Chris: Okay, here's, here's exactly what they did, right? What's a household? Ooh, billionaires have houses. We save them money. Divide the money. We save them by all the houses boom, we saved on average, $11,000 per American household. The people that didn't get any savings. I saved the billionaires a bunch, and I'm gonna distribute it evenly amongst everybody in my promotion material. You know, that's a f*cking damn here, right? Andre: The math, ain't math. Chris: What's a worker, what's a household? What a word. They're just words. They don't mean anything. Andre: I so I tell you what, many years ago, when I used to work for McDonald's, and I had people that work for me, and part of our conversation was how to improve operations or sales, and we were very oriented on goals, right? We didn't say you were goal oriented or very goal oriented. And a lot of times, I would have to teach people how to really plan. Okay, so here's an example. Hey, so what are you? What are you going to do to improve sales? I'm going to fix my drive through. Yeah, how? Well, I'm going to start watching it more. And these are people would actually say these words to me. These were Chris: real responses to the inquiry of, how are you going to increase sales? Yes, Andre: well, how are you going to do it? You know, what does that mean? And it's it was, and it's not to make fun of people a lot of times that's a learned skill. Chris: Is this? Is it kind of like when I have a conversation with my 10 year old about her needing to take more responsibility for her own actions and things like that? And she said, You know, so she sets her goal for the week is to take responsibility, take more responsibility. And I said, Well, how are you going to do that? And she said, by taking responsibility. Andre: Yes. Chris: And then I had to go through the whole like, you can't define a thing by using the thing to define it like. Andre: And I always tell people a goal is like making a cake, right? If, at the end of the of the of the process, you want a cake, you have to have the right ingredients. And if you have a recipe, it makes a little bit easier so you don't have to start from scratch. That's what a goal is. It's the what do you see? What do you see in the future? How are you going to get there, and are you committed to the steps to follow it. If you make a cake and decide that I'm not going to use eggs, I'm going to use turnips, well, good luck. That's the ingredient you decide to change. And I say all that to say this, we've i i get a headache beyond belief, listening to Republicans talk about, well, we should talk about policy. And you know, our platform is strong and we should talk about policy, our platform is strong. Okay, so I did some digging, and lo and behold, I found the GOP 2024, platform. I Chris: just want to say this is the most excited I think I've ever seen here at the beginning of a podcast episode, you are downright giddy, sir. Andre: It's amazing when you can shoot things down with the facts. Let me. Let me. All right. I said some time ago that I understand why certain people believe what they believe. I don't. I don't knock them for that. What I struggle with is when you present them with facts, they recoil to defense and they're trying to defend the indefensible. They may not be fully aware of what they're talking about, and it makes it frustrates the conversation. They get agitated because they they feel like they're getting backed into a corner. And I try not to, you know, browbeat people with I don't know facts, because that's mean Case in point the Trump tax cuts. That bill was stalled before Trump came into office, and it was really Paul Ryan's tax cuts that were introduced. My biggest gripe with those tax cuts was they avoided adjusting the corporate tax rate limit, because I believe that at some level, not, not all the time, if you give companies an incentive to stick around as opposed to pushing them out, you're not where we are today, Chris: right? Instead, it was just like at the. The end user level for billionaires, right and multi millionaires, right? Andre: And the fact that a lot of people don't know the context of those tax cuts that Trump takes credit for annoys me, and it's just infuriating. But anyway, which can Chris: we also just say that's, like, literally, one of the only quote, unquote accomplishments that you can really point to from his we talked about it on the last podcast. We can't I'm not giving him that no, no, but I'm saying that, like, most of the time when people, when people are asked, what good things did he do? That's what they point to. And to your point, it wasn't even his idea. That was something that was already in place, that with the new majority, they were able to then push it through. Andre: And it didn't help anybody in the middle class. No, Chris: no. It's, I mean, it was just, it was exacerbating the idea of, like, the trickle down Reaganomics, Andre: yeah, and, and I'm not late to the party, ladies and gentlemen. I'm just saying, like, for the love of God, at least be able to support your, like, your said opinion or facts, whatever it is. Because if you can, like, rip it apart and you just have a T shirt, it's really sad. It's just, I've gotten to a point where, when people wearing Chris: a t shirt, what's wrong? Andre: People really try to, like, I don't know even like, it's just really bad. I just can't, I don't get it. But I say that to say this. Say, dude, yo, the 2024, platform is garbage, and we're going to go through it one by one and then tell me not just the what if it makes sense, but how are they going to do it? And we're going to start with number one. And in true Republican fashion, it's in all caps. Chris: Just imagining Donald Trump, you know, like reviewing doesn't mean they put it in all caps. And when it caps, the list must be in our caps. It Andre: makes it very difficult to read. Chris: It doesn't have enough exclamation points and misspellings for it to actually be him, but it's like they're still trying to emulate for those people that do find you know, for the like the GOP supporters that find this online, they're like, well, obviously Donald Trump wrote this. It's in all caps, yeah, Andre: I doubt he sat in on any of the brainstorming sessions in this but number one, seal the border and stop the migrant invasion. Chris: Thank God, finally, somebody's gonna do something. Wait, didn't he say he was gonna do that the first time? Andre: I think he did. He Chris: built a wall. Why is he gotta build more or do anything? Didn't he fix it the first time Andre: he did? Because America make America great again. Chris: So he fixed it. But then the Biden administration, Andre: they destroyed the whole thing. Yeah, and Chris: they just let anybody in that wanted in when they haven't tried to do anything to fix it. Andre: What's amazing to me, the just the idea of seal the border doesn't make any sense. Chris: No, you can't do that. I mean, there, you know, you have the whole interstate and inter country commerce that needs to go on. Where are we going to get our fruits and vegetables? I'm just Andre: saying man, seal the border and stop the migrant invasion. I I can't imagine, like he must have done it half assed the first time. I Chris: will say that it, I think it is. And I'm curious, just real quick to get your take on this. Did the Biden administration and Democrats wait too long? Do you think to do any to try and do anything about the border? Mean they kind of waited until this year, right? Andre: I think that the border has been a problem since, like, Bush, yeah, and immigration has been a problem since bush, and nobody's done anything about it, Chris: yeah, I just, I guess I do. I Andre: don't even agree with, like the executive order, and here's my knock on the executive order. I think if you're leading by executive order, you're probably missing something. But, Chris: well, I agree, but don't you also think that there was a, at least a a serious attempt to to lead. Buy legislation, yes, okay, Andre: I'm glad you got there, because that's the thing that the Supreme Court always You're welcome. Well, that's the thing the Supreme Court always kicks back when they like, yeah, kill something, right? Congress should do this. Congress, that's what Chris: they're talking about with the student loan debt, right? Because it's like, this isn't within your purview. This is not something that you should be signing executive orders to implement if you want to do this. This needs to go through Congress. And I, I'm glad that there are, because that should be a thing, right? There should be checks and balances. Andre: Well, I don't really trust the Supreme Court Well, and Chris: that's where I was just gonna get it, yeah, so there's checks and balances in this scenario, but yeah. Andre: And I think that's the thing where it's like, I'm glad there's an effort. I don't like how the efforts being like this executive order is not being touched by the