[Eliot and Margo are talking about the possibility of leaving Fillory. Margo’s completely against the idea stating “there wasn’t a blood test to tell me to be High Queen” and that Eliot doesn’t understand what it’s like because it was handed to him. Margo’s willing to fight the fairies for her kingdom] CLARA: Hi everyone, and welcome back to Physical Kids Weekly! I’m Clara. DANI: And I’m Dani. CLARA: And we’re back this week to talk about episode 307, “Poached Eggs.” So, recap! Margo and Eliot use their embryonic hostages to wrest back control of Fillory while on Earth, Quentin, Poppy, and Penny cook up a ~draconian~ plan -- see what I did there?-- to retrieve the key from the Underworld. Alice’s body rejects Julia’s magic, and Fen and Eliot learn they’ve been duped. So, Dani, what did you think of this episode? DANI: It was good. It was good. I really thought it was a good episode, but it was more like one of those slightly filler episodes to kinda like get the story on its way. CLARA: Yeah, there's a lot of setup for sure and that's something I noticed too. It's funny because when we were talking, when we went back and did season one, I was feeling like, well I really don't like the ensemble episodes, but this season I think I'm realizing what I was objecting to was I just get a little bored sometimes with some of the setup episodes. And I think there's a lot of really good stuff in this and we definitely have a lot to talk about. DANI: There is. CLARA: But you're right that it's a little bit more filler / setup on its way to what's gonna happen in the next one to get the pacing of the season as a whole right. DANI: Mhm. Also sad at the lack of Josh. STILL. [LAUGHTER] CLARA: I know! Poppy keeps mentioning him so y'know he can't be gone completely, but no Josh, no Rafe. It's been like a long drought of some favorite characters. DANI: Yeah and speaking of Rafe, I should probably mention my half-baked theory in this episode at some point. CLARA: Oh yeah. Well, make sure you do that. Before we get into the episode though, I thought we'd talk about--did you see that Lev tweeted out the Hogwarts houses of all the book characters? DANI: I did, I did. CLARA: So I thought it might be fun to go through them, cuz I have some opinions and I'm sure you do too. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: So the first one he started with was Alice as a Ravenclaw. That one felt pretty obvious to me. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: Then he says Josh is a Gryffindor, which also seems pretty obvious to me. Like Josh is clearly the Weasley-- DANI: The Neville CLARA: Oh, I was thinking the Weasley Twin. DANI: Nooo, he's more the Neville because everyone thought he didn't belong in the Physical Kid house and then he really shows himself a couple times-- CLARA: There's definitely some Neville. DANI:-- and that's totally Neville. CLARA: I think I was also thinking he’s the entertainer of the group in a lot of ways. DANI: He is. He's kinda like a hybrid I guess. So like, both those characters. CLARA: I guess though we're arguing over which Gryffindor he is, so clearly we agree that he's a Gryffindor. What did you think about Eliot as a Gryffindor? DANI: Umm... I can see it, but only really like Fillory!Eliot. Like before that he doesn't really belong there at all. He's always in my mind been a Slytherin/Ravenclaw hybrid CLARA: Aha, yeah. I think that he is. You see that he's super intelligent in the books. There's some scene where I think Quentin is like pinning about the varied intelligences of all the Physical Kids and he talks about how Eliot--or maybe that's when he's talking to Josh and Josh is talking about how he doesn't fit in-- DANI: I know they mention several times, like even kinda in passing, that Eliot doesn't have to try, doesn't have to put in any effort. CLARA: Yeah. Yeah. But it still seems that he really cares about it. But I dunno. Maybe I'm imposing that on him. And definitely I agree with you. I thought of him--like the fact that he puts so much into his appearance and so much into kinda outward, external factors, made me think Slytherin too. So interesting to see Ye Ol' God of The Magicians thinks he's a Gryffindor. Janet, Slytherin seems totally obviously. DANI: Mhm. CLARA: Penny as a Ravenclaw-- I'd buy it. DANI: I'd buy it too, especially since he also kinda was an advanced student for awhile and then he kinda failed out. CLARA: Yeah. DANI: But I've always been on... at least Show!Penny