Chris 0:00 But why are you influencing your opinion of the movie before you even go see it? Andre 0:06 Like, why? Why are you talking about? No, Chris 0:08 well, I'm talking about, I'm trying to understand, because I, I used to do the same thing, right, where it's like, I hunt down all the trailers and the teasers and try to figure out, like, Oh, what are they going to do in here? And I stop, Andre 0:18 I want to, here's, what I do, right? Chris 0:20 You're gonna go see it either way, right? Andre 0:23 Yeah, I kind of want to have that like little kid feeling right. For me, it's a little kid feeling of you want to get excited about it, right? Okay, and I'm but you know that this Chris 0:35 is not a movie that you were ultimately likely to get excited about, right? Well, Andre 0:41 aside from James Gunn, I'm not really a big Superman fan, Chris 0:45 so double down on that. Andre 0:49 I enjoy the job. I know that's that's it. Chris 0:52 I love you, bro. Andre 0:53 You know that, but I just you can't take that away from me. Chris 0:57 I'm not trying to take it away from you. Andre 1:02 I watch creature commandos with an open mind, Unknown Speaker 1:06 and Andre 1:09 I was not impressed. All right, Chris 1:18 tell me more. Well, the more is he. Andre 1:23 He does have this, this whole dad thing that always becomes a theme, okay, I haven't just seen my movies. I'm like, bro, you're like, a broken ass kid, yo. Like, I get that. And, you know, and so I get that. But it just wasn't a good story. It was just kind of like, Is my screen moving around Chris 1:52 anyway? It was, I don't know if that was my fault or, okay, Andre 1:59 yeah, I just did enjoy it at all. I know what. Let me take that back. It was watchable. I just don't think it. It doesn't dispel the myth that he's a great director and creator. You're Chris 2:17 right. It does not dispel I'm sorry. It's God Speaker 1 2:20 damn it. Andre 2:24 My brain stopped. I glitched. I've been glitching lately like I've been legit glitching it. But, uh, no, I just didn't really, I wasn't like, Yo, I would watch that again. I'll wait. I'll watch season two. But it wasn't something that would ever sit down and watching it. Where would Chris 2:41 you? How would you compare it to the Doom Patrol? Me too. Yeah. Is Unknown Speaker 2:51 there something that I should be feeling right now? It's like, Oh, Andre 3:01 my. You. It's better than Doom Patrol, okay, it's worse than invent, than invincible. Speaker 2 3:10 Oh, look at her. She's adorable. But isn't there, like, an age requirement for this ride? Am I wrong? It seems weird, right? Speaker 3 3:18 I don't know you're here. Isn't there a size requirement? I'm sorry for what your tiny. I mean, the way you've been strutting around here, you must be compensating for something, Andre 3:33 Doom Patrol, live action, kind of not a good comparison. Chris 3:39 The reason I brought it up was so just for transparency sake, I have yet to watch creature commandos because I do not have a Mac subscription. And yeah, that's pretty much it. But I was like, what else am I going to do? So I just YouTubed a bunch of clips and compilations and stuff like that. So I have absolutely no real sense on story, because it's really hard to get you know, like, I think I kind of understand a general sense of the overall story. I think as James Gunn is want to do, he loves to tell an ensemble story, right? Each member Speaker 4 4:20 of the team is chosen for his or her own completely unique set of abilities. This is Christopher Smith, known as Peacemaker. Next up is King Shark, bullshit. What the fuck next we have Speaker 5 4:36 Cleo caso, Rat Catcher two. Castle. Will you be joining us? Chris 4:41 I just woke up. I don't function well, early no more. Speaker 4 4:45 And finally, we have Abner krill. Unknown Speaker 4:49 What's that around his neck? A power Speaker 6 4:50 damp man. They call him the polka dot man. Polka Dot man. What does he do? Throw polka dots of people. He's Chris 4:58 not very. You often someone who's just like, I have one main character, and we're just going to focus on that person and their stuff. And this seems very much in line with that. I mean, it's kind of Suicide Squad, right? I didn't like that either. Well, you didn't and you didn't like the Suicide Squad, which I understand, but I did. I loved the Suicide Squad, and I guess just from the clips and stuff that I saw, I am more intrigued now than I was before. Like, I actually am more interested to sit down and watch it because Andre 5:34 you're a fan. Chris 5:36 Uh, I mean, yes, I do like James Gunn's stuff in general, right? I do not subscribe to the theory that just because you made