Andre: If you can actually say you can vote for a rapist, a racist, misogynist, idiot, piece of sh*t with a straight face, I don't know if I can be your like, like, befriend you, like I Chris: and to be clear, those are just the things he's been convicted of in the court of law. Oh, that doesn't even count all of the charges that he hasn't faced yet. Andre: Why are people so quick to worship celebrity? Chris: Because they feel like it's an extension of them in that regard, that they can then enjoy and celebrate the highs of this person's career, because they adore them so much. That's my belief. Anyway. Andre: Hit us up if you listen this far, hit us up in the comments. Why do people worship celebrity? Like, I've Chris: never been in you say that, like, I'm not going to cut this episode into a bunch of little pieces. It'll be like, 30 seconds into this clip, and be like, if you listen this far, which would be fair, because not everybody makes it 30 seconds. But Andre: yeah, why? I'm curious. Why do people worship celebrities? I don't understand them. Okay, I don't get it. Like, Cody CO is having some hard times right now, sex. Chris: I don't know who that is. Some Andre: guy, like, he just ended up in my YouTube feed. He's got funny videos. He's Canadian, and apparently, when he was 25 he slept with a 17 year old, or 17 or 18, we don't know. Like, that's not the date. The age has not been confirmed, and apparently he's brought the wrath of some people on the internet, and my daughter's included, because I can't believe you watch Cody co I'm like, I don't know the thing about the celebrity. I don't know, and I don't care. Like, I'm watching the video because it's funny and, no, you know, sexual assaults, not cool, but, or but it's like, I don't care about celebrities lives. I really don't right. I don't want to know. I want you to do your job. Chris: Well, this is the whole thing. Is like, if you're not the you know, invested in them emotionally and personally, which you shouldn't because that's weird. These are complete strangers that you know nothing about other than what's published about stop. Andre: I need Taylor I need Taylor Swift to endorse Kamala Harris, Chris: whatever. But even then, like, you know that's fine. You want to make your political endorsements. I'm just saying that like the the obsession that some people have with celebrity, because it's not everybody. Like, I like John Cena, but I'm not like devoting my entire life to, you know, everything, to watching every John Cena thing, and like consuming every piece of John Cena material. And like, obsessing about where is he right now? Like, I don't f*ck with John. I can't even see but like, yeah, I just I don't understand people who I mean, I assume it's often people who want to live vicariously through this celebrity for what, because they find their own lives to be incredibly unsatisfying and or boring. Okay? And instead of investing in making that better, they decide that it's more worth it to just kind of ride the coattails of somebody else and feel like you're part of that, but yeah, like I'm with you. I don't get it. Yeah, Andre: I can't. I can't subscribe to that. It's like the rock, like, I like the rock. I well, I like the rock, yeah, I Chris: liked now, Andre: he just annoys me. Just like, Chris: he's very f*cking annoying. I'm with you, like I was a big if you put the rock in a movie, I was gonna f*cking, didn't matter what it was. And then he did Black Adam, just like, you know, yeah, it Andre: was his promoter for black Adam that did it for me. I Dwayne Johnson: love Superman, but I really didn't know how I could relate to Superman when I first saw black Adam comic book, and I saw the cover, he looked intense. He had brown skin, and he was a superhero. I said, That's my guy. I want to be him. That was Chris: the beginning of the Kevin Hart. Andre: I've never really liked him. He's had a couple good specials. He's not really that funny. You Chris: know? What was really unfunny was him hosting a couple of the Comedy Central roasts, some of the worst. He's not that jokes. He's really not and he he has over exaggerated laugh whenever everybody would make fun of him. Andre: He's rich, but Chris: very rich. Yeah, all them the Draft Kings commercial. Nails, or whatever. Andre: All that does is, like, drive more nails into the coffin. It's like, I don't need, I don't need any more of him. He doesn't inspire. Like, I'm so proud of my daughter. She got rid of all of her social media accounts, and she says to me, why do influencers like why are influencers a thing, and why do they make money? I'm like, I don't know. Like, I was hoping you could tell me, because I don't get it. Chris: Well, I mean, they are glorified. Well, they're not even they