is definitely a Hufflepuff. CLARA: Oh, show Penny is. DANI: He's secretly a Hufflepuff. I mean we've discussed this. CLARA: For sure. DANI: Book!Penny I would feel is actually a Gryffindor. CLARA: That's sorta how I felt too and I think it's mostly because he punches people. [LAUGHS] DANI: He's, like, brave. He's the whole reason they go to Fillory. CLARA: Yeah! Yeah! DANI: Like, 'Let's go guys!' CLARA: Yeah, he's like up for all the adventures. Julia, Ravenclaw, also seems reasonable, although in the books especially has--well in both-- has some serious Slytherin to her. Like she will do whatever the fuck she needs to do to get magic and I don't think it's just because she wants to know all the things. DANI: Yeah, that's true. Ravenclaws will also do just about anything to get knowledge, so it's kinda like... she says it as if that's what she wants, so. CLARA: I think what I saw though, especially in the books, was that it seems like it came out of ambition. So I definitely think that Ravenclaw is in there, but I always felt a little bit of Slytherin too. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: And then the big one, Quentin, Hufflepuff. DANI: Y'know I've always been on the train of Quentin being a Hufflepuff rather than a Gryffindor. A loooot of people think he's a Gryffindor. I don't agree only because I feel like his brave moments don’t come out of him being inherently brave, they come out of him being loyal. CLARA: Well and I think that speech that Alice gives him when they go to the Neitherlands and [they're] like fighting and she's yelling at him and she tells him right before they go--"You've always been the most unbelievable pussy", right? All of that has always been about him not being brave and not having the courage of his convictions in the way that I think Gryffindor typically does. DANI: Mhm. CLARA: And he is, like compared with Julia, always been smart, but he gets there by working hard. And you see the same thing when he and Penny and Alice are training to try to get into year two ahead of schedule. Alice is the brilliant one, I dunno what Penny's deal is in that situation but clearly Penny is pretty brilliant himself, and Quentin is the one who works really hard for it. DANI: Mhm. CLARA: So let's throw one in here since we have her now. What do we think Poppy is? Book!Poppy and Show!Poppy. DANI: That's a tough one. I think that Book!Poppy would probably be a Gryffindor. Show!Poppy would probably be a Slytherin. CLARA: Yeah! I'm with you. So Book!Poppy, I think I would get Gryffindor from is when she jumps into the lake, into the river rather, after Quentin to go see the Dragon. She's up for all the adventures and she clearly has an element of that in the show too, but I dunno. She's very willing to throw other people under the bus to get what she wants so far. DANI: She is. Also I can't help but think now in the show, since Poppy's a redhead and she's so into dragons, I'm just like, is she Charlie Weasley? [LAUGHER] CLARA: She's a bit less moral than Charlie Weasley, but [LAUGHS] I get the comparison. DANI: Well we don't know too much about Charlie Weasley. CLARA: Yeah. Yeah. So do you want to share your theory about Rafe now or do you want to wait until we're into the episode a little more? DANI: Yeah, I could talk about it now since he's not really in the episode, which makes me sad. CLARA: Yeah. DANI: So we've been discussing how much we miss Rafe pretty much every single time we watch an episode. And so I just started thinking about it--and I've had thoughts about this early on, but just shrugged them away. Maybe because I like Rafe and I don't want him to be evil, but I'm pretty sure he's evil. [LAUGHTER] And I don't know if he's evil because he wants to be evil or if this is something Abigail is pushing on him because could very well be--like it's Abigail that's actually in charge of everything that's going on. CLARA: Maybe she's like controlling his brain. DANI: Maybe. I do think he's working for the fairies. I don't think Pickwick [CLARA: No] but I do think Rafe is. CLARA: If Pickwick was working for the fairies, he'd be doing a pretty bad job since he's also like facilitating a lot of bad things happening to the fairies. DANI: Yeah! But if that's the case he could be playing double agent. CLARA: Yeah, that's fair. DANI: But every single time they've gone to the Fairy Realm, which has only been a few times, Rafe has always been the reason. He just suddenly knows how they can