a second movie, it somehow tarnishes the first movie and how much I enjoyed that the first time I watched it. Unlike some people, Andre 5:55 well, those some people are smart. Chris 5:58 There's something I Andre 6:00 just, I don't think, I think his directing style may be good. I don't like his writing style. I think that's what it boils down to. So I think he's got a good eye as a as a director. I think his writing is not, it's not for me. Chris 6:16 You liked peacemaker, though, Andre 6:18 didn't you? No, I didn't really, but he wrote some of the episodes. He wrote most of the episodes, Chris 6:24 right? That's what I'm saying. That's why, that's why I was like, Oh, I watched Andre 6:28 peace is peacemakers, the same thing. I'll watch it because I like seeing superhero content. I'm not gonna watch it again. So Chris 6:38 you will watch it because you're a fan Andre 6:41 of the genre I'm not a fan of. No, I like Chris 6:45 but you just, I mean, I feel like you kind of tried to call me out on being a fan, and I just want to point out that, you know, you're also a fan, just of something different. Andre 6:55 I don't think I like where you're going with that. Chris 7:00 No, I think so. One of the things that I really liked, just from the clips and stuff, was it, Dr phosphorus, that's a horrific backstory. Oh, my God. Speaker 1 7:22 You talk Chris 7:38 about Dad stuff, right? But I don't know he's he seems like a pretty funny. Yeah, he's uh in Unknown Speaker 7:48 there. Maybe Speaker 7 7:50 you should just give him 30 seconds. I mean, you've seen the princess. I don't know how he could hold up for more than 30 seconds Andre 7:56 to you. I'm sorry before I forget. I like the animation. Yeah, the animation was really good. I like that was probably the thing. The best thing about the show was the animation. But continue Chris 8:11 Bride of Frankenstein. I didn't see enough of her gi robot, though. I Unknown Speaker 8:18 don't think there are any Nazis here. That's Unknown Speaker 8:20 what a Nazi would say. Chris 8:22 I don't know, like just scenes, and I again, right? I think it's much more my style of comedy, right, right, layered on top of the superhero stuff. And I am more probably in tune with the comedy than I am the superhero, like comic book origin, yeah, that's information, right? Yeah, that's fair. And I do you're absolutely right. Like, I have generally really enjoyed James Gunn stuff. If you go back and watch who sucks more? I think we have several with James Gunn in it, because Andre was determined to find somebody that I did not think sucked more than James Gunn, I had to think about that for a Andre 9:12 second, but we'll put it's the rush. You want to find somebody that sucked more than James Gunn, Chris 9:19 yeah, I did. Well, yeah, okay, that's true. I think we both had ulterior motives. No, they were just very clear motives. That was what it really was, anyways. But I do like, I like his I like the ensemble character storytelling. I like that. You get these little, like blips back and, you know, I think he does a good job with that. Obviously, I am a I've talked about this a bunch. I'm a huge fan of his selection of music. When it comes to overlaying music with the visuals, I will be Andre 9:49 super honest, when I the music came on, I'm like, oh, Chris will like that song. I think this is really cool. It's a great scene because the music I. Chris 10:00 Yeah, did it? Did it make you enjoy it? Less than that? I just, I can imagine that the whole time Andre is like, God Chris just, he's gonna fucking love this. He's Andre 10:15 like this scene where he played this random song from 1983 that only five people have heard, I don't care, I mean, Chris 10:22 but that's the thing. Like, honestly, with James Gunn, a lot of the times, it's not even that I recognize the music, like Guardians of the Galaxy, yes, right? That was all kind of very popular music, but in a lot of his other stuff, or not a lot, but in some of his other stuff, the Suicide Squad in particular, I thought he did a good job of, kind of like, picking some things that were a little more obscure. And so to me, it's more just about that like and it is a thing that I definitely do with movies and television. When there is music tied to those things that I really enjoy, then it makes me love it that much more. That's why I have a massive collection of soundtrack vinyls back over in the corner here, because ultimately, like, that's just, you put those two things together. Those are two of my favorite things. I look Andre 11:09 I think he's probably a really good director. I think he's just, I don't like his writing style. I don't think the