Supreme Court, because whatever. Well. Chris: So I guess in my mind, I'm just wondering, because to me, it seemed like they waited until election year to try and pass the legislation, right? Sure, and I just, I don't know, should they have started it earlier? Then again, if I'm being honest, I have no idea how long they were actually working on Andre: that bill, right? So for us not to, I mean, we don't know. We know it got killed because of whatever. But you know, Chris: he always commonly said that if elected, she would given the opportunity, she would sign that bill? Yep. So there's, hey, there's a policy issue, oh man, her stance on it. Look at that. So what would trump sign that same bill if it came to him? I don't think Andre: it would get to him. I think the Democrats would screw up on that. But there's a pop, there's an issue, there's a what, but we had to come up with a how for you. GOP, you're welcome. Number two, carry out the largest deportation operation in American history. Chris: That's right, all of you crazy right wing nut jobs, you were getting the f*ck out of here. We're sending you to Australia. That's what we used to do with all of our f*cking Andre: loonies. What does that even mean? So you're sorry, Australia, you deserve that door to door and do what? Yeah, stop Chris: and frisk and show me your papers. Andre: We already had internment camps, and Chris: those papers don't look legit. You're gonna have to come with me. What papers? We never saw any papers when we picked them up. You're too proud to have papers. Andre: I'm just saying, yeah. What are we doing? Is Chris: that? So the idea, right, that what they're claiming is that they know who all of these illegal immigrants are who have, like, overstayed their visas and things like that, and that they're just going to go round them up. What's funny is that the majority of the people who are those types of illegal immigrants are European. Yeah, are not the kinds of immigrants that people are thinking you know, I like, I look, there are legal ways to get into this country. And if you've, you're here on visa or something like that, or a green card. Like, yeah, you should do what you need to do in order to remain here legally. Like, you know, if you are seeking asylum into this country because you're fleeing a horrible which Can we pause for a moment? I've heard now multiple people finally recognize that Donald Trump thinks that countries are emptying their asylums because these people are seeking asylum. And that's just, I mean, that has to be it, right? Like, there's no way that he comes up with that on his own. He had to just, that's why are they seeking asylums here? If they have them there, just let him stay there in their asylums. Andre: When I first heard him say that. I was like, Yo, this guy's stupid. Chris: He's like, he's not very smart. He's an Andre: idiot. So I don't, I don't like, that's not a, I don't think that should be part of your that's not a policy well, Chris: and I mean, like, we're going for the Guinness Book of World Records, like we are gonna carry out the largest deportation operation in American history, if we can round up over 1 million illegal immigrants in the next 48 hours, ice is gonna send them over the border in catapult. What, what are we doing? Most of them aren't even going back to Mexico, but we assume that's where they're from, so that's where we're sending them. Andre: That's, that's, that's literally Chris: what these people envision, right? Like the people who support this stuff, I feel like they have it in their mind that we're gonna go find all of the the illegal Mexican immigrants, because they're all Mexicans there, then we're just gonna let and we're gonna push them across the border, and we're gonna lock the border up. Then we're gonna say, you can't come back. We know who you are. And then, like, what? What is this? What? Andre: We've only gotten the number two, Chris: and I'm already in and Andre: we haven't even gone to project 2025, that's 906. Pages of crazy number three, end inflation and make America affordable again. Chris: Nah, Andre: man. I don't even know what he's talking about. What he doesn't know Chris: inflation. No, he doesn't know how the economy works. Well, he does, right, because Tic Tacs come in this size package, in a smaller package. Donald Trump: But that's what happened. This is inflation. This is tic tac. This is this is inflation. This is what's happened. Andre: People show up and end inflation. So does that mean that he's going to take the federal he's going to take control the Federal Reserve, Chris: yep, and he's going to slash interest rates, and then he's going to borrow some from the Federal Reserve for his own for the new Trump casino he's going to build in Washington, DC, using federal I don't know. I don't know. I mean, like, first off, we've already seen now proof after proof after proof that the majority of inflation is caused by greed, right? Yeah, and that it's basically corporations saying, oh, people were willing to pay these prices during covid when the supply chain hit, and they really wanted this stuff. So let's see how long they're willing to continue paying these prices, right? And it turns out, it's about four years. Andre: I have mentioned multiple times how Canada brought their three largest grocers, yeah, Chris: hey, stop f*cking around. We're sorry. And Kamala Harris is like, I want to end price gouging. They're like, You call me b*tch. Like, well the, Andre: well there. There are 34 states North Carolina included that have anti gouging laws in the books during hurricanes in North Carolina. You'll always hear that Governor Cooper has put or whatever Governor happens to be in office? Yeah, say that those laws are enacted. So imagine paying $4 for a pack of batteries, and now they're $15 Chris: but why aren't those laws enacted all the time? Andre: That's a good question, right right now my argument would be, why don't states do this so the federal government doesn't have to get involved, right? If you already have it on the books in a state of emergency, why not in normal time? Yep, right. Chris: So there are ways that you can influence that at the federal level through but you shouldn't have to. Well, you shouldn't have to, but if you've got states that aren't willing to help out there, sure, but Andre: then you get, all right, the danger. Well, not the danger, the risk. There is the same risk that you have with a national or federal minimum wage, right, where you get into this tick for tack, and companies will, they'll say the floor is the federal minimum wage, right? That that's where I kind of think states should be more responding to their citizens, as opposed to letting the federal government get involved. Because sometimes the federal government can just it becomes an obstacle or a barrier to actual market needs and demand. Yeah? So, Chris: I mean, yeah, I understand, and I do generally agree that the, you know, ideally things should happen at the state level, right? But I think we also know that there are times where some pressure from the federal level helps to kind of bring everybody on board in the end, at least begrudgingly. I don't know. I think of it kind of like the like the highway funds, right? Federal Highway dollars, which basically says, like, you got. To make the legal drinking age 21 and that's how you basically get this funding and that through little kind of things like that. Maybe there are ways that we can kind of say, you know, well, I personally, I don't Idaho, I don't Andre: like drinking age being at 21 because if you can enlist into the military at 18, you should be able to drink Oh, Chris: I agree. I'm not saying that I like it at 21 I'm just using that as an example of where the federal government used federal funding to kind of get something states to do what they wanted them to do. Andre: But to be fair, I don't like that. I just want to go on the record saying that, because I know what, even if you're enlisted in your own base, you can drink it on post or base or wherever your station or your naval station. And I think that's shows the stupidity of that one law. But I understand what you're saying. That's just one of my least favorite regulations. Chris: You're welcome for bringing that up. Andre: Yeah, number four make America a dominant energy producer in the world by far. Chris: Yeah. Suck it. Biden, we're gonna drill, baby. Drill. Wait, what do you mean? We've produced more oil in the last four years than we did in the previous four years, right? Andre: What do you mean that we have a number of oil producers in this in this country that are sitting on leases they will not activate? Chris: Well, those leases are no good. That's why they don't activate them. If there was oil there, they'd activate them, for sure. It's not so that they can manipulate the price of oil and maximize the value. They wouldn't do that. No, just like the US wouldn't secretly, not even that