get there. He's like, oh here's this bottle that will take you there. CLARA: You're right! I didn't even think about that. DANI: And he has actually, I think it's after he gives it to Margo and she disappears, he has this weird like, twitch-y smile afterwards. Like he just did something really evil. CLARA: Well, I mean... is it Serge or Sergio Osuna who plays him? DANI: Sergio, yeah. CLARA: Sergio, who plays him, has like the most innocent face and you know they always cast the innocent-looking ones to be evil. Just to throw you off the scent. Alright, yeah. DANI: It's just been so suspect that he hasn't shown up in awhile. CLARA: Yeah. I dig it. You know we'd be hearing something from Abigail. You think she'd be advising in some capacity. DANI: Right? I’m just not trusting. Especially every single time they get any information about the fairies, it's from Rafe. CLARA: Well, you heard it here first. Rafe is an evil fairy agent. Okay so let's get into the episode. Time to poach some eggs. I want to start with some of my own favorite moments cuz there were a lot of them in this episode and my absolute favorite was the one we played in the clip at the top of the podcast, which is Margo's monologue. That whole thing about there not being a test for her to be High Queen and I think she does a good job at explaining to Eliot why it's so important to her that they just don't give up. And what it means to her to be in a position of authority and why it matters to her to do right by their kingdom and why it matters to her to be the one who does it. When you were watching this episode, did that strike you or was it just a me thing? DANI: I loved that part. I was just kinda like, yass Queen! [LAUGHTER] CLARA: I mean she is, totally the High Queen. DANI: She is. CLARA: And I think it throws into sharp relief, the contract between her and Eliot as leaders. Because Eliot wants to do the right thing but he's a little reluctant about that and you see that later in the episode too when he's talking to Fray about how he wants her to like things and she says, ' I can see that you want to be a good father' with the heavy implication of ' you're not but you want to be' versus Margo who just goes out and fucking does things. Like she gets shit done and makes sure that if there's something that needs to happen, it happens. DANI: Yeah. She's been doing that pretty much every single episode this season-- done something she not necessarily should have done, but knows she needs to. CLARA: Yeah, she has been doing that this whole season. She's the powerhouse of the royal leadership. The other favorite moment I have, I think you're gonna be able to guess this: Fen unleashing her inner theater nerd with Todd and Fray. [LAUGHS] DANI: I mean yes. I loved Fen in this episode, but of course I also loved Todd. I kept going on and on about Todd. My notes mention Todd many, many times. [LAUGHTER] CLARA: What'd they say? DANI: Oh for one, well I think Adam has to adlib all Todd's lines because they're so ridiculous. I also would love Fen to leave Eliot for Todd. CLARA: Yes! We need a new ship. We need Fen + Todd, which I'm gonna call it-- the ship name is Ten. Because they're a ten. DANI: That's great. CLARA: And that'd be how we could get High King Todd! Kick Eliot the fuck out. DANI: Yes, exactly. [LAUGHTER] CLARA: If he needs to be married to Fen to be High King. DANI: But I also love that part where Todd calls Eliot ‘dad’. CLARA: I knoooow. Oh my god. [LAUGHS] DANI: But I also knew they were making a very ill faded decision in trusting Todd. CLARA: Oh yeah, because he's incompitent. DANI: I mean he's a very smart person obviously, he just makes really dumb choices. CLARA: Yeah. DANI: Like his common sense isn't quite there but his upper level intelligence is there. CLARA: Yeah. Do you remember Richard in the books? As opposed to the show? DANI: Yeah. CLARA: Do you remember the dinner party where Margo's flawning all over him and Quentin realizes that the way he looks up to Margo and Eliot is the way they feel about Richard and he's like, Richard is a douche? I think Todd is Margo in the moment. Like he's the person that looks up to... DANI: Eliot. CLARA: Yeah. Yeah. He sees them as mom and dad. Do you remember earlier in the season there was this whole Margolem thing where [he's like], I just pretend she respects me? DANI: Yeah. That was great. Basically Todd has been absolutely amazing this whole season. CLARA: Yeah. DANI: And I'm very happy he's in it