way. And that's where I'm kind of split, because part of the story of creature commandos. Wasn't bad, Chris 11:25 but can I? Can I ask you a question, yeah, how much do you hate weasel? Andre 11:33 I actually didn't hate weasel. Okay, I actually felt bad for weasel. I felt like, in this in this show, without spoilers, I don't think he deserved to be in that jail. Well, that's kind of technically a spoiler, but I think understanding him as a character now this is where, like, it was tough for me, yeah, because the characters he picked, and I think there was a little bit too much, too much exposition. I think he probably could have done, like, just a couple of background stories and left the rest of mystery. Chris 12:17 So you you feel like part of what detracted from it for you was that he spent too much time on everybody's backstory Andre 12:27 at inopportune times because it was only 30 they're only 30 minute episodes, so you kind of, you chop the story so much, and then you're speed running to the end, Right, the ending of the of the of this season was kind of transparent in episode one, and it just kind of, it didn't really flow well, you know, like an invincible series or episode is an hour, right? So you can kind of do the other pieces, and it makes a coherent story. It didn't feel good for 30 minutes. And I think if each episode was a little bit longer, I would have enjoyed it a little bit Unknown Speaker 13:08 more interesting. Andre 13:10 Yeah, I mean, um, again, so I didn't hate it, like, I didn't hate it. It was just kind of like, oh, you this. You're doing your thing again, where it's like, Chris 13:20 so then I guess that really begs the question, is this what we can expect from the DCU at large going forward? And I think so, but I will say, right, he's not writing all of the movies. Andre 13:35 Have you seen the Superman trailer? Yes, I have. Guy Gardner, like, something tells me, although most of the characters are very comic book accurate, I think he's gonna do his James Gunn thing, and I think it's gonna ruin the movie. How do you mean the start of the trailer was probably the worst way to start that trailer like, I haven't seen the movie, obviously, but I don't think that was if the story is what he says, it's not an origin story. It's about we've never seen this specific part of Superman's life, okay, the choices Superman makes. I wouldn't have started that trailer that way. I know it was a teaser trailer, and I just kind of feel like it was like, huh, here we go. Chris 14:55 Yeah. I mean, a lot of people felt that way. I think, you know, you. Sent several videos to be fair, on both sides, I don't know. I mean, I see this is where, like my, not my, James Gunn fandom, but just my, my fandom overall, takes over a little bit. I love. Nathan Fillion, but Speaker 7 15:21 if your hand touches metal, I swear by my pretty floor bonnet, I will. Andy, Unknown Speaker 15:25 here it comes. Speaker 6 15:28 So where were you between 11 and 12? Mr. Grayson, booyah, I Andre 15:33 was asleep. Asleep. You are lame. Chris 15:40 And there's just something hilarious about whole thing with the bowl cut. Andre 15:48 And I don't disagree. I just, I just think that, Chris 15:54 I mean, and I get it right, like Superman is not a a funny character, right, right? Right, but, but that wasn't Superman being a funny character, right? Like it was a character from superman who was kind of being made fun of in a way, Andre 16:13 oh, to be fair, separately, okay, the Superman trailer was at best, a b minus. I'm going to watch the movie, right? I'm not excited. I might expect him to see anything I haven't seen. To be quite fair with you, the the guy Gardner, Chris 16:32 uh, did you throw quite in there to to try and prevent me from putting in the To be fair, I Yeah, it's like, don't say it don't say, to Be quite fair, Andre 16:59 but you'll find a clip the guy Gardner puppy bowl thing irritated the shit out of me. I was like, I am so glad I didn't watch this whole fucking thing to see this. I Chris 17:15 just Well, I mean, to be fair, to be fair, I was not watching the Super Bowl because I don't care. At this point. I think I'm just kind of done with the NFL. But that's probably a topic for another day. Andre 17:32 That's definitely another topic. Chris 17:36 But So yeah, I just saw but Andre 17:39 it was the puppy Speaker 8 17:40 event on television. I'm Alex, and I'm thrilled to be here at Puppy bowl, supporting the incredible work of the World Animal Awareness Society, right? Andre 17:51 You couldn't watch it over the air. You had to have a max account. You actually had to watch what however long it was and get to that. Chris 17:59 