secretly, openly stockpile reserves of crude oil that it plans to then leverage against every other country, when they all use up all of their oil, like, we're just gonna keep buying this sh*t from Saudi Arabia, and when they run out and be like, Oh, guess whose turn it is now, motherf*ckers. Do you want to drive your cars in the sand? Come f*cking buy some sh*t. So, yeah, I don't know. I mean, I guess he's gonna go, what like, how many windmills did he tear down while, you Andre: know, but he keeps talking about Chris: the poor whales, Andre: whales. What are we talking about? Chris: What I mean, I don't know how often you're out in windmill country. First off, I always thought when, like, as a kid growing up in Northern California, when we would make the trek down south to go to like, Disneyland and stuff like that, we'd always drive through windmill country. And I always thought it was really cool, like, it's a really cool thing. Second, how fast do those things spin? Fast enough. Like, he thinks they're like, a freaking plane propeller. I don't think he's ever seen one in motion. Andre: I don't think he and I think he's an idiot. Well, he is an idiot. I'm just gonna conclude that he's stupid. He's beyond stupid. Chris: But seriously, like, he's like, just, you want to, you want to go see a dead bird graveyard. I'll show you one. It's like, okay, first off, you are obsessed with dead bird get over this. I don't want to see a dead bird grave. He's like that weird kid in school. You want to see a dead bird graveyard? I know it is when it's under one of those windows. Andre: He's like a chunky kid from Goonies. Yes, Chris: he's just a Andre: dead body. I just think it's stupid. It's like, and how, like, how Chris: again, yeah, right. There's obviously a lot lacking in the how, the actual plan for how they're going Andre: to achieve these and what's not even clear, because what's already being achieved right now. So, Chris: all right, I Andre: mean, sure, okay. Number five, stop outsourcing and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower. We've done that, idiot. Chris: More manufacturing jobs created during Joe Biden's administration than during Donald Trump's In fact, my understanding is that Joe Biden's administration has helped to do significantly more for manufacturing jobs than the oh wait, the guy who showed up at the non union automotive plant. Talk about how much he supports you? Andre: It's amazing. I we're but we're only sticking to policies, ladies and gentlemen, their policies, yeah, and it's easy to like crap all over the GOP because they may. It easy, Chris: but we're it's in all caps every time I look back at them, just like it's shouting at me from the page. They screaming this in my face. I'm Andre: reading in Donald Trump's voices in my head, and I'm like, God, this is Chris: just the most disturbing thing to have to deal with. But and then on Andre: top of that, it's the what's not very clear, and it's already being done. It's another one. But are we gonna ever one of our problems as a country is we haven't pivoted to newer technologies the next thing, and we continue to live in the past, as everybody else seems to figure out, we have to move forward. We have to figure out a way to, like, build, bring Chris: back coal. Andre: What? What are we talking about? Don't Chris: you know, Andre coal powered. Vehicles are the future. You're not gonna have to stop at some dirty, smelly gas station. You're gonna be able to swing by the coal store on your way home grab a nice big chunk of black, solid coal. Unknown Speaker I don't want Andre: to live in that world now. Chris: I refuse gonna live in that world. So, you know, like, we're gonna, we're gonna bring coal back, we're gonna bring automotive manufacturing. It's still here. I mean, not as much as it was, right? But, like, yeah, what other manufacturing I Andre: mean, but here's, here's the pivot I would make. What if we made the components that are the what if we lose the manufacturing raised of vehicles to South Korea, right? But what if we make the components that they need for the vehicles? What if we, I mean, what if we lose to Toyota? Sure? What if we figure out ways to like pivot. I hope we don't, but we, we're conceding that that capacity every year, don't Chris: you think that to some degree, there will always be some amount of automotive manufacturing in the US just because of the volume that is, Andre: I don't, I don't know. I'm starting to become very skeptical of that interesting, okay, because we gave up on sedans and everything's got to be an SUV. And I don't think people really want and that's actually only driven up the cost of vehicles. I don't think people really want SUVs all the time. No. So the market is not asking for a $50,000 car. The average new car is around, right around $43,000 Chris: everybody wants a crossover. I don't think that's true. Yeah, everybody loves a station wagon. Looking, motherf*cker. Give me a hatchback. I Andre: wouldn't, wouldn't mind a car like I'm looking and considering a truck or a car. Well, there's no American cars like and salantis isn't even Americans. So there's, there's that Cadillac, actually, I saw CTS today. They look pretty nice. The ATS, Chris: that's all right, was the ATS or CTS is the four door, if I'm not mistaken, well, the Andre: CTS is the coop, right? Yeah, yeah, I saw one guys like as pretty nice, yeah. But you know, just saying that's we're just taking a policy. We're not making fun of any weird couch fetishes that people may have or Chris: No, we haven't even brought that up once, so nope, Andre: let's see what's the other one. But let's go ahead and stop outsourcing. Oh, okay, that's, that's, that's part of number five. It was talking about stop outsourcing. We're driving away. We're doing two things very wrong. We're driving away like producing. And it's not just about manufacturing producing stateside because of our tax structure. Our tax structure is sorely unfair to people that make less than, like, $300,000 a year, right? Chris: Like, which is going to be the majority of your manufacturing labor, right? Shockingly, I know so Andre: I don't know, stop out and stop outsourcing. What? What? There's some things we probably want outsource. We don't. We don't have lithium in the United States that I'm aware of, enough to, like, uh, enough to enough to fuel an industry, nor do we want the hit that it does the environment? Yeah, Chris: I think, like, that's the bigger question, because my understanding is that they believe they've discovered a pretty huge lithium deposit somewhere up in like the Portland or Oregon area. But yeah, the you. Mean, it's just like fracking, and, you know, strip my name of any correct, like you're destroying natural resources to get to natural resources. And what are you leaving behind when you're done with that? Right? Like, that's, Andre: you know, one industry we could probably kill and I think people would be okay. The oil industry, restaurant oil, I wanted to that was in the top two, I'm not gonna lie, but the oil industry, if there I, I know there's a guy or a company in California that's working on solar cells that are built into the frame of the vehicle. Oh, interesting, when we get to that point, that's going to be dope, right? Because electric, we don't have the infrastructure like we just, right? I Chris: mean, you know, I mean, and the the idea of, you know, I'm doing this long haul, I mean, I don't know, like, I think there's a couple of things that if, if we provided better, say, like train transportation between major cities in our country, right? You wouldn't need vehicles that have to go 1000s of miles in a single trip, right? Like, if you provided better ways for people to get around on mass transit, then you'd have less of a need for these long distance vehicles. So now you know a 300 mile, 400 mile charge, and then I can go home and plug it in for the night. Okay, great. But if I'm doing this long haul stuff, and I'm having to sit even at a supercharger for 3045, minutes waiting for my car to charge up, so I can drive off, and then you got the line of people, you know that I've I've never experienced myself because I've never had to drive one, because every time I get to a rental place, I'm like, you can have an EV and I'm like, That scares the f*ck out of me, because I don't know where are we gonna find a charging station, or if it's gonna work with my car, or how the hell that even works. So that just seems like way more trouble than it's worse to be in this specific moment where I'm on a business trip and try to make sure that I can get from point A to point Andre: B. But we could totally kill the fuel industry. It could die slow death. Chris: What would you do with all of those poor workers, though, Andre I would Andre: make sure that we pivot like that's the thing that we don't do. Well, we don't pivot. We watch the thing come and we let it hit us. But I think companies should be responsible