more. CLARA: Yeah. Absolutely. DANI: But I also feel like he has to get together with Fen because it's the ultimate... like Eliot always feels like [Todd's] trying to take his life. CLARA: Yeah and I think also Fen is so accepting. Like Fen could help Todd heal. She could, like, help him realize it's okay to be just you, you don't have to be like fancy Eliot to be cool. I approve I ship it. The other favorite moment I had was when Julia saved Alice from the vampire (and I guess technically from herself). DANI: Yeah. That's also my new ship. It's Julia and Alice. It's very sudden, but I'm like, this is amazing. CLARA: Are you seeing them as a couple or just as like a really strong friendship bond? DANI: I could see them as a couple. CLARA: Yeah? DANI: Yeah. CLARA: I don't think I see them as a couple, but I am really digging their friendship and their--I mean they have a lot of chemistry in a very particular way. And actually-- DANI: Well it could be this really amazing thing like the Legend of Korra ending, how the two girls dated the same dude, but then they ended up together at the end. CLARA: I mean I'm never sad about that particular outcome, but it does feel--I think partly--I don't know. I still want to see Julia be Book!Julia. I wanna see her turn into a goddess. DANI: I mean me too, but that doesn't mean that you can't have a love interest. CLARA: I dunno. I think there ain't no time for romance for goddess!Julia, demigoddess!Julia. DANI: Yeah I mean if they go the exact same route then probably not, but... CLARA: So one of the things that I had in my notes about... well I guess we can get into the plotlines. Why don't we start with Alice's body rejecting Julia's magic? So what did you think of this? I mean we talked a little bit about this in the last episode when they did the transfer. Is this how you expected it to go? DANI: I wasn't sure what was going to happen exactly. I definitely knew Alice was probably going to start dying from it. I didn't think it would be in quite this way. But it was really cool that [its] basically like an organ rejection. CLARA: Yeah and I really liked--I was trying to think why did they do this if they're just gonna undo it, and one of the things I really like is Alice--I think Alice is in a unique position where she's smart enough and powerful enough that Julia's gonna believe what she says. Like Alice's not gonna lie to preserve feelings, at least not post-Niffin!Alice. And so I think Alice is in a unique position to both sorta on an emotional level and on an intellectual level be the one who sees that it's not Reynard's magic anymore, it's Julia's and to be able to convey that to her. And I really like that moment. I think that seeing the two of them together, one part that I love is that it softens Julia and it hardens Alice. DANI: Mhm. Yeah. CLARA: You see different parts of them than you see around anyone else. DANI: Yeah. Also that part where Alice like banshee screams and pushes Julia and almost kills her? CLARA: Yeah. DANI: It reminded me of some of her Niffin coming out. CLARA: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's maybe something else that Alice's gonna have to contend with. I think she feels now that she can handle power without being that. Like there's some middle ground she can connect too and I think she's maybe gonna have to deal with the fact she's not there yet, that she has to do some emotional work before she can handle being powerful again. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: So I have a question written down. Because of the things that I really like in this episode too is that Julia takes responsibility for Alice. And I know like a lot of people, especially the people who don't like Julia, have complained that she's not reliable and she just sorta does all this shit to other people, and I think this is a really good episode of showing that she can be totally reliable and totally dependable and she is willing to face the consequences for her actions in a way that almost nobody else is doing. DANI: Yeah she's definitely growing. I think in this season in general I've been telling people this is Julia from the books. This is why I love Julia. Rather than always having to come to her defense before. CLARA: Yeah and I'm seeing that too. Like I saw on the Facebook group I'm part of, that like a bunch of people were saying like, Julia used to be my least favorite character and now she's my favorite. Like, YES! Thank you! We've been telling you this. So then one of the questions about that plotline was that snortable magic. Where do you think it comes from? Cuz I have a theory. DANI: I'm thinking fairies because there's that part in the episode where Penny's watching everyone and the fairies are there at the mansion she lives at. CLARA: So I also think it's fairies, but for a slightly different reason. You remember that magic was a weird quality? It's like wispy-black. