Chris Oh, that's the whole thing, right? It doesn't have to be I'm voting Democrat for the rest of my life. No, you know, like people, it's okay to vote Democrat once. Nobody has to know. You can even tell people that you voted for Donald Trump. I really don't care. Won't snitch. We will not tell I promise. Andre So A lot's been going on, and we haven't had a chance to kind of like talk about it. So I'm gonna do something that I normally don't do, but I'm gonna call Kamala Harris winning, and I believe she's gonna flip North Carolina here. Here's why, here's my working theory. So for those people that don't know, I used to be a registered Republican, although I never voted a straight ticket, I'm a very, very open like, I like business, I like making money, but I've always been kind of observant of social issues in some shape, form or another. Well, right around Mitt Romney, I started to notice some of the ilk in what the GOP was doing. And that's just not, that's just a reference of time, but I was, I'm talking more about our state legislator here in North Carolina, and that's when they, for the most part, started doing, start trying to make it difficult for people to vote. And I've always been of the opinion of, if somebody wants to take something away from me, there must be a reason for it. And I started paying attention more and more. But I, you know, I did not vote for President Obama. Now that's public, and my reasoning being was that's been Chris public for a while. Andre Yeah, okay. Oh, good, because I almost feel guilty. But long story short, there's something that about politics that the Republican Party's missing, and what they're missing is they've spent the last 50 to 60 years trying to separate the country. And if you look throughout our recent history, segregation failed. The easier way to do it was through class warfare, and they've been pretty successful at that. One of the spearheading tactics has been the educational system. And I've always been a proponent of public schools, because we pay taxes. And why not make that, you know, I believe make that better, as opposed to making it worse. Or comp, you know, complicated splitting tax funds across here and there, and it goes against the idea of having an efficient government. And that's one thing I do believe. I believe the government should be more efficient. It's objective is to help the citizens, not for self serving. But I've seen the Republican Party in recent years get more bold. That's a little bit of the of the content, or the backstory, or just a framework Chris that's not even the rant. Ladies and gentlemen, Andre I know right, what happened when Trump got elected as a person that didn't vote for Trump or Hillary Clinton, she was the worst possible candidate in my eyes to run. I firmly believe that he got elected on a fluke, like it was, like a an oopsie moment now, now pinned that I'm gonna come back to it, the craziness of him being elected. It's it accelerated. A lot of the things about the GOP that are not good for society, just to be honest with you, and they always try to make the argument, well, let's talk about policy, and we'll win. And if you start to do the math, you realize that's not true. You went mute for a second. You're crunching your Yeah, Chris sorry. When was the last time you heard a Republican talk about policy? I would say, Andre before Trump, like it's no longer a thing, because now it's just culture war, it's all, it's all, but the culture war has been in. It's been embedded in their platform for since, for a Chris lot longer than that, but now it's literally the only thing that's left of their platform. That's all they have left. They've abandoned all other policy positions altogether because they realize they don't actually. Need it right? Policy positions can actually get you in trouble with the base that you're riling up here. If you take a stance on any of these things, they might not like it, but, but as long as Andre that's a new occurrence, right? It is. So my parents are the military. One of the reasons I leaned conservative in some things is because my parents are the military. And you know, when Republicans are in office, my dad got a raise, and obviously national defense, our global standing, our global standing on the world stage, those are important things that are in my DNA. I do believe that our corporate tax rate now this is where, like, I'm not going to get into the weeds here, but I started looking back on things I used to believe, and started to realize that they were there. They were upside down. They were lopsided. Their scales never balanced out. And the corporate tax rate is it'll be one thread I'll pull, and I'll pull it very quickly. We forced offshoring for a long time because of trickle down economics. There was a clawback during the 90s, but we exported a lot of jobs and we offshored them and boom. And then we pulled, you know, we just kept importing. So right around mid 90s, we've just