enough to make sure that a work a well trained workforce in for the life of your company. It's a good investment. It's just me thinking out loud, uh, number six, large tax cuts for workers and no tax on tips. Chris: That's a weird way to spell wealthy. Andre: It is, you know, the good thing about about this being in all caps, I don't need my glasses, Chris: that is good. So, yeah, large tax cuts for workers, which, which, who's a worker, right? What's a black job, any job that a person can have. So as a worker, anybody that can do work. I as the former CEO of a company who now rests in his billion dollar mansion with my billions of dollars sitting in I used to work offshore accounts. I used to work, and technically I could still work. So I am a worker, and I will gladly enjoy this 20% tax cut you're gonna give me Donald Trump. I don't know. I mean, maybe he's gonna actually cut taxes for middle class, but I wouldn't know that because he's never talked about it. Andre: Well, I've never seen it really talking policy, right? Chris: I've never seen him talk about or share a plan in which he actually shows economically how he's going to Andre: Chris stop what we're we're talking policy right now. That's Chris: what I'm talking. Wait, am I not allowed to talk? No, Andre: we're talking policy right now and and you're right, it's the what's not clearly defined, and there's definitely no how. Yeah, I'm gonna watch drive through. I'm gonna focus on drive through. You're gonna watch it. You're gonna look at the drive through window. I need you to tell me what actions, how many people do you need to hire? What's your How much do we need to budget for training. These are, these are real questions. Chris: I do just want to point out, we are reading the top 20 list that's towards, I don't know, the top third of the page. You scroll down a little further below the case Table of Contents. It does get into, supposedly, the how I haven't actually read any of. This yet, but there are more words that might make some so like, okay, Andre: no, no, here we go. Yeah, unleash American energy under this is under, Chris: uh, defeat inflation and quickly bring down all prices. This is their their plan. They're going to unleash American energy, Andre: reign in wasteful federal spending, right? Uh huh, cut costly and burdensome regulations, right? And those are just three stop Chris: to be clue the rain and wasteful federal spending. They're going to do that Republicans will immediately stabilize, immediately the day that Donald Trump is is inaugurated, the economy will be stabilized well, because they will begin slashing wasteful government spending and promoting economic growth, unlike the Democrats who are promoting wasteful government spending and slashing economic so Andre: does that mean he's going to claw back that tax cut that costs us, I think, right around $3.2 trillion No, Chris: because if you want to make money, you got to spend money, and so we got to spend more money by giving another tax cut to that same group that got it last time, because obviously we didn't give them enough. That's why we went through that period in covid. If we had doubled that tax cut for the super wealthy. Who knows where this country would be, right? Oh, yeah. So Andre: cutting costly and burdensome regulations, Republicans will reinstate President Trump's deregulation policies, which saved Americans $11,000 per household. I didn't save $11,000 the don't remember that? No, and in Democrats regulatory onslaught that disproportionately harms low and middle income households. You know what harms low and middle income households, or f*cking tax code as like, until you talk to me about like redoing the tax code and cutting out the loopholes. We're not talking I had like, I didn't save 11 when Trump was in office. I I didn't save $11,000 I don't know what he's talking about. Chris: It also doesn't state over what period that was saved. Like was that $11,000 a year, four years, yeah, a cumulative amount that he saved, most likely, okay, here's, here's exactly what they did, right? What's a household? Ooh, billionaires have houses. We save them money. Divide the money we save them by all the houses boom, we saved, on average, $11,000 per American household. f*ck the people that didn't get any f*cking savings. I saved the billionaires a bunch, and I'm gonna distribute it evenly amongst everybody in my promotional material. You know, that's what they f*cking did here, right? Andre: The math, ain't math? What's Chris: a worker, what's a household? What are those f*cking words? They're just words. They don't mean anything. Andre: So let's go number seven, because that number six is just more like crap. Defend our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our fundamental freedoms, including freedoms of speech, freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms. What Chris: remember when Joe Biden came for our guns? Andre: No, did that happen? Chris: It did. Yep, Andre: I missed it. Chris: He personally came to my house and knocked on my door and he said, Sir, can I have your guns? And I said, President Biden, I don't have any guns. He said, Okay, next, no, actually, that never happened. I made that up. I know that seemed very this Andre: guy talks about our Constitution, and I think, yeah, Chris: which he would literally wipe his ass with given the opportunity. Yeah, Andre: you're kidding me, right? Like Mr. I want to overturn an election. It was Chris: probably in one of the boxes in the bathroom, and he almost wiped his ass with the Constitution at one point in Mar a Lago, Andre: hmm? Freedom of religion, unless you're Muslim, well, no Chris: freedom of religion, meaning freedom of the Christian evangelical religion to enforce its will upon all others. Oh, you just have to, sorry. They, they always, they cut that little part out. It's kind of Andre: like when they say Americans, they mean like, just the people that support their agenda, well, the people that look like them and patriots. Yes, okay, all right. Next, that's nothing big old nothing Burger number eight, prevent world war three, restore peace in Europe and in the Middle East. Chris: Remember when we had peace in the Middle East through Andre: this one man? Because it's so funny. This is so stupid, all right? Because. Trump Chris: secured peace in the Middle East when he recognized Andre: what was it that he gave all that money for Jared from Saudi Arabia? Okay, prevent world war three, restore peace in Europe and in the Middle East, and remember and build a great Iron Dome missile defense shield over our entire country, all made in America. Do Chris: we need that? Andre: He's looking at Israel going, Yeah, that's kind of cool, right? I Chris: mean, he's obviously, like, just sitting up late at night watching YouTube videos of like, Israel's iron no missile defense system. But seriously, like, when's the last time anybody fired a missile at the United States? It's not saying that, like, we should just never be prepared for it, but I think there's a good reason for that, right? Yeah, because Andre: it doesn't end well, Chris: yeah. It's like, Andre: who wants that smoke and Chris: like, I mean, again, like, Who do we have? Like, Canada, Mexico. Like, we're gonna go to war with Mexico. I mean, f*ck to be fair. If Trump gets elected, it won't be World War Three. It'll be the last World War, and it'll be everybody against the United States. And so we will have to build an Iron Dome defense system to protect ourselves from our former allies in Canada and Mexico. But we're bombarding us on a daily crisis. Andre: It'll be created like infrastructure week and the repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act. Yeah, let's not, uh, fool ourselves. Chris: Well, not only that, but it's all going to be, apparently, Made in America. Okay, Andre: number nine, because this one's not as funny as that one, but it's just as dumb in the weaponization of government against the American people. Chris: I disagree. This is just as fun as the last one. I mean, I just there's only two, two groups of people that I can really think of that you could say that the that, though, what? No, I take it back. You can't even say that. And that's what I was just gonna say. You can't even say that it's been weaponized, but that there are two groups of people who have been on the receiving end of the Justice Department's, I don't know justice, I guess, right, that's what they should be going out. And that's the January 6 writers and Donald Trump himself, I guess. Now that's not entirely true. They went after some of his co conspirators, yeah. Like, like, that's it. Like Donald Trump and the people who tried to help him overthrow the election, like, That's it, that those are the two groups that, Andre: What world are they living in? Dude, oh, no, Chris: wait, that's right, the right wing moms and sh*t at school board meetings who were threatening moms of liberty. It was not just