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: And I noticed that when the Fairy Queen disappears at the end of the episode, there's a lot of that around her as she disappears. DANI: Really? CLARA: Yeah! I think maybe that's a poached egg, ground up fairy. DANI: Maybe... Or it's just like they might have taken it to them for whatever reason. Because there's fairies there at the house. They might have been the ones actually doing the cleaning and no one can see them. CLARA: Maybe, but do you think fairies would do that? Do you think they would voluntarily ... I guess maybe they're getting something out of the arrangement. DANI: Maybe they work for that family for a reason? Or maybe one of them is related to the fairies somehow? I don't know. There's so many possibilities. CLARA: I am very interested in where this is going. So yeah. I'm glad we agree. Snortable magic is fairy magic. Alright so while we're on the subject of fairies: that Fairy Queen is a devious fucker. [LAUGHS] DANI: Yes. Very devious. CLARA: So one of the things we see in this episode is we get a little sense of her endgame and her endgame seems to be to get rid of Children of Earth in Fillory, to stop them from being in power. DANI: Also to piggyback off of my half-baked theory from earlier, I feel like Prince Es might also be involved. CLARA: Hmmm. Say more. DANI: I dunno why. He shows up and then disappears and writes them a letter and then disappears and it just seems shady. [LAUGHTER] And he's also not on board with them really ruling Fillory and he was kinda wanting to get in on it. It might not necessarily be that he doesn't like Margo, just that he wants to rule. CLARA: That's possible. I'm thinking that--well who do you think is going to come into power? Do you think it's going to be him? DANI: I don't think that the fairies would rule themselves. CLARA: No. DANI: Like I feel that they would have someone rule for them. CLARA: They like to have puppets. DANI: Mhm. I dunno. If our Rafe theory is true, maybe Rafe, or maybe Prince Es. Maybe both of them together? CLARA: I like your Rafe theory more and more because he's been a servant to Children of Earth and rulers of Fillory for a really long time so he's been in that subservient role and I can totally see this being his way of getting out of that. Like, no, fuck you, I'm gonna win, I'm gonna rule. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: And what do you think is gonna happen next episode because we kinda [got] left on a cliffhanger. DANI: I have no idea. It's really hard for me to think like, what is happening? Total and utter chaos, obviously. I don't know. They're probably gonna be imprisoned and somehow somebody else is probably gonna let them free. I don't know how but- CLARA: Especially now that the Fairy Queen knows about the portals. DANI: Unless Princess Es is good and he actually saves them. CLARA: Or Tick DANI: That's a possibility. Or Tick, yeah. CLARA: I really like Tick. I think we say that every episode. DANI: Yeah, I know. CLARA: Alright, so anything else on the fairy plotline you wanna cover? DANI: No, I don't think I have anything. CLARA: Okay so then I don't have much about breaking Kady out of the hospital. I think that's important for moving the plot forward and the one thing I have is that it really lets us see completely dysfunctional and codependent Kady and Penny are. DANI: Yeah. They make like a pretty damn good team either way, but they're very very unhealthy for each other. CLARA: Yeah, for real. And then like most of the other stuff is just noting that Poppy continues to be Poppy. One funny thing about seeing her and Quentin planning it together and knowing all the same things about mental health, like both knowing the ins and outs of mental health institutions is you can kinda view Poppy as like another version of Quentin. Like they clearly have some similar experiences. DANI: Like Quentin devoid of emotions. CLARA: Yeah [LAUGHS] DANI: Yeah, if he didn't take everything so personally. CLARA: Like if he blamed the outside world instead of himself for everything. DANI: Yeah and it's funny because there's these moments where Quentin really admires her, but he's also scared of her. CLARA: Oh man. And I get that. I admire her and am afraid of her and I also admire and am slightly scared of Felicia Day. