Chris 0:00 I would imagine, if there were to ever be a revolution, that it would come well after things got really, you know, and so then it's like that group that is kind of left, that is somewhat, you know, like paramilitary train, and they start building out that would be... now I'm writing a whole movie... Andre 0:17 yeah, okay, so... Chris 0:22 We're so F*CKED! G*d d*mmit! I just keep coming back to I'm like, oh, it's all bad! We were talking about unrealized gains, right? Because I know that that's something that's come up a lot on the progressive side, is wanting to tax these unrealized gains. Andre 0:46 Think that's stupid. Chris 0:47 Yeah, I don't, I don't agree with that, but I think there's something to there's something right? And I think it's, it's more to your point, like tax loopholes and that sort of thing. But the idea that these guys, they have so much equity in their stock options or their stock that they, you know, or assets in general, that then they basically don't take income. They just live off of loans that they borrow from the bank at low interest rates, and then they're also writing off the interest that they pay at the end of the year off of their taxes. And so in a lot of ways, they're avoiding, you know, this taxable income. But I don't know how you solve that, right? Like, do you solve... Andre 1:34 I'll tell you very quickly, yeah, rewrite the f*cking tax code. Our tax code is so unfair. Yeah, it's so unfair to 94% of Americans. End of story. Chris 1:48 But again, how do we get there? Right? Because that's the other thing is, where we are right now we got we got here real easily. No, no, not. How did we get here? How do we get there? I know how we got here. I'm worried that that what we did was we drove ourselves down into a ditch, and it rained, and now we have two wheel drive, and we're just spinning our tires in this ditch, thinking that works, magically going to catch something and get out, but really we're just sinking farther and farther. And so is there a way out? Like is? Yeah, there Andre 2:20 is the The way out is, people have got to stop getting distracted by all the shiny new things, Chris 2:25 revolution. Andre 2:29 First of all, I don't think a lot of people are built for revolution. Chris 2:32 No, they're not, but I think that's part of the problem. So here, here's my, everybody start doing CrossFit. Andre 2:39 Here's my 40-second ...Yeah, here's, here's my 40-second working theory on that, yeah, most, most developed countries have a mandatory service in the military for their citizens, right? If they those countries want to have a revolution, they will be more successful than the United States. Chris 3:03 That makes sense. I would imagine, if there were to ever be a revolution, that it would come well after things got really sh*tty, you know, and so then it's like that group that is kind of left, that is somewhat, you know, like paramilitary train, and they start building out. That would be, I know I'm writing a whole movie now. Andre 3:24 Yeah, okay, so... Chris 3:31 I just keep coming back to, I'm like, oh, it's all bad. And I just, I'm.... Andre 3:37 It's not all bad. It's just, it's just that more people like you're doing it like, just by reflex, you're going to the softest, hard response you can go to, and I'm just saying no, call them a piece of shit, like, I'm not trying it that doesn't mean... Chris 3:55 What do you mean, "the softest hard response?" Andre 3:59 You have a tendency to want to intellectualize the problem. Chris 4:03 Well, yeah. Because I'm a smart guy. Andre 4:05 But I'm a smart guy too, but it's like you are. Chris 4:08 It was a joke, Andre 4:09 no, but, but the My, my, my argument is Chris 4:13 You know, for a smart guy, you're not very smart... Andre 4:14 if, if the person is, if the person is saying you're, you know, you're full of whatever. Yeah, respond, like, with anything, but in kind Chris 4:26 Sure, yeah. I mean, you don't go like, well, you're certainly inclined to that opinion, right? Andre 4:31 That's, that's what the current opposition does. Peter Griffin 4:34 Well, I may not agree with what you say. I'll defend to the death you're right to say it. Andre 4:38 Yeah, they want to talk about decorum and rules and norms and this motherf*cker isn't like these. Your opponent doesn't care about that, right? So you don't have to be as dirty as they are, but you do have to hit just as hard, yes, if not harder. Chris 4:55 Thanks for checking out the Chris and Andre show. Remember, unlike yourself in middle school, those like in some. Subscribe buttons aren't going to hit themselves, and be sure to leave a comment with your favorite part of the show or a topic you'd like us to cover in the future. As always, stay salty you Transcribed by