moms of liberty, but, you know, this was this whole thing, like, two or three years ago, or they were all the school boards like other The FBI is investigating right wing extreme, you know, Mother colonists, domestic Andre: terrorists. Yeah, Chris: that's exactly what it was. Oh yeah, you guys are literally threatening f*cking people. Andre: Well, I don't, I don't what? When I see a Trump commercial, I'm like, Why? Why are you so weird? My Chris: dad was cracking up because when I was over at his house earlier, and they just had the news on, and one of the Trump commercials came on, but it was all Kamala Harris, and she was debating herself, where she was talking about, like, inflation, but then, you know, bidenomics is working, and everything it is, he's like, I really don't think putting her face all over the place is helping him at all. And I don't know I, I think I feel like he has shared this openly before, so I'm going to take a gamble that he won't mind me sharing this. My dad voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and he explained he was like, I hated Hillary, you know, and not hated but he was like, I just did not like Hillary. I didn't want the Clintons to be back in the White House. And, you know, I thought that Donald Trump was going to be this, like, outsider who was going to change things and make it, you know, like, do things differently, that might actually make a difference in Washington. And he's like, but, man, what a mistake that was. And I do think that there's a good number of people who. Were like that in 2016 like we talked about last week, that he got lucky in that election. It was because it was a combination of people like that, the 7% that he dragged out of, you know, nowhere, and the complete turnoff that was Hillary Clinton for I mean, you had all the Bernie sh*t that people didn't like with Hillary. You had all the Clinton baggage, all of that, and then, if you were, happened to be some sort of undecided voter going into the the emails, you know, stuff with Comey, like, which did you see that he apparently is endorsing Camilla, yeah. Andre: I mean, it's like, Yo, nobody wants to be like, too f*cking late. Chris: You had your chance. You f*cked us once. We're not gonna let you do it again. Andre: Get your no so that one, number nine, week two, number 10, stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence and lock up violent offenders. Chris: If it's happening in one state, it's happening in every state. Jesus Christ, Andre: can we stop pretending like the federal government is the Be? All that ends all Chris: this is no we well, yes, we can. I would like to, I'm on board with you that that is what we should be doing here, because we do. We put so much expectation on the federal government, not our governors, our state legislators, our local officials. We get mad at them when we read the sh*t in the newspaper that they do right and but we don't actually, like try to hold them accountable. We still turn around and vote for a lot of the same of them, a lot of them again, right? Andre: I didn't vote for Pat McCrory. I thought it's like, he's Yeah, Chris: so it's Andre: like, but I do talk to the mayor of my town, and it's like, how is our for this to be a thing? You're going to invade Colombia, Mexico, Peru? Chris: Well, let's start with those. Stop the migrant crime epidemic. I Andre: thought you did that at number one, closing the border. Well, that would right. So if you close the border, Bam, done, move on, homie. Oh, at Chris: number two, where they're carrying out the largest deportation he's gotten rid of the migrant crime. Maybe these are the legal migrants that come here just to commit crime. Oh, Andre: because he didn't call them immigrants, right? Okay, Chris: then demolish the foreign drug cartels. Okay, so you're sending the CIA back into South America. We've done the Central America that. No, look, that was the past we've done. This is going to be totally different. Andre, hey, not going to get high on their own supply, Andre: man, he's not going to tell El Salvador. They're going to crush gang violence. Chris: I don't know how, but they're going to and Andre: then, so we're going to federalize every crime in the United States, is what he said, Chris: Yes, it will be a felony if you commit any act of violence. Andre: Well, that's sounds like Handmaid's Tale type of sh*t. Chris: You overcook chicken jail. You should cook chicken jail. You Jim. Andre: There's a lot going on here, but we just got the number 10, and he half assed way there. He half assed one and two. He's gonna clean it up on number 10, yep. And that's everything's a felony, yeah, Chris: he's gonna but number 11 here, we're finally getting into some positive things. We've done all the negative, right? But Andre: we're not talking about policy. It's only policy bad Chris: things in number 10, one through 10, and now it's 11. We are turning things around. Hallelujah, where are we going? Andre: Oh, we're going to rebuild our cities, including Washington, DC, that f*cking safe, clean and beautiful. Again, he's got this these people have the vocabulary of, at best, a sixth grader. Chris: That's being very generous. I was going to say mean to sixth graders. Andre: We're going to rebuild our cities, including Washington. Like, why do you have to make that Chris: again, this is the federal government that's coming in to rebuild cities in states, not the states themselves rebuilding cities, but the federal government is going to come in and say, you know. California. We're rebuilding Los Angeles for you. Thanks, Andre: homie. Chris: How are they gonna do that? Andre: But didn't he say that, Chris: kick all the poor people out and well, they said Andre: in their like little fine points, they're going to stop needless government spending. So doesn't isn't this a contradiction? No, Chris: why not? Because they don't want it. Andre: I mean, if he stops GFL from getting all the the waste contracts, that'll be amazing, yeah, but again, that's we're only talking policies. We're not making any. We're trying not to, but it's hard to. But this is stupid. This is like dumb number 12, strengthen and modernize our military, making it without question, the strongest and most powerful military are powerful in the world. What's the question? Space Force? Chris: Like, legit? No. Space Force, we are defending space No, the first ones to defend, yeah, Andre: we were, and actually not a bad idea. But I'm being serious. Wait, Chris: what do you mean that it was already part of the Air Force though. No, no, no, Andre: the Space Force is not a bad idea. Then, actually, it's not a bad idea. $1,000 for Unknown Speaker a plastic button cover, that's insane. So you think we'll be ready by November. Andre: Sorry, sir, it's actually not so there's Chinese satellites that are like, yeah, no, Chris: I know, but my understanding was that all of that stuff was already happening under the purview of the Air Force, that Space Force was breaking separate. Andre: That's true, but I think to have the focus, because there's a massive shift to non terrestrial threats. I think that's actually a good idea, like, that's their only that's their only mission. And Chris: I think that's, do you think he came up with that on his own? Andre: I think he was doing some shrooms, and somebody brought Chris: that to him and said, Here's an easy one. You can make a new branch in the military. You're probably right. It's already we're just gonna take it away from the Air Force. So you're you can even just keep the funding the same, so you don't actually have to spend any more money. And he goes, No, I would have spent trillions, trillions and trillions to be sell it code Trump first. Andre: I think the capacity to look at different fronts for defense makes sense long term. That's gonna Yeah, Chris: that's why you don't have the Army, Navy and Air Force all in the military Andre: right right now, Trump not to be fair, you're, you're probably on to something. Somebody probably gave him the idea because he doesn't understand the idea of service suckers and losers. The Arlington debunkle. I mean, he's just a, he's a clown. This. This Chris: was a pre packaged thing that somebody absolutely brought to him. That makes me Andre: want to look into that more. But without question, we have the most powerful military on the planet. Yeah, we may not have the amount of nukes that would make somebody shiver, but I mean, that's just mutually like, what's the what's the word assured, assured destruction. I just forgot. Like, Well, Chris: what I mean, what good are Russia's nukes doing with Ukraine at this point? Right? Like they're not using Andre: they can't use them on Ukraine. They have to use them on somebody that's actually a threat to, like, a more aggressive threat to them. Chris: Yes, I mean Ukraine invaded them and then didn't fire. I just feel like, now, f*ck you to Ukraine, but a Andre: nuke is good to shoot at the