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: Okay so I didn't have anything else on that. Was there anything else you wanted to say? I think the library plot we're gonna have more in the next episode so it's hard to talk about it now. DANI: Mhm. That's true. CLARA: Although I do like-- DANI: I mean I always love seeing Marlee Martlin though. CLARA: Oh yeah. DANI: Just anytime. CLARA: She's great. And I do really like that Penny's gonna have to become a book in order to go to the Underworld. DANI: Yeah and then I'm really excited to see Penny reunite with Benedict because Benedict was like, oh Penny, he's my best friend! CLARA: Oh yeah and actually man... the scene in the Underworld in the books where it's Quentin in that role, Benedict has all this anger that sorta comes from seeing Quentin as his role model and looking up to him but not being able to connect with him and feeling like Quentin doesn't feel the same way and I can totally see Penny filling that role in the show because they definitely have much more of a relationship. DANI: Yeah because Quentin literally--had he even met Benedict before? CLARA: He'd met him I think during the Cock Barrens episode but yeah his relationship with Benedict is fairly new compared to Penny's. DANI: Yeah the only people who really ever had a relationship with Benedict would be Eliot and Penny. CLARA: Yeah. So the big one that I have all my notes for, like you, is Fen, Fray, and Todd out on the town in New York City. I wish we'd gotten to see that so badly. DANI: I know. I feel cheated. CLARA: I really hoping there's a deleted scene somewhere or like a webisode they're going to put out that's just going to be like Fen and Todd and Fray's adventures on Earth. DANI: I love the part where he was like, I just thought Fray was craaaaazy! [LAUGHTER] CLARA: That was so good. And I just love that you get to see Fen's inner theater nerd, which is Brittany's inner theater nerd. Like she's a huge theater nerd and it's adorable to see. I guess I have a lot of stuff for fashion that's related, but like Todd clearly goes along with everything she does. And then like seeing the contrast too between like Fen and Fray, where Fen is excited about everything, the like family style comment about Pizza Hut or whatever it was and then Fray being like, a man urinated next to me. DANI: Which like, that's definitely New York so welcome. CLARA: Yeah. Like it also reminded me of that unearned imperviousness comment from before [LAUGHS] DANI: Yeah. CLARA: And then I have, we already talked about this, but Todd calling Eliot 'dad'. I died. DANI: That was so great. CLARA: Alright, anything else on the episode before we move to fashion? DANI: I don't think so. I think we pretty much covered everything. Well I did make a lot of notes about how Dean Fogg is so good at burning everyone in this episode. CLARA: Oh yeah, that's true. DANI: Because he just doesn't give a shit because he's so drunk. [LAUGHTER] But also, Dean Fogg has a history with so many babes. CLARA: He really does. Dean Fogg's a slut. [LAUGHTER] DANI: Yeah. That was the only other thing I feel like. CLARA: What is her name by the way? The woman on the board who brought Brakebills? I can never remember it. DANI: I can't remember it either. CLARA: I know that actress from other things. It's gonna drive me nuts. Oh well. DANI: She's... I just know she's related to that dude that killed the guy in... [Splutters] Fuck. That guy who was friends with Rupert Chatwin CLARA: Ohhhh okay! DANI: They're related. CLARA: Yeah. Sorry I thought you were talking about the actress for a second and I was like... this has been Dani's murder tangent. DANI: No no no no.[LAUGHTER] No, the characters. CLARA: Okay, fashion, ready? CLARA: I'm gonna start with Fen because I love her in that I heart New York shirt and like Todd in the Statue of Liberty hat and wearing a cape, because why not? But I think my favorite thing is [that] Fen discovered jeans. And even when they return to Fillory, she stays in jeans. She keeps wearing jeans and a t-shirt and it is frilly and girly, the shirt that she wears, and she has like femine accessories. But it feels like she’s been waiting her whole life to be liberated from Fillorian fashion expectations. Just like Eliot has been waiting his whole life for the chance to wear the kind of royal garb he wears in Fillory. