. I do. I just know it is incredibly powerful and it works like, Hey, don't tell anyone, Monica: my God. Maggie: And , you go talk to the expert, like Kyle Gray, we'll send you down the crystal path. You can literally type in Reiki and get a gorgeous definition, but you asked me and I'm like, oh Monica: yeah, Jay, you don't need to know anything other than him. Your favorite. Maggie: Exactly I can help you heal. I don't know why, you know, it is, it is. It's like We're going to break the system. It's only, it's just, it's so perfect. It's going to be like, well, I guess the hundreds with our last show will be because every. Monica: For our listeners, the computer just fell off the pedestal. I mean, we are just, we're a mess over here in the best way, POS Maggie: in the best way when I love it. I, you know, I just thank you for acknowledging, you know, I find that my, my wisdom comes from, I just trust I'm in a place of trust and it is so awesome. It Monica: is. And it's just, Maggie: Yeah, it's so it's so cool. And it feels so good and it feels, you know, I have a couple other friends Who are healers, who they don't know how to talk about it. And I said, you know, you get to a point where you just don't feel like it's, you don't have to explain yourself anymore. Don't explain yourself, stop. Let's do a Monica: whole, let's do a whole episode. We'll just call it. Maggie: We could call it. We could call it this sleep. Monica: Oh my God. Maggie: Maggie are under the. And don't want to wait for all Monica: our favorite, Maggie: all the secrets of Monica: all right. So thank you. Maggie Maggie: were Monica: bringing an element of Maggie: bring back in, Monica: Bringing in Mata from a modecrum of professionalism. Can you tell us where we can find more about you and how we can work with you? Maggie: Yes. Oh yes. Okay. So the best place to look for me is Maggie moore.world. And you know, what's really, you know, what's so funny about that is that. Do you know how many Maggie Moore's there are in this world? Oh my gosh. You know, it's, it was really funny. I even tried to, I even tried to negotiate buying the.com from someone because I was like, oh, I, I felt like Maggie more.world does seem really pretentious, but I'm like, you know what? I'm calling it. Absolutely you more.world. You want to find me Maggie, Merle that world. So that's my Facebook. That's my Instagram. My website is actually Maggie more.world. You can also follow me if you want to know a little bit more about what Monica has experienced with my shocker shaking. It's literally sugar, shaking.com. And I also, you know, my jewelry. So everything kind of blends together. You go to one site, you're going to get them all. And then the third one is Maggie more jewelry.com. You, you really can. You just got to go Monica: one. And once you go to Maggie more worlds, you will not want to come back to this. Maggie: Well, I do. And I did, I I'm really excited because I just got this gorgeous two minute video done about my work, which I'm incredibly coherent. Monica: Oh, you're not Maggie: whisper. I'm not. I'm telling you the secret. Oh my gosh. Um, yeah, I would love to, you know, and if, if for some reason you connect to me, please, please speak up, please let me know where you heard me from. Let me give back to you. Let me make a connection. Monica is the bomb. And if that is how you found me, we are going to play. Monica: We are going to play. Oh my God. It's going to be so fun. Maggie. You know, I love you. I love you so much. And I'm going to put that little video clip. Oh, good. And, and everything else about your world in the show notes. Until next time we hope you enjoyed this episode. For more information, please visit us@jointherevelation.com and be sure to download our free gift subscribed to our mailing list or leave us a review on iTunes. We thank you for your generous listening and as always more to be revealed Maggie: the way I express it. Except Monica: perfect time. Hold on. Austin's coming in so funny. Okay. He'll be in here in a minute and then they'll shut up. Taking a pause, taking a pause us. And do you want us to entertain you, even though you're out in the car, but you're out and you're editing this now. Isn't this weird. It's like one sending you quantity Maggie: from the, uh, did you hear us get in here with Monica: my matcha green tea? Maggie: I know you Monica: have a store, Maggie: but do you want to go to Starbucks? Monica: I, if he leaves this in here, he might, he might be like, you know what, bitches, I am leaving this shit in here because it is too good. Not to publish. Maggie: Do you want to go to some Boggs? Do you want to give me a macho? Give me one or two. The universe wants for me. Yes. Sam is like hearing your dogs and coming over for like what's what's going on. Okay. Exactly. All right. Let's see. Let's see if this works. We Monica: were just singing to you. You're going to love this episode. Trust me. Maggie: Okay. You're going to edit the shit out of this. I'm sorry, but you're going to have so much fun.