states, or it's good to shoot at South America. It's not good to shoot at your back door, Chris: right? It's Andre: just like, that's not a good look, man. All right, so that's another just words number 13, keep the US dollars the world's reserve currency. Yeah, Chris: because f*cking we're not letting anybody else take no control of that. And what, what are the signs that that has shifted significantly the last four years? Andre: None, Chris: none. There's like, God, these people, yeah, Andre: only their policy. If their policies weren't so stupid, I wouldn't have mission, Chris: right? But, but it's, I mean, we're on number Andre: 13, and they're just getting and Chris: we're basically looking at 10 to 12. Boogeyman, Andre: right? Nothing. These Chris: don't really exist, things that don't really need to be changed or fixed or addressed, at least not in the way that they seem to think it does, or they want y'all to think that it does. Andre: Yeah, it's like, they're the stupid commercials they make. It's like, Who are you paying to make these commercials? They sound like, I Chris: wish they would pay me, because I would make those same crappy commercials for them for far less money. Andre: Yeah, somebody's getting paid number 14, fight for and protect Social Security Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age. Chris: Okay, so I will just say, f*ck this. This is bullsh*t again, because he's not actually committing to any of this. No, right? The GOP is not committing to any of that. They will say this now and then they'll get elected and say, well, we looked at the numbers, and it turns out that Joe Biden spent more money than we thought he did. And so now, even though, you know, the financial numbers are always f*cking transparent sh*t, and so now we have to cut Medicare and Medicaid. It's It's all gone well, Andre: yeah, that's a longer conversation, and I don't have the capacity to go into the the weirdo sh*t on that. Chris: Let's You're welcome. Andre: Number 15, cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costs, costly and burdensome regulations. What are we talking about? This is what I mean when I say we don't pivot like we got caught off guard with coal, like we watched an entire industry just get left behind in Appalachia and some southern states just Got railroaded with no economy. Pun intended literally. Yeah, that's it just Yes. So this is like it's going that way. It's, it's, it's no different than people getting a Stiffy about Bitcoin or or AI, Chris: look at software development, right? That's right. Oh, everybody's got to be go. If you get a job, if you get a degree in software development, in computer engineering, you are set for life. You're never going to run out. Oh, sh*t. You mean somebody will do that same job for a fraction of it in another country, and I don't have to pay them health care or any sort of benefits. Andre: Why would I pay you? Sign me up. That's that's yes. And we have to get in, get into a habit as a country, to pivot, like we see the writing on the wall. I mean, it's like, what are we doing? We're going electric, like, companies have already figured it out, even though Ford is like, we gotta pause, yeah, that's fine. Inevitably, that's where it's gonna be. Or some non like, combustible, combustible engine, Chris: the future cannot be combustion engine based, right? It ain't gonna happen unless just we find that, you know, there's an invisible star, you know, or an invisible asteroid that's been hovering around the planet that just has an endless supply of gas in it, like, you know, oil. It's just that's not, we know that this is a finite resource that took millions of years to create. It's not something that's going to come back overnight. We need to. I mean, this is where, like, I just whether it's electric or hydrogen or whatever sort of, you know, or solar or solar, yeah, like it, Andre: or mass transit. You can do mass transit rails, and you eliminate 80% of the traffic that we have. Yes, you can do there's a Yeah. Anyway, number 16 cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children. Chris: I would love to know how much money that would save. Tell me right now the number of schools that are doing that that you know for a fact that you that you could say they are guilty of this. This is following the state of North Carolina passing a law that teachers can't put pictures and stuff up in their rooms anymore, because they were worried about somebody putting up a Palestinian flag or an Israeli flag, or a picture of an Israeli or Palestinian flag causing some sort of kerfuffle. So they just said, not f*ck it. You can't put anything in your rooms anymore. I. I think, which makes perfect so Andre: unimportant. Chris: And it's just, it's funny, because to some degree, I feel like a lot, some of this kind of pearl clutching started on the left, and now the right is like, oh my gosh, we can clutch our pearls and be upset. Like, I don't know. I mean, I know that the evangelical it's not even a policy. It's not it's just focusing on policy. Yeah, Andre: we're focusing on policy, not the gibberish that comes out of these adults. Yep, number 17, keep men out of women's sports. This is a national problem. Chris: So are we just going to call it woe sports? Then that would be keeping the men out of women's sports, right? Andre: That was, I don't even know what to do with this. I don't give it Chris: again. I would love to understand the number of people that are being directly affected by this, because from what I've gleaned from my doing my own research, which I'm pretty sure is what I'm supposed to do, right? God, I do my own research, but from time I spend on the internet, this is like what there's less than 100 cases, I think, in the whole country right now where this is like an issue at best, yeah, of like transgender people trying, wanting to compete in a female sport at best. At best, 100 not even, I bet. But let's make it one of our top 20 goals for the GOP, for the 2044, so Andre: four years, this is what we're going to focus on. I would say slim it down to like three to five. But over the Chris: four years you focus on, you focus on five of these each year, and that'll get you all 20 by the time you're done. And if you don't do it, you just change the law so Trump can be president again. Let's Andre: go to number 18, because that's a scary thought. Deport pro Hamas radicals and makeup colleges campuses safe and patriotic again. Chris: Wait, wait, wait, was it? I feel like there was a conflicting uh, oh, wait, number seven, defend our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech. Wow, it's a class like that would literally be unconstitutional for you to do class Andre: if you're if you're following along, there's a lot of contradictions in what the GOP thinks they should focus on for the next four years. Chris: When do you think the last time is that college campuses were quote, unquote patriotic 50s? I mean, f*ck even then, like, Well, you Andre: gotta remember then, Chris: yeah, yeah, right. I mean, in the 60s, so yeah, like, I guess they would Yeah, which again, right, the 1950s is basically the, the sweet spot time period that they want to go back to, right, when everybody was going to the hop and we were driving our pink Chevy Cadillacs, and Andre: you married a college or high school sweetheart, you had two and a half kids a house at a white picket fence, and there was an apple pie on the windowsill, yep. Well, so much for Chris: that one homeless person in town would steal it every once in a while. But Andre: he was it wasn't homeless. He was a hobo, that's right, Chris: he was a bum. No, the hobo is a hobo, that's right. He was just passing through town, yeah, passing through town, pitching a ride on the rail every two days. So then he was back to town. All right, so we're getting rid of all of these radicals that want to protest sh*t. No, they Andre: want to think and have their own opinion. We don't know that here number 19, secure our elections. Chris: Just, just to be very clear on number 18, I want to go back and just Andre and I are not pro Hamas radicals. I don't think that anybody is really pro Hamas. I think there are people who are very concerned about what's happening to the Palestinian people who are not members of Hamas. Yeah, that's, Andre: that's, that's a good point to bring up, because, I mean, we don't love terrorists. I mean, we don't need terror. Don't Chris: think anybody really does, I mean, except for the terrorist. But even then, I wonder if sometimes, like, you know, the Taliban goes and does something, and ISIS is like, Ooh, I don't know that seems in poor taste. Hamas is sitting there like I wouldn't have done that. Andre: Sure. I mean, yeah, number 19, secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots and proof of citizenship. Chris: When they say, including same day voting, are that part of what they're securing, or is that what they're going to force everybody