been off kilter for a long time. And then you have, you know, 911 so when you talk, when you talk to Republicans about policies, they they're talking of a bygone era, and policy talk didn't really come about into the like the Reagan area era. You then, you the policies then, and just the global friction, whether it was Iran Contra, whether it was what the CIA was doing in Central and South America, what? So there's a lot of things where policy was a stronger argument because those things were happening. Yeah, and then it stopped. So Trump, he pulled out an electorate five to 7% I'm just going to say 7% of people that would vote for Republicans that had already, more for the most part, probably abandoned the party. I wish I had a chart of watching people becoming unaffiliated voters or independents over the last like two decades, and it's actually gone up. Yeah. And what I find interesting is that the Republicans are the people that claim that, as a their political party, they've switched to become an apologist for Trump. They're not really talking about they they make the the dual argument of, let's talk about policy. And you know, Trump did this. And it's like, wait a minute, if you understand anything about, like, how policies enacted, the reason why most presidents want to get two terms is because you never get stuff done in your first term, right? A lot of the things that he takes credit for are carryovers from Obama. President Obama. Chris I mean, what about all the promises he made that he Andre never killed, yeah, infrastructure replacing it, the ACA, right, Chris repeal and replace like, every two weeks, right? It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. Andre He even takes credit for the the Supreme Court picks and federal judge, Judge picks. That was the on him, that was the Heritage Foundation, yeah, Chris predominantly, those people were literally handed to him and he was told who to pick, right? And Mitch McConnell no idea who any of those people were. Andre I mean, he's not smart enough to know who those people were, so Chris and he's too narcissistic to care who those people are. Andre Well, I think for him so a lot of people say this is his third time running for office, and that's technically not true. He was he ran in 2000 and he lost in the primary. Yep, he he fiddled around and thought about running in 2004 and chickened out. So when you start looking at facts, the the the sad part is because he won in 2016 the current GOP party is thinking, that's how we win. We can only win with him. Yep, and they're sorely mistaken. It's it's actually really pathetic, to be honest with you, Chris yeah, I agree. And it's it's really amazing to watch the mental gymnastics that so many members of the GOP party. I guess it's just the GOP, because it's the grand old. Party, right? That members of the GOP do to like you said, to apologize for Trump. I mean, the Nikki Haley stuff, you know, where she's like, Nikki Haley want this campaign to win, but the campaign is not going to win. Talking about crowd sizes, it's not going to win, talking about what race Kamala Harris is. It's not going to win, talking about whether she's dumb, it's not. You can't win on those things. The American people are smart. Treat them like they're smart. Chris Are you f*cking stupid? Do you Do you remember what the last nine plus years have been like? I mean, this guy's entire life? This is what he does. He berates people. He's never going to get out there and talk about policy in any meaningful way, because if he did, his audience would fall asleep. Andre Let's, let's, let's pull the policy out of, out of the that's, that's three card monte, because I, I've watched several Republicans over the last few days try to bring it back to the it's about immigration, it's about the economy, it's about energy independence. But they're they are being intellectually dishonest because they don't mention the fact that immigration is a bipartisan problem. That's been a problem, and the Democrats have dropped the ball too when they control the House and the Senate didn't fix it. They didn't fix roe. I mean, these are things that they're, they're out there, yep. So it's, it's these stump issues are not really issues that are going to be affected by our current like people in position. I don't I don't want to say leadership, because it's not a sign of leadership. I had an interesting talk with somebody from Serbia, and we were just talking about immigration, ironically, and he echoed and was surprised that I knew about, like, the different makeup of immigrants in the Northeast. And I'm like, Yeah, dude, in New York, Chicago, it's not Hispanics that are coming. Like, there, it's like, Eastern Europeans. He's like, Yeah, Chicago's got the largest like amount of Serbian immigrants in the United States. So we look at these things, and I don't, I don't think it's polarized. I think we're just ignorant to the facts that we spouse as being like