are like, Please Andre: stumble. Stumble, stumble, stumble? No, Chris: they are bottom of the barrel celebrities. Andre: How are these celebrities? What Chris: do they do? Because they're on a social media platform, that's what makes them celebrities. I don't and I'm not saying that it's work, that it's justified, but I'm just saying that, like, that's the role that influencers play. They're like, this low levels. Why are they famous? Nobody knows, right? Because they started getting followers because they I don't know. I don't know. There's lots of reasons that people got followers right, but like, yeah, the the actual, the when influencer became like a job and like something that people couldn't aspire to, I f*ck that. That's Andre: That brings me to the woman like I'm going to circle back to education and how I believe the GOP is playing a mind screw game on society. I think it's very telling that they want to change curriculums across different parts of society, and what we know, what we don't know, Chris: Donald Trump wants to ban the Department of Ed or eliminate the Department of Education altogether. He thought that was going to be really popular. It's like they liked they liked abortion going back to the States. Wait till I give them education and then we'll ban that too. I am, like, the worst co host. Andre: I'm just like, I don't, I don't, I don't know how people can listen to that and think that's a good idea. Donald Trump: And not everybody's going to do great. I want to close up Department of Education, move education back to the states where, Where? Where? States like Iowa, where, states like Idaho. You know, not every state will do great. States like Chris: Idaho, Iowa, Indiana. Do we have any other ice? Illinois, North Carolina? Andre: We're like Number No. No. He Chris: will. He only named I. States. I poor Iowa and Idaho. He's just like Idaho, Iowa. Not everybody's gonna do great. Some of them are gonna do really poor, like those two states I just picked you. He's a Andre: he's just the worst. I don't have a list of people I hate that it's very long. Most of them are dead, but he's on that list. Chris: Yeah, I'll be honest. I hated him for a long time. I don't hate him anymore, because I don't. Andre: It's okay. That's fine. Chris: I do care. Yeah, no, I know, and that's I'm not. I'm not criticizing you for it. I'm just, I had to move past that Andre: make me not lose sleep or anything like I got that was Chris: I was allowing the hate to consume. I just, I was like a young padawan who had not been granted like even though I was a member of the Jedi Council, which is just like, what? Anakin Skywalker: How can you do this? This is outrageous. It's unfair, Chris: ...f*cking ridiculous. Andre: I mean, I'm going to sleep like Trump will not keep me from going to sleep, but I just think he's an evil person. And I, I really have concluded that there's two things I've learned over the last few months. One, I won't talk about politics with people that aren't smart enough or honest enough to have a real conversation, Chris: and yet, you host a podcast with no you're, Andre: you're smart enough, and two, if you're if you can actually say you can vote for a rapist, a racist, misogynist, idiot, piece of sh*t with a straight face, I don't know if I can be your like, like, befriend you like I and Chris: to be clear. Those are just the things. He's been convicted in the court of law. Oh, that doesn't even count all of the charges that he hasn't faced. Andre: Moise, a thief, he's been convicted. So it's just like, and a liar. It's like, I, I don't know if like, we should if we have a conversation, I can't be your friend like you can't rationalize any of those things, Chris: and when you can't point to any policy to ver to justify that, his behavior in those regards, right? It would be one thing if you're like, yeah, he's the worst person in the world, but from an economic standpoint, he has this amazing policy that we saw tremendous growth over the four years that he was president, and you can tie it directly to this, because we can see this. Okay, you know what? I I'll kind of give you that one, right? But you can't. You got nothing. There's zero nothing. He gave a f*cking tax credit to billionaires. Paul Ryan. That was Paul Ryan, and that was Paul Ryan's f*cking plan. It wasn't even him. Let's Andre: just start with that. Well, I Chris: gave literally, the only thing he's done is help to repeal Roe Andre: V No, that wasn't even his plan. That was the Heritage Foundation. Well, right, Chris: that's right. Wait, what did Donald Trump do while he was wait? He did lead an insurrection to try and overthrow the government. Andre: He's like, Well, I gave money. I gave the most money to HBC. Is actually that was