to do? Andre: I'm not really sure. Chris: Also, do they not think that paper ballots can be modified? Andre: I mean, people have erasers, Chris: like, you could print another one, right? Like, I could have copies of these that are sitting in a warehouse somewhere, and I can be like, Andre: Chris, this is, this is why I can't take them seriously, am I just like you. Chris: This is policies people. These are, these are the policies that they are running their entire 2024, GOP election campaign on, Andre: and we're not even playing clips of the dumb things they say on. Chris: Oh yes, well, okay, they'll be here. They'll be here. We're not playing them now, but they'll be here. Andre: Number 20, unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success. Chris: Just one second. I gotta go back to number 19, real quick, proof of citizenship. What would I need to show? The same thing, right? Like my birth certificate. I gotta carry that because I don't even know if I have one of those available right now. Like, is my driver's license? Is that proof of citizenship? No, probably not, because non citizens can get driver's licenses. Yep, right? I Andre: don't know, dude, I Chris: don't have my social security card. Andre: I'm just saying this is, this is their focus for four years. Yep, that's what they want. And number 20. So we made it to number 20. Unite our country by bringing to new and record levels of success. What does that mean? Chris: Well, we're going to be doing so good that even the people that don't like the policies are going to be like, at least I'm making them money. Yo. So dollar, bills. Y'all, dollar dollar bills. Y'all, Andre: it just sounds dumb. Chris: It's like, this is like a like an eighth grader was given a writing assignment where they had to come up with, give me 20 ideas that you would run your presidential campaign on if you were to run for president this year, Andre: and put it in all caps? Well, so I know you're serious. Chris: Yeah, I don't know why they put it in all caps. I still don't it's but, but what's great is that they did the same thing immediately below in the table of contents. You know is that, which also they talk about the 20 things that they want to focus on, but then the Table of Contents only have 10, so I guess 10 of those things either were repeats or really weren't that important. Andre: Well, I think, I think both. So let me just read through them real quick. Yeah, I don't want to stop on them, because I will just let you go through their asinine All right, let me stop you right there. Number one, defeat inflation and quickly bring down all prices. Number two, seal the border and stop the migrant invasion. Copy, Paste. Oh, but they use punctuation. Okay, so it must be important. Number three, build the greatest economy in history. Okay? Number four, bring back the American dream and make it affordable again for families, young people and everyone. Why not just put everyone? Number five, protect American workers and farmers from unfair trade, but you kind of made it worse the first time. Number six, Chris: to be clear, farmers don't work, so they're not American workers. Number Andre: six, protect seniors. That's just literally protect seniors. Chris: What the f*ck Andre: it's pretty ominous Unknown Speaker We're coming for you. Andre: Number seven, cultivate great case through 12 schools, leading to be great leading to great jobs and great lives for young people. Chris: He used great a lot three times in the same f*cking sentence. Again, these people don't own a thesaurus. They couldn't come up with a different term. But great cultivate great K through 12 schools. They do great jobs and great lies for great young, great people. Great period, great. Right? So easy. Number eight policies, Andre: I can't take it seriously. Number eight, bring common sense to our government and renew the pillars of American civilization. Number nine, government of by and for the people. Number 10, return peace through strength. So laughable, Chris: and again, right? Like your basic, like your high school English teacher would read this and go, you know, you use nine sentences that start with verbs, and then randomly, when you got to number nine, you just went government of by and for, not, not restore the government, not build a government. No f*cking verb, just government. Guys are f*cking idiots like I mean, Andre: this is, this is my this is what I say, bro. When people say, Well, you know, I like his policies, they've been saying that so much. I'm like, yeah, what? What are they talking what are their policies gonna read Chris: it by and for the people Andre: policy. And when I read through this sh*t, I'm like, the f*ck, are you talking about like? It's so nondescript You can't be serious like you. Nobody can. If somebody said hey Andre, you know, let's talk about policies, and I would be like, All right, cool. Let me read like what you're talking about, and it's not to disagree, but to support or to, you know, like, push back. I can't even get through this sh*t without going you're an idiot. Like, this is dumb. Chris: It doesn't seem to be the smartest. You Andre: can't convince me of anything other than this was somebody's like creative writing assignment which they failed. Chris: So there's two things that come to mind. First off, nobody ran this through like Grammarly, because I feel like Grammarly would have online, underline, all of the whole thing. Well, it was certainly would have gotten, like, the all casting and been like, Are you sure you want to scream this point and everybody. Secondly, I just can't. I keep getting this vision in my head of, like, Clippy popping up and being having a seizure. Yeah, it looks like you don't know what the f*ck you're doing. Would you like some help? You need me to call professional help for you. Andre: I can think of like, 30 or 40 people in a room whiteboarding this out, and somebody's saying, don't forget, the former president wants this in here, somebody had a list protect seniors. Yeah, somebody had a list of the things, because somebody had to ask him the extent. I don't want to say it, but they call him this. They call him Mr. President. He's He's a piece of sh*t. But somebody had to talk to his clown and ask him what he thought should be in this then you got Lara Trump, his daughter in law, who's probably got more notes from those psychosis meetings. And they all patted themselves in the back and leaned over to their colleague and said, This is stupid. I hope nobody ever reads this and said, Yeah, we got it, we nailed it, and they worked with this for at least 60 days. Chris: Sorry, I had to dig in just a little bit, because protect our seniors, right? Protects not our seniors, just protect seniors, and it's protect Social Security, strengthen Medicare, support active and healthy living, protect care at home for the elderly, but number five, protect economic foundations for supporting seniors. Republicans will tackle inflation, unleash American energy, restore economic growth, and secure our borders, to Preserve Social Security and Medicare funding for the Next Generation and beyond. How the f*ck do any of those things do say it's gonna do? I. Oh, and they'll ensure these programs remain solvent long into the future by reversing harmful Democrat policies and unleashing a new economic boom. I Andre: It's so easy. It's, it is so easy to be like, Chris: also, they talk about schools, right? Like, we're gonna make great schools through charters. Oh, is that how they're cultivating? What does it cultivate great K through 12 schools, leading to great jobs and great lives for great young, great people, Andre: great I couldn't even say that with a straight face if I, if I just, I tried to, I just look, man, it's I don't. I have had so many conversations where I get roadblock, because I, pardon me, who just wants to say, you're f*cking stupid, like, I get to a point in my brain where I'm like, I should say it, and then I shouldn't say it, but then I want to say it, but I don't say it. Chris: The problem is, you know, the moment you say it, that it's the end of the conversation, yeah, right, they in the end of any meaningful conversation, right? So I think, like, Oh, those of us out there who Yeah, like, maybe we've avoided these conversations in certain settings because it's just like, I don't want to hear you say these things so that I have to tell you how f*cking stupid you are Unknown Speaker an idiot sandwich. Chris: Just let me think that you might not be that dumb, right? What is it? You can keep your mouth closed and let everyone assume you're an idiot, or open it and remove all doubt, right? Andre: That's a I like that. And so I started reading this. I'm like, wow, this is hilarious. This is hilarious, and it's not okay. So if you remember, if you listen this far, you probably listen to the very beginning. I used to have to walk people. Chris: I'm gonna do this again. I did it with the last