Okay, but stop, stop. Did I do that? You had to, right? Did you do that? The answer is no, right. You waited until somebody else suffered. Yeah, the next day, the next day, and then it was all over YouTube, right? So what are you complaining about? Again, bro, I'm just saying, you're like, it was in the puppy bowl. I had to have a max subscription. I had to watch the whole thing. Well, I didn't do it, but if I wanted to watch it, the moment that everybody else got I Andre 18:36 missed something. I was like, did I miss the puppy bowl? And then I'm like, looking on the internet. I'm like, when we wanted to watch the I want, I want to see the Superman, like, but again, like, but my point, hear me out. I wanted to see the thing because I'm, I'm gonna watch the movie. I want to see if they're going to do something, or is this something, the movie where I'm just like, Yo, that looks dope. It's like the Fantastic Four trailer, Chris 19:00 but why are you influencing your opinion of the movie before you even go see it? Andre 19:07 Like, why? Why are you talking about? No, Chris 19:09 well, I'm talking about, I'm trying to understand, because I, I used to do the same thing right, where it's like, I hunt down all the trailers and the teasers and try to figure out, like, Oh, what are they going to do in here? And I Andre 19:19 stop, I want to, here's, what I do, right? You're gonna go see it either way, right? Yeah, I kind of want to have that like little kid feeling right. For me, it's a little kid feeling of you want to get excited Chris 19:31 about it, right? Andre 19:32 Okay, and I'm but you Chris 19:35 know that this is not a movie that you were ultimately likely to get excited about, Andre 19:40 right? Well, aside from James Gunn, I'm not really a big Superman fan, so Chris 19:45 double down on that. Andre 19:50 I enjoy the genre. Chris 19:51 That's, that's, I love you, bro. You know that, but I just you can't take that away from me. I'm trying to take it away from. Me all. I want my little kid feeling and and I want you to have that, but I'm saying, like, I think okay, and this is, it's right. You can't be disappointed if you never have any expectations. That's a shitty way to go through life. That's not, I'm not a glasses empty kind of guy. Oh, there's a drop in it, good. Although with, yeah, anyways, um, but I have found that I guess, like, I just get a little bit more enjoyment from the movies when I don't tune into all the trailers and teasers and stuff like that. Because I just feel like so often nowadays, it ruins so many of the elements that would be surprising. Or in, I mean, like the Red Hulk in Captain America, I haven't seen it yet, but, like, Wouldn't that have been nice if that was a surprise? No, no, no, that would be terrible. Why would that be terrible? Because Andre 21:05 you have to know what the what the threat is, Chris 21:08 why it's a Captain America movie. You're gonna go see Captain America, right? Yeah, you went to go see it. Would you have seen it if there hadn't been a Red Hulk in the trailer, and if all you knew was that it was now Sam taking over like the mantle officially. Well, that's Andre 21:29 the the objective of a trailer. What do we you can't change the rules of the game. Well, Chris 21:33 I'm not trying to change the rules of the game. What I'm trying to say is trailers are stupid. Trailers are for movies that you don't already want to go see. Andre 21:42 Well, yeah, but they're not making the trailer. Well, sure that's fair. I'll give you Chris 21:47 that. Yeah. And okay, so you just made my point, though, right? They're not making the trailer for you, right? And James, that's why this isn't making the Green Lantern that the puppy Bowl half time commercial for you, as much as I would love him to make a puppy Bowl halftime commercial specifically for my friend Andre like, I would, seriously, I would love to see James Gunn do that, but maybe he's on cameo. Maybe I can, like, pay him a couple 100 bucks. No, but like, I, I don't know. I just, I think again, right, as a refined connoisseur of popular culture, I think that, similarly, like, movie trailers aren't really for me anymore, for most movie like, Okay, I already know kind of whether or not this is a genre that I'm interested in. Yes, I get surprised sometimes, and that's great. And there are times where movies and trailers and stuff, so I don't know, but Andre 22:44 like, honestly, when it comes to trailers, I know that the more trailer versions you have, probably the crap you're the movie is going Chris 22:52 to be generally, that is the rule of thumb. Yes. Andre 22:56 But for there's something about superhero movies for