Obama and the Republicans saw that bill from being signed. You just did you hear JD Chris: Vance saying that he didn't really think that Mike Pence, his life was in danger on January 6. He needs to get something out of his mouth, because he was asked whether or not he was concerned about being Donald Trump's vice president after he treated his last I Andre: mean the guy, the guy where his guy liner, he lets people in Chris: which, stop, stop, stop, stop, Andre: here's here's the thing that I can't get beyond like one of the things, this guy, this group, insults your wife and you're you rock with that, yep, Chris: every one of them. Andre: Are you kidding me? If I was Mitch McConnell, if I was Ted Cruz, if I was JD Vance, if I was well, Lindsey Graham is dating Tim Scott, but Tim Scott's getting married, so they broke up. Chris: If you said, If Donald Trump, they broke up on paper, if Andre: Donald Trump says something breezy, off about my wife, I don't need a press conference. I'm getting that, homie. Yeah, it's like, Yo, my man, what are we doing? Like, this is what you want to do. Like, what are you doing? Yeah, there's no way I'm getting on my knees and like, like, you know, rubbing his thighs. These guys are pathetic with that. It's really sad. It's like, the family values for like both sides, he talks crap about your family, and you don't defend your family, Chris: no, but that's that party's view of family values, right? Is that you stand up for your family unless somebody richer and more powerful than you says something mean about them, and then you kiss their ass in the hopes that they'll let you, you know, like eat the table scraps. I'm good from what's left, I'm good. Yeah, exactly. It's a f*cking joke. And the like, hellish nightmare that these people paint for themselves in the future, I don't get it. Why would you want to live. Andre: How do they sleep at night? Like I could not sleep with a clear conscience, knowing that this guy just insulted my wife, Chris: people that are as well, Nikki Haley or Nikki Haley, Andre: she dude talked about her husband, yep, and she's like, I'm gonna vote for him. Dude Chris: talked about her race and he won the primary against her, but she wants to come out here and act like we can't talk about race and win a win an election, b*tch. What? How the f*ck did he beat you? Because it sure as f*ck wasn't policy. Andre: It's sad. It's really sad, I think. And Chris: I'm not saying that that's gonna win you but, but the issue that I have with all of that, with Nikki Haley is that she's not saying it's wrong, that there aren't enough people that agree with it out there for us to win an election like that. Yeah, Kamala Harris is stupid, yeah, she's ugly, yeah, she's f*cking whatever it is that he says. But you can't win like that. Donald, you can't tell people. The American public is smart, aka they're f*cking stupid, and if you just lie to them now they might believe you, because they're f*cking stupid. Like f*ck you. Nikki Haley, go f*ck yourself. Andre: Well, she's not passing. All enough for them. Me. Vivek Ramaswamy, same thing like, what, how? How does it happen that you take your own personal values and interests and put them in your back pocket for like, one person? Like, no job is that important to me? Chris: How hilarious is it? The three elections in a row now they keep hoping that he's going to turn into a completely different person for the last 70 plus. Andre: That's phenomenal. He's always been a racist like, yeah, he's Chris: always been this f*cking bombastic piece of sh*t who cannot actually win any solid argument without just berating somebody which isn't actually winning. Andre: I know it's what's funny is that they call him a billionaire. He's a billionaire. I'm a yo. Homie's not. I mean, on paper, like, yeah, sure, right. It all depends on where the stock closes right now, but Chris: and how f*cking grossly overvalued that stock is. I Andre: mean, he does live in a two point billion dollar apartment in Manhattan, but, no, Chris: but isn't it, like, 50 million square feet or something like, I Andre: mean, yo, he runs. He can't fix his tie, though. Like, homie, you know your tie shouldn't go that low, right? Like, no, Chris: actually, he has to pay extra for all that fabric I saw. Andre: I saw Scaramucci last night. Say, if you call him fat or old, he loses his mind. Chris: I hope that fat, old piece of sh*t hears this. Andre: You know, I don't like talking about him, because I don't have the patience for the people that like lose their crown, the Chris: comments that we're gonna get, oh, it's, it's, it's on. It's like, yeah, Andre: I don't look if you like that guy. That's great. I don't care. I don't know you. I don't need to know you. But he's a