one, where I'm gonna cut right before you say, if you've listened this far, and that's going to be the beginning of the next segment. Andre: So I used to have to work with people to have meaningful goals to operate their restaurant, and I am patient with and I understand that some people don't you have to learn the skill of setting priorities. You have to learn the skill of setting goals. I understand that, but this is a professional organization, and the organization they're trying to run, hear me out, is the nation of the United States, and this is remedial at best. These are people that are more than likely making six figures. These are people that probably have lots of degrees, and this is the best they can come up with. Nothing there is really actionable, nothing. There is really plausible. And it's like the word salad doesn't make me believe if I was, if I was their supervisor, their boss, their manager, their consultant. Like, I don't know how you're going to going to accomplish any of this. Chris: I just, I don't know how you thought this would pass eighth grade English again, like I just Andre: think I said they say eighth or sixth grade. I Chris: don't know, whatever. You know, I'm just it. The point is, what person produces this, like you allowed this to be published somewhere. Andre: Their argument is that they are looking for low potency voters, Chris: right? And so by quote, unquote dumbing down their platform, they think that they are speaking to their voters, Andre: right? I think, I think it's even worse than that. They can say, we have our plan written down. You can read it. They do, oh, Chris: that's enough. That's enough, right? Because you're not actually going to read it right, or even bother to scroll down to the large all caps list of 20 things they want to do, followed by the all caps list of 10 things they are actually going to do. Andre: I mean, I'm just telling you from my professional experience, you know, for what it's worth, even my personal experience, even my, my even back to my, my own business, I only try to focus on three things. That's it. Because realistically, in 12 months with life happening, you're not going to get more than three to five things done any given calendar year. It's just not going to happen this year, especially, I spent the last quarter of 23 looking at my business and actually being very honest with myself, of like my success in 23 and saying, I need to refocus my business, and then I start 24 you know what happened? f*cking life happened? My dog died, some other personal stuff happened, and I had like, I've spent the last months. It's August. I spent August just re recalibrating. I lost half the year because life happened. So I'll probably get two of the three things done this year. No, actually, I'll get, I'll get three of them done, because one of the priorities was to, like to cut my expenses and get a narrow focus on my my future product line. And I took some losses. I cut one thing out. My wife's like, why don't you tell me about it? I was like, because I just had to make that decision, yeah. So I can start 25 out, better than 20 you know, 24 so if you were to give me this and say, Chris: This is my business plan. Andre: I'd say, Go f*ck yourself. You're going to fail. Yeah, you are going to fail. So I struggle with from and it's not even a partisan argument. It's just a a check on leadership. This is a failure of leadership. Chris: Go ahead and I was gonna Andre: say any organization that thinks this is a plan to success. God bless you. Chris: Yeah, I just it is. It is an abdication of leadership. There is, there is no leadership present in this document. There was no leadership in the creation of it. There was no leadership in the review or the publishing or or anything that had to go into it. I just, I'm still struggling, because it's my marketing brain that like, I'm reading this and I'm like, But who would read? Who do you think is reading this and going, yeah, yeah. And I guess you're right. Like, it is some of those, the low propensity voters that they're, you know, but, but again, I feel like what this is really trying to preach to is kind of that core Maga base right now running this right, and they're already voting for Trump, you don't have to. That's what I don't get. That's what I don't get with like the JD Vance pick, right? That feels like a a maga, yeah, we like JD Vance. He doesn't like women. We don't like women, you know. Or to some dude, I mean, the tech bros, right? In Silicon Valley, I think this is the first capitalist. And Andre: I this is the first time in my lifetime I can remember a vice president being so like important to an election. So Chris: I when, when all of this first started like that, first week after Vance got selected, I texted the group and I said worst vice presidential pick since Eagleton, and that's obviously well before my lifetime. But I know that story because I had read Hunter S Thompson's fear and loathing on the campaign trail 76 which is one of my favorite books, and it talked about that whole 1976 presidential campaign, and McGovern choosing Eagleton, and then all of the stuff about his depression and the shock therapy coming out, and him, like Eagleton, not wanting to drop out, and it was just this huge drag on the uplift that McGovern had. And then Nixon just totally wiped the floor with him when it came to and that's, I mean, seriously, when's the last time that you've seen a worse debut? Kind of this first, you know, month, basically since the RNC for JD Vance and the in the Trump campaign. I mean, it's been just downright awful. Andre: I think I'm gonna, I'm gonna hang my hat on the fact that he got lucky in 2016 and it's it's the writing on the wall like the I saw a clip that he put a bit a read truth of Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris and somebody put. And the caption, it's funny how a blow job can change your career, right? And I'm like, yo, this is what we're doing. Like, Chris: I mean, if it was a picture of Monica Lewinsky, I think you could, you know, like, that's kind of, Andre: I think that's right. I think it's, I don't think it's funny. I think that, like, if you want to be president and go, it goes back to character, like, I can disagree with you on policy, but if the the if what you're trying to institute for the next four years or any, let's take politics out of it, I have disagree with people that I've reported to and but I was, I have confidence, and I respect their decision to make, you know, to because they know things I don't know, and they have some some insight. And, you know, they haven't sh*t the bed up until that point. But I can still disagree about the direction or how we get there, but I can agree on the direction, and that's okay with that's just general leadership. That's just general like, reporting to supervisor, leader of the team, whatever that's that's normal. But to have just to be willy nilly and just like, haphazard about everything you do. I can't respect that. I'm in the wrong organization. It's like, yeah, I don't belong here. So and to make these type of and I say some pretty, you know, I say some pretty raw things to people, like, if somebody says something stupid in public, I'm like, Well, that's pretty stupid. Like, there's no but there's no way around that. Like, I that's why. Don't you agree with me? I think that's stupid. Here's why. Or I think that's not well thought out, here's why. The What do you I look at a president and it can the same light, f*ck his title or her title, but do your job, yeah, and don't I just the flailing and the desperation of trying to stay relevant is getting to Trump. Like you're gonna say, like, bro, you got like, two daughters. Like, that's what you think about your kids. Well, Chris: he's already said that he'd f*ck it. One of them said Unknown Speaker that If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. Speaker 1 By the way, your daughter. She's beautiful. Can I say this a piece of ass? She looks more voluptuous than ever. She's actually always been very voluptuous. She's almost six feet tall. What's the favorite thing you have in common with your father? Either real estate or golf? Donald with your daughter? Well, I was going to say sex, but I can't relate. Andre: Yeah, I'm good on all that. And if you vote for him, like, I question your like, I could I question you, just in general, like, this is like, like, I have no way. It's like, not personal, just saying a lot of questions. I mean, it's just like, Yo, that's weird. Yo, Chris: I agree. Like, it's, it's not personal. Is, but it's it is just like Andre: if it begs the question, Chris: right? Thanks for checking out the Chris and Andre show. Remember, unlike yourself in middle school, those like and subscribe buttons aren't going to hit themselves. And be sure to leave a comment with your favorite part of the show or a topic you'd like us to cover in the future. As always, Stay salty. You Transcribed by