like facts. They're not even altogether true. I mean, they're, you're being honest about your facts, but they're not true, right? And we look at it things in pockets, and the Republicans just spend so much time trying to move the goal post, and they're not even honest enough to say, Yeah, we can't talk about the economy because Donald Trump introduced trillions of dollars of debt with tax cuts that Haven't really helped people. We can't talk about the border because he really, he literally Chris stood in the way of the most recent attempt to do anything about it's about in the four years that he was there, all he did was build a couple of miles of wall in mostly in areas where wall already existed. Andre Doesn't solve a problem, and and I want to say this publicly also, so Chris and I have talked about this a few times. My one criticism of Joe Biden was he said he was going to be a transitional president. And, like, I was just like, that's it. Like he should have. He had four years of plan, and this is where we are, but right now, I'm kind of like, maybe it's a good idea to give somebody 90 days. Chris I you know, it's funny because I've had that thought, and I know it's not the case, but it's like, what a brilliant strategy it would have been to have planned this all along and be like, we are gonna hit him with this, we're gonna go Southpaw out of nowhere. Okay, Hank Hill Now Luanne! Southpaw! Southpaw! Chris and he isn't gonna know how to react, and that's exactly he has no idea how to counter all of the momentum. The only thing he can do is throw a fit in hopes that it draws some attention back to him. When he's doing it, he's doing it in such a way that it's not actually winning him any additional support. It's just getting him attention. Imagine Andre a QB kneel at your own like goal line because you flubbed the fourth. Yeah. Just imagine having to go through that is exactly what is happening to the Republicans. And I think it's beautiful, like, it's just brilliant. It's like, wow, I don't like it. What went on before, but I kind of like it now. It's great. It's the equivalent of the QB kneel in your own end zone. You're like, man. If we just would have done this, anything Chris different. Andre The problem is, is, as I've said before, the the GOP, the Republicans, they have to implode that party. That party has been on the decline for well over 50, 60 years. That's Chris the thing that I think, just real quick, that really confuses me about people like Nikki Haley, you know, and some of these Lindsey Graham who know better when it comes to Trump, that they know exactly who he is and what they're going to get, that they don't see the writing on the wall that this is not but but, you know, like they're continuing to hitch their wagon to him and not think, like, maybe I could be part of the foundation of a new version of the Republican Party. You know, like, Why? Why attach yourself to that sinking ship instead of floating in your own life raft for a little while, maybe with a couple other people. I mean, I don't know, I guess. I guess, because they think that if they don't go along with him, then he's going to, you know, primary them, and then they won't be able to, because the Republican primary voters will pretty much do what Trump wants them to do. Well, but it's just that when it comes to the general election, he hasn't been able to sway enough people to actually get out and do anything, Andre so he's not just a I well to the point you're making, I think that it's their fear. Like Nikki Haley beat is the worst example, to be honest with you, and followed closely by Lindsey Graham, Mr. I think what he did was wrong, and I'm done. I've, I've had it up to here, whatever, like you're there, kissing the ring and, like, you know, stroking them out. Nikki Haley spent months battling against this, this framework of the current party, yeah, and then she succumbed to, well, I want to be here in four years. Yeah, that's like the weakest position ever. Exactly Adam Kissinger is kind of like, Nah, that's whack. You got the lieutenant governor from the former Lieutenant Governor from Georgia? No, this is, no, I'm voting for somebody to get him out of office. This will come back and like Republicans, 2.0 Chris right? The whole, that's the whole thing, right? It doesn't have to be, I'm voting Democrat for the rest of my life. No, you know, like people, it's okay to vote Democrat once. Nobody has to know. You can even tell people that you voted for Donald Trump. I really don't. We won't Andre snitch. We will not tell Chris I promise nobody's gonna know. Nobody's gonna know. They're gonna know. How would they know? Thanks for checking out the Chris and Andre show. Remember, unlike yourself in middle school, those like and subscribe buttons aren't going to hit themselves. And be sure to leave a comment with your favorite part of the show or a topic you'd like us to cover in the future, as always, stay salty you Transcribed by