00:00:00:00 - 00:00:11:26 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry As we've been exploring more engaging sermons through your presentations and specifically your presentation software, we're talking about sidekick in the play, this link right 00:00:11:26 - 00:00:16:59 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry here. And this is the fourth and final video, but this feature is the feature that when I saw this 00:00:16:59 - 00:00:23:59 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry feature rolled out at the Orange Conference and I believe it was 2016 when they 00:00:23:59 - 00:00:28:47 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry showed it to me, I instantly said, and then sign me up. 00:00:28:51 - 00:00:50:23 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry What does it take? How much does it cost? Actually, I don't care. It doesn't matter. This is what I want. And this is the feature that sidekick still has rolled out to this day, in my personal opinion. It is my necklaces favorite feature, and it is one that I believe that you can and you should be using in your presentations. 00:00:50:28 - 00:01:07:23 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry Whether you're a youth pastor, whether you're a college minister, whether you're an adult pastor, or whether, frankly, you're a senior pastor, it is the random name picker and random name generator. And in this video and in this episode, I want to share five of my favorite ways 00:01:07:23 - 00:01:11:46 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry to creatively use the name picker. I'm going to drill deep down 00:01:11:46 - 00:01:16:51 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry into all of the features of how you can use it and utilize it, and what it has to offer. 00:01:16:57 - 00:01:24:01 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry So if you're watching here on YouTube, you're going to see a live demo and a live tutorial and a screen share of it. And don't forget, as always, there 00:01:24:01 - 00:01:35:31 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry are chapters down below at the bottom of this video so that you can skip around to the ones that make the most sense to you. Welcome everyone to the Hybrid Ministry Show. 00:01:35:36 - 00:01:47:54 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry So way. Number one, that I love to use the random name generator because as you know, when you're at church, you don't know which of your youth group kids are going to show up on any given week. And 00:01:47:54 - 00:02:04:52 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry so one of my favorite ways to use it is in our retreats or in our camps or within things that, that have a registration component to it, because, you know, every kid you're taking to camp, you should and you should definitely know that number because you better return with that many kids. 00:02:04:53 - 00:02:20:39 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry Give me a like if you've ever worried that you lost a kid, a youth camp, and, either way, one of the things I like to do is when we have a big event and listen, what I'm about to explain is one of the things I'm going to start doing on my Patreon show. By the way, if you didn't know, we're launching a Patreon show. 00:02:20:39 - 00:02:45:03 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry If you're watching here on screen, you can see the slide. We are going to be offering bonus content, and that bonus content is going to drop once per week. And I'm very simply going to talk through all of the different ways that we are using and utilizing hybrid in our ministry, and I hope that as you sit in and as you listen, it helps you to get the creative juices going a little bit in your own brain and in your own ministry. 00:02:45:03 - 00:03:06:34 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And as you pursue hybrid, not because it's cool and not because digital and all that stuff is important, but really we're taking our in-person and our digital and we're putting it together, intersecting in most cases, at students cell phones, which gives us an opportunity to impact and influence them beyond the one hour of programing that we have scheduled per week. 00:03:06:34 - 00:03:26:52 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And so that is what my Patreon is going to do, this bonus content. But when you have an event, if you have some sort of a check in system, which I know we do, I have our, church community builder, CBM, we have a, report that runs for anyone who's checked in within the last 24 hours. 00:03:26:57 - 00:03:29:54 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And so what happens then is, basically 00:03:29:54 - 00:03:53:47 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry once an event has started, I can go into that report, I can download into an Excel sheet, so to speak, or like a dot CSV. I can know all the names of the students who are there. I don't have to guess about the kids who I think might be there, who I thought I saw, but I know for a fact they've checked in and then I can put their names into the random name generator, and then I can use that for raffle giveaways, prizes, and all sorts of things. 