clown. Chris: Also, your comments and your opinions will not affect me in any way, shape or form, in terms of who I'm going to vote for in the upcoming election. Andre: Yeah. And you can do all the copium. You like, just like, do two lines, just like, uh, Don Jr. Like, who's always, yo, always been wired for a minute. He's just like, Chris: Isn't he the one he so supposedly him and Tucker Carlson were the two guys that were really pushing for JD van hilarious. What is so is Tucker Carlson? What is What do you think that's all about? Because we know he hates Trump, because we've seen the text messages. So why on earth would he recommend JD Vance, who honestly it's probably one of the worst choices available to Trump as a vice president. Andre: It's all about, Chris: is it a sabotage, Andre: the grift? Chris: Okay? Like, I really believe it just gives it more to talk about. It's Andre: all about the graft. It has nothing to do with nothing. It's a it's a group of people on like, life support, like the GOP has been like, flatlined since, I would say Romney, because, yeah, I mean, I think even during Romney, that was the Tea Party, the the insurgents of the Tea Party, because that's when, what's his name, Paul Rand, showed up, and he was all about nothing, Chris: and he was a libertarian in Republicans closing Andre: in libertarians, like, Oh, let me libertarians and Jill Stein's, what is it? The Green Party? Green Party? Yeah, please just go somewhere and just shut up. Chris: Did you hear the story about RFK, Jr, uh, finding the bear? Yeah, I am hiding it in Central Park. Gosh, he's a because he didn't, he didn't have time to. He's Andre: a clown too. Man, Chris: like, why wouldn't you just leave it in the back of your truck when you go to the air? Why Andre: would you pick it up? Let's just like, start with that. He's a clown. He's a he's just another grifter. And I don't like, I just don't. I think we need another party, true, but it can't be the clown brigade. Chris: Do you think that moving beyond the two parties runs the I mean, I guess not really, because you think about it, how few of the population participates in Andre: actual less than 40% of our population votes. But I'm just saying, Chris: like, Do you Do you worry about not having a majority selection, like if it was, you know, 4020 20 and we're only 40% Andre: no, that doesn't it doesn't matter to me, because, I Chris: mean, we're at a point now where we've got more independents than we have Republicans or Democrats. So it actually kind of makes sense that you would just have a not have to worry about whether. Not, it's a majority, yeah, Andre: their flight, their fight, all right, here's the here's the math. There's a nine to 10% sliver of independence that flip an election, and there's 7% Maga voters, like true Maga voters, Chris: who only vote because it's back. Yeah? So that Andre: those two like contingencies of or like, Is that the right road? I just yeah, okay, Chris: no, it was excellent. Excellent. Andre: They're they're swaying elections, and the 7% is new. Chris: Yeah, they won't, which is why Republicans have latched on to because they recognize that they cannot activate that 7% anywhere else, and without that 7% they can't even get close to winning anything at the national level. That's another reason why they don't want to abolish the Electoral College, because of math. That would literally be the end. Yeah, it's math. It has nothing to do with like again, two of the last three, the last two elections where they did not have an incumbent running, no, the last three elections where they did not have an incumbent running right for reelection, they have lost the popular vote. And Andre: the the problem for them is that Trump won in 2016 and they that is their meal ticket, and it's not the third time, ladies and gentlemen, it's the fourth time. Chris: But you're so right that it's like it's such a stupid thing to look at that and think that's our meal ticket, right? That that this bombastic, crazy piece of authoritarian sh*t is our best option to remain relevant, as opposed to evaluating any of our positions on a number of topics and saying maybe we've chased off too many people, maybe campaigning for the hard right evangelicals is not the Andre: way to win. They're barely 6% right? They're barely 6% and that number of like evangelicals, and even like Christianity as a whole in this country is like dropping so it's like, it's math. Chris: Thanks for checking out the Chris and Andre show. Remember, unlike yourself in middle school, those like and subscribe buttons aren't gonna hit themselves. And be sure to leave a comment with your favorite with your favorite part of the show or a topic you'd like us to cover in the future. As always, stay salty.