me that is nostalgic, and it wakes up a little kid. Part of me where it's like, wow, there's that hero doing the thing in real life. You Chris 23:23 part of what I think has happened to trailers is that I certainly don't see them in theaters as often as I used to, right? And that always was part of it, too, right? You didn't know what trailers were going to be before the movie that you were going to see, so it wasn't like you were opting in to these specific advertisements. Is that like? Is that part of the problem with like, the algorithm and shit, is, it's just like, here's only the things that you're interested in, and not much outside of it. That's a whole nother rabbit hole we could go down. Sorry. Well, I think Andre 23:55 part of it is like, as I look at how I like digest information now I'm trying to curate it for myself, yeah, and possibly, but I think there's so like I find myself looking at this app I use for it well to search for movies. And I find myself on IMDb looking at upcoming movies a lot, and I find that, like for me, it's kind of exploratory. Does this interest me a little Chris 24:34 bit or not? Because I know that you search for a lot of movies, right? And you don't tend to search for movies that you don't ultimately end up watching, which is impressive. Like I think you consume more movie content than I do, but in the Andre 24:58 trailer is what hooks. Me a lot of times it's kind of like, Oh, that looks interesting, except for the Wolf Man, which I watched on my flight to Mexico. I That movie sucks. I was sorely disappointed in another movie that really sucked, and there was a great trailer. Was weekend in Taipei. Unknown Speaker 25:38 I was undercover to finally take qualms operation. Tell Unknown Speaker 25:46 getting it all on camera. Andre 25:50 Don't ever watch that with, I believe Luke Owens, okay, don't you can pass on that. Just do not collect $200 Speaker 8 26:04 dealing right to jail. You're playing music too loud, right to jail. Right away Andre 26:09 that movie was and I finished both the movies because I was already invested. That's the thing. Though, there's a only Gili with Chris 26:20 Ben Affleck and J Lo Andre 26:21 Yeah, I only watched probably seven minutes of that movie. And Alex Cross with Tyler Perry, yeah, probably 11 minutes. Have you watched the Alex Cross show in prime Yeah? Yes, that's Chris 26:36 fantastic. Oh, my God, I was so good. Great. Andre 26:41 Great, great show. The only thing I the only critique I have is the the villain telegraph. Chris 26:49 Yeah, a little bit. Oh, Andre 26:53 understatement of the year. No, all day long. From the moment he walked onto the scene, I was like, definitely killed people. Yeah, he's got that murderer vibe. And yeah, he done it. But great show. So, yeah, so I don't, but you Chris 27:16 were saying that those are the only movies I think you've ever not watched all the way through, right? Like, once you start a movie, and that's what I'm saying. What I'm saying, is, like, you watch a lot of movies. Yeah, you watch a lot more movies than I do, because I look at stuff and I'm, fuck, no, I don't care about that. I do tend to watch a little bit more when I travel, you know, because, like, especially when I've got a long flight, and they have the in flight, then I'm like, Oh well, if it's something I haven't watched before, maybe, but then nine times out of town, I'm like, yo Kong, Skull Island monkey, big fight, smash. Andre 27:53 I haven't watched Godzilla minus one yet. Oh Chris 27:57 yeah, sorry. I thought you're gonna say new empire. Andre 28:02 The only reasons because I'm like, Alright, I've, I've, I'm, I'll be 49 this year. I've seen a lot of Godzilla movies, and I know how they end. It's like, Chris 28:11 Yeah, but that is supposed to be the best one. I struggled with that one. I tried watching that on a flight, and I was not in the right mindset. I think, like I was thinking it was going to be more of a classic Godzilla movie, right? And it was so much more focused on the character development and stuff like that, that I found myself fast forwarding through those parts to get back to the part where Godzilla was smashing stuff. And I realized afterwards, like, just what that really says about my consumption of pop culture, and I but I was also on a kick right at that moment where I've been watching, like Pacific Rim and all the big like monster movies, right for whatever reason. And so that one thrown into it was just like kaiju. Everybody Andre 29:01 needs a Kaiju. Everybody's so I say all that to say this, I want, I want to like. I want Batman like. So I'm gonna see what they do with Batman. I want to see the Green