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: So I just really love Fen discovering jeans and I hope she never wears a dress again. Or at least a Fillorian dress again. DANI: Yeah I really like her fashion choices, her little choker. CLARA: Yeah, but not little. [LAUGHS] It's serious business. DANI: Yeah it is. CLARA: And one of the other outfits that I really noticed was Victoria's. Cuz she's wearing this really Bohemian long, colorful, open sweater and a lot of long, flow-y jewelry, and then this olive shirt with gold stars all over it. They're not the hedgewitch stars but they kinda reminded me of that. DANI: Yeah, I could see that. Yeah, she was just super Bohemian. Bo-ho style. CLARA: And then the other thing that I have... so is it my imagination, or like in one of those early scenes when they're in Brakebills, are Poppy and Quentin wearing the same button up shirt? DANI: I thought that as soon as they get back, Quentin puts on a hoodie and jeans? CLARA: No, he's wearing a grey button up and she's also wearing a grey button up and she has a red tank top under it. DANI: Maybe when they first got back? I don't know. Maybe I wasn't paying attention. CLARA: Yeah. I kinda wondered if Poppy's an actual sociopath or whatever, and she's trying to subtly mimic him to gain his trust. It's probably too much, but [LAUGHS] DANI: Maybe. Maybe. CLARA: And then speaking of them, they both clean up nice. I really liked getting to see Quentin in a suit. DANI: Actually you know, speaking of, we did not discuss something from the episode. It's just the fact they kinda hook up at the end of the episode. CLARA: Oh yeah! They hook. We keep... Like we forgot to talk about Queliot. I mean we talked about the entire episode which involves a lot of Queliot in 305 but we forgot-- like we never mentioned the word 'Queliot' in that episode. DANI: We didn't. CLARA: We're doing a bad job talking about hookups. DANI: Well this happens anytime, anytime we have a quest on we always have to leave stuff out because it's making up for that third person speaking so maybe at some point we'll just have an entire episode about Queliot CLARA: We should do a special episode about ships sometime. That would be a good thing to do on the off season. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: Okay so Quentin and Poppy hookup. Quentin is very confused. Poppy is like whatever she is, just go with it. DANI: I just loved just like the fact that Quentin's just like, fuck it whatever. [LAUGHTER] CLARA: How do you feel about them as a couple? DANI: I don't like it. I didn't like it in the books either, so. It didn't really happen much in the books though. it was starting too. CLARA: I liked it in the books because Quentin had been pining for so long over first Alice and then Julia. I was just like stop pining and Poppy made him stop pining. DANI: True. CLARA: They had, I think, a really healthy relationship that was clearly never gonna be that deep, and I think I kinda liked that. l liked seeing that. I liked seeing a different kind of relationship. And I think it probably will--I mean we obviously are left in the books where Quentin and Alice are not exactly together, but I think if they get back together it'll be healthier and partly that'll be because Quentin learned how to have a decent relationship with somebody that doesn't just involve putting them on a pedestal. DANI: Yeah. I wonder how long they're going to make us wait for that. Because you know that'll happen. It's inevitable. CLARA: Yeah. DANI: But when? CLARA: Unless your other theory is right and Alice and Julia end up together. DANI: I would be down. [LAUGHTER] CLARA: But like, in the show I'm not really liking Quentin and Poppy because I don't trust Poppy! She seems dangerous. DANI: She seems dangerous but I don't feel like she's intentionally up to no good. Like I don't think she's on the fairies side or anything weird. CLARA: I don't think she is either but I don't know. I don't like the idea of Quentin with somebody who-- DANI: The thing is, if an opportunity arises where something that would make her gain anything, she would do it, she would choose that. CLARA: Yeah exactly. And I think, I don't know. That makes me a little sad. But maybe it'll have the same effect on Quentin. Maybe like knowing