00:03:53:47 - 00:04:18:27 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And so say that that spits out into an Excel sheet. You're looking here at an Excel sheet, and you can just highlight an entire cell. Copy. Copy that. Go over here to your name picker. Click edit. Click edit. Pick me. Go to your book editor Payson, and boom, just in case you also wanted their numbers as well. And so now we got all of the names in here. 00:04:18:32 - 00:04:42:00 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And and then when I go ahead and I get ready to roll this thing, you'll notice. Let me get this full screen here. If you're watching, pretend this is your projector, you're going to drag that window over to your projector. And then you are going to click present and you're good to go. And so now here I am, I want to play and I want to run this pick me game. 00:04:42:00 - 00:05:07:27 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And so, I'm going to turn it on to random. And we're going to get this thing rolling and I'm gonna see who's going to win. And it's Nikola to pitch the earbud. Believer himself. And so when you're running it right, you can do things like hide last item. So if I don't want to pitch to win, I can turn this on ahead of time so that it doesn't stop on him again, even though it did. 00:05:07:27 - 00:05:27:33 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry But now he's gone and now I'm going to get a new winner. Jacob Jalen Williams himself. Right. Here's the beautiful thing. If you don't trust your tech person, you can do this from your phone. You can do this remotely from an iPad. Or you can do this remotely from even a whole different computer. And you don't even have to be on the same network as that computer. 00:05:27:37 - 00:05:28:42 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry You're logged into sidekick 00:05:28:42 - 00:05:44:50 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry on your in your tech booth, and if you're logged in to sidekick from your phone or whatever device, you can run it from both. We are all in on sidekick in fact. Link down below if you want to see our setup of how we do it. To jump back and forth between pro presenter and sidekick, we haven't made the shift to be 00:05:44:50 - 00:05:47:41 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry all in with worship because that's a whole different department. 00:05:47:46 - 00:06:02:42 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry I don't call the shots. If I did, we would be all in on sidekick, but since we're not, we have a video switcher. And if you want to be able to bounce back and forth between the two so that you can have the elements of purpose that you like, but all the interactive features of sidekick that you like, check that out down below. 00:06:02:42 - 00:06:29:26 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry Now, idea number two, one that I really like is rather than names. We've actually done this before in this presentation, and I'm going to show you how to set it up. I did like a series or a message on labels. And so I actually, what I did was, I think I have it in here. I brought in, like, a label, like a hello, my name is type of label, and I just got it loaded. 00:06:29:40 - 00:06:56:34 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And very simply, when it was sitting there on screen and I was teaching, I used that teaching moment sort of as an opportunity to, to to cycle through and filter through some of the different types of labels that we face or that we think we face or that we see or that we feel or that we might even struggle with sometimes, as, you know, people, as teenagers, as followers of Jesus. 00:06:56:39 - 00:07:22:56 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And so you don't have to just let this be like a random name picker thing. Like you can also use and utilize this as an opportunity, within your teaching, within your teaching components. And so as you see here on screen, I have the hello, my name is name Tag right here. And then they are just simply filtering through, different types of labels that you or that students might struggle with. 00:07:22:56 - 00:07:37:08 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And that's an opportunity then to go ahead and and use that as a part of your teaching point. Now my third favorite way to go ahead and use the random name generator is, to use a thing called a Volun told 00:07:37:08 - 00:07:50:43 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry generator. And we talked about this a little bit in the, we'll, video in the last video about how you can make a definitive or declarative statement, like the person with the tallest socks, that's only one person. 00:07:50:45 - 00:08:10:03 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry So the person with the tallest socks in your room, they come up in place. So if you don't have a set up or if you don't have check in, but you still want to use this kind of Volun told generator sort of thing, you can put generic statements about students, and then you can use that to get people to come on up as contestants for games and stuff like that. 00:08:10:08 - 00:08:29:16 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And again, it's just a great way to not have to do the who wants to play? And you're like, how did I pick that kid or not? Like the the random name generator is king and the random name generator decides. And what's cool, even in its customization, right, is that you can create different sound effects, right? So like, there is like a thumbs up sound effect. 