Lantern. There are some DC heroes actually enjoy. I've never been a big Superman fan, and I could honestly care less, like he's the Boy Scout. But I know in order to have like a DC Universe, you have to have Superman. Can't really do it without Yeah, so I'm gonna eat my vegetables. So I'm willing. I'm trying to be open minded with the creativity of James Gunn. Go fuck another fish, asshole. Unknown Speaker 29:51 I'm so fucking sick of that rumor. Unknown Speaker 29:55 It's not a rumor Unknown Speaker 29:57 fucking Barry. I. Andre 30:00 People, it's not going to be for me, it's going to be like, I'm not even trying to be like, I'm not trying to pre judge him. I just, I'm not impressed. You know, his statement that they won't green light a film until the script is ready, broke. I mean, like you're gonna have to try better. Like you every everything is Batman two is a delay. Everything else that he's like, there's the, what are they called? Man, I now, I can't remember. Well, they have the engineer, she'll be in the Superman movie that was going to be a live action now it's going to be an animated film. I'm like, Come on, man, like every you are so high. He's like, a Zach Snyder type of dude. If I'm being honest, it's like they get so many accolades, but it's like the bar is so low. And I hate to say that, but the bar is so Chris 31:08 low, but the bar is so low for everybody, or just for them. Andre 31:15 It's for them, because they're in a they're in a club of like five or 10 people. Chris 31:20 Do we need to do a another who sucks more, James Gunn or Zack Snyder? Because I'm pretty sure that we both sided on the Zack Snyder sucks more in that episode. Andre 31:34 Well, he does. Chris 31:37 I just I think that James Gunn has made significantly better films than Zack Snyder has. I think he's just had better. And I you want to talk about somebody who cannot write his way out of a paper fucking bag. Matt Reeves. Well, no, not Matt Reeves. Matt Reeves did the Batman, didn't he? Yeah, but Andre 31:58 he's, he's, like, the slowest writer, he needs to get checked. Chris 32:03 But dude, would you rather they rush a shitty film or wait another year and get a really great piece of superhero cinema, Andre 32:15 uh, kind of like Blade they've gone through like eight writers and for directors by now. So before I forget, it's the authority that went for being live action to animated Chris 32:28 look like you like you complaining about the quality of the stuff, but then you're like, but they're also not getting it out fast enough. And it's no, I don't I, I, I take not green lighting a project until it's got a script to be a good thing. I think Andre 32:42 with superhero movies, like, you have the source material, so there's only, like, I've never written a screenplay, so I'm probably, I'm very ignorant on this. My argument would be, unless you're very and so far away from the source material, then, like, there's really no excuse, Chris 33:04 except that in comic books, you also have narration tiles and stuff like that, which you don't typically have in films. Sure. Okay, so I'm just saying that I think that writing a screenplay even when you are adapting it from an existing piece that is both visual and dialog can still be very Andre 33:26 true. So maybe you separate the roles of the writer and the director. I don't disagree Chris 33:32 in most cases. I mean, no and I'm just saying, I'm not saying that James Gunn is infallible, right? I'm saying that I happen to like what he typically does and that, yes, I think generally, maybe for, for all those sports fans who have tuned in today, it's like, you know, having the head coach and the GM be the same guy, right? It's a terrible fucking idea, right? At least have some figurehead in there so that when things don't go right, you can fire him, right? But yeah, like, I mean, look at what, what happened to Bill Belichick, right? Andre 34:12 So imagine James Gunn, who's doing three roles, yeah, so that's, that's where it's like, Chris 34:21 no, look, I'm not thrilled that he is out here directing and writing movies great, right? And I, I him being in charge of the DCU, I don't think that's what he should be doing, right? Thank you. That's That's my point. That's fair. That being said doesn't mean that he did a shitty job. Maybe he's doing a shitty job on the rest of his job, and he did a fantastic job making this movie, and the movie will be great, and the DC will fall apart after this. Andre 34:54 Then that says Chris 34:55 that I was right Unknown Speaker 34:57 all along. I. Chris 35:00 Thanks for checking out the Chris and Andre show. 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