that going in will mean that he's not relaying on her, not depending on her. DANI: Mhm. CLARA: Okay so I don't have much else for fashion. Although I technically have a non-fashion thing, I just loved the "chicken pox". The entire throne room covered in feathers because Tick doesn't understand what chicken pox is. DANI: Yeah. That was hilarious. CLARA: And then I wanted to leave some time for Julia. Which I never notice what she's wearing, but I figured you probably did. What's your favorite Julia outfit? DANI: I don't know how you didn't know this. Literally one of my notes is that Stella just looks mega hot in this episode. CLARA: Well I think she looks mega hot in this episode too, but I didn't notice that the clothes had much to do with it. [LAUGHS] DANI: I mean her clothes always fit her perfectly and her hair looked perfect and she looked perfectly tan. She just looked gorgeous in this episode, but I really liked her... she's wearing this off-the-shoulders shirt in the beginning of the episode that's like long sleeved with her high waisted pants, of course. I really like that outfit. CLARA: Well cool. I'm glad I left time for it. DANI: Yeah. Yeah. CLARA: Alright, that's it for fashion. MVP awards then? DANI: Yeah. CLARA: Alright, I'll start off. This was a great ensemble episode, and because of that I’m really torn! I loved seeing a different side of Fen in this episode, and I swear to god any time Brittany wells up on screen, I start a little crying too, and she definitely had some cry-face on. Candis Cayne as the Fairy Queen was on fucking fire. She's amazing. But I think I’m gonna give it to Summer. Her delivery in that monologue to Eliot about privilege was just perfect, and the scene where they’re negotiating after Fray goes to the Fairy Queen is so intense and I actually noticed she's in the background of one shot and she's welling up a little when she realizes that Fray isn't Eliot's daughter and that he's been tricked and that Fen is crushed. Summer Bishil is my MVP this week. What about you? DANI: I was between Summer, Jade, and Adam, because I love Adam and Todd is wonderful in this episode. And Jade was because she does a really great job in this mental hospital-like environment. Her freak outs, her monologues as well, she did a really great job, but I also inevitably had to give it to Summer for all of that. The speech, she really gave it. CLARA: Yeah. Alright so ratings. Actually, why don't you go first for this one? DANI: I would probably give it a 7/10. It wasn't quite as good as the last episode and it's definitely, hopefully, the last setup/filler episode. And I'm also just thinking about [how] we're halfway through the season and they still need quite a few more keys. Quite. [LAUGHTER] So unless they start finding a key in every episode, we might not find them all. CLARA: I think we can! So we're halfway through the episodes. There's 13 episodes total. This is the pivot one. And we have three and a half keys. So there are three and a half keys left. I think we can get there. DANI: Probably, but I'm still like, okay they spent two episodes trying to retrieve this one, so. CLARA: So for rating I also gave it a 7/10. There’s a lot I love about this episode. The cliffhanger episode was perfect and that last five minutes did a great job at ramping up the intensity on the way out. And there's a lot of really great scenes, like the one with Fen and Todd and Fray. Like I know I keep saying that, but it's true, I love it. And I love Margo's monologue, and there's just a lot of great individual scenes. But I agree with you on the whole, because it's a setup episode and it feels like there's a little more filler, it just didn't grab me the way the other recent ones have. DANI: Yeah. CLARA: So yeah. 7/10, me too. Alright, we're near the end. Anything else you wanna say before we leave this podcast? DANI: No. I think we've said it all. I think I have. CLARA: I hope that we get to hear more. You need to keep us updated about your ongoing feelings about Rafe as we go through. DANI: I will. CLARA: It's nice to get a bit of a crack-pot theory from you. DANI: I know! I didn't have one the last time. CLARA: So listeners, I guess that's it! Thank you for joining us this week. Remember to subscribe and rate us on iTunes. The more positive ratings we get, the higher we show up in search results, which means more fans can find us. And as always, you can follow us on Twitter or Facebook @physicalkidspod. Bye! DANI: Bye!