00:08:29:16 - 00:08:48:58 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry There is a, kind of shrugging like middle of the road sound effect. And then there's like a party horn sound effect. So if you were playing this and you had the sort of like, like maybe a bad prize or something, you weren't so sure about that you didn't want, this is what the thumbs down sound effect sounds like. 00:08:49:02 - 00:09:06:04 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry That. But, yeah, it's a bummer. No, no one wants is smudging. Like, that's how Thunder fans kind of feel right now anyway. But then you go ahead and you're like that. This guy's kind of mid tier. We're not not really sure if we have an, opinion yet of him or not. Really sure if winning this thing in our youth ministry, we really have an opinion of it. 00:09:06:04 - 00:09:27:42 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry Yet Dugas. Yeah, okay. Whatever. You know, but then, like, you win something great or like it's a grand prize or something that people really actually want. I mean, he's a front runner for MVP. Let's just be honest. He's outpacing Luke does is the Thunder are the number one seed in the West. And they are the juggernaut that everyone should be afraid of. 00:09:27:42 - 00:09:45:45 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And it's led by this guy. And so you should you should have that sound. Hey give me a like if you're a, Thunder fan and please don't unsubscribe if you, do you happen to be a mavericks fan? Because we are here trying to make this hybrid ministry thing. We're trying to make it helpful to you. In fact, right here on screen. 00:09:45:45 - 00:10:04:02 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry Don't forget Code Hybrid Ministry ten. If you've never used you. I am. Or if you've never signed up for anything with do I am before for 10% off for a year of premium, Premium or Premium Plus? You can check out the pricing link down below. We also offer custom coaching. It's my free strategy guide. Go ahead and scan that QR code, check out our Patreon. 00:10:04:02 - 00:10:25:49 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And hey, while you're here, go ahead and vote on which coffee shop is the best. My fourth idiom that I really like to do is kind of like the kind of like the the name tag one that I showed you a minute ago. So instead of it, I mean, like a teaching point, a lot of times I will create a welcome slide, right? 00:10:25:49 - 00:10:41:58 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And these slides, just like all the other ones, they're, they're highly adaptable. So you can put any slides you want. You can, add an image, you can make a color, you can add a video background from something from YouTube. Even so like we've used this video before in 00:10:41:58 - 00:10:48:42 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry previous videos here, even on this playlist. And so if you wanted it to be a video one, you could embed this YouTube video right here. 00:10:48:47 - 00:11:09:10 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry Or you could add one of these videos from a bank of other videos that you have used before using the past. But whatever the case might be, I'll do this where like, we have like, a leader lunch. And so people have volun, or have RSVP ahead of time. And so I will, put all of their names into the generator and I will say, leader, lunch welcome. 00:11:09:10 - 00:11:27:14 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry With an arrow pointing to where their name is going to be here on People Picker and all the names are just filtering through. And then we may use that as a giveaway sort of feature in the, in the, you know, in the background or whatever, or not. We'll see. But those are sort of all just kind of different ways and different ideas that I like to use the name picker. 00:11:27:14 - 00:11:47:40 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And then of course, number five, I'm going to share on my Patreon page. And don't forget, this is the last time that I'm going to do this. To those of you listening to the regular podcast or on YouTube, but I just, I, I'm so, so stoked and I'm so pumped about our Patreon because it is a dollar a week, $4 a month. 00:11:47:44 - 00:12:05:54 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry I think it's less than the cost of a cup of coffee. But I want to get coffee with you. I want to sit down. I want to chat. Youth ministry. I want to chat. Creativity. I want to chat. How to make your programing more engaging? Because Gen Z and Gen Alpha, they want a more custom and personalized approach. 00:12:05:54 - 00:12:33:09 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And I believe that sidekick not only in this beta version, but also in the future. Rolling out has the tools that it takes to do that. I'm challenging myself to use sidekick every single time we're in the room with our students, and I want to encourage you to try and lean into your creativity and do the same. And so I know when I hear a brainstorm that's helpful for me to just listen to someone else and then beg and borrow and steal and tweak and adapt and use different ideas. 00:12:33:14 - 00:12:56:08 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry And so that's why I want my Patreon to be is just a place for you guys to get that weekly sort of bonus content, along with, as you see here, on screen, exclusive merch and exclusive sticker for everyone who signs up before the month of December. December 2nd, they'll be yours. I'll mail it to you. You can help me choose some show and segment topics, and also some shout outs special for those over there on my Patreon page. 00:12:56:08 - 00:13:18:37 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry But that number five idea that's over there going to be in this week's Patreon will drop on Monday of this week. So once again, my friends so excited that you here. Thank you for diving in deep with sidekick. The next episode we are going to be hopping into all things Christmas, Christmas parties, holiday planning, and everything that you need to know to round out the year. 00:13:18:37 - 00:13:29:16 Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry Amazingly, in your ministry. Finish strong. The Lord is equipped you for what